Lecture 38. Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)

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Outline. • Vector Quantization: A Brief Introduction. • Vector Quantization: Properties. • Learning Vector Quantization. • Applications of SOM and LVQ ...
Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

Lecture 38. Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ)

Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

Outline • • • •

Vector Quantization: A Brief Introduction Vector Quantization: Properties Learning Vector Quantization Applications of SOM and LVQ

(C) 2001 by Yu Hen Hu


Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

VQ Problem Statement Given a set of vectors {v} drawn from a distribution f(v). The goal of vector quantization is to find an encoding scheme, which is a mapping from v to a code word w = c(v) such that the average distortion D =∫ d (v, w) f (v)dv is minimized, where d(v,w) is a distortion measure chosen appropriately according to specific applications.

(C) 2001 by Yu Hen Hu


Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

Vector Quantization = Clustering • Given a set of vectors {x}, find a set of representative vectors {wm; 1 ≤ m ≤ M} such that each x is quantized into a particular wm.

x x• xx x w1

x• x

xx• x



1-D (scaler) quantization

(C) 2001 by Yu Hen Hu

x x x• x x w1


x x x x• x w2 x

x x x• x w3

2-D vector quantization


Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

Vector Quantization • VQ is data dependent. {wm} locate at the mean (centroid) of the density distribution of each cluster.

x x• xx x w1

(C) 2001 by Yu Hen Hu

x• x w2

xx• x w3


Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

VQ and SOM • Relation between VQ and SOM: SOM is a special VQ method with a constraint on spatial ordering. • Relation between VQ and pattern classification: VQ is an unsupervised pattern classifier where the actual class membership information is not used. o x x *x x x x


o o *o o

o x x x x x X* x

Closest distance ⇒ correct classification.

SOM (C) 2001 by Yu Hen Hu


Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) • Fine tune SOM result to perform supervised pattern classification by fine tuning the decision boundary. • LVQ1: First, perform SOM. Then, assign each code word to a particular class (class # < codebook size). Correct mis-classification by pushing code word away from current data vector: wm*(t+1) = wm*(t) + η(t) (x –wm*(t)) if x and wm*(t) in the same class. wm*(t+1) = wm*(t) – η(t) (x –wm*(t)) if x and wm*(t) in different classes. wm (t+1) = wm (t) if m ≠ m*.

o error o o* o x o x x *x x o erro x x x x x x x X* x LVQ1

(C) 2001 by Yu Hen Hu


Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ2) • LVQ2 – Update nearest code word and the second nearest (runner-up) code word with different classes. Denote the indices of them to be i and j:

wi(t+1) = wi(t) + η(t) (x –wi(t)) if x and wi(t) in the same class and x in a window. wj(t+1) = wj(t) – η(t) (x –wj(t)) if x and wj(t) in different classes and in a window. wm(t+1) = wm(t) Otherwise. (C) 2001 by Yu Hen Hu


Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

LVQ2 Continued • The window is a neighborhood near the decision boundary o o• o o

o x x x xx x• x


pull if same class push if diff. class

x x x• x LVQ 2

(C) 2001 by Yu Hen Hu


Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

Learning Vector Quantization–3 • LVQ3 – i,j are the indices of the first two nearest codewords. If x and wi(t) are in the same class, x and wj(t) are in different classes, then when x falls within a predefined window, (same as LVQ2) wi(t+1) = wi(t) + η(t) (x –wi(t)) wj(t+1) = wj(t) – η(t) (x –wj(t)) Otherwise, if x, wi(t), and wj(t) are in the same class, (different from LVQ2) wk(t+1) = wk(t) + ε η(t) (x –wk(t)) k = i, j, 0.1 < ε < 0.5 (C) 2001 by Yu Hen Hu


Intro. ANN & Fuzzy Systems

LVQ-3 Continued o x x x x• x x



o o• o o o


pull if same class push if diff. class

x x x• x

x x xx x• x



o o• o o o

pull closer if both the same class

x x x• x


• Update one code word at a time. • η(t)