Mixed and Mixed Hybrid Finite Element Methods: Theory ...

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Numerical results: Phase II (2D). References. Homepage http://personal-homepages. mis.mpg.de/fradu/mfem course.html mailto:[email protected]. F.A. Radu.
Mixed and Mixed Hybrid Finite Element Methods: Theory, Implementation and Applications

F.A. Radu Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences Leipzig, Germany mailto:[email protected]


Objective Offer the skills to be able to set, analyse and implement a mixed or mixed hybrid finite element method for second order partial differential equations.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


Lecture organization • Two hours weekly. • Desirable: Some of you to take on from me some tasks in the frame of the lecture, study and present them in the form of a paper. • Exercises: I will always let you some exercises, it would be very good if you will solve them and come and discuss the solution (if necessary) with me.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


Knowledge requirements • Numerical mathematics, → A. Quarteroni et al., Numerical Mathematics, 2000. • Numerical methods for partial differential equations, → P. Knabner and L. Angermann, Numerical methods for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, 2003. • Functional Analysis, → B. Rynne and M. Youngson, Linear functional analysis, 2000.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


What are Mixed Finite Element Methods ? • They are FE methods founded on a variational principle expressing an equilibrium (saddle point) condition and not a minimization principle (conforming FE). • MFEM approximate both a scalar variable (e.g. pressure) and a vector variable (its gradient, the flux) simultaneously; from here comes also the name mixed. • They are nonconforming methods in the sense that the primal variable is not necessary continuous, as in the case of conforming FE.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


History It was first introduced by engineers in the 1960’s to solve problems in solid continua: • Fraeijs de Veubeke, 1965 • Hellan, 1967 • Hermann, 1967

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


Why MFEM Local conservation. → Very important when the equation to be discretized corresponds to a conservation law (usually mass). Example: ∂t c + ∇ · q = f

mass conservation,

q = −D∇c

Fick’s law of diffusion.

(1) (2)

→ MFEM: The equation (1) holds not only global, but also locally on each simplex. → The same property we have by the finite volume (FV), not on each simplex but on each control volumina. F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


Why MFEM An intrinsic and accurate approximation of the flux. → Transport equation (convection-diffusion equation): ∂t (Θc) − ∇ · (D∇c) + ∇ · (qc) = R The flux q is much important than the pressure, a good approximation of it is of great interest. → MFEM: the normal component of the discrete flux is continuous over edges, because the flux is in H(div; Ω). By FE, the flux is only in L2 (Ω)d , so no continuity.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


Why MFEM → Error estimates (Poisson equation, enough regularity for the domain, homogeneuos boundary conditions, regular triangulation, smooth data;): FE : ku − uh k0 + k∇u − ∇uh k0 ≤ Ch MFEM(RT0 ) :

ku − uh k0 + kq − qh kdiv ≤ Ch


ku − uh k0 + kq − qh kdiv ≤ Ch kq − qh k0 ≤ Ch2

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Richy versus Feflow

Richy (left pressure, right flux)

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Richy versus Feflow

Feflow (left pressure, right flux) Simulations performed by Ch. Kohlepp, Univ. Erlangen-Nuernberg.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Richy versus Feflow

Why MFEM Applicable for equations with jumps in the coefficients and irregular geometries. • heterogeneous soil or materials. • anisotrop soil or materials. • sophisticated domains.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Reactive transport in porous medium

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

To describe • Water flow, including the unsaturated zone near the subsurface. • Advective and dispersive transport of multiple contaminants. • Non-equilibrium and equilibrium sorption. • Biodegradation.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

An appropiate model for the water flow in porous media is Richards’ equation (here in the pressure formulation): ∂t Θ(ψ) − ∇ · K(ψ)∇(ψ + z) = 0

Water content: θ(ψ) ∈ [0, 1] Pressure head: ψ Unsaturated hydraulic conductivity: K(ψ) Height against the gravitational direction: z Time interval: J = (0,T) Domain: Ω in IRd (d = 1, 2 or 3)

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

in J × Ω

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

The equation results from • mass conservation ∂t Θ(ψ) + ∇ · q = 0 • Darcy’s law q = −K(ψ)∇(ψ + z)

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

The equation results from • mass conservation ∂t Θ(ψ) + ∇ · q = 0 • Darcy’s law q = −K(ψ)∇(ψ + z) Nonlinearities Θ, K: strictly monotone increasing for ψ ≤ 0, constant for ψ ≥ 0 (saturated region) =⇒ elliptic - parabolic equation.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

• the soil-water retention Θ(ψ), • the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity K(Θ), Gardner

Θexp (ψ) = Θr + (Θs − Θr )eαψ Kexp (ψ) = Ks eαψ


ΘHav (ψ) = Θr + KHav (ψ) =

van GenuchtenMualem

(Θs −Θr ) 1+(αψ)n

Ks 1+(βψ)p

ΘvG (ψ) = Θr + (Θs − Θr )Φ(ψ) Φ(ψ) =

1 , (1+(αψ)n )m


1 n

p 1 KvG (ψ) = Ks Φ(ψ)(1 − (1 − Φ(ψ) m )m )2

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

General model with multicomponent organic transport and biodegradation N mobile species, M immobile species ∂t (Θci ) + ρb ∂t si − ∇ · (Di ∇ci − qci ) = −Ri , ∂t si = ki (φ(ci ) − si ) or

si = φ(ci ),

“ ” ci Ri , ∂t ci + kd i ci = 1 − γi ci max

i ∈ 1, ..., N

i ∈ N + 1, ..., N + M.

ci concentration of the species, si concentration of the absorbed species , Di diffusion coefficient, ρb bulk density, Ri degradation rate, φ sorption isotherm, kd i death rate, ci max a maximal realistic concentration, γi ∈ {0, 1}.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Boundary Conditions ci = gDi on J × ΓDi , −Di ∇ci · n = gN i on J × ΓN i , −Di ∇ci · n + ci q · n = gF i on J × ΓF i , | {z } qi ·n

Remark. ΓDi , ΓN i , ΓF i are species depending.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Benzene Biodegradation

•Water Flow :

F3 days rain, 4 days dry

??? (0,3)

Γ1 ..........



Fvan Genuchten-Mualem Model •Biodegradation : F2 mobile species, 1 biomass


Fno sorption FMonod Model


F.A. Radu


WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

∂t (ΘcD ) − ∇ · (DD ∇cD − qcD ) = −R , ∂t (ΘcA ) − ∇ · (DA ∇cA − qcA ) = −αA/D R , 


∂t cX + kd cX = Y 1 − γX cX



with donator/contaminant cD , acceptor cA , biomass cX .

Reactive term:

  R = µmax cX

F.A. Radu

cD KMD + cD

  

 cA KMA

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

c2A + cA + KIA

 . 

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Benzene concentration at T = 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 160 days

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Oxygen concentration at T = 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 160 days

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Biomass concentration at T = 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 160 days

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Real case study: Xylene Degradation •Water Flow :

F stationary flow F variable permeability

•Biodegradation : F 2 mobile species, 1 biomass F without sorption F Monod Model

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Xylene degradation: variable permeability


F.A. Radu

Pressure Profile

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Concentration [mg/l] profiles at T = 1 [year] (without additional delivery of contaminant)


F.A. Radu


WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Concentration [mg/l] profiles at T = 3 [years] (without additional delivery of contaminant)


F.A. Radu


WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


Applications: I. Reactive transport in porous medium

Concentration [mg/l] profiles at T = 5 [years] (without additional delivery of contaminant)


F.A. Radu


WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig


Applications: II. Drug release from collagen matrices

Modelling drug release from collagen matrices • Department of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy, University of Munich, Germany

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: II. Drug release from collagen matrices

Motivation • Matrix systems of insoluble collagen are a promising and advantageous drug delivery system for prolonged protein release over several days.

Applications • Collagen implants have been evaluated for tumor treatment, bone, and nerve regeneration as well as therapy of infections.

Goal • Optimizing the controlled release from degradable collagen matrices. F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: II. Drug release from collagen matrices

To describe

PHASE I: • Swelling (very short, 20 - 30 min), → free boundary problem, front-tracking method: Bonnerot and Jamet.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Applications: II. Drug release from collagen matrices


• diffusion of the enzyme in the matrix, • adsorption of the enzyme from the fluid to the collagen fibers, • enzymatic degradation of the polymer, • enzyme activity (death), • drug release.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Enzymatic degradation

The general behaviour of an enzymatically catalyzed degradation process can be summarized by the equations:


E + S → ES k

ES →2 P + E k1 = the constant rate of formation of the enzyme-substrate complex. k2 = the catalysis rate.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Mathematical model: Enzymatic degradation

∂t CE − ∇ · (DE (CK )∇CE ) + kakt CE

∂t CES

∂t CK ∂t CP − ∇ · (DP ∇CP )

F.A. Radu

k1 (CE )α γ = − C + k C K 2 ES , k1 α 1 + M axSorp (CE )


k1 (CE )α γ C − k C K 2 ES , k1 α 1 + M axSorp (CE )

= −k1 (CE )α CK , γ = k2 CES .

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Drug release

The model for the enzymatic degradation is validated by comparison of the experimentally obtained data with the numerically simulated data for the collagen.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Drug release

The model for the enzymatic degradation is validated by comparison of the experimentally obtained data with the numerically simulated data for the collagen.

Next step: Drug Release The release of the active agent is governed by a diffusion equation with a source term due to liberation of the immobilized active agent by matrix degradation: ∂t CA − ∇ · (DA (CK )∇CA ) = −∂t (CAi ) , where CA , CAi denote the concentrations of free and immobilized drug. F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Drug release

We assume CAi = f (CA , CK ) • the simplest approach: CAi = σCK ( Tzafriri 2000) 2 • CAi = σCK √ • CAi = σ CK

•• σ can be obtained experimentally (if one considers release from a collagen matrices, without enzyme (i.e. no degradation), the concentration of the collagen remaining in the matrix gives us 0 CAi , and therefore also σ.) •• the form of the function f is determinated by fitting a set of release data and then validated for an other one.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Numerical simulations: Algorithm  n CK


enzyme transport


polymer degradation

coupled solver (Newton)

• the algorithm was implemented in ug. P. Bastian et al., UG-a flexible toolbox for solving partial differential equation, Comput. Visualization in Science 1, pp. 27-40, 1997.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

drug release solver

Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Enzymatic degradation of collagen (left) and drug release from an insoluble collagen matrix: comparison of numerical and experimental results (points).

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Concentration [µmol/cm3 ] profiles of collagen and drug at T = 30, 60, 120 [min].

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

References [1] R. A. A DAMS, Sobolev Spaces, Academic Press, New York, 1975. [2] T. A RBOGAST, M. F. W HEELER AND N. Y. Z HANG, A nonlinear mixed finite element method for a degenerate parabolic equation arising in flow in porous media, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 33, pp. 1669–1687, 1996. [3] J. B ARANGER , J-F. M AITRE AND F. O UDIN, Connection between finite volume and mixed finite element methods, RAIRO Model. Math. Anal. Numer., Vol. 30 No. 4, pp. 445–465, 1996. [4] P. B ASTIAN , K. B IRKEN , K. J OHANSSEN , S. L ANG , N. N EUSS , H. R ENTZ -R EICHERT AND C. W IENERS, UG–a flexible toolbox for solving partial differential equations, Comput. Visualiz. Sci. 1, pp. 27–40, 1997.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D) [5] F. B REZZI AND M. F ORTIN, Mixed and Hybrid Finite Element Methods, Springer Verlag, New York, 1991. [6] Z. C HEN, Finite Element Methods and Their Applications, Springer Verlag, 2005. [7] P. K NABNER AND L. A NGERMANN, Numerical methods for elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations, Springer Verlag, 2003. [8] S. M ICHELETTI , R. S ACCO, F. S ALERI, On Some Mixed Finite Element Methods with Numerical Integration, SIAM J. Sci. Comput. 23, No.1, 245–270, 2001. [9] A. Q UARTERONI AND A. VALLI, Numerical approximations of partial differential equations, Springer-Verlag, 1994. [10] A. Q UARTERONI , R. S ACCO AND F. S ALERI, Numerical mathematics, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2000. [11] F. R ADU, I. S. P OP AND P. K NABNER, Order of convergence estimates

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D) for an Euler implicit, mixed finite element discretization of Richards’ equation, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 42, No. 4, pp. 1452–1478, 2004. [12] B. RYNNE AND M. YOUNGSON, Linear functional analysis, Springer-Verlag, 2000. [13] C. W OODWARD AND C. DAWSON, Analysis of expanded mixed finite element methods for a nonlinear parabolic equation modeling flow into variably saturated porous media, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 37, pp. 701–724, 2000.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Software • Richy1D. • UG. • Matlab or octave.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Homepage http://personal-homepages. mis.mpg.de/fradu/mfem course.html mailto:[email protected]

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Lecture developing

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Lecture developing 0 Preliminary topics.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Lecture developing 0 Preliminary topics.

1 Theory of MFEM exemplified on the Poisson equation.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Lecture developing 0 Preliminary topics.

1 Theory of MFEM exemplified on the Poisson equation. 1.1 Conforming variational formulation and equivalence with a minimization problem for the Poisson equation.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Lecture developing 0 Preliminary topics.

1 Theory of MFEM exemplified on the Poisson equation. 1.1 Conforming variational formulation and equivalence with a minimization problem for the Poisson equation. 1.2 Mixed variational formulation and equivalence with the conforming method.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

Lecture developing 0 Preliminary topics.

1 Theory of MFEM exemplified on the Poisson equation. 1.1 Conforming variational formulation and equivalence with a minimization problem for the Poisson equation. 1.2 Mixed variational formulation and equivalence with the conforming method. 1.3 Abstract formulation of the continuous mixed problem. Equivalence with a saddle point problem.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

1.4 Existence and uniqueness for the continuous mixed problem.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

1.4 Existence and uniqueness for the continuous mixed problem. 1.5 The discrete mixed variational problem. Existence and Uniqueness. The inf-sup condition.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

1.4 Existence and uniqueness for the continuous mixed problem. 1.5 The discrete mixed variational problem. Existence and Uniqueness. The inf-sup condition. 1.6 Error estimates.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

1.4 Existence and uniqueness for the continuous mixed problem. 1.5 The discrete mixed variational problem. Existence and Uniqueness. The inf-sup condition. 1.6 Error estimates. 1.7 Criteria for checking the inf-sup.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

1.4 Existence and uniqueness for the continuous mixed problem. 1.5 The discrete mixed variational problem. Existence and Uniqueness. The inf-sup condition. 1.6 Error estimates. 1.7 Criteria for checking the inf-sup. 1.8 Extensions of the theory.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

1.4 Existence and uniqueness for the continuous mixed problem. 1.5 The discrete mixed variational problem. Existence and Uniqueness. The inf-sup condition. 1.6 Error estimates. 1.7 Criteria for checking the inf-sup. 1.8 Extensions of the theory. 1.8.1 More complicated equations (parabolic problems).

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

1.4 Existence and uniqueness for the continuous mixed problem. 1.5 The discrete mixed variational problem. Existence and Uniqueness. The inf-sup condition. 1.6 Error estimates. 1.7 Criteria for checking the inf-sup. 1.8 Extensions of the theory. 1.8.1 More complicated equations (parabolic problems). 1.8.2 Error estimates through duality techniques.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces. 2.2 Interpolation (projection) operators.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces. 2.2 Interpolation (projection) operators. 2.2.1 Construction.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces. 2.2 Interpolation (projection) operators. 2.2.1 Construction. 2.2.2 Technical lemmas.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces. 2.2 Interpolation (projection) operators. 2.2.1 Construction. 2.2.2 Technical lemmas. 2.2 MHFEM.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces. 2.2 Interpolation (projection) operators. 2.2.1 Construction. 2.2.2 Technical lemmas. 2.2 MHFEM. 2.3 Implementation.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces. 2.2 Interpolation (projection) operators. 2.2.1 Construction. 2.2.2 Technical lemmas. 2.2 MHFEM. 2.3 Implementation. 2.3.1 MFEM and multigrid.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces. 2.2 Interpolation (projection) operators. 2.2.1 Construction. 2.2.2 Technical lemmas. 2.2 MHFEM. 2.3 Implementation. 2.3.1 MFEM and multigrid.

3 Applications of MFEM and MHFEM.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces. 2.2 Interpolation (projection) operators. 2.2.1 Construction. 2.2.2 Technical lemmas. 2.2 MHFEM. 2.3 Implementation. 2.3.1 MFEM and multigrid.

3 Applications of MFEM and MHFEM. 3.1 Reactive flow in porous media.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

2 The discrete problem. 2.1 Mixed FE spaces. 2.2 Interpolation (projection) operators. 2.2.1 Construction. 2.2.2 Technical lemmas. 2.2 MHFEM. 2.3 Implementation. 2.3.1 MFEM and multigrid.

3 Applications of MFEM and MHFEM. 3.1 Reactive flow in porous media. 3.2 Controlled drug release.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

4 Connection between MFEM and other numerical schemes.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

4 Connection between MFEM and other numerical schemes. 4.1 Cell centered FV.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

4 Connection between MFEM and other numerical schemes. 4.1 Cell centered FV. 4.2 Multi point flux approximation (MPFA) method.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

4 Connection between MFEM and other numerical schemes. 4.1 Cell centered FV. 4.2 Multi point flux approximation (MPFA) method.

5 MFEM and adaptivity.

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

References Numerical results: Phase II (2D)

4 Connection between MFEM and other numerical schemes. 4.1 Cell centered FV. 4.2 Multi point flux approximation (MPFA) method.

5 MFEM and adaptivity.

Hopefully we will enjoy it !!!

F.A. Radu

WS 06/07, IMPRS, Leipzig

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