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Systems Group (WCSG), Department of Electrical and Computer. Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124, Greece). References. 1 Krikidis, I.
Semi-blind amplify-and-forward with partial relay selection

The corresponding cumulative distribution function (CDF) of g1 , Fg1( g), is given by

H.A. Suraweera, D.S. Michalopoulos and G.K. Karagiannidis The performance of the dual-hop semi-blind amplify-and-forward relay channel, where the intermediate relay node is selected depending on the instantaneous and partial channel knowledge, is investigated. Using closed-form expressions for the cumulative distribution function of the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), outage probability, SNR moments and average bit error rate are derived.

Introduction: There has been much research interest in cooperative schemes, where one or more relay nodes are selected according to some network parameters [1– 5]. More specifically, we refer interested readers to [2] for a detailed exposition of the relay selection schemes proposed so far. In [4, 5], amplify-and-forward (AF) relay selection based on the best instantaneous signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) composed of SNR across both source-relay and relay-destination hops has been addressed. However, in some applications such as ad hoc and sensor networks, monitoring the global connectivity among different links can drain precious battery power as well as introduce additional network delays. Such challenges have prompted some authors to propose suboptimal relay selection schemes which require only local (single hop) information. For example, in [1] a partial relay selection policy based only on the average SNR and instantaneous channel state information (CSI) of the source-relay link for CSI assisted AF relays has been proposed. In this Letter, we analyse the performance of an AF semi-blind relaying system with partial relay selection providing closed-form expressions for the outage probability, end-to-end (e2e) SNR moments and the average bit error rate (BER). Overview of partial relay selection: Consider a relay system where a source communicates with a destination, D, using K relays denoted by Ri , i ¼ 1, . . ., K. According to the partial relay selection policy described in [1], the source selects a single ith relay among the K relays having the highest S 2 Ri hop instantaneous SNR, gSRi. The relays are assumed to be operative in the half-duplex AF mode. Therefore, each transmission period between S and D via the selected Ri is divided into two sub-slots. The instantaneous e2e SNR of the virtual S 2 Ri 2 D channel is given by

gi ¼

gSRi gRi D C þ gRi D

gSRi expð1=g SRi Þ E1 ð1=g SRi Þ


Ð1 where E1 ðxÞ ¼ x et =tdt is the first-order exponential integral function  denotes averaging. In the sequel, g SRi ; g Ri D are and the overbar ð†Þ denoted for each i by g 1 and g 2 , respectively. Note that with semiblind mode of operation, the relays do not need to calculate the instantaneous channel gain of the S 2 Ri channel as in the case of CSI assisted relays. At the beginning of each coherent time interval of the S 2 R channel, the relays can periodically transmit pilots. Therefore, using the channel reciprocity property, S can estimate CSI for the forward S 2 Ri channel.

K1 P ð1Þl l¼0


 K 1 ð1  eð1þlÞg=g 1 Þ l


Substituting in (3), pand using the identity Ð 1 n1 b=xgx (4) ffiffiffiffiffiffi e dx ¼ 2ðb=gÞn=2 Kn ð2 bgÞ for the calculation of the 0 x resulting integral, we obtain the outage probability as sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Cð1 þ lÞgT P0 ðgT Þ ¼ 1  2K g 1 g 2 l l¼0 1 þ l sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! Cð1 þ lÞgT  eð1þlÞgT =g 1 K1 2 g 1 g 2 K1 P ð1Þl

K 1


where Kv(†) is the vth-order modified Bessel function of the second kind. Using (5), the probability density function (PDF) of geq , can be derived by taking the derivative with respect to gT:   K  1 ð1þlÞg=g P 2K K1 1 ð1Þl e g 1 l¼0 l sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! "sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Cð1 þ lÞg Cð1 þ lÞg K1 2  g 1 g 2 g 1 g 2 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!# C Cð1 þ lÞg þ K0 2 g 2 g 1 g 2

Pgeq ðgÞ ¼


where dK1 ðxÞ=dx ¼ K0 ðxÞ  K1 ðxÞ=x is applied. We now characterise the moments of the e2e SNR. The SNR moments are important performance measures of the average output SNR, as well as its variance. The moments of geq are given by ð1 ð1 Ekgneq l ¼ gn pgeq ðgÞd g ¼ n gn1 ð1  Fgeq ðgÞÞd g ð7Þ 0


where Ek†l denotes the statistical expectation operator. Let t 2 ¼ g, and using (5) and (7) the moments of e2e SNR can be expressed as Ekgneq l


where gRiD represents the instantaneous SNR of the Ri 2 D link; C is a constant. All links (S 2 Ri , Ri 2 D) in the network experience flat and slow Rayleigh fading, i.e. the random variables gSRi and gRiD are exponentially distributed. We assume that the relays use the semi-blind fixed gain [6]. Hence, C is expressed as C¼

Fg1 ðgÞ ¼ K

sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi   K 1 P ð1Þl C K1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ¼ 4nK g 1 g 2 l¼0 ð1 þ lÞ l sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! ð1 Cð1 þ lÞ 2 dt t 2n eð1þlÞt =g 1 K1 2t  g 1 g 2 0


The integral in (8) can be expressed in closed-form using [7, eqn.]. Therefore, Ekgneql is given by     C C Ekgneq l ¼ Kðn!Þ2 ðg1 Þn exp Wn;1=2 2g 2 g 2 ð9Þ K1   K 1 P ð1Þl  nþ1 l l¼0 ð1 þ lÞ where Wa,b(†) is the Whittaker function [7, p. 748]. Average bit error rate: The straightforward approach to obtain the BER, Pb(e), is to average the conditional BER, Pbe( g), over the PDF Pgeq( g), i.e. ð1 Pbe ðgÞpgeq ðgÞd g ð10Þ Pb ðeÞ ¼ 0

Outage probability and SNR moments: The outage probability is defined as the probability that the instantaneous e2e SNR, geq , falls below a threshold gT. Let g1 ¼ maxi fSRi g and g2 ¼ gRDi . Therefore, Po ðgT Þ ¼ Pr½geq , gT  ¼ Fge q ðgT Þ is given by   g1 g2 , gT Po ðgT Þ ¼ Pr C þ g2 ð3Þ  ð1  g Pr g1 , T ðC þ g2 Þjg2 pg2 ðgÞd g ¼ g2 0

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 12th March 2009 Vol. 45

In the cases of BPSK, M-ary phase-shift keying (MPSK), M-ary quadrature amplitude p modulation (M-QAM) Pbe( g) can be expressed in the form of aQ( bg) where (a, b)pare depending on the moduffiffiffiffiffiffi Ðconstants 2 1 lation scheme and QðxÞ ¼ 1= 2p x et =2 dt. To evaluate the BER we employ by parts. Therefore, the average BER, given by Ð 1 integration pffiffiffiffiffiffi I ¼ a 0 Qð bgÞpgeq ðgÞd g, can be evaluated as a I ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi 2p

No. 6

ð1 0


 2  2 y y exp  dy b 2


Plugging (5) into (11), thereafter using [7, eqn.] and after algebraic manipulation we obtain "   3=2 K 1 P a KC K1 bg 1 I¼ 1 ð1Þl 2ð1 þ lÞ þ bg1 2 bg 1 g 2 l¼0 l ð12Þ     Cð1 þ lÞ Cð1 þ lÞ F  exp 2ð1 þ lÞ þ bg1 Þg2 ð2ð1 þ lÞ þ bg1 Þg2 where the auxiliary function, FðxÞ ¼ K1 ðxÞ  K0 ðxÞ. To illustrate the usefulness of the above analytical results, Figs 1 and 2 show the outage and QPSK-modulated average BER performances against the average SNR of the S 2 R link of partial relay selection, respectively. In Fig. 2, three available relays are assumed, i.e. K ¼ 3. Three cases regarding the relative strength of the S 2 R and R 2 D channels are considered, namely g1 ¼ g2 ; g1 ¼ 5g2 and g1 ¼ 0:2g2 . As can be observed from Figs 1 and 2, partial relay selection does not result in favourable diversity gain compared to the case where the relays are selected based on the e2e channel [4, 5], since in partial relay selection the R 2 D channel is ignored at the selection process. Nevertheless, in some applications where obtaining end-to-end channel information is practically cumbersome due to, e.g., complexity constraints, partial relay selection is the only applicable relay selection method.

Conclusions: The usefulness of relay selection based on single hop information for some practical ad hoc networks has been highlighted in recent research. In the work reported in this Letter, we developed exact expressions for the outage probability, moments of the end-toend signal-to-noise ratio and the average bit error rate in order to evaluate the performance of dual hop semi-blind amplify-and-forward when partial relay selection is applied. These results are confirmed through comparison with Monte Carlo simulations. To the best of our knowledge, such exact expressions considering a semi-blind relay gain have not been reported elsewhere in the technical literature. # The Institution of Engineering and Technology 2009 29 October 2008 doi: 10.1049/el.2009.3089 H.A. Suraweera (Centre for Telecommunications and Microelectronics (CTME), School of Electrical Engineering, Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia) E-mail: [email protected] D.S. Michalopoulos and G.K. Karagiannidis (Wireless Communications Systems Group (WCSG), Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, GR-54124, Greece) References

1.0 0.9 0.8 outage probability

0.7 0.6 0.5

K = 2, 3, 5

0.4 0.3 0.2 analytical Monte Carlo simulation

0.1 0 0




4 5 6 threshold, g T





Fig. 1 Outage probability of partial relay selection for different number of available relays g¯ 1 ¼ 3 dB, g¯ 2 ¼ 7 dB

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100 analytical Monte Carlo simulations 10–1

average BER

g1 = 5g2 10–2

10–3 g1 = 0.2g2 10–4 g1 = g2 10–5 0







g1, dB

Fig. 2 Average BER of partial relay selection for, and several assumptions regarding, the relative strength of S-R and R-D channel, for QPSK modulation

ELECTRONICS LETTERS 12th March 2009 Vol. 45 No. 6