Oikos 121: 1761–1770, 2012 doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0706.2012.20261.x © 2012 The Authors. Oikos © 2012 Nordic Society Oikos Subject Editor: Enrique Chaneton. Accepted 13 January 2012
Mechanisms of ecological succession: insights from plant functional strategies Valérie Raevel, Cyrille Violle and François Munoz V. Raevel and C. Violle, UMR 5175 Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive, CNRS, 1919 route de Mende, FR-34293 Montpellier cedex 5, France. – F. Munoz (
[email protected]), Univ. Montpellier 2, UMR-AMAP, TA A-51/PS2, FR-34398 Montpellier cedex 5, France.
Successions are a central issue of ecological theory. They are governed by changes in community assembly processes that can be tracked by species’ traits. While single-trait-based approaches have been mostly promoted to address community assembly, ecological strategies actually encompass tradeoffs between multiple traits that are relevant to succession theory. We analyzed plant ecological strategies along a 140-year-long succession primary succession of 52 vertical outcrop communities after roadwork. We performed a RLQ analysis to relate six functional traits, associated with resource acquisition, competition, colonization ability and phenology, to the age of the outcrops. We found the prominence of two main axes of specialization, one related to resource acquisition and the other to reproduction and regeneration. We further examined the community-level variation in ecological strategies to assess the abiotic and biotic drivers of community assembly. Using trait-based statistics of functional richness, regularity and divergence, we found that different processes drove the variation in ecological strategies along the axes of specialization. In late succession, functional convergence was detected for the traits related to resource acquisition as a signature of habitat filtering, while the coexistence of contrasted strategies was found for the traits related to reproduction and regeneration as a result of spatial micro-heterogeneity. We observed a lack of niche differentiation along the succession, revealing a weak importance of biotic interactions for the regulation of community assembly in the outcrops. Overall, we highlight a prominent role of habitat filtering and spatial micro-heterogeneity in driving the primary succession governed by water and nutrient limitation.
Plant functional traits, i.e. morphological, physiological or life history characteristics related to fitness (Violle et al. 2007), co-vary along primary axes of ecological specialization (Grime 2002, Westoby 1998). These axes define different and complementary aspects of the species niches, and thereby represent a multidimensional framework for investigating plant ecological strategies. Consistent or different strategies can be found in communities according to the environmental conditions and the underlying assembly processes (Grime 2002, Vile et al. 2006). Ecological successions have been a relevant context to address the nature of these strategies, as well as to investigate how and why they change with time (Bazzaz 1979, Huston and Smith 1987, Walker and del Moral 2003). Variation in plant strategies along a succession is classically expected along two main axes of specialization representing the plant resource economy, related to nutrient, water and light use, and the dispersal–regeneration strategies, related to seed mass and seed output (Westoby et al. 2002). Positive interactions such as facilitation are classically expected to partly drive community assembly and ecological strategies at early and intermediate stages, while negative interactions such as interspecific competition should become more prominent at later stages (Connell and Slatyer 1977, Bazzaz 1979,
Huston and Smith 1987). The balance between positive and negative interactions further depends upon the more or less stressful abiotic context (Callaway and Walker 1997). For instance, at later stages, physiological stress tolerance is a more prominent strategy than competition ability in cold alpine ecosystems after glacial retreat (Caccianiga et al. 2006). We investigate here the functional nature of an original plant primary succession on man-made vertical outcrops in a water-limited Mediterranean context. These outcrops are vertical portions of bedrock that were denudated during roadwork. Community assembly processes drive the diversity of ecological strategies in a given community according to local and regional environmental filters. Habitat filtering selects viable strategies around optimal trait values and leads to trait convergence (i.e. less variation than random, Cornwell and Ackerly 2009), while biotic interactions such as com petition and facilitation limit the community-wide functional similarity, leading to niche differentiation (Stubbs and Wilson 2004, Brooker et al. 2008, Verdu et al. 2009). Stochastic forces such as dispersal limitation, historical contingency or ecological drift further yield variation in taxonomic and functional composition (Diamond 1975, Bell et al. 2006, Cornwell and Ackerly 2009). Trait-based 1761
statistics are currently available to investigate functional trait variation within communities and to infer underlying ecological drivers (Mason et al. 2005, Schleuter et al. 2010). Our objective was to test the signature of assembly processes on the basis of both one-dimensional and multidimensional trait-based statistics. One-dimensional statistics were used to represent the variation of ecological strategies along a single axis of specialization that represents a ‘synthetic’ trait. We thereby used one-dimensional statistics to investigate whether the ecological processes related to separate components of species niches are different (Helmus et al. 2007, Swenson and Enquist 2009). Conversely, a multidimensional envelope (e.g. convex hull, Cornwell et al. 2006, Villéger et al. 2008) was used to represent the overall variation in ecological strategies along several axes of specialization (Schleuter et al. 2010), so as to highlight the prominent drivers of functional variation for a large number of traits. We measured species traits related to resource acquisition (specific leaf area), competition (height), colonization ability (seed mass, mode of dispersion) and phenology (life span and start of flowering period) along a 140-year primary ecological succession on man-made vertical outcrops in the French Mediterranean area. We identified the prominent axes of specialization and tested their relevance by use of a RLQ analysis (Doledec et al. 1996). We finally compared and discussed the performance of the one- and multidimensional trait-based approaches to investigate how habitat filtering and niche differentiation influenced the variation in plant strategies within communities. We thereby discuss the assembly processes underlying the functional composition of communities along the succession.
Material and methods Study area and selected sites The study was carried out in the Mediterranean region of southern France (48°37′–43°58′N, 3°28′–4°E). The climate is Mediterranean sub-humid, characterized by hot dry summers, cold winters, and noticeable interannual variation in the timing and amount of rainfall from September to May. The vegetation of the study area is dominated by typical French Mediterranean scrublands, i.e. ‘garrigues’ dominated by the evergreen oak Quercus ilex.
We selected a total of 52 vertical outcrops created after rail and road management across a rectangle of 46 km east– west by 41 km north–south above the town of Montpellier, on the basis of four criteria: 1) slope over 80°, 2) Mesozoic superior limestone bedrock, 3) outcrop face over 6 m high and 4) elevation between 100 and 400 m. We devised six successional stages: 0–10 years old (n 7 sites), 10–20 years old (n 7), 20–30 years old (n 10), 30–50 years old (n 7), 50–80 years old (n 11), 90 years old (n 10), on the basis of information from road and rail builders and the ancient administrative maps. Floristic data We counted all the plant individuals found in five 2 2 m quadrats on each outcrop, that is, in 260 quadrats overall. The data from the five quadrats were aggregated to provide a single sample of the species relative abundances per outcrop. Floristic data were collected from mid-April to midJuly in 2008 or 2009, and we visited each site twice a year to improve the detection. We counted 14 632 individuals belonging to 221 species (nomenclature BDNFF V4.02, Bock 2005). Because measuring traits for all the species was not feasible, we subsequently selected a representative enough subset of species for trait analyses. We followed the recommendation of Pakeman and Quested (2007) to include at least 80% of the vegetation per sampling unit, and to cover a relevant enough range of traits. First, we ranked the species in order of decreasing abundance on each outcrop and retained the first ones until the cumulative abundance reached 75% of the outcrop abundance. We further added to the list all the phanerophytes, because they occurred in smaller populations but enlarged the range of traits and represented a significant part of the biomass in the communities. We selected for trait analyses the species that displayed more than 20 individuals on at least one site. Species that were found on a single outcrop were also excluded. The 97 plant species we finally selected for trait measurement represented more than 90% of the individuals per outcrop (13 335 individuals, Supplementary material Appendix 1 Table A1). Plant trait data We selected six plant functional traits (summarized in Table 1; see also Supplementary material Appendix 1
Table 1. List of plant traits used. The sources of trait values are indicated by the superscript number: 1measured, 2local flora (Tison and Jauzein in press), 3Seed Information Database (Liu et al. 2008) and Navas et al. (2010). Abbreviations are those used in figures, n species number per category. Biological traits Life
Data type qualitative
Vegetative height (H)1 Specific leaf area (SLA)1 Start of flowering2
quantitative quantitative qualitative
Seed dispersal mode2
Seed mass (SM)3
Description herbaceous perennial (n 38); woody perennial (n 40); short-lived annuals and biennials (n 19) maximal vegetative height (range: 4.1–187 cm) leaf weight per unit area (range: 0–45.6 mm2 mg21) early flowering, January–March (JM, n 17); spring flowering, April–May (AM, n 60); summer flowering, June–August (JA, n 20) anemochory (n 32); barochory and autochory (n 27); endozoochory (n 11); epizoochory and myrmecochory (n 27) mean seed mass (range: 1 1025–2311 mg)
Table A1), related to resources use, regeneration and pheno logy, which are classically presented as main components of plant ecological strategies (Westoby 1998, Grime 2002). We harvested 10 intact, full-grown replicate leaves per species, and averaged their specific leaf area (SLA; ratio of fresh leaf area to leaf dry mass; mm2 mg21), following a standard protocol (Cornelissen et al. 2003). We assessed plant height (H; cm) as the maximum vegetative height during the growth period (from March to mid-July) and averaged it over 20 individual plants per species. All the replicate plants were sampled on a single site per species. The data for the four remaining traits were obtained from published literature. Seed mass (SM; mg) information was extracted from the Seed Information Database (Liu et al. 2008) and Navas et al. (2010). Seed mass and vegetative height values were log-transformed prior to analysis. Life span, dispersal mode and start of flowering period were extracted from a local Flora (Tison and Jauzein in press) and from the European database LEDA (Kleyer et al. 2008). We considered four classes of plant phenology, namely, early flowering (January to March, JM), spring flowering (April to May, AM) and summer flowering (June to August, JA). We devised three life span groups, short-lived species (annuals and biennials), perennial herbaceous and perennial woody species. As a first approximation, we assumed intraspecific trait variability (Kraft et al. 2008) to be negligible compared to the interspecific variation in a context of extensive species turnover along the succession (Albert et al. 2011). Data analysis Axes of specialization
Relating species traits to environmental information through community composition has been promoted to identify ecological strategies (Fourth-corner problem, Legendre et al. 1997). Doledec et al. (1996) developed the RLQ analysis to relate environmental conditions (R table) to species traits (Q table) through species abundances (L table). This method is more and more used to identify ecological strategies along environmental gradients (Bernhardt-Romermann et al. 2008, Pakeman 2011). In our analysis, the only environmental information in R was the age of the 52 outcrops, to represent the successional gradient, and we considered 6 traits for 97 species. The RLQ analysis was based on separate multivariate analyses of the three tables, namely a correspondence analysis (CA) of the abundance matrix L, a Hill–Smith ordination of quantitative and qualitative data for Q and a multiple correspondence analysis of R using, in the two latter cases, the row and column weights used of the CA analysis of L (Doledec et al. 1996). The overall statistical significance of the link between traits in Q and successional stages in R was assessed by performing 999 random permutations of the rows of tables R and Q (Monte Carlo procedure, Doledec et al. 1996, Dray and Legendre 2008). If the test was significant, the axes of the RLQ analysis provided relevant axes of specialization, and the species coordinates onto the axes defined their ecological strategies. The position of communities on the axes was finally used to investigate the variation in ecological strategies and assembly processes along the succession.
Functional trait-based statistics
Following Mason et al. (2005), we considered three types of trait-based statistics to represent trait diversity in com munities: functional richness (FRI), functional regularity (FRE) and functional divergence (FD). FRI measures the amount of niche space filled by all the species in a community. If the composition of a community is constrained by habitat filtering, the range of available niches should be limited and FRI is expected to decrease. FRE represents the regularity in species traits values in the community as measured, e.g. by the distances in trait values between nearest neighbors. If niche differentiation occurs, FRE is expected to increase. FRE is conversely lower if some parts of the functional space are empty while other are densely populated (Mouchet et al. 2010). Finally, FD describes the variance of species traits in the community (Schleuter et al. 2010). Habitat filtering is expected to yield trait convergence around an optimal trait value, and hence lower FD values. Niche differentiation conversely limits species trait similarity, so that trait divergence is expected and FD should get higher (Cornwell and Ackerly 2009). We further considered both multidimensional and one-dimensional trait-based statistics complying with this framework: – One-dimensional statistics. The functional range of Mason et al. (2005), denoted as FRIu, compares the range of a trait in a community tjc with the range of that trait in all the communities (Table 2), and is a measure of functional richness (Schleuter et al. 2010). Second, the unweighted functional regularity index is adapted from Mouillot et al. (2005) and denoted as FREu. Third, the community-weighted variance of traits, named FDu, is a one-dimensional measure of functional divergence (Schleuter et al. 2010). We calculated these statistics on the basis of the species ecological strategies stemming from the RLQ analysis, that this, on the basis of their coordinates on the axes of specialization. – Multidimensional statistics. The multidimensional indexes were adapted from Villéger et al. (2008) and denoted as FRIm, FREm and FDm (Table 2). We used an unweighted version of FREm, to be consistent with the definition of the one-dimensional alternative FREu. The multidimensional niche space was defined on the basis of all the axes of the RLQ analysis, which together conveyed a global picture of the ecological strategies. The multidimensional and one-dimensional statistics, as well as the related expectations under habitat filtering and niche differentiation, are presented in Table 2. They were calculated for each site and compared to a null model, using a swap randomization algorithm of the species abundances (Gotelli and Entsminger 2001), which maintained the global relative abundances of each species and the number of individuals per site. We calculated the standard effect size (SES), i.e. the relative deviation of each observed statistic (Iobs) from its null swap expectation (Gotelli and Entsminger 2001), SES (Iobs 2 Inull)/Isdnull where Inull and Isdnull were the mean and the standard deviation, respectively, of the values under the null model. SES 1763
Table 2. Trait-based statistics measured at community level. Statistic Functional richness (FRI)
Description amount of niche space filled by species in the community
- multidimensional (FRIm): the volume inside the smallest convex hull that encloses all the species in functional space (Villéger et al. 2008) - one-dimensional (FRIu): the functional range proposed by Mason et al. (2005), FRIu j
Functional regularity (FRE)
the regularity with which functional space is filled by species
Relationship with underlying processes (Mouchet et al. 2010, Schleuter et al. 2010)
low FRI indicates that some of the resources potentially available to the community are not used
max(t jc ) min(t jc ) max(t jC ) min(t jC )
- multidimensional (FREm): the regularity of the branch lengths of the minimum spanning tree (MST) that links all the species in the trait space (Villéger et al. 2008), S1 dist (i , j ) 1 1 , ∑ min S1 S 1 S 1 i ∑ dist (i , j ) i FREm 1 1 S 1 - one-dimensional (FREu): functional regularity modified from Mouillot et al. (2005),
high FRE is expected if niche differentiation occurs. low FRE is expected when species are distributed as separate clouds in the functional space
t t ji +1 ji 1 1 FREu j ∑ min S1 , S 1 S 1 i ∑ t ji +1 t ji i1 S1
Functional divergence (FD)
how abundance is distributed within the functional trait space occupied by species
- multidimensional (FDm): species deviance from the mean distance to the centre of gravity weighted by relative abundances (Villéger et al. 2008) FDm
∆d dG ∆ d dG
high FD (divergence) can result from niche differentiation due to biotic interactions between functionally close species. low FD (convergence) is expected when habitat filtering restricts the variation of traits around an optimum.
- one-dimensional (FDu): community weighted mean variance (Mason et al. 2005) S
FDu j ∑ xi t ji CWM j i1
∑ xi t ji 2 CWM j 2 i1
S: species richness in the community. tji: value of trait j of species i, with species ranked by increasing values of tji. t–j is mean value of tji over all the species. tjc and tjC: values of trait j in community c and in all communities C, respectively. xi: relative abundance of species i in the local community. dist(i,i′): Euclidean distance between species i and i′ in the functional space. — dG: mean distance to the centre of gravity. Δd: sum of abundance-weighted deviances from the centre of gravity. Δ|d|: sum of absolute abundance-weighted deviances from the centre of gravity. S
CWMj: community weighted mean of trait j, CWM j ∑ xi t ji . i1
hence represented the direction and the magnitude of the shift between the observed statistic and the null distribution. All the statistical analyses were carried out within the R software (R Development Core Team 2010, packages ade4 and vegan).
Results Axes of specialization related to the successional gradient The RLQ analysis provided the global ordination of successional stages, plant traits and plant species along independent 1764
axes. The relationship between traits and successional stages in the analysis was significant (Monte Carlo permutation test, p 0.001), which indicates that the independent RLQ axes represented relevant axes of specialization. The two first axes of the RLQ analysis accounted for most of variation (66.3% and 20.6%, respectively). The species scores on these axes represented their respective ecological strategies (Fig. 1), and the community scores highlighted their successional trajectory along the axes. The first axis of specialization thereby depicted a successional gradient from early to later stages and highlighted the continuum from therophytes (e.g. Geranium spp., Sonchus oleraceus and Crepis sancta) at early stages to long-lived specialists (e.g. Arabis collina, Sedum spp., Asplenium spp., Umbilicus rupestris), phanerophytes
2, Fig. 2E). Finally, the functional divergence significantly decreased with time for resource acquisition (FDu on RLQ axis 1, Fig. 2C), while there was no significant trend for reproductive and regenerative strategies (FDu on RLQ axis 2, Fig. 2F). We therefore found distinct trends over time in trait-based statistics for the resource acquisition and reproductive/regenerative strategies. We also calculated the three multidimensional statistics of functional diversity, FRIm, FDm and FREm, on the basis of all the axes of the RLQ analysis, to represent the global structure of ecological strategies along the succession and the overall imprint of underlying processes. Functional richness FRIm increased significantly (Fig. 3A) along the succession, while functional regularity FREm and functional divergence FDm both decreased (Fig. 3B, C). Departure of the trait-based statistics from their null expectations Figure 1. Ordination of traits and successional stages (■ 0∼10 years old, 10∼20 years old, ● 20∼30 years old, 30∼50 years old, ▲ 50∼80 years old, ∆ 90∼140 years old) according to the two first axes of the RLQ analysis. Arrows represent quantitative traits, and the position of qualitative traits is shown by a point and a label. See trait description in Table 1.
and chamephytes (e.g. Rubus ulmifolius, Smilax aspera, Rubia peregrina) at later stages (Fig. 1, see also Supplementary material Appendix 1 Fig. A1). This axis hence represented a ‘long-short’ life history continuum. The traits associated with fast growth (high SLA, short life span) were highly and negatively correlated with the axis, while the traits associated with slow growth strategy (low SLA, woodiness) were positively correlated. The first axis of specialization thus reflected the resource acquisition strategy as captured by the leaf economics spectrum (Wright et al. 2004). The second axis of specialization contrasted the situation of the 20–30 year-old sites with the others, and was mainly explained by the contribution of perennial herbaceous species such as Festuca occitanica, Bromus erectus, Brachypodium retusum, which dominated at mid-succession (Supplementary material Appendix 1 Fig. A1). The variation in ecolo gical strategies on this axis was related to dispersal modes, especially epizoochory, endozoochory and anemochory, as well as to seed mass and maximum height (Fig. 1). The second axis therefore represented an axis of reproductive and regenerative strategies. Change in functional diversity along the succession The species scores on each of the two first RLQ axes represented their ecological strategies associated with the two mains axes of specialization. We used these scores as species traits to calculate the one-dimensional trait-based statistics associated with the axes of specialization. There was no significant trend in functional richness (FRIu) along the succession on any of the two axes (Kendall correlation tests, Fig. 2A, D). Functional regularity showed no variation with time for resource acquisition (FREu on RLQ axis 1, Fig. 2B) but decreased significantly at later stages for reproductive and regenerative strategies (FREu on RLQ axis
We found similar trends with time of the statistics of functional diversity and of their Standardized Effect Sizes (SES, Fig. 3D–F, Fig. 4). The proportion of sites that departed from the null swap model for multidimensional and one-dimensional statistics ranged between 10 and 40% (Table 3). The functional richness FRIu based on RLQ axis 1 often felt below the null expectation, and thereby suggested a constrained range of occupied niches in communities for resource acquisition (Fig. 4A), while FRIu based on RLQ axis 2 kept close to the null expectation (Fig. 4D). Conversely, FREu based on RLQ axis 1 was globally close to the null expectation (Fig. 4B), suggesting a lack of niche differentiation for resource acquisition, while FREu based on RLQ axis 2 felt below the null expectation at the end of succession (Fig. 4E). This smaller than random regularity indicated that clusters of contrasted reproductive and regenerative strategies emerged within communities in late succession (Mouchet et al. 2010). FDu was not different from the null expectation regarding resource acquisition at early stages, but functional convergence was detected at latest stages (FDu based on RLQ axis 1, Fig. 4C). Contrastingly, trait convergence was not found for reproductive and regenerative strategies (FDu based on RLQ axis 2, Fig. 4F). The multidimensional richness FRIm never departed from the null expectation, but the corresponding SES increased with time (Fig. 3D), suggesting an overall trend to increasing functional richness along the succession. Likewise, the multidimensional regularity FREm never clearly departed from the null expectation, but its SES decreased with time, suggesting less and less regular trait distribution in communities (Fig. 3E). Conversely, FDm showed significant convergence in ecological strategies within communities at the end of the succession (Fig. 3F), which highlighted the overall effect of habitat filtering on functional diversity.
Discussion Two main axes of specialization: resource economy and reproduction/regeneration In our study, we identified two independent combinations of traits, denoted as axes of specialization, which represented 1765
Figure 2. Variation of the one-dimensional trait-based statistics along the succession. The traits are the species scores on the two first axes of the RLQ analysis, representing ecological strategies related to resource acquisition, on RLQ axis 1 (A, B and C), and to reproduction and regeneration, on RLQ axis 2 (D, E and F). The statistics are functional richness FRIu (A, D) functional regularity FREu (B, E), and functional divergence FDu (C, F). The solid and dashed lines are based on the median, the first and the third quartile of the statistics, calculated for each age class. The Kendall’s coefficient of correlation of the statistics with age is given along with the level of significance (NS not significant, *p 0.05, **p 0.01, ***p 0.001).
fundamental ecological tradeoffs along the primary succession: first a set of traits related to resource-use strategies, second a set of trait related to reproductive and regenerative strategies. The detection of these independent axes is in agreement with plant ecological schemas that have suggested independence between vegetative and reproductive strategies (Grime 2002, 2006, Westoby 1998, Westoby et al. 2002). The first axis was related to the leaf economic spectrum (Wright et al. 2004) and depicted how fast acquisition strategies at early stage, associated with short-lived species, high SLA and early breeding at spring, was replaced by more conservative strategies of longer-lived species with low SLA at later stages (Fig. 1). This trend in resource acquisition 1766
is consistent with that of other primary (Caccianiga et al. 2001) and secondary (Garnier et al. 2004, Navas et al. 2010, Vile et al. 2006) successions. The second axis of specialization combined key traits related to reproduction and regeneration ability, including seed mass, maximum vegetative height and dispersal mode. The classical expectation was that small, anemochorous seeds are associated in early succession with more frequent dispersal and higher propagule pressure (Muller-Landau 2010), while a higher prevalence of zoochory and autochory, with large seeds, is expected at later stages of succession (Bonet and Pausas 2004). But here we found that herbaceous, epizoochorous plants dominated communities at mid-succession, while more diverse strategies were found
Figure 3. Variation of the multidimensional trait-based statistics (left) and of the related Standardized Effect Size (SES) (right) along the succession. The traits are the species scores on the axes of the RLQ analysis. The statistics are functional richness FRIm (A, D) functional regularity FREm (B, E), and functional divergence FDm (C, F). The solid and dashed lines of (A), (B) and (C) are based on the median, the first and the third quartile of the statistics, calculated for each age class. The dotted lines of (D), (E) and (F) show the 0.95 bilateral limits of the null distributions. The dotted lines are not shown, when they are outside the plot range. The Kendall’s coefficient of correlation of the statistics and SES with age is given along with the level of significance (NS not significant, *p 0.05, **p 0.01, ***p 0.001).
in older outcrops (Fig. 1). For instance, we often recorded in late succession smaller seed mass and anemochory, but also large seeds and endozoochory. Contrasting processes drive functional diversity along the axes of specialization We further used trait-based statistics to assess the nature of the ecological processes underlying trait variation in outcrop communities. We found that contrasting ecological drivers influenced the two main axes of specialization, which reflect different constraints on resource acquisition and regeneration/reproduction. The functional richness of the resource acquisition traits (FRIu based on RLQ axis 1) was often significantly smaller
than expected under the null model, indicating that the trait range could be constrained for resource acquisition in communities, at any stage of the succession. These functional constraints could be related to the stressful abiotic context of the vertical outcrops (Larson et al. 2000). Conversely, the range of reproductive and regenerative strategies along the succession (FRIu based on RLQ axis 2), as well as the overall multidimensional richness (FRIm), did not deviate from a random situation. The functional divergence of the resource acquisition traits (FDu based on RLQ axis 1) decreased with time and deviated below the null expectation at later stages. Habitat filtering was therefore stronger at the end of the succession regarding resource acquisition. Opportunistic ruderal species were most numerous early in the succession, and 1767
Figure 4. Standardized effect sizes (SES) of the one-dimensional trait-based statistics. The traits are the species scores on the axes of the RLQ analysis, representing their ecological strategies related to resource acquisition, on RLQ axis 1 (A, B and C), and to reproduction and regeneration, on RLQ axis 2 (D, E and F). The statistics are functional richness FRIu, (A, D), regularity FREu (B, E) and divergence FDu (C, F). The dotted lines show the 0.95 bilateral limits of the null distributions. The dotted lines are not shown, when they are outside the plot range. The Kendall’s coefficient of correlation of the SES with age is given along with the level of significance (NS not significant, *p 0.05, **p 0.01, ***p 0.001).
Table 3. Percentage of significant communities per trait-based statistic, and correlation of the corresponding standard effect sizes (SES) with age. SES displays the departure from the null swap expectation. Kendall’s rank correlation tests were performed on the SES (NS not significant, *p 0.05, **p 0.01, ***p 0.001). Statistic Multidimensional
Resource acquisition (RLQ axis 1)
Reproduction and regeneration (RLQ axis 2)
% sites
10% 13% 35% 29% 17% 40% 10% 27% 37%
0.46*** 20.37*** 20.25* NS NS 20.27** NS 20.34*** NS
stress-tolerant species displaying conservative adaptations to nutrient and water limitation became prominent in older outcrops (Larson et al. 2000). Conversely, FDu lacked any temporal trend and never departed from the null expectation for regenerative and reproductive strategies, so that no habitat filtering was detected for this axis of specialization. Finally, although not significantly different from the null model, the overall multidimensional functional divergence (FDm) decreased over time, suggesting an overall trend to habitat filtering. The multidimensional functional regularity (FREm) decreased along the succession but never significantly departed from the null expectation. The regularity of the resource acquisition traits (FREu based on RLQ axis 1) did not depart either from the null expectation. Because the
nutrient and water resources are quite limited in the context of the outcrops, we would expect competition to occur, and the classical expectation would be that niche differentiation due to competition increases with time. Rather, our result support the hypothesis that facilitation at early stages and competition at later stages both influence niche differentiation for resource acquisition and conceal any temporal trend (Verdu et al. 2009). Conversely, significant functional clustering (lower than random FREu for RLQ axis 2) was found for regenerative and reproductive strategies at later stages (Mouchet et al. 2010). We indeed found in old outcrops contrasted microsites with species exhibiting quite different traits including height and reproductive traits. An important conclusion here is that the spatially-based functional heterogeneity increased along the succession. Physical heterogeneity of the microsites (size of the crevices, water availability) exists on outcrops from the beginning of the succession. But small specialist perennials establish later in the microsites that are not suitable for generalists (Davis 1951, Escudero 1996). The coexistence of specialists and generalists in heterogeneous microsites could be therefore related to the increasing functional heterogeneity in the context of outcrop plant communities.
Conclusion Ecological successions are governed by key ecological processes including species niche requirements, biotic interactions, dispersal limitation and habitat dynamics. Under the hypothesis that species traits can capture these processes (McGill et al. 2006), a trait-based approach to community assembly is useful for succession theory (Fukami et al. 2005, Garnier et al. 2004). We found two prominent axes of specialization in the context of a primary plant succession from man-made outcrops, related to resource economy and reproduction/regeneration. The functional diversity within plant communities changed along the succession with 1) decreasing regularity and ultimately clustering of reproductive and regenerative traits, and 2) increasing habitat filtering for resource-use traits. These results support the idea that mechanisms of community assembly do not act similarly on each facet of plant ecological strategies (Cornwell and Ackerly 2009, Swenson and Enquist 2009, Kraft and Ackerly 2010), and that spatially-based functional heterogeneity can increase when the successional trajectories in microsites are different (Davis 1951, Escudero 1996). Finally, stressful environments are interesting contexts where both positive and negative interactions, as well as habitat heterogeneity, yield such complex patterns of functional diversity. The prominent forces driving community assembly were further assessed by means of multidimensional statistics (Mason et al. 2005, Villéger et al. 2008, Schleuter et al. 2010), which highlighted an overall trend to trait convergence in late succession, combined with decreasing regularity, and greater functional richness. We finally suggest here that multidimensional and one-dimensional statistics convey complementary insights on functional variation within communities. This framework opens broader perspectives on how to disentangle independent drivers of community
assembly along ecological successions from trait information. The joint use of functional richness, regularity and divergence trait-based statistics helps assess their relative signatures. Because inferring processes is challenging whenever different processes yield similar patterns, exploring several facets of functional diversity is required. Acknowledgements – We are grateful to A. Renaux and V. Pons for their help in data collection. We also thank Enrique Chaneton and Roger del Moral for their useful comments and suggestions. CV was supported by a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship within the 7th European Community Framework Program (DiversiTraits project, no. 221060).
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