Global Change Biology (2014) 20, 742–753, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12460
Projecting the impacts of climate change on skipjack tuna abundance and spatial distribution S I B Y L L E D U E R I 1 , L A U R E N T B O P P 2 and O L I V I E R M A U R Y 1 , 3 1 UMR 212 EME, IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement), Sete, France, 2Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l’environnement (LSCE), IPSL, CEA-UVSQ-CNRS, UMR8212 Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 3ICEMASA, Department of Ocenography, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa
Abstract Climate-induced changes in the physical, chemical, and biological environment are expected to increasingly stress marine ecosystems, with important consequences for fisheries exploitation. Here, we use the APECOSM-E numerical model (Apex Predator ECOSystem Model - Estimation) to evaluate the future impacts of climate change on the physiology, spatial distribution, and abundance of skipjack tuna, the worldwide most fished species of tropical tuna. The main novelties of our approach lie in the mechanistic link between environmental factors, metabolic rates, and behavioral responses and in the fully three dimensional representation of habitat and population abundance. Physical and biogeochemical fields used to force the model are provided by the last generation of the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model run from 1990 to 2100 under a ‘business-as-usual’ scenario (RCP8.5). Our simulations show significant changes in the spatial distribution of skipjack tuna suitable habitat, as well as in their population abundance. The model projects deterioration of skipjack habitat in most tropical waters and an improvement of habitat at higher latitudes. The primary driver of habitat changes is ocean warming, followed by food density changes. Our projections show an increase of global skipjack biomass between 2010 and 2050 followed by a marked decrease between 2050 and 2095. Spawning rates are consistent with population trends, showing that spawning depends primarily on the adult biomass. On the other hand, growth rates display very smooth temporal changes, suggesting that the ability of skipjack to keep high metabolic rates in the changing environment is generally effective. Uncertainties related to our model spatial resolution, to the lack or simplification of key processes and to the climate forcings are discussed. Keywords: Katsuwonus pelamis, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, APECOSM-E, scenario, tropical tuna, global warming Received 2 July 2013; revised version received 17 September 2013 and accepted 21 September 2013
Introduction Future impacts of climate change on marine ecosystems and fisheries are raising increasing concerns. While demographic growth and rising incomes are expected to boost the demand for fish products and further increase the pressure on marine resources (Garcia & Rosenberg, 2010), climate change is expected to substantially affect the marine environment by modifying the physical and chemical properties of seawater (temperature, salinity, currents, vertical stratification, oxygen concentration) (Gruber, 2011), with important consequences on the primary production of the global ocean (Steinacher et al., 2010). All these changes will directly affect the physiology and the spatial distribution of marine organisms and have indirect effects on the productivity and the structure of marine ecosystems with important consequences for fisheries (Brander, 2007). Other anthropogenic stresses such as Correspondence: Sibylle Dueri, tel. +33 0 499 573253, Fax +33 0 499 573253, e-mail:
[email protected]
overexploitation, pollution, habitat degradation, and biodiversity loss may further increase the sensitivity of marine ecosystems to climate-induced changes (Perry et al., 2010) and reduce their resilience. To achieve a sustainable management of marine ecosystems and fisheries, we have to identify the dominant trends and understand the mechanisms that drive changes in fish populations in relation to climate change at the global scale (Brander, 2010; Sumaila et al., 2011). Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) is a tropical tuna mainly found in warm waters (sea surface temperature between 24 and 32 °C) of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Ocean. Equatorial ecosystems or their warm coastal derivatives, such as the Kuroshio and the Brazil currents, represent their favorite habitat (Fonteneau, 2003), although a small percentage of skipjack is caught in temperate waters between 18 and 24 °C (e.g., in New Zealand and Azores). The industrial exploitation of skipjack tuna by pelagic fisheries started in the early 1960s. Industrial fleets were originally operating in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Then, they progressively expanded their fishing grounds to © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
I M P A C T S O F C L I M A T E C H A N G E O N S K I P J A C K T U N A 743 the Western Pacific Ocean in the 1970s and to the Indian Ocean in the 1980s. Nowadays, skipjack tuna catches have reached 2.5 million tons and represents the largest contribution in terms of weight to the total world tuna catches. Roughly 65% of skipjack catch comes from the Western Pacific Ocean, 20% from the Indian Ocean and the rest (15%) is shared nearly equally between the Atlantic Ocean and the Eastern Pacific Ocean (data from Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, 2011; International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna, 2012; Western & Central Pacific Fisheries Commission, 2010; and Inter-America Tropical Tuna Commission, 2012). Future changes in the marine environment are expected to affect the geographical distribution of skipjack tuna, their migration, and their physiological rates (growth, reproduction) with consequences for their abundance and catchability to fisheries. Previous studies using the SEAPODYM model (Lehodey et al., 2008) attempted to project the future impact of climate change on the habitat of skipjack tuna (Loukos et al., 2003) and on the distribution of their biomass (Lehodey et al., 2012). The SEAPODYM model accounts for important processes such as growth, reproduction, mortality, and habitat based movements. However, the representation of these processes and their functional link to the environment is based mostly on empirical relationships. Here, we propose an alternative approach involving the implementation of a mechanistic link between environmental factors, metabolic rates, and behavioral responses based on the dynamic energy budget (DEB) theory (Kooijman, 2000). Our model offers a unique tool to explore explicitly the effects of climate change on skipjack tuna metabolism, behavior, and life history, in a fully three-dimensional setting. It allows analyzing and disentangling the factors and processes that determine future changes in the distribution and population dynamics. In this perspective, this study aims at evaluating the effect of climate change on the distribution and abundance of skipjack tuna at the global scale, considering changes in the geographical and vertical distribution of suitable habitat and the impacts on physiological rates. To achieve this goal, we use the APECOSM-E numerical model that simulates the spatial and temporal dynamics of skipjack tuna biomass (Dueri et al., 2012a; Dueri & Maury, 2013). Simulated historical and climate change forcing fields are provided by the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model (Dufresne et al., 2013) along the RCP 8.5 scenario (Riahi et al., 2011). The APECOSM-E model is forced by decadal climatologies, which allows evaluating future changes in tuna habitat and abundance, disregarding interannual variability. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
Material and methods
The APECOSM-E Model APECOSM-E (Apex-Predator-Ecosystem-Model – Estimation) is a numerical model developed to represent the population dynamics of tuna under the joint effects of environmental conditions and exploitation by fisheries. The model is a version of the more general APECOSM framework (Maury, 2010), which represents the three-dimensional size-structured dynamics of generic communities in the global oceans in interaction with more detailed focus species. APECOSM-E focuses on a single species and the model has been originally developed to perform parameter estimation using fishery data (Dueri et al., 2012a,b). APECOSM-E is based on an advection-diffusion-reaction equation structured in three spatial dimensions (x,y,z) and fish size (structural volume V). The model considers size dependent reproduction, growth, predation, natural mortality, and fishing mortality. Processes are all time-, space-, and sizedependent and linked to the environment through mechanistic bioenergetic or behavioral parameterizations. The model uses three-dimensional fields of seawater temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, mesozooplankton biomass, and light provided by the biophysical IPSL-CM5 Model (see next section) to define the physiological and behavioral response of tuna to the environment. Mathematical formulations that are used to compute size-structured forage distribution (using the mesozooplankton biomass as the first size class) and to account for the size selection of preys by skipjack tuna are presented in Dueri et al. (2012a). In the model, tunas are attracted to areas where the environmental conditions are favorable to their growth, reproduction, and survival. For that purpose, a synthetic habitat suitability index HSI combining the effects of water temperature, food availability, oxygen, and light is calculated. Habitat gradients steer the three dimensional movements of tunas. The habitat suitability index is expressed as the product of size-dependent weighted functional responses to temperature fT, food fF, oxygen fO, and light fPAR, with pT, pF, pO, and pPAR, being the respective weighting factor. The habitat suitability index is a function of the three dimensional space, size, and time. HSI ðx; y; z; V; tÞ ¼ fT ðx; y; z; V; tÞpT fF ðx; y; z; V; tÞpF fo ðx; y; z; V; tÞpo fPAR ðx; y; z; V; tÞpPAR ð1Þ The horizontal movement of tuna is determined by the sum of the active advection and diffusion (i.e. swimming) and the passive transport and dispersion by marine currents. Active horizontal movement in APECOSM-E are expressed using the mechanistically derived advection-diffusion equation presented in Faugeras & Maury (2007). Active behavioral advection is oriented in the direction of the habitat gradient and the balance between behavioral advection and diffusion depends on the gradient intensity. While strong gradients impose strong advection and weak diffusion, weak gradients induce weak advection and strong diffusion. Moreover, active
744 S . D U E R I et al. swimming of the fish is assumed to decrease when habitat quality increases so that both advection and diffusion decrease simultaneously. Vertical advection relies only on active movements, while passive vertical transport due to vertical marine currents is neglected. In the model, vertical velocity decreases with habitat quality and is proportional to the maximal vertical speed, the size of the organism, and the vertical gradient of the habitat function. The vertical diffusion has an active and a passive component. The first one describes the size-dependent diffusion emerging from random foraging vertical movements. It depends on the behavioral diffusivity coefficient, the size of the organisms and increases linearly with the HSI meaning that tunas spend more time randomly looking for food when their habitat is good. The second term of the equation is a physical vertical diffusivity term that accounts for purely physical vertical mixing which is especially important for small organisms. Physiological rates such as growth, reproduction, and aging mortality are described consistently with the DEB theory (Kooijman, 2000) and depend on temperature and food conditions. The functional responses describing physiological limitation by temperature and food availability are consistent with the ones that represent the habitat suitability. A detailed description of the equations describing functional responses, growth, reproduction, mortality, and movement is presented in Dueri et al. (2012a). The APECOSM-E model has been successfully applied and validated in the Indian Ocean and its parameters have been estimated in a maximum likelihood framework using observed fisheries data. This simulation had a horizontal grid resolution of 1° by 1° and 20 vertical layers, reaching a maximum depth of 500 m. Details about parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis in the Indian Ocean are provided in Dueri et al. (2012b). In this study, we extend the model to the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, using the same parameters as in the Indian Ocean. We therefore assume that APECOSM-E is generic enough to represent the skipjack populations in the three oceans with the same unique set of biological parameters. The mortality due to fishing is ignored to focus uniquely on environmental effects on skipjacks. The consequences of this choice on the population abundance will be discussed later.
Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). An increasing number of IPCC-class climate models include marine biogeochemical components, which opens the way for studies on the impact of climate change on marine ecosystems (Stock et al., 2011). IPSL-CM5 includes the PISCES model (Aumont & Bopp, 2006) that represents the global nutrient and plankton dynamics. This allows computing the dissolved oxygen concentration and mesozooplankton biomass fields used by the APECOSM-E model. APECOSM-E is forced using historical and future projection simulations performed under the new scenarios proposed by CMIP5, the RCP (Representative Concentration Pathway) scenarios (Moss et al., 2010). These scenarios are labeled according to the approximate peak value of radiative forcing in Wm2 in the 21st century. This study focuses mainly on the effect of the RCP 8.5 scenario, which is the upper bound of the RCP scenarios, although the impact of other scenarios is also discussed. In the RCP 8.5 scenario, the radiative forcing is steadily increasing until 2100 due to high greenhouse gas emission and the absence of climate change policies (Riahi et al., 2011).
Simulation strategy The forcing for the APECOSM-E model is based on Medium Resolution (MR) simulations of the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model. Since we focus on long-term trends, we use decadal climatologies and simulate four different periods: 1990–1999, 2006–2015, 2046–2055, 2091–2100. Simulations with the decadal forcing are run in a spinup loop for 30 years until the population reaches a steady state. Our simulations cover the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean from 74° South to 70° North. The choice of grid resolution is based on the forcing fields, which have been originally generated on the 2° resolution anisotropic ORCA2 grid. On the horizontal plane, we interpolated the forcing fields on a regular 2° by 2° grid using the SOSIE interpolation tool ( On the vertical axes, the water column is divided in 20 vertical layers reaching 500 m depth, with a 10 m interval in the first 150 m, in consistency with the IPSL-CM5 model grid.
Strategy for model evaluation and analysis of climate change impacts IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model The physical-biogeochemical forcing for APECOSM-E is provided by the IPSL-CM5A-MR Earth System Model, a global general circulation model that includes a physical atmosphere-land-ocean-sea ice model with a representation of the carbon cycle, the stratospheric chemistry and the tropospheric chemistry with aerosols (Dufresne et al., 2013). By including the dynamics of the main physical and biogeochemical processes, IPSL-CM5 allows studying the long-term response of the climate system to changes in natural and anthropogenic conditions under different socio-economic scenarios. The IPSL-CM5 model is participating to the 5th Phase of the
Before running future scenarios, we evaluate the model performance by comparing model outputs with observed historical skipjack tuna catches. Observed catches from surface fisheries (purse seiners and bait boats), averaged over the period 1990–1999 and aggregated at the basin scale, are first compared with the simulated total abundance of adult skipjack for each ocean over the same period. Spatial catches from surface fisheries aggregated on a 5° by 5° grid for the time period 1990–1999 are used to assess the spatial distribution and abundance of skipjack tuna based on the assumption that areas with higher catches correspond to areas with higher abundance and better habitat.
© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
I M P A C T S O F C L I M A T E C H A N G E O N S K I P J A C K T U N A 745 observed catches and in terms of computed biomass is therefore consistent.
Vertical dynamics are investigated by computing the HSI and the biomass abundance along equatorial transects for the three oceans, knowing that shallow habitats increase the accessibility of tuna to surface fisheries. In our analysis, we will use the term ‘favorable habitat’ when HSI exceeds 0.6 and ‘adult skipjack’ when the fish length exceeds 40 cm. The effects of climate change on skipjack tuna are explored by simulating the spatial evolution of two variables: the HSI and the adult population density. Changes are represented by anomaly maps, obtained by subtracting averaged maps of the variables for two different decades. For the sake of simplicity, when we refer to anomalies, we identify the decades with their central years. Finally, we evaluate the relative contribution of different environmental factors (oxygen, light, food density, and temperature) to the horizontal and vertical HSI anomalies for adult skipjack and we analyze the changes in physiological rates (spawning and growth) in the three oceans.
Surface patterns. The mean HSI, integrated between 0–50 m depth, is generally consistent with the catch pattern from surface fisheries and most of the regions where catch have been reported to show favorable habitat conditions (Fig. 1a, c). In a few regions, however, such as the eastern Japanese coast and the southern Brazilian coast, there is a disagreement between the high catch rates and the moderate to poor computed habitat. This can be explained by two factors: (i) the presence of mesoscale and submesoscale processes that create high food density patches that attract tuna for feeding, well-known features of those regions that are not resolved in our coarse resolution model, and (ii) issues in representation of the strengths and the exact positions of the Brazil and the Kuroshio warm currents as simulated by the Earth System Model. The spatial pattern of modeled adult skipjack tuna biomass (Fig. 1b) is different from the habitat distribution, since it is affected by behavioral and physical advection resulting from the active swimming of tuna toward better habitat condition and the passive transport by ocean currents. In the Eastern Atlantic Ocean, the computed skipjack biomass distribution matches well the zone of high catch located in the Guinea Basin. For the Indian Ocean the model predicts higher concentration of skipjack tuna biomass in the eastern basin, in accordance with the computed HSI gradients, although
Model evaluation General patterns. The model computes an average total adult skipjack population of 10 million tons over the last decade of the 20st century, of which 57% are located in the Pacific Ocean, 32% in the Indian Ocean, and 11% in the Atlantic Ocean. In comparison the average total skipjack catch over the same period is equal to 1.2 million tons, which are shared between the Pacific Ocean (76%), the Indian Ocean (16%), and the Atlantic Ocean (8%). The ranking of the oceans in terms of
Fig. 1 Horizontal pattern of (a) adult HSI and (b) adult biomass density, for the time period 1990–1999, integrated from the surface to 50 m depth. (c) Reported yearly catch aggregated on a 5° by 5° grid for the same time period. Vertical transect along the equator of (d) adult HSI and (e) adult biomass. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
746 S . D U E R I et al. of the thermocline is known to be shallower toward West (Murtugudde et al., 2000). This reduces the favorable habitat depth and increases the accessibility of tuna by surface fisheries in the western basin. In the Pacific Ocean, favorable habitat is shallower in the eastern basin, due to the Humboldt upwelling that brings cool water from the depth to the surface. Conversely, the habitat is deeper toward the warm pool in the western basin, in accordance with the deepening of the mixed layer, and the skipjack biomass follows this pattern.
catches are generally higher in the western basin. This inconsistency can be explained by two factors: a bias in the forcing fields and issues in the quality of fishery data. First of all, comparison of the surface chlorophyll simulated by the IPSL-CM5 Earth System model to SeaWiFS data has shown that the model underestimates the concentration of surface chlorophyll along the Somalian upwelling (Seferian et al., 2013). This is likely to affect simulated productivity in the western basin of the Indian Ocean and as a consequence could lead to an underestimation of habitat conditions in this area, then driving the distribution of the biomass. On the other hand, there is a well-known underestimation of catches in the eastern basin of the Indian Ocean. Around 20–30% of all the skipjack catches fished in the Indian Ocean are caught by gillnet and other artisanal coastal fisheries in the Eastern Indian Ocean (estimation from Indian Ocean Tuna Commission, 2011), but since there is high uncertainty concerning the location of these catches, these data were not included in Fig. 1c. For the Pacific Ocean the model succeeds in representing the importance of the warm pool in the western Pacific basin as a fishing ground for skipjack, but largely underestimates the presence of tuna in the eastern basin. Although considerable skipjack tuna catches occur close to the Ecuadorian and Peruvian coast, consistently with the favorable habitat condition simulated by the model, the skipjack population is absent from this area in the simulation, for reasons that are linked to the strength of simulated currents and that we discuss in section 4.2.1.
Climate change effects on habitat suitability Spatial changes and driving environmental factors. Anomalies of the HSI in the top layer (0-10 m) of the water column are displayed for the periods 2050 relative to 2010 (2050–2010), and 2095 relative to 2050 (2095–2050). (Fig. 2a, b). The projected anomaly is marked by a decline of HSI in the warm pool of the Western Pacific Ocean and the equatorial waters of the Indian and the Eastern Atlantic oceans that progressively intensifies from 2050 to 2095. A positive HSI anomaly is projected in the Eastern Pacific and in the subtropical areas of the oceans in the first half of the century. This trend is reduced and regionally even reversed in the second half of the century. The analysis of the relative contribution of food (Fig. 2c) and temperature (Fig. 2d) to surface HSI anomalies for the period 2095 relative to 2010 shows that the anomalies driven by temperature are generally stronger than the food-driven anomalies. The dynamics of the habitat anomaly along vertical transects at different latitudes (10°N, Equator and 10°S) and for different periods (2050–2010 and 2095–2050) (Figure S1a) highlights that the most important changes are located in the top 100 m of the water column. Consistently with the surface anomaly, the vertical HSI anomaly along the equator for 2050, relative to 2010, shows a decrease of HSI at the surface in the Western Pacific, the Indian and to a lesser extent, the Eastern
Vertical patterns. In the Atlantic Ocean, the favorable habitat is very shallow and the biomass is essentially concentrated in a thin layer at the surface, with highest values in the eastern basin (Fig. 1d, e). The shallow vertical habitat in the eastern basin increases the accessibility of tuna by surface fisheries and is therefore consistent with the observed pattern of tuna fisheries. In the equatorial section of the Indian Ocean, the depth
Fig. 2 Mean HSI anomalies at the surface of the water column (0–10 m) for adult skipjack and different time periods (a) 2050–2010 and (b) 2095–2050. Mean habitat anomaly (2095 relative to 2010) related to (c) food and (d) temperature. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
I M P A C T S O F C L I M A T E C H A N G E O N S K I P J A C K T U N A 747 Western Pacific oceans, the increase of water temperature beyond the suitable range is responsible for the degradation of surface habitat conditions, while cold deeper layers may become more suitable though warming. In the equatorial zone, and particularly in the warm pool of the Western Pacific Ocean, water temperature exceeds the temperature tolerance of skipjack, which ranges between 20 and 32 °C. Presently, surface temperature in the warm pool is in the range between 30 and 31 °C, but according to the RCP8.5 scenario, temperature will increase up to 33–34 °C. Conversely, in the Eastern Pacific and Western Atlantic oceans, the warming causes a positive habitat anomaly. Food density changes cause a negative HSI anomaly in the first 100 m of the Atlantic and Indian oceans. Conversely, the Pacific Ocean shows a more heterogeneous pattern, possibly related to changes in the tuna biomass distribution and density dependent processes (food related HSI depends on the ratio between food density and the amount of predators sharing it). Our results also show that changes in oxygen and light condition rather affect habitat condition at deeper layers, between 50 and 150 m depth in the Atlantic and in the Indian Ocean and shallower in the Eastern Pacific Ocean.
Atlantic oceans and an increase in the Eastern Pacific and partly in the Western Atlantic oceans. It is interesting to note that negative HSI anomalies are limited to a thin surface layer while deeper layers experience a positive anomaly, the depth and the intensity of which vary with the ocean. The negative anomaly of HSI in the Western Pacific Ocean is stronger in the equatorial zone than at 10°N and 10°S, where the negative anomaly is also more extended toward the east. The 2095 (relative to 2050) anomaly shows a progressive and generalized habitat degradation that spans over the considered latitudes, with only a minor relative increase at depth, especially at 10°S. For the Eastern Pacific Ocean the model still projects a positive anomaly. The mean HSI, computed by averaging the HSI over the top 150 m of the water column, is calculated for the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean and globally, for the periods 2010, 2050, and 2095 (Figure S1b). The Indian and the Pacific Ocean show similar mean values of HSI (>0.1) and similar temporal trends with an increase from 2010 to 2050 followed by a decrease from 2050 to 2095. Conversely, the mean HSI of the Atlantic Ocean is considerably smaller (0.05–0.07), showing that the overall habitat is less favorable. Moreover, the Atlantic Ocean exhibits a steady increase of mean HSI, which is not linked to an increase in volume of favorable habitat conditions, but rather to an expansion of slightly to moderately favorable habitat (HSI between 0.1–0.6, results not shown). The global trend is consistent with the Indian and the Pacific Ocean. The vertical transects of each environmental component of the HSI anomaly highlight that the HSI changes is mostly driven by temperature changes, followed by the contribution of food density changes and oxygen changes (Figure S2). In the Eastern Atlantic, Indian, and
Climate change effect on population dynamics Spatial changes. The biomass anomaly map for 2050 relative to 2010 highlights a decreasing abundance of adult skipjack in the equatorial waters, particularly in the warm pool of the western Pacific Ocean, in the Guinea basin and in the eastern and central Indian Ocean (Fig. 3a). As for the HSI anomaly, the projected change occurs in two phases. In the first phase there is a displacement of biomass from the equatorial zone toward higher latitudes, with an increase of biomass along the
Fig. 3 Mean biomass anomaly at the surface (0–10 m) for adult skipjack for (a) 2050 relative to 2010 and (b) 2095 relative to 2050. (c) Projected change of adult skipjack biomass in kg; (d) relative abundance of adult skipjack as a function of latitude. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
748 S . D U E R I et al. coasts of the northern Indian Ocean, in the South China Sea, in part of the Coral Sea and in the south-central part of the Indian Ocean (ca. 10°S) and to some extent in the Caribbean Sea and off the coast of the northern South American continent. The second half of the century is characterized by a strong negative anomaly, significantly decreasing the total biomass and affecting large parts of the tropical and subtropical oceans (Fig. 3b). It is interesting to note that in spite of the positive habitat anomaly in the Eastern Pacific, the population is not increasing in this area. In fact, the excessive strength of the forcing oceanic currents exceeds habitat driven advection toward the favorable Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP). This bias is likely to lead to underestimation of the population increase along the ETP and results concerning this area should be interpreted cautiously (see discussion). Projected changes in biomass in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific oceans show different trends (Fig. 3c). While the adult skipjack biomass in the Atlantic Ocean decreases steadily (20% and 47%), the Indian Ocean is characterized by a marked increase (+126%) in the first half of the century followed by a sharp decrease (64%) in the second
half and the Pacific Ocean shows a minor increase (4%) followed by a major decrease (50%). Between 2000 and 2100 the model projects a 40% decrease in total adult biomass from 10.4 million tons to 6.3 million tons. In the Indian Ocean, the computed adult biomass decreases from 3.4 million tons to 2.8 million tons (18%), in the Pacific Ocean from 5.9 million tons to 3 million tons (48%), and in the Atlantic Ocean from 1.1 million tons to 0.5 million tons (57%). As stated before, results for the eastern Pacific Ocean are to be taken with caution. The model also projects a change of the latitudinal distribution of skipjack biomass (Fig. 3d). While under present conditions the biomass shows a peak at the Equator, in 2050 the model projects an increase of biomass at latitudes of 10°N and 10°S and a displacement of the biomass peak from the Equator to 10°N. Then, in 2095 there is a general decrease of the computed biomass and the biomass peak returns to the Equator. For the first half of the 21st century, the model projects for the Atlantic Ocean a negative biomass anomaly at the surface of the equatorial transect, a positive anomaly at the surface of the western part of the 10°N
Fig. 4 Mean vertical biomass anomaly for adult skipjack along latitudinal transects (10°N, Equator, 10°S) for (a) 2050 relative to 2010 and (b) 2095 relative to 2050. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
I M P A C T S O F C L I M A T E C H A N G E O N S K I P J A C K T U N A 749 transect, and to a lesser extent, at the surface of the 10°S transect (Fig. 4a). In the Indian Ocean the biomass is projected to decrease in equatorial surface waters, due to excessive warming, and to increase in deeper layers of the equatorial water column and in surface waters at 10°N and 10°S. In the Pacific Ocean, there is a marked negative anomaly in the warm pool and a positive anomaly in specific areas at the western boundary. These trends are followed by a general biomass decrease in the second half of the 21st century (Fig. 4b). Changes in physiology. Projections of skipjack tuna metabolic rates, averaged for each ocean, show different trends for growth and reproduction (Fig. 5a, b). While growth rates are characterized by very smooth temporal changes, the reproduction rate (the total amount of eggs that are spawned by the population per unit of time) shows temporal trends that are very similar to the trend of biomass abundance of mature tuna (Fig. 3c). This similarity between the adult biomass and the amount of released eggs comes from the direct link between them. On the other hand the smoothness of the projected changes for the growth rates suggests that the ability of tuna to swim toward good environmental conditions might allow them to keep high metabolic rates, despite the changing environment.
Tuna Model uncertainties Since our projections are based on numerical models, we have to carefully evaluate the uncertainties possibly
intr-oduced from a number of model specific factors, such as spatial resolution and inclusion/exclusion of processes. Resolution. The horizontal resolution of 2° by 2° allows capturing large scale oceanographic patterns, but is too coarse to represent the effects of mesoscale and submesoscale structures such as fronts and eddies. These features have important effects on foraging areas of several species including tuna, (Mugo et al., 2010; Tew Kai & Marsac, 2010; Godo et al., 2012) but their influence is neglected in our simulations. While mesoscale and submesoscale structures have certainly an impact in specific regions (e.g., Mozambique Channel, Kuroshio Current, Costa Rica Dome) this is not expected to lead to major biases at large scales. Processes. In the model, the density of preys is introduced as a forcing field and consequently there is no feedback of predation on prey density. The explicit representation of predation could increase the variability of prey density and affect the physiological and behavioral responses to food availability. Future development of the model will include the use of a coupled model. Skipjack is believed to be resilient to exploitation due to the fast growth and high spawning potential, but fishing mortality exerts a pressure on the population that is likely to be important at least at regional scale (Adam, 2010). Previous studies have shown that effect of fishing on the population structure can increase the sensitivity to climate change (Brander, 2007; Perry et al., 2010). Although the present study disregards the combined effects of fishing and climate change, we plan
Fig. 5 Projected (a) mean growth rates and (b) total eggs spawning, by ocean and decade. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
750 S . D U E R I et al. to consider these effects in a future application of the model.
Uncertainties in the forcing fields Biases. Although the representation of the physical and biogeochemical processes has been considerably improved in the last generation of Earth System Models, the simulation of regional-scale phenomenon is still difficult. The simulations of the IPSL-CM5 model that we are using have well-known biases (Dufresne et al., 2013). These include underestimation of primary production in upwelling regions (Seferian et al., 2013) and overestimation of westward zonal currents in the equatorial Pacific Ocean, both being susceptible to have consequences in our tuna simulations. Regional adjustments of biased variables using anomalies between simulated and observed values could be performed to increase the ability of the model to match present patterns. However, these a posteriori corrections would break the coherence of the simulation and may introduce inconsistencies in the evolution of future projections (Stock et al., 2011). Even worse, they could give a false impression of trustfulness of the results. For this reason, we decided to use the forcing as they are, keeping track of the problems identified, rather than attempting a posteriori correction of the biases which would have had unknown consequences on our results. The comparison between annual mean of the surface chlorophyll concentrations (1985–2005) produced by the IPSL-CM5 model and the climatology based on the SeaWiFS satellite product shows that the concentration in upwelling regions is systematically underestimated by the model (Seferian et al., 2013). This has dramatic consequences in the Indian Ocean where the upwelling off the coast of Somalia is poorly represented in the IPSL-CM5 simulations while in reality it supports a highly productive ecosystem attracting tunas and other top predators in the whole Western Indian Ocean. Consequently, the simulated mesozooplankton biomass density is lower in the Western basin than in the Eastern Basin, opposite to the real mesozooplankton distribution pattern. In the APECOSM-E model the size structured prey distribution is based on the mesozooplankton field, which represents the first size class of prey. Larger prey size classes are extrapolated using a power law equation (Dueri et al., 2012a). Therefore, the bias in mesozooplankton fields propagates directly to the tuna distribution that is in turn strongly biased with an inverted zonal gradient. This has to be kept in mind when interpreting our results in the Indian Ocean.
The comparison between the observed and simulated westward equatorial current in the Pacific Ocean shows that the strength of the westward equatorial current is permanently overestimated by the model while the strength of the eastward countercurrent is underestimated, especially during summer and autumn (results not shown). In addition, the extension of the westward current is seasonally excessive: it reaches 140°E throughout the year in the simulation while it stops at 160°E to 180°E from July to February in the observations. As pointed out in the results, this bias has dramatic consequences on the spatial distribution of skipjack tuna, since it affects their ability to stay in the favorable habitat conditions of the ETP. This must be considered as an artifact of our analysis. Further to the bias identified in the Indian Ocean, this major problem has to be kept in mind when interpreting the results in the ETP where the simulated skipjack biomass is likely to be extremely underestimated. Intermodel differences of Earth System Models outputs. Several IPCC-class Earth System Models have been used in the recent Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (Taylor et al., 2012), and several of these models include an ocean biogeochemical component of variable complexity. To assess the robustness of the projected physical and biogeochemical fields used in this study, we recall here some conclusions of the model intercomparison exercise of Bopp et al. (2013), in which the projected changes simulated by IPSL-CM5ALR are compared with those of nine other Earth System Models. All models project a very similar warming pattern in the tropical oceans for RCP8.5, reaching +3 to +4 °C at the surface in 2090s, as compared to 1990s. Similarly to IPSL-CM5A-LR, a decrease in net primary productivity (NPP) is consistently simulated across models in the tropical Indian Ocean, in the tropical Atlantic, and in the western tropical Pacific. This decrease reaches 30% in the tropical Indian and west tropical Pacific. In the eastern equatorial Pacific, the model-mean also indicates a large decrease of NPP, but this response is not consistent across the different models, with three Earth System Models (GFDL-ESMs and CESM1-BGC) simulating an increase in NPP, and IPSL-CM5A-LR simulating almost no change in response to climate change in that region (eastern Equatorial Pacific). Finally, patterns of projected changes in subsurface O2 are not consistent over the tropical oceans, especially in the eastern Pacific. However, projected changes simulated with IPSL-CM5A-LR are close to the modelmean, i.e. increase of subsurface O2 in the tropical Indian and Atlantic oceans, and slight decrease in the tropical Pacific. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
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Sensitivity to RCP scenarios Four plausible scenarios of future radiative forcing have been proposed for climate change research: RCP8.5, RCP6.0, RCP4.5, and RCP2.6 (Moss et al., 2010). The projections discussed in this study are based on the ‘worst case’ RCP 8.5 scenario, which considers the highest increase of radiative forcing and the highest CO2 emissions. Here, we assess the sensitivity of the model outcome to other scenarios. We identified the important increase of surface temperature in the IPCC scenario RCP8.5 as a major driver of the degradation of skipjack habitat. It is important to evaluate how this variable changes under other emission scenarios. For that purpose, we compute the expansion of unsuitable thermal habitats for the different IPCC scenarios. We set the limit between suitable and unsuitable thermal habitat at the maximal temperature of skipjack tuna thermal preference (31 °C in the model), assuming that the thermal habitat suitability will sharply decrease beyond this limit. The four RCP scenarios have a wide range of projected thermal habitat (Fig. 6a–d). Interestingly, the ‘warm pool’ in the Western Pacific Ocean and the central equatorial region of the Indian Ocean are consistently identified as the most affected regions in all the scenarios. Their warm unsuitable waters start to expand substantially between 2030 and 2050, depending on the scenario considered.
Comparison with other modeling studies A first study on the effect of climate change on the global skipjack tuna habitat was performed using the SEAPODYM model forced with a coupled atmosphere-
ocean model that included a biogeochemical module (Loukos et al., 2003). In this exercise, changes in temperature and in forage distributions were based on an idealized 29 CO2 scenario that projected a mean increase of 1.5 °C in sea surface temperature and a 15% decrease in productivity for the tropical oceans. This study showed an increase in the habitat conditions in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean while the effect on the Western Pacific Ocean was sensitive to the parameters defining temperature preferences of tuna in SEAPODYM. A more recent application of the SEAPODYM model focused on the Pacific Ocean skipjack population (Lehodey et al., 2012) and used the A2 simulation from the IPSL-CM4 model (the previous generation of the IPSL Earth System Model) which forecasted an overall increase of the surface temperature in the tropical Pacific Ocean of 2.5– 3 °C by 2100. The results for the Pacific Ocean are generally consistent with our projections, showing a slight increase of skipjack biomass in the Western Central Pacific Ocean until 2050, followed by a decrease after 2060. Similarly to our projections, SEAPODYM also forecasts an improvement of skipjack habitat in the Eastern Pacific Ocean together with an extension to higher latitudes, while the habitat suitability is predicted to decrease in the western equatorial warm pool. Our results are also consistent with the global scale projections of multispecies fishery catch potential under climate change of Cheung et al. (2010). Similarly to APECOSM-E, this study forecasts a decrease in biomass in the equatorial waters of the Atlantic, the eastern and central Indian Ocean, and the Western Pacific Ocean between 2000 and 2050, while an increase is predicted for the western Indian Ocean and the higher latitudes. Their projections also show an increase of fisheries
Fig. 6 Expansion of unsuitable thermal habitats (>31 °C) for the different IPCC scenarios: RCP 8.5, RCP 6.0, RCP 4.5, and RCP 2.6. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
752 S . D U E R I et al. catches in the Eastern Pacific Ocean that is consistent with the evolution of our HSI, but not with the change of the population abundance.
Concluding remarks This study presents the results from the first global assessment of the potential future impacts of climate change on skipjack tuna abundance and spatial distribution, using a mechanistic and three dimensional model that represents dynamically the individual metabolic rates and habitat suitability as a function of changing environmental factors. Our projections, obtained using the APECOSM-E model forced by the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model along the last generation of climate change scenario, highlight the degradation of habitat in equatorial surface water, and project a considerable decrease of population abundance toward the end of the century. In the framework of this study, we had to limit our simulations to the projections of Earth System Model due to the important computational costs of our global scale 3D population model. However, future runs of APECOSM-E will include multiple Earth System Model projections and RCP scenarios, to test the robustness of the global trends projected in this study. Given the expected long-term degradation of global skipjack tuna populations and associated fisheries, adaptation strategies must be devised. In this perspective, anticipating the impacts of climate change is a prerequisite to the exploration of mitigation options for fisheries. For that purpose, monospecific studies such as the present study will have to be improved and extended to the use of multispecies mechanistic models that include the effect of competition between predators and the inclusion of plausible fishery scenarios (Maury et al., 2013).
Acknowledgements We acknowledge the support of the French ANR, under the grant CEP MACROES (MACRoscope for Oceanic Earth System ANR-09-CEP-003). We also acknowledge IRD for funding LB’s stay in Cape Town for working with SD and OM. This work is a contribution to the CLIOTOP Synthesis and Modeling Working Group.
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© 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Global Change Biology, 20, 742–753
Supporting Information Additional Supporting Information may be found in the online version of this article: Figure S1. a) Mean HSI anomalies for adult skipjack on the vertical plane considering different latitudinal transects (10°N, Equator, 10°S) and different time periods (2050-2010 and 2095-2050). (b) Mean HSI of adult skipjack averaged over the top 150m of the oceans and for different decades. Figure S2. Mean vertical anomalies (2095 relative to 2010) along equatorial transects of adult skipjack HSI related to (a) oxygen, (b) light, (c) food and (d) temperature. (e) Overall HSI anomaly and (f) dominant factor of the HSI anomaly: food (F), temperature (T), oxygen (O), light (L).