Metformin potentiates the benefits of dietary restraint ...
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Oct 28, 2017 - Restraint: A Metabolomic Study ... represents a public health priority. Metformin ... These metabolic comorbidities seriously compromise health.
Oct 4, 2016 - Department of Psychology, University at Albany, State University of New York, ... including bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder (BED), and obesity (Polivy and Herman, 1985; ... Dawe and Loxton (2004) describe impulsivity as having tw
reduced bulimic symptoms in normal-weight adolescent girls and young women (Groesz .... intake of a yogurt shake eaten by women with anorexia nervosa or normal-weight .... etary intake by using a pocket diary for 7 days at baseline. The.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship among dieting, dietary restraint, disinhibition, hunger, and binge eating among overweight.
The present study examined whether restrained eaters relative to nonrestrained eaters show greater preoccupation with forbidden foods than nonforbidden.
SUBJECTS: A total of 553 undergraduate university women with a mean age of 25.0 y. ... Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Flinders University,.
The total grams consumed from each bowl were combined to form one food .... gator weighed participants and measured their height to calcu- late a BMI. ..... expectancies. Psychol Assess (1998) 10(1):49. doi:10.1037/1040-3590.10.1.49. 32.
to this controversy, Mela and Aaron (6) recently reported that restrained eaters are .... for height using the method of Burr and colleagues (25). Blood Parameters.
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Division of Endocrinology, Metabslisan and Nutrition, Department of Mediciae, College sf Medicine, ... mass was also related to resting metabolic rate (8- = 0.42; p < 0.01) and Vo, max (L ... Dam une analyse univariCe, le tmx de mttabolisme au repos
with Stress Fractures in Women Runners. Nanci S. Guest and Susan I. Barr. High levels of cognitive dietary restraint (CDR) have been associated with.
Metformin potentiates the benefits of dietary restraint ...
Supplementary material corresponding to the manuscript:
Metformin potentiates the benefits of dietary restraint: a metabolomic study Marta Riera-Borrull 1,2, Anabel García-Heredia 1, Salvador Fernández-Arroyo 1,3, Anna Hernández-Aguilera 1, Noemí Cabré 1, Elisabet Cuyàs 3,4, Fedra LucianoMateo 1, Jordi Camps 1, Javier A. Mendendez 3,4 and Jorge Joven 1,5*.
Supplementary material and methods S1: Food intake measurement Food intake measurement was performed as previously reported [1]. Mice were group housed and given a known, pre-weighed amount of food in their home cage hopper. Once a week, the remaining food is weighed. Then, new amount of food is administered. Calculations were performed as follow: Food intake = Food provided – Food ingested – food wasted. Food intake measurements were divided by the number of animals per home cage, so assuming a meanintake per animals, and represented in g, although it can be easily converted to kcal, by using data on Table S1. [1] Ellacott KLJ et al., Cell Metab, 2010.
Table S1: Nutritional composition of experimental diets.. CD (Chow diet)