[5] W3Schools,. XML. Tutorial,. 1999. . [6] EDIKT, edikt::BinX Developer's Guide, University of Edinburg, April 2005,.
ments contain significant bugs in their refactoring tools. ... Keywords. Refactoring, scripting language, source code transformation, ...... optimizing programs.
data structures such as C structures; then the data must ... the data written back to external storage [2]. .... represent multi-byte integers in a computer system.
Nov 25, 2012 ... The Maltego scripting language allows you to automate the running of transform
in Maltego. This document tries to explain the language.
Besides the much celebrated Turtle Graphics, Logo based environments have gained ..... The ComponentLogo parser responds to the first fd command with a message informing the .... Apple Inc. 1996, OpenDoc Human Interface Guidelines.
Attractiveness of programming in scripting languages can arguably be attributed to language .... tivity' project under contract number 09-067060. References.
The demonstration is about the potential of Logo as a scripting language in a component architecture for exploratory software. Logo is reincarnated as an ...
Logo as a scripting language in a component architecture for exploratory software. G. Birbilis Computer Technology Institute
The demonstration is about the potential of Logo as a scripting language in a component architecture for exploratory software. Logo is reincarnated as an autonomous software entity which when embedded in a component-oriented environment takes the role of the central commander, able to manipulate the other components’ behavior through suitable Logo procedures and primitives. In effect this can be used as a new paradigm for creating exploratory microworlds, by providing a mechanism that allows Logo and the formalization that goes with it, to be directly embeddable in traditionally “alien” software settings. To do that, Logo is given a new face and a new role: in a component-oriented world Logo can be thought of as a component itself, at the same conceptual level as any other component, with the special characteristic that it can directly affect other components’ behavior through common Logo programming. A Map component, for example, could zoom-in to a specified area by a specified factor through suitable Logo commands that are supported by the Map component. The benefits are twofold: the component-oriented approach inherits Logo’s expressive power, and Logo is reincarnated as a core tool for formal expression in modern software environments. Zooming-in on the map component, for instance, can be done either visually when the focus is strictly on the effect of the action or by means of symbolic descriptions which provide accuracy, can be used as tools and as objects and can have parameters providing them with behavioral properties. In this architecture, each component carries with it a set of parameters which determine its functionality vis a vis the variant and invariant features. These parameters are expressed as a set of Logo primitives which are included in the Logo code as soon as the component is inserted in the environment. The language can also be used to join up components in a static or dynamic way. An interesting research issue is the ways in which the definition of the component parameters is influenced by the fact that they will operate through the Logo language.