Maximum power point tracking using adaptive fuzzy ... - IEEE Xplore

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converter single-phase inverter connected to utility grid. The maximum power point tracking control is based on adaptive fuzzy logic to control MOSFET switch of ...
Maximum Power Point Tracking Using Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Control for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System N. Patcharaprakiti and S. Premrudeepreechacharn, Member, IEEE Abstract-- In this paper proposed method of maximum power point tracking using adaptive fuzzy logic control for grid connected photovolatic system. The system composed of boost converter single-phase inverter connected to utility grid. The maximum power point tracking control is based on adaptive fuzzy logic to control MOSFET switch of boost converter and single phase inverter uses predicted current control to control four IGBTs switch for grid-connected control. Adaptive fuzzy logic controllers provide attractive features such as fast response, good performance and it can also change fuzzy parameter for improving control system. The fuzzy logic predicted current control provide current with sinusoidal waveshape and inphase with voltage. This system can provide energy with low harmonics and high power factor. Index Terms -- Adaptive Fuzzy Logic, Maximum Power Point Tracking, Photovoltaic System.



he photovoltaic (PV) energy is increasing interest in electrical power applications. It is crucial to operate PV energy conversion systems near maximum power point to increase the output efficiency of PV. However, the nonlinear nature of PV systems is apparent from Fig. 1. i.e. the current and power of PV array depend on the array terminal operating voltage. In addition, the maximum power operating point is changing with insolation level and temperature. Therefore, the tracking control of maximum power point is the complicated problem. To overcome these problems, many tracking control strategies have been proposed such as perturb and observe [1]-[2], incremental conductance [3], parasitic capacitance [4], constant voltage [5], neural network [6]-[10] and fuzzy logic control [11]-[14]. These strategies have some disadvantage such as costly, difficulty, complexity and non-stability. The general requirements for maximum power point tracker are simple and low cost, quick tracking under condition

N.patcharaprakiti is with Electrical Engineering Department, Rajamagala Institute of Technology, Chiang Rai, 57120 Thailand (e-mail : [email protected]) S.premrudeepreechacharn is with Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, 50200 Thailand (e-mail : [email protected])

Fig.1 PV array characteristics.

change, and small output power fluctuation. A more efficient method to solve this problem becomes crucially important. Hence, this paper proposed the method to track power maximum power point by using adaptive fuzzy logic control. Fuzzy logic control is appropriate for nonlinear control and it has no complex mathematical. However, the fuzzy logic controller behavior depends on the membership functions, their distribution, and the rules that influence the different fuzzy variables in the system. There is no formal method to determine accurately the parameters of the controller. However, choosing fuzzy parameter to yield optimum operating point and good control system is up to experience from control engineer. For this reason, adaptive fuzzy logic control can solved this problem because it can re-adjust fuzzy parameter to obtain optimum performance. The grid connected PV system presents in this paper can directly feed energy into the existing AC grid system, where the cost of batteries for energy storage can be reduced. First, we describes the grid-connected PV system. Then, the adaptive fuzzy logic controller is described. The controller for

0-7803-7322-7/02/$17.00 © 2002 IEEE


grid connected PV system, which is predictive current control, also is presented. Finally, the simulation results of MPPT by adaptive fuzzy logic controller compared with conventional fuzzy logic control is discussed.

expert knowledge is not reliable. To make the controller less dependent on expert knowledge, the adaptive fuzzy logic control is a solution. Adaptive fuzzy logic shown in Fig. 3 is composed of 2 parts: fuzzy knowledge base controller and learning mechanism described, as described below.

II. GRID-CONNECTED PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM In order to show the feasibility of maximum power point tracking using adaptive fuzzy logic control, the photovoltaic power system with boost converter and single phase inverter is constructed as shown in Fig. 2. Boost Converter L

Inverter Grid connected


L Vdc/2



Power Transformer





Gate Drive

Ipv Adaptive Fuzzy Logic


Predicted Current Control Vdc bus +

Current sensor

Fig.3 Structure of adaptive fuzzy logic controller.

Current Regulator Multiplier

Voltage Regulator

Vdc reference -


Reference Signal

Control system

Fig.2 Grid-connected photovoltaic system.

A. Boost converter Boost converter use to increase voltage for inverter circuit and also it use to control maximum power point tracking by using adaptive fuzzy logic control and pulse width modulation method to generate pulse for drive MOSFET (SB). Output voltage of boost converter can calculated from (1) Vo 1 = Vin 1 − Duty

A. Fuzzy Knowledge Base Controller The fuzzy knowledge base controller is basic part of fuzzy logic control which is composed of 3 parts: fuzzification, inference engine and defuzzification as described below. 1) Fuzzification Membership function’s value are assigned to the linguistic variables, using seven fuzzy subsets : NB (Negative Big), NM(Negative Medium), NS (Negative small), ZE (Zero), PS (Positive small), PM (Positive Medium), and PB (Positive Big). The partition of fuzzy subsets and the shape of membership function which can adapt shape up to appropriate system are shown in Fig. 4. The value of error (e) and change of error (de) are normalized by input scaling factor βe and βde. In this system input scaling has designed between –1 to 1.


where Vin = input voltage (output voltage of PV array) Vo = output voltage Duty = duty ratio of power switch. B. Single phase Inverter Inverter circuit converts direct current to alternate current by predicted current control to control current to be sine wave for utility grid-connected. Inverter circuit composed of DC source from boost chopper circuit, four switch IGBTs (S1-S4) inductance and transformer. The controller for single phase inverter will be described later. III. ADAPTIVE FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER Traditional fuzzy logic control requires the expert knowledge of the process operation for fuzzy logic control parameter setting, and the controller can be only as good as the expertise involved in the design. Fuzzy logic control with fixed parameters are inadequate in application where the operating conditions change in a wide range and available 373

Fig.4 Fuzzy logic membership function.

The triangular shape of membership function of this 1) Inverse fuzzy model arrangement presumes that for any particular input there is In this part, we use error (e) or change of error (de) of only one dominant fuzzy subset. Input error (e) for fuzzy logic system and control the knowledge base modifier to modify controller can calculated from maximum power point as fuzzy parameter to optimize the operation of system. The follows: fuzzy parameter can be adapted by use this condition ∆I I ∆P ∆P If error < ε (limit value) then knowledge base modifier will (2) E(k)= = + = ∆V V ∆V ∆I be done. 2) Knowledge base modifier where I = Output current from PV array In this part fuzzy parameter will be modifier as follow [15]: ∆I = I(k)-I(k-1) a) Scaling factor V = Output voltage from PV array Quite simple schemes for altering the scaling factor ∆V = V(k)-V(k-1). to meet various performance criteria can be devised. The 2) Inference Method range of the error, change of error and also output of fuzzy The composition operation by which a control output can can set like balance between proportional and integral be generated. Several composition methods such as MAX- control. MIN and MAX-DOT have been proposed in the literature. b) Fuzzy set membership function The commonly used method is MAX-MIN as used in this In this part, tuning peak values, such as error in paper. The output membership function of each rule is given Fig.4, can improve both responsiveness and stability. The by the MIN (minimum) operator, MAX(maximum) operator. large error can improve responsiveness and small error can Table 1 shows the rule table for fuzzy logic controller. improve stability. The modification is performed by shifting the membership functions of both input and output. TABLE 1 RULE BASE OF FUZZY LOGIC CONTROLLER c) Tuning rule base Erro Change of Error (de) Modifying rule base can effect the control system r NB NM NS ZE PS PM PB such as overshoot, setting time, stability, responsiveness. Rule (e) base and fuzzy set membership function has relationship each NB NB NB NB NM NS ZE NB other up to quantity of error and change of error. To control NB NB NB NM NS ZE PS NM system optimization rule base are also effect to system. NB NB NM NS ZE PS PM NS NB NM NS ZE PS PM PB ZE IV. PREDICTED CURRENT CONTROL NM NS ZE PS PM PB PB PS From predicted current control as in [16], line current can NS ZE PS PM PB PB PB PM defined as (4) ZE PS PM PB PB PB PB PB ∆I = I(t n + Ts)-I(t n ) = [Vs(tn )-Vinv(tn )]Ts/L

3) Defuzzification As the plant usually required a nonfuzzy value of control, a defuzzification stage is needed. Defuzzificaion for this system is the height method. The height method is both very simple and very fast method. The height defuzzification method in a system of m rules by formally given by m

∑ C(k)* W k du = k = 1 n ∑ Wk k =1


where du = change of control output C(k) = peak value of each output Wk = height of rule k. Output of fuzzy logic control uses to control through PWM which generated pulse to control MOSFET switch (SB). B. Learning Mechanism The purpose of learning mechanism is to learn the environmental parameters and to modify the fuzzy logic controller accordingly so that the response of the overall system is close to optimum operation point. The learning mechanism is composed of inverse fuzzy model and knowledge base modifier,


where I = inverter line current Vs = utility voltage Vinv= output voltage of inverter. Then Vinv can calculated from equation: Vinv(t) = Vs(tn )-(L/T s)[I(t n + Ts)− I(t n )] n


Current of single phase inverter can be controlled by switch S1-S4. The switch S1 and S2 use to shape the waveform to follow the reference current. While the switches S3 and S4 use to correct the polarity of the waveform. Hence, the Vinv can be described as follows: Vinv= dk • Vdc


Where dk is the duty ratio for switches S1 and S2 over one switch period and Vdc is the DC bus voltage from boost converter. The change in line current over one period can defined as: ∆I = I(t n + Ts)-I(t n ) = I(t n )-I(t n -ts)


From equation (5)-(7) can define the duty ratio for single phase inverter as a function of source voltage (Vs) and the change in line current (∆I) as follow:


1 d = f(V,∆I)= [(V - L∆I/T ) k s s s V dc


We will use (8) to control the duty ratio of switch S1 and S2 for single phase inverter.

V. SIMULATION RESULTS This section discusses the simulation of grid-connected photovolatic system. The maximum power point tracking was controlled by using adaptive fuzzy logic control and inverter current control using predicted current control to control current of inverter to be sinusoidal waveshape. The simulation results of system following parameters Solar array 60 W, Voc=21.2 volt and Isc=3.54 A, Rs=0.39, Rsh=176, Vt=1.0337, Io= 4.3871e-9, T=298K, Boost converter Lcon = 1 mH, Ccon= 4700 µF Single phase inverter Linv = 1 mH AC source = 220 V, 50 Hz. This system can be simulated by use MATLAB program. In this simulation insolation level (G) will change from 1000 W/m2 to 1200 W/m2 at 0.08sec and then change from 1200 W/m2 to 800 W/m2 at 0.15sec. Fig. 5 shows the PV array characteristic by using MPPT control with conventional fuzzy logic control. The operating point of solar cell doesn’t really work on maximum power point. The error and change of error of fuzzy logic controller is shown in Fig. 6. Thus, the track operating point is improved MPPT controller by using adaptive fuzzy logic control.

Fig.6 Error (E) and change of error (dE) of fuzzy logic control.

The adaptation of rule base as described in above, the new rule base for the controller is shown in Table 2 and fuzzy membership function after adaptation is shown in Fig. 7. As seen from Fig. 7, the membership function of error has changed, while the change of error doesn’t need to modify the membership function. TABLE 2 RULE BASE OF FUZZY LOGIC AFTER CHANGE THE RULE BASE.

Erro r (e) NB NM NS ZE PS PM PB





Change of Error (de) NS ZE PS NM NM NB NS ZE PB PB







Fig.5 PV array characteristic using conventional fuzzy logic control.

Fig.7 Fuzzy parameter using adaptive fuzzy logic.


The adaptive fuzzy logic controller can improve MPPT controller as seen from Fig. 8-9. Fig. 8 shows PV array characteristic after fuzzy membership adaptation. When we compared with PV array characteristic in Fig. 5, the operating point of this system operates closer maximum power point tracking than conventional fuzzy logic control system before parameter adaptation. Fig. 9 shows the array voltage, array current and array power plot with time. Fig. 10 shows output of converter and output of inverter current. This system can provide energy to utility with low harmonics and high power factor.

Fig.10 Voltage output of converter and inverter current

VI. CONCLUSION This paper has presented the adaptive fuzzy logic control for control maximum power point tracking of gridconnected photovoltaic system. The proposed algorithm in adapting fuzzy logic control has simulated. The simulation results show that the advantage of this system are adaptation of fuzzy parameter for fast response, good transient performance, insensitive to variations in external disturbances. In addition, the result of simulation shows that MPPT controllers by using adaptive fuzzy logic has provided more power than simple fuzzy logic control. This system also can provide energy to utility with low harmonics and high power factor.

Fig.8 PV array characteristic using adaptive fuzzy logic.


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[5] [6]

Fig.9 PV array voltage, current and power vs time



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Nopporn Patcharaprakiti was born in Bangkok, Thailand on 17 June 1976. He received B.Eng in Electrical Engineering from Chiang Mai University Thailand in 1998. He is currently pursuing M.Eng at Chiang Mai University. He works with Electrical Engineering department, Rajamagala Institute of Technology, Chiang Rai, Thailand. His field of research are power electronics and power system.

Suttichai Premrudeepreechacharn (S’91-M’97) was born in Chon Buri, Thailand in 1965. He recieved electrical engineering from Chiang Mai University Thailand and M.S and Ph.D. in electric power engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. He is an assistant professor at Department of Electrical Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand. His research interests include power quality, high quality utility interface, power electronics and artificial intelligent applied to power system.