Labview FPGA FOC Implementation for Synchronous

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machine drum. The motor most ... washing machine, increases the dynamic control of the speed ... In this paper a complete platform for rapid motor control ... inductances of the stator, vd and vq are the direct axis and ... start the rotation of the system: ..... [10] Wu, T., Chi, Y. L., Guo, Y., Xu, C., “Simulation of FOC vector control.
Labview FPGA FOC Implementation for Synchronous Permanent Magnet Motor Speed Control Matheus Alexandre Bevilaqua

Ademir Nied, José de Oliveira

Whirlpool Corporation, Motors Team State University of Santa Catarina - UDESC Joinville, SC, Brazil [email protected]

Grupo de Controle de Sistemas - GCS State University of Santa Catarina – UDESC Joinville, SC, Brazil [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract — this paper describes an implementation of FOC (Field Oriented Control) algorithm for speed control of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor - PMSM. The motor considered is a Brushless-AC type - BLAC, with sinusoidal back-electromotive force - BEMF waveform, and the application intended for this motor is the direct drive - DD type of washing machines. The FOC algorithm is implemented using a National Instruments Labview FPGA System. This system is composed of a high level/high productivity tool for FPGA logic synthesis. The paper describes the design principles for FOC algorithm and then explains the implementation of the designed controllers in the Labview FPGA platform. Experimental results are provided to verify the FOC implementation. Labview, FPGA, FOC, BLAC, Electric Drives



The FOC algorithms have been used widely in the Electric Drives Industry in the recent years. As this technology becomes increasingly popular new applications arises, even where cost is a hard restriction. One of these new applications is the direct-drive type of washing machines. In this type of drive system, there is not a mechanical transmission interface e.g., belts or gearboxes, between the motor and the washing machine drum. The motor most commonly used in the appliance industry for this application is a permanent magnet, sinusoidal BEMF – BLAC type. The use of direct-drive BLAC – DD-BLAC motors improves efficiency of the washing machine, increases the dynamic control of the speed during tumbling or spin, as well as it allows new sensing methodologies for washing machines that brings new consumer benefits and makes the appliance quiet and energyefficient. To take advantage of all benefits of FOC applied in DDBLAC motors, it is necessary to conduct a lot of research and development activities. In this scenario, a rapid motor control prototyping tool is recommended to save time and resources during the development phase of electric drives.

In this paper a complete platform for rapid motor control prototyping based on Labview FPGA is described. It is composed of a hardware that includes a power inverter with braking capability and interface board for signals, a software that implements FOC algorithm for BLAC motor and a user interface – UI, that allow the user to set command speed, and observe the motor signals and control variables during real time operation. II.


In this section, the dynamic equations that describe the variables of interest for the FOC implementation are shown. These variables are the motor currents in the d-q reference frame and the rotor speed and position. In this paper the d axis of the d-q reference frame is aligned on the rotor magnets flux. A. Electric dynamic modeling The direct axis current – id and quadrature axis current – iq dynamics in a BLAC motor can be modeled as in (1) where R is the phase to neutral resistance of the stator, Ld and Lq are the direct axis and quadrature axis phase to neutral inductances of the stator, vd and vq are the direct axis and quadrature axis voltages applied to the stator, ωe is the electric angular frequency of the stator voltages and λm is the magnets flux constant [1], [2] and [3]:

(1) Equation (1) can be written in terms of transfer functions as shown in the block diagram of Fig.1. There is a coupling mechanism between the d and q axis currents, and this coupling is proportional to ωe . This coupling needs to be compensated by the current controllers. A technique presented in [4] for three phase induction motors is extended for BLAC motors and explained in this paper.


Figure 1. Block diagram of the electricc model

B. Mechanic dynamic modeling The mechanic dynamics of an electriic motor can be modeled by (2), where ωr is the rotor speedd, θm is the rotor position, b is the dynamic friction coefficieent, J is the total inertia (rotor + load), Te is the electromagnetic torque, Tl is the load torque and Tc is the Coulomb or static toorque necessary to start the rotation of the system:







N – number of pole pairs


Ld =Lq

54.80 0






1 0.201



0.005 57



0.300 06


Nominal Torque



Maximum current to avoid demagnetization - Imax


A (peak)

The electromagnetic torque - Te produced by the motor is proportional to the iq current imposeed to the stator. Therefore, the speed controller is designed to actuate a over the iq current controller reference – i*q to mitigaate the error between the measured speed ωr and the referencee speed –ω*r .

(2) In the frequency domain, the mechaniccal model can be described by the block diagram of Fig. 2.

Figure 3. FOC Alg gorithm

Figure 2. Block diagram of the mechaniic model



A. Motor parameters To design the controllers and perforrm the dynamic simulations it is necessary to know the m motor parameters. Usually, these parameters are determined ffrom experiments, and the description of the tests performed iss out of the scope of this paper. The reader can find complete iinformation about procedures in the references [5] and [6]. The parameters of the motor considered in this paper are summarizeed in the Table 1. B. FOC algorithm The FOC algorithm is shown on Fig. 3. In this structure the motor currents are controlled in the d-qq reference frame. The id current is associated with the maggnetic flux in the motor and the id current reference – i*d is seet to zero, as in a PMSM this flux is generated exclusively by tthe magnets in the rotor [3].

C. Speed controller design n this paper is of the The speed controller used in proportional-integral - PI action typ pe and it is shown in the block diagram of Fig. 4, where k p and a k i are the proportional and integral gains, and eωr is the sp peed error that is input to the controller.

Figure 4. Speed Co ontroller

Considering Tl and Tc as externaal disturbances, the closed loop transfer function – Tωr s , of the speed controller is shown in (3). Considering that bR it is possible to compare (7) to a second order system as in (4). Therefore the gains of the controller can be written as a function of the damping coefficient ξ and bandwidth of the controller - ωb as in (8) and (9), [4]:


=0.63; k ω =26.34; ξ=1.2; ωb =45Hz.

The step response of the designed controller is shown on Fig. 5. (8)


Figure 5. Step response of the ωr controller

D. Current controllers design The d-q current controllers used in this paper are of the PI type. These controllers have two objectives: (i) to control the current amplitudes with high bandwidth and (ii) to de-couple the d and q axis coupling shown in Fig. 1, allowing a better

As the Iq controller is inside a cascade loop of speed control, the bandwidth was selected to be 10 times higher than the speed control bandwidth. The damping coefficient was selected to provide a good step response, with no overshoot. Therefore, by simulations of the plant model the controller parameters were determined as: k

=150; k

=11521; ξ=3; ωb =450Hz.

The step response of the designed controller is shown on Fig. 7.

Figure 8. Power inverter voltages Figure 7. Step response of iq current controller

For surface mounted permanent magnets motors, the Ld and Lq inductances have ideally the same value. Therefore, the dynamics of the id and iq currents is similar as can be observed in Fig. 6. This interesting fact allows the designed iq controller gains to be used for id controller. It is important to note that coupling between d and q axis currents is considered as an external disturbance in the design procedure used in this paper. However, these disturbances have different impacts on the d and q axis depending on the speed. That might lead to small adjustments on the controller gains for optimum performance. IV.

Substituting (11) in (12) it is possible to determine the six constraints that the signal v0 must obey to comply (12). These constraints are given by (13) and are shown graphically with the voltages normalized to Vdc in Fig. 9, considering vab and vbc as sinusoidal voltages of the same amplitude of Vdc . The choice for the v0 signal in this paper is given by (14) and it is shown on Fig. 9. c1 v0 ‐2vab ‐vbc c2 v0 vab ‐vbc c3 v0 vab 2vbc c4 v0 3Vdc ‐2vab ‐vbc c5 v0 3Vdc vab ‐vbc c6 v0 3Vdc vab 2vbc


A Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique was used to translate the voltage commands va* , vb* and vc* in PWM commands to the switches of the power inverter. This technique is based on a geometric approach, adding a v0 signal, producing a line-to-line voltage with a maximum peak value equal to the DC bus voltage, optimizing its use [7].


max c1;c2;c3

min c4;c5;c6 2



The power inverter voltages are shown in Fig. 8. The relationship between the output voltages vab and vbc and the voltages on the lower switches vag , vbg and vcg is given by (10) and (11). The signal v0 is defined as the sum of lower switches voltages. vab vbc v0 vag vbg vcg

1 0 1 1 2 ‐1 3 ‐1

‐1 1 1

0 vag ‐1 vbg 1 vcg

1 1 ‐2

1 vab 1 vbc 1 v0



Figure 9. Constraints and the v0 signal

The signals vag , vbg and vcg – modulated signals, as defined by (11), are then compared to a triangular high frequency (15kHz) portrait waveform to generate the PWM1, PWM2 and PWM3 commands for the power inverter switches. V.

The lower switches voltages must operate in the range of 0 to Vdc . This constraint is defined by (12). 0 vag Vdc 0 vbg Vdc 0 vbg Vdc



The FOC algorithm, the designed controllers and the power inverter were simulated to verify the performance of the electric drive. The simulation of the complete system before a practical implementation is a very important step and potentially save a lot of effort and resources in the laboratory. In an industrial basis, the effort to build models and learn the physics before going to the implementation is called Simulation Based Design – SBD and has been incentived by

companies in the effort for operational excelllence in the recent decades. The ambient chosen for this electric drivve simulation was the PSIM® software as on it is possible too integrate native power electronics simulation capability wiith a C language DLL where the FOC algorithm was implem mented. This way, the power electronics and its switched w waveforms can be integrated in the motor control signals for verification. This simulation is very close to the signals tthe electric drive engineer might expect in real-world applicatiions. An overview of the simulation code is given in Fig. 10.

Figure 11. Simulation n Results



nted in a Labview FPGA The FOC algorithm is implemen platform, as shown in Fig. 12.

Figure 10. Electric Drive PSIM® Simuulation

A simulation result is given at Fig. 111. The motor is accelerated to 50rpm (typical washing macchine application). Then a 20Nm load step is applied to the mottor shaft at t=0.2s. The speed controller rapidly recovers the sspeed and then at t=0.4s the motor is accelerated to 100rpm. Ann overshoot of the same order that Fig. 5 is observed. At t=0.6s the motor speed is reduced to 50 rpm and at t=0.8s the load iis taken out of the motor shaft. The operation of the id and iq controllerss can be observed during all the transients, as well as the toque and current levels that the motor presents. It is important to note that the current levels do not reach the demagnetization limitt (8A) in any case.

A. Hardware Implementation The Labview FPGA system used d is a CompactRIO, from National Instruments. It is composed of a PC based user PGA chassis and C series interface, a real-time controller, a FP modules for I/O signals. The NI9401 module is a 100kS/ss digital I/O that is used to read incremental encoder A, A, B, B, Z and Z signals. The NI9205 is an analog input module iss used to read the two Hall effect current sensors feedback. There is an interface board that is i intended to generate the 5Vdc supply to the incremental enco oder, ±15Vdc to supply the Hall sensors and PWM drivers, acqu uire and filters the encoder signals by differential measurement as well as to amplify the N module to the 15V TTL level PWM signals from the NI9401 signals to the IGBT switches drivers..

Figure 13. Labview Block Diagram Figure 12. Experimental setup

B. Software Implementation The Labview FPGA system can be programmed in three layers of software: (i) FPGA (ii) Real Time Controller - RT and (iii) Host PC. To program all these layers, the Labview high level language is used. For the FPGA layer, there is a compiler that translates the Labview code in VHDL logic, and then synthesizes the logic gates to a Virtex5™, Xilinx® FPGA chip. This process runs automatically, without any interference of the programmer. This way, the Labview FPGA system allow the programmer to abstract the complex programming details in a high productivity, high level programming language, accelerating the code development. Inside the FPGA layer it is possible to run program loops at 40MHz (for the chassis used in this paper), however there are strong restrictions in the mathematical functions available, and the variables data types are limited to single precision floating point (32 bits). To reach such a high speed the code must fit inside a Labview structure called single-cycle timed loop - SCTL. The code inside this structure executes in one FPGA clock cycle. In addition, in the FPGA layer it is possible to execute code outside a SCTL with rates as high as 1MHz. The RT controller has a dedicated RT operational system that can execute Labview Code at rates as high as 1kHz and improves the determinism as it has a dedicated processor that is not shared with the Host PC operational system. There is a limited set of functions that can run inside this layer. It is an intermediate set between the Host PC and FPGA capabilities. The Host PC uses the computer processor to execute the code and is susceptible to fluctuations in the execution rate, as it shares the processor with the PC operational system. The non-deterministic tasks as the user interface – UI are programmed in this layer of code. In this paper an implementation of the FOC algorithm of Fig. 3 under the FPGA layer is explained. Software in Labview code is called Virtual Instrument – VI, and a VI can be composed of various sub-VIs that executes well-defined functions. The VI that implements the FOC algorithm is shown at Fig. 13. It receives the measurements of motor currents and encoder and generates the PWM modulating signals for the PWM driver sub-VI.

Differently from most of Digital Signal Processors – DSPs and microcontrollers developed for motor control applications the Labview FPGA does not have drivers for encoder reading and PWM generation. Therefore, it is necessary to program parts of the FPGA gates to perform such functionalities. The encoder driver VI is shown at Fig. 14. It uses a SCTL structure that executes at a rate of 40MHz. The A and B signals are debounced for a “Nsamples debouncing” number of samples. Then the current A signal is compared with the past A signal by exclusive-OR gate to check for a change in state. The same border detection technique is performed on B signal. Each time a border is encountered (in A or B) the electrical position is incremented or decremented according to the direction of rotation (clock-wise - CW or counter-clockwise - CCW). The electrical position “Position” returns to zero when a “LimitTetaE” value is reached. This value is expressed in (15) and depends on the encoder resolution - PPR, the number of borders that are being considered (low to high, high to low or both) - Nborders and the number of pole pairs of the motor - N. In this paper LimitTetaE=380.95 as the encoder used is 2000 pulses per revolution, the motor has 21 pole pairs and the 4 transitions of the A and B signals are considered. LimitTetaE

PPR*Nborders N


The speed is measured by the period between borders in A and B signals. This “Period” information is measured in tick counts of the FPGA processor that runs at 40MHz loop rate. The conversion to RPM is done by (16). RPM

60 40 10 Period*PPR*Nborders


The PWM modulator is shown at Fig. 15. It receives the modulating signals vag , vbg and vcg from the FOC algorithm, compares each one to a saw tooth waveform and generates the PWM signals to the digital outputs S1 to S6. The dead-time between upper and lower switches of an inverter leg is defined by the hardware driver circuit and do not need to be implemented by the FPGA software.

In order to verify the performance of the id and iq current controllers presented in section III-D, step response curves on i*d and i*q reference currents are shown at Fig. 17 and Fig. 18. The rotor was kept at standstill by external fixture to not rotate during the i*q step response test. Note that the effect of the coupling between d and q axis currents is rapidly compensated by the controllers.

Figure 14. Encoder driver block diagram

Figure 17. Step response in i*d signal (from 0 to 0.4 pu)

Figure 15. PWM Modulator VI

VII. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS In order to verify the power inverter modulation technique of section IV, the power inverter was commanded to generate three-phase voltages that were applied to the stator of the BLAC motor (without the rotor). Therefore for a passive RL load as this, the sinusoidal three-phase voltages must produce sinusoidal three-phase currents – Ia, Ib, and Ic on the stator coils. The three-phase modulating signals (in pu) and the 3phase currents are shown in Fig. 16. In this case, the Vdc voltage was set to 40V using an external AC power source to fed the three-phase rectifier.

Figure 18. Step response in i*q signal (from 0 to 0.4 pu)

The speed controller implementation can be verified on Fig. 19. This experimental results shows the ωr , iq , id , Ia, Ib, Ic and Vdc parameters. The motor runs at 20rpm and in time=4s a load torque of 21Nm is imposed on the shaft. Note that the speed controller requests more Iq current and rapidly compensates the load step. In time=9.5s the motor is accelerated to 40rpm. As an induction motor with DC current applied in the stator was used as brake mechanism, the load torque drops to approximately 17.5Nm. When time=13s the rotor is decelerated to 20rpm and around time=16s the load is take off. CONCLUSIONS

Figure 16. Power inverter modulation experimental result

This paper described a new platform implementation (Labview FPGA) of FOC algorithm to PMSM - BLAC motors. The current and speed controllers design procedure as well as a power inverter modulation scheme were explained in

details. Simulation results were shown to validate the design methodology. Experimental results provided validated the FOC algorithm implementation. This paper opens a new investigation path to explore the Labview FPGA capabilities on electric machines control and power electronics.

Figure 19. Speed control experimental result

ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Whirlpool Corporation, specially the LAR Motors Team by the availability of equipments to develop the experimental part of this paper. The authors also would like to thank Marcelo Campos Silva, by the valuable technical discussions on the motor control software implementation.

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