Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential

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Many phenomena in nature, technology and economy are modelled by means of a ...... 1/ C 1/- dimensional ice-cream (or second-order or Lorentz) cones,.
Chapter 51

Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations G.-W. Weber, P. Taylan, Z.-K. G¨orgul ¨ u, ¨ H. Abd. Rahman, and A. Bahar

Abstract Financial processes as processes in nature, are subject to stochastic fluctuations. Stochastic differential equations turn out to be an advantageous representation of such noisy, real-world problems, and together with their identification, they play an important role in the sectors of finance, but also in physics and biotechnology. These equations, however, are often hard to represent and to resolve. Thus we express them in a simplified manner of approximation by discretization and additive models based on splines. This defines a trilevel problem consisting of an optimization and a representation problem (portfolio optimization), and a parameter estimation (Weber et al. Financial Regression and Organization. In: Special Issue on Optimization in Finance, DCDIS-B, 2010). Two types of parameters dependency, linear and nonlinear, are considered by constructing a penalized residual sum of squares and investigating the related Tikhonov regularization problem for the first one. In the nonlinear case Gauss–Newton’s method and Levenberg–Marquardt’s method are employed in determining the iteration steps. Both cases are treated using continuous optimization techniques by the elegant framework of conic quadratic programming. These convex problems are well-structured, hence, allowing the use of the efficient interior point methods. Furthermore, we present nonparametric and

G.-W. Weber (B) METU, IAM, Ankara, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] P. Taylan Department of mathematics, Dicle University, Diyarbakır, Turkey e-mail: [email protected] Z.-K. G¨org¨ul¨u Universit¨at der Bundeswehr M¨unchen, Munich, Germany e-mail: das [email protected] H.A. Rahman and A. Bahar Faculty of Science, UTM, Skudai, Malaysia e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] M.M. Peixoto et al. (eds.), Dynamics, Games and Science II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics 2, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-14788-3 51, c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011 



G.-W. Weber et al.

related methods, and introduce into research done at the moment in our research groups which ends with a conclusion.

51.1 Introduction The majority of problems in finance involve either maximization of wealth or minimization of costs. Thus, the modeling of financial processes consists of optimization and optimal control in the organisation of a portfolio apart from security requests or pricing and hedging. The present study focusses on the parameter estimation that is a special step in modeling which serves as a link to the overall context of modeling and decision making. Real-world data from the financial sector and science are often characterized by their huge quantity and variation, while serving as the basis of future prediction at the same time. Both the real situation and practical requests are difficult to put in equilibrium [23, 41]. In fact, the related mathematical modeling faces a high sensitivity of the model with respect to slightest perturbations of the data and, in the limit, with non-smoothness. To better understand this sensitivity, we will analyze the corresponding parameter estimation problems by means of Tikhonov regularization, conic quadratic programming and nonlinear regression methods. Herewith, we offer an a priori approach to stochastic differential equations (SDEs) inspired by the martingale method in portfolio optimization. The entire problem is described by three phases, ordered in some sequel: an optimization problem, a representation problem (portfolio optimization) and a parameter estimation which can be done at the first or at the last level. As a preparation, a brief introduction into our regression method is given from statistical learning called additive models, which we will then be evaluated by continuous optimization. Then, using modern methods of regularization and optimization, we will apply them to SDEs addressing both the linear and nonlinear case of parameter estimation. Various examples are given for the nonlinear case, especially referring to interest rate models. By all of this, our more theoretical paper recalls and improves the scientific results in the pioneering articles [40, 43], and addresses them to a wider community. This contribution is organized as follows: In Sect. 51.2 we introduce additive models with a classical tool, which we then apply on stochastic differential equations, presented, treated and optimized in Sect. 51.3. Then, in Sect. 51.4, we apply Tikhonov regularization and conic quadratic programming on our equations. The following Sect. 51.5 is devoted nonlinear parameter estimation. Section 51.6 deals with cases of continuous time one-factor interest rate models. Then, further, nonparametric methods are the subject of Sect. 51.7, before Sect. 51.8 offers other recent investigations in our research groups. In Sect. 51.9 we conclude.


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


51.2 Classical Additive Models An additive model [10] is a special regression model to estimate an additive approximation of the multivariate regression function. For N observations on a response (or dependent) variable Y , denoted by y D .y1 ; y2 ; : : : ; yN /T measured at N design vectors xi D .xi1 ; xi 2 ; : : : ; xi m /T , the additive model is defined by Y D ˇ0 C

m X

fj .Xj / C ";

j D1

with an error (or noise) " being independent of the factors Xj , E."/ D 0 and Var."/ D 2 [19]. The functions fj are arbitrary unknown, univariate functions which are, mostly, considered to be splines. We denote by fjO . The  the estimates standard convention consists in assuming at Xj that E fj .Xj / D 0, since otherwise there will be a free constant in each of the functions [19]; the intercept (bias) ˇ0 summarizes all those constants.

51.2.1 Estimation Equations for Additive Model Additive models are mainly used as data analytic tool. Each function is estimated by an algorithm proposed by Friedman and Stuetzle [16], called backfitting (or Gauss– Seidel) algorithm. We estimate ˇ0 by the mean of the response variable Y , i.e., ˇO0 D E.Y /. This procedure depends on the partial residual against Xj , rj D Y  ˇO0 


fkO .Xk /;


and it consists of estimating each ˇ smooth function by holding all the other ones fixed [19, 23]. This yields E.rj ˇXj / D fjO .Xj /, which minimizes E Y  ˇO0  2 Pm fjO .Xj / [16, 18]. j D1

51.2.2 On the Theoretical and Practical Background This study is motivated by the financial mathematics of stochastic differential equations. It is a very hard challenge to find such models of reality as an approximation based on data from the sector of finance. These equations can be, e.g., about processes of prices, interest rates and volatility, about underlyings and derivatives of different kinds as well. The financial data used are usually characterized by noise


G.-W. Weber et al.

and a high variation of their values; this fact is a great obstacle for any modelling (data fitting) which should be stable against small perturbations, such as noise, in the data, i.e., it should reveal a very modest complexity [42]. We aim at these goals in a balanced way, by using theories of inverse problems and continuous, actually, convex optimization with a very characteristic global structure which is generated and represented by quadratic cones. This treatment demonstrates and proposes for our problem the use and benefit of a closed mathematical approach which is called model based, in contrast to model free approaches from statistics which are of a more adaptive and heuristic nature [19]. For example, the backfitting (Gauss–Seidel) algorithm and the MARS algorithm from statistical learning in additive, generalized and multiplicative models reveal that nature [19, 51]. Our new mathematical approach in the areas of these models proved to be successful and really competitive with traditional statistical methods, as demonstrated for the prediction of credit default and for quality analysis and control in manufacturing [20, 51].

51.2.3 Closer Explanations on the Optimization and Computational Methods Least-squares estimation, i.e., the minimization of the residual sum of squares between the left- and right-hand sides of a time-discretized stochastic differential equation (SDE) is needed to model such an SDE. In fact, we embed this SDE into a common context together with portfolio optimization. This context turns out to be a multi-stage problem. Our least-squares estimation takes two formes discussed by us, on one hand, a linear regression, after having introduced linear combinations of spline functions to represent model functions in the SDE, and, on the other hand, a nonlinear regression, in the presence of nonlinear parametric dependencies and subtle compositions. Here linear regression techniques will be used in each iteration of the nonlinear method to find the appropriate step (see Sect. 51.5). Actually, besides of that parameter estimation which aims at accuracy, we also have another target, which consists in a smallest possible complexity of the model or, equivalently, in stability. Both goals are firstly combined in the tradeoff that is given in the form of a penalized problem, i.e., of minimizing the residual sum of squares. Numerical methods which can be applied here are usually called exterior point methods [26]. In fact, since then we unify some discretized complexity (or energy) terms and include them into an inequality constraint, where we impose a bound on it, we obtain a conic quadratic programming problem on which we can apply interior point methods [28]. Our main approach to exterior point methods is given by Tikhonov regularization from the theory of inverse problems. For this kind of stabilization the program package of MATLAB Regularization Toolbox is provided; it strongly uses the techniques of singular value decomposition, including


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


“truncation” and “filtering” [2]. These two approaches both the interior and the exterior one, are equivalent under a suitable constellation of the corresponding two parameters, namely, the penalty (or smoothing) parameter and the upper bound in the constraint [2]. In our study, we prefer to employ interior points methods (IPMs) which we apply on our conic quadratic programming problem, e.g., via the program package MOSEK (for various applications see [51]). Herewith, we exploit the fact that conic programs are well-structured convex problems, which are a very powerful model-based approach that enables us to benefit from the efficiency of IPMs [28].

51.3 Equations and their Optimization 51.3.1 A Short Introduction The concept of stochastic differential equation (SDE) extends the concept of ordinary differential equation to stochastic processes. Stochastic differential equations come into operation to simulate ordinary, predictable, processes those are additionally affected by outer perturbation (noise). As in the deterministic case, in the case of stochastic processes we aim at a relationship between value and future trend (derivative) of a function. For, ˆIto processes are nowhere differentiable, initially, a derivative of a process causes problems. However, an ordinary differential equation dxt D a .t; xt / dt is equivalent to an integral equation Z


xt D x0 C

a.; x / d: 0

The latter formulation does not need the derivative’s term. Thus, in the case of stochastic differential equations Xt D a .t; Xt / C b.t; Xt /

dWt ; dt

where a.t; Xt / denotes the deterministic, b.t; Xt /  dWt =dt the stochastic influence (noise) and .Wt /t 0 a continuous martingale, it makes more sense to define the SDE by reference to the corresponding integral equation Z




a ; X d C

Xt D X0 C 0

where the latter expression is an ˆIto integral.


 b ; X dW ;


G.-W. Weber et al.

51.3.2 A Special Approach to Financial Processes Many phenomena in nature, technology and economy are modelled by means of a deterministic differential equation with initial value x0 2 IR: (

xP WD dx=dt D a.x; t/; x.0/ D x0 :

However, this modeling omits stochastic fluctuations and is not appropriate for, e.g., stock prices, population dynamics and biometry to name a few. To consider stochastic movements, stochastic differential equations (SDEs) are used since they arise in modeling many phenomena, such as random dynamics in the physical, biological and social sciences, in engineering and economy. Solutions of these equations are often diffusion processes and, hence, they are connected to the subject of partial differential equations. We try to find a solution for these equations by an additive approximation (cf. Sect. 51.3.3), which is very famous in the statistical area, using spline functions. Typically, a stochastic differential equation, equipped with an initial value, is given by ( t 2 Œ0; 1/; XP .t/ D a.X; t/ C b.X; t/ıt (51.1) X.0/ D x0 ; here, a is the deterministic part, bıt is the stochastic part, and ıt denotes a generalized stochastic process [22,32]. An example of a generalized stochastic processes is white noise. For a generalized stochastic processes, derivatives of any order can be defined. Suppose that Wt is a generalized version of a Wiener process which is used to model the motion of stock prices, which instantly responds to the numerous arising and, actually, emerging information. A one-dimensional Wiener process (or a Brownian motion) is a time continuous process satisfying the following properties: (a) W0 D 0, with probability one. (b) Wt  Ws N.0; t  s/ for all s; t with 0  s < t  T . Here, we speak about stationary increments. (c) All increments Wt WD Wt Ct  Wt on nonoverlapping time intervals are independent. That is, the displacements Wt2  Wt1 and Wt4  Wt3 are independent for all 0  t1 < t2  t3 < t4 . From a. we learn that, especially, Wt N.0; t/ for all 0  t  T ; i.e., for each t the random variable t is normally distributed with mean E .Wt / D 0 and  W variance Var .Wt / D E Wt2 D t. A multi-dimensional Wiener process can be similarly defined. Usually a Wiener process is differentiable almost nowhere. To obtain our approximate and, then, smoothened model, we treat Wt as if it was differentiable (a first approach widespread in literature). Then, white noise ıt is defined as ıt D WP t D dWt =dt and a Wiener process can be got by smoothing the white noise. As a Wiener process is nowhere differentiable, to obtain an approximation of the


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


SDE model we replace in (51.1) ıt with dWt =dt by treating the time interval as continuous, i.e., t ! 0, and thus Wt as differentiable, the following SDE can be rewritten as dXt D a.Xt ; t/dt C b.Xt ; t/dWt ;


here, a .Xt ; t/ and b .Xt ; t/ are drift and diffusion term, respectively, and Xt is a solution. We approximate the solution through discretization of SDE. Some popular SDE models are listed in Table 51.1. The parameter estimation of the diffusion processes of discrete-time observations should ideally be based on a likelihood function. If the transition densities of X are known, one can use a likelihood function. The transition densities of X are usually unknown and, thus, it has to be approximated, but this is proven to be quite computer intensive. As alternative one can approximate the log-likelihood function based on the continuous observation of X . The maximizer of the approximate log-likelihood function will provide the approximate maximum likelihood estimator (AMLE) [6]. However, the previous works [17, 33] employed methods for maximum likelihood estimation. In [33] it is explained the oscillations of glycemia in response to hyperinsulinization by extending a system of ordinary differential equation (ODE) to a system of stochastic differential equations (SDE). The parameters estimated for the ODE were based on Iteratively Weighted Least Squares (IRWLS) method. The stochastic model of Euglycemic Hyperinsulinemic Clamp (EHC) was fitted to the data and the system noise was estimated by a simulated maximum likelihood procedure. The system noise estimates were found non-negligible and robust to changes in measurement error values. They concluded that the explicit expression of system noise was physiologically relevant since the glucose uptake rate is affected by a host of additive influences. In [17] it is examined the main probabilistic characteristics and described an explicit expression of the trends and the stationary distribution of the model based on the homogeneous Rayleigh diffusion process. They estimated the maximum likelihood parameters and simulated the stochastic sample path of the model on the corresponding ˆIto stochastic differential equation. The model was applied to study the evolution of thermal electricity in Maghribi. Other methods are methods of moments [30], filtering, e.g., extended Kalman filter [29] and non-linear least squares [24]. One of the drawbacks of the classical least squares and maximum likelihood method is its inadequacy for simultaneous estimation of the drift and diffusion parameters while in methods of moments the sample is not used efficiently. Many of the analytical solutions of SDE are unknown, we have to approximate the true solution through discretization of SDE.

51.3.3 Discretization of SDE A number of discretization schemes available for the SDE (51.2) among others are Euler–Maruyama, Milstein and Runge–Kutta [22]. We choose the Milstein scheme

Logistic  diffusion drt D ˛rt  ˇXt2 dt C rt dWt

Hyperbolic diffusion drt D ˛ p rt 2 dt C dWt

Kessler–Sørensen drt D  tan rt dt C dWt


Gompertz diffusion p drt D .˛rt  ˇrt log rt / dt C 2 rt dWt

Ornstein–Uhlenbeck  dXt D ˛Xt1  Xt dt C dWt

Nonlinear drift term

Black–Scholes dXt D ˇXt C Xt dWt

Ornstein–Uhlenbeck drt D ˇrt dt C dWt

Linear drift term

Linear diffusion term

Bachelier drt D ˇ dt C dWt

Constant drift term

Table 51.1 Popular SDE models Constant diffusion term

Ornstein–Uhlenbeck p drt D .1 C 2ˇrt / dt C 2 rt dWt

Chan–Karloyi–Logstaff–Sanders  drt D .  rt / dt C rt dWt

Feller/Cox–Ingersoll–Ross dXt D .˛  ˇXt / dt C dWt

Nonlinear diffusion term

710 G.-W. Weber et al.


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


because it has a strong order of convergence compared with Euler–Maruyama and it is easier compared with Runge–Kutta. Then, we represent an approximation XOtj , in short: XOj .j 2 IN/, of the process Xt by  

XO j C1 D XO j C a XO j ; tj tj C1  tj C b XOj ; tj Wj C1  Wj

 2  1 Wj C1  Wj  tj C1  tj ; (51.3) C .b 0 b/ XOj ; tj 2 where the prime “ 0 ” denotes the derivative with respect to t. Particularly referring to the finitely many sample (data) points .X j ; t j / .j D 1; 2; : : : ; N /, we obtain !  Wj .Wj /2  1 0  P Xj D a Xj ; tj C b Xj ; tj C .b b/ X j ; t j  1 ; (51.4) 2 hj hj P represents difference quotients raised on the j th data value where the value X j X j and on step lengths t j D hj WD t j C1  t j between neighboring sampling times: 8 X X ˆ < j C1 j ; if j D 1; 2; : : : ; N  1; hj P X j WD ˆ : X N X N 1 ; if j D N: hN

The relations (51.4) cannot be expected to hold in an exact sense, since they include real data, but we satisfy them best in the approximate sense of residual sums of squares (RSS), also called least squares of errors. For the ease of exposition, we write “D” instead of the approximation symbol “”. We will study the minimization of RSS in Sect. 51.3.4, where we combine it with the need for regularization and speak about PRSS (“P ” abbreviating penalized). As Wt N.0; t/, the increments Wj are independent on non-overlapping intervals and moreover, Var.W j / D t j , hence, the increments having normal distribution can be simulated with the help of standard normal distributed random numbers Z j . Herewith, we obtain a discrete model for a Wiener process: W j D Z j

q t j ;

Z j N.0; 1/:


Inserting this value in our discretized equation, we receive 2  1 Zj P D a X ; t C b X ; t q X C .b 0 b/ X j ; t j Z j  1 ; (51.6) j j j j j 2 hj what we abbreviate by

P D G C H c C H 0H d X j j j j j j j



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2  with cj WD Zj = hj , dj WD 1=2 Z j  1 , G j WD a X j ; t j and H j WD  b X j ; t j . To determine the unknown values of G j and H j , we consider the following optimization problem: min


0 2 X  P X j  G j C H j cj C Hj H j dj  ; 2

j D1


where the vector  comprises all the parameters in the Milstein model. We point out that also vector-valued processes could be studied, referring to sums of terms in the Euclidean norm k  k22 . We note that data from the stock markets, but also from other sources of information or communication, have a high variation; we shall take this carefully into account, subsequently, in terms of regularization. Now, we have to employ a parameter estimation method which will at the same time control that high variation and give a smoother approximation to the data. Splines are more flexible and they allow us to avoid large oscillation which may be permitted by high-degree polynomial approximation and based on strongly varying data or outliers existing. Here, one sometimes speaks also of overfitting; we want to prevent from that. Let us call that splines from finite dimensional spline spaces can be described as linear combinations of basis splines and that they approximate the data .XP j ; t j / smoothly. For this reason we approximate each function underlying the numbers 0 G j D a.X j ; t j /, H j D b.X j ; t j / and F j D Hj H j in an additive way established on basis splines and then introduce a regularization. This treatment is very useful for the stability of the model in the presence of the many and highly varying data. Let us use basis splines for each function establishing an additive separation of variables (coordinates); e.g., in equation (7): d


2 2 X p X X    G j D a X j ; t j D ˛0 C fp U j;p D ˛0 C ˛pl Bpl U j;p ; pD1

 H j cj D b X j ; t j cj D ˇ0 C

2 X

pD1 lD1 h

dr 2 X X   gr U j;r D ˇ0 C ˇrm Crm U j;r ;


rD1 mD1 f

2 2 X s X X     F j dj D b 0 b X j ; t j dj D ' 0 C hs U j;s D '0 C 'sn Dsn U j;s ; d


sD1 nD1

(51.9)   where we used the unifying notation U j D U j;1 ; U j;2 WD X j ; t j . Let us give an example on how one can gain bases of splines. If we denote the kth order base spline by B ;k , a polynomial of degree k  1, with knots, say x , then a great benefit of using the base splines is provided by the following recursive algorithm [15]:


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations

 B ;1 .x/ D B ;k .x/ D


1; if x  x < x C1 ; 0; otherwise;

x Ck  x x  x

B ;k1 .x/ C B C1;k1 .x/: x Ck1  x

x Ck  x C1


Before we actually introduce how this regularized parameter estimation becomes modeled and solved, we explain how it is connected with portfolio optimization and introduce into that.

51.3.4 Portfolio Optimization Related An important scope of application for SDEs in financial mathematics is provided by portfolio optimization and the stochastic control. A thorough investigation of this field is done in [23]. To understand the genesis of a trilevel problem it is indispensable to refresh some elements of portfolio optimization. In portfolio optimization there are basically two approaches in use: the martingale method, and the stochastic control. Let us give a short introduction into both. The Martingale Method The martingale method describes a bi-level method considering an optimization problem at the lower level and a representation problem at the upper level. This method is mainly based on a separation of the dynamical problem max

.;c/2A0 .x/

J.xI ; c/

into a static optimization problem (“determination of the optimal payoff profile”) at the lower level and a representation problem (“compute the portfolio process corresponding to the optimal payoff profile”) at the upper level. The definition of the feasible set includes that the expected overall utility, or wealth, should be bounded away from 1 (therefore, the negative part ./ is used): ( A0 .x/ WD

ˇ ! ) Z T ˇ ˇ .; c/ 2 A.x/ ˇ E .U1 .t; c.t/// dt C .U2 .x.T /// < 1 ; ˇ 0

where we denote a self-financing pair .; c/ consisting of a portfolio process  and a consumption process c that is admissible with initial wealth x > 0, by .; c/ 2 A.x/. We note that the functions U1 and U2 are utility functions [23].


G.-W. Weber et al. The Stochastic Control A SDE of the form dX.t/ D  .t; X.t/; u.t// dt C .t; X.t/; u.t// dW .t/; where W .t/ is a m-dimensional Brownian motion, X.t/ is a n-dimensional Itˆo process and where u.t/ is an arbitrary d -dimensional stochastic process – the stochastic control – is called a controlled stochastic differential equation. The main task in stochastic control consists of determining an optimal control, i.e., a control process u.t/ which is optimal with respect to a certain cost functional. The martingale method bases on the identification and treatment of a bi-level problem, but our entire study here refers to a tri-level problem. There are two ways of how to realize this, recalling that the martingale method consists of two levels. Indeed, an additional parameter estimation can take place (a) at the end (as the third – most lower problem) or, (b) at the beginning (first problem – most upper problem). In case of (a), a parameter estimation is, under some criterion of least squares or maximum likelihood, applied to the solution of the portfolio optimization task which is parametric and can therefore be called a parametric portfolio optimization. However, the case of (b) is the classical one on nonparametric portfolio optimization; here, parameter estimation is taking place in an a priori sense. In the sequel, we shall address the case (b) and investigate it emphasizing the parameter estimation. Further information about bi- and multi-level problems in optimization and related topics from optimal control we refer to [47, 49].

51.3.5 The Penalized Residual Sum of Squares Problem for SDE We construct the penalized residual sum of squares (PRSS) for our SDE in the following form: Z N

2 X  2 X  2 P PRSS.; f; g; h/ WD X j  G j CH j cj CF j dj C p fp00 .Up / dUp j D1


2 X


Z r

gr00 .Ur /


dUr C


2 X

Z s

 00 2 hs .Us / dUs :


(51.11) Z Here the integral symbol

Z stands for

, i.e., as a dummy variable. Be Œa ;b

Œa ; b  . D p; r; s/ sufficiently large intervals of integration and be Up ; Ur ; Us the unifying notation of .Xt ; t/, where .U1 D Xt ; U2 D t/, respectively.


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


For the ease of exposition, we may always think that they are the same: a D a and b D b . D p; r; s/. Furthermore, p ; r ; s  0 are penalty (or smoothing) parameters, standing for the tradeoff between the first term of “lack-of-fit” and the second terms of complexity (or “energy”). Remark 51.1. Large values of p ; r and s enforce “smoother” curves, smaller values can result in more fluctuation. If we use an additive form based on the basis splines for each function, then PRSS becomes 0 0 g dp N

N 2 X 2 X X X   P  G CH c CF d @XP j  @˛0 C X D ˛pl Bpl U j;p j j j j j j j D1

j D1

pD1 lD1 drh

C ˇ0 C

2 X X

 ˇrm Crm U j;r

rD1 mD1 f

C'0 C

ds 2 X X

112  'sn Dsn U j;s AA :

sD1 nD1

(51.12) The above part g

G j CH j cj CF j dj D ˛0 C

dp 2 X X

˛pl Bpl

pD1 lD1 dsf

C'0 C

2 X X

U j;p C ˇ0 C


dr 2 X X

 ˇrm Crm U j;r

rD1 mD1

 'sn Dsn U j;s D Aj 

sD1 nD1

can easily be interpreted as scalar product of two vectors Aj and , where



G.-W. Weber et al. 0

1 1 C B 1 B B1 U j;1 C B C :: B C B C : B g  C B d1 C B B1 U j;1 C B C B 1 C B B U j;2 C B 2 C B C :: B C : B C B dg  C BB 2 U C j;1 C B 2 0 B C 1 B C 1 B C B  l B C B B1 1ld g  B C1 U C B 1 j;1 C B 1 B B C B Bl  B 2 C B 2 1ld2g B C1 U j;1 C B B C B 1 :: B C B B C B : B C B Cl h  Aj D B d1 C DW B 1 1md1h B C1 U j;1 C B B C B Cl C B 1 B 2 1md2h B C2 U j;2 C B B C B B C B 1 : B C B :: B C B Dl B dh  C B 1 1nd1f BC 2 U C @ j;2 C B 2 B C D2l 1nd f B C 2 1 B C B C  B D1 U C j;1 C B 1 B C : B C :: B C B C f  B d1 C B D1 U j;1 C B C  B 1 C B D2 U j;2 C B C B C :: B C : @ A f d2  D2 U j;2


1 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A


˛0 B 1 B ˛1 B B : B : B : B dg B˛ 1 B 1 B B 1 B ˛2 B : B : B : B g B d2 B ˛2 B B ˇ B 0 B B 1 B ˇ1 B B :: B : B h B d1  DB B ˇ1 B B ˇ1 B 2 B : B : B : B dh Bˇ 2 B 2 B B B '0 B B 1 B '1 B B : B :: B B df B' 1 B 1 B 1 B ' B 2 B : B : @ : d


1 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 1 0 C C ˛0 C C B  l C B ˛1 1ld g C C B 1 C C C B  C C B ˛l C B 2 1ld2g C C C B C C B C ˇ C B 0 C C B C m B C DW B ˇ1 1md h C 1 C: C C B C C B ˛m C B 2 1md2h C C C B C C B C C B '0 C C B C C B n C B '1 1nd1f C C A @ C C '2n 1nd f C 2 C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C A

'2 2

Considering the matrix 0



B T B BA A WD B :2 B : @ : T


1T C C C C C A


XP 1 B B P B X2 and the vector of difference quotients XP WD B : B : @ : XP N

1 C C C C; C A

that represents the change rates of the given data, we obtain PRSS as the squared length of the difference vector between XP and A: N

  X P  A  2 D XP  A 2 : X   j j j D1




Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


Furthermore, by taking functional values from the left-hand boundaries of the subintervals, we can approximate each integration term using its Riemann sum: Zb

N 1 X  2  00  2  fp00 Up fp Uj;p Uj C1;p  Uj;p dUp  j D1


N 1 X


0 @

j D1


dp X

l 00

˛pl Bp

12  Uj;p uj A :



On the other hand, each integration term can be represented by the squared length of a appropriate vector, i.e., Zb

fp00 .Up /



gr00 .Ur /




   B 2 D Ap ˛p 

N 1 X

h00s .Us /



N 1 X

  r 00 2   C 2 Cj j ˇr D Ar ˇr 

.r D 1; 2/;

  s 00 2   D 2 Dj wj 's D As 's 

.s D 1; 2/;



j D1


.p D 1; 2/;


j D1




Bjp uj ˛p

j D1



N 1



where 1  r 00 C 1 1 C C B  p 00 B  r 00 B B B2 u2 C C 2 2 C B C C C; B B Ap W D B :: :: C ; Ar W D B C A A @ @  p : 00  r : 00 BN 1 uN 1 CN 1 N 1 0  00 1 s D1 w1 B  s 00 C B D2 w2 C D B C As W D B :: C @ A  s : 00 DN 1 wN 1 0






and, for j D 1; 2; : : : ; N  1, uj WD

p Uj C1;p  Uj;p ;

j WD

p Uj C1;r  Uj;r ;

wj WD

p Uj C1;s  Uj;s :


G.-W. Weber et al.

Inserting the vector-matrix and approximative forms in (11), PRSS turns out to look as follows: 2  2 X   P   B 2 PRSS.; f; g; h/ D X  A  C p Ap ˛p  2


2 X



2      C 2 X  D 2 r Ar ˇr  C s As 's  : 2





However, we obtain a 6-tuple of penalty parameters:  D .1 ; 2 ; 1 ; 2 ; 1 ; 2 /T . Therefore, the minimization of PRSS is not yet already a Tikhonov regularization problem with its single such parameter. Thus, let us look at the case which is given by a uniform penalization by taking the same penalty factor p D r D s D  DW ı 2 for each term. Then, our approximation of PRSS can be rearranged as 2   2  P  A  C ı 2 L 2 ; PRSS.; f; g; h/ D X 2


with the .6.N  1/  m/-matrix 0


0 A1 0 0 0

B B0 B B B0 L WD B B B0 B B @0


0 A2 0 0 C

0 0 0 0 0 0


C 0 C C C 0 C C: C 0 C C C 0 A


0 0 A1


0 0 0 A2 0 0


0 0 0

0 0 A1

0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0 A2

0 0 0 C




Herewith, based on the basis splines, we have identified the minimization of PRSS for some stochastic differential equation as a Tikhonov regularization problem [2]: min kGm  d k22 C ı 2 kLmk22 m


with penalty parameter  D ı 2 . We note that this regularization task is a special kind of multi-objective optimization, and that in statistical learning this method is also known as ridge regression [19]. It is very helpful for problems whose exact solution does not exist or is not unique or not stable under perturbations (noise) of the data. MATLAB Regularization Toolbox can be used for the numerical solution [2].


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


51.4 Alternative Solution for Tikhonov Regularization Problem with Conic Quadratic Programming 51.4.1 Construction of the Conic Quadratic Programming Problem As we just mentioned we can solve our Tikhonov regularization problem with MATLAB Regularization Toolbox. In addition, we shall explain how to treat our problem by using continuous optimization techniques which we suppose to become a complementary key technology and alternative to the concept of Tikhonov regularization. In particular, we apply the elegant framework of conic quadratic programming (CQP). Indeed, based on an appropriate, learning based choice of a bound M , we reformulate our Tikhonov regularization as the following optimization problem:  2   min A  XP  ; 2  2   subject to L 2  M:


Here, the objective function in (20) is not linear but quadratic. However, the original objective function can be moved to the list of constraints, and we can write an equivalent problem consisting of minimizing a new “height” variable t over the epigraph in the extended .t; /space as follows: min t;



   P 2  t 2 ; subject to A  X  2  2 L   M; 2

t  0;

or min t;



    subject to A  XP   t; 2 p   L   M : 2

Indeed, considering the form of a conic quadratic optimization problem [27] min c T x; x

  subject to Di x  di 2  piT x  qi

.i D 1; 2; : : : ; k/; (51.23)

we can identify our optimization problem for parameter estimation in a SDE as a conic quadratic program with


G.-W. Weber et al.

T T    c D 1 0Tm ; x D t  T ; D1 D 0N ; A ; d1 D XP ; p1 D .1; 0; : : : ; 0/T ; p  q1 D 0; D2 D 06.N 1/ ; L ; d2 D 0; p1 D 0TmC1 ; q1 D  M ; mD

2 X pD1

dpg C

2 X rD1

drh C

2 X

dsf C 3:


In order to state the optimality conditions, we firstly reformulate our problem as !    t 0N A XP C ; such that  WD  1 0Tm 0      t 0 p 1/ L 0 : C 6.N WD 6.N 1/ T M  0 0m min t; t;


Here,  2 LN C1 and 2 L6.N 1/C1 , where LN C1 and L6.N 1/C1 are the .N C1/and .6.N  1/ C 1/- dimensional ice-cream (or second-order or Lorentz) cones, given by   q ˇ ˇ 2 .  2/: L WD x D .x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; x /T 2 IR ˇ x  x12 C x22 C : : : C x 1 Then, we can also write the dual problem to the latter problem as  

p P T ; 0 C 0T max X ;  M 2 1 6.N 1/ ! !   0TN 1 0T6.N 1/ 0 1

1 C

2 D such that ; T T 0m 0m L A 0m


1 2 LN C1 ; 2 2 L6.N 1/C1 : Moreover, .t; ; ; ; 1 ; 2 / is the primal-dual optimal solution if the following constraints are provided in the corresponding ice-cream cones: !    P t 0N A X C  WD ; (51.26)  1 0Tm 0      L t 0 0 p 1/ ; WD 6.N 1/ T C 6.N M 0 0m  ! !   0TN 1 0T6.N 1/ 0 1

; C D 1 2 T T 0 0 L m m A 0m

1T  D 0; 2T D 0;

1 2 LN C1 ; 2 2 L6.N 1/C1 ;  2 LN C1 ; 2 L6.N 1/C1 :


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


Let us note that in the modeling of gene-environment and eco-finance networks, we received versions of CQP which are not formulated in our discrete (Gaussian) sums of squares but in the sum of squared uniform (maximal or Chebychev) errors. Such a kind of problems can be represented as semi-infinite programming (SIP) problems and, if the sets of inequalities even depend on the state variable, as generalized SIP problems [48, 49].

51.4.2 On Solution Methods for Conic Quadratic Programming For solving “well-structured” convex problems like conic quadratic problems but also linear programs, semidefinite programs and others, there are interior point methods (IPMs) which were firstly introduced by [21]. IPMs are barrier methods. Classically, they base on the interior points of the feasible set of the optimization problem; this set is assumed to be closed and convex. Then, an interior penalty (barrier) function F .x/ is chosen, well defined (and smooth and strongly convex) in the interior of the feasible set. This function is “blowing up” as a sequence from the interior approaches a boundary point of the feasible set [28]. Of great importance are primal-dual IPMs which refer to the pair of primal and dual nvariables. The canonical barrier function for second-order cones L D x D .x1 ; x2 ; : : : ; q ˇ o ˇ 2 .  2/ are defined by L .x/ WD x /T 2 IR ˇ x  x12 C x22 C : : : C x 1     2 I 1 0 2 D  ln x T J x , with J D  ln x  x12      x 1 . The 0 1 parameter of this barrier is ˛.L / D 2. IPMs have the advantage of employing the global structure of the problem, of allowing better complexity bounds and exhibiting a much better practical performance. For closer details we refer to [27, 28].

51.4.3 On the Selection of Penalty Parameters and Upper Bounds The choice of the penalty parameters in the penalized sum of squares (PRSS) and of the parametrical upper bound in a contraint of the conic quadratic problem is not a deterministic issue. The easiest case of minimizing PRSS is given by Tikhonov regularization, where we just have one penalty parameter and the integral terms discretized already; let us refer to that case in the sequel. As indicated above, the two parameters, related with our two approaches, can be chosen in some dependence and compatibility (equivalence) [2]. However, we prefer to draw and look at the so-called efficiency frontier (or efficiency curve) which is given by plotting the optimal solutions according to a larger (finite) number or parameter values, as points in the coordinate scheme


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with two axes where at one axis the complexity is denoted, whereas the other axis represents the length of the residual vector. We emphasize that each of these points is efficient. In case of Tikhonov regularization, logarithmical scales are employed such that some “kink” kind of a point on the efficiency boundary, called L-curve according to its more pronounced shape now, is caused; this point is considered to be closest to the origin and, together with the corresponding penalty parameter, it is often chosen [2]. For our approach with conic quadratic programming, in [20, 51], a lot of numerical experience is presented, related with varying upper bounds. In fact, numerous computations and efficiency frontiers are presented there, and many comparisons are made among alternative solutions gained by our approach, and with other methods from statistics and statistical learning. Until now, we employed the program packages of MOSEK, Salford MARS and special codes written in MATLAB. With our colleagues we are working on further improvements, e.g., in the selection of the knots of the splines via a preprocessing by clustering and in the selection (and reduction) of input features. Those studies on credit default and quality management show that our mathematical approach is quite competitive and that it looks promising for the future use indeed, e.g., when becoming applied to real-world financial data from stock markets, but also from insurance companies. In fact, while for the stock exchange, SDEs and portfolio optimization are an important tool since about 30 years and in a process of continuous scientific advance, also in the actuarial sector, SDEs and portfolios are becoming more and more important in these years. Let us not forget about the emerging markets on, e.g., carbon trade, and the fast growing wide field of risk management. We further underline that our studies on quality analysis and control can also be applied to the products of the financial and related sectors, as actually rediscovered and recommended in these days of the financial crises of the years 2008–2009. These possible applications will benefit from that we also consider nonlinearities in our parametrical dependencies. We approach the problem in a stepwise orientation to overcome nonlinearity which will be the subject of the next section.

51.5 On Nonlinear Dependence on Parameters and their Estimation Let us return to (51.2) again, with two ways of generalization. (a) The model functions a./ and b./ may not only depend on the parameters which appear as coefficients in the linear combination with base splines, but also on really probabilistic (stochastic) parameters. (b) Differently from the earlier linear dependence on the parameters, the dependence on the newly considered parameters may be nonlinear. In that case, we should use any nonlinear parameter estimation methods like, e.g., Gauss–Newton’s method or Levenberg–Marquardt’s method [26].


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


Let us look at (a), for example, we consider following the SDE, Black–Scholes model with initial value: ( dXt D Xt dt C Xt dWt ; X.0/ D x0 ; where Xt D X.t/ denotes the (random) price of a stock at time t  0, and  > 0 and are parameters called the drift and volatility of the stock and x0 is the starting price, respectively. Then, referring to the finitely many sample (data) points X  ; t  . D 1; 2; : : : ; N / we obtain the Milstein scheme as !  1 2  0  .W /2 W P X  D X  C X  C P P t  1 D g X  ; ; : 2 h h To determine the unknown values .; /, we consider following optimization problem: N

N X  2 X P X   g X  ; ;

D f2 .ˇ/ min f .ˇ/ WD ˇ



! N 1X 2 or f .ˇ/ : 2 D1  (51.27)

 Here,  D .; /T , P .X / WD X , hence P 0 t  WD 0 (since P does not depend on t), and the objective function f ./ of parameter estimation is defined linearly in auxiliary functions fj squared .j D 1; 2; : : : ; N /. This problem representation   2 holds true also if the quadratic term 1=2 2 .P 0 P / t  .W /2 =h  1 would not vanish and in many further examples where (b) the parametric dependence may be nonlinear indeed. Nonlinear parametric dependence can occur by the composition of stochastic processes. For example, in financial modelling of the dynamics of wealth from time t to t C dt or maturity time T , Vt , may be given by (

dVt D

$tT .  re/ C r Vt dt  ct dt C $tT Vt dWt ;

V0 D 0 ; where $t is the fraction of wealth invested in the risky asset at time t and ct is a .t; Vt ; ct ; $t I r; / WD the Tconsumption at time t. We can easily identify both $t .  re/ C r Vt  ct and b .t; Vt ; $t I / WD $tT Vt . Here, r is the shortterm interest rate,  denotes the vector of expected rates of return, e is the vector consisting of ones, stands for the volatility matrix of the risky assets. The entire parameter  WD .r; ; /T (arranged as a column vector) is assumed to be constant through time [1]. Finally, W is a Wiener process with the property that dWt is N.0; dt/ distributed. While the dependence of the right-hand side of the stochastic differential equation on  is linear, nonlinear parametric dependencies can occur via


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the insertion of the processes ct and $t in a and b, but also if r becomes a stochastic process rt , e.g., in the following way. Namely, as a direct example of nonlinearity, the stochastic interest rate rt for each  2 IR may be given by drt D ˛  .R  rt / dt C t  rt dWt ; where t and Wt are volatility and a Brownian motion, respectively Here, ˛ is a positive constant, and the drift term ˛  .R  rt / is positive for R > rt and negative for R < rt [38]. We denote a .t; rt I R/ WD ˛  .R  rt / and b .t; rt ; t I / WD t rt . This process on the interest rate can be attached to a price or wealth process. By this interest rate processes and the composition of stochastic processes, further parameters such as .R; /, can implicitly and in a partially nonlinear way enter the interest rate dynamics rt and processes beyond of that dynamics. After these first examples, we shall return to further examples and explanations in Sect. 51.6. In fact, the financial sector with the modeling and prediction of stock prices and interest rate are the most prominent application areas here. Moreover, mixed linearnonlinear dependencies on the parameters may be possible due to the linearly and the nonlinearly involved parameters of various kinds. This optimization problem (51.27) means a nonlinear least-squares estimation (or nonlinear regression). In the context of data fitting, each of the functions fj corresponds to a residual in our discrete approximation problem which may arise in a mathematical modelling or in an inverse problem. Let us represent basic ideas of nonlinear regression theory with the help of [26]. Now, (51.27) can be represented in vector notation: min f ./ WD

1 T F ./F ./; 2


where F is the vector-valued function F ./ WD .f1 ./; : : : ; fN .//T . 2 IRp / and where the factor 1=2 serves for a convenient normalization of the derivatives. In fact, by the chain rule we obtain rf ./ WD rF ./F ./;


where rf ./ is an .p  N /-matrix-valued function. By row-wise differentiation of rf ./ and using this gradient representation, we obtain the Hessian matrix of f : r 2 f ./ WD rF ./rF T ./ C


fj ./r 2 fj ./:


j D1

Let   be a solution of (51.27) and suppose f .  / D 0. Then, fj .  / D 0 .i D 1; 2; : : : ; N /, i.e., all the residuals rj vanish and the model fits the data without error. As a result, F .  / D 0 and, by (51.29), rf .  / D 0, which just confirms our first-order necessary optimality condition. Furthermore, we can


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


obtain the Hessian of f being r 2 f .  / D rF .  / rF T .  /, which is a positive semi-definite matrix, just as we expected by our second-order necessary optimality condition. In case where rF T .  / is a matrix of full rank, i.e., T  rank rF . / D p, then rf 2 .  / is positive definite, i.e., second-order necessary optimality condition is provided such that   is also a strict local minimizer. From this basic idea, a number of specialized nonlinear least-squares methods come from. The simplest of this methods, called Gauss–Newton uses this approximative description in an indirect way. It makes a replacement of the Hessian in the formula r 2 f ./ q D rf ./;


rF ./rF T ./ q D rF ./F ./;


such that we have relation

where q is Gauss–Newton increment q D 1  0 . If F .  /  0 and rank .rF .  // D p. N /, then, near to a solution   , Gauss–Newton behaves like Newton’s method. However, we need not pay the computational cost of calculating second derivatives. Gauss–Newton’s method sometimes behaves poor if there is one or a number of outliers, i.e., if the model does not fit the data well, or if rank .rF .  // is not of full rank p. In these cases, there is a poor approximation of the Hessian. Many other nonlinear least-squares methods can be interpreted as using an approximation of the second additive form in the formula for the Hessian i.e., of N X

fj ./r 2 fj ./:


j D1

Levenberg–Marquardt’s method uses the simplest of these approximation: N X

fj ./r 2 fj ./  Ip ;


j D1

with some scalar   0. This approximation yields the following linear system:

rF ./r T F ./ C Ip q D rF ./F ./:


Often, ones can find Levenberg–Marquardt method implemented in the context of a trustregion algorithm. There, q is obtained, e.g., by minimizing a quadratic model of the objective function with Gauss–Newton approximation of the Hessian: (

min Q.q/ WD f ./ C q T rF ./F ./ C 1=2q T rF ./r T F ./q q

subject to kqk2  :



G.-W. Weber et al.

Here,  is indirectly determined by picking a value of . The scalar  can be chosen based on the effectiveness of the Gauss–Newton method. Levenberg–Marquardt method can be interpreted as a mixture between Gauss– Newton method (if   0) and steepest-descent method (if  is very large) [2, 26]. An adaptive and sequential way of choosing  and, by this, of the adjustment of mixture between the methods of Gauss–Newton and steepest-descent, is presented in [26]. We note that the term “Ip ” can also be regarded as a regularization term that shifts the eigenvalues of rF ./r T F ./ away from 0. Another way to solve the system (51.35) for given  D k , i.e., to find the .k C 1/-st iterate q D qk , consists in an application of least-squares estimation. If we denote (51.35) by Gq D d , where G D rF ./r T F ./ C Ip and d D rF ./F ./, then we can study the regularized problem by adding to the squared residual norm kGq  d k22 a penalty or regularization term of the form ı 2 kLqk22 , i.e., 2 

  min  rF ./r T F ./ C IN q  .rF ./F .// C ı 2 kLqk22 ; q



where L may be the unit matrix, but it can also represent a discrete differentiation of first or second order. This regularization serves to diminish the complexity of the model. We recall [2] for closer explanation about this Tikhonov regularization. But instead of the penalization approach, we can again bound the regularization term kLqk22 by an inequality constraint. What is more, we can turn the optimization problem to a CQP problem in order to find the step qk and, herewith, the next iterate kC1 WD k C qk . By this conic quadratic modelling and solution technique we are back in the methodology that we presented in Sect. 51.4. Indeed, with a suitable and maybe adaptive choice of an upper bound M1 [19, 39, 41] we can write our problem as 2 

  min  rF ./r T F ./ C IN q  .rF ./F .// ; q



subject to kLqk22  M1 ; or we can write an equivalent problem as follows: min t; t;q


  subject to  rF ./r T F ./ C Ip q  .rF ./F .//  t 2 ; 2

t  0;


 M1 :

If we consider the general problem form [27] minc T x; x

subject to

kDi x  di k2  piT x  qi

.i D 1; 2; : : : ; k/;


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


we can identify our optimization problem for determining step length q as a conic quadratic program again, namely, with T T

 T ; D1 D 0A ; A ; d1 D rF .ˇ/F .ˇ/; c D 1 0Tp ; x D t; q T T  p1 D .1; 0; : : : ; 0/T ; q1 D 0; D2 D 0p ; Lp p ; d2 D 0p ; p2 D 0pC1 and p q2 D  M1 : As announced earlier, we are now giving further examples of SDE by different classes of interest rate models.

51.6 Continuous Time One-Factor Interest Rate Models Various stochastic differential equations used to model a short term interest rate can be depicted in the following general form: drt D .˛ C ˇrt / dt C rt dWt ;


where rt .D r.t// is a real continuous time process for an interest rate, and ˛; ˇ;

and  are the unknown parameters to be estimated. Some of the models of this form can be summarized as in Table 51.2. Nowman assumes as an approximation to the true underlying model given by (51.39) that over the interval Œ0; T , r.t/ satisfies the stochastic differential equation [50]    dWt ; drt D .˛ C ˇr.t// dt C r t 0  1


where t 0  1 is the largest integer less than t (i.e., t 0 is the smallest integer greater than or equal to t). He also assumes that, in (51.40), the volatility of the interest rate changes at the beginning of the unit observation period and then remains constant.

Table 51.2 Nonlinear one-factor interest rate models [31] Merton (1973) [25] drt D ˛ dt C dWt Vasicek (1977) [46] drt D .˛ C ˇrt / dt C dWt 1=2

D .˛ C ˇrt / dt C rt dWt D rt dWt D ˇrt dt C rt dWt D .˛ C ˇrt / dt C rt dWt

Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (1985) [13] Dothan (1978) [14] Black–Scholes model Brennan and Schwartz (1980) [8]

drt drt drt drt

Cox, Ingersoll and Ross (1980) [12] Constant Elasticity of Variance

drt D rt dWt  drt D ˇrt dt C rt dWt



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This is an improvement of Bergstrom’s results [3–5], where he assumes that the conditional second moment is constant over time. Then, (51.40) has the following stochastic integral representation [50]:  r.t/  t t 0  1 D



.˛ C ˇr.s// ds Z    C r t0  1


t 0 1


t 0 1

dW .s/

  for all t 2 t 0  1; t 0 ;

Rt where t 0 1 dW .s/ D W Œt 0  1; t 0  WD W .t/  W .t 0  1/. Following [4], Nowman [31] is able to write the discrete version of (51.41) as r.t/ D eˇ r.t  1/ C

˛ ˇ e  1 C t ; ˇ


where the noise term t .t D 1; 2; : : : ; T / satisfies the following moment conditions E Œ s ; t  D 0 Z   E 2t D D

for s ¤ t; t

e2.s/ˇ 2 .r.s  1//2 ds

t 1 2

e2ˇ  1 .r.t  1//2 D m2tt : 2ˇ

We conclude the excursion of this section by noting that maximum-likelihood (ML) kind of optimization problem on parameter estimation is to maximize the log-likelihood function, which looks as follows: T 

X 2 log .mt t / C r.t/  eˇ r.t  1/ min L .˛; ˇ; ;  / WD

˛;ˇ; ;

t D1

 2 ˛ ˇ 2 e 1  =mt t ˇ

and by recommending the methods presented in our paper for possible application on the great variety of SDEs, independently of any such a special form of ML function – to those mentioned in this section, and much beyond. The study on prediction of credit-default risk [20] already showed the value of our additive model approach. Indeed, further combined applications on real-world data from areas of finance, science and technology may be expected, where our contribution can be utilized.


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


51.7 Further Nonparametric Methods The latest work implementing nonparametric approach in estimating the structural parameter of SDE was done in [45]. In [45], an Approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation (AMLE) is developed for estimating the states and parameters of models described by stochastic differential equations (SDE). Using the initial estimate of 2 Q –the process disturbance intensity

and assuming that the -measurement-noise O ˇO D arg min T in the first step, where variance is known– the estimate of ; .;ˇ /


.ym  xBm /T .ym  xBm / 1 C 2 2 m 2Q



.xP B .t/  f .x.t/; u.t/; //2 dt


(51.43) is the negative natural logarithm of the probability density function. Here, ym is the vector of outputs at observation times, xBm is B-spline expansion of the input variable, xP B is the differentiation of the B-spline expansion, f .x.t/; u.t/; / is the nonlinear function of the state variable, O is the estimated 2 using xBm in model parameter and ˇO are the spline coefficients. Later, evaluate O m the second step and obtain a new estimate of Q in the final step. The two step method in estimating the structural parameter of the ordinary differential equation (ODE) is initiated in [44]. It fits the observed data with cubic spline functions in the first step and estimates the parameters in a second step by finding the least squares solution of the differential equation sampled at a set of points. In [37] it is considered a two-step approach in a functional data analysis (FDA) framework. It is based on the transformation of data into functions with smoothing cubic splines. The paper [35] proposes principal differential analysis (PDA) and using the basis function such as B-splines to estimate the parameters of ODE. The extension of PDA is done by applying it to nonlinear ODE and the iterated PDA (iPDA), thus repeating the two-steps method in [34]. The iPDA has been extended with the introduction of generalized smoothing approach [36] where the smoothing and estimation of ODE parameters are done simultaneously. The paper [36] proposes a generalized profiling procedure which is a variant of the collocation method based on basis function expansion in the form of a penalized log-likelihood criterion J.c j ; ; / D 


ln .g .ei ; ; // C PEN .xO j /


wi kyi  xO i .t/k2 C PEN .xO j / :


i 2I

or the least squares criterion J.c j ; ; / D 

X i 2I

Here, the first term at the RHS of (51.45) is the data fitting R criteria and the second term is the equation fidelity criteria with PEN .xO j / D Li; .xO i .t//2 dt, Li; .xi / D xO i  fi .x; O ; t j /, xO i is the spline function, fi is the model function


G.-W. Weber et al.

of the corresponding ODE. The method is applied using noisy measurements on a subset of variables to estimate the parameters defining a system of nonlinear differential equations. For simulated data from models in chemical engineering, the authors derive the point estimates and the confidence interval and show that these have low bias and good coverage properties. The method has also been applied to real data from chemistry and from the progress of the autoimmune disease lupus. Referring to [9,36] proposes a general method of estimating the parameters of ODE from time series data. Brunel [9] uses the nonparametric estimator of the regression function as a first step to construct the M-estimator minimizing     Rw2 ./ D xPO  F .t; xO n ; /




where xPO is the derivative of the nonparametric estimator of the solution of ODE and F .t; xO n ; / is the ODE. The method is able to alleviate computational difficulties encountered by the classical parametric method. The authors also show the consisO In the case of spline estimators the authors prove tency of the derived estimator . the asymptotic normality and the rate of convergence of the parametric estimators.

51.8 Summary on Studies in Research Groups In the first part of the research we estimated the drift and diffusion parameters of the stochastic logistic models. The parameters of the drift equation were estimated via fourth-order Runge–Kutta method for deterministic models. The values of the parameter with the least MSE is then utilized to estimate the diffusion parameters in stochastic models employing Milstein discretization. The objective function is then minimized by Levenberg–Marquardt’s method. This is considered as parametric method which the result, i.e., the model obtained will be compared with those obtained via nonparametric methods. In the second part of the research we want to develop a new criterion based on the nonparametric approach of a two step method in estimating the drift and diffusion parameters  and of stochastic models. We have three alternatives, i.e., by proposing a totally new criterion for simultaneous estimation of both parameters [36], partially estimate of the parameters [9] or, lastly, Varziri’s estimation [45] with some modifications. Another research in this group is by Norhayati Rosli. Part of her research involving the comparison of the performance of numerical methods in SDE is the approximation of the strong solution of SDE. Based on [11] which presented and analyzed Stochastic Runge–Kutta models (SRK), i.e., 2-stage SRK and 4-stage SRK, Norhayati compared the performance of 2-stage SRK and Euler–Maruyama in approximating the strong solutions of the stochastic power law logistic model in describing the growth of C.Acetobutylicum. The performance of both methods were compared, based on their global error. Then, she compared the discretization scheme for delay stochastic differential equations.


Parameter Estimation in Stochastic Differential Equations


Lastly, we mention the work by Mohd. Khairul Bazli using the stochastic power law logistic model to describe the growth of C.Acetobutylicum. The model parameters were estimated by using simulated maximum likelihood and the solution to the power law logistic model was approximated by using Euler–Maruyama.

51.9 Concluding Remarks Discretization and additive models based on splines which defining a trilevel problem consisting of an optimization and a representation problem (portfolio optimization), and a parameter estimation, are a key approach to approximate stochastic differential equations. Furthermore, continuous optimization techniques make it possible to use highly efficient IPMs. This paper gave a new contribution to problems related with SDEs using regression under an additive or a nonlinear model, as a preparatory step on the way of organizing assets in terms of portfolios. Indeed, we explained the relations to portfolio optimization, especially, to the martingale method. We made modern methods of inverse problems and continuous optimization, especially, CQP and methods from nonlinear regression, accessible and usable. By this, a bridge has been offered between statistical learning and data mining on the one hand, and the powerful tools prepared for well-structured convex optimization problems [7,27], and Newton- and steepest-descent type regression methods [2, 26] on the other hand. We hope that future research, theoretical and applied achievements on this fruitful interface will be stimulated by our paper. Acknowledgements The authors express their gratitude to Professor Alberto Pinto for his invitation to prepare this chapter in a book in honour of Prof. Dr. Mauricio Peixoto and Prof. Dr. David Rand.

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