Maximum Power Point Tracking using GA- Optimized ... - IEEE Xplore

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Abstract— Solar energy is a green energy which is not only perennial but also accessible to every strata of the world. An easy way to convert solar energy into ...
Maximum Power Point Tracking using GAOptimized Artificial Neural Network for Solar PV System R.Ramaprabha1 , V.Gothandaraman2, K.Kanimozhi3, R.Divya4 and B.L.Mathur5 Assistant Professor1, U.G. Student 2, U.G. Student 3, U.G. Student4 and Professor5 Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering SSN College of Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Kalavakkam-603110, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. [email protected] 1 (corresponding author) 2 [email protected] , [email protected] 3, [email protected], [email protected] Abstract— Solar energy is a green energy which is not only perennial but also accessible to every strata of the world. An easy way to convert solar energy into electric energy is to use Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) system. Solar panel is a power source having nonlinear internal resistance. As the intensity of light falling on the panel varies, its voltage as well as its internal resistance varies. To extract maximum power from the panel, the load resistance should be equal to the internal resistance of the panel. For this purpose maximum power point trackers (MPPT) are used. This paper proposes a new MPPT controller. The proposed MPPT controller is based on genetic algorithm (GA) optimized artificial neural network (ANN). For the simulation purpose an improved model of SPV is used. The MPPT is simulated and studied using MATLAB software. Keywords— Solar PV system, MPPT, GA, ANN,MATLAB.

I. IPV, VPV ID, VD Iph Isc Voc G T n k q Ir Rsh, Rse Vt Vm , Im Pm α β







Solar cell current (A) and voltage (V) Diode current(A) and voltage (V) Light generated current (A) Short circuit current (A) Open circuit voltage (V) Irradiance (W/m2) Temperature (K) Diode ideality factor (0≤n≤1) Boltzman’s constant (1.381X10-23J/K) Electron charge (1.602 X10-19C) Reverse saturation current (μA) Shunt resistance (Ω), Series resistance (mΩ) Thermal voltage(= nkT/q) in mV Maximum power point voltage (V),Current (A) Maximum power point Power (W) Temperature co-efficient of short circuit current Temperature co-efficient of open circuit voltage Second suffix represents all parameters at reference condition(G=1000W/m2 and T=250C) Number of cells in series & parallel

c 978-1-61284-379-7/11$26.00 2011 IEEE

II. INTRODUCTION Due to the raising concerns about the global warming and the decline in the fossil fuel resources, renewable energy sources become more important. Solar photovoltaic (SPV) system produces clean energy and is currently considered to be an important energy source. A great deal of research has been conducted in this field over the last few decades. SPV panel is a power source having non linear internal resistance. The panel output power varies with temperature and insolation. It is desired to operate SPV panel at its maximum power point for economic reasons. To extract maximum power from the panel, its internal resistance should be equal to the load resistance. Chopper circuit is interposed between SPV and the load resistance to adjust the load resistance seen by SPV equal to its internal resistance by varying the duty cycle of the chopper. Many number of algorithms available for the MPPT including perturb and observe, incremental conductance, parasitic capacitance, constant voltage and fuzzy logic algorithms [1]-[4].These methods have disadvantages like costly, difficult to implement and non-stable. For this purpose Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) come with a solution. ANN is suitable to handle nonlinearities, uncertainties and parameter variations in a controlled environment. Hence many number of ANN algorithms have been developed for this purpose [5]-[9]. The purpose of this paper is to develop an ANN based MPP tracking scheme for SPV system with varying environmental conditions. The ANN is trained with the values that are optimized using GA. In section III improved modelling of SPV is described. In the subsequent sections the proposed MPPT scheme is explained. The complete system is simulated using MATLAB-SIMULINK and the results are presented. III. IMPROVED SOLAR PV ARRAY MODELLING The standard five parameter model of SPV module is shown in Fig.1. Improved model equations (1) to (8) are used to model SPV cell in I quadrant [10]-[13].


Fig.2. SOLKAR SPV module adjusted characteristics

Fig. 1 Electrical equivalent circuit model of a SPV module

⎡ ⎧V + I PV Rse ⎫ ⎤ (VPV + I PV Rse ) I PV = I ph − I r ⎢exp⎨ PV ⎬ − 1⎥ − Vt Rsh ⎭ ⎦ ⎣ ⎩




] GG

I ph = {I ph, ref 1 + α (T − Tref ) }


I ph,ref = I sc ,ref and


S.No. 1


I ph , ref =

Ir = exp

I sc ,ref + α (T − Tref ) Voc ,ref + β (T − Tref ) nVt I r ,ref =

Vt = Vtref R sh =

T Tref

4. 6 G − 0.086

and Vtref =

(2) 3


−1 I sc , ref

⎛ Voc , ref exp⎜ ⎜V ⎝ t ,ref nref kTref


⎞ ⎟ −1 ⎟ ⎠

4 5 6 7 8 9

Model 37.08 W

Datasheet 37.08 W

16.56 V

16.56 V

2.25 A

2.25 A

21.24 V 2.55 A 36 0.47 Ω 145.62 Ω 1.5

21.24 V 2.55 A 36 Not specified

To validate the model, the values have been checked at five important points [14]. From Fig.3 and Fig.4, it is clear that the proposed model equations very well reproduce the (4) practical characteristics.


(obtained by curve fitting)

I m = I mref × G and Vm = Vmref + {β (T − Tref



R sh + R se × I sc ,ref R sh

Parameters Maximum Power ( Pm ) Voltage at Maximum power( Vm ) Current at Maximum power ( Im ) Open circuit voltage ( Voc) Short circuit current ( Isc ) No. of Series Cells (Ns) Series resistance, Rse Shunt resistance, Rsh Ideality Factor, n




G Vterf ⎡ Vmref+ImrefRseref⎤ = exp⎢− ⎥ Gref Irref ⎣⎢ Vtref ⎦⎥ + Rseref −

n = n ref

T Tref

⎞ G ⎛⎜Vt ⎡ Vm + ImRse ⎤ exp⎢− ⎥ + Rse ⎟⎟ ⎜ Gref ⎝ Ir ⎣ Vt ⎦ ⎠

(7) Fig.3. Model Characteristics of SOLKAR solar module at different insolations (T=250C)


Practical SPV cell is represented by (1). Here the five parameters are Iph, Ir, Vt, Rse and Rsh. It can be shown that the array parameters for series array consists of NS cells in series: Ir,array=Ir,Vt,array=NSVt, Rse,array=NSRse and Iph,array=Iph, Rsh,array=NSRsh. For parallel array consists of NP cells in parallel: Iph,array=NPIph, Ir=NPIr, Vt,array=Vt, Rse,array=Rse/NP and Rph,array=Rph/NS. The simulation results are shown in Fig.2. The comparison of the model parameters with manufacturer’s datasheet (SOLKAR module) is given in Table-I.

Fig.4. Model Characteristics of SOLKAR solar module at different Temperatures (G=1000 W/m2)

2011 1st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems


IV. FEED FORWARD NEURAL NETWORKS Artificial neural networks are best suited for the approximation of non-linear systems.Non-linear systems can be exactly emulated by multilevel neural networks.They give best results than other algorithms.Neural networks contain three layers namely input layer,hidden layer,output layer.Feed-forward neural network is the simple type of neural networks.In this type the information moves in only forward direction,input nodes to hidden nodes and to output nodes.There are no cycles or loops in this network. The block diagram of the ANN for producing maximum voltage and power for given G and T is shown in Fig.5.The neural network used here has two input layers,hidden layers and two output layers and back propagation trainig method is used.

The genetic algorithm implementation steps are given below: Step 1: Define objective function and identify the design parameters. Step 2: Generate initial population Step 3: Evaluate the population by objective function Step 4: Test convergence. If satisfied then stop else continue. Step 5: Start reproduction process by applying genetic operators: Selection, Crossover, and Mutation Step 6: Evolve new generation. Go to step 3. The genetic algorithm parameters used in this work are given in Table II. TABLE II GENETIC ALGORITHM PARAMETERS

Number of Design Variable Population Size Crossover constant Mutation rate Maximum Generations

Fig.5. Block diagram of ANN Block

1 30 80% 10% 20

Fig.7 plots the convergence of total power computed by GA over the number of iterations for different insolation and temperature.

V. THE PROPOSED MPPT SCHEME The block diagram of the proposed MPPT scheme is shown in the Fig.6. In this scheme ANN is used to find out the maximum voltage. The ANN is trained by a set of input and output data which are optimized using GA.

Fig.7 The trend of convergence of GA

Fig.6. Proposed MPPT Scheme

The non linear optimization function used for GA is as stated in (9). Find X = ( x1 , x2 ,.....xn ) (9) such that F(X) = maximization of SPV power. The variable xi=IPV, SPV current. The constraint is IPVmax≥ IPV≥IPVmin. Here, xjU = IPVmax=Isc, short circuit current of SPVA and xjL = IPVmin=0.


The structure of the proposed neural network is shown in Fig.8.The training result of ANN is shown in Fig.9. The voltage is compared with the SPV Array voltage and the error is given to the PI controller. PI controller is used with ANN block to reduce the steady state error. This PI controller is tuned using Ziegler-Nichols tuning method. The output of the PI controller is compared with high frequency triangular wave.And this pulse is given to the boost converter circuit to change the output of the system. The proposed MPPT system shown in Fig.6 is simulated using MATLAB-SIMULINK.

Fig.8. Feed Forward Neural Network for MPPT

2011 1st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems

The result is obtained by training the ANN with 250 data points. Table III shows the comparison between trained and expected values. TABLE III COMPARISON BETWEEN TRAINED AND EXPECTED VALUES OF OUTPUT POWER

Pmax(W) Trained Value (A)

Expected Value (B)

Error Percentage (|A-B|/B)*100






























G (W/m2)

T ( C)



Fig.9. Training Result of ANN Block

The simulated output waveforms for two different insolation levels and temperatures are shown in Fig.10 and Fig.11.


Fig.10 Simulation output for G=1000 W/m2, T=25oC

In this paper improved modelling of SPV array has been presented. To extract the maximum power from the SPV source GA technique is used. The optimized values of power and the corresponding voltage values for different insolation levels and temperatures have been used for training the ANN. Then the GA based offline trained ANN is used to provide the reference voltage corresponding to the maximum power for any environmental changes. For different conditions the proposed algorithm has been verified and it is found that the error percentage lies between 0.05% to 4.46%.This error can be reduced by increasing the number of the training data for ANN. The performance of the PI controller can be improved by tuning it by fuzzy logic. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors wish to thank the management of SSN college of Engineering, Chennai for providing all the computational facilities to carry out this work. REFERENCES [1]




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Fig.11 Simulation output for G=200 W/m2, T=31.9oC

2011 1st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems



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BIOGRAPHIES Mrs. R.Ramaprabha received her B.E. in Electronics & Communication Engineering from Periyar Maniammai College of Engineering & Technology, Thanjavur in 1997 and M.E in Power Electronics & Drives from Shanmugha College of Engineering, Thanjavur in 2000. Currently she is pursuing Ph.D. degree in Anna University in the area of solar photo voltaic. She has been working in the teaching field for about 10 Years. She has published 18 papers in National conferences, 12 papers in referred International conferences and 5 papers in international journal in the area of Solar photovoltaic and Power electronics & drives. She is a life member in ISTE and member in IEEE. Mr. V.Gothandaraman, Ms.K.Kanimozhi and Ms.R.Dhivya are final year Undergraduate students in the department of EEE at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai. Dr.B.L.Mathur is a Professor in SSN College of Engineering, Chennai. His Ph.D. work was awarded Sir Vitthal N. Chandavarkar Memorial Gold Medal on Ph.D. thesis adjudged to be the best for application to industries in the year 1979 at I.I.Sc. Bangalore. He has published around 120 papers in referred journals and international conferences. He has 43 years of teaching and R&D experience. His area of interest includes Power systems, Power Electronics & Renewable energy sources.

2011 1st International Conference on Electrical Energy Systems