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bart[email protected]. ABSTRACT. Due to an increasing need for ... bear this notice and the full citation on the £rst page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to ...
Static Resource Models of Instruction Sets Q. Zhao

T. Basten

Dept. of Elec. Eng. Eindhoven University of Technology NL-5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands

Dept. of Elec. Eng. Eindhoven University of Technology NL-5600 MB Eindhoven The Netherlands

[email protected]

[email protected]

ABSTRACT Due to an increasing need for flexibility, embedded systems embody more and more programmable processors as their core components. Because of silicon area and power considerations, the corresponding instruction sets are often highly encoded to minimize code size for given performance requirements. This has hampered the development of robust optimizing compilers because the resulting irregular instruction set architectures are far from convenient compiler targets. Among others, they introduce a strong phase coupling between the tasks of instruction selection and scheduling. Traditional methods perform these tasks in different phases, thereby yielding inferior schedules. In this paper, we present an approach that reduces the need for explicit instruction selection by transferring constraints implied by the instruction set to static resource constraints. All resulting schedules are then guaranteed to correspond to a valid implementation with available instructions. We demonstrate a practical way to identify and construct a static resource model from a given instruction set. Experimental results show the efficacy of our approach.

Keywords code generation, high-level synthesis, instruction set constraints

B. Mesman

∗See Section 7 for additional authors.

Philips Research Laboratories Prof. Holstlaan 4 NL-5656 AA Eindhoven The Netherlands

[email protected]

code size have been reported in the order of 800% [10] when compared to manually written assembly. As a result, these embedded DSP processors are most often programmed in assembly, which is painstaking, labour intensive, and requires expert knowledge of the processor architecture and instruction set. Furthermore, the resulting code is not portable to other platforms, difficult to debug, maintain and update, etc. The task of instruction selection is to cover a data flow graph (DFG), like the one depicted in Figure 1, with processor instructions that implement the individual operations in the DFG. The main issue introduced by an irregular instruction set is the issue of phase coupling: On the one hand, if instruction selection is performed prior to scheduling, the optimal schedule can easily be eliminated as a result of the choices made during instruction selection. On the other hand, if scheduling is performed first, the available instructions may not be able to implement the schedule. Traditional methods perform these tasks in different phases, thereby yielding inferior schedules. This point is illustrated in Figure 1. The DFG on the left hand side has been covered with machine instructions. The associated optimal schedule (6 clock cycles) for this selection of instructions is given in the right hand side of Figure 1. The imposed instruction selection is rather unfortunate, however, because Figure 2 depicts a valid schedule requiring only 5 clock cycles. n0

1. INTRODUCTION The combined issues of performance requirements for meeting real-time constraints on the one hand, and code size requirements on the other hand, have led embedded DSP vendors to focus on the “expressive power” of the associated instruction sets. The resulting instruction sets are highly encoded and have an irregular structure, making them inconvenient compiler targets. Overheads in cycle time and

shl n1

ld n1 shl


add n5



mul n2

n3 add 2




ld n0






3 t

add n7





add n8 instruction set IS:{ld}, {add}, {mul}, {shl}

4 add n7

add n8

5 6

{ld, shl}, {ld, add}, {mul, add}

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for pro£t or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the £rst page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior speci£c permission and/or a fee. ISSS’01, October 1-3, 2001, Montr´eal, Qu´ebec, Canada. Copyright 2001 ACM 1-58113-418-5/01/0010 ...$5.00.

Figure 1: Instruction selection prior to scheduling may yield inferior results

In this paper, we present a new approach that eliminates the need for explicit instruction selection by transferring the

constraints from the instruction set to static resource constraints. All resulting schedules are then guaranteed to correspond to a valid implementation with instructions. This is illustrated in Figure 2. The instruction set IS of Figure 1 has been augumented with virtual resources {ld, mul}, {mul, shl} and {shl, add}, which are abbreviated as LM , MS and SA. Each of these virtual resources has one instance. Each operation uses all the virtual resources that it is contained in, e.g., operation mul uses virtual resources LM and MS . For this so called static resource model (SRM), a straightforward list scheduler generates the schedule on the right hand side of Figure 2. The reader can verify that the operations at each clock cycle can be implemented with instructions from the original instruction set IS. This example demonstrates that better schedules can be obtained using a static resource model thereby reducing the need for explicit instruction selection. shl n1

static resource model: ld -> LM ( {ld, mul} )

ld n0


mul n2

add n3


add n5

ld n6



instruction set constraints by means of a model like [2], [12], or a static resource model, as proposed in this paper. These models offer the scheduler more opportunity to satisfy the timing and resource constraints than with the use of an explicit instruction selection step. The scheduler rather than the instruction selector is considered the designated place for handling these constraints. The disadvantage of the orthogonal processors (especially VLIW processors) is the inherent problem of code size due to their associated instruction word widths. The focus of this paper is on replacing the instruction set constraints of highly encoded instruction sets with a static resource model, allowing the use of code size efficient processors in combination with efficient compilation tools. In this paper we do not consider the strong phase coupling between scheduling and register binding; for that, we use the method described in [9]. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 details the problem statement and approach. Section 3 addresses the identification and construction of an SRM of an instruction set. In Section 4, some rules are provided for the minimization of SRMs. In Section 5, experimental results are given for benchmarks as well as real applications. Conclusions and future work are discussed in Section 6.

mul -> LM, MS ( {ld, mul}, {mul, shl} ) shl -> MS, SA ( {mul, shl}, {shl, add} ) add -> SA ( {shl, add} )

mul n4

add n7 add n8

4 5

Figure 2: With a static resource model optimal results can be obtained Much work has been done on exploiting instruction selection. Most compilers use template pattern bases and tree-covering techniques to partition the instruction selection problem in a stepwise fashion [1, 5, 8]. Such methods often split the DFG into expression trees and perform tree-covering on each tree separately, demonstrated by the example in Figure 1. In Chess [13], the target processor is described in the nML language [3] and is translated into an Instruction-Set-Graph (ISG), which models connectivity, encoding restrictions and structural hazards. Code selection covers the control-data flow graph with partial instructions (bundles) by searching valid paths in the ISG. Such a method adds a complex step to the compiler chain and eliminates potentially interesting solutions from the schedule and register binding search spaces. In [4, 14], code generation tasks are performed by imposing constraints and the complete solution space is explored while all the constraints are considered. This approach can only deal with small applications and a restricted set of architectures. Another approach to tackle the code generation problem is to exploit the instruction set constraints statically. Eisenbeis [2] starts from the placement conflicts by using reservation tables for VLIW architectures, such as the Trimedia processor. Timmer et al. [12] discusses the modeling of instruction set constraints together with resource constraints for instruction scheduling, but the assumption that all the instruction set constraints can be transferred to resource constraints targets mostly instruction sets with a structure associated with so called Issue-Slot machines. The virtue of these orthogonal instruction sets, like VLIW instruction sets [11], is that they allow to a large extent the modeling of the



A DSP algorithm can be expressed as a data flow graph, which describes the primitive operations performed in an algorithm and the dependencies between those operations. Definition 1. A data flow graph (DFG) is a tuple (V, E), where V is the set of vertices (operations) and E ⊆ V × V is the set of precedence edges. In a processor architecture, a functional resource can be used in different ways. E.g., a functional resource ALU can execute an operation add or a subtract, etc. For reasons of complexity, we do not wish to enumerate all possible uses of a functional resource in an instruction set. Therefore, we consider the collection of these uses of a functional resource and associate with it an operation type. E.g., on the functional resource ALU , operations add and subtract can be executed, which are associated with the operation type alu. We denote the set of operation types with T . An instruction is now defined as a combination of operation types that can be executed in a single clock cycle. An operation type can appear multiple times in an instruction (multiple alus can be present in the data path). For an operation type op in an instruction I, we denote this number by I(op). If for two instructions I0 and I1 , I0 (op) is always at most equal to I1 (op) for each operation type op, we say that instruction I0 is contained in instruction I1 . In this paper we consider instruction sets IS where for each instruction all contained instructions are also in IS. We call these instruction sets prefix closed. The code generation problem is to find a schedule of a DFG, i.e., to determine a start time s(v) for each operation v ∈ V , that satisfies precedence constraints and architectural constraints. These architectural constraints can be modeled either as an instruction set or by introducing functional resources and associating a certain resource usage with each operation. The corresponding resource constraints are static in the sense that they only provide a fixed upper limit and any usage within the limit is valid.

Definition 2. A Static Resource Model (SRM) is a model generating static resource constraints that defines three aspects: −a set of resources R, −a mapping that associates each operation type with the resources in R that it needs, and −the number of instances of each resource r ∈ R, denoted by #r. Our approach is motivated by the observation that both resource constraints and instruction set constraints can be expressed as inequalities. For example, if an architecture contains two ALU s and each ALU can be used as an adder or a subtractor, then the resource constraints can be expressed as the following inequality: N (ALU ) ≤ 2, which is equal to: N (A) + N (S) ≤ 2, where N (A) and N (S) denotes the number of adders and subtractors in use. Any schedule satisfying at any time the above inequality indicates a valid resource usage. Similarly, if an instruction set contains instructions {add, add}, {add, sub} and {sub, sub}, the operation type usage can also be expressed as an inequality: N (add) + N (sub) ≤ 2, assuming any subinstruction is also a valid instruction. Problem Statement: The general problem can be defined as mapping a given instruction set to an SRM such that for any schedule for a DFG satisfying the functional resource constraints posed by the SRM, a corresponding valid instruction selection exists. We say that the instruction set has an SRM. This problem can be separated into two subproblems. user-defined instruction set

operation-type statistics



Deriving inequalities

Consider the instruction set of Figure 4(a). The desired inequalities are derived from the operation-type statistics of the instruction set, depicted in the table in Figure 4(b). In the table, rows correspond to the individual instructions in Figure 4(a), and columns correspond to (combinations) of operation types. The numbers in the table indicate how many times an operation type is present in an instruction. For example, the operation type add occurs twice in instruction (1), and the operation types shift and mul together occur three times in instruction (3). By looking at the largest frequency within each column, the inequalities in Figure 4(c) are derived. Each inequality corresponds to one column.

(2) {add,add,shift,shift}

add add mul shift add add shift shift mul shift mul mul 2 2 (1) 1 1 3 3 4

(3) {add,mul,mul,shift}
























(1) {add,add,mul,shift}

(4) {add,mul,shift,shift} (a) user-defined instruction set


(b) operation-type statistics

(1) N(a) SMP, SPA, SLMPA apac -> SPA, SLMPA

apac sacl -> SLM, SMP, SPA, SLMPA apac (a) an example of a DFG

(b) instruction set

(c) minimal SRM

Figure 5: Complex instructions and the SRM

4. MINIMIZATION OF AN SRM As we have seen in the example of Figure 4, sometimes some of the inequalities derived via our method are redundant. If we can remove an inequality, we can also remove the corresponding resource from the derived SRM. However, the general problem of minimizing a set of inequalities is intractable. Thus, we resort to heuristics. We summarize three rules for minimizing an SRM. For simplicity, the rules are presented only for two operation types opi and opj . Assume that the usage constraints for virtual resources {opi }, {opj } and {opi , opj } are given as follows: N ({opi }) = ni , N ({opj }) = nj and N ({opi , opj }) = nij . Rule 1. If ni = nj = nij , then operation types opi and opj are totally overlapping, which means that they share the same resource instances at any time for any usage. Virtual resources {opi } and {opj } can be removed from the SRM, because the constraint on {opi , opj } makes the constraints on these two resources redundant. Rule 2. If ni < nj and nj = nij then operation type opj fully covers opi , or operation type opi is fully covered by opj . Each execution of opi will occupy the resource instances for

Complex instructions for the TMS320C25 processor are shown in Figure 5(b). They indicate potential parallelism to be exploited. This instruction set can be proven to have an SRM and this SRM can be minimized by applying the rules in Section 4. Thus the minimized SRM is given in Figure 5(c). Scheduling the DFG in Figure 5 with this SRM gives us a latency of 12, which equals the optimal result. One of the merits of the SRM approach is that by performing instruction scheduling for applications with different SRMs, one can directly see from the results how restrictive an IS is. Experiments below perform the scheduling and register binding for benchmarks with two instruction sets. IS1 is the instruction set in Figure 4, IS2 is the set {{add, add, shif t, shif t}, {mul, mul, shif t, shif t}, {add, mul, shif t, shif t}}. Assume that the hardware resources are ALU , MUL and SHIFT , each with two instances and one cycle delay. Table 1 lists the results for ‘fdct’, ‘idct’, ‘ar’ for AR filter and ‘wdf’ for fifth-order digital elliptical wave filter. The second and third columns show the latency and register requirements (assuming one register file for all

the variables) with given functional resources, the fourth and fifth give latency and registe requirements for IS1 and the sixth and seventh for IS2. #in is the number of minimized inequalities.

Table 3: Scheduling and register binding results for GSM speech-coding algorithms L

Table 1: Scheduling and register binding results FS





























L SRM RFSRM L SRM RF SRM 16 21 14 12


From this table we can see that the latency and register requirements with only the functional resource restrictions are minimal for all the examples. This is because we assume that all the functional resources can be exploited maximally. Instruction set constraints usually increase the latency and register requirements. Although using the same resouces, IS2 is obviously more restrictive than IS1, since all latencies are increased. Register requirements are also increased because when some operations are postponed in order to meet the instruction set constraints, the values they consume have to be stored in registers for a longer time, which increases the register pressure.

Table 2: TMS320C62x instruction set Integer Adder

























shl shr ld st


































and shr in group S, ld and st in group D. Now virtual resources can be created and they can be minimized by applying the rules in Section 4. The resulting SRM can be summerized as follows: #M = 1, #C = 1, #S = 1, #D = 1, #CLS = 2, #ACLSD = 3. Table 3 shows the scheduling and register binding results for GSM speech-coding algorithms. ‘Convolution’ and ‘viterbi’ are the half-rate convolutional encoder and one viterbi step procedure for the viterbi decoder in channel codec. ‘weight’, ‘inverse’ and ‘quant’ are the weighting filter, APCM inverse quantization and APCM quantization algorithms for regular pulse exitation encoding in speech codec. SRMs can also be applied to software pipelining, since it only provides a static boundary without modifying the scheduling and register binding algorithm themselves. In Table 3, L and RF are the latency and register requirements with instruction-set constraints within one iteration. II is the minimal initiation interval when software pipelining is applied. L’ and RF’ are the latency and register requirements under the minimal initiation interval restrictions. This is not performed for ‘quant’ because it costs too much time to obtain the minimal initiation interval.










VLIW instruction sets have an SRM because of their orthogonal instruction format, such as the TMS320C62x architecture. The C62x has two identical data paths with four functional units each. Each data path has 16 32-bit registers. Table 2 shows part of the instructions for one group of the data path supported by TMS320C62x. Before computing operation-type statistics, some optimization can be performed to operation types which have exactly the same usage in the instruction set. For example, add, sub and mov can be collected in one group A, comgt and comlt in group C, and, or and not in group L, shl


In this paper, we propose a method for code generation for highly encoded instruction set processors. The purpose of the method is to deal with the strong phase coupling between instruction selection and scheduling, caused by the instruction set. We replace the instruction set with a set of virtual resources that implement the individual operations contained in the instruction set. This reduces the need for explicit instruction selection, because any schedule satisfying the virtual resource constraints can be implemented by the instruction set. With this static resource model, the scheduler has the opportunity to generate better schedules in terms of timing and register requirements. Furthermore, software pipelining can be applied more effectively to exploit the available ILP. Our experiments demonstrate that a static resource model of an instruction set offers the possibility to measure the effectiveness of an instruction set with respect to exploiting the processor resources. This enables instruction set designers to make tradeoffs between the performance and the code size associated with an instruction set. We plan to extend our method to support more versatile instruction sets. In addition, the heuristics to remove the redundancies from an SRM need more investigation. We also intend to study special features of instruction sets used in media processors, such as SIMD instructions [6].

7. ADDITIONAL AUTHORS C.A.J. van Eijk (Magma Design Automation BV, email: [email protected]) and J.A.G. Jess (Eindhoven University of Technology, email: [email protected]).

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