The School Of The Prophets & Apostolic Training Center. Copyright © Ric ...
watchful eyes of the prophetic trainers in a safe spiritual environment.
Syllabus Course Summaries
INTRODUCTION TO PROPHETIC TRAINING ͲRules&PoliciesForASafePropheticEnvironment NOTE: All sessions include opportunities for the students to ‘practice’ and ‘activate’ their prophetic gifting under the
watchful eyes of the prophetic trainers in a safe spiritual environment.
SESSION 1 Restoration Of Gifts / God Is Talking / Hearing & Discerning God’s Voice. ͲHowToProperlyRespondWhenGodSpeaksAWordToYou God desires that His people be established in present-day truth. God wants His people to receive the fullness of the grace on the Five-Fold Ministry. He wants His people to boldly manifest and operate in the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. We teach that a balanced faith is always the correct path to take in order to successfully receive the manifestation of God’s promises through personal prophecy. Hearing God’s voice brings us many benefits including, but not limited to, comfort, edification, purpose, vision, provision, peace of mind and spirit as well as transformation. Romans 8:19 “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” SESSION 2 Ministering The Mind Of Christ / The Revelation Gifts / Keys To The Kingdom / The Five Methods Of Prophesying God not only desires that we manifest and boldly operate in the gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit, but He also wants us to know how to hear His voice clearly in every situation. He wants us to know how our gifts function, their purpose and how to successfully bless others. Further, He wants us to use our gifts decently and in order. We teach the Five Methods of Prophesying and how to recognize which method is in operation. Time is spent making sure that the students understand the differences between a person that sits in the Office of Prophet vs laity who may prophesy. SESSION 3 Releasing The Voice of God in Worship / God’s Prophetic Purpose for Praise / Warring with Praise God desires that His people be seasoned and strong in battle. He has given us many weapons and strategies by which to fight the enemy of our souls. In this segment, we teach God’s prophetic purpose for praise. The student is instructed how to properly use their spiritual weapons and how to usher in the prophetic voice of God.
SESSION 4 False Prophets & False Prophecy / Myths, Half-Truths & Witchcraft The Bible says that we are to try every spirit because of the false prophets that have gone out into the world. This session is designed to teach the student the difference between true prophets of God and false prophets. Unfortunately, there are many in the body of Christ that think they are operating in truth when in fact, they are not concerning the prophetic and prophesies. This session is designed to remove half-truths and prophetic myths concerning prophesies. In addition, it is designed to destroy the works of darkness by shutting by exposing witchcraft by identifying occult witchcraft in prophecy and human witchcraft in manipulation. SESSION 5 Dreams & Visions / Strategic Positioning In the book of Joel, God tells us that He will pour out His Spirit and our sons and daughters will prophesy, our old men shall dream dreams and our young men shall see visions. God wants to speak to His people in many different ways including dreams and visions. Joseph interpreted the Chief Baker’s & Pharaoh’s dream. The prophet Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. God wants us to understand our dreams, what they are and what they mean. Further, He wants us to learn to trust our dreams when He speaks to us. This session is designed to help the student learn dream language and symbolism and interpret it based on sound biblical doctrine along with types and shadows of biblical representations. SESSION 6 Authority / Kingdom Mentality / Right Of Inheritance / Accountability This session is designed to teach the student that there is no such thing as a true prophetic anointing outside of proper submission to authority. Only when the student can understand and submit to their overseer or leader can God really trust them with the true riches. Along with proper submission comes accountability. The student is taught to maintain the integrity of God’s Word through proper accountability and protocol. Further discussed are the dangers of the ‘rogue’ prophet mentality that perverts the true gift of God. SESSION 7 Warning Signs / Red Flags / Rebellion & Lawlessness This session is designed to teach the student things to look out for, the dangers of improper prophetic protocol, and rogue spirits.. The student is taught how to avoid pitfalls that can come along with personal prophecy. To help insure the success of each student, we teach how to recognize rebellion and lawlessness in the prophetic arena. SESSION 8 Establishing Prophetic Team Ministry In Genesis 2:18, God said that “It is not good for man to be alone….”. Jesus sent out the disciples in pairs. In this session, we teach the students the importance of learning prophetic team ministry. Emphasis is placed on how to work as a team, flow together in prophecy and maintain proper ministerial atmosphere and protocol.