Modeling Patterns for Task Models - Semantic Scholar

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accomplish sophisticated tasks (functional requirements). On the human side, interactive systems have to support – and simplify- user perception, conception, ...
Modeling Patterns for Task Models A. Gaffar1, D. Sinnig1, 2, A. Seffah1 and P. Forbrig2 (1) Human-Centred Software Engineering Group Department of Computer Science, Concordia University, 1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. West, H3G 1M8, Montreal, Canada {gaffar, d_sinnig, seffah} ABSTRACT

Models allow us to describe complex systems at different abstract and conceptual levels, hence amplify our analytical and problem solving capabilities. However, a lot of human effort and experience is needed to build correct models, and to translate them to concrete artifacts; in our case a usable user interface. This paper introduces the concept of task and pattern models to leverage the process of task modeling, and show how it can help build generic task models, link them, and instantiate them more readily. Once seen as patterns, we will demonstrate that task models can be disseminated and reused more easily by representing them as predefined types. Author Keyword

Task models, task patterns, generic pattern types, usercentered design. ACM Classification Keywords

H.5 Information Interfaces and Presentation: H.5.2 User Interfaces: User-centered design H.5.3 Group and Organization Interfaces: Theory and models INTRODUCTION

Generally speaking, a model is an abstract representation of a real system. Using abstraction, we remove the unnecessary, or irrelevant details from the system representation to be able to analyze it better. The same “real” artifact can be presented with several models, addressing different points of interest for different actors

(2) Software Engineering Group Department of Computer Science, University of Rostock, 18051 Rostock, Germany [email protected]

or stakeholders. Traetteberg [20] raises the question: “How can models be used as a representation tool in the development of interactive systems” and presents several points of views associated with model-based design approach. We use this section to demonstrate our work as an answer to his question. Interactive systems entail several aspects of complexity. On the technical side, the complexity stems from the fact that they need to deal with multiple threading, event handling, real time and graphics (non-functional requirements). On the domain side, they typically have to accomplish sophisticated tasks (functional requirements). On the human side, interactive systems have to support – and simplify- user perception, conception, operation and consummation of the system (usability). Adding these aspects together makes it a difficult job to design a successful interactive system. Models are proposed as a way to help in the design and development processes. The creation of various models and the process of linking them to each other is a tedious, time-consuming activity. Current model-based frameworks [11, 17, 18] lack the flexibility of reusing already modeled solutions. Only few approaches offer a form of copy-and-paste reuse. However, with this kind of reuse, the “reuser” takes a copy of a model component and changes it to new requirements without maintaining any form of consistency with the original component [9]. Obviously, copy-and-paste of analysis and design model fragments is not adequate to integrate reuse in a systematic and retraceable way into the model-based UI development life cycle. From this emerges the need for a more disciplined approach for modeling patterns to supplement current model-based approaches by facilitating the construction and transformations of models as well as formatting them to encourage reuse.

Patterns as a Tool for Task Modeling

Inspired by the early work of Breedvelt, [1], we will use patterns as a medium to describe reusable fragments for the creation of several models and in particular task models. The Pattern Supported Approach [7] has also demonstrated the applicability of patterns in the abstract and concrete phases of UI development. In addition, patterns have been used to create a UI multi-model containing the abstract and concrete aspects of the UI, within the context of UI reengineering for multiple user interface (MUI) migration [8]. Therefore, in contrast to Breedvelt, we will use patterns not only as building blocks for the task model, but also for the more concrete models of the UI development lifecycle. The Pattern-Oriented Approach, POD has highlighted another important aspect of the pattern concept: pattern combination. By combining different patterns, developers can exploit pattern relationships and combine them in order to come up with an effective design solution. We will consider this principle and suggest an interface for combining patterns. As a result, patterns can be a more effective vehicle for reuse. Furthermore, in order to select and apply patterns efficiently, tool support is necessary. Unfortunately, the purely narrative nature of most patterns and pattern languages does not support reasoning, decision-making, automatic transformations or model building. In Just-UI, Molina [12] recognized the need for a formalization and tool support for patterns. Within our framework, we will also jump on this bandwagon and propose a possible formalization of patterns according to their target model. Moreover, we will propose a tool that helps the pattern user in selecting, adopting and integrating task patterns to task models. In summary, patterns have the potential to inherently promote the reuse of ideas and knowledge. However, for patterns to be an effective tool for capturing the knowledge, the following issue needs to be investigated: Patterns rarely exist in isolation. Pattern authors have generally put them in collections, generally known as “pattern languages” used for design; or design languages. Rheinfrank and Evanson [15] explain that design languages have been used to design all kinds of objects and services and that these languages are “often used unconsciously, arising out of the natural activity of creation and interaction with the created things. Yet, when consciously understood, developed, and applied, design languages can build on and improve this natural activity, and can result in dramatically better interactions, environments, and things of all kinds”. This statement explains part of our research activities. We identified the problem with ineffective pattern reuse as a difficulty of interacting with the things we created; patterns. As pattern authors have developed different “pattern languages”, the

Figure 1: Languages and the Communicating Parties

mere facts of multiplicity of these languages and their incompatibilities seem to be part of the problem. The user has to define their own “activities” of interacting with patterns; selecting and using them. The user also has to “go shopping” for useful tools among a myriad of pattern artifacts, and see if they could ever be made compatible with his line of work. When the activities of pattern reuse is explicitly understood and defined, design languages can build on and improve this natural activity, and can result in dramatically better interactions. Traetteberg [20] mentions that the role of representing knowledge is both to capture knowledge, and to support the design process. In this context, he analyzes the work of Nonaka [13] to distinguish between tacit and explicit knowledge and suggests 4 modes of knowledge transfer: -

Internalization (creating tacit knowledge by acting upon explicit knowledge) Combination (creating new explicit knowledge by linking existing explicit knowledge) Socialization (sharing tacit knowledge with others through implicit interaction) Externalization (sharing tacit knowledge with others through explicit verbalization)

In HCI, the concept of a pattern language is not different. It can be described as a “way of communicating design knowledge and idioms between design team members” [19]. In an HCI pattern language, this is done using a natural language: something like “Are we going to use menubar or sitemap within the homepage?” where the three italicized words are actual HCI patterns. Duyne [3] explains, ”In fact, though you may not know it, you may already be using some form of a pattern language to articulate and communicate your design”; some form of externalization as mentioned above. We agree that without these words, communication between designers

would be more difficult, but we also believe that there could be more to a pattern language than just that. In our work, we will refer to those 4 modes of knowledge transfer.

Finally we will briefly describe our prototypical Task Pattern Mark-up Language and we will motivate the usage of XML for pattern modeling. TASK MODELING PATTERNS AND THEIR USAGE

One categorization of languages and communicating parties can be as shown in Figure 1. Accordingly, we can see that in the paradigm of pattern languages in HCI domain, the two communicating entities are humans. The computer was not meant to be an entity in this language. Adopting this point of view, we define the issue of this argument as a possible answer to the question: “Is it possible to redefine the HCI pattern language to be a human-Computer Interaction language, and not just a human-human Interaction language?” From the above figure, it seems that moving pattern language from HHI to HCI space improves the level of automation (the scalability) by allowing computers to help in preprocessing patterns for the user, but it also brings less flexibility with it. We believe that while this is possibly true, the degradation in flexibility is insignificant compared to the benefits of automation. By using modelbased approach, the decrease of flexibility can be insignificant (for example by building a well-defined model for patterns and then adding semantic labeling and behavior to natural languages instead of using imperative programming languages, the same pattern can be both machine- and human-readable). As we implemented our models, we emphasized that automation can be achieved using natural languages. In what follows we will define the general process of pattern application and we will introduce variables as placeholder for the context of use. Then, patterns for the construction of the user task model and their application with our tool the Task-Pattern-Wizard will be discussed.

Figure 2: Pattern and Pattern Instance

As motivated in the previous sections, using patterns can be an effective way to transmit experiences about recurrent problems in the software and UI development domain. Therefore a solution should be generic enough to apply to different contexts of use. In other words patterns should be formulated generically enough to withstand variations of context and domain. Before the pattern solution stated in the pattern is really tangible and applicable, it must be adapted to the current context of use. Thus we suggest that patterns contain variables, which can act as placeholders for each particular context of use. During the process of pattern adaptation, these placeholders will be replaced by concrete values representing the particular consequences of the current context of use. In Figure 2 the UML notation for parametric classes is used to visualize the interface of the pattern, which is needed to instantiate the pattern. In particular it is illustrated that the pattern assumes two parameters (Variable “x”, “y”). In order to instantiate the pattern both variables must be assign concrete values. Practically the interface tells the patterns user, that values for variable “x” and “y” must be provided in order to use the pattern. In Figure 2 pattern A has been instantiated resulting in Pattern A Instance. In addition UML stereotypes are used to signal the particular type (role) of the pattern. Often one pattern is implemented using other patterns. In other words a pattern can be composed of several subpatterns. In Figure 3 we have visualized this pattern – sub-pattern relationship using the concept of aggregation of classes. The pattern A consists of the sub-patterns B and C. If we place patterns in this kind of relationship, we have to pay special attention to the variables of the pattern. A variable, defined at the super-pattern level can affect the variables used in the sub-patterns. In Figure 3,

Figure 3: Pattern Interface Aggregation

Figure 4: Interface and Composition of Search Pattern

the variable “x” of the pattern A affects the variables “yy” and “zz” of the sub-patterns C and B. During the process of pattern adaptation, the variables “yy” and “zz” will be bound with the value of “x”. We can see that modification of a high level pattern can affect all sub-patterns. So far, we have shown how patterns are generally applied to models and how they can be aggregated. In the next section, we will discuss how particular patterns can be applied on the user-task, dialog, presentation and layout model. DEFINING THE TASK MODEL With respect to the design of interactive systems, “among all these models, the task model has (today) gained much attention and many acceptances in the scientific community to be the model from which (a) development should be initiated” [4]. The user task model specifies what the user does, or wants to do, and why. It describes the tasks that users perform using the application, as well as how the tasks are related to each other. In other words, it captures the user task and system’s behavior with respect to the task-set. In essence, the system will be viewed through the set of tasks performed by the user, which create input to and output from, the system. PATTERNS FOR THE TASK MODEL

Patterns for the task model describe generic reusable task fragments, which can be used to establish the task model. In particular the instances of task patterns (already customized patterns) can be used as building blocks for the task model. Examples of such patterns for the task model are: Find something, Buy something, Search something, Login yourself or Filling out an input form. A task pattern that is particularly often applicable is Search [16]. The pattern is applicable in interactive applications that manage considerable amounts of data, which can be accessed by the user. The user wants to have fast access to a subset of this data. As a solution, the pattern suggests to give the user the possibility to enter search queries. On the basis of these

Figure 5: Structure of Search Pattern

queries, a subset of the searchable data is calculated and displayed to the user. The Multi-value Input Pattern [14, 16] may be used for the query input. After submission, the results of the search are presented to the user and can then, in turn, either be browsed (Browse pattern [16]) or used as input for refining the search. Figure 4 shows the Interface and the composition of the Search pattern. In this view detail of the suggested task structure are omitted. Here, the Search pattern contains the variable “Object” which is a placeholder for the particular object of information one is trying to search. As mentioned previously, a pattern can be composed of several sub-patterns. In Figure 4 it is portrayed that the Search pattern is composed of the sub - patterns Multivalue Input, Browse and recursively to itself (Search). It also demonstrates how the variables of each pattern are interrelated. The value of the variable “Object” of the Search pattern will be used to assign the “Object” variable of the Browse and the Sub- Search pattern. In addition a subset the attributes of the “Search” object is used to determine the various “Input Fields” of the Multivalue Input Pattern, which is responsible for the capturing the search query. During the process of adaptation, the variables of each pattern must be resolved top-down and replaced by concrete values. The suggested task structure of the Search pattern is illustrated in Figure 5. In order to apply and integrate the task structure the pattern and all its sub patterns must be instantiated and customized to the current context of use. TOOL SUPPORT – TASK PATTERN WIZARD

In order to choose and apply patterns efficiently, tool support is necessary. By integrating the idea of patterns into development tools, patterns can be a driving force throughout the entire UI development process. Therefore, we have implemented a prototype of a task pattern wizard, which is aiming to support all phases of pattern application for the task model, ranging from pattern selection to pattern adaptation, to pattern integration. Our tool is able to read and visualize already existing task

descriptions that are specified in XIML [4]. It is also capable to interpret task patterns descriptions documented in a prototypical XML based mark-up language (TPML, see next section). After parsing the pattern, the tool guides the user, step by step through the pattern adaptation and integration process. In particular after the task pattern has been interactively adapted to the context of use, the Task Wizard will insert the resulting task fragment into the task model.

As we investigated most of the pattern formats used so far, we extracted and analyzed the similarities and differences between them. Our analysis revealed many observations that guided us in constructing the schema, for example: -


In order to model task patterns in a usable manner, the Task Pattern Markup Language (TPML) has been developed. This language is the heart of the task Wizard. We proposed an XML Schema for the specification of task patterns. We will briefly explain the structure of the TPML XML Schema as well as the semantics of some of the tags. The basic structure of TPML consists of five descriptor elements (Name, Problem, Context, Solution and Rational) and the pattern body containing the formalized solution. The descriptor elements are mostly used for selection of an appropriate pattern. Based on these attributes the user can make a decision whether the patterns are appropriate or not. In contrast to the pattern description to pattern body captures the formalized essence of the task pattern. Technically the body consists of a hierarchically composition of Task and TaskTemplate elements. Whereas the Task element embodies basically the XML formalization of an “ordinary” task structure, the TaskTemplate element contains an abstract task structure augmented with variables. These variables act as placeholder for the particular context of use. Practically, during the process of pattern application a TaskTemplate element is transformed into a Task element by resolving all variables and replacing them by concrete values. Besides modeling patterns from their task point of view, they need to be put in a generic form that effectively enhances reuse. In the end, task patterns are patterns that are intended for reuse. To be effectively usable, pattern models should have syntax and semantics. The XML handbook [6] explains that semantics can be further divided into semantic labeling of contents, and abstract interoperable behavior. In the GPT model, we defined the syntax of the generic pattern template, and the semantic labels used for the syntax. Our work on GPT model focuses on the abstract interoperable behavior, which involves the behavior underlying the meaning of some of the tags we are using. We start by some preconditions and definitions.



All patterns start with one pattern name and at least one pattern author. All patterns have exactly one occurrence of the three items: the problem, the context and the solution. Even the majority of pattern definitions involve this triangle in some variation. This makes the common denominator between most pattern definitions: “a solution to a problem in a context”. Different representations add dissimilar items to the three items above. The solution part, common to all patterns, is presented in different -sometimes confusing- ways All patterns have illustrative examples. They differ in where to put them inside the pattern. Some patterns start off with an example as the very first part, while others have their examples scattered throughout the pattern body. Some of the knowledge related to patterns is not only about each pattern in isolation, but also about the kind of relationships to other patterns. That is why most patterns have hints regarding the relationship to other patterns within the collection.

Based on Nonaka’s work [13], we need to present knowledge within patterns in an explicit form. Tacit knowledge is a source of confusion in pattern reuse. While working on the implementation issues, guided by our pattern-oriented approach, we noticed that software developers generally found HCI patterns to be highly informative when presented to them in a concise collection, yet experienced difficulty when attempting to understand and apply them correctly in their development process. They also found it more challenging when they were asked to implement same patterns for different context of use and further for different platforms. Once they were guided through these variants, translating a pattern into a program block or a component was a straightforward task. This motivated us to further define the assimilation data part of the pattern. We divide the information within a pattern into three categories: intrinsic, extrinsic, and assimilation information. Our first category, intrinsic information, is made up of the information and analysis about each pattern independently. Patterns are meant to encapsulate relevant knowledge inside them. The importance of this knowledge lies in understanding the pattern and processing it into a useful artifact. As we discussed earlier, because patterns are documented using natural language, this processing is solely done by humans, adding a cognitive load to pattern users and greatly

reducing the number of patterns that can be located and processed in a certain amount of time. Second we have extrinsic information, which is knowledge about how a pattern relates to other patterns, and what the types and implications of these relationships are. This information does not relate to each pattern in isolation, but to the way in which a pattern interacts with other patterns. This part of the information is generally implicit, and is normally only clear to experts, contributing to the difficulty of reusing the pattern. Experts assume that part of this knowledge is simply “common sense” and hence they don’t bother writing it down. Users, especially novice ones, often don’t have this knowledge. This could mean the difference between a good and a bad design. Furthermore, this might have been a reason for motivating many pattern writers to collect patterns into sets and to show how they might be related or connected together in a useful way. We have also seen patterns for writing patterns, and patterns for writing pattern languages [10]. However, part of this information is generally scattered inside patterns and mixed with pattern’s intrinsic information or implicitly written as recommended clusters of patterns within a collection [2]. Other parts of this information are missing altogether. It is indeed a complex task to connect many patterns related to different phases of design in several possible ways. Therefore, we emphasize that for explicit and unambiguous pattern modeling, and for true interoperability, extrinsic data should be separated from intrinsic data, and analyzed more thoroughly. Defining the contextualized relationship between patterns is a key notion in the understanding of patterns and their usages [5]. For example, Zimmer [21] divides the relationships between the patterns of Gamma catalog [5] into 3 types: “X is similar to y”, “X uses Y”, and “Variants of X uses Y”. Originally, this information was only implicit and was left unspecified by the authors of the catalog. It was later extracted and explicitly defined by Zimmer. Based on his work, we can present extrinsic data as binary relationships Ri from pattern Px to pattern Py in the form (Ri, Px, Py). Likewise, a ternary relationship can be represented as (Ri, Px, Py Pz). At this stage we have not felt the need for higher-rank relationships, but they can be represented following the same concept. For illustration, we define the following types of extrinsic pattern data: -

(Subordinate, X, Y) if and only if X is embeddable in Y. Y is also called superordinate of X. (Equivalent X, Y) if X and Y can replace each other. (Competitor X, Y) if X and Y cannot be used together. (Neighboring X, Y) if X and Y belong to the same pattern category (family) or to the same design step as the described pattern.

Ternary relationships are generally more complex, but the concept of extrinsic data covers then equally consistently. To demonstrate, we provide the following relationships: -

(Combine, X, Y, Z) if X, Y, and Z can be combined together in a design artifact. (ExclusiveCombine, X, Y, Z) if X can be combined with either Y or Z, but not with both of them at the same time. The notation is read as “X ExclusiveCombine Y and Z”.

It is worth mentioning that unlike “Competitor, X, Y”, the “ExclusiveCombine, X, Y, Z” denotes that Y and Z are only competitors in the presence of X. Our third category comprises assimilation information, which is information about when, where, and how to apply a pattern in an integrated design process. This part concentrates mainly on the final phases of a design, where more information about the context and the environment is available. In the end, patterns have to be transferred from an abstract representation into concrete objects within a final product. This is where we need to add some extra information to guide the final design to be implementable on a desktop or a PDA environment. As we demonstrated earlier, we have used variables as placeholders to the assimilation data that can be bound to concrete values as a pattern is instantiated and integrated into a particular design at a later stage. CONCLUSION

Task models are used to effectively represent complex software artifacts. They are becoming a popular modeling technique, but they still require a lot of experience, and tedious manual transformations. We have introduced model and task patterns as a vehicle supporting a more disciplined and comprehensive form to promote the reuse of task models. We proposed and used several patterns to represent task models in a generic way as well as to transform them into a concrete UI. As we modeled task patterns using the GPT model, we demonstrated how to help instantiate task model patterns into final products, and how we can represent patterns in a reusable way. REFERENCES

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