Standards for Composite Structures

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Jun 7, 2011 - Towards National and Global Networks ... America Makes - The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation ... The Lincoln Electric Company.
Towards National and Global Networks for Manufacturing Innovation

Simon Frechette and Vijay Srinivasan National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S.A.

APMS 2014, Ajaccio, France September 20-24, 2014

Outline • Prelude • U.S. National Network for Manufacturing Innovation • Specific Institutes and their Networks • Summary


Prelude • APMS 2013 keynote at PennState U. on ‘Manufacturing Composite Structures: How sustainability drives complexity.’ • Towards the end, a reference to the U.S. National Network for Manufacturing Innovation. • This network is growing and other countries are building similar networks. 3

What is the Problem?

Manufacturing has gone overseas • 6 million U.S. jobs lost in manufacturing • National and economic security

The Missing Middle, or the “Valley of Death” US is envy of the world in invention and innovation

Private sector adept at commercialization

Basic research / manuf. processes / mass production 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 “Technology Readiness Level” or “TRL”

National Network for Manufacturing Innovation

Invented here, scale-up elsewhere! Create the conditions to allow private sector to fill in the missing middle If we don’t do it? Risk stranding our future innovations!

How Did We Get Here? A series of policy papers

June 2011

February 2012

July 2012

January 2013


The Start of a Network… url:

Additive Manufacturing

Power Electronics

2014 Solicitation TBA Adv. Composites Mfg.

Lightweight Metals

Digital Manufacturing

2014 Solicitation TBA

2014 Solicitation TBA

Manufacturing Innovation Institutes 1&2 America Makes - The National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute o o o o o o o

Established August 2012 Lead: National Center for Defense Manufacturing and Machining (NCDMM) Headquarters location: Youngstown, Ohio Regional location: "TechBelt" Cleveland to Pittsburgh Corridor Includes 50 companies, 28 Universities and Labs, and 16 other organizations Federal funding (cooperative agreement): $50 million Mission Statement: Accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies in the U.S. manufacturing sector and to increase domestic manufacturing competitiveness.

Next Generation Power Electronics National Manufacturing Innovation Institute o o o o o o

Established January 2014 Lead: North Carolina State University Headquarters Location: Raleigh, North Carolina Includes 18 companies and 7 universities and labs Federal funding (cooperative agreement): $70 million Mission: Develop advanced manufacturing processes that will enable large-scale production of wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors, which allow electronic components to be smaller, faster and more efficient than semiconductors made from silicon.


Manufacturing Innovation Institutes 3&4 Lightweight and Modern Metals Manufacturing Innovation (LM3I) Institute o o o o o o

Established February 2014 Lead: EWI Headquarters Location: Detroit, Michigan Includes 36 companies, 12 universities and labs, and 18 other organizations Federal funding (cooperative agreement): $70 million Mission: Provide a national focus on expanding US competitiveness and innovation by facilitating the transition of advanced lightweight and modern metals manufacturing capabilities and new technologies to the industrial base.

Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation (DMDI) Institute o o o o o o

Established February 2014 Lead: UI LABS Headquarters location: Chicago, Illinois Includes 41 companies, 23 Universities and Labs, and 9 other organizations Federal funding (cooperative agreement): $70 million Mission: Establish a state-of-the-art proving ground for digital manufacturing and design that links IT tools, standards, models, sensors, controls, practices and skills, and transition these tools to the U.S. design & manufacturing industrial base for full-scale application.


Manufacturing Innovation Institutes 5&6 Clean Energy Manufacturing Innovation Institute for Composite Materials and Structures o o o o o

Competition underway. Winner to be announced soon. Topic area: Low cost, energy efficient manufacturing of fiber reinforced polymer composites. The institute will target continuous or discontinuous, primarily carbon and glass fiber systems, with thermoset or thermoplastic resin material. These types of composites are foundational technologies that are broadly applicable and pervasive in multiple industries and markets. Expected federal funding: $70 million

Bio-manufacturing Innovation Institute


Additive Manufacturing Established: August 2012


America Makes: National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute Lead: NCDMM (National Center for Defense Manufacturing & Machining) Hub location: Youngstown, OH Regional location: I-79/I-80 “Tech Belt” NW OH, W PA, WV

• Initial $30M federal investment matched by $40M industry, state/local, expanded by DOD • Leveraging equipment, existing resources • Tiered membership-based model, low cost to small business and nonprofits

Mission: Develop the comprehensive digital thread and advanced processes in additive manufacturing as a transformational technology in digital manufacturing


America Makes: Network 95 Member Organizations 3D Systems Corporation 3M Alcoa Allegheny Technologies Incorporated Applied Optimization Inc. Applied Systems and Technology Transfer (AST2) Arkema, Inc. ASM International Association of Manufacturing Technology Binghamton University Bayer Material Science The Boeing Company Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Catalyst Connection Concurrent Technologies Corporation Connecticut Center for Advanced Technology, Inc. Deformation Control Technology, Inc. Deloitte Consulting, LLC DSM Functional Materials DVIRC Energy Industries of Ohio EWI The ExOne Company General Electric Company (GE) General Dynamics, Global Imaging Technologies General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems

Hoeganaes Corporation Illinois Tool Works, Inc. Johnson Controls, Inc. Kennametal Lehigh University The Lincoln Electric Company Lockheed Martin Lorain County Community College M-7 Technologies MAGNET Materion Corporation MAYA Design Inc. Met-L-Flo Michigan Technological University Missouri University of S&T MIT Lincoln Laboratory Moog, Inc. NorTech* North Carolina State University Northern Illinois Research Foundation Northrop Grumman Ohio Aerospace Institute Optomec Oxford Performance Materials Pennsylvania State University PTC ALLIANCE Raytheon Company Rhinestahl Corporation Robert C. Byrd Institute (RCBI) Robert Morris University RP+M RTI International Metals, Inc.

SABIC Innovative Plastics Business Sciaky, Inc. SME Solid Concepts South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Stony Creek Labs Stratasys, Inc. Strategic Marketing Innovations, Inc. Stratonics TechSolve Texas A&M University The Timken Company Tobyhanna Army Depot United Technologies Research Center University of Akron University of California, Irvine University of Connecticut University of Dayton Research Institute University of Louisville University of Maryland – College Park University of Michigan Library University of Pittsburgh University of Texas – Austin University of Texas at El Paso USA Science and Engineering Festival Venture Plastics, Inc. Westmoreland County Community College West Virginia University Wohlers Associates, Inc. Wolf Robotics Wright State University Youngstown Business Incubator Youngstown State University Zimmer, Inc.

Technology Roadmap: Overall Philosophy

• “Voice of the Customer” • Long-term Investment Strategy • Strategic Planning, Decision Making, and Collaboration Framework • Big Impact Outcomes

Technology Roadmap: Workshop Topics

Status of Project Call #1

• Kickoff April 2013 • 7 Projects with 35 Partners • $4.75M Government Share, $5.0 Cost Share

• Material Characterization, Process Qualification, Quality Control

Project Call #1 1. rp+m – Maturation of FDM Component Manufacturing 2. Penn State University – Thermal Imaging for Process Monitoring and Control of Additive Manufacturing 3. Case Western Reserve University – Rapid Qualification Methods for Powder Bed Direct metal AM Processes 4. Case Western Reserve University – Qualification of AM Processes and Procedures for Repurposing and Rejuvenation of Tooling 5. Northrop Grumman– Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) of Complex Composites Tooling 6. Missouri University of Science and Technology – Sparse-Build Rapid Tooling 7. Northrop Grumman– Maturation of High Temperature Laser Sintering (LS) Technologies and Infrastructure for Air and Space Vehicles

Status of Project Call #2

• Awards Announced January 2014 • 15 Projects with 75 Partners • $9.0M Government Share, $10.3M Cost Share


Project Call #2 1. Stony Creek Labs – Optimization of Parallel Consolidation Methods for Industrial Additive Manufacturing 2. Optomec – Development of Knowledgebase of Deposition Parameters for Ti-6Al-4V and IN718 3. EWI – Refining Microstructure of AM Materials to Improve Non-Destructive Inspection 4. Case Western Reserve University – High Throughput Functional Material Deposition Using a Laser Hot Wire Process 5. Optomec – Wide-Spread Utilization of Metal Additive Manufacturing 6. North Carolina State University – Automatic Finishing of Metal AM Parts to Achieve Required Tolerances and Surface Finishes 7. GE Global Research – Development of Distortion Prediction and Compensation Methods for Metal Powder-Bed Additive Manufacturing

Project Call #2 8. Carnegie Mellon University – A Database Relating Powder Properties to Process Outcomes for Direct Metal AM 9. Michigan Technological University – Metal Alloys and Novel Ultra-Low-Cost 3-D Weld Printing Platform for SME Rapid Prototyping and Production 10. GE Aviation – In-Process Quality Assurance (IPQA) for Laser Powder Bed Production of Aerospace Components 11. University of Texas El Paso – 3D Printing Multi-Functionality: Additive Manufacturing for Aerospace Applications 12. Northrop Grumman – Electron Beam Melted Ti-6Al-4V Additive Manufacturing Demonstration and Allowables Development Project 13. University of Pittsburgh – Additive Manufacturing of Biomedical Devices from Bioresorbable Alloys for Medical Applications 14. University of Pittsburgh – Developing Topology Optimization Tools that Enable Efficient Design of Additive Manufactured Cellular Structures 15. Youngstown Business Incubator - Accelerated Adoption of Additive Manufacturing Technology in the American Foundry Industry

Power Electronics Established: January 2014


Next Generation Power Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute Lead: North Carolina State University Hub location: Raleigh, NC

Chemical Symbol

Bandgap Energy (eV)







Silicon Carbide



Gallium Nitride





• Initial $70 M federal investment matched by $70M industry, state/local • Tiered membership-based model, low cost to small business and nonprofits Mission: Develop advanced manufacturing processes that will enable large-scale production of wide bandgap semiconductors, which allow power electronics components to be smaller, faster and more efficient than silicon.

Poised to revolutionize the energy efficiency of power control and conversion

Next Generation Power Electronics Manufacturing Innovation Institute: Network Lead: North Carolina State University ABB Arkansas Power Electronics International Avogy Cree Deere & Company Delphi Automotive Delta Products DfR Solutions GridBridge Hesse Mechatronics II-VI IQE

Monolith Semiconductor RF Micro Devices Toshiba International Transphorm United Silicon Carbide Vacon Arizona State University Florida State University University of California-Santa Barbara Virginia Tech National Renewable Energy Lab Naval Research Lab

Lightweight Metals Established: February 2014


Lightweight and Modern Metals Manufacturing Innovation Institute Lead: EWI Hub location: Detroit, Michigan Regional location: I-75 Corridor • 34 Industry Partners • 9 Universities and Labs • 17 Other Organizations

Mission: Provide the National focus on expanding US competitiveness and innovation , and facilitating the transition of these capabilities and new technologies to the industrial base for full-scale application.

Positioned to expand the US Industrial base for new products and technologies for commercial and USG demands that utilize new, lightweight high-performing metals

Lightweight and Modern Metals Manufacturing Innovation Institute: Network Lead: EWI 34 Companies ABS, AEM, ALCOA Technology, Boeing, Comau, Easom Automation, EWI, Fabrisonic, Flash Bainite Steel, GE, Honda North American Services, Huys, Infinium, Inc., Innovative Weld Solutions, ITW, Lockheed Martin, Luvata, Materion, MesoCoat, MTI, NanoSteel Company, Optomec, Phoenix Integration, PowderMet, RealWeld, RTI International Metals, SaFCell, Southwest Research Institute (SWRI), Steel Warehouse Co., ThermoCalc, TIMET, Trumpf, Inc., UTRC, Wolf Robotics

9 Universities and Labs Colorado School of Mines, Michigan State University, Michigan Tech University, The Ohio State University, University of Kentucky, University of Michigan, University of Notre Dame, University of Tennessee, Wayne State University 17 Other Organizations American Foundry Society, American Welding Society, ASM International, CAR, Columbus State Community College, Conexus Indiana, DET NORSKE VERITAS™ (DNV), Focus Hope, International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, Ivy Tech, Macomb Community College, MAGNET, Pellissippi State Community College, State of Kentucky, State of Michigan (Michigan Economic Development Council), State of Ohio, Southeast Michigan Workforce Intelligence Network

Digital Manufacturing Established: February 2014


Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute Lead: UI Labs Hub location: Chicago, Illinois • 42 Companies • 23 Universities and Labs • 9 Other Organizations Mission: Establish a state-of-the-art proving ground that links IT tools, standards, models, sensors, controls, practices and skills, and transition these tools to the U.S. design & manufacturing base for full-scale application

Over 3:1 Industry Cost Share

Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute: Network Lead: UI Labs

42 Companies 3D Sys, ANSYS, Autodesk, Big Kaiser Precision Tooling Inc., Boeing, Caron Engineering Inc., Caterpillar, CG Tech, Cincinnati Inc., Colorado Association for Manufacturing & Technology, Cray, Dassault Systems, Deere & Company, Digital Tech Total, DMG Mori, Evolved Analytics LLC, General Dynamics - Ordnance & Tactical Sys, General Electric, Haas Automation, Honeywell, Illinois Tool Works, Imagecom Inc. (Aspire 3D), International TechneGroup Inc. (ITI), Kennametal, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, MSC Software, NA Die Casting Assoc (NADCA), National Instruments, Nimbis Services Inc., Okuma, Palo Alto Research Center, (PARC), Parlec, Procter & Gamble, Product Dev & Analysis (PDA), PTC, Inc., Rockwell Collins, Rolls-Royce, Siemens, System Insights, The Dow Chemical Company, UPS.

23 Universities and Labs University of Colorado, Illinois Institute of Technology, Indiana University, Iowa State University, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Northern Illinois University, Northwestern University, Notre Dame, Oregon State, Purdue University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Southern Illinois University, University of Chicago, University of Illinois at Chicago, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, University of Iowa, University of Louisville, University of Michigan, University of Nebraska- Lincoln, University of Northern Iowa, University of Texas – Austin, University of Wisconsin – Madison, Western Illinois University. 9 Other Organizations American Foundry Society, City of Chicago – Department of Housing & Economic Opportunity, Colorado OEDIT, Commonwealth of Kentucky, Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity, Illinois Science & Technology Coalition, MT Connect Institute, Reshoring Initiative, UI LABS

U.S. is Not Alone: U.K. EPSRC Centres for Innovative Manufacturing • • • • • • • •

Additive manufacturing Advanced metrology Composites Continuous manufacturing and crystallisation Emergent macromolecular therapies Food Industrial sustainability Intelligent automation

• Large-area electronics • Laser-based production processes • Liquid metal engineering • Medical devices • Photonics • Regenerative medicine • Through-life engineering services • Ultra precision

… and several such institutes/centers in many other countries. 32

Summary • Major investments in manufacturing innovation in the U.S.A. and other countries. • Public-private partnerships are beginning to create networks for manufacturing innovation and research. • Network effect? Local Network → National Network → Global Network


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