On Building Testable Software Components - Semantic Scholar

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Feb 5, 2002 - Email:jerrygao@email.sjsu.edu ... –Lack of tools for supporting test automation of software components. - Lack of research and experience on .... test automation. - construct software testable components with good architecture.
On Building Testable Software Components Co-authors: Jerry Gao, Ph.D., Kamal Gupta, Shalini Gupta, and Simon Shim, Ph.D.

Presented by: Jerry Gao, Ph.D.

San Jose State University One Washington Square San Jose, CA 95192-0180 Email:[email protected] URL: http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/gaojerry

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Presentation Outline • Introduction • Understanding component testability • Evaluation of component testing capability • Mechanisms to increase component testability • What is a testable bean? • Why do we need testable beans? • Design for testable beans • Advantages and issues • Technology used and status • Conclusion

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Software Components

Introduction Observations: –The quality of a component-based software highly depends on the quality of its components, specially reusable software components. –The testability of component-based software highly depends on the testability of software components. ---> testing software components is very important ---> component quality assurance and certification is very important

Problems: –Lack of research results on software component testing such as test models, adequate testing criteria, test methods –Lack of research and experience on design for component testability –Lack of tools for supporting test automation of software components - Lack of research and experience on quality control of components

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Software Components

Introduction Our major focus ---> how to build testable software components. We focus our study to answer the following questions: –What is a testable software component? –How to evaluate component testability? –How to increase component testability during design phase? –How to construct testable software components systematically? –How to facilitate component testing in a systematic way?

Component engineering needs to concern testing and maintenance issues in the following areas: –Component model –Component-based infrastructure –Component-based framework

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Software Components

Understanding Component Testability Basic concept: In general, testability is a program’s property. A software with high testability suggests that faults could be easily revealed during testing.

•Jeffrey Voas: “Testability is an important indicator for component quality and reliability”

•Roy S. Freedman consider two perspectives of testability: a) Observability and Traceability b) Controllability He defines domain testability as follows: “Domain testability is defined by specifying the semantics of expression evaluation and command execution”

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Software Components

Understanding Component Testability Our perspectives of component testability: –understandability –observability and traceability –controllability In our view: component testability indicates how well a component is structured to facilitate software testing, including component auto-test, component integration, and component-based software testing. The major issue on component testability in current component engineering practices: –Poor component testability

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Evaluation of Component Testing Capability Level 1: Initial - Constructed with ad-hoc testing mechanism, test formats & functions - More time in understanding behaviors, debugging & testing Level 2: Standardized - Built to support pre-defined testing mechanism, test format - Reduces cost on debugging & testing - Extra programming overhead Level 3: Systematic - Designed with a set of systematic testing mechanism - Easy to monitor and test the components - Reduced programming overhead Level 4: Customizable - Designed to facilitate the support of testing functions & customization - Helps to set up testing for component based software

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Mechanisms to Increase Component Testability Three Mechanisms to construct testable components: - Framework-based testing facility - well-defined framework (such as class library) to add test code - simple and flexible to use - needs component source code - Built-in tests - needs well-defined built-in mechanism to add test code - high programming overhead during component development - no external support needed - Automatic component wrapping for testing - component wrapped inside program for testing - low programming overhead - well-defined test framework to interact with test tools

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Testability enhancement mechanisms Testing P erspectives Source C ode Testing C ode Separation D evelopment O verhead for Testing C omplexity U sage F lexibility A pplicable C omponents

Feb. 5, 2002


F rameworkB ased Testing F acility N eeded

B uilt-in Tests

Automatic C omponent W rapping for Testing

N eeded

Not needed




H igh

H igh

L ow

L ow

V ery H igh

H igh

H igh

L ow

L ow

In-house components

In-house components

In-hou se compo nents and C O TS



Topic: On Building Testable Components

What is a Testable Bean? •What is a testable bean? –should be deployable and executable - must be traceable by supporting basic component tracking capability - must provide a consistent, well-defined and built-in interfaces - standardized mechanism to include built-in test code •Design criteria while constructing testable beans: – minimize programming overhead for developers – standardize the test interface for testable beans – prevent adding detailed testing functions inside beans – separate the functional code from built-in test code – should not include detailed tests inside a test bean

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Why Testable Beans? •Why do we need testable beans?

- reduce test costs and enhance software quality - automate component tests •Objectives to design and construct testable beans

- provide traceable, reusable, executable, deployable, testable beans - provide plug-in-and-test environment - standardized the test interface for testable beans - achieve the component test automation - construct software testable components with good architecture

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Challenges in Building Testable Beans –Design and implementation in a systematic way? –Define component architecture and test interface? –Create Testing framework to support test automation? –Minimize programming efforts and system overhead? –Provide standardized interactions between Bean and its supporting environment?

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Design for Testable Beans •Our solution includes: –a new architecture model –a well-structured test interface –a supporting test environment

•The architecture model: –GUI interface supporting user interaction (optional) –Built-in test interface –Built-in program layer to facilitate testing –Built-in tracking interface for tracking capabilities –Built-in tracking program layer to facilitate tracking

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Testable Bean Architecture

Testing Interface Built-in testing code Component Built-in tracking code Tracking Interface

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Test Interface •Test interface supports three basic functions:

- set up a test (test case and/or data) - exercise a test for a specified function - validate and report the test results •We define a structured test interface as follows: –setParameters, to set up the parameters for the functions –runMethod, to execute a given method –validateTestResult, to validate the test results

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Testable Component Architectures

Built-in Test



(a) Component with Built-in Test

Feb. 5, 2002

Test Interface


T1 Component


Component Test Driver


Test Interface Fn

(b) Component Interacting with A Test Driver



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Component Testing Environment A supporting test environment includes five parts: •Testable beans (testable components) •Test agent (along with a testing package) •Component test repository •Tracking agent (along with a tracking package) •Component tracking repository Features of a component testing support environment:

- a test management tool for tests - a component test bed to set-up and exercise test - a component test generation tool to generate test cases

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Testing and Support Environment

Testable Bean

Component-based Program



Test Agent

Tracking Agent Component Test Database

Component Test Tool

Feb. 5, 2002


Component Trace Repository


Topic: On Building Testable Components

Transaction Sequence Testable Bean

RMI Naming Service

Test Agent (BeanTest Agent) Register with the naming service

Bind to Test Agent

Proxy Sever

Remote Tester Interface tester.setParameter (……) Remote call setParameter (……) Return Object[ ] Remote call runMethod (……) tester.runMethod (……) Return Run Status Remote call runMethod (……)


Return Validated Result

Transaction Sequence between a Test Agent and a Testable Bean

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Advantages and Issues •Advantages: - Reduces software test cost and enhances software quality - Minimizes testing cost and efforts - Provides a scaleable model - Flexible to control testing capabilities - Provides a well structured testing package - Monitors external behavior of third-party components •Other issues: –Component testability analysis and fault analysis –Component integration –Software maintenance and support for component-based software –Component behavior analysis and performance evaluation

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Technology used and Status

•Technology Used: - JDK 1.2 for Testing Client and Testing Agent - RMI for the communication •Implementation Status: -A simple prototype tool has partially built, some class-level examples have been verified the suggested model. •Future Work: –Come up with a complete component test-bed technology, applicable to support diverse components based on different languages, technologies, and platforms.

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: On Building Testable Components

Conclusion What presented? –Introduce the concept of testable beans for component design and testing. –Provide an idea and present approaches to build testable beans. –Present our idea and implementation for a test environment for testable components. –Apply the examples using our prototype environment. •Future work: – Build a reusable component test bed to support script-based component tests at the black-box level. – Design for component integration concerning component model, component infrastructure.

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: Design for Testability of Software Components

References [1] Elaine J Weyuker, "Testing Component-Based Software: A Cautionary Tale", IEEE Software, September/October 1998. [2] Jerry Z. Gao, "Testing Component-Based Software", STAR’99. [3] Jerry Z. Gao, "Perspectives of Software Component Testability", submitted for publication in 1999. [4] Jerry Gao, et al, "Monitoring Behaviors of Software Components", accepted by Journal of Object-Oriented Programming. [5] Voas, J. M. and Miller, Keith W.," Software Testability: The New Verification", IEEE Software, Vol. 12, No. 3: May 1995, pp. 17-28. [6] Roy S. Freedman, “Testability of Software Components”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 17, No. 6, June 1991. [7] David S. Rosenblum, “Adequate Testing of Component-Based Software”, Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, Technical Report UCI-ICS-97-34, Aug. 1997. [8] William T. Councill, "Third-Party Testing and the Quality of Software Components", IEEE Software, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 55-57, July/August 1999. [9] Yingxu Wang, Graham King, and Hakan Wickburg, “A Method for Built-in Tests in Component-based Software Maintenance”, Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 1998.

Feb. 5, 2002



Topic: Design for Testability of Software Components


Contact Information: Jerry Gao, Ph.D. Dept. of Computer Engineering San Jose State University Email:[email protected] URL: http://www.engr.sjsu.edu/gaojerry Feb. 5, 2002