Learning from examples in Neural Gas and Vector Quantization Michael Biehl, Anarta Ghosh, and Aree Witoelaar Institute for Mathematics and Computing Science University of Groningen, PO Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
[email protected], re/pre-prints available at [12] 3) update all prototypes w ~ k (t + 1) = w ~ k (t) + Nη f (r(k)) ξ~µ − w ~ k (t)
Abstract The dynamics of training a neural gas for vector quantization in high dimensions is studied by means of methods from statistical physics. Prototype vectors for the representation of the data are updated either off-line from a given, fixed set of example data, or on-line from a sequence of single data. Here we concentrate on the latter case. For the on-line learning scenario, a description of the learning dynamics in terms of ordinary differential equations for a set of order parameters becomes exact in the limit of infinite-dimensional data. We explain the method, present first results and discuss possible extensions.
1. Introduction
• Neural Gas (NG) representation of data by (many) prototypes determined by rank based competitive learning [2]
• f (r) =
Left: evolution of the average (weighted) quantization error P
1 if r = 1 0 else
• f (r) = K − r linear rank function considered in the following
H({wk } =
f (r(k)) ξ~µ − w ~k
4.2 Modified rank evaluation 2
training algorithm → KM + K(K + 1) recursion relations Rkm(µ)− Rkm(µ − 1) µ = ηf (r(k)) ym − Rkm(µ − 1) 1/N Qkl (µ)− Qkl (µ − 1) µ = ηf (r(k)) xk − Qkl (µ − 1) 1/N µ +ηf (r(l)) xl − Qkl (µ − 1) 1 2 +η f (r(k))f (r(l)) + O N
hxµkim = ` Rkm(µ−1),
Mixture of Gaussians ~ m, spherical clusters with variance v , centered at ` B m P prior weights m pm = 1 ~ m ∈ IRN with B ~m · B ~ n = δm,n. orthonormal vectors B D E ~2 ~ m)2 = 1, but (ξ) Note: (B = vmN + `2 ∼ N
hxµkxµlim −hxµkim hxµlim = vmQkl (µ−1) D D E µ µ µ hymyn iq − ymiq ynµ = vq δmn.
thermodynamic limit N → ∞ : • averages over latest example → r.h.s. as functions of overlaps • → coupled ODEs in continuous time α = µ/N . • {Rkm, Qkl } self–averaging w.r.t. random examples, e.g. [6] fluctuations vanish in the limit N → ∞
Example: Monte Carlo data (N = 200) with M = 2, v1 = v2 = 1 ~ m · ξ~ centers marked by ”×” left: weak separation apparent in ym = B right: projections xk = w ~ k · ξ~ on independent random w ~ k (w ~ k2 = 1)
Notation: conditional averages h· · · im over P (ξ~ | m) M X ~ averages h· · · i = pm h· · · im over the full P (ξ) m=1
numerical integration of ODE, from initial Rkm(0), Qkl (0) ˜ Qkl (α) ˜ → learning curves Rkm(α), → typical dynamics of learning in high dimensions fixed point analysis,...
Rank based training of prototypes n
Example situation data from two clusters, p1 = 0.6, p2 = 0.4, variances v1 = v2 = 1, separation ` = 1, 3 prototype vectors evolution of Rjm, Qij :
• initialize a set of prototypes w ~ k ∈ IRN k=1 e.g. random w ~ k (0) ≈ 0 1) present a single example vector ξ~µ
d(k, µ) = ξ~µ − w ~k sort: d(j(1), µ) ≥ d(j(2), µ) ≥ . . . ≥ d(j(K), µ) here: r(j) is the rank of prototype j w.r.t. ξ~µ j(r) is the index of the prototype with rank r
2) evaluate the (squared) distances
4.1 Learning curves oK
• few prototypes and/or small margin: all prototype along connection of clusters • many prototypes and/or large margin: projections of several w ~ i merge n o ~m actual position differs in the space ⊥ to B
5. Outlook • detailed fixed point analysis (repulsive/attractive configurations, plateaus in the learning curves) • investigation of the magnification factor of NG (density of prototypes vs. density of the data) • optimized training schedules: learning rate, margins • analysis of batch Neural Gas algorithms
References [1] J.A. Hertz, A. Krogh, R.G. Palmer, Introduction to the Theory of Neural Computation, Addison-Wesley (1991) [2] T. Martinetz, K. Schulten, A Neural Gas Network learns topologies, in: T. Kohonen et al. (eds), Artificial Neural Networks, Elsevier (1991) [3] T. Kohonen, Self-Organizing Maps, Springer (1997) [4] D. Saad (ed.), On–line Learning in Neural Networks , Cambridge University Press (1998) [5] M.Biehl, A.Freking, G.Reents, Europhys.Lett. 38 (1997) 73
4. First
2.2 Training
margin vs. α → ∞ asymptotic configuration
• linear rank function note: rank can be obtained from pair-wise comparison P 1 for x ≥ 0 r(k) = j6=k Θ [d(k, µ) − d(j, µ)] with Θ(x) = 0 else
Analytical evaluation possible with the following simplifications • limit of small learning rates → neglect term ∝ η 2 ˜ = ηα = O(1) η → 0, α → ∞, such that α
µ hym in = ` δmn,
µ−1 hxµkynµim − hxµkim hynµim = Rkn ,
2 1 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~m . ξ − ` B P (ξ) = pmP (ξ | m) with P (ξ | m) = exp − N/2 2v (2πv ) m m m=1
Modified rank function: similar effect by introduction of a margin c X f (ˆ r(j)) = Θ dj − dk − c (count only clear wins)
for k = 1, 2, . . . , K, and m = 1, 2, . . . , M.
NG rank function f (r) ∝ e−r/σ : system approaches Winner-Takes-All behavior for σ → 0
and Qjk (µ) = w ~ j (µ) · w ~ k (µ)
Central Limit Theorem → Gaussian P ({xk }, {ym}) given by
Independent random inputs ξ~µ ∈ IRN , µ = 1, 2, . . . P , drawn from a mixture density (index µ omitted)
Right: trajectory of 5 prototypes, projected into the B1,2-plane
µ µ ~ m · ξ~µ with xk = w ~ k (µ − 1) · ξ~µ and ym = B
2.1 The example data
f (r(k)) ξ~ − w ~k
(K − 1 ≥ f (r) ≥ 0)
quantization error
~m Rkm(µ) = w ~ k (µ) · B
training from a sequence of independent examples (t ≡ µ), consider macroscopic overlaps as order parameters
Aims: – understand typical properties of VQ and NG in terms of model situations with high-dim. data – dynamics of on-line learning – typical equilibrium properties of off-line training – evaluate the performance of training schemes – develop novel and efficient algorithms – extensions to Self-Organizing Maps and similar systems
rank based Neural Gas as in [2]
3. The
• Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) representation of data by a grid of prototypes competitive learning + pre-defined topology [3]
2. The
• f (r) = e−r/σ
intial phase: unspecialized units in the space ⊥ Bj m=1. asymptotic configuration: lowest quantization error
– learning rate η controls the step size – update is towards the data – rank function f (r) defines the magnitude:
associated cost function
• Vector Quantization (VQ) unsupervised identification of prototype vectors for the representation of data (e.g. clusters) by means of distance-based competitive learning, see, e.g. [1]
[6] G. Reents and R. Urbanczik, Phys. Rev. Lett. 80 (1998) 5445 [7] M. Biehl, A. Ghosh, and B. Hammer, The dynamics of learning vector quantization, In: Michel Verleysen (ed.), Proc. ESANN 2005, dside (2005), [8] M. Biehl, A. Ghosh, and B. Hammer, Neurocomputing 69 (7-9), 660 (2006), [9] A. Ghosh, M. Biehl, and B. Hammer, Performance analysis of LVQ algorithms: a statistical physics approach, Neural Networks, in press (2006) [10] A. Ghosh, M. Biehl, and B. Hammer, Dynamical Analysis of LVQ type learning rules, in: Proc. of WSOM’05, M. Cottrell (ed.), Univ. Paris (I) 2005 [11] A. Ghosh, M. Biehl, A. Freking, and G. Reents, Technical Report 2004-9-02, Math. and Comp. Science, Univ. Groningen, see [12] [12] visit http://www.cs.rug.nl/~biehl for further information, reand preprints.