Programming Guidelines for Happy Designers ... - Google Groups

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Programming Guidelines for Happy Designers, Ops, and SMs. 1. In general, program cue sequences using “start all simult
Programming Guidelines for Happy Designers, Ops, and SMs 1. In general, program cue sequences using “start all simultaneously” groups, rather than auto-continues and waits. 2. All manually executed cues (cues that are called by the stage manager) should be group cues. They will be “start all simultaneously” groups unless there’s a specific reason for them not to be. They may contain other group cues. 3. Groups should not encompass more than one manually exdcuted cue sequence. 4. All manually executed cues should have cue numbers. No other cues should have cue numbers. In other words, number sequences, not cues. (If a non-called cue needs a number to be targeted by another cue, use a letter or something not likely to be interpreted as a callable number.) 5. Whenever possible, fade outs should target the numbered group cue containing the content to be faded out, rather than the content cues themselves, to facilitate revisions. 6. Video cross-fades should be accomplished by starting the new content on a lower layer, and then fading out and stopping the content above it. 7. Numbered group cues should be named according to what they accomplish or with a description of the corresponding action onstage. If content files are already sensibly named, there is generally no reason to rename content cues.