Parallel neural Circuit SIMulator (PCSIM) - Tutorial - FIAS

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Plasticity and Learning mechanisms in neural circuits. ▫ Spiking Neural Networks. ▫ Simulation technologies/algorithms for biological neural networks ...
Parallel neural Circuit SIMulator (PCSIM) - Tutorial Dejan Pecevski Institute for Theoretical Computer Science Graz University of Technology

FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, Frankfurt, August, 2008

Outline of the Tutorial • • • • • •

General Info: What is PCSIM? Features: What is PCSIM useful for? Network elements: neurons and synapses Scalability: Using clusters for parallel simulation. Python Interface PCSIM basic operations  Creating and connecting neurons  Simulating

 Recording signals  Populations and Projections

• Summary Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Who am I? • Ph.D. Student at the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Graz University of Technology • One of the developers of PCSIM. • Research Interests  Plasticity and Learning mechanisms in neural circuits  Spiking Neural Networks  Simulation technologies/algorithms for biological neural networks

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


PCSIM in a nutshell • Simulator for parallel simulation of spiking and analog neural networks with point neuron models • Implemented in C++, with Python and Java interfaces • High-level definition of neural networks

• Library of built-in neuron and synapse models • Part of FACETS standardization efforts: the pyNN interface • Open-source, free, released under the GPL license, web page at: Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Developers Thomas Natschläger Ph.D. Software Competence Center Hagenberg Hagenberg, Austria

Dejan Pecevski DI Institute for theoretical computer science Graz University of Technology Graz, Austria

Other Contributors: Klaus Schuch DI (IGI), Christian Ernstbrunner DI (SCCH), Walter Hargassner DI (SCCH) Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Feature Overview • Object Oriented Design  The user interface/view is object oriented

• General Communication System  Analog and spiking messages  Network elements with multiple input and output ports  Supported in distributed/multi-threaded mode

• Flexible construction of more complex network architectures  Populations of simulated objects  Projections for connectivity specification

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Feature Overview • Parallel simulation  Mixed multi-thread and distributed  Easy to use, transparent to the user

• Easily extensible  A compilation tool for creating PCSIM extension packages

• Usable as backend component in C++, Python, Java, …  Easier and faster setup of simulations in Python and Java

• Runs on Linux or other Unix-like platforms  can be compiled under Windows (still not tested).

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


PCSIM high-level structure Utilities in Python NeuroML Parser

Java Interface Python Interface

C++ Network Construction Layer

Built-in neuron and synapse types


Simulation Engine



Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Type of models PCSIM is suitable for • Large recurrent networks with simple point neurons  Distributed and multi-threaded capabilities  Efficient simulation engine in C++  More than 105 spiking neurons and 108 synapses

• Hybrid models  Abstract modules (filters etc.) combined together with circuits of

analog neurons and spiking neurons  Extensible with new custom elements  Closed loop/feedback models

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Type of models PCSIM is suitable for • Structured models  Networks composed of smaller subnetworks (Populations)  Probabilistic connectivity patterns based on neuron’s attributes

• Diversity of neurons and synapses  Different neuron types in the neuron populations  Specifying random distribution for parameter values  New neuron and synapse types can be implemented

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Examples of PCSIM usage • Spiking neural network model of the V1 area in the visual cortex of mammals (Schuch & Rasch) • Testing the computational performance of laminar cortical models based on experimental data. (Schuch & Haeusler)

• Experiments to examine the learning capabilities of rewardmodulated spike-timingdependent plasticity (Legenstein, Pecevski, Maass) Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


A simple model represented in PCSIM Model equations dV (t ) V  V (t ) C 2  0 2  I (t )  J 2 dt R


dV1 (t ) V0  V1 (t )   J1 dt R

if Vi  VT then V  V0 , spike

dI (t ) s   I (t ) dt

I (t )  I (t ) w after spike

• The equations can be decoupled into separate simulated elements. • Presynaptic neurons send spikes to the synapses. • Synapses inject currents (or modify conductances) in the postsynaptic neuron. Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Network element: basic building block o u tp u t po r ts n e t w o rk e le m e n t n e tw o r k e le m e n t

in p u t po rts

• Nodes of the network (dynamical systems) • Advanced/integrated each time step of the simulation • Represented by class SimObject 

Neurons, synapses, recorders are derived from this class

• Multiple input and output ports, either analog or spiking. • Connections are formed from output to input ports of the same type. Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Neurons and Synapses as Network Elements • Synapses as network elements are attached to the postsynaptic neuron • Synapses have one input port, no output ports • Neurons have only one output, no inputs • The spiking and analog connections can connect neurons on different nodes

p re sy n ap tic ne ur on

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008

s y n a ps e

p o stsy na pt ic n eu ro n


Built-in Neuron Models Spiking Models

Input Neurons

• LifNeuron, CbLifNeuron

• PoissonInputNeuron • SpikingInputNeuron

Leaky integrate-and-fire • HHNeuron Hodgkin-Huxley Neuron • IzhiNeuron (Izhikevich, 2004) • aeIFNeuron

Analog Neurons • LinearAnalogNeuron

Adaptive Exponential I&F (Brette and Gerstner, 2005) • LinearPoissonNeuron Leaky integrate with Poisson output

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Built-in Synapse Models • Type  current based  conductance based

• PSR Kernel  exponential, alpha,

double-exponential, Square

• Short-term Plasticity (Markram et al. 1998)

• Other Mechanisms  NMDA

(Gabbiani et al. 1994)  GabaB (Mainen et al. 1994)  Reward-modulated STDP (Izhikevich, 2007)  Homeostatic plasticity (Buonomano et al. 2005) 

• Spike-timing-dependent Plasticity  (Froemke and Dan, 2002)  (Gütig et al, 2003)  each pair and nearest

Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise synapse (Destexhe et al. 2001)

• Analog Synapse

neighbour Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Simulation Strategy • Clock-driven simulation with a fixed time step. • Hybrid Integration Strategy  Neurons are integrated every time step.  Synapses are event driven, i.e. they are integrated only after

receiving a spike.

• Numeric Integration Algorithms  Exponential Euler Method  ODE solvers from GSL

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Parallel Simulation • •

Each MPI process advances subset of neurons MPI as underlying communication layer 

spiking and analog messages

Each process can have multiple-threads

PCSIM subnetwork

PCSIM subnetwork

PCSIM subnetwork


• Transparent to the user  PCSIM subnetwork

Default round-robin distribution of the neurons over nodes  Custom distribution strategies  Easy retrieval of recordings (as in singlethread case)

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Parallel Simulation • Why?  Speed-up simulation of an existing model by using more

processors  Enables simulation of larger models: no memory limit problem  Scale up the number of neurons while keeping the simulation time the same.

• Comparison between single-threaded and distributed simulation  < 104 neurons and 107 synapses on a single machine  > 105 neurons and 108 synapses on clusters  > 106 neurons and 1010 synapses on supercomputers?

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Scalability of PCSIM Hardware: 3.4 Ghz, 512 kb cache, 4GB RAM Model: • 50000 LifNeurons, 4.0 Hz average firing rate • 50106 synapses, 1.5 ms transmission delay

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Scalability of PCSIM Hardware: 3.4 Ghz, 512 kb cache, 4GB RAM Cuba Model: • 5000 LifNeurons per node, 4.0 Hz average firing rate • 103 synapses per neuron, 1.0 ms transmission delay, broad distribution of time synaptic constants

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Extending PCSIM • What are extensions? 

User implemented classes that are plugged into the PCSIM OO framework  usualy coded in C++ (can be coded also in Python)

• Compilation of additional separate Python extension packages, without the need to recompile the main PCSIM code. • The extension classes are automatically wrapped in Python

• Usual extensions for PCSIM 

new neuron/synapse types  other user defined network elements  custom rules for specific network construction

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Python Interface What is Python? (taken from • Python is a dynamic object-oriented programming language • offers strong support for integration with other languages and tools. • comes with extensive standard libraries (“batteries included”). • can be learned in a few days. • Many Python programmers report substantial productivity gains and feel the language encourages the development of higher quality, more maintainable code. • many scientific packages: scipy, numpy, matplotlib, ipython, Rpy etc. Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Python Interface • PCSIM can be imported as a package within Python from pypcsim import *

• The model is represented as a network object: net = SingleThreadNetwork()

• Individual neurons and synapses are accessible as python objects. • Population and Projection objects for high-level construction of networks composed of populations

• Together with the other Python packages for scientific computing provides a complete working environment for neural simulations.

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Creating and connecting neurons # Creates one LIF neuron with default parameter values nrn_model = LifNeuron() nrn_id = net.create( nrn_model ) # Creates array of 10 LIFneurons nrn_array = net.create( LifNeuron(), 10) # Connects the first and the second neuron in the array syn_id = net.connect( nrn_array[0], nrn_array[1], StaticSpikingSynapse())

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Specifying neuron/synapse parameters nrn = net.create(LifNeuron( Cm=2e-10, Rm=1e8, Vthresh=-50e-3, Vresting=-60e-3, Vreset=-60e-3, Trefract=5e-3, Vinit=-60e-3 )) ;

syn = net.connect( pre_nrn, post_nrn, StaticSpikingSynapse( W=1e-10, tau= 5e-3, delay=1e-3 ))

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Recording # record the output spikes of a neuron

rec_spk = net.record( nrn, SpikeTimeRecorder() )

# record the membrane potential rec_vm = net.record( nrn, “Vm”, AnalogRecorder() ) # record the weight of a synapse rec_syn = net.record( syn, “W”, AnalogRecorder() ) # record any field in an element rec = net.record( myElement, “anyFieldName”, AnalogRecorder())

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Simulate the model # simulate the network for 1 second net.simulate(1.0)

# or advance it for 200 time steps net.advance(200)

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Accessing individual neurons/synapses # creates return an ID of the neuron nrn_id = net.create( LifNeuron() ) # get the actual neuron object from the network nrn_object = net.object(nrn_id) # Manipulate the neuron object nrn_object.Vthresh = -59e-3

# getting the recorded values from a recorder values = list(net.object(rec_id).getRecordedValues())

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Synapse classes nomenclature • StaticCurrExpSynapse (StaticSpikingSynapse) Current/conductance based?

• DynamicCondDblExpSynapse

Short-term plasticity

Shape of PSR kernel

• StaticStdpCondAlphaSynapse • DynamicCurrAlphaSynapse • DynamicNMDAAlphaSynapse

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Hello, world! from pypcsim import * net = SingleThreadNetwork() pre_nrn = net.create( LifNeuron(Iinject = 5e-8) ) post_nrn = net.create( LifNeuron(Iinject = 5e-8) ) net.connect( pre_nrn, post_nrn, StaticSpikingSynapse()) rec = net.record( post_nrn, SpikeTimeRecorder() ) net.simulate(0.2) print “spike times:”, list(net.object(rec).getRecordedValues()) Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Specifying inputs # Create input neuron which spikes at specific times net.create(SpikingInputNeuron( [0.1, 0.2, 0.4]))

# Create input neuron with Poisson process spike times net.create( PoissonInputNeuron(rate = 10, duration = 10) )

# Create analog input neuron with an # output analog signal specified as array net.create( AnalogInputNeuron( arange(0,10,1e-4) % 1 ) )

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Creating and connecting many neurons • •

Population of 1000 neurons randomly interconnected with 0.1 probability Population of recorders: one for each neuron in the population

# create a population of 1000 LIF neurons popul = SimObjectPopulation(net, LifNeuron(), 1000) # create the projection proj = ConnectionsProjection( popul, popul, StaticSpikingSynapse(), RandomConnections( 0.1 ) ) # create a recorder population rec_popul = popul.record( SpikeTimeRecorder() )

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Random distributions for parameter values • Factory – an object that generates PCSIM elements • Neuron and synapse objects (used as models for creation) are simple clone factories • SimObjectVariationFactory – factory that attaches random distributions to parameter names nrn_factory = SimObjectVariationFactory( LifNeuron() ) nrn_factory.set( “Vinit”, NormalDistribution( -55e-3, 0.1 ) ) popul = SimObjectPopulation(net, nrn_factory, 1000)

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Spatial heterogenous populations • •

Each neuron has coordinates in 3D space The population is composed of different families of neurons (that can be of different type)

exc_nrn = LifNeuron( Cm = 2e-10, Inoise = 1e-10) inh_nrn = LifNeuron( Cm = 3e-10 ) popul = SpatialFamilyPopulation(net, [ exc_nrn, inh_nrn], RatioBasedFamilies((4,1) ), CuboidIntegerGrid3D(20,10,10)) exc_popul, inh_popul = popul.splitFamilies()

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Distance dependent random connections Creates random connections with probability

p ( D)  C  e



where D is the euclidean distance between the two neurons proj = ConnectionsProjection( popul, popul, StaticSpikingSynapse(), EuclideanDistanceRandomConnections( C, lambda ) )

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Saving recorded data from pypcsimplus import * # Create the recording class r = Recordings() # Add the recorder populations as attributes to r r.spikes = popul1.record( SpikeTimeRecorder() ) r.vm_traces = popul2.record( “Vm”, AnalogRecorder() ) # Some additional variables to be saved r.v = 5 # Save the Recordings class to a HDF5 file r.saveInOneH5File(“results.h5”)

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Running a parallel simulation • Change the network class from SingleThreadNetwork to either: MultiThreadNetwork( nThreads = 4 )  DistributedSingleThreadNetwork  DistributedMultiThreadNetwork 

• then run the script with mpirun $ mpirun –n 10 python

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Summary • PCSIM is a tool for simulation structured random neural networks composed of spiking and analog point neuron models

• Has various built-in neuron and synapse models • Supports parallel simulation: distributed and multi-threaded

• Flexible high-level construction of networks based on probabilistic rules • The Object-oriented framework is designed to support easy extensions • Can be used as a package within the Python interpreting programming language, together with other useful scientific packages Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


PCSIM Resources • Web page

• On Sourceforge • Mailing list

• User manual • C++ class reference

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008


Thank you for your attention!

Dejan Pecevski, FIAS Theoretical Neuroscience Summer School, August, 2008
