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Mulligan, M. and Hawley, D. K. and Entriken, R. and McClure, W.: Escherichia coli promoter sequences predict in vitro RNA polymerase selectivity. Nucleic Acids.
Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Bacillus subtilis Promoters Meika I. Monteiro1 , Marcilio C.P. de Souto2 , Luiz M.G. Gon¸calves1 , and Lucymara F. Agnez-Lima3 1


Department of Computing and Automation, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte {meika, lmarcos} Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte [email protected] 3 Department of Cellular Biology and Genetics, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, 59072-970 Natal-RN, Brazil [email protected]

Abstract. One of the most important goals of bioinformatics is the ability to identify genes in uncharacterized DNA sequences. Improved promoter prediction methods can be one step towards developing more reliable ab initio gene prediction methods. In this paper, we present an empirical comparison of machine learning techniques such as Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines and Neural Networks to the task of predicting Bacillus subtilis promoters. In order to do so, we first built a data set of promoter and nonpromoter sequences for this organism.



The process of mapping from DNA sequences to folded proteins in eucaryotic and prokaryotic organisms involve many steps [1, 2]. The first step is the transcription of a portion of DNA into an RNA molecule, called RNA messenger. Such a process begins with the binding of a molecule called RNA polymerase to a location on the DNA molecule. The exact location where the polymerase binds determines which strand of the DNA will be read and in which direction. Parts of the DNA near the beginning of a protein coding region contain signals that can be recognized by the polymerase: these regions are called promoters [2]. Computational promoter prediction methods can be one step towards developing more reliable ab initio gene prediction programs [1, 3]. These methods could also be seen as part of the complex process of discovery gene regulatory network activity [4]. However, such a prediction task is hard due to both the large variable distance between various DNA signals that are the substrate of J.C. Setubal and S. Verjovski-Almeida (Eds.): BSB 2005, LNBI 3594, pp. 77–84, 2005. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005 


M.I. Monteiro et al.

recognition by the polymerase, and a large number of other factor involved in regulation of the expression level [1, 5]. Despite these limitations, a large number of promoter prediction programs have been developed for eukaryotic sequences and are easily accessible [6, 7, 8, 5]. However, up to now, the Neural Network Promoter Prediction program (NNPP) is one of the few available system that can be used as a prokaryotic promoter prediction tool [9]. Some other prokaryotic promoter prediction methods are based on weight matrix pattern searches [10, 11, 12]. In [13], a novel prokaryotic promoter prediction method based on DNA stability is presented. As pointed out in [5], there is a conceptual difference between trying to recognize all eukaryotic (prokaryotic) promoters, and recognizing only those being active in a specific cell type. Alternatively, the promoter finding problem might be divided into several sub-problems, meaning that it may be necessary to construct specific algorithms to recognize specific classes of promoters. For example, most of the system referred in the previous paragraph were designed for organism specific purposes, such as Escherichia coli (E. coli). Motivated by this, in this paper, we apply machine learning techniques for the analysis of Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) promoters. We have chosen this bacteria for its wide use by biologists as a model of gram-positive bacteria in genetics studies, as well as for having all its genome already sequenced. Furthermore, there are, in the literature, many experimental analysis confirming several of their promoter sequences [14], which will be fundamental in the construction of our data set. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the B. subtilis promoter dataset that we built, which is one of our contribution, and how the experimental results will be evaluated. In Section 3, we introduce a brief review of related work. The experimental setting is described in Section 4. Section 5 presents results and discussion. Finally, Section 6 summarizes the work.


Material and Methods

We perform an empirical comparison of rule based systems such as Decision Trees and PART, and statistical learning systems such as Naive Bayes, k-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machines and Neural Networks to the task of B. subtilis promoter prediction. All the learning methods used in our study were obtained from the WEKA machine learning package [15] ( .nz/ ml/weka/). 2.1


We built our dataset following the guidelines used in the construction of E. coli dataset first used in [17] ( learningdatabases/ molecular-biology/promoter-gene-sequences/). This E. coli dataset contains 53 examples of promoters and 53 of nonpromoters. The 53 examples of promoters were obtained from a compilation produced by [16]. According to [16], negative

Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Bacillus subtilis Promoters


training examples were derived by selecting contiguous substrings from a fragment of the E. coli bacteriophage T7. Each example, either positive or negative, is composed of 57 attributes (i.e., 57 nucleotides). In the case of the B. subtilis dataset, we initially consider for our dataset only experimentally determined promoter sequences presented in the compilation in [14]. Next, we calculated the average length of these sequences, which was 117 nucleotides. Based on this, we fixed the length of our promoters sequences in 117 nucleotides. Putative and shorter sequences than this number were discarded. Promoter sequences equal or longer than 117 nucleotides, on the other hand, were preserved in the dataset. In the latter case, the sequences were first cut on their upstream region such that their final length was kept in 117 nucleotides - this strategy was used to preserve the promoter region of the B. subtilis that is often found in the region between -100 (downstream) and +15 (upstream) of the gene. At the end of this process, we ended up with 112 promoter sequences out of 236 originally presented in [14]. In order to create the nonpromoter sequences for our dataset, we select 112 contiguous substrings of 117 nucleotides from the genome of the B. subtilis bacteriophage PZA [18] - there is no promoter sequence identified for this phage so far. These 112 nonpromoters sequences were chosen in such way as to maximize the degree of similarity of each of them to the sequences in the promoter set. This resulted on an average degree of similarity between promoter and nonpromoter sequences of 27%. In the case of the E. coli dataset in [17] this average is of 24%. In summary, our B. subtilis dataset contains 112 examples of promoters and 112 of nonpromoters, each one with 117 nucleotides. 2.2


The comparison of two supervised learning methods is, often, accomplished by analyzing the statistical significance of the difference between the mean of the classification error rate, on independent test sets, of the methods evaluated. In order to evaluate the mean of the error rate, several (distinct) data sets are needed. However, the number of data sets available is often limited. One way to overcome this problem is to divide the data sets into training and test sets by the use of a k-fold cross validation procedure [19, 20, 15]. This procedure can be used to compare supervised methods, even if only one data set is available. The procedure works as follows. The data set is divided into k disjoint equal size sets. Then, training is performed in k steps, each time using a different fold as the test set and the union of the remaining folds as the training set. Applying the distinct algorithms to the same folds with k at least equal to 10, the statistical significance of the differences between the methods can be measured, based on the mean of the error rate from the test sets [19, 20, 15]. In fact, in this work, in order to use the greatest possible amount of data for training, we use a special form of cross-validation called leave-one-out [19, 20, 15]. The leave-one-out cross-validation is simply k-fold cross validation, where k is the number of instances in the dataset. In our case, k is set to 224, that is, the total of promoter and nonpromoter sequences in the dataset.



M.I. Monteiro et al.

Related Work

In the context of machine learning, the identification of promoter sequences can be stated as follows [3]: – Problem: Identification of promoter sequences. – Input: Set of DNA sequences of fixed length with known promoter regions and sequences without the presence of this signal. – Do: Generate a classifier able to predict if a window of fixed size has or not a promoter region. The most closely related work to ours is the one developed in [16]. In that work, a hybrid approach based on neural networks and symbolic rules was applied to predicting promoter sequences of E. coli. The system used, called KBANN (Knowledge Based Neural Network), uses propositional rules formulated by a biologist in order to determine the network topology and initial weights. By doing so, [16] could observe a decrease of the network training time and an improvement of its generalization. The dataset used by [16] contained 53 examples of promoters and 53 of nonpromoters, where each example, is composed of 57 attributes (i.e., 57 nucleotides), as described at beginning of Section2.1. In the experiments performed by the author, the results obtained with KBANN were compared to those achieved by using neural network in the form of multi-layer perceptron (as the ones used in our work), decision trees, k-nearest neighbor, among others. The best results achieved was with the KBANN and neural networks - decision trees and k-nearest neighbor had a poorer result. The author do not present in the results the rate of false positives. In [9], a neural network model of the structural and compositional properties of a eukaryotic core promoter region, the Neural Network Promoter Prediction (NNPP), was developed and applied to analysis of the Drosophila melanogaster. The model uses a time-delay architecture, a special case of a feedforward neural network. According the authors, application of this model to a test set of core promoters not only gave better discrimination of potential promoter sites than previous statistical or neural network models, but also revealed indirectly subtle properties of the transcription initiation signal. Such a model was extended to work with prokaryotic promoters. In fact, the (NNPP) tool is one of the few available system that can be used as a prokaryotic promoter prediction program ( tools/promoter.html). Recently, [21] developed a comparative analysis on the application of both transductive support vector machines (TSVM) and support vector machines (SVM) to prediction of eukaryotic promoter regions. According to them, TSVM outperformed SVM in this task.



Our experiments were accomplished by presenting the dataset to the Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. In fact, because of the leave-one-out methodology

Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Bacillus subtilis Promoters


each method was run 224 times. The values for the parameters of the ML algorithms were chosen as follows. For example, for an algorithm with only one parameter, an initial value for the parameter was chosen followed by the run of algorithm. Then, experiments with a larger and smaller value were also performed. If with the initially chosen value, the classifier obtained has the best results (in terms of validation error), then no more experiments were performed. Otherwise, the same process was repeated for the parameter value with the best result so far. Of course, this procedure becomes more time consuming with the increasing in the number of parameters to be investigated. Using the previous procedure, we arrived to the following values for the parameters of the ML algorithms (WEKA implementation [15]): – k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN): k was set to 8 and the distance weighting to 1/distance. All other parameters were set to their default. – Naive Bayes (NB): all parameters were set to their default. – Decision Tree (DT): all parameters were set to their default. – PART : all parameters were set to their default. – Voted Perceptron (VT): all parameters were set to their default. – Support Vector Machine (SVM): C was set to 1 and the exponent to 4. All the other parameters were set to their default. – Neural Networks (NN): the number of hidden nodes was set to 50, the learning rate to 10−2 , the momentum term to 0.9, the maximum number of iteration to 1000, and the validation set size to 10%. All the other parameters were set to their default. Each of the previous ML method, as already mentioned, was trained with a leave-one-out methodology, considering the best parameter setting found. Then, for all experiments, the mean of the percentage of incorrectly classified training patterns on independent test sets were measured. Next, these means were compared two by two means of paired t-test, as described in [20, 19].



Table 1 presents, for each ML algorithm, the mean and standard deviation of the percentage of incorrectly classified examples (error rate) on independent test sets. According to this table, NB and SVM obtained a lower classification error than the other methods (18.30%). The null hypotheses were rejected in favor of SVM and NB in comparison to k-NN,DT and PART at α = 0.05, where α stands for the significance level of the equal means hypothesis test. However, no significance difference was detected between NB and NN (α = 0.05) and SVM and NN (α = 0.05). Now, we turn our attention to more detailed comparison. In order to do so, we constructed a confusion matrix as illustrated in the table below Table 2. This table shows a generic confusion matrix, where TP (True Positive) denotes the mean of the correct classification of promoter examples (positive examples).


M.I. Monteiro et al. Table 1. Mean of the Classification Error Rate Algorithm k-NN NB DT PART VP SVM NN

Mean 34.82% 18.30% 30.80% 31.25% 32.14% 18.30% 25.0%

St. Dev. 47.75% 38.76% 46.27% 46.46% 46.81% 38.76% 43.40%

True Negative (TN) stands for the mean of correct classification of nonpromoters examples (negative examples). False Positive (FP) represents the mean of the incorrect classification of negative examples into the class of positive examples. Likewise, False Negative (FN) is the mean of positive examples incorrectly classified into the class of negative examples. Table 2. Confusion Matrix

Promoter Nonpromoter

Promoter Nonpromoter TP FN FP TN

In order to develop our detailed analysis will consider three best results obtained in our experiments in terms of lower error rate mean, that is, we choose NB, SVM and NN, as shown in Table 3, 4 and 5. Table 3. Confusion Matrix for NB Promoter Nonpromoter

Promoter Nonpromoter 82% 18% 19% 81%

Table 4. Confusion Matrix for SVM Promoter Nonpromoter

Promoter Nonpromoter 76% 24% 12.4% 87.5%

In terms of the previous tables, for the convenience of results comparison, in our evaluation scheme will consider TP and FP. In this case, NB, SVM and NN present, respectively, the following TP/FP relation: 4.31, 6.08, and 2.67. Thus, in such a context, SVM offers the best trade-off between generalization

Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Bacillus subtilis Promoters


Table 5. Confusion Matrix for NN

Promoter Nonpromoter

Promoter Nonpromoter 80% 20% 30% 70%

and discrimination. This also implies in a better control of the false positives. Such an issue is important for, as mentioned before, there is a high probability of finding similar sequence elements elsewhere in genomes, outside the promoter regions (false positives). We also tried our dataset using the NNPP. The NNPP program is available at ( tools/promoter.html). All the NNPP predictions were carried out at a score cut-off 0.80. In the case of our dataset, the NNPP systems correctly predicted 107 promoter sequences out of 112, that is, a TP of 95.53%. However, for the nonpromoter sequences such a system presented a unacceptable high FP of 74.1% (83 nonpromoter sequences, out of 112, were predicted as true promoter sequences). That is, for this dataset, the TP/FP relation for the NNPP was of 1.29, which is much lower than the rate presented by our SVM (6.08).


Final Remarks

In this paper, we presented an empirical comparison of machine learning techniques such as Naive Bayes, Decision Trees, Support Vector Machines and Neural Networks to the task of predicting B. subtilis promoters. In order to so, as one of our contributions, we first built a dataset of promoter and nonpromoter sequences for this organism. From the different learning algorithms analyzed, support vector machines outperformed the others in terms of the relation true positive rate/false positive rate (6.08). In fact, such a method performed better as compared to currently available prokaryotic prediction method, such as NNPP. One reason for this is that we constructed a classifier to recognize a specific classes of promoters (B. subtilis), while the NNPP is a general system. In terms of our results, the classifiers build need to be further improved to reduce the number of false positives. This could be achieved by, for example, combining several classifiers in order to form ensemble [22].

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