SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS. Flip-Flops Analysis. Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
FLIP-FLOPS Characteristic Tables, Characteristic Equations
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Characteristic Tables • A characteristic table defines the logical properties of a
flip-flop by describing its operations in tabular form. • For D, JK, and T flip-flops, the characteristic table defines
the next state as a function of the inputs and the present state. • For the characteristic tables, • Q(t) refers to the present state
• Q(t+1) refers to the next state
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Characteristic Tables: D FF • The next state of a D flip-flop is dependent only on the D
input and is independent of the present state. • Q(t+1) = D • Next state value is equal to the D value.
• Notice that there is no “no change” condition.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Characteristic Table: D FF
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Characteristic Tables: JK FF • The next state of a JK flip-flop • Q(t+1) = Q(t) when J and K are both 0 – no change
• Q(t+1) = 0 when J = 0 and K = 1 – reset • Q(t+1) = 1 when J = 1 and K = 0 – set
• Q(t+1) = Q’(t) when J and K are both 1 – output complemented
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Characteristic Table: JK FF
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Characteristic Tables: T FF • Characteristic table of a T flip-flop • Q(t+1) = Q(t) when T = 0 – no change
• Q(t+1) = Q’(t) when T = 1 – output complemented
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Characteristic Table: T FF
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Characteristic Equations • The logical properties of a flip-flop can be expressed
algebraically with a characteristic equation. • For D flip-flop: Q(t+1) = D • For JK flip-flop: Q(t+1) = JQ’ + K’Q • For T flip-flop: Q(t+1) = TQ’ + T’Q = T Q • Characteristic equations can be obtained from the circuit.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
ANALYSIS OF CLOCKED SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS State Equation, State Table, State Diagram
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Introduction • Analysis describes what a given circuit will do under
certain operating conditions. • Behavior of a clocked sequential circuit is determined
from • the inputs
• the outputs • the state of the flip-flops used
• The outputs and the next state are both a function of the
inputs and the present state.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Introduction • The analysis of a sequential circuit consists of obtaining a
table or a diagram for the time sequence of inputs, outputs, and internal states. • Boolean expressions, that describe the behavior of the
sequential circuit, can be determined. The expressions
must include the necessary time sequence.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Introduction • A logic diagram is recognized as a clocked sequential
circuit if it includes flip-flops with clock inputs. • The flip-flops can be of any type (D, JK, T). • The logic diagram may or may not include combinational
circuit gates.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Equations • The behavior of clocked sequential circuits can be
described algebraically by means of state equations. • A state equation (a.k.a. transition equation) specifies the
next state as a function of the present state and inputs.
Consider the figure in the next slide..
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Sample Sequential Circuit
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Equations • The sample sequential circuit consists of • two D flip-flops A and B • input x • output y
• The state equations • A(t+1) = A(t)x(t) + B(t)x(t)
//at time t
• B(t+1) = A’(t)x(t)
//at time t
• Since all the next state variables are a function of the
present state, the designation (t) can be omitted.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Equations • The present-state value of the output can be expressed
algebraically as • y(t) = [A(t) + B(t)]x’(t)
• Since
all variables are in the present state, the
designation (t) can be omitted. The output Boolean
equation now is, • y = (A + B)x’
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Table • The time sequence of inputs, outputs, and flip-flop states
can be enumerated in a state table. • The state table consists of four sections, • present state – state of flip-flop at any given time t • input – value of input for each possible present state
• next state – state of flip-flop after one clock cycle (at time t+1) • output – value of output at time t for each present state and input
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Table • Derivation of a state table requires listing all possible
binary combinations of present states and inputs. • The next state section values are determined from the
state equations of the flip-flops used. • The output section values are determined from the output
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Table
A(t+1) = Ax + Bx B(t+1) = A’x y = Ax’ + Bx’
State table for the sample circuit
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Table • Given a sequential circuit with m flip-flops and n inputs, 2m+n
rows are needed for the state table. • The number of columns for each section: m for present state
and next state, n for input, the number of output variables. • The binary numbers 0 to 2m+n – 1 are listed under the present
state and input sections. • Values under next state section are derived from the state
equations of the flip-flops. Values under the output section are derived from the output equations.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Table (version 2) • It is sometimes convenient to express the state table in a
slightly different form. • A different state table has three sections: present state,
next state, and output. • The input conditions are enumerated under the next state
and output sections.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Table (version 2)
A(t+1) = Ax + Bx B(t+1) = A’x y = Ax’ + Bx’
Another form of the state table for the sample circuit
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Diagram • A state diagram is a graphical representation of the state
table. • A state diagram is derived from the information given in
the state table.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Diagram Present State (A,B)
Input (x) Output (y)
Next State (A,B) State diagram for the sample circuit
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Diagram
Draw the state diagram of the sample circuit
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
State Diagram
State diagram for the sample circuit
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Flip-Flop Input/Output Equations • An output equation is a Boolean function describing the
external output of the combinational circuit part of the sequential circuit. • A flip-flop input equation is a Boolean function describing
the part of the circuit that generates the inputs to the flipflops. • With the flip-flop input equations and output equations,
the logic diagram of the sequential circuit can be drawn.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Flip-Flop Input Equation • Sample Circuit: 2 input equations and 1 output equations
DA = Ax + Bx DB = A’x
y = Ax’ + Bx’ • DA means that we are using a D flip-flop with output A
• DB means that we are using a D flip-flop with output B
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Analysis: D Flip-Flop • Consider the following input equation for the circuit to be
• DA = A x y • Description of the circuit, • the DA symbol implies the use of a D flip-flop with output A • no output equations are given – output of the circuit comes from the
output of the flip-flop used • What to do: a) logic diagram, b) next state equations, c)
state table, and d) state diagram
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Analysis: D Flip-Flop a. Logic Diagram of DA = A x y
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Analysis: D Flip-Flop b. Next State Equation of DA = A x y
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Analysis: D Flip-Flop c. State Table of DA = A x y
Ciletti, M. D. and M. M. Mano. Digital design, fourth edition. Prentice Hall. NJ.
Analysis: D Flip-Flop c. State Diagram of DA = A x y