Causal modelling has a long tradition in the areas of AI, modelling and simulation ... At the European Conference on AI ECAI'16, a tutorial is organised about this ...
Network-Oriented Modelling: A Temporal-Causal Network Modelling Approach to Complex Dynamical Systems Jan Treur ( Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Department of Computer Science Behavioural Informatics Group
Abstract This contribution presents a Network-Oriented Modelling approach based on temporal-causal networks. Causal modelling has a long tradition in the areas of AI, modelling and simulation. The temporal-causal modelling approach incorporates a dynamic perspective on causal relations. Basic elements are networks of nodes and connections with for each connection a connection weight for the strength of the impact of the connection, for each node a speed factor for the timing of the effect of the impact, and for each node the type of combination function used to aggregate multiple impacts on this node. The approach covers specific types of neural networks, but it is more generic in the sense that a much wider variety of modelling elements can be used; for example it also covers, for example, probabilistic and possibilistic approaches in which product or max and min-based functions are used. The temporal-causal network modelling format used makes it easy to address complex phenomena such as the integration of emotions within all kinds of cognitive processes, of internal simulation and mirroring of mental processes of others, and of social networks. Also adaptive networks are covered in which connection weights of the network change over time, which, for example, can be used to model Hebbian learning in adaptive neuro-cognitive models or evolving social networks. By choosing suitable combination functions every process that can be modelled as a state-determined system by first-order differential equations, also can be modelled by the presented temporal-causal network modelling approach. At the European Conference on AI ECAI’16, a tutorial is organised about this temporal-causal network modelling approach [1]. Moreover, [2] is a journal paper about the approach, and a book [3] on the approach will be published by Springer in the series Understanding Complex Systems. [1] [2] Treur, J., Dynamic Modeling Based on a Temporal-Causal Network Modeling Approach. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 16, 131-168 (2016) [3] Treur, J., Network-Oriented Modelling: Addressing Complexity of Cognitive, Affective and Social Interactions. Series on Understanding Complex Systems, Springer Publishers, 2016, to appear.