G. Robello, Samuel and Miska, Stefan, Analytical Study of the Performance of Positive Displacement Motor. (PDM): Modelling for Incompressible Fluid; SPE ...
PAPER 2008-132
Improved Drilling Efficiency Technique Using Integrated PDM and PDC Bit Parameters H.R. MOTAHHARI, G. HARELAND University of Calgary
J. A. JAMES, M. BARTLOMOWICZ Husky Energy This paper is to be presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference/SPE Gas Technology Symposium 2008 Joint Conference (the Petroleum Society’s 59th Annual Technical Meeting), Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 17-19 June 2008. Discussion of this paper is invited and may be presented at the meeting if filed in writing with the technical program chairman prior to the conclusion of the meeting. This paper and any discussion filed will be considered for publication in Petroleum Society journals. Publication rights are reserved. This is a pre-print and subject to correction.
The presented method is verified by generating a confined rock strength log based on drilling data for a previously drilled well in Alberta. This foot by foot strength log is compared to a confined rock strength log generated as a follow up analysis by a commercially available drilling simulator package. Also, PDM differential pressure log is generated and compared to field recorded on bottom differential pressure values. In this paper, a method to optimize the drilling operation with PDMs is presented with a field sample application. It is concluded that consideration of PDM performance/selection drilling planning phase will help to perform a safe and cost effective operation by preventing motor stalls and maintaining highest average ROP for the section. It also proves that by optimizing WOB and surface RPM values for a constant mud flow rate and pre defined bit wear at total depth, a maximum average ROP for the section can be reached for any PDM. The PDM with the lowest $/ft can then be selected based on the analysis.
Abstract In this paper, a new drilling optimization procedure is presented that is designed to improve the drilling efficiency with positive displacement motors (PDMs) and PDC bits. This developed optimization method is based on predicting rate of penetration (ROP) from PDM outputs for any PDC bit design. More specifically, optimization is done for a hole section and optimum values of weight on bit (WOB) and surface RPM are obtained for the section. For given flowrates, estimated values of optimum WOB and surface RPM are used to calculate the corresponding motor differential pressures and the foot by foot ROP values. Also, the method is used to show how improper operational parameters selection can affect total drilling time. A case study was done to consider different PDMs with different lobe configurations and a set of fixed operational parameters. From the new optimization technique, a pre-estimated motor differential pressure versus depth log can be generated for the optimized operational parameters. This information can further be used in hydraulics optimization and proper selection of bit nozzles. The optimization method can not only be applied to determine optimum operational parameters in drilling for one motor, it is also can be used to select the optimum PDM to drill a section most economically.
Introduction Drilling simulation has gained a leading position in the well planning and the follow up process. The capability of applying different drilling scenarios in simulators is a powerful tool for
flow rate are its operational parameters. It has been shown that rotary speed and torque of an ideal PDM are functions of motor geometry. The key design parameter which relates PDM output parameters to its operational parameters is motor unit displacement (q0). It is defined as mud volume required to revolve motor rotor shaft one revolution. Having been known motor geometrical properties, following equation is proposed by Robello[3] to calculate motor unit displacement:
drilling engineer to prepare an optimized drilling plan regarding basic criteria such as cost, time and safety. The rising application of Positive Displacement Motors (PDMs) in recent directional and horizontal drilling operations creates a demand for a tool which enables drilling engineer to simulate these operations in a pre-planning mode. Despite of similarities existing between conventional drilling simulation and PDM drilling simulation, there are some differences which can alter the approach and goals. These dissimilarities are resultant of inseparable characteristics of PDM which exposes limitation on the drilling system hydraulics. Use of a PDM affects total pressure drop in the hydraulic system due to on-bottom motor differential pressure. Having improper recommendations of operational parameters, increasing values of this pressure drop can be a challenging problem for drilling personnel on well site especially in the case of drilling harder formations. On the other hand, motor output RPM deviates negatively from nominal values by exerting torque on its output shaft. This phenomenon can result in stall condition of motor even in soft formations, if motor and operational parameters are not selected properly in advance. One of the other limitations is fixed maximum RPM of motor for a constant mud flow rate. If mud flow rate is determined to be a constant value due to rig hydraulics limitations or well stability issues; surface rotary speed should be selected wisely in conjunction with other operational parameters to maintain an optimum condition. Robello[1] showed how ideal motor performance can be studied in conjunction to green bit performance for some certain rock types with constant rock strength values. However, it is more beneficial to have a method which enables the study of PDM performance in conjunction of a certain PDC bit through a bit/motor run due to altering characteristics of formations being penetrated and also negative effect of bit wear on the penetration rate. The proposed method in this paper is based on parallel modeling of bit performance and motor through a bit/motor run. The effect of bit wear on ROP and drilling torque is considered. The main key to connect bit performance to motor performance is drilling bit torque. Based on motor design, exerted drilling torque on motor determines differential pressure across it.
q0 = 0.79
i.(i + 1) 2 Dh . ph ……………………………...(1) (2 − i ) 2
Where “i” is lobe ratio of rotor to stator and “Dh” and “ph” are major diameter and pitch length of PDM stator, respectively. By this definition, ideal PDM output torque and rotary speed can be estimated by:
RPM ideal =
Qmud ……………………………………….(2) q0
Tideal = 3.066 q0 .ΔP ……………………………………(3) To take into account different losses in real PDM operation, some corrections should been done on above equations. One of the main losses is slip flow of mud through PDM. Slip flow is a part of nominal mud flow rate through PDM which is not contributing in the rotation of rotor. It is the result of pressure differences of mud in succeeding cavities; therefore it is a function of the total differential pressure across the PDM. Also, it has been stated by Robello[1] that shearing mud inside the cavities and deformation of PDM elastic stator consumes some portion of generated output torque. In addition, a small part of differential pressure across the motor does not contribute in producing torque. It is the frictional pressure drop of mud flow inside the PDM. When considering PDM application in drilling operations, motor differential pressure and rotary speed are determined by applied torque on bit and mud flow rate in the drilling hydraulics system. Therefore, real motor performance parameters can be defined as:
RPM = RPM ideal − ΔP =
Mud Motor Performance
Qslip q0
T ………………………………………………...(5) kT
Where “kT” and “Qslip” are PDM torque slope and mud slip flow through the PDM. Motor torque slope and slip flow functionality with motor differential pressure can be determined by doing dynamo test on PDM as well as using motor performance charts. It is clear that PDM rotary speed is a function of applied torque on motor shaft due to dependence of slip flow on differential pressure across PDM.
In a Positive Displacement Motor the power section converts hydraulic energy of mud flow into mechanical rotary power, the reverse action of Moineau pump principle[2]. Each positive displacement motor has a helical rotor assembled inside a helical stator. Also, the rotor has one less spiral or lobe than the stator that results in continuous seal line between the rotor and the stator. The length of helical pitch for the stator is bigger than the rotor which forms the cavity spaces between them. These cavities move along the power section from the inlet to outlet by rotating the rotor. Mud flow fills the cavity connected to inlet and extends it by the pressure applied on the rotor body until the next cavity connects to the inlet. This process forces the rotor to rotate eccentrically inside the stator which moves cavities forward inside the PDM. The performance of the motor is controlled by the combination of the rotor/stator lobe configuration and the motor stage number. Increasing the number of rotor lobes gives higher output torque of the motor and lower rotational speed. By increasing the motor stage number, differential pressure for each stage will be less for a fixed motor output torque and PDM can maintain higher stall torques. Ideal performance of PDMs has been described in literature. The main output parameters of PDM are rotor shaft torque and rotary speed whereas differential pressure and mud
Bit Performance The ROP model for PDC bit performance used in this study is a based on the approach introduced by Hareland et al[4]. The general form of ROP equation for a 100 percent efficient bit cleaning is: ⎛ G.RPM t γ .WOBα ⎞ ROP = W f .⎜ ⎟⎟ ……...……..………...…(6) ⎜ DB .S ⎝ ⎠ G is a coefficient determined by the bit geometry, cutter size and design (backrake and siderake angles) and cutter-rock coefficient of friction. Wf is standing for wear function, estimating how much of new bit ROP is approachable by a bit with certain bit wear value. Equation 7 is developed to estimate Wear function based on single cutter experimental data reported by Glowka[5]: 2
Model Application
⎛ WOB ⎞ 1 W f = kwf ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ . S τ . A ρ +1 …………………………..(7) N w ⎝ c ⎠ “Aw” is wear flat area underneath of a single cutter which is a function of wear depth on cutter face and PDC layer thickness. It has to be mentioned that rock strength value in equations 6 and 7 is confined rock strength. The effect of confining pressure on rock strength can be estimated by[6]: S = S0 .(1 − aS .Pc bs ) ………………………………………(8) “S0” and “Pc” are rock unconfined strength and confinement pressure, respectively. Confinement pressure is defined as pressure difference of mud hydraulic pressure and rock pore pressure which is a positive value in overbalanced situation. “as” and “bs” are coefficients depending on rock Lithology. Wear depth on cutter face, or equivalent IADC bit wear, is defined to be a function of removed cutter volume due to friction. Removed cutter volume is assumed to be proportional to cumulative effect of applied operational parameters (Weight on Bit, RPM) and rock confined strength and its relative abrasiveness in previously drilled footages by the bit as:
To illustrate applications of the model, two cases are studied. In both cases, confined rock strength log generated above has been used. The PDC bit is assumed to be same as the original one used in the section. Also, two other PDM performance data, Table 1, has been used in addition to original PDM, motor 1.
Example 1: Motor Selection In this example the performance of 3 different PDMs, Table 1, has been simulated in the previously introduced section from a well in Alberta. Surface RPM and WOB are applied in the simulation using the original drilling data. An iterative approach is used in each step to reach a consistent solution for drilling torque, differential pressure across PDM and its rotary speed regarding applied WOB and mud flow rate data. Figure 3, 4 and 5 demonstrates how these three motors perform in this section with pre-defined operational parameters. Although Motor 2 could penetrate much faster than motor 1 and 3 in the section (Figure 3), it is not a reasonable PDM selection to be run with these operational parameters. As shown in Figure 4, motor 2 maintains higher amounts of differential pressure and it will stall at approximate depth of 3677 ft. Either motor 1 or motor 3 could be a fairly good selection to run in the section with the pre-defined operational parameters. As shown in Figures 3 and 5, motor 1 can drill a little bit faster than motor 3, however motor 3 generates lower pressure drop values.
⎛ WOBd ⎞ ⎛ Sd ⎞ C ⎜ ⎟ .RPM 2 t d .⎜ ⎟ . Abrd ..…..(9) N 1000. 1000 ⎠ ⎝ c ⎠ d = din ⎝ The proportionality factor is a function of PDC layer material durability (Ca) and relative hardness of cutter Tungsten Carbide matrix to PDC layer material. Based on approach followed for developing ROP model, required torque for drilling in perfect cleaning condition can be estimated by: S .ROP + CT 2 .WOB.DB ………………………...(10) T = CT 1. RPM t where "CT1” and "CT2” are coefficients which are determined from bit design, cutter geometry and coefficient of friction between rock and cutters. It is clear that bit cutter wear affects drilling torque which is obtained from the ROP value.
Veq = Ca .
Example 2: Operational Parameters Optimization This example is designed to illustrate how operational parameters can be selected for each of the three PDMs proposed in Table 1, to maintain the highest average ROP for the section. To do this, the drilling operating parameters in the section is optimized for each motor. Mud flow rate is assumed to be constant at 420 gallon per minute. Also, it is assumed that maximum allowable IADC bit wear-out is 1.5, as reported for actual drilling operation for the section. The operational parameters including WOB and surface RPM are to be selected in such a way that section is drilled in highest average ROP and bit wear-out does not exceed 1.5. For simplicity, it is assumed that they are to be fixed for entire section. Optimization results for each motor are reported in Table 2. Although optimized WOB and surface RPM values are specific for each PDM, they will drill with approximately same average ROP (Figure 6) while bit will wear out at grade 1.5. This phenomenon is the key point how operational parameters should be set for each motor selection. On the other hand, maximum differential pressure for each motor can be a determining criterion to select one of the motors for the job. As it was expected, despite of lower optimum WOB for motor 2, it will maintain higher differential pressure values on the system which can be a negative point. The best selection for this job will be motor 3 which will maintain maximum differential pressure value of 182 psi on the hydraulics system in spite of its moderate optimum WOB (22000 lbs) and optimum surface RPM of 35. It is also interesting to observe that running motor 1 with optimum WOB and surface RPM can decrease drilling time from reported field value of 74.8 hour to simulated value of 69.2 hour.
Model Verification To verify the developed models, drilling data of a 6045 ft section of a well drilled in Alberta has been used. The section was drilled by a PDC bit and 7:8, 2.9-stage PDM, hereafter called Motor 1; and drilling data including WOB, surface RPM, ROP, mud flow rate and on bottom PDM differential pressure were recorded for each 0.6 ft steps. ROP model verification is done by backward use of equation 6 to find confined rock strength values versus depth. To do this, drilling data in each step is used to estimate confined rock strength. Then, this confined rock strength value of depth “d” is used to calculate IADC bit wear and wear function for the next step “d+1”. This procedure has been done in an iterative mode to reach reported IADC bit wear out at the end of section. Figure 1 reveals how generated confined rock strength values are comparable to those estimated by a commercially available drilling simulator package. Fair match of model confined rock strength log with the software package values can guarantee that model estimates ROP values with a reasonable approximation. To verify PDM performance and bit torque models, generated confined rock strength values are used to estimate motor differential pressure. Figure 2 compares model prediction of PDM differential pressure and recorded values of it in the field. The is an acceptable match of the model versus the field data.
Conclusions Developed ROP and torque model for PDC bit has been verified with actual drilling data from a 6045 ft section in Alberta. 3
Calculated differential pressure of a PDM is slightly different from the field data probably due to ideal drilling torque assumption in the model. Drilling with PDMs can be a challenging operation if operational parameters are not selected properly considering the PDM performance characteristics, especially PDM torque slope and unit volume. Optimization can be done for any PDM by determining optimum operational parameters including WOB and surface RPM to obtain the highest average ROP for a preset maximum IADC bit wear out. Mud flow rate will affect drilling operation scenario with PDMs due to its effect on motor output rotary speed. Also, mud weight is an important parameter which can change simulation results by changing confined rock strength. The proposed optimization method can be used for any ROP models, bit types and designs. The model can be used in sections consisting of rock with different lithology and strength with different interval lengths. This method has the capability of optimizing operational parameters for different sub sections in a bit run.
presented at the 5th Latin America and Caribbean Petroleum Conference and Exhibition, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 30 August – 3 September 1997. Hareland, G. and Rampersad, P.R., Drag – Bit Model Including Wear; SPE 26957 presented and published at the III LACPEC Conference, Buenos Aires, April 27-29 1994.
Glowka, D.A.; Development of a method for Predicting the performance and wear of PDC Drill Bits.; report SAND86-1745, Sandia National
Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, Septemeber 1987. Rampersad, P.R., Hareland, G.; Drilling Optimization Using Drilling Data and Available Technology; SPE 27034 presented at the III LASPEC Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 27-29 April 1994.
SI Metric Conversion Factors ft ft.lbf gpm lbf psi
NOMENCLATURE i Dh , ph α,γ ρ ,τ So S RPM t RPM RPMideal WOB Aw kwf Nc as , bs Pc C1 , C2 Abr CT1 , CT2 ∆P ∆BG Ca DB G kT Q Qslip qo T Wf B
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
lobe ratio of rotor to stator Stator major diameter anf pitch [in.] ROP model exponents Wear function exponents Unconfined rock strength Confined rock strength Total bit rotary speed [rpm] Actual motor rotary speed [rpm] Ideal motor rotary speed [rpm] Applied Weight on Bit [lbs] Wear flat area underneath of Cutter [sq.in.] Wear function model constant Number of cutters on bit face Lithology confinement coefficients Confinement Pressure [psi] Cutter volume removal exponents Lithology relative abrasiveness Drilling Torque coefficients Differential pressure across PDM [psi] Total IADC bit wear Bit wear coefficient Bit diameter [in.] ROP model constant Motor torque slope [ft.lb/psi] Mud flow rate [gpm] Mud slip flow through the motor [gpm] Motor unit displacement [gal/ rev.] Torque [ft.lb], Wear function
2. 3.
3.048 1.355818 6.309 4.448222 6.894757
E−01 E+00 E−05 E+00 E+00
Lobe Stage Unit Volume Config. Number (gallon/rev)
= = = = =
m N.m m3/sec N kPa
Torque Stall DP slople (psi) (lb.ft/psi) 14.0 -
Table 1: PDM Specifications Used in Analysis.
Motor 1 2 3
Drilling WOB Surface Max. ROP IADC Time (lbs) RPM Dp (psi) (ft/hr) bit wear (hr) 28000 0 545 87.4 1.5 69.2 18000 10 950 84.1 1.49 72.6 22000 35 182 88.7 1.49 68.2
Table 2: Optimum Operational Parameters for Example 2.
× × × × ×
G. Robello, Samuel; Mathematical Modelling and Design Analysis of the Power Section of A Positive Displacement Motor (PDM); Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Tulsa, 1997. Nelik, L. and Brennan, J., Progressing Cavity Pumps and Mud Motors; Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, 2005 G. Robello, Samuel and Miska, Stefan, Analytical Study of the Performance of Positive Displacement Motor (PDM): Modelling for Incompressible Fluid; SPE 39026 4
Figure 2: Log Estimated Differential Pressure by Model and Field Data vs. Depth
Figure 1: Estimated Confined Rock Strength by Model and Simulator Package vs. Depth
Figure 3: Estimated ROP for PDM's by Applying Field Operational Parameters.
Figure 4: Estimated Differential Pressure of PDM's by Applying Field Operational Parameters.
Figure 5: Estimated Drilling Time for PDMs by Applying Field Operational Parameters vs. Depth.
Figure 6: Estimated ROP for PDMs by Applying Each Optimum Operational Parameters vs. Depth.