14 Aug 2013... help understand forth, see http://ficl.sourceforge.net/pdf/Forth_Primer.pdf .....
6.5.28 KD ( -- ) “Kick Watchdog” ....................................................................................................................... 12 6.5.29 ‘STATUS@’ (-- nnnn) .............................................................................................................................. 12 STATUS WORD ...................................................................................................................................................... 12
8 CALIBRATION CARD ........................................................................................................................................... 13 8.1 FRONT PANEL LAYOUT...................................................................................................................................... 14 8.2 PINOUT .............................................................................................................................................................. 15 9 PROGRAMMING THE CARD WITH A BINARY FILE. ..................................................................................... 15 10 EXAMPLES ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 10.1 AKSET ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
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Document Number : 143.1040
143.1040 MFLC2 Rack Operating Manual
Issue : 1
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations MFLC
Multifunction Load card
The second generation ‘Multifunction Load Card’ provides two flexible 16 bit outputs. Each output can be configured for constant current or current limited voltage drive. Complete RS485 control of the each output channel and measurement feedback. Features: 2 output channels capable of constant voltage or current drive Combining two channels to provide 1 Pseudo Current loop drive Voltage and current measurement for each channel
Specification Description Power supply V+ Power Supply VPower Supply Vd Output voltage Output current source Pseudo current loop output Temperature Frequency Response Voltage source Frequency Response Current mode Offset voltage mode Accuracy voltage mode Offset current mode Accuracy current mode
Min +17 -7.1 +4.75 -1
0 10
±100uV ±0.02% 1uA 0.1%
Max +18 -7.9 +5.25 +15 +/-100 100 40 >20KHz
Notes Quiescent TBD Quiescent TBD Quiescent TBD V mA mA C
Into short circuit See note 1 Without Calibration Without Calibration Without Calibration Without Calibration
Measurement voltage offset ±100uV Without Calibration Measurement voltage ±0.02% Without Calibration accuracy Current monitor offset ±1uA Without Calibration Current monitor accuracy ±0.1% Without Calibration Notes 1) For current mode the frequency response is reduced depending on the load resistance. Loads of 47 ohm will limit the response to 2KHz.
Rack Configuration The 19inch 3U rack provides space for 16 MFLC2 cards giving a total of 32 channels. Each rack requires a MFLC2 calibration source which holds the references for 2.5V, -2.5V, 10V and 95mA. The motherboard provides convenient screw terminals connection for the system power supply, channel connections.
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Document Number : 143.1040
143.1040 MFLC2 Rack Operating Manual
Issue : 1
Rear motherboard connections Motherboard pin
Signal name
Pin 1
Main system supply
Pin 2
Main system supply
Pin 3
Main system supply
Pin 4
Ext rly1
Open collector relay drive
Pin 5
Ext rly2
Open collector relay drive
Pin 6
Out 1
Pin 7
Meas 1
Connected to the output at the load to remove cable voltage drops
Pin 8
Rgnd 1
Reference ground point connected at the load. Maximum of +/-1V from system ground
Pin 9
Out 2
Pin 10
Meas 2
Connected to the output at the load to remove cable voltage drops
Pin 11
Rgnd 2
Reference ground point connected at the load. Maximum of +/-1V from system ground
Pin 12
System ground
Pin 13
System ground
Pin 14
System ground
Channel 1 output
Channel 2 output
Serial communications The MFLC2 has a rotary switch which allows the card address (CA) to be one of 16 cards. The first channel on the card has number 2*CA. The second channel on the card has number 2*CA+1. Serial setup is 115200baud, 8 data bits, even parity, one stop bit There are two system screw terminal blocks on the mother board Motherboard system pin
Signal name
Pin 1
Main system supply
Pin 2
Main system supply
Pin 3
Main system supply
Pin 4
System ground
Pin 5
System ground
Pin 6
Serial B
RS485 B
Pin 7
Serial A
RS485 A
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Document Number : 143.1040
6 6.1
143.1040 MFLC2 Rack Operating Manual
Issue : 1
Circuit operation Block Diagram
RS485 interface
Forth virtual Machine 32 bit ARM microcontroller running at 55MHZ
Test rig bus signals Start input Fault output 2 relay coil outputs
Front panel LED outputs
2 channel 16bit ADC with PGA
MFLC output buffer without current loop Cal input Current loop monitoring
2 channel DAC
2 channel 16bit ADC with PGA
Current output compliance checker
MFLC output buffer without current loop
Relay logic for I/V operation,calibration and load isolation
Cal input
Current output compliance checker
The MFLC generation 2 contains two high bandwidth buffer amplifiers which are driven from a 16 bit DAC. Two 16 bit ADC channels provide Voltage and Current feedback measurement. Precision components are used throughout to provide high stability and the on board high performance processor allows the outputs/feedbacks to be calibrated.
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Document Number : 143.1040
6.2 6.2.1
143.1040 MFLC2 Rack Operating Manual
Issue : 1
Configuration Voltage output Mode
Load current Input signal
To 16bit internal ADC B9, B12 From 16bit internal DAC
B8, B11
LOAD Measurement point 1 To 16bit internal ADC
B10, B13
Signal Name Main Output Sense Feedback
Reference ground
Connection Connect to the load Used to remove voltage drops in the load connecting wires. Can be used to compensate for the output leads voltage drop. Connect directly to load when required Connect close to the load to remove errors due to the output lead resistance
MFLC2 Pin numbers CH 1
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Document Number : 143.1040
143.1040 MFLC2 Rack Operating Manual
Issue : 1
Current Sink/Source output Mode
Load current
From 16bit internal DAC
Input signal
From 16bit internal DAC
B8, B11
Measurement point 1
Buffer To 16bit internal ADC
Signal Name Main Output Sense Feedback
Reference ground
Connection Connect to the load Used to ensure the feedback voltage measurement is accurate. Used to remove voltage drops in the load connecting wires. Connect directly to load when required Used to ensure the feedback voltage measurement is accurate. Used to remove voltage drops in the load connecting wires. Connect directly to load when required
Pin numbers CH 1
Size The MFLC2 is mounted on a standard euro card size: 160mm x 100mm with a 32 pin with a standard 32 pin 41612 DIN connector.
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Signal 18V Supply +5V Supply -5V Supply General purpose I/O 1 General purpose I/O 2 General purpose I/O 3 General purpose I/O 4 RCAL Ground Calibrate output RCAL BUS General purpose I/O 5 +2.5V reference -2.5V reference RS485 B output RS485 A output
Signal 18V Supply +5V Supply -5V Supply Open Collector Relay Drive 1 Open Collector Relay Drive 2 CH 1 Main Output CH 1 sense feedback CH 1 Reference Ground CH 2 Main Output CH 2 sense feedback CH 2 Reference Ground 0V Power 0V Power 0V Power
Commands The MFLC2 contains a 32 bit FORTH kernel with extensions to allow control of the output. There are many support groups and tutorials to help understand forth, see http://ficl.sourceforge.net/pdf/Forth_Primer.pdf Forth is a stacked based language which uses reverse polish. The following commands will be added as additional words. Each command may use the stack to load data and store data. To indicate the stack status, after each word there are brackets. Inside the brackets the stack status before and after are given. n signed decimal 8 bit number nn signed decimal 16 bit number nnnn signed decimal 32 bit number u unsigned decimal 8 bit number uu unsigned decimal 16 bit number uuuu unsigned decimal 32 bit number Eg (nn -- ) ( -- nn) (nn nn – nn)
Indicates the word take off one 16 bit number and leave nothing Indicates the word takes nothing but leaves one 16 bit number The word uses two 16 bit number and leaves one 16 bit number
‘OPEN’ (nn -- ) Opens a connection to one of the 32 channels nn>0 – Number of the channel to talk to. nn