READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ THE STORY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Maggie has two new kittens. The kittens were a gift from her father. The kittens are very small. Maggie feeds her kittens in the morning and at night. The kittens like to play with little toys. Maggie laughs at the kittens when they run and play. They are very funny little kittens. 1.
This is called a _______________. a. poem b. story c. letter
What does Maggie do when the kittens run and play? a. eats b. sings c. laughs
This story is mainly about _____. a. a father b. kittens c. a girl
READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ THE STORY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Mike has a new bike. It can go very fast. His new bike is blue. It is a large bike. Mike likes to ride his bike with his friends. He likes to ride his bike to the park. Mike takes his bike inside at night. He takes care of his new bike. 1.
Where does Mike take his bike at night? a. outside b. inside to school c.
Who does Mike like to ride his bike with? a. his brother b. his mother his friends c.
How do you think Mike feels about his new bike? a. He does not like it. b. He wants a red bike. He likes his new bike. c.
READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ THE STORY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. A little mouse and a cat were friends. One day the little mouse went to see the cat. The cat was sick in bed. The little mouse made the cat some soup. He read the cat a story. The cat went to sleep. The little mouse mopped the floor and washed the clothes. Finally, the cat woke up. The cat felt better. The little mouse and the cat played a game. 1.
Why was the cat in bed? a. He was sick. b. He was sleepy. c. He wanted to play.
What did the little mouse do after he made the soup? a. He mopped the floor. b. He washed the clothes. c. He read the cat a story.
What did the little mouse and the cat do last? a. They ate soup. b. They played a game. c. They went to the store.
READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ THE STORY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Wendy has a horse named Star. Star is not a pony. Star is a very big horse. Wendy likes to ride horses. Wendy lives on a farm. Star lives in the barn behind Wendy’s house. Wendy likes to ride Star every day. She can ride Star down the road. She can ride Star to her Aunt Sally’s house. Aunt Sally likes to ride horses, too. 1.
Where does Star live? a. in a barn b. at Aunt Sally’s house in the city c.
Star is a ____________. a. big cat b. big horse little dog c.
Wendy likes to ______. a. read books b. bake cookies ride horses c.
READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ THE STORY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Mark moved to a new house. He didn’t know anyone in his new neighborhood. He went outside to play. He started playing basketball. A boy named Thomas came over to play. They played basketball together. A girl named Kim came over to play. She played basketball with them. Mark has two new friends now. 1. What did Mark do when he went outside? a. He went to Thomas’s house. b. He played basketball. c. He rode his bike. 2. How many children came over to play basketball? a. two b. three c. one 3. How do you think Mark felt after the game was over? a. sad b. mad c. happy
READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ THE STORY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. I have a doll. She is a very pretty doll. Her name is Amy. Amy has pretty black hair. Amy is a baby doll. She looks like a real baby. I play with Amy. I take Amy for a ride in my wagon. We go to see Mrs. Walker across the street. Mrs. Walker likes me to bring Amy to see her. I like to take Amy to see Mrs. Walker. 1.
Amy is a ________ doll. a. big b. boy c. baby
I take Amy for a ride in my __________. a. car b. jeep c. wagon
Mrs. Walker lives _____. a. across the street b. in the city c. next door
READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Dear Tommy, I am having a good time at the beach. I hope you can come to the beach with me next year. It is fun to play in the sand. I will be home on Sunday. Your friend, Billy
This is a ______. a. story b. poem c. letter
Where is Billy? a. at home b. at the beach c. at school
READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ THE STORY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. I like it when my father takes me to school in the morning. I can sleep later. On the days he takes me to school, we eat breakfast together. We listen to the radio on the way to school. Dad drives his car fast. We talk on the way to school about baseball. Dad and I like to talk about baseball. 1.
Which word is the opposite of fast? a. sleep b. slow c. slip
What do they listen to on the way to school? a. the radio b. the television c. the news
What do they talk about on the way to school? a. football b. basketball c. baseball
READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ THE STORY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. One day Brent, Matt, and Jeff went to the park. The boys ran and played around the pond. Brent and Jeff were chasing each other. Jeff went too close to the edge of the pond and fell in. The water was deep. Jeff had to swim to get out. Brent and Matt helped Jeff out of the water. Jeff was laughing because he was very wet. 1.
What happened first in this story? a. Jeff fell in the pond. b. Matt and Brent helped Jeff out of the water. c. The boys went to the park.
Why was Jeff laughing? a. Brent was funny. b. He was wet. c. He was hurt.
Why did Jeff have to swim out of the pond? a. He was laughing. b. He was sleepy. c. It was deep.
READING COMPREHENSION TESTING PRACTICE READ THE STORY AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Grandpa and I plant a vegetable garden in his yard every year. We plant carrots, potatoes, and beets. First, we get the garden ready. Next, we buy the seeds. We plant the seeds, and then water them. Then we wait for the seeds to grow. We like to eat the vegetables we grow. 1.
How are carrots, potatoes, and beets alike? a. They are all orange. b. They are all vegetables. c. They are all animals.
What do they do first? a. buy the seeds b. water the seeds c. get the garden ready
What do they do after they water the seeds? a. wait for the seeds to grow b. watch television c. buy seeds