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Original Research published: 19 February 2016 doi: 10.3389/fvets.2016.00011


Brian B. Oakley1* and Michael H. Kogut2  College of Veterinary Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CA, USA, 2 United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Southern Plains Area Research Center, College Station, TX, USA 1

Edited by: Paul Wigley, University of Liverpool, UK Reviewed by: Lisa Bielke, Ohio State University, USA Peter Heegaard, National Veterinary Institute, Denmark *Correspondence: Brian B. Oakley [email protected] Specialty section: This article was submitted to Veterinary Infectious Diseases, a section of the journal Frontiers in Veterinary Science Received: 11 September 2015 Accepted: 04 February 2016 Published: 19 February 2016 Citation: Oakley BB and Kogut MH (2016) Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Broiler Chicken Cecal and Fecal Microbiomes and Correlations of Bacterial Taxa with Cytokine Gene Expression. Front. Vet. Sci. 3:11. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2016.00011

To better understand the ecology of the poultry gastrointestinal (GI) microbiome and its interactions with the host, we compared GI bacterial communities by sample type (fecal or cecal), time (1, 3, and 6  weeks posthatch), and experimental pen (1, 2, 3, or 4), and measured cecal mRNA transcription of the cytokines IL18, IL1β, and IL6, IL10, and TGF-β4. The microbiome was characterized by sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons, and cytokine gene expression was measured by a panel of quantitative-PCR assays targeting mRNAs. Significant differences were observed in the microbiome by GI location (fecal versus cecal) and bird age as determined by permutational MANOVA and UniFrac phylogenetic hypothesis tests. At 1-week posthatch, bacterial genera significantly over-represented in fecal versus cecal samples included Gallibacterium and Lactobacillus, while the genus Bacteroides was significantly more abundant in the cecum. By 6-week posthatch, Clostridium and Caloramator (also a Clostridiales) sequence types had increased significantly in the cecum and Lactobacillus remained over-represented in fecal samples. In the ceca, the relative abundance of sequences classified as Clostridium increased by ca. 10-fold each sampling period from 0.1% at 1 week to 1% at 3 week and 18% at 6 week. Increasing community complexity through time were observed in increased taxonomic richness and diversity. IL18 and IL1β significantly (p 0.4 and r2 values >0.3 were chosen based on empirical testing.


TABLE 2 | Permutational ANOVA results partitioning effects of bird age and sample type (cecal or fecal) on microbial community composition as calculated at a 95% OTU cutoff as described in the text.

Spatial Differences in Microbiome

Significant differences were observed in the microbiome depending on sampling location (fecal versus cecal) and bird age (1, 3, or 6  weeks of age) using a variety of metrics. First, we used a variety of taxonomic classifications (e.g., phylum or genus-level classifications with the Silva or RDP taxonomy) or taxonomicindependent classifications (binning sequences into sequencesimilarity groups or operational taxonomic units; OTUs) to

Degrees of freedom Age Sample type Age:type Residuals Total

2 1 2 110 115

Sums of squares

Mean squares


Pr (>F)

8.53 3.14 1.40 22.43 35.51

4.26 3.14 0.70 0.20

20.91 15.39 3.45

0.5% average relative abundance in the

DISCUSSION The differences documented here between fecal and cecal samples and changes in both sample types as birds mature provide important data about the community composition of each sample type at specific points in the maturation of commercial broiler chickens.

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February 2016 | Volume 3 | Article 11

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FIGURE 7 | IL1β week 1 (A), IL1β week 6 (B), IL6 week 6 (C), IL18 week 1 (D), TGF-β4 week 1 (E), TGF-β4 week 6 (F), IL10 week 1 (G), IL10 week 3 (H).

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week 6 birds. Genera significantly more abundant at week 3 versus 1 were Caloramator, Peptostreptococcus, Clostridium, Butyrivibrio, Faecalibacterium, and Oscillibacter. The relative abundance of these genera increased from 2- to 127-fold between weeks 1 and 3. This latter genus, Oscillibacter was the most abundant member of the week 6 community (42% average relative abundance). Interestingly, Oscillibacter belongs to Clostridium cluster IV that produces valerate as an end product of fermentation and has been identified as a “healthy biomarker” in a study of human patients with Crohn’s disease (49) but also significantly associated with diet-induced obesity (50). It is now well established that various Firmicutes such as Faecalibacterium and Subdoligranulum are numerically abundant and proportionally dominant in the chicken cecum (51). Phylogenetic comparisons of sequences between paired cecal and fecal samples from individual birds illustrated the significant differences between these two sample types. While specialization of microbial communities associated with anatomical region and physiological function of the chicken GI tract has long been noted (52), the data shown here give important new details about the magnitude and nature of these phylogenetic differences. As an anatomical chamber gated by the ileocecal valve, the cecum harbors a distinct and relatively homogeneous microbial community mediating anaerobic fermentations of cellulose and other substrates. In contrast, the material we collected as fecal droppings is by nature more variable after transit through the colorectum, reflecting the different environments of the GI tract, likely in different ways for each dropping. For example, the mixing of nitrogenous liquid waste with feces in the urodeum prior to excretion almost certainly influences the microbial community via changes in pH, etc. The differences in microbial community composition between fecal and cecal samples we observed within individual birds has important implications for food safety, animal health and nutrition or related research – collecting only one sample type will not give a representative picture of the GI tract and may miss pathogens or mischaracterize effects of a treatment on the community. Correlations of the relative abundance of bacterial taxa with cytokine gene expression revealed some important associations. In all cases, Proteobacteria were correlated with a pro-inflammatory response, most strongly with IL6 expression at 6 weeks of age. Many human and animal pathogens such as E. coli, Shigella, Salmonella, and Klebsiella are Proteobacteria with well-established pro-inflammatory mechanisms. In our data, no genera within the Proteobacteria were significantly correlated with cytokine expression, but the most abundant genera within the group of Proteobacteria positively correlated with IL6 expression were sequences classified as Escherichia/ Shigella, Parasutterella, and Vampirovibrio. This latter genus has an uncertain taxonomic classification and has recently been proposed as a Cyanobacterium with an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-like conjugative type IV secretion system (53). Many of our sequence reads classified as Vampirovibrio by the RDP classifier were designated by the Silva taxonomy as Brevundimonas, an organism not known to be pathogenic but resistant to fluoroquinolones (54). Inverse relationships between Firmicute relative abundance and expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (e.g., IL6, IL18) suggest

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a potential for inflammatory modulation by certain Firmicute taxa. In particular, the genus Faecalibacterium was inversely correlated with the expression of the classical pro-inflammatory cytokine IL1β and IL18. This genus has been noted repeatedly in human microbiome studies  –  for example, reductions in F. prausnitzii have been linked to Crohn’s Disease, perhaps due to metabolites secreted by the bacterium blocking NF-Kβ activation and IL8 production (55). Several other Firmicute genera such as Caloramator were negatively correlated with pro-inflammatory (IL6) and positively correlated with anti-inflammatory (TGF-β4) cytokine expression, consistent with a growing body of evidence demonstrating positive influences of Firmicutes on gut health. However, it is important to keep in mind the diversity represented within a single bacterial phylum, as several Firmicute genera were positively correlated with expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (Figure 7). Harnessing the ability of the microbiome to affect host immunity would be an important immunotherapeutic alternative to antibiotic strategies currently used in poultry to improve performance and exclude pathogens. The work presented here is the first to try to identify commensals in poultry that are associated with immunomodulatory effects as has been previously done in mammalian systems (56–61). Further research is needed to ascertain whether the commensal taxa identified in this study as associated with cytokine signaling are actually immunomodulatory. However, the possibility to use organisms that are members of the commensal microbiota as immunomodulators is intriguing. Though our data do not reveal mechanisms by which the taxa we identified may interact with the cecal cytokine signaling pathways, the “data mining” approach presented here may be particularly useful as a first step in screening complex communities for taxa with desirable (and undesirable) immunomodulatory properties. This may be particularly useful when testing the effects of feed additives or designing probiotic formulations. In future studies, we anticipate high-throughput sequencing and associated bioinformatics approaches will continue to provide new insights into the structure and function of chicken GI microbial communities. The approach we took here was based on sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, but metagenomic studies of gene content (17, 18, 62) and transcriptomic studies of microbial gene expression will continue to offer additional insights into genetic potential and activity. We anticipate these approaches will become standard tools for assessing the impact of feed additives or probiotics on the chicken GI microbiome and host responses.

AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS BO analyzed data and wrote the ms, MK designed experiments, analyzed data, and wrote the ms.

FUNDING Partial funding for this project was provided by the US Poultry and Egg Foundation and research funds from the Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine.


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