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obsessive attention to detail that results in powerful performances – in this case an exclusive footwear collection. MERCEDES-AMG SANTONI MONOCLE.

Driving style The Santoni for AMG collaboration encompasses both companies’ obsessive attention to detail that results in powerful performances – in this case an exclusive footwear collection.

Style and substance A 45 sneaker

Few companies can boast of perfecting such high standards as Santoni and Mercedes-AMG

The A 45 is designed to meet the needs of a modern lifestyle

Perfect match Santoni for AMG Few companies can boast of perfecting such high standards of sophistication and innovation as Santoni DQG0HUFHGHVĥ$0*WKH latter is a 100 per cent VXEVLGLDU\RI'DLPOHU$* and is the group’s techĥ QRORJLFDOVSHDUKHDG$VD result, it’s no surprise that 6DQWRQLDQG0HUFHGHVĥ $0*KDYHFROODERUDWHG as part of an exciting new SDUWQHUVKLSNLFNLQJRɱ ZLWKWKH$VQHDNHU Described by CEO

$VSDUWRIWKHPHQ¶VFROĥ OHFWLRQWKH$VQHDNHULV LQVSLUHGE\WKH$$0* car presented at the 2013 *HQHYD,QWHUQDWLRQDO 0RWRU6KRZ,WLVGHVLJQHG to meet the needs of a modĥ ern lifestyle, combining vinĥ tage chic with an outstandĥ ing durability that suits a busy schedule of travel, work and leisure. Like its automotive counterpart, WKH$FDQEHSHUVRQDOLVHG to an individual’s style, available in a variety of colours and leathers. Santoni also produces an extensive women’s collection, further demonĥ strating the sensitivity to beauty and elegance IRUZKLFKWKLVKLJKĥHQG shoemaker is renowned.

The Santoni for AMG collection also includes ),$ĦDSSURYHGVKRHV IRUSURIHVVLRQDOUDFLQJ

*LXVHSSH6DQWRQLDV “handmade masterpieces”, all Santoni footwear is produced with passion and TXDOLW\6DQWRQLIRU$0* EULQJV0HUFHGHVĥ$0*¶V technological expertise together with the heritage of the Santoni brand. The result: a range of footwear bursting with character and excellence.

With the embossed 45 logo on its side, the A 45 comĦ bines robust construction ZLWKXQGHUVWDWHGÁDLU


“AMG customers, like Santoni customers, are savvy people that work and play hard” DQG¿QLVKHVWKHMREE\ KLPVHOI,W¶VWKHVDPHDW Santoni: our mastercraft DUWLVDQVVWDUWDQG¿QLVK the work on an individual pair of shoes. M: These

Q&A Giuseppe Santoni CEO, Santoni MONOCLE:

How did this collaboration come about? GIUSEPPE SANTONI:,¶YH

always had a passion for FDUVDQG0HUFHGHVĥ$0* has a passion for detail and quality. We met with the $0*SHRSOHLQDQG started to talk. M: What


responsible for the conĥ struction and the building RIRQHHQJLQHĦKHVWDUWV

shoes started life as racing shoes. How do they transfer to the street?

NQRZ\RXUSDUWQHU,W¶V OLNHDPDUULDJH*LXVHSSH PLJKWFDOOPHRU,FDOO him and we share ideas DERXWQHZSURMHFWV,W¶V a partnership that’s very much alive.


Once you have the race version, it’s easy to make an everyday version. You just have to make them more comfortable and less about performance. The look and the style is also LPSRUWDQWĦDQGZHDUH quite good at taking care of that.

Q&A Mario Spitzner Director of branding, Mercedes-AMG



like Santoni customers, are savvy people that work hard, play hard and want to enjoy good things such as watches, cars and shoes. They’re also looking into the materials and the FUDIWVPDQVKLS,QWKH end we’re talking to the same target group.

shared values make this a perfect union with Santoni?

will be buying these shoes?

Exclusivĥ LW\DQGLQGLYLGXDOLW\$0* is extremely motorsport and engineering driven but we’re also manufacturĥ HUVZKRDSSO\KLJKĥHQG craftsmanship.


M: What

M: Who

Someone who likes to be contemporary and LVDWUHQGVHWWHUĦDQG someone who pays a lot of attention to details.



was most satisfyĥ ing about the project? MS: The

longer you work together, the more you

Do Santoni and 0HUFHGHVĥ$0*KDYH customers in common? MS:$0*FXVWRPHUVMXVW

M: What’s

your favourite thing about these shoes? MS:'H¿QLWHO\WKHSXULVWLF