Persian Text Summarization Using Fractal Theory Mohsen Tofighy1, Omid Kashefi2, Azadeh Zamanifar2, and Hamid Haj Seyyed Javadi3 1
Department of Engineering, Islamic Azad University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran 2 School of Computer Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran 3 Department of Math and Computer Science, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
[email protected], kashefi@{,},
[email protected],
[email protected]
Abstract. The importance of text summarization grows rapidly as the amount of information increases exponentially. In this paper, we present new method for Persian Text Summarization based on fractal theory. The main goal of this method is using hierarchical structure of document and improves that for Persian language. The result shows that our method improves performance of extractive summarization. Keywords: Text Summarization, Fractal Theory, Persian.
1 Introduction The wave of information and the lack of time to read long texts make the modern society to look for abstracts and headlines instead of complete text. Human generated summaries are costly and time consuming. Therefore, many automatic summarization techniques have been proposed to solve the task of text summarization [1]. An automatic summarizer is a system that represents a compressed set of an input document displaying its important information [2]. Most of the automatic summarization methods are based on extracting the features of text. The main challenge is selecting the most suitable feature [3]. Automatic summarization techniques can drop into three major categories [4]: 1) sentence extraction, 2) bag-of-words headline generation, and 3) document compression. Sentence extraction as most popular summarization technique has been widely used since early works like Luhn [5] and Edmundson [6] till now. It is also used in fractal [7, 8] based summarizations that consider structure and hierarchy of the document [9]. It was shown that 80% sentences in summary were closely matched with input document [8]. In the past, fractal theory has been widely applied in digital image compression, which is similar to the text summarization in the sense that they both extract the most important information from the source and reduce the complexity of the source [7].
A. Abd Manaf et al. (Eds.): ICIEIS 2011, Part II, CCIS 252, pp. 651–662, 2011. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
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The fractal summarization highly improves the divergence of information coverage of summary, user can easily control the compression ratio, and the system generates a summary that maximize the information coverage and minimize the dissimilarity from the source document [7]. Persian language differs from English language both morphologically and semantically. Some intrinsic problems related to Persian texts are categorized as follows: −
Complex Inflection. Persian language includes more than 2800 declensional suffixes [10]. Close fitting, non-close fitting or fitting with pseudo-space of affixes with words is another challenging issue in Persian [11]. For the word “vase” can -officially wrong but commonly spell as «»ﮔ ﻞدان, «»ﮔﻠ ﺪان, and «»ﮔﻠ ﺪان in Persian. In some cases affixes and especially suffixes may change regarding lemma. As an example the word “bird” spelled as « »ﭘﺮﻧ ﺪﻩbut the plural form is «»ﭘﺮﻧ ﺪﮔﺎن, where the lemma have deformed. This morphophonetic rules also affect the affixes intra-combination. These rules need phonetic attribute of words and so are hard to computationally implement [12]. For instance, single first person pronoun adjective « »مis inflects the word « »ﺷ ﺮﮐﺖas «»ﺷ ﺮﮐﺘﻢ, « »ﺧﺎﻧ ﻪas «»ﺧﺎﻧ ﻪام, « »داﻧ ﺎas «»داﻧ ﺎﻳﻢ, and combine with plural suffix « »ه ﺎas « »ه ﺎﻳﻢbut with « »انas «»اﻧﻢ. − Multiple types of writing for a word. In Persian some words have different correct spelling. As an example, words « »اﺗ ﺎقand « »اﻃ ﺎقare spelled correct, pronounce the same, and equally mean “room”. − Homographs. The same word may have different meanings. This is because of the lack of vowel in Persian writing [13]. Examples are « » َﻣ ﺮدwhich means «man», « »ﻣُﺮدwhich means «died», but both of these words are written as «»ﻣﺮد. − Word spacing. In Persian in addition to white space as inter-words space, an intra-word space called pseudo-space delimits word’s parts. Using white space or do not using any space instead of pseudo-space (Zero Width Non-Joiner in Unicode character encoding), is a great challenge in Persian writing. The lack of a set of comprehensive writing rules, results in writing the same words and phrases in multiple forms by native Persian writers [12]. For example « »ﺁﺑﺴ ﺮدﮐﻦis a complete, correct and meaningful sentence means “Cool the water” but « »ﺁبﺳﺮدﮐﻦis a word and it means “water cooler”. In this paper we propose a method to summarize structured document based on fractal theory. We use the modified version of the method proposed by Yang [14] and we add other text features to achieve better result in sentences extraction.
2 Related Works Text summarization consists of three major stages:topic identificatiom,text interpretation, and summary generation [15, 16]. Nowedays, most of the extracted summaries only embody stage one [17]. Topic identification is furthur devided to: text preprocessing, and text processing [18-20]. Methods are different from each other mostly in text processing step. Text processing can perform in three different levels of language, at 1) surface level, 2) entity level, or 3) discource level [16].
Persian Text Summarization Using Fractal Theory
Some solutions rely on surface level methods such as sentence position [21, 22], paragraph position [23, 24], existence of cue words [25-27], and frequency of the words [21, 25]. Earliest summarization is constructed by Luhn [21]. It considers the frequency of the word and existence of cue words like the words that is used for conclusion. Each cue word has positive or negative score. tf [6] calculates the contribution of each word in a document. tf/idf [28] computes distribution of words in corpus. Title method is the other word-based methods [6] that is based on the assumption that title of the document indicates its content. So, each sentence is scored based on number of the words in the sentence that is also contained in the title of the text. Edmunson used the contribution of 4 features: title, cue, keyword and position and applied the linear equation of these features. The coefficient of this linear equation is calculated using training data [29, 30]. These methods can best employ to summarize News [31]. Entity level methods try to show an internal presentation of input text. It considers the semantic feature of the text and also the relationship that exists between different sections of the text. This relationship could be synonymy, similarity, consistency and co-occurrence. Entity level or Linguistic based method often tries to find the relationship between words by using lexical data base [32]. Co-occurrence method is based on the hypothesis that the words that occur in the same window (common context) are conceptually related to each other [33]. This method uses the concept of n-gram that is the sequence of n words [34]. Lexical chain based method is the other entity level method that uses the lexical database in order to determine the concept of the knowledge [35]. Barzilay [36] has proved the possibility of calculating lexical chains based on WordNet for the first time. Most of the methods that are based on creating lexical chain for English text summarization use the Brazily lexical chain but lexical chain disambiguation is different. Entity level methods require complex text processing but the outcome is always better than surface level processing. Discourse level method tries to model the structure of the text. In other words it constructs the relations between sentences [37, 38]. It is based on the idea that coherent structure of the text could be constructed. Rhetorical structure theory (RST) represents text in tree-like structure in which internal nodes are relations [39, 40] and text segments are the leaves of the tree. These segments are nucleus and satellite. The former is the most important part of the sentences. The latter is the less important part of the texts [39]. The disadvantage of this method is that it is complex and expensive because it needs complex processing. It is not suitable for general purpose summarization too [41]. Besides traditional methods as mentioned above, there are some other methods that consider hierarchical structure of the text. Pembe [42] propose query based summarization for Turkish language that preserve the structure of the text. The sentences are scored based on heading, location, term frequency and query methods. Lawrie creates hierarchical summary based on important word of the text called topic terms and their related sub topic terms [43]. Fractal theory [44] was first used in digital image compression [45]. Fractals are mathematical objects that have high degree of redundancy like image. Image has some square blocks which are divided in to sub range block too. Fractal objects composed of different level of abstraction. First fractal based summarization was proposed by Yang [46]. The document is partitioned into range blocks based on document structure and fractal tree is constructed
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accordingly. The fractal value of each node is calculated based on weight of sentences in range blocks. The weight of each term is calculated based on combination of modified version of tfIdf, location, cue and heading methods which takes in to account the block in which the term is occurred. Most traditional summarizations extract the sentences from input document based on some salient feature of the text, but the document has been considered as flat without considering its hierarchical structure. When humans write a document they use structure which is an important source of information [9]. We achieve a better understanding of information by using a structured text and text of different abstraction level has different level of importance. Documents are usually hierarchical and can be viewed as compositions of simpler constituents [47]. We are going to use fractal theory to transform the text document into a tree. A novel model named fractal summarization has been applied [14] based on the idea of fractal view of H. Koike [8] and on the techniques of fractal image compression [46]. The main idea is to take into account the structure of the document in order to determine the important part of the text but this method is different from ours in the way that we score each part. As it is shown in Figure 1, a document can be represented as tree which root node consists of chapters as children; a chapter consists of sections; a section consists of subsections, a section or subsection contains paragraphs; a paragraph consists of sentences, and a sentence is a group of terms. The smallest units which contain information are terms. We will refer to each level in the structure of a document depending on its position regarding title of the document. Then, the original document is represented as a tree according to its structure. The importance of each node is calculated as (1). F vroot =1 -1
F vx =F vp(x) ×CNp(x)D Title
Section 2
Section 1
Subsection 1.1
Paragraph 1.1.1
Paragraph 1.1.2
Subsection 1.2
Paragraph 1.2.1
Fig. 1. Tree of document structure
Paragraph 1.2.2
Subsection 2.1
Persian Text Summarization Using Fractal Theory
Where Fvx is the fractal value for node x. P(x) is the parent node of node x, NP(x) is total number of child nodes of P(x), D is the fractal dimension, and C is a constant number that its value is between 0 and 1. When d=1 we have one tree and it is one branch, in most of the cases c=1. When d=c=1, the root value in Nroot is divided to equal parts.
3 Proposed Method Our proposed method is presented in Figure 2. Preprocessing steps includes HTML parser is used in order to extract hierarchical structure of document and constructing fractal tree. After that, Feature extraction is done by using automatic algorithms that extract feature and compute we score the documents at different levels (word, sentence, etc) based on these features. 3.1 Feature Extraction We use 6 features for scoring sentences as following: Length Feature. This feature is useful to filter out short sentences such as date and author names that are commonly found in news articles. The short sentences are not expected to belong to the summary. Length score of the sentence is the ratio of the number of words occurring in the sentence over the number of words occurring in the longest sentence of the document as in (2). .
Term Weight Feature. The second type of scoring function is based on term frequency (tf). The frequency of term occurrences within a document has often been used for calculating the importance of sentence. The score of a sentence can be calculated as the sum of the score of words in the sentence. The score of word i(wi) at node x can be calculated by the traditional tf.idf method as (3). (3) Where tfix is the frequency of term tiat node x, N is the number of sibling nodes of x and n is number of nodes that contain the term ti. The Sentence Thematic score at node x can be calculated as (4), where kis number of words in sentence. SF2
∑ Max ∑
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Keyword Feature. The top 10 words with high TF-IDF score are chosen as keywords. The score for this feature is calculated as the ratio of the number of thematic words that occur in the sentence to maximum number of key words in the sentence. The keyword score of each sentence s is calculated as (5). .
Position Feature. Edmundson also considers the position feature [6] based on the assumption that topic sentences occur at the beginning or at the end of document or paragraph. The Position feature of node x is calculated as the inverse of the minimum distance between node x and first node and node x and last node in sibling nodes of x. Position score is calculated as (6), where n is the number of sibling nodes of x and i is ordinal number of node x regarding its position among other siblings. Max
1 1
Headline Feature. The word in sentence that also occurs in title gives high score. This is determined by counting the number of matches between the words in a sentence and the words in the title. We calculate the score for this feature as the ratio of the number of words in the sentence that also occur in the title over the number of words in the title of nodes in the path from the root to the node x. The headline feature score of sentence s is calculated as (7). . .
Cue Feature. The last feature we have used is cue feature that is based on the assumption that the presence of pragmatic words increases the importance of a sentence. The cue score for each sentence is calculated as (8). x =
. .
As it is shown in Figure 2, in post processing stage, first, all features must be normalized because they have different range of values. For normalization we divide each feature by its maximum score in the whole document. The total score of node x is defined as (9) as summation of the 6 features score SFk(x) multiplied by coefficient , where are positive real numbers between 0 and 1 that their summations equals to 1.They are the standardization factor to adjust the weighting of
Persian Text Summarization Using Fractal Theory
the different summarization features according to our preferences. For example, in newspaper, position and headline factor is more important than other factors. Therefore, and have greater values compared to others.
Fig. 2. Our Summarization method steps
3.2 Summary Generation Figure 3 shows our proposed algorithm based on yang method. The fractal value of each node is calculated as (10). F vroot = 1 F vx = F vp(x) ×
NS(x) ∑y NS(y)
Where NS(x) is total score of node x that is calculated for each node according to equation 9, P(x) is the parent node of x, and y is a child of P(x). We define the compression ratio R. Compression ratio is the number of sentences of summary divide by the total number of sentence of document that can be determinate by user as it is shown in (11). R=
# sentence of output # sentence of input
It has been shown that extraction of 20% sentences can be as informative as the full text of the input document [48]. The quota of the summary is the compression ratio times the number of sentences of the document and we calculate the quota of child nodes as (12), where P(x) is the parent of node x.
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The threshold value is the maximum number of sentences that we want to extract from the node. The optimum value is between 3 and 5 [49]. Pseudo-Code of Proposed Summarization Approach 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17:
Choose a Compression ratio Choose a threshold Value. Calculate the total Sentence Quota of the summary Transform the document into a fractal tree Set the current node to the root of fractal tree Repeat foreach child node under current node Calculate the fractal value of child node assign the Quota of child node in proportion to fractal values foreach child nodes if the quota is less than threshold value begin Select the sentences in the node by extraction Set the current node to parent of current node Else Set the current node to the childe node until all the child nodes under current node are processed
Fig. 3. Algorithm of Our Proposed Summarization Technique
4 Experimental Result We employ the standard measures (i.e. precision, recall and F-measure) to evaluate the performance of summarization. We assume that a human would be able to identify the most important sentences in a document most effectively. If the set of sentences selected by an automatic extraction method has a high overlap with the humangenerated extract, the automatic method should be regarded as effective. Assume that Sinput is the manual summary and Soutput is the automatically generated summary, the measurements are defined as (13) to (15).
Persian Text Summarization Using Fractal Theory
This section of evaluation uses a human-generated summary. The individuals involved in this process are the experts in Persian Language. The summary generated by experts would be used as a reference in obtaining the number of relevant sentences in a particular summary. We have used several different Persian news texts to construct the testing corpus. For example, the results of five papers are shown in table1. For each text, five graduated students have performed summarization manually. This task has been done in two different proportions of the original text: 30% and 40%. The ideal summary is constructed based on the majority voting of the manual results. Then we calculate the precision and recall of our work and other approaches. The results are presented in Table 1. Table 1. Evaluation on persian fractal summarization Article No.
Table 2 compares our method by other methods. It shows superior result compared to others. Table 2. Result of our evaluation - Precision Compression Rate
30% - 40%
Our Approach
5 Conclusion We proposed a method for summarizing Persian structured document based on fractal theory that considers both the abstraction level of document and statistical property of the text. Our result shows the superior result compared to flat methods and the other structured summarization method in literature.
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