Summer Camp Brochure

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Pick Up: 4:00PM (if picking up after 4:10PM you will be charged the extended care fee). •. Extended ... basketball lead-up games, roller skating safety and more .
SUMMER CAMP AT YINGHUA ACADEMY Dates Session One: June 16-20, 8:00am-4:00pm Session Two: June 23-27, 8:00am-4:00pm DROP OFF AND PICK UP TIMES

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Drop Off: 8:00-8:45 AM (please do not drop off earlier then 7:50 or later than 9:00am) Pick Up: 4:00PM (if picking up after 4:10PM you will be charged the extended care fee) Extended Care: 4:00-5:30PM is $10/day. (A $1 fee will be charged for every minute late after a 10 minute courtesy wait).

Cost $220/session (fees for Jim Lupient Water Park, fishing, etc. are included) Payments: $75 *registration fee due with registration. Final payment of $145 due May 23, 2014. *No refunds of registration fee. We do not provide make-ups or refunds for any days missed for any reason. Make the check payable to: Yinghua Academy

Adventure Trekker Camp: Students entering grades 4-6

Yinghua Academy and the new gym will be our base camp. We will venture out each day for an outdoor adventure. Activities include: swimming, fishing, hiking, *biking, geo-caching, campfire, archery, scooters, games, crafts and more. Places we will visit: Mississippi river, Jim Lupient Water Park, North Mississippi Park, and local Minneapolis parks. Instructor: Sarah Totall *Requirements: Child must have a bike in good working condition. This is a very active class (biking up to 15 miles in a day) it is recommended that your child prepares physically for this camp.

Active Adventure Camp: Students entering grades 1-3

Yinghua Academy and the new gym will be our base camp. Each day we will participate in a variety of activities such as: bike safety & local biking, hiking to nearby local parks, swimming at Jim Lupient Water park, water games, field games, flag tag, races & relays, soccer, t-ball, cooperative games, tennis lead-up games, basketball lead-up games, roller skating safety and more. Instructor: Erin Thune

Contact Information

Sarah Totall [email protected] 612-788-9095 ext. 113