Phones: (H). (C). E-mail: Lay Servant Status (Check one): o I am not currently a Lay Servant o I am not seeking Lay Serv
REGISTRATION for LAY SERVANT MINISTRIES COURSES CENTRAL DISTRICT – Arkansas Conference of the United Methodist Church Lay Servant Ministries are open to all laity and clergy Mar 11-12, 2016 at Mabelvale UMC, 10500 Woodman St, Mabelvale Times: Friday 6:30pm-9:30pm and Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm Registration fee: $15.00 – please mail a check with this registration form to Central District Office, 2 Country Club Cir, Box 1, Maumelle, AR 72113 Courses to be offered: (Order your own book through or 800-672-1789 or the or 800-972-0433) The Prices quoted below are from Cokesbury. Basic - Lay Servant Ministries Basic Course Participant's Book ISBN-13: 9780881776263 - $7.70 Advanced – Let the Whole Church Say Amen! ISBN 13: 9780687090778 - $15.40 (Lead Prayer) Advanced – Worshipping with United Methodists-revised ISBN 13: 9780687335268- $12.05 (Lead Worship) Advanced – Accountable Discipleship ISBN 13: 9780881773392- $10.50 (Heritage & Polity) Please eat dinner before arriving Fri, bring lunch Sat. Beverages and Snacks will be provided both days. What is a Lay Servant? Ready and desirous to serve the church An active, supportive member of the United Methodist Church Eager to serve through the church Well-informed on and committed to Scripture and the doctrine, heritage, organization and life of the United Methodist Church Committed to witnessing through church and community leadership and willing to improve his or her skills for service Inspires others to a deeper commitment to Christ and more effective discipleship
What is expected of a Lay Servant? Support, serve and minister to the local church Look for leadership opportunities in the local church Must file a report with the church Charge Conference every year Take a refresher course every three years if Local Church Lay Servant designation is desired Take an Advanced Course every three years if Certified Lay Servant designation is desired
Personal Information (Please Print): Name: _______________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________ Phones: (H)________________(C)___________________ E-mail: _______________________________________ Lay Servant Status (Check one): o I am not currently a Lay Servant o I am not seeking Lay Servant status o Local Church Lay Servant o Certified Lay Servant o I am a Certified Lay Servant, seeking Lay Speaker track
If you are a Lay Servant (Local or Certified), please give date and district of your most recent Lay Servant course: Date: ____________ District: _____________________ Church Information (please print): Home Church: _________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________ Senior Pastor: _________________________________ Applicant Signature: __________________________________________
Which course are you registering for? Course: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Course Dates: Mar 11-12, 2016 Fee Enclosed: $15.00 FOR OFFICE USE: $_________ Date Paid___________ Cash Check Check # ___________