Syllabus Class XI (Final Exam)

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Class XI. Syllabus for Final Examination 2013-2014. English. Reading Section ... Unit VII Test & Measurement in Sports, Unit VIII Fundamentals of Anatomy and ...
Sir Padampat Singhania School, Kota Final Exam Syllabus Plan Session : 2016-17 Class – XI English Final Exam

Reading Section Unseen Passage , Note Making Writing Section Formal Letter, Advertisement, Speech, Article, Debate Grammar Section Determiners, Tenses, Modals, Clauses, Voice Literature Section (Hornbill) Poetry - Childhood, Father to Son Prose - Ailing Planet, The Browning Version Snapshots Chapter 5 - Mother’s Day Chapter 7 - Birth Chapter 8 - The Tale of Melon City Novel - Ch. 5, 6, 7

Mathematics Final Exam 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Trigonometric Functions Permutations and Combinations Binomial Theorem Sequences and Series Straight Lines Conic Sections Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry Limits and Derivatives Mathematical Reasoning Statistics Probability

Economics Final Exam

Computer Final Exam

Physics Final Exam

Part A - Statistics for Economics Unit 1 - Introduction Unit 2 - Collection, Organization and Presentation of Data Unit 3 - Statistical Tools and Interpretation. Developing Projects in Economics Part B - Indian Economics Development Unit 1 - Development Experience of India (1947-1950) Unit 2 - Economic Reforms since 1991 Unit 3 - Current Challenges facing Indian Economy. Unit 4 - Development Experience of India : A comparative Study with neighbouring countries Pakistan and China OTBA - Unit 4 1- As suggested by board.

Full Syllabus including syllabus of Half Yearly Chapter 5 - General OOP Concepts Chapter 6 - Getting Started With C++ Chapter 7 - Data Handling Chapter 8 - Operators and Expressions in C++ Chapter 9 - C++ as per C++ 11 standard Chapter 10 - Flow of Control Chapter 11 - Functions Chapter 12 - Structured Data Type : Array Chapter 13 - Structures Chapter 14 - Programming Methodology

Chapter 9 - Mechanical Properties of solids Chapter 10 - Mechanical Properties of Fluids Chapter 11 - Thermal Properties of Matter Chapter 12 - Thermodynamics Chapter 13 - Kinetic Theory Chapter 14 - Oscillations Chapter 15 - Waves • Experiments conducted throughout the session.

Chemistry Final Exam

1 - Structure of Atom 2 - Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 3 - Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure 4 - States of Matter 5 - Equilibrium 6 - Hydrogen 7 - S - Block Elements 8 - p - Block Elements 9 - Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles 10 - Hydrocarbons 11 - Environmental Chemistry

Information Practice : Final Exam 7. Java IDE programming II, 8. Java IDE programmingm, 9. Programming guidelines, 10. DBMS Concepts, 11. Introduction to MySQL, 12. Simple Queries in SQL, 13. My SQL Function, 14. Table creation & Data manipulation commands Fine Art

Business Studies Final Exam Finance and Trade Chapter 2 - Forms of Business Organization Chapter 4 - Business Service Chapter 7 - Sources of Business Finance Chapter 8 - Small Business Chapter 9 - Internal Trade Chapter 10 - International Business Project Work Based on : Term I - Ch. 1 to 6 & Term II - Ch. 1,2,4,7 to 10

Geography Final Exam 1. India - Location, 2. Structure and Physiography, 3. Drainage system 4. Climats, 5. Natural Vegetation, 6 Soils Practical - 1. Introduction to maps, 2. Map Scale, 3. Latitude, Longitude and time, 4. Map Projections, 5.To pographical Maps, 6. Survey report of rural visit

Q1 Where have the prehistoric rock painting been found in India. Q2 Explain any one of the following (a) Male Torso (Harsappa), (b) Seal Unicom Bull (Mohen-jodaro) (c) Dancing Girl (Mohen-jo-daro) Q3. Which of the idots found in the Indu Valley civilisation have historical importance in the field of Art. Q4. Explain the rock-painting ‘A Roaring Animal of Bhimbetka’. Q5. What are the Lpecifications of Mausyan Sculpture. Explain any one of them. Q6. Explain any one of the following (a) Lioncapital from Sarnath (b) Jain Tirathankara (c) Bodhi sathia head from Taxila Q7. Where is Ajanta located - How many caves are there? Give a brief description of them. Q8. Explain any one them. (a) Padampani Bodhisatua (b) Mara Vijay

Biology Final Exam Chapter 10 - Cell Cycle and Cell Division Chapter 11 - Transport in Plants, Chapter 12-Mineral Nutrition Chapter 13 - Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Chapter 14 - Respiration in Plants Chapter 15 - Plant Growth and Development Chapter 18 - Body Fluids and Circulation Chapter 19 - Excretory products and their Elimination Chapter 20 - Locomotion and Movement Chapter 21 - Neural Control and Coordination Chapter 22 - Chemical Coordination and Integration

Accountancy Final Exam Part - A : Financial Accounting - I 3. Recording of Transactions 4. Preparation of Ledger, Trial Balance and Bank Reconciliation Statement. 5. Depreciation, Provision and Reserves 6. Accounting for Bills of Exchange 7. Rectifications of Errors 8. Financial Statements, Financial Statement with Adjustment Part - B Financial Accounting - II 9. Financial Statement of Not-for-profit organizations. 10. Accounts from incomplete records 11. Computers in Accounting 12. Project Work : Term II Unit 3-12 Hindustani Vocal/Instrumental Final Exam 3. A brief history of musical instruments in India with their classification/ distribution into four different categories i) Tat ii) Avanaddha iii) Sushir iv) Ghan with a brief historical introduction of any one instrument of each category. 4. The student should be able to follow the notation of music and should be able to i) Write the notation (as propounded by V.N. Bhatkhande) of the vilambit and drut khyal I maseetkhani and razakhani gat in any one of the prescribed Ragas. ii) Write any two of the prescribed Talas. 5. Kriti: its evolution and examples of two of the better-known kritis. specifically mention their vagyekara, as well as the Raga and the Tala to which they have been composed. OR Varmam: its development to its present form. Cite in detail exponents. History Final Exam

Ch. 6 The three orders Ch. 7 Changing cultural Traditions Ch. 8 Confrontation of Cultures Ch. 9 The Industrial Revolution Ch. 11 Paths to Modenisation

Political Science Final Exam Ch. 6 Judiciary Ch. 7 Federalism Ch. 2 Freedom (Unit II) Ch. 6 Citizenship Ch. 7 Nationalism Ch. 8 Local Governments Physical Education Final Exam Unit - VII: Test and Measurement in Sports • Define Test and Measurement • Importance of Test and Measurement in Sports • Calculation of BMI and Waist-Hip Ratio • Somato Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy and Ectomorphy) • Procedures of Anthropromatric Measurement - Height, Weight, Arm and Leg Length and Skin Fold Unit - VIII: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology • Define Anatomy, Physiology and its importance • Function of skeleton system, Classification of bones and types of joints • Properties of muscles • Function and structure of muscles • Function and structure of Respiratory System, Mechanism of Respiration • Structure of Heart and introduction to Circulatory System • Oxygen debt, second wind Unit - IX: Biomechanics and Sports • Meaning and importance of Biomechanics in Physical Education and Sports • Newton's Law of Motion and its application in sports • Levers and its types and its application in sports • Equilibrium - Dynamic and Static and Centre of Gravity and its application in sports • Force - Centrifugal and Centripetal and its application in sports Unit - X : Psychology and Sports • Definition and importance of Psychology in Physical Education and Sports • Define and differentiate between 'Growth and Development'

• Developmental Characteristics at different stage of development • Adolescent problems and their management • Define Learning, Laws of Learning and Transfer of Learning • Plateau and causes of plateau • Emotion : Concept and controlling of emotion Unit - XI: Training in Sports • Meaning and Concept of Sports Training • Principles of Sports Training • Warming up and limbering down • Load, Adaptation and Recovery • Skill, Technique and Style • Symptoms of over-load and How to overcome it PRACTICAL 1. Physical Fitness 2. Athletics - Any two events: Sprints and Jumps* 3. Health and Fitness Activities-Medicine Ball/Thera TubelPilates/ Rope Skipping (Anyone) 4. Skill of anyone Individual Game of choice from the given list* ** 5. Viva 6. Record File** *The events being opted must be other than from those administered under Physical Fitness Test. ** 1. Write benefits of Medicine Ball, Thera Tube and Pilates. 2. Measure BMI of ten members from family or neighbourhood and show graphical representation of the data. 3. Draw a neat diagram of Standard Track with all its specification. Mention all the Track and Field Events. Mention the latest records at Indian, World and Olympic Level. ***Badminton, Judo, Swimming, Table Tennis, Taekwondo and Tennis.