While in the Navy during WW II, Jack concluded he wanted ... Jack g. brown '50
remains Committed to Lambda Chapter, supports ..... Jack R. Darr '55. James C.
Lambda Letter
spring 2010 aLumni neWsLetter oF the Lambda Chapter oF sigma Chi
renovation Complete but Campaign is not over! $1.41 Million Contributed by Loyal Brothers Your Pledge Is Needed to Reach $2 Million Goal
s we reported in the fall issue of the Lambda Letter, renovations to the Chapter House are complete, and the undergraduates have completed their first school year in the “new” house. To date, $1.41 million has been pledged to the Lambda—150 and Beyond Campaign toward our goal of $2 million.
While this is a great accomplishment, our work is not done. Our participation rate is now 16% and has increased only slightly since the fall. A typical campaign will result in a quarter or more of eligible members making a pledge to a campaign like ours. Sigma Chi campaigns typically exceed the average; and the Sigs at Purdue completed their recent campaign with just over a 50% participation rate. There are 1,761 active Lambda alumni who have maintained an interest in the Chapter and regularly receive this newsletter and return the annual biographical update. of our more than 1,700 alumni, only 289 brothers have made pledges to the campaign. Just because the physical work is done, does not mean our financing work is done. You may recall that we inherited nearly $500,000 of remaining debt from the 1992 renovation. When added to the $2 million cost of our renovation, we need to raise $2 million to complete this work debt free, and hand a clean slate
to the next generation who will be working hard to maintain Lambda’s competitive standing and campus-leading facility. If we are unable to move the needle from here, we will carry over $1 million of debt into the future, which will put pressure on house bills, capacity maximization, maintenance funding, and other needs that could impact Lambda’s future. All of us must remain committed to reaching our $2 million goal and to do so, we need the help of every alumnus to responsibly retire the construction debt.
puses across the nation, including Indiana. But as alumni, we know the lifelong value of the Sigma Chi experience in building character, self-worth, integrity, and leadership skills. Those qualities never go out of style and will be valued by society forever. Sigma Chi builds that kind of young man—but depends on our stewardship. Each of us has left a mark on Lambda’s first 150 years. What will be our mark as we enter the next 150 years? help us provide financial stabilization for the Chapter and house Corporation by sending in your pledge today.
i cannot stress enough the importance of increasing our participation percentage. By now, you should know we started this campaign to ensure that Lambda has a place on the IU campus for another 150 years. This renovation provided essential upgrades that will help us in recruiting only the best young men to continue the SC legacy. The competitiveness of alternative housing for college students is growing each year.
Campaign status at-a-gLanCe
in order to attract the best recruits who will become the future of our great Chapter, we must reach our goal. You must send in your pledge today. The campaign name, Lambda— 150 and Beyond, was not chosen be accident. The Greek system is under pressure on cam-
$1,413,490 Written Commitments 289 Contributors 1,761 Active Alumni 16.4% Participation
In hoc, Jay beattey iv ’81 Campaign Board Member
[email protected] (317) 513-5785
As of May 5, 2010
Lambda members Finish First Year in renovated house on strong Footing • Chapter Boasts Fourth-Highest Fraternity G.P.A. of 3.25 • Little 500 Team and Individual Racers Celebrate Accomplishments
ambda Chapter strives to maintain a level of excellence that honors our 150-year history at Indiana University. I am proud to share some of our accomplishments with you.
We have spent almost an entire school year in the newly renovated Chapter House and are still amazed at how quickly the project was completed. We are grateful to every alumnus, parent, and friend of the
inside: 3 New Initiates
Chapter who has contributed to the campaign and made the renovation possible. Our home gives us a sense of pride on campus and we know that it will help us recruit only the best men to carry on the Lambda legacy. The Chapter had the fourth-highest G.P.A. of all IU fraternities with a
3 Alumnus Spotlight
(Continued on page 2) n
4-5 Thank You, Loyal Brothers
theLambda Letter
First Year in renovated house (Continued from page 1)
3.25. The all-fraternity average for the fall was 3.11 and the all-men’s average was a 2.9. This is a clear indication that the academic standards we have set and member accountability initiatives are showing signs of success and will remain an asset to the Chapter. We are very dedicated to philanthropic undertakings and have a high percentage of men involved in the IU Dance Marathon, which is the second-largest student run philanthropy in the country. Two groups of members are also dedicating their time to raising money for The Timmy Foundation and working with the United Way. Even though members are involved with many external philanthropic efforts we are very focused on raising funds for the charities we work with year-round. Derby Days
was a great success and we reached our goal of $5,000 for the Red Cross Haiti Relief Fund, The Children’s Miracle Network, and the Huntsman Cancer Institute. We have a major presence in campus intramurals. Our football team, coached by grant gernhardt ’09, is in position to make a run for the title. The basketball team, led by Chris mather ’10, had a dream run in the playoffs for a chance to play in Assembly Hall, and Justin autojay ’11 put together a soccer team that was one of the best on campus. Our Little 500 team has top three potential and did very well during practice races. The team finished fifth in Team Pursuit with a time of 9:35.61, and andrew morrow ’12 finished fourth at Miss ‘N Out, and 14th (of 43) in the men’s individual time trials. As you can see, our Chapter has tremendous potential and is living up to the legacy our alumni created many years ago. Sigma Chi at Indiana University remains one of the best chapters at IU. In hoc, Kevin Courtney ’12 Consul
[email protected] (317) 292-2738
executive officers Consul Kevin Courtney ’12 Carmel, Ind.
[email protected] (317) 292-2738 Pro Consul drew dabbelt ’12 Columbus, Ohio Annotator Chris Kleckner ’12 Indianapolis, Ind. Quaestor nick seger ’13 Jasper, Ind. House Manager ryan sullivan ’12 Indianapolis, Ind. Magister ricky Kolb ’12 Libertyville, Ill. Recruitment Chairman harrison pinkus ’12 Barrington, Ill.
[email protected] (847) 809-8979
Lambda exeCutive Committee President doug morrow ’74 Vice President Fritz reissner ’73 Treasurer Jim Cline ’85 Secretary grant small ’00
Top: Adam Fish ’11 practices for individual time trials at Bill Armstrong Stadium. Adam was the team’s fifth rider last year and suited up for his first Little 500 with the team this year. Above: Sigma Chi riders warm up before they attempt to qualify for the Little 500. The fraternity team placed eighth with a time of 2:24.25.
Members Joe Cremer ’81 John demaree ’86 Kirby goble ’89 scott herbst ’91 steve sexton ’80 mike Weishaar ’96
doing the right thing Jack g. brown ’50 remains Committed to Lambda Chapter, supports Campaign to ensure SC experience is available for generations ack brown ’50 fortunately knew several Sigma Chi alumni, mostly from Lambda Chapter, who were men of character and leaders in their individual pursuits. He wanted the opportunity to develop the traits and goals that would allow him similar success. Sigma Chi seemed the best place to start.
associates, with the assistance of a staff of qualified specialists. “I was an entrepreneur and in control of my own career. If I succeeded, I was well compensated, and if I failed, I would forfeit my contract to represent Northwestern Mutual.” He ran the agency for nearly 30 years until he relinquished the contract at age 65.
The principles of Sigma Chi have stuck with Jack throughout his adult life. He learned a lot while a pledge and undergraduate at Lambda. “The Norman Shield pledge manual is filled with valuable information.” He still has his manual and refers to it occasionally. He believes the bond of Lambda fellowship is reciprocal. “Many of my lifelong friends are my Lambda brothers.” Jack believes the Sigma Chi Creed, written in 1887 by Brother George Ade, Delta Delta, are words to live by. While in the Navy during WW II, Jack concluded he wanted a career, after earning a degree, which he could control. He developed a plan and focused his effort in getting a bachelor’s degree in business administration, majoring in insurance and finance. “I had no money, there was no family business I could enter, and a career in insurance was something I could establish with little capital.”
Jack chose to support the Lambda—150 and Beyond Campaign for several reasons: First, because it was the right thing to do. “If those of us who have benefited from Lambda don’t come forward, who will? No body! It’s our duty, responsibility and opportunity to help those who come after us, as it was our Sigma Chi heritage from those that preceded us.” Secondly, because it’s important that all Lambda brothers participate to demonstrate our solidarity and gratitude for what Lambda and Sigma Chi has given all of us. “Any of us should be able to at least pledge $150 (honoring Lambda’s 150th birthday), or more, whatever fits financially for each brother. We all know, more is better.” And finally, because Lambda is the oldest, continuous chapter in Sigma Chi. “i believe every Lambda alumnus should be motivated to help now to protect this singular Lambda legacy.”
He began his business career with Northwestern Mutual as a senior at IU. By age 36 he was owner and operator of their Minneapolis Agency. In addition to managing the agency, he recruited, trained and supervised the company’s new agency
To alumni who have not yet sent in their pledge, Jack seriously requests that, “you stand up and support the Lambda Chapter House renovation, and undergraduate scholarship fund, which serves a significant purpose in
promoting superior academics at Lambda. The most important aspect of a successful campaign is receiving involvement from every Lambda alumnus. now is the time to do the right thing and take positive action!”
“If those of us who have benefited from Lambda don’t come forward, who will? No body! It’s our duty, responsibility and opportunity to help those who come after us...”
He advises pledges and undergraduates to read and follow the message of our Sigma Chi Norman Shield and live your life in accordance with the Sigma Chi Creed. Jack and his wife, Marcia live five months of the year in Fishers, Indiana, and seven months in Fort Myers, Florida. He enjoys playing golf with Lambda brothers, bob beaty ’50 and rod macdonald ’48. He also has time for reading, cruising and studying Constitutional politics. E-mail him at
[email protected]. Over his 83 years, Jack has done things that he has come to regret. “Just plain mistakes of bad judgment,” he calls them. “i have never found anything i learned as a Lambda Chapter brother of sigma Chi that has caused me any regret. Learning from experience is a great teacher, but, learning from the experience of others is the best teacher. Set important goals, and go forth and be the best you can be!”
CongratuLations, neW initiates tommy aliber ’13 Kansas City, Mo.
Charlie Carlin ’13 South Bend, Ind.
Jake gerber ’12 Munster, Ind.
tommy meyer ’12 St. Louis, Mo.
steve simonetti ’13 Roanoke, Va.
mike archer ’13 Columbus, Ohio
andrew esstman ’13 St. Louis, Mo.
drew gleason ’13 Edgewood, Ky.
Jamie pares ’13 New Caanan, Conn.
Jimmy steinmitz ’12 Indianapolis, Ind.
matt bosler ’13 Carmel, Ind.
Jack Fairchild ’13 Indianapolis, Ind.
neil Johnson ’13 Downers Grove, Ill.
augustin ruta ’13 Chaska, Minn.
nahom tecle ’13 Indianapolis, Ind.
evan buhner ’13 La Porte, Ind.
andrew Frandsen ’12* Lebanon, Ind. (Father Kent Frandsen ’72)
Charlie Knowlton ’13 Boston, Mass.
scott shapiro ’13 St. Louis, Mo.
andrew thurow ’13 Naperville, Ill.
Jay byer ’13 Bloomfield, Minn.
michael Liu ’13 Dallas, Texas
* indicates legacy
theLambda Letter
thanK You, LoYaL brothers, For Committing $1,413,490
e are deeply grateful to the following Lambda brothers for committing more than $1.41 million to the Lambda—150 and Beyond Campaign. These brothers recognize the importance of ensuring the future of the Lambda Chapter and have demonstrated a sense of gratitude for their personal experience. Commitments are still needed from the rest of our alumni to achieve our goal and retire the construction
J. dWight peterson soCietY ($250,000 and Above) V. William Hunt ’66
LLoYd g. baLFour soCietY ($100,000 to $249,999) John D. Peterson ’55
James F. bash soCietY ($50,000 to $99,999) Don W. Goelzer ’50 Frank P. Popoff ’57 Michael D. Shumate ’67 Curtis A. Ferguson ’80 In memory of James F. Bash ’46 and William H. Walters Jr. ’46 In honor of Robert E. Miller Jr. ’50 and James D. Foulke ’54
Constantine soCietY ($25,000 to $49,999) Anonymous Donald C. Danielson ’42 Louis S. Hensley Jr. ’50 Goble Family Gift William C. Goble ’53 Gregory C. Goble ’82 J. Kirby Goble ’89 In memory of William O. Goble ’81 John W. Biddinger ’62 Gibson Family Gift Dan A. Gibson ’33 David D. Gibson ’64 Cameron S. Gibson ’00 David A. McHarry ’67 In honor of John W. McHarry, M.D., Illinois ’YR Robert W. Elliott ’74 Dr. Douglas C. Morrow ’74 Beattey Family Gift James L. Beattey III ’54 James L. Beattey IV ’81 Jeffery N. Beattey ’84 In memory of James L. Beattey Jr. ’30
Cremer Family Gift Joseph B. Cremer ’81 John A. Cremer ’84 Stephen D. Mattingly ’83 French Family Gift Darroll P. French ’56 D. Philip French Jr. ’85 Bradley B. Chambers ’86 In memory of William E. Chambers ’54 Brian C. Pahud ’86
Founders soCietY ($10,000 to $24,999) Jack G. Brown ’50 Albert G. Huntington ’67 James A. Roe ’72 Frederick F. Reissner ’73 Terry C. Graessle ’76 In memory of John D. Carl ’82 R. Neal Sinclair III ’78 Dr. William G. “Buzz” McTurnan ’80 In memory of Lawrence McTurnan ’49, Lee M. McTurnan, Nebraska ’25, and James L. McTurnan, Butler ’38 David M. Flaherty ’81 L. Scott Horrall ’82 John W. Demaree ’85 Daniel J. Rose ’85 Stuart P. Boehning ’92 Jon P. Sauser ’96
White Cross soCietY ($5,000 to $9,999) Kathryn Owens Miller In memory of Thomas M. Miller ’52 In honor of Thomas Miller Jr. ’82 and William French ’11 John E. Wilson ’43 In honor of J. Dwight Peterson ’19
debt of this major project. All donors contributing a minimum of $1,000 over a five-year period will be recognized on a plaque prominently displayed in the Chapter House. If an error has been made in recording your gift, or your name has been mistakenly omitted or listed improperly, we sincerely apologize. Please contact the campaign coordinator at (785) 843-1661.
Edgar L. Peglow ’50 In memory of Dale A. Karlen Sr., Denison ’45 William M. Hogue ’51 In memory of John “Bud” Smith ’25 In honor of his fraternity father William Miller ’YR James W. Dye ’53 In memory of Richard J. Dye ’51 Lawrence N. Carter ’56 In memory of Wilbur M. Carter, Illinois ’19 Hal M. Hartle ’56 In memory of the Classes of 1954 and 1956 Barry L. Hindman ’58 Rev. William F. Dopp ’64 James D. Keller ’64 John W. “Bud” Colglazier ’67 Tom Vandenbark ’67 Daniel R. Daugherty ’69 Kent M. Frandsen ’72 Cregg B. Baumbaugh ’79 Drake Family Gift William R. Drake ’79 Bradley C. Drake ’81 Andrew R. Drake ’86 Stuart K. Drake ’08 In memory of Richard B. Drake ’54 Stephen B. Sexson, M.D. ’79 Chambers Family Gift Phillip E. Chambers ’80 David B. Chambers ’10 In memory of William E. Chambers ’54 Kenneth E. Cooper ’83 In memory of Jim Hughes Scott D. Kiley ’84 Williams Family Gift Robert J. Williams ’54 R. Ross Williams ’85 J. Timothy Morris ’88 In honor of Charles E. Harrell ’33
James G. Null ’88 Scott E. Herbst ’89 Aaron J. Ochstein ’95 Matthew A. Tubergen ’96 Michael W.M. Weishaar ’96 Matthew H. Langfeldt ’97
Jordan standard soCietY ($2,500 to $4,999) John R. Bain ’50 In memory of Jay W. Collins ’50 Norman W. Canedy ’50 John C. Krivacs ’51 G. Frank Holland II ’53 John P. “Pat” Ellis ’54 Robert L. Fesler ’59 In memory of R. Michael Burget ’63 John J. “Jack” Heidt Jr. ’59 R. Robert Brafford ’61 C. T. “Terry” Duncan ’62 F. Richard McCracken III ’65 In memory of Frank R. McCracken Jr. ’37 Marc L. Carmichael ’66 Sigmon W. Myers ’69 J. Timothy Worthington ’70 In honor of Don W. Goelzer ’50 Donald A. “Lex” Dalton III ’71 Hudon Conway Jr. ’72 John D. Fitz ’72 Craig B. Kurtz, M.D. ’72 Dr. Robert L. Zerbe ’72 Thomas Bunger ’73 Karlen Family Gift Dale A. Karlen Jr. ’73 Kim J. Karlen ’75 In memory of Dale A. Karlen Sr. Daniel H. McQuiston, Ph.D. ’73 Steven R. Moffett, M.D. ’74 Richard A. Steele Jr. ’74 Walter E. Beebe ’77 Jon P. Anderson ’79
William M. Fuller ’80 In honor of Donald C. Danielson ’42, Dr. William K. Saint ’44, and James D. Foulke ’54 David F. Morrow ’80 William S. Ravensberg ’80 In memory of J. Dwight Peterson ’19 Michael T. Smith, D.D.S. ’80 James E. Cory II ’81 Brent C. Reasner ’83 Brian J. Beegle ’84 Michael J. Brunso ’84 Michael D. Johnson ’84 James J. Cline Jr. ’85 Michael B. Davis ’85 David J. Pierce ’85 In honor of Turboe David L. Carter ’86 Rick A. Held ’86 Todd J. Moore ’87 Kevin E. Pahud ’88 Boyd R. Zoccola ’88 Brett S. Martin ’90 In memory of Todd D. Grebe ’90 Gregory L. Leahy ’91 Jeremy R. Hoff ’96 Craig M. Skelton ’97 Kevin R. Koven ’11 Jonathan M. Parish ’11
Quest soCietY ($1,000 to $2,499) Carol Stemle In memory of Duane L. Stemle ’55 C. Edward Hixon ’38 In memory of Robert Harrell ’36 In honor of Charles Harrell ’33 and the class of 1938 James B. Lee ’49 Frederick C. Morrow ’49 Robert L. Rock ’50 In memory of James L. Beattey Jr. ’30
7 H. Lee Hodgen ’51 In memory of Richard J. Dye ’51, Ernest S Kovatch ’51, and Russell J. McCann ’51 James L. Feeney ’53 Ward E. Sexson ’55 In memory of Edwin T. French Jr. ’55 Albert C. Harker ’58 Douglas M. Wade ’58 Lindley E. “Ed” Clark Jr. ’61 In memory of James R. Browne ’62 F. Roberts Hanning Jr. ’62 In memory of Richard A. Hanning ’66, James R. Browne ’62, and William C. Ross ’62 John R. “Jack” Cunningham ’63 Stephen E. Bash, M.D. ’64 James O. Birr Jr. ’65 In memory of J. Harry Miles ’06 W. David Power ’66 In memory of Robert M. Scott ’66 William P. Russell ’67 Terry P. Silke, O.D. ’67 Robert L. Weimer ’67 David V. Biesemeyer ’68 In honor of Les McIntire ’66 and John Barry ’68 Eugene M. “Mac” Fife III ’69 James D. Buhr ’71 Christopher Claus ’71 Richard H. Reahard ’71 Stephen D. Smith ’72 J. Scott Woolery ’72 Dr. Ryan D. Matherly ’74 Andrew H. Garman ’75 Bruce M. Jordan, D.D.S. ’75 Mark Kaminski ’77 In honor of the Class of 1977 Don Quigley ’77 Alan C. Brown ’79 In honor of Jack G. Brown ’50 Michael A. Moriarty ’79 Kubley Family Gift J. Daniel Kubley, M.D. ’70 Jon B. Kubley, M.D. ’75 Rod S. Kubley, M.D. ’80 David B. Kubley ’81 In memory of James D. Kubley ’44 Michael G. Palma ’82 Todd A. Freeman ’83 Gregory B. Sweeney ’83
sigmaChi Thomas E. Davis ’84 John B. Cumming ’86 Jeffrey T. Harris ’86 Douglas E. Purdy ’87 Michael E. O. Grueninger ’89 Steven A. Null ’90 Jason A. Lee ’97 Michael J. Norman ’97
norman shieLd brothers (Up to $999) Dr. Carl B. Sputh ’37 Paul E. Wearly ’39 Ray D. Wingert ’40 Dr. Robert F. Acker ’42 Dr. Charles F. Ossenberg ’45 In memory of His brother, Bill Ossenberg ’47 Henry F. Coridan ’48 J. Roderick MacDonald ’48 In memory of William H. O’Brien ’47 Charles E. “Chuck” Peyton ’48 In memory of Robert J. Peyton, Memphis State ’71 Joe T. Atkins ’49 In memory of Jay W. Collins ’50 Robert L. Beaty ’50 Edmund D. Ludlow ’50 Thomas W. McKean, D.D.S., USN(R) ’50 In memory of James F. Bash ’46 Robert E. Miller Jr. ’50 James R. Peva ’50 Robert E. Ritter ’50 Donald E. Ward ’50 In honor of Jack G. Brown ’50 William J. Wood ’50 John F. Frisinger Jr. ’52 In memory of John “Free” Frisinger Sr. ’14 Arthur G. Weber ’52 W. Brutus Hamilton ’53 George E. Hemenway ’53 In memory of Ernest S. Kovatch ’48 Russell McCann ’51 Kenneth L. Krempp ’53 Robert D. Rowe ’53 Scott R. Schmedel ’53 Robert W. Comer ’54
James D. Foulke ’54 In memory of Thomas M. Miller ’52, Roderic Wallace ’52, and William H. Walters Jr. ’46 John T. Myers ’54 B. J. Patterson ’54 Harry V. Wade Jr. ’54 Jack R. Darr ’55 James C. Harris, M.D. ’55 George M. Hoster Jr. ’55 Donald W. Meyer ’55 John D. Coyle ’56 Richard E. Berg ’57 In honor of the Pledge Class of 1953 Robert C. Beutter ’57 James T. Cosgrove ’57 Norman D. Franklin ’57 John D. Quick ’57 In memory of Robert T. Curless ’57 and Kenneth H. Edmonds ’56 Richard E. Applas ’58 In memory of Emerson E. Applas ’28 In honor of the Pledge Class of 1954 Charles G. Gaston ’58 In memory of Dr. Charles R. Wylie ’29 Joe A. Franklin ’59 James E. Trobaugh ’59 Dr. Ronald L. Walden ’59 Larry G. Bond, M.D. ’60 James G. Brucker ’60 James E. Kenney ’60 In memory of Jim Beattey Jr. ’30 Richard W. Nieland ’60 Jon W. Sommer ’60 Jack H. McKown ’61 Ray A. Muston ’61 In memory of Bob Baechle ’61 Rev. Thad B. Rudd ’61 In memory of Allen B. Rudd ’51 William A. Bohnert, M.D. ’62 In memory of John T. Winston ’62 Charles W. Jenness ’62 Philip W. Moore ’62 Jack D. Patterson ’62 Jay D. Carter ’64 Charles A. Mangus ’64 R. Merrill Reece ’63 C. Robert Leadbetter ’65 Stephen G. Birr ’67 R. Lee Brown ’67
Robert McCracken ’67 In memory of Timothy A. Dunn ’67 and Robery Wyatt ’67 LLoyd R. Edens ’68 Stephen E. Yeager ’68 L. Marc Carter ’69 In memory of Robert D. “Duff” Wyatt ’67 Robert C. Hallock ’69 David L. Ashenfelter ’71 Larry J. Durr ’71 James V. DeMoss ’72 In memory of Craig A. Beardshear ’72 Richard A. Lopez ’72 Donald H. McCartney Jr. ’72 Timothy W. McKinney ’72 Jerry D. Rench ’72 Scott M. Allman ’73 Steve I. Ball ’75 Timothy K. McGonagle, M.D. ’75 Robert E. Miller III ’ 79 Jeffrey K. Rucker ’79 In honor of the Class of 1979 Paul B. Sigfusson, D.D.S. ’79 Kevin M. Smith ’80 Steven R. Barth ’81 Eric J. DeBord ’81 In honor of Bill Coble Matthew M. Cook ’82 S. David Dickson ’82 Kris K. Luhrsen ’82 Robert W. Rock ’83 Jeffrey D. Simmermaker ’83 Dr. David B. Stuhldreher ’83 Daniel R. Whipple, M.D. ’84 Michael F. Dempsey ’86 James P. McGoff Jr. ’86
G. David Bojrab, M.D. ’87 Geoffrey H. Curtis ’ 87 Joe L. Gradison ’87 Kevin T. Smith, M.D. ’87 Stephen A. Sullivan ’87 John J. Carter ’88 John K. Cosgrove ’88 Dan A. DeSutter ’88 Harry G. Karkazis Matthew S. Kelley ’88 Devon M. Russell ’89 Mark C. Russell ’90 Trevor H. Curtis ’91 Jeffrey P. Terrill ’91 Travis A. Doak ’92 In memory of Christopher H. Haynes ’93 Kevin C. Floyd, D.D.S. ’92 Sean T. Jones ’92 Stephen W. Upshaw ’92 Brandon R. Chaney ’93 James J. Cunnane Jr. ’93 Jason E. Landrum ’93 John W. Vandenbark ’94 Brian P. Murphy ’96 Karl K. Bordine ’97 Brian D. Wiedenhoeft ’97 Douglas I. Richey ’98 Grant A. Small ’00 William B. Ravensberg ’06 Jerome W. Hayden ’07 Justin M. Autajay ’11 Joseph Hodorwicz ’11 Tom D. Littel ’11 Drew W. Dabbelt ’12
Class Leader update
here does your class rank? Listed below are the top 10 classes according to participation in the Lambda—150 and Beyond Campaign. Congratulations to these classes for such impressive work, having so many pledge brothers contribute. See if your class can catch them! 1938 1950 1937 1953 1939
100% 80% 67% 55% 50%
1943 1961 1955 1962 1987
50% 46% 44% 44% 41%
upcoming events september 17 alumni golf tournament French’s Lake Party oCtober 16 homecoming vs. arkansas state (time tba) Join us for a Sigma Chi pre-game tailgate at the stadium. After the game, join alumni brothers and collegians for an open house at our recently renovated chapter house.
Lambda Letter Sigma Chi Fraternity Lambda Alumni Chapter P.O. Box 544 Auburn, IN 46706 Address Service Requested
Check the Web site for more information as date nears: www.lambdasig.com. tbd balfour Leadership training Workshop
aLumni neWs Chapter eternal______________ Joseph o. “hank” ricke ’43 passed on to Chapter Eternal on November 18, 2009, at his home in Columbus, Ind. Hank served with the U.S. Navy during World War II. He was owner of Culligan Water Conditioning from 1958 to 1998 and was named Columbus Businessman of the Year in 1987. Survivors include his wife of 62 years, Betty, and children: Scott, Anne, and Sally. edgar L. peglow ’50 passed on to Chapter Eternal in Munster, Ind., on September 2, 2009, after a year-long battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife, Eleanor, and children: Pamela, Timothy, and Sheree. robert L. Larsh Jr. ’49 passed on to Chapter Eternal on December 20, 2009, in Mesa, Arizona. He is survived by his wife, Marie, four children, five stepchildren and 15 grandchildren. Clyde W. hare ’50 passed on to Chapter Eternal on October 14, 2009, in Allison Park, Pa. He was a well-known professional photographer for magazines, industry, documentaries, and art. His legacy is a large body of work, found in many museums in the U.S., several archives and art galleries, and several books, particularly Clyde Hare’s Pittsburgh.
alumni update_______________ C. edward hixon ’38, Indianapolis, is in his 90’s and is the long-retired director of Eli Lilly and Company. He has three children: Linda, Craig, and John, who have all graduated with degrees in marketing. dr. edwin C. mcdaniel ’54 and his wife, Robin, live in The Villages, Fla., and have two grandsons who are Sigs in the Xi Chapter at DePauw. Ed says, “I was privileged to partici-
ATTENTION: This newsletter is intended for alumni and parents. If your son is still attending Indiana University, he will receive a copy at the Chapter House. If he has graduated, please send his permanent address to
[email protected]. Thank you. pate in their initiation and used my grandfather’s pin, which I also was initiated with.” Charles g. gaston ’58 lives in Bloomington, Ind., and enjoys farming, making maple syrup, and restoring furniture. He’s proud to say he uses no chemicals on the farm and recycles everything. richard L. abdon, dds ’61 retired in 2004. He and his wife, Linda, have three children: Kathy, Rick, and Ron. E-mail:
[email protected] rev. dr. William F. dopp ’64 and his wife, Janet, returned to the San Diego area after five years of ministry in Florida. Bill retired in 2009 and is a scholar in residence of Bethel Theological Seminary. He wrote the book Tale of Two Churches. E-mail:
[email protected] alan C. brown ’79 is a senior vice president for Wells Fargo and manages a real estate lending office that covers four states. He and his wife, Mary Jo, live in Chicago with their two daughters, Katie and Caroline, who won the Women’s Little 500 in 2009. Alan says, “The best I did riding for Sigs was fourth in 1976.” E-mail:
[email protected]
dr. robert b. pauszek Jr. ’81 is an anesthesiologist for Indiana Surgery Center. He and his wife, Cynthia, have three children and live in Indianapolis. He says, “Congratulations to Lambda Chapter on its great renovation of the house.” E-mail:
[email protected] edward C. borneman iv ’95 was a 2009 Daytime Emmy nominee for Outstanding Promotional Announcement. He and his wife, Nicole, live in Redondo Beach, Calif., and have three children: Quint, Drew, and Devyn. E-mail:
[email protected] Luke m. Feeney ’01 accepted a position brokering, buying and selling machinery in the pharmaceutical industry for Surplus Solutions. He and his wife, Laura, live in Indianapolis with their three children: Rilee, Reese, and Quinn. E-mail:
[email protected] exton Cordingley ’05 is training to become a JAG officer in the U.S. Army. He will study Army law at the University of VirginiaCharlottesville and then travel to Ft. Sill in Oklahoma for three months of officer boot camp. E-mail:
[email protected]