We need to trust that Life will bring to us all that we need, and what better way is
there to do that than with Louise L. Hay's I CAN DO IT® 2014 Calendar!
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We need to trust that Life will bring to us all that we need, and what better way is there to do that than with Louise L. Hay's I CAN DO IT® 2014 Calendar! Filled with 365 days of wisdom and glorious photographs from world traveler Daniel Peralta, this gorgeous calendar helps you focus on that I can do it attitude that will make this a year of exploring like no other. This beautifully designed calendar is the perfect gift for friends, family members and, of course, you, because you can do it . . . no matter what 'it' is!
Calendar available 28 August 2013: 9781401936983 $19.95 Phoenix Distribution Ph 03 8765 8300 Fax 03 9776 4139 Email
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