Linked Latent Dirichlet Allocation in Web Spam ... - Semantic Scholar

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Apr 21, 2009 - even slightly improves over the best Web Spam Challenge. 2008 result. .... tween hosts by their multiplicity, and for every site we keep.
Linked Latent Dirichlet Allocation in Web Spam Filtering István Bíró

Dávid Siklósi

Jácint Szabó

András A. Benczúr

Data Mining and Web search Research Group, Informatics Laboratory Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

{ibiro, sdavid, jacint, benczur}

ABSTRACT Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) (Blei, Ng, Jordan 2003) is a fully generative statistical language model on the content and topics of a corpus of documents. In this paper we apply an extension of LDA for web spam classification. Our linked LDA technique takes also linkage into account: topics are propagated along links in such a way that the linked document directly influences the words in the linking document. The inferred LDA model can be applied for classification as dimensionality reduction similarly to latent semantic indexing. We test linked LDA on the WEBSPAMUK2007 corpus. By using BayesNet classifier, in terms of the AUC of classification, we achieve 3% improvement over plain LDA with BayesNet, and 8% over the public link features with C4.5. The addition of this method to a log-odds based combination of strong link and content baseline classifiers results in a 3% improvement in AUC. Our method even slightly improves over the best Web Spam Challenge 2008 result.

Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3 [Information Systems]: Information Storage and Retrieval; I.2.7 [Computing Methodologies]: Artificial Intelligence—Natural Language Processing

General Terms text analysis, feature selection, document classification, information retrieval

Keywords Web content spam, latent Dirichlet allocation

1. INTRODUCTION ∗This work was supported by the EU FP7 project LiWA – Living Web Archives and by grants OTKA NK 72845, ASTOR NKFP 2/004/05

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. AIRWeb ’09, April 21, 2009 Madrid, Spain. Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-438-6 ...$5.00.

Identifying and preventing spam is cited as one of the top challenges in web search engines in [16, 22]. As all major search engines incorporate anchor text and link analysis algorithms into their ranking schemes, web spam appears in sophisticated forms that manipulate content as well as linkage [14]. In this paper we demonstrate the applicability of topic based natural language models for Web spam filtering. Several such generative models [8, 17, 4] have been developed in the field of information retrieval. One of the most successful generative topic models is latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) developed by Blei, Ng and Jordan [4], which is a fully generative graphical model with astonishing performance in various tasks. Several LDA extensions are known with wide range of applications in the fields of language processing, text mining and information retrieval, including categorization, keyword extraction, similarity search and statistical language modeling. Recently several models extend LDA to exploit links between web documents or scientific papers [7, 10, 9, 20]. In these models the term and topic distributions may be modified along the links. All these models have the drawback that every document is thought of either citing or cited, in other words, the citation graph is bipartite, and influence flows only from cited documents to citing ones. In this paper we apply the recently developed linked LDA model [3], in which each document can cite to and be cited by others and thus be influenced and influence other documents. Linked LDA is very similar to the citation influence model of Dietz, Bickel and Scheffer [9] with the main difference that in linked LDA the citation graph is not restricted to be bipartite. This fact and its consequences are the main advantage of linked LDA, namely, that the citation graph is homogeneous with no need for a citing and a cited copy of of each document, and finally, that influence may flow along paths of length more than one, a fact that gives power to learning over graphs [24, 18]. In addition, linked LDA gives a flexible model of all possible aspects including cross-topic relations and link selection. The model may also distinguish between sites with strong, weak or even no influence from its neighbors. The linked LDA model is described in full detail in Section 2.1. We demonstrate the applicability of linked LDA for Web spam filtering. The inferred topic distributions of documents are used as features. To assess the prediction power of these features, we test the linked LDA method in combination with the WEBSPAM-UK2007 public features1 and 1

ϕ ∼ Dir(β)

SVM over tf.idf. Using a log-odds based random forest to aggregate these classifiers, the inclusion of linked LDA into the public and tf.idf features yields an improvement of 3% in AUC. For a detailed explanation, see Section 3.



1.1 Related results Spam hunters use a variety of content based features to detect web spam [11, 12, 5, 21]; a recent measurement of their combination appears in [6]. Perhaps the strongest SVM based content classification is described in [1]. An efficient method for combining several classifiers is the use of log-odds averaging [19]. In this paper we apply a modification of this method for combination: a random forest over the log-odds of the classifiers. The first probabilistic models that jointly model text and link as well as the influence of topics along links is PHITS [7] and the mixed membership model [10]. Later, several similar link based LDA models were introduced, including the copycat and the citation influence models [9] and the linkPLSA-LDA and pairwise-link-LDA models [20]. These two results extend LDA over a bipartition of the corpus into citing and cited documents such that influence flows along links from cited to citing documents. They are shown to outperform earlier methods [9, 20]. While these models generate topical relation for hyperlinked documents, in a homogeneous corpus one has to duplicate each document and infer two models for them. This is in contrast to the linked LDA model that treats citing and cited documents identically. Our results improve over our related multicorpus LDA model [2] for Web spam detection. Multicorpus LDA separately builds LDA models for the collection of spam and normal sites, then take the union of the resulting topic collections and make inference with respect to this aggregated collection of topics for every unseen document d. The total probability of spam topics in the topic distribution of d may serve as a spamicity-measure. In this paper we do not make experiments on multicorpus LDA, but make comparison to the measurements presented in [2], see Subsection 3.2.


2.1 Linked LDA The linked LDA model extends LDA to model the effect of a hyperlink between two documents on the topic and term distributions. The key idea, summarized as a Bayes net in Figure 2, is to modify the topic distribution of a position on the word plate based on a link from the current document on the document plate. Linked LDA relies on the LDA distributions ϕz and ϑd , but involves an additional distribution χd


w ∼ ϕz

m Figure 1: LDA as a Bayesian network on the set Sd = {d and its outneighbors} for every document d, sampled from Dir(γd ), where γd is a positive smoothing vector on Sd . As also seen in the Bayes net of Figure 2, in the linked LDA model the words of the documents are drawn as follows. For every word position i of document d, we • draw an influencing document r ∈ Sd from χd , • draw a topic z from ϑr (instead of ϑd as in LDA), • draw a term from ϕz and fill into the position. ϕ ∼ Dir(β) β


z ∼ ϑs γ

χ ∼ Dir(γ)


ϑ ∼ Dir(α)

2. METHOD In the classical latent Dirichlet allocation model [4] we have a vocabulary V consisting of terms, a set T of k topics and a set D of m documents of arbitrary length. For every topic z ∈ T a distribution ϕz on V is sampled from Dir(β), where β ∈ RV+ is a positive smoothing parameter. Similarly, for every document d a distribution ϑd on T is sampled from Dir(α), where α ∈ RT+ is a positive smoothing parameter. The words of the documents are drawn as follows: for every word position of document d a topic z is drawn from ϑd , and then a term is drawn from ϕz and filled into that position. The notation is summarized in the widely used Bayesian network representation of LDA in Figure 1. Inference is mostly done by Gibbs sampling or variational inference.

ϑ ∼ Dir(α)


w ∼ ϕz


Figure 2: Linked LDA as a Bayesian network Note that for sake of a unified treatment, d itself can be an influencing document of itself. Note that the citation influence model [9] has a nonuniform solution such that for every word a Bernoulli trial is used to decide whether the influencing document is d itself or one of its outneighbors. For inference a Gibbs sampling procedure can be constructed (described in [3]), along the same lines as for LDA [15].



We make experiments on the WEBSPAM-UK2007 corpus2 . In order to define features for hosts, we aggregate the words appearing in all HTML pages of the host to form one document per host in a bag of words model. We keep only alphanumeric characters and the hyphen but remove all words containing a hyphen not between two alphabetical 2

words. After stemming by TreeTagger3 and removing stop words by the Onix list4 , the most frequent 100,000 words form the vocabulary. Our experiments include the 6000 hosts having a WEBSPAMUK2007 spam or normal label along with an additional 39,000 hosts linked by one of these. We weight directed links between hosts by their multiplicity, and for every site we keep only at most 10 outlinks with largest weight. After linked LDA inference is run, we have the ϑ topic distribution vectors as features to the classification. In our experiments we perform two-class spam classification. We use the linear kernel SVM, C4.5 decision tree and Bayes net implementations of the machine learning toolkit Weka [23]. As the simplest baseline we use the public features5 with C4.5 decision tree and the tf.idf vectors with SVM. For tf.idf, only terms appearing in at least half of the sites are kept. Another baseline is formed by the ϑ topic distributions of the original LDA model as features for classification by BayesNet. Both the baseline and the linked LDA based classifiers are trained on the WEBSPAM-UK2007 training labels (3900 sites) and are evaluated on the WEBSPAM-UK2007 test labels (2027 sites) for direct comparability with the Web Spam Challenge 2008 results. Our combination of the classifiers is inspired by the logodds averaging by Lynam and Cormack [19]. We first make a 10-fold cross validation on the WEBSPAM-UK2007 training labels to score every host by every classifier. Then for every classifier we calculate the log-odds as a feature, which is the logarithm of the fraction of the number of spams with lower score over the number of normal sites with higher score. Finally, we train a random forest over this (quite small) feature set and give predictions for the WEBSPAM-UK2007 test labels.

3.1 LDA parameters For LDA inference the following parameter settings are used. The number of topics is chosen to be k = 30 and k = 90. The Dirichlet parameter vector β is constant 200/|V |, and α is constant 50/k. For a document d, the smoothing parameter vector γd is chosen in such a way that γd (c) ∝ w(d → c) for all c ∈ Sd , c 6= d and γd (d) ∝ 1 +


w(d → c)

c∈Sd ,c6=d

P such that c∈Sd γd (c) = |d|/p, where |d| is the number of word positions in d (the document length), w(d → c) denotes the multiplicity of the d → c link in the corpus, and p is a normalization parameter. We tried three values p = 1, 4, 10. We have developed an own C++-code for LDA and linked LDA, which is publicly available6 . The computations were run on Linux machines with 50GB RAM and multicore 64bit 3.2 GHz Xeon processors with 2MB cache. We performed 50 iterations for Gibbs sampling as several measurements indicate that both the AUC value on classifying over the topic distributions and the likelihood stabilizes after 50 iterations [13, 3].



The results of the classification can be seen in Tables 13, the evaluation metric is AUC. For linked LDA only the parameter choice p = 4, k = 30 was included in the combination, as it gave the best result.

k = 30 k = 90

p=1 0.768 0.764

p=4 0.784 0.777

p = 10 0.783 0.773

Table 1: Classification accuracy measured in AUC for linked LDA with various parameters, classified by BayesNet.

features LDA with BayesNet tf.idf with SVM public (link) with C4.5 public (content) with C4.5

AUC 0.766 0.795 0.724 0.782

Table 2: Classification accuracy measured in AUC for the baseline methods.

features tf.idf & LDA tf.idf & linked LDA public & LDA public & linked LDA public & tf.idf public & tf.idf & LDA public & tf.idf & linked LDA public & tf.idf & LDA& linked LDA

AUC 0.827 0.831 0.820 0.829 0.827 0.845 0.854 0.854

Table 3: Classification accuracy measured in AUC by combining the classifications of Tables 1 and 2 with a log-odds based random forest. For linked LDA the parameters are chosen to be p = 4, k = 30.

The tables indicate that linked LDA slightly outperforms LDA by about 3% using BayesNet, showing the predicting power of the links in the corpus. Most notably, linked LDA achieved 8% improvement over the public link features with C4.5, and it is at par with the public content features. The addition of linked LDA to the log-odds based combination of the public and tf.idf based classifiers results in a 3% improvement in AUC. We trained the classifiers on the WEBSPAM-UK2007 training and evaluated them on the WEBSPAM-UK2007 testing labels as in the Web Spam Challenge 2008 setup. Thus we can compare these measurements to the Challenge results7 . The present methods improve a lot over the 0.796 AUC achieved by our research group using the multicorpus LDA model. The winner, Geng et al., managed to have an AUC of 0.848, and even this value is improved by our public & tf.idf & linked LDA combination, with AUC 0.854.

3 4 5 7 pmwiki.php?n=Main.PhaseIIIResults

Conclusion and future work In this paper we applied the newly introduced linked LDA model [3] to Web spam classification. In our experiments linked LDA outperformed LDA and other baseline classifications by about 3-8% in AUC. Combining tf.idf, the public and the linked LDA features with a log-odds based random forest we achieved an AUC of 0.854, beating the Web Spam Challenge 2008 winner (0.848). As another experiment we are currently measuring the quality of the inferred linked LDA edge weights χ, by using it in a stacked graphical classification procedure, for both the link graph and the cocitation graph.



[15] [16]

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