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Perineal hernia (PH) almost exclusively affects male dogs (intact or castrated). Factors that may ..... Maternal nutritional disorders during pregnancy can modify placen- ...... by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Grant # 17- 29- 08019).) P 35 | Biopsy of ...... Another drop was added to the Hamilton Thorne equipment for ...


anatomic variation of the pelvic diaphragm and hormonal influence. However, there is a little information about mineralized

P 1 | The presence of light-­induced sexually active rams prevents the seasonal inhibition of LH in OVX-­E2 ewes

paraprostatic cyst (MPC) as an underlying cause of PH. A 10 years-­ old intact male Teckel was referred with a history of tenesmus, dysuria and a mass in the perineal area (PA). Physical examination revealed a unilateral right perineal swelling. Haematological and

J Abecia1; M Keller2; P Chemineau2; C Palacios3; JA Delgadillo 4

biochemical analyses showed polycythemia and hyperglobulinemia. Urinalysis revealed haematuria, pyuria and presence of bacte-


IUCA, University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain; 2UMR PRC, INRA, CNRS, Université de Tours, IFCE, Nouzilly, France; 3University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain; 4CIRCA, Antonio Narro Agrarian Autonomous University, Torreón, México

ria. Abdominal and PA ultrasound examination showed an enlarged heterogeneous prostate (2.7 × 4 cm) with intraprostatic cysts/ abscesses and a mineralized cyst structure with anechoic liquid into PH. A presumptive diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia

We determined whether the presence of sexually active rams prevents

with intraprostatic and MPC was made. Computed Tomography

seasonal decrease of LH plasma concentrations in ovariectomized

revealed the same findings. The MPC was drained by perineal ac-

ewes bearing a subcutaneous implant containing estradiol 17-­β (OVX-­

cess and a perineal herniorrhaphy was performed. Then resection

E2). Control rams were kept under natural photoperiodic variations

and omentalization of PC by laparotomy and conventional orchiec-

(n = 6); light-­treated rams were rendered sexually active by exposure to

tomy were performed. Marbofloxacin (oral dose of 2 mg/kg once

2 months of artificial long days (16 h light/8 h dark) in two sub-­groups

daily) during ten days was administered. The dog recovered un-



from Nov 1 (SAR1, n = 3) or Dec 1 (SAR2, n = 3). The first group of st


eventfully. Histopathologic study confirmed the diagnosis of MPC

ewes (SAR; n = 10) was kept with control rams from Oct 1 to Feb 15 ,

with chronic multifocal osseous metaplasia. Uni or bilateral PH can

with SAR1 from Feb 16th to Mar 31st, and with SAR2 from Apr 1st to

be developed secondary to a prostatomegaly. However, although

May 31st. All rams displayed intense sexual behavior. The second group

an inguinal herniation of a MPC has been reported, to the author′s

of ewes remained with control rams throughout the study (C; n = 10),

knowledge this is the first case of a perineal herniated MPC in the

and the third group was isolated from rams throughout the experi-

dog. (Head et al 2002, J Am Vet Med Assoc 221:533–5; Vititoe et

ment (ISO; n = 10). Blood samples were collected weekly from Nov to

al 2017, Can Vet J 58:1309–12).

May and plasma LH concentrations were analyzed and compared by ANOVA and t-­test. Plasma LH concentrations were high and did not differ between groups during the breeding season (Nov-­Feb; SAR: 2.00 ± 0.34; C: 1.88 ± 0.16; ISO: 1.67 ± 0.51 ng/ml). In contrast, from Mar to May, LH plasma concentration decreased to very low levels in the C and ISO groups (1.30 ± 0.20 and 0.48 ± 0.04 ng/ml, respectively)

P 3 | Ultrasonic characteristics of uterus and ovaries during estrus and their relationship with pregnancy rate in dairy cows

but were maintained at the same level as during the breeding season

MR Ahmadi; A Mogheiseh; B Mihandoost; M Ansari Lari

in the SAR group (2.30 ± 0.17 ng/ml; p 14 mm (38.8%) compared with

P 5 | Dosage of iron oxide nanoparticles in selection of Angora buck semen before freezing: preliminary results**

≤14 mm (27.3%) after adjusting for parity of animals, days in milk

H Alemdar; A Daskin

and mean daily milk production (OR = 1.84, p = 0.005). No asso-

Department of Reproduction and Artificial Insemination, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey

ciation between pregnancy rate and other ultrasound characteristics of the reproductive tract during estrus was observed in this study (p > 0.05). In conclusion, follicle size is positively associated with pregnancy rate of dairy cows in estrus. However, other ultrasonographic findings of the uterus including intrauterine fluid did not show any association with pregnancy rates.

Nanotechnology has allowed sperm selection in human, bull and boars but its effect on freezability is not yet reported. In our study we aimed to use magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (np) coated with annexin-­V, silica magnetite and pisum sativum agglutinin obtained from Clemente Associates on goat sperm and analysed the effects on sperm parameters after thawing. We used different concentra-

P 4 | Assessing the most effective way for overnight cooling of epididymal dog sperm prior to freezing stored in situ or in extender** 1



E Alegre-Cortés ; F Marinaro ; L Gónzalez-Fernández ; F Sánchez-Margallo2; M Santella4; B Macías-García2 1


CIBERNED, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain; Centro de Cirugía de Mínima Invasión Jesús Usón, Cáceres, Spain; 3SINTREP Group, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain; 4VCH, University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain

The cauda epididymis is a good sperm source in case of an unexpected decease or castration. We aimed to elucidate if canine epididymal sperm is better preserved at 4°C within the epididymis or in an extender. Testicles were retrieved after neutering and one epididymis was dissected and cooled for 24 h and the other was flushed, sperm were extended in CaniPlus Chill® at 100 × 106 sperm/ ml and preserved at 4°C. After 24 h of cooling, the other epididymis was flushed and processed as the former. Samples when then centrifuged, and the obtained pellet was resuspended at 100 × 106 sperm/ ml in CaniPlus Freeze® medium. Sperm were packed in 0.5 ml straws, cooled at 4°C (1 h) exposed to LN2 vapors for 20 min and plunged in liquid LN2. Sperm quality was evaluated after thawing (37°C for 1 min). Total motility (TM) was estimated with a CASA system, while

tions of nanoparticles to select Angora buck sperm before freezing and determined the concentration having the best effect. Angora bucks (n = 3) were selected after andrological examination. A total of 9 semen samples were collected and extended with Tris-­based extender. Samples were then divided into 3 groups; (1) control (2) 1 μg/ml and (3) 10 μg/ml np selection. Samples in control group were directly placed in 0.25 French straws, equilibrated for 1.5 h, frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen. In groups 2 and 3, samples were treated with 1 or 10 μg/ml of nanoparticles, then processed and stored as the samples in control group. After thawing, the samples were analysed using SCA, CASA. The np treated groups were significantly different from the control group in VCL and VAP (p