PHYS 752. Mathematical Methods in Physics. Fall 2013. Course # 11154 (3
credits). Instructor: Dr. Alan R. Denton
. Department of ...
PHYS 752
Mathematical Methods in Physics
Fall 2013
Course # 11154 (3 credits) Instructor:
Dr. Alan R. Denton
[email protected] Department of Physics, NDSU Tel: 701-231-7036 TTh 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. South Eng. 221
MW 11-12:15 or by arrangement South Eng. 214B
Description: This introductory graduate-level course reviews practical mathematical methods, routinely used by physicists, and applications to a variety of physical problems. The focus is on differential equations and variational principles. Depending on students’ interests, other selected topics also will be discussed. See the attached course outline for a preliminary list of topics. Goal: Develop conceptual understanding and practical expertise in applying advanced mathematical techniques to a variety of physics- and engineering-related problems. Student Responsibilities: Attend all classes. Read assigned material in advance. Come prepared for discussion. Be curious; ask questions. Complete assignments on time. Recommended Textbook: K. F. Riley, M. P. Hobson, and S. J. Bence, Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering, 3rd edition (Cambridge, 2006). Evaluation:
Homework (8) Exams (3) Quizzes/Participation Total
60 120 20 200
pts (best 6) pts (best 2) pts pts
See attached schedule Oct. 8, Nov. 19, Dec. 20
No makeup exams will be scheduled, but your lowest of three exam scores may be dropped. Class attendance is expected. More than three unexcused absences may result in failure. Up to 10 bonus points may be earned for excellent participation and elegant homework. Homework: While discussion of homework with classmates is encouraged, submitted work must be your own. Similarity to other students’ or internet solutions will result in zero points. Late homework will be assessed a 50% penalty/day. Grading:
A: ≥ 85%
B: 70-84.9%
C: 55-69.9%
D: 40-54.9%
F: < 40%
I reserve the right to shift grade boundaries, but any shift will work only in your favor. All work in this course must be completed in a manner consistent with NDSU University Senate Policy, section 335: Code of Academic Responsibility and Conduct: Any students with disabilities or other special needs, who need special accommodations in this course are invited to share concerns or requests with the instructor and to contact the Disability Services Office as soon as possible.
PHYS 752
Mathematical Methods in Physics
Fall 2013
Preliminary Schedule Dates Aug. 27-29 Sept. 3-5 Sept. 10-12 Sept. 17-19 Sept. 24-26 Oct. 1-3 Oct. 8 Oct. 15-17 Oct. 22-24 Oct. 29-31 Nov. 5-7 Nov. 12-14 Nov. 19 Nov. 21 Nov. 26 Nov. 28 Dec. 3 Dec. 5 Dec. 10-12 Dec. 20
Topic(s) Vector Calculus Line, Surface, and Volume Integrals Fourier Series and Integral Transforms Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) Series Solutions of ODEs Eigenfunction Methods for Differential Equations Midterm Exam 1 Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) PDEs: Separation of Variables PDEs: Greens Functions Calculus of Variations Calculus of Variations, Density-Functional Theory Midterm Exam 2 Integral Equations, Applications to Theory of Liquids Complex Variables and Applications Thanksgiving Complex Variables and Applications Tensors and Applications Tensors and Applications Final Exam: 10:30 a.m.
Homework Schedule Homework 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Date Assigned/Date Due Aug. 27/Sept. 10 Sept. 10/19 Sept. 19/Oct. 1 Oct. 1/17 Oct. 17/29 Oct. 29/Nov. 12 Nov. 12/26 Nov. 26/Dec. 12
Chapters 10, 11 12, 13 14, 15 16, 17 20, 21 21, 22 22, 23 24-26
Chapter(s) 10 11 12, 13 14, 15 16 17 10-15 20 21 21 22 22 16-22 23 24, 25 24, 25 26 26 22-26