Sep 21, 2015 - I One document to learn numerics, science, and data with Python. 1 .... pany: the code should be as reada
Sep 21, 2015 - The inline is important for the notebook, so that plots are displayed in the ...... This chapter deals wi
Sep 21, 2015 - NumPy: creating and manipulating numerical data . ..... a free software released under an open-source lic
21 Sep 2015 - Rich collection of already existing bricks corresponding to classical numerical methods or basic actions:
prof, dr hab. Jerzy Motyl. Centrum Badan Nieliniowych im. JuJiusza Schaudera. Um'wersytet Mikolaja Kopernika ul. Chopina 12/18, 87-100 Torun. Redakcja: tel.
21 Sep 2015 - Some very optimized scientific libraries have been written for these languages. ..... a free software rele
CS 4476/5413 Lecture Notes ... 4.5 Public-key Systems and Secret-key Systems .
..... ment of internet makes the network security more and more important for.
Lectures given at the Villa Mondragone International School of Gravitation and ..... In neutron stars the competition with the other forces is very difficult since ..... The parametrization (43) is independent of the rotation law and is particularly
The course Time series analysis is based on the book [7] and replaces our ...
Those who want to use Matlab later in connection with time series can use the.
Software. You should install R on your own computer at the first opportunity. Visit.
1 ... Rizzo, M. L. (2008) Statistical Computing with R. CRC/Chapman &. Hall.
video-game playing, conduct conversations, face recognition, determine if a child
goes out of range,... - tests show that children like them (bond well with them).
3.1 Simple Shell Scripts . ... II The Classic Regression Models. 23. 4 Notation. 24
...... where pE is the pdf of E. In any case, the likelihood can be maximized to.
[1] Simon Haykin, Digital Communication Systems. Wiley 2013. [2] Andrea
Goldsmith, Wireless Communications. ..... dimensioning of modern wireless
ZOOLOGY 101 SECTION 3 LECTURE NOTES. I. Phylum Porifera: Sponges ... o
Some 'T'-shaped with parts going into mesohyl o Cover exterior and some ...
Phylum Porifera: Sponges - Multicellularity: many celled animals (metazoa) Characteristics: 1. Cellular level of organization 2. Sessile 3. All aquatic 4. Body porous with many pores and canals 5. Filter-feeders 6. Depend on water current for oxygen and food and to remove wastes 7. Lack true tissues or organs 8. Most are colonial 9. Radially symmetrical - Skeletal support provided by calcareous or siliceous Spicules or by fibers of a collagen like substance called spongin. Cell Types: 1. Most sponges have four basic cell types and mesohyl 2. Mesohyl = a gelatinous matrix, "connective tissue", in which the sponge cells are embedded Pinacocytes: external epithelium o Thin, flat epithelial type cells o Some 'T'-shaped with parts going into mesohyl o Cover exterior and some interior o Help regulate the surface area of the sponge o Contractile myocytes, regulate water flow rate
Choanocytes: line interior canals and chambers o Ovoid cells o One end embedded in mesohyl o Exposed end bears a flagellum surrounded by a collar o Create some current and capture food Porocytes: canal opening for water flow o Tubular shaped cells o Found in asconoid sponges only Archaeocytes: free moving cells in the mesohyl o Amoeboid type cells, change shape o Carry out general metabolic functions o Can differentiate into other specialized cells Sclerocytes: secrete Spicules Spongocytes: secrete sponging fibers Collencytes: secrete collagen fibers Water Current Feeding 1. Water enters through tiny dermal pores called ostia 2. Water flows through several small canals 3. Some canals and chambers, if present, lined with flagellated collar cells 4. Water flows to large central cavity called spongocoel 5. Organic material consumed within canals and cavities, caught and absorbed by choanocytes and digested by archaeocytes 6. Water, with wastes, pumped out through one or more large openings called oscula
Three types of Canal Systems: determine basic groups of sponges 1. Asconoid = flagellated, simple, large central cavity 2. Syconoid = incurrent canals, flagellated radial canals 3. Leuconoid = several small, flagellated chambers Reproduction: all sponges are capable of sexual and asexual reproduction 1. Sexual a. Sex cells modified archaeocytes b. Ova (eggs) fertilized by motile sperm released by other sponge c. Fertilization occurs within the mesohyl d. Zygotes develop into flagellated larvae and are released e. Larvae swim about, settle, attach and grow into adults f. Sponges may be: i. Monoecious = both sexes in one individual ii. Dioecious = having separate sexes 2. Asexual a. Form external buds i. May detach and float away ii. May remain to form colony b. Form gemmules i. Internal buds produced during harsh or unfavorable conditions ii. Encapsulated archaeocytes