Technical English Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English ...

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Technical English Level 2 (Pre-intermediate). Wordlist English – German – French. Unit. Activity English. Part of speech. German. French. Unit 1 Action.
Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Technical English Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English – German – French Activity English

Part of speech



3 Method 3 Method 1 Teamwork 3 Method 1 Teamwork 2 Training 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 3 Method 3 Method 3 Method 1 Teamwork 3 Method 3 Method 3 Method 3 Method 1 Teamwork 3 Method 2 Training 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork

4 1 2 8 2 4 2 2 1 8 8 2 2 8 1 4 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2

accelerator activate adjust ahead air pressure almost done away blanket break camera chest cockpit cord detect device dial driver emergency stop fault fire suit flap forward front fuel

(noun) (verb) (verb) (adverb) (noun) (time phrase) (adverb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (noun)

Gasdrehgriff aktivieren einstellen nach vorn Luftdruck fast fertig weg Decke unterbrechen Kamera Brust Cockpit Schnur erkennen Einrichtung Wählscheibe Fahrer Notbremse Fehler feuerfester Anzug Klappe vorwärts Front Treibstoff

accélérateur activer régler vers l'avant pression d'air presque terminé distant couverture interrompre caméra poitrine cockpit corde détecter dispositif cadran de numérotation conducteur frein de secours défaut combinaison réfractaire volet en avant avant carburant

1 Teamwork 3 Method 2 Training 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork

2 2 4 2 2

gear lever handset hang on hose immediately

(noun) (noun) (time phrase) (noun) (time phrase)

Ganghebel Hörer Warten Sie einen Moment Schlauch sofort

levier de (changement de) vitesse écouteur attendez un instant s'il vous plaît tuyau flexible immédiatement


Unit 1 Action

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 3 Method 2 Training 3 Method 3 Method 2 Training 3 Method 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 2 Training 1 Teamwork 2 Training 3 Method 3 Method 2 Training 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 2 Training 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 2 Training 1 Teamwork 2 Training 1 Teamwork 3 Method 1 Teamwork 2 Training 2 Training 3 Method 3 Method 1 Teamwork 3 Method 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork

Activity 4 4 1 1 2 8 1 1 4 2 4 1 2 2 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 8 2 4 4 7 4 2 8 2 2 2

English insert just a minute kick laser beam lift up locate lower mechanic nearly finished nozzle one minute outboard motor passenger pick up pit lane pit-stop crew plaster hole pull out pump push in put down put on put together raise receiver rear repair replace robot sensor service sideways signal socket spill

Part of speech (verb) (time phrase) (verb) (noun) (phrasal verb) (verb) (verb) (noun) (time phrase) (noun) (time phrase) (noun) (noun) (phrasal verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (phrasal verb) (verb) (phrasal verb) (phrasal verb) (phrasal verb) (phrasal verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adverb) (verb) (noun) (verb)

German einführen nur noch eine Minute treten Laserstrahl heben anordnen senken Mechaniker fast fertig Mundstück eine Minute Außenbordmotor Fahrgast aufnehmen Boxengasse Boxenmannschaft Verputzlöcher herausziehen pumpen hineindrücken ablegen ansetzen zusammensetzen heben empfangen Heck reparieren ersetzen Roboter Sensor warten seitwärts signalisieren Stutzen verschütten

page 2 of 28

French insérer juste une petite minute donner un coup de pied faisceau laser lever localiser baisser mécanicien presque terminé embout buccal une minute moteur hors bord passager ramasser Voie de ravitaillement Equipe d'arrêt de ravitaillement trou de crépi extraire pomper enfoncer déposer appliquer assembler lever recevoir arrière réparer remplacer robot capteur faire la maintenance vers le côté signaler tuyau de rallonge déverser

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Training 3 Method 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 2 Training 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 2 Training 3 Method 2 Training 3 Method 3 Method 2 Training 2 Training 2 Training 1 Teamwork 3 Method 1 Teamwork 3 Method 3 Method 1 Teamwork 1 Teamwork 3 Method

Activity 4 8 2 2 4 2 2 4 8 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 2 1 1 2 2 8

English strip off surface switch off switch on take apart take away take off take out technology test ticket machine touch trainee turn off turn on tyre upright visor water heater water valve wheel-gun wheel-jack wireless

Part of speech (phrasal verb) (noun) (phrasal verb) (phrasal verb) (phrasal verb) (phrasal verb) (phrasal verb) (phrasal verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (phrasal verb) (phrasal verb) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun)

German abbeizen Oberfläche ausschalten einschalten auseinander nehmen wegnehmen abnehmen herausnehmen Technologie Test Fahrkartenautomat berühren Auszubildender abdrehen aufdrehen Reifen aufrecht Visier Warmwasserbereiter Wasserventil Radmutterschrauber Wagenheber Funk

French décaper surface arrêter mettre en marche démanteler ôter enlever retirer technologie test distributeur automatique de billets toucher apprenti(e) dévisser visser pneu verticalement écran facial chauffe-eau valve d'eau pistolet à roue cric sans fil

8 2 8 8 3 8 8 4 2 10 5

accident rate activity appreciate attach attend available be aware blowout preventer business casualty catalogue

(noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (verb) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun)

Unfallrate Tätigkeit begrüßen anhängen teilnehmen verfügbar wissen Blowout Preventer Geschäftsfeld Verletzter Katalog

taux d'accidents activité saluer joindre participer disponible conscient obturateur de sécurité secteur d'activités blessé(e) catalogue

Unit 2 Work 2 Plans 3 New job 2 Plans 2 Plans 1 Routines 2 Plans 2 Plans 1 Routines 3 New job 2 Plans 2 Plans

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 1 Routines 2 Plans 1 Routines 1 Routines 3 New job 1 Routines 1 Routines 3 New job 1 Routines 1 Routines 3 New job 3 New job 3 New job 2 Plans 3 New job 1 Routines 3 New job 1 Routines 3 New job 1 Routines 2 Plans 2 Plans 2 Plans 2 Plans 1 Routines 2 Plans 2 Plans 1 Routines 2 Plans 1 Routines 1 Routines 3 New job 3 New job 3 New job 3 New job

Activity 3 8 4 5 5 4 5 2 5 3 6 6 2 9 2 5 6 4 2 3 8 10 10 8 4 4 8 8 10 6 4 6 6 6 2

English conference confirm control room crane operator CV deck derrick diploma driller electrician electron electronic electronics emergency escape employment engineer engineering equipment experience fantastic grateful heat-resistant heat shield hesitate inspect intend introduce job title ladder maintain maintenance mechanical mechanics mechanism occupation

Part of speech (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (verb) (verb) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun)

German Konferenz bestätigen Kontrollraum Kranführer Lebenslauf Deck Bohrturm Diplom Bohrmeister Elektriker Elektron elektronisch Elektronik RettungsAnstellung Ingenieur Technik Ausrüstung Erfahrung fantastisch dankbar wärmebeständig Hitzeschild zögern inspizieren beabsichtigen einführen Arbeitsplatzbezeichnung Leiter warten Wartung mechanisch Mechanik Mechanismus Beschäftigung

page 4 of 28

French conférence confirmer local de contrôle grutier CV pont tour de forage diplôme chef foreur électricien électron électronique électronique évacuation d'urgence emploi ingénieur technique équipement expérience fantastique reconnaissant résistant à la chaleur bouclier thermique hésiter inspecter envisager de introduire intitulé de l'emploi échelle faire la maintenance maintenance mécanique mécanique mécanisme occupation

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 1 Routines 1 Routines 1 Routines 1 Routines 1 Routines 1 Routines 1 Routines 2 Plans 2 Plans 3 New job 3 New job 1 Routines 1 Routines 2 Plans 3 New job 1 Routines 1 Routines 2 Plans 1 Routines 2 Plans 3 New job 2 Plans 2 Plans 1 Routines 1 Routines 3 New job 3 New job 3 New job 1 Routines 1 Routines

Activity 1 2 1 2 2 2 4 3 4 2 2 4 4 8 2 3 5 5 4 1 2 8 7 3 5 6 6 2 4 4

English oil platform off duty offshore on duty on leave onshore operate participant plan position qualification repair report request responsibility rig roustabout run (= conduct) safety drill safety officer sector have sick leave site manager supervise supervisor technical technologist technology train underwater

Part of speech (noun) (adverb) (adverb) (adverb) (adverb) (adverb) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective)

German Ölplattform dienstfrei Offshore im Dienst im Urlaub an Land bedienen Teilnehmer planen Position Qualifikation reparieren Bericht erstatten Wunsch Verantwortlichkeit Bohranlage Deckarbeiter leiten Sicherheitsbelehrung Sicherheitsbeauftragter Gebiet krankgeschrieben sein Baustellenleiter beaufsichtigen Aufseher technisch Technologe Technologie einarbeiten Unterwasser-

French plateforme pétrolière exempté de service en mer en service en vacances à terre exploiter participant planifier position qualification réparer rendre compte demande responsabilité installation de forage ouvrier sur pont piloter exercice de sécurité délégué à la sécurité secteur être en congé maladie chef(fe) de chantier superviser superviseur technique technologue technologie initier subaquatique

6 3 2 4

4x4 acceleration best better

(noun) (noun) (superlative) (comparative)

4x4 Beschleunigung beste besser

4x4 accélération meilleur mieux

Unit 3 Comparison 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 1 Limits

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 1 Limits 3 Equipment 2 Products 2 Products 2 Products 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 1 Limits 1 Limits 2 Products 3 Equipment 1 Limits 3 Equipment 1 Limits 1 Limits 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 1 Limits 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 1 Limits 1 Limits 1 Limits 1 Limits 2 Products 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 1 Limits

Activity 4 6 2 2 2 6 4 5 4 2 3 6 4 4 4 3 2 4 3 2 3 3 4 4 7 4 1 1 2 6

English board cab cancel catalogue classic clearance coal-fired coin combination complain consumption cruising speed diesel dimension farther farthest fleet further furthest hire idle speed least less luggage mode more most important nanometre nanotube normal

Part of speech (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (comparative) (superlative) (noun) (comparative) (superlative) (noun) (noun) (superlative) (comparative) (noun) (noun) (comparative) (superlative) (noun) (noun) (adjective)

German an Bord fahren Fahrerhaus widerrufen Katalog klassisch lichte Höhe kohlebetrieben Münze Kombination sich beschweren Verbrauch Reisegeschwindigkeit Diesel Maß weiter weg weitest Flotte weiter (ferner) weitest mieten Leerlaufdrehzahl geringst weniger Gepäck Betriebsart mehr am wichtigsten Nanometer Nanoröhrchen normal

3 Equipment 3 Equipment 1 Limits 2 Products

4 2 6 9

nuclear power performance petrol portable

(noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective)

Kernkraft Leistung Benzin tragbar

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French aller à bord cabine de conduite annuler catalogue classique hauteur de passage au charbon pièce de monnaie combinaison se plaindre consommation vitesse de croisière diésel dimension longue distance le plus loin flotte par ailleurs (d'autre part) le plus loin louer régime à vide le moins moins bagage mode de service plus le plus important nanomètre nanotube normal énergie nucléaire (énergie atomique) performance essence portable

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 2 Products 1 Limits 1 Limits 1 Limits 2 Products 1 Limits 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 3 Equipment 1 Limits 1 Limits 1 Limits 1 Limits 1 Limits 3 Equipment 1 Limits 3 Equipment 1 Limits 3 Equipment

Activity 2 3 9 7 2 4 1 6 2 6 1 4 6 2 2 6 6 6 1 4 3

English purchase rapid rechargeable recommendation roof rack standard storage capacity strength tender tow transistor trailer unleaded van vehicle weakness wheelbase wingspan world record worse worst

Part of speech (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (comparative) (superlative)

German Kauf schnell wieder aufladbar Empfehlung Dachgepäckträger StandardSpeicherkapazität Stärke Ausschreibung ziehen Transistor Anhänger bleifrei Transporter Fahrzeug Schwäche Radstand Flügelspannweite Weltrekord schlechter schlechtest

French achat rapide rechargeable recommandation galerie standard capacité de stockage force appel d'offres tirer transistor remorque sans plomb fourgon véhicule faiblesse empattement envergure record mondial plus mauvais le plus mauvais

4 4 1 4 4 4 1 4 3 1 7 3 1

air conditioning assembly line belt body shop bonnet bumper chassis chassis line chute communications satellite component convert conveyor belt

(noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun)

Klimaanlage Montagestraße Band Karosseriewerkstatt Motorhaube Stoßstange Fahrgestell Fahrgestellstraße Schacht Kommunikationssatellit Bauteil umwandeln Förderband

climatiseur chaîne de montage bande atelier de carrosserie capot pare-choc châssis ligne de châssis puits satellite de communication composant convertir bande de convoyage

Unit 4 Processes 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 1 Infrastructure 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 1 Infrastructure 3 Communications 1 Infrastructure 3 Communications 1 Infrastructure

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 2 Manufacturing 3 Communications 3 Communications 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 2 Manufacturing 3 Communications 3 Communications 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 3 Communications 1 Infrastructure 3 Communications 1 Infrastructure 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 3 Communications 1 Infrastructure 2 Manufacturing 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 3 Communications 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 3 Communications 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure

Activity 1 1 4 3 5 1 3 1 3 3 6 6 1 3 3 1 4 4 7 2 4 6 6 6 6 3 4 3 8 6 3 4 2 8 8

English cutter cutter face deliver digital TV card display drill drill drive shaft extract feed horn finally first frequency grip high frequency hydraulic cylinder laser guide lastly low frequency manpower meanwhile next now oil drain plug oil filler cap orbit paint shop panel propeller process reflect rightside up roller rust rusty

Part of speech (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (adverb) (adverb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (adverb) (adverb) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (adjective)

German Bohrkopf Stirn des Bohrkopfes anliefern digitale TV-Karte anzeigen Bohrer bohren Antriebswelle herausziehen LNB schließlich zuerst Frequenz erfassen Hochfrequenz Hydraulikzylinder Laserstrahlführung zuletzt Niederfrequenz Arbeitskräfte unterdessen als Nächstes jetzt Ölablassstopfen Öleinfüllverschluss Umlaufbahn Lackiererei Blech Propeller Verfahren reflektieren richtig herum Rolle Rost rostig

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French tête de forage face de tête livrer carte télé numérique afficher foret forer arbre d'entraînement extraire cornet d'alimentation finalement d'abord fréquence saisir haute fréquence vérin hydraulique guidage laser en dernier basse fréquence main-d'œuvre entre-temps prochain maintenant bouchon de vidange d'huile bouchon de remplissage d'huile orbite atelier de peinture tôle hélice processus refléter dans le bon sens rouleau rouille rouillé

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 3 Communications 1 Infrastructure 2 Manufacturing 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 2 Manufacturing 1 Infrastructure 1 Infrastructure 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing 3 Communications 3 Communications 3 Communications 2 Manufacturing 2 Manufacturing

Activity 1 3 4 1 3 3 4 3 3 1 4 4 3 3 3 4 3

English satellite dish scoop simultaneously steel shoe strengthen supply suspension then tooth/teeth transmission transport trim line PC monitor transmit TV station upside down weld

Part of speech (noun) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (verb) (verb) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (adverb) (verb)

German Satellitenschüssel Schaufel gleichzeitig Stahlschuh versteifen versorgen Aufhängung dann Zahn/Zähne Getriebe transportieren Ausstattungsmontage PC-Monitor übertragen Fernsehsender kopfstehend schweißen

French antenne parabolique pelle simultanément chaussure en acier renforcer alimenter suspension puis dent/dents transmission transporter montage d'équipement moniteur de PC transmettre station de télévision sens dessus-dessous souder

2 1 5 2 2 5 9 9 10 1 3 7 7 9 5 3 3

absorb adjuster alarm pod appearance assistance audible basically bass amplifier bend booster car seat bridge (boat) calculate calculator capsule carburettor chain chisel

(verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun)

absorbieren Justiervorrichtung Alarmkapsel Erscheinungsbild Hilfe hörbar im Wesentlichen Bassverstärker Biegung Auto-Kindersitz Brücke (Schiff) berechnen Taschenrechner Kapsel Vergaser Kette Meißel

absorber dispositif d'ajustage capsule d'alarme apparence assistance audible essentiellement amplificateur de basses cintrage siège d'enfant pour voiture pont (bateau) calculer calculatrice capsule carburateur chaîne burin

Unit 5 Descriptions 1 Uses 3 Definitions 3 Definitions 2 Appearance 1 Uses 3 Definitions 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 3 Definitions 2 Appearance 1 Uses 1 Uses 2 Appearance 1 Uses 2 Appearance 2 Appearance

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 1 Uses 1 Uses 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 1 Uses 1 Uses 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 3 Definitions 1 Uses 3 Definitions 1 Uses 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 3 Definitions 3 Definitions 1 Uses 1 Uses 3 Definitions 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 3 Definitions 3 Definitions 1 Uses 1 Uses 2 Appearance 2 Appearance

Activity 3 3 10 8 8 5 9 3 8 8 5 9 5 6 5 2 5 2 3 3 1 1 8 8 5 3 5 6 3 5 1 4 2 10 3

English circle circular clamp conduct conductor cone conical consist contain container cube cubic cylinder cylindrical dashboard design digital-sonar dolphin dome dome-shaped download entrepreneur generate generator helm unit H-shaped hemisphere hemispherical hull hydrophone invent inventor jump lead junction ladder

Part of speech (noun) (adjective) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun)

German Kreis kreisförmig Klemme leiten Leiter Kegel kegelförmig bestehen enthalten Behälter Würfel kubisch Zylinder zylindrisch Armaturenbrett entwerfen digital-sonar Delphin Kuppel kuppelförmig herunterladen Unternehmer erzeugen Generator Ruderanlage H-förmig Halbkugel halbkugelförmig Rumpf Hydrophon erfinden Erfinder Starthilfekabel Abzweigung Leiter

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French cercle circulaire borne conduire conducteur cône conique se composer de contenir conteneur cube cubique cylindre cylindrique tableau de bord concevoir sonar numérique dauphin dôme en forme de dôme télécharger entrepreneur générer générateur appareil à gouverner en H hémisphère hémisphérique coque hydrophone inventer inventeur câble de démarrage jonction échelle

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Appearance 1 Uses 3 Definitions 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 3 Definitions 3 Definitions 1 Uses 1 Uses 2 Appearance 1 Uses 1 Uses 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 3 Definitions 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 2 Appearance 1 Uses 1 Uses 3 Definitions 2 Appearance 1 Uses 3 Definitions 3 Definitions 1 Uses 1 Uses 2 Appearance 2 Appearance

Activity 3 2 5 3 2 1 1 8 5 9 7 7 5 3 5 5 6 3 3 3 5 3 5 3 8 8 5 2 3 5 7 7 5 9

English link moisture navigate ocean liner onion overboard profit propel propeller protractor receive receiver rectangle rectangular relay semi-circle semi-circular skewer skyscraper soup bowl sphere spherical square square stabilise stabiliser submerge surfboard tag torque wrench transducer transmit transmitter triangle triangular

Part of speech (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (verb) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective)

German Glied Feuchtigkeit navigieren Ozeanriese Zwiebel über Bord Profit (voran)treiben Propeller Winkelmesser empfangen Empfänger Rechteck rechteckig weiterleiten Halbkreis halbkreisförmig Spieß Wolkenkratzer Suppenschüssel Kugel kugelförmig Quadrat quadratisch stabilisieren Stabilisator untertauchen Surfboard Anhänger Drehmomentschlüssel Signalwandler senden Sender Dreieck dreieckig

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French maillon humidité naviguer paquebot oignon par-dessus bord profit propulser hélice rapporteur recevoir récepteur rectangle rectangulaire relayer demi-cercle semi-circulaire brochette gratte-ciel soupière sphère sphérique carré carré stabiliser stabilisateur submerger planche de surf pendentif clé dynamométrique transducteur émettre émetteur triangle triangulaire

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Appearance 3 Definitions 3 Definitions 1 Safety

Part of speech (noun) (preposition) (adjective) (noun)

Activity 3 5 5 2

English tripod via visible aisle

2 Emergency 2 Emergency 1 Safety 2 Emergency 1 Safety 2 Emergency 1 Safety 1 Safety 2 Emergency 1 Safety 1 Safety 2 Emergency 1 Safety

1 2 7 2 7 3 7 2 2 7 7 2 2

(noun) anchor (noun) artificial respiration (verb) attend to (verb) attract (verb) authorise (adjective) available (noun) belongings (noun) blockage (adjective) buoyant (adjective) calm cardio-pulmonary resuscitation(noun) (noun) casualty (verb) chain

1 Safety 1 Safety 3 Directions 1 Safety 1 Safety 1 Safety 1 Safety 3 Directions 3 Directions 1 Safety 1 Safety 2 Emergency 2 Emergency 3 Directions 1 Safety 1 Safety

7 1 2 7 7 1 5 1 1 1 5 3 1 3 2 4

chemical spill crate crossroads evacuation first aid fork freezer flyover gantry hand truck handle inflate injure lake level liquid

German Dreibein über sichtbar Gang

French trépied via visible allée

Anker künstliche Beatmung sich kümmern um herbeiholen befugt verfügbar Habseligkeiten Blockierungen schwimmfähig ruhig Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung Opfer anketten

ancre respiration artificielle s'occuper de faire appel autorisé disponible effets blocages flottable calme réanimation cardio-pulmonaire victime enchaîner déversement de substances chimiques caisse croisement évacuation premiers secours fourche congélateur saut de mouton portique de signalisation chariot de manutention manier gonfler blesser lac à fleur liquide

Unit 6 Procedures

(noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (verb) (noun) (adjective) (noun)

Verschütten von Chemikalien Kiste Kreuzung Evakuierung Erste Hilfe Gabel Tiefkühlschrank Überführung Signalbrücke Handkarren handhaben aufblasen verletzen See auf gleicher Höhe Flüssigkeit

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Emergency 3 Directions 2 Emergency 1 Safety 1 Safety 1 Safety 1 Safety 2 Emergency 1 Safety 2 Emergency 1 Safety 3 Directions 2 Emergency 2 Emergency 2 Emergency 1 Safety 2 Emergency 3 Directions 3 Directions 1 Safety 1 Safety 2 Emergency 3 Directions 3 Directions 2 Emergency 3 Directions 1 Safety 1 Safety

Activity 2 1 2 2 1 2 7 4 1 4 7 1 1 1 7 1 1 6 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 3

English locate motorway oxygen overload pallet procedure pulse purchase ramp recommend recovery position roundabout scuba diver seabed secure shelf shipwreck sketch map slip road stack strap suggest traffic lights turning tow underpass warehouse wet suit

Part of speech (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun)

German lokalisieren Autobahn Sauerstoff überladen Palette Prozedur Puls kaufen Rampe empfehlen stabile Seitenlage Kreisverkehr Gerätetaucher Meeresboden sichern Lagerregal Schiffswrack Kartenskizze Ausfahrt / Auffahrt stapeln festgurten vorschlagen Verkehrsampel Abbiegung schleppen Straßentunnel Lagerhaus Neoprenanzug

French localiser autoroute oxygène surcharger palette procédure impulsion acheter rampe recommander position de sécurité rond-point plongeur sous-marin fond marin sécuriser rayonnage de stockage épave de navire croquis cartographique rampe d'accès / rampe de sortie empiler cercler suggérer feux de circulation routière virage remorquer tunnel routier entrepôt combinaison isothermique

4 7 9 2 6 3

admit apologise appoint attachment beam browser

(verb) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun)

zugeben sich entschuldigen benennen Anhang Balken Browser

admettre s'excuser nommer pièce jointe poutre navigateur

Unit 7 Services 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 2 Reporting to clients 1 Technical support 2 Reporting to clients 1 Technical support

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 1 Technical support 1 Technical support 1 Technical support 2 Reporting to clients 2 Reporting to clients 2 Reporting to clients 1 Technical support 2 Reporting to clients 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 1 Technical support 1 Technical support 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 2 Reporting to clients 3 Dealing with complaints 1 Technical support 1 Technical support 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 1 Technical support 2 Reporting to clients 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 1 Technical support 1 Technical support 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints

Activity 3 2 2 2 5 5 7 5 6 6 2 10 3 3 7 8 4 6 4 3 4 6 7 7 4 7 2 6 7 7 3 3 7 10

English code connection connectivity CCTV camera clarification client compress contractor corner crush deal (with) destroy detail diagnosis disconnect edge evidence expand fault firewall freeze friendly front gesture goodwill helpful however image impractical in addition inconvenience interfere (with) IP address in stock jam

Part of speech (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (adverb) (noun) (adjective) (phrase) (noun) (verb) (noun) (phrase) (verb)

German Code Verbindung Konnektivität Überwachungskamera Klarstellung Kunde komprimieren Auftragnehmer Ecke quetschen behandeln zerstören Einzelheit Diagnose trennen Kante Nachweise ausdehnen Fehler Firewall einfrieren freundlich Vorderseite Geste guter Wille hilfreich jedoch Bild unausführbar außerdem Unannehmlichkeit stören IP-Adresse am Lager verklemmen

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French code connexion connectivité caméra CCTV mise au point client comprimer contractant coin coincer traiter de détruire détail diagnostic déconnecter arête justificatif étendre défaut coupe-feu geler aimable face avant geste bonne volonté utile toutefois image inexécutable en outre désagrément perturber adresse IP en stock coincer

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 1 Technical support 1 Technical support

Activity English 2 log (into) 7 loose

1 Technical Support



2 Reporting to clients 3 Dealing with complaints 2 Reporting to clients 1 Technical support 3 Dealing with complaints 1 Technical support 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 1 Technical support 1 Technical support 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 1 Technical support 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 1 Technical support 1 Technical support 2 Reporting to clients 2 Reporting to clients 1 Technical support 3 Dealing with complaints 2 Reporting to clients 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints

2 3 2 2 4 3 4 7 6 3 7 4 3 5 5 3 2 5 3 3 5 3 3 2 6 1 6 6 4 7

monitor offer parachute password polite pop-up purchase query rear reboot reconnect record reduce reduction refund refund reject repair repair replace replacement resolution setting security level skyscraper smoke detector solution split structural summarise surface

Part of speech (verb) (adjective) (noun: screen for a computer or TV) (verb: to check something at rgular intervals) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (noun) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (verb) (noun)

page 15 of 28

German einloggen (in) lose

French entrer en session branlant


moniteur de PC

überwachen anbieten Fallschirm Passwort höflich Pop-Up-Fenster Kauf Rückfrage Rückseite neu starten wieder verbinden festhalten mindern Minderung Erstattung erstatten zurückweisen Reparatur reparieren ersetzen Ersatz Auflösungseinstellung Sicherheitsstufe Wolkenkratzer Rauchdetektor Lösung aufreißen strukturell zusammenfassen Oberfläche

surveiller proposer parachute mot de passe poli fenêtre contextuelle achat demande de précisions face arrière rebooter reconnecter enregistrer réduire réduction remboursement rembourser rejeter réparation réparer remplacer remplacement réglage de la résolution niveau de sécurité gratte-ciel détecteur de fumée solution déchirer structurel résumer surface

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 3 Dealing with complaints 3 Dealing with complaints 1 Technical support 3 Dealing with complaints 2 Reporting to clients 1 Technical support

Activity 4 6 3 7 6 2

English sympathy twist uncheck unfortunately walkway wireless

Part of speech (noun) (verb) (verb) (adverb) (noun) (noun)

German Sympathie verdrehen abwählen leider Übergang Funk

French sympathie torsader décocher malheureusement passerelle sans fil

1 5 6 8 1 5 3 5 5 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 5 1 5 3 1 7 7

absorb anti-clockwise benefit buoy cam clockwise coil compress compression compressor condense condenser crankshaft cycle cylinder decompress displaced energy resource evaporate evaporator exhaust expand expansion explosion extract fluid force fossil fuel

(verb) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun)

absorbieren gegen den Uhrzeigersinn Nutzen Boje Nocken im Uhrzeigersinn Rohrschlange komprimieren Kompression Kompressor kondensieren Kondensator Kurbelwelle Zyklus Zylinder entspannen verdrängt Energieressourcen verdampfen Verdampfer Abgas ausdehnen Ausdehnung Explosion entnehmen Fluid Kraft fossiler Brennstoff

absorber sens antihoraire bénéfice bouée came sens horaire serpentin comprimer compression compresseur condenser condensateur vilebrequin cycle cylindre décompresser refoulé ressources énergétiques s'évaporer évaporateur gaz d'échappement étendre expansion explosion extraire fluide force combustible fossile

Unit 8 Energy 3 Cooling and heating 1 Wave power 1 Wave power 1 Wave power 2 Engines 1 Wave power 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating 3 Cooling and heating 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating 3 Cooling and heating 1 Wave power 3 Cooling and heating 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines 1 Wave power

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines 2 Engines 2 Engines 2 Engines 2 Engines 2 Engines 2 Engines 1 Wave power 3 Cooling and heating 3 Cooling and heating 1 Wave power 1 Wave power 1 Wave power 1 Wave power 1 Wave power 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating 1 Wave power 1 Wave power 3 Cooling and heating 3 Cooling and heating 3 Cooling and heating 3 Cooling and heating 1 Wave power 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines 2 Engines 2 Engines 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating 2 Engines

Activity 7 8 9 5 5 5 1 1 3 2 5 5 5 3 3 2 1 1 8 3 5 3 3 5 2 3 3 5 2 1 5 5 5 3 8

English geothermal high pressure hydrogen ignite ignition inlet intake internal-combustion engine linear melt operate operation oscillate oscillating pendulum piston port principle rapidly reaction reciprocate reciprocating reduce refrigerant refrigeration reverse rotary simultaneously solidify spark plug stroke top dead centre (TDC) torsion transfer vacuum

Part of speech (adjective) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (verb) (verb) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (adverb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (verb) (noun)

German geothermisch hoher Druck Wasserstoff zünden Zündung Einlass Einlass Verbrennungsmaschine linear schmelzen in Betrieb sein Funktionsweise schwingen schwingend Pendel Kolben Anschluss Prinzip schnell Reaktion hin- und hergehen hin- und hergehend verringern Kühlmittel Kühlung umsteuern drehend gleichzeitig erstarren Zündkerze Takt oberer Totpunkt Torsion übertragen Unterdruck

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French géothermique haute pression hydrogène allumer allumage admission sortie moteur à combustion interne linéaire fondre fonctionner mode de fonctionnement osciller oscillant pendule piston port principe rapide réaction aller en va-et-vient allant en va-et-vient réduire réfrigérant réfrigération retourner rotatif simultanément solidifier bougie d'allumage temps point mort haut torsion transférer vide

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Engines 3 Cooling and heating

Activity English 1 valve 1 upthrust

Part of speech (noun) (noun)

German Ventil Auftrieb

French valve poussée verticale

5 2 2 2 2 6 1 2 2 8 5 2 6 2 5 2 3 1 2 5 10 3 8 5 2 3 2 9 4 2 8

(noun) (noun) (noun) (adverb) (verb) (verb) (adverb) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (phrases) (phrases) (noun)

Beschleunigungsmesser Höhenmesser Höhenlage fast aufbringen sich nähern annähernd AtmosphärenBarometer Basslautstärke BiegeBlog Stoß Kette Brust antreten umwandeln Radrennfahrer Daten Ausschlag Verformung erfassen Skala Dummy darauf achten Umgebung genau Filter zum Beispiel zum Beispiel Druckmesser

accéléromètre altimètre altitude presque appliquer approche approximativement atmosphérique baromètre volume des basses cintrage blogue choc chaîne poitrine terminer convertir cycliste données déviation déformation saisir échelle mannequin s'assurer que environnement exactement filtre par exemple par exemple jauge de pression

Unit 9 Measurement 2 Sensors 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 2 Sensors 2 Sensors 1 Sports data 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 2 Sensors 1 Sports data 2 Sensors 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 2 Sensors 2 Sensors 2 Sensors 2 Sensors 2 Sensors 1 Sports data 2 Sensors 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 3 Positioning 3 Positioning 2 Sensors

accelerometer altimeter altitude almost apply approach approximately atmospheric barometer bass volume bending blog burst chain chest compete convert cyclist data deflection deformation detect dial dummy ensure environment exactly filter for example for instance gauge

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Part of speech


Activity English

3 Positioning


(noun) Global Positioning System (GPS)

1 Sports data 1 Sports data 2 Sensors 2 Sensors 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 3 Positioning 3 Positioning 2 Sensors 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 3 Positioning 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 3 Positioning 3 Positioning 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 3 Positioning 3 Positioning 2 Sensors 1 Sports data 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 3 Positioning

4 4 5 5 2 7 7 4 2 6 5 2 2 9 7 2 2 7 2 2 6 6 4 2 2 6 6 5 2 2 4 5

heart rate monitor heart beat impact in addition in other words just over just under kilopascal latitude lidar system load longitude lubricant lubricate more than multiply nautical mile nearly odometer orbit ping pinger power output precise quick-release radar system reflect rib saddle satellite scales sea level


French système de positionnement à Global Positioning System (GPS) capacité globale (GPS)

(noun) (noun) (noun) (phrases) (phrases) (adverb) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adverb) (verb) (noun) (adverb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun)

Pulsfrequenzmesser Herzschlag Aufprall außerdem mit andern Worten knapp über knapp unter Kilopascal geografische Breite Lidarsystem Kraft geografische Länge Schmiermittel schmieren mehr als multiplizieren Seemeile fast Kilometerzähler Umlaufbahn Ping Pinger Leistungsabgabe genau SchnellspannRadarsystem reflektieren Rippe Sattel Satellit Waage Meeresspiegel

page 19 of 28

mesureur de fréquence cardiaque battement de cœur impact en outre en d'autres termes un peu plus de un peu moins de kilopascal latitude radar optique charge longitude lubrifiant lubrifier plus de multiplier mile marin presque compteur kilométrique orbite ping émetteur d'impulsion puissance fournie exact à relâchement rapide système radar refléter nervure selle satellite bascule niveau de la mer

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Sensors 2 Sensors 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 2 Sensors 2 Sensors 3 Positioning 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 2 Sensors 3 Positioning 2 Sensors 3 Positioning 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 1 Sports data 1 Sports data

2 2 2 5 2 6 2 2 2 2 2

English sensor shear slip stop watch strain squeeze subtract such as tachometer tension that is torsion transmission wear wheel rim wirelessly worn

Part of speech (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (phrases) (noun) (noun) (phrases) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adverb) (adjective)

German Sensor Scherung durchgleiten Stoppuhr Dehnung quetschen subtrahieren wie etwa Tachometer Spannung das heißt Torsion Übertragung verschleißen Felge drahtlos verschlissen

French capteur cisaillement glisser chronomètre extension coincer soustraire tel que tachymètre tension c'est-à-dire torsion transmission usure jante sans fil usé

3 3 3 3 3 3 1 5 5 5 5 5 1 6 3 5 2

aim and so apart as as a result because bending bio-gas breakable carbon carbon emission combustible compression compressive compressive strength cross brace damper

(noun) (phrase) (adverb) (phrase) (phrase) (phrase) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun)

Ziel und daher auseinander da demzufolge weil Biegung Biogas zerbrechlich Kohlenstoff Kohlendioxid-Emission brennbar Kompression DruckDruckfestigkeit Querstrebe Stoßdämpfer

but donc à part car par conséquent parce que cintrage biogaz fragile carbone émission de carbone combustible compression compressible résistance à la compression traverse amortisseur de chocs

Activity 1 5 2 4 10

Unit 10 Forces 1 Properties 3 Results 1 Properties 3 Results 3 Results 3 Results 1 Properties 3 Results 2 Resistance 3 Results 3 Results 2 Resistance 1 Properties 1 Properties 1 Properties 2 Resistance 2 Resistance

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Resistance 3 Results 1 Properties 1 Properties 1 Properties

Activity 10 5 3 5 3

English damping darken deform deformation destructive

Part of speech (noun) (verb) (verb) (noun) (adjective)

German Dämpfung verdunkeln verformen Verformung zerstörend

French amortissement assombrir déformer déformation destructif (destructive)

3 Results 3 Results 2 Resistance 1 Properties 1 Properties 3 Results 3 Results 1 Properties 3 Results 2 Resistance 1 Properties 3 Results 2 Resistance 3 Results 3 Results 3 Results 1 Properties 1 Properties 2 Resistance 1 Properties 3 Results 1 Properties 2 Resistance 2 Resistance 2 Resistance 3 Results 3 Results 3 Results

3 3 1 5 6 5 5 6

earth earthed earthquake elastic elasticity fail flatten flexibility forge graph hammer harden high-rise building hull plate hydrogen iceberg impact impact-resistance inaudible indicate install investigation isolate isolation joint lengthen lighten live

(noun: wire that connects electrical equipment to the ground) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (verb) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (verb) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (adjective)

Erde geerdet Erdbeben elastisch Elastizität versagen abflachen Flexibiltät schmieden Grafik Hammer härten Hochhaus Rumpfplatte Wasserstoff Eisberg Schlag Schlagfestigkeit unhörbar angeben installieren Untersuchung isolieren Isolierung Anschluss verlängern aufhellen spannungführend

câble de terre mis à la terre tremblement de terre élastique élasticité être défaillant lisser souplesse forger graphique marteau durcir immeuble de grande hauteur tôles de coque hydrogène iceberg impact résistance au choc inaudible indiquer installer investigation isoler isolation joint prolonger éclaircir sous tension

3 3 5 1 8 5 8 3 3 5 3 5 5 2 10 5 5 5 3

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 1 Properties 2 Resistance 3 Results 1 Properties 2 Resistance 2 Resistance 1 Properties 2 Resistance 1 Properties 1 Properties 1 Properties 1 Properties 2 Resistance 3 Results 1 Properties 3 Results 3 Results 2 Resistance 3 Results 2 Resistance 1 Properties 3 Results 3 Results 3 Results 2 Resistance 3 Results 3 Results 1 Properties 3 Results 2 Resistance 1 Properties 1 Properties 1 Properties 3 Results 1 Properties

Activity 3 7 3 5 5 5 3 5 6 4 5 1 5 6 6 6 7 5 5 1 1 5 3 5 6 5 3 5 2 6 3 1 3 1

English load moveable neutral newton non-combustible non-portable objective perishable plastic plasticity procedure resist resistant Richter scale rigidity rivet rivet head scratchproof sharpen shear wall shearing shock shorten since single brace slag soften specified straighten strengthen tensile tensile strength tension therefore torsion

Part of speech (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (phrase) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (verb) (verb) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (phrase) (noun)

German Belastung beweglich NeutralNewton unbrennbar ortsfest Ziel verderblich plastisch Plastizität Verfahren widerstehen widerstandsfähig Richterskala Steifigkeit Niet Nietkopf kratzfest schärfen Scherwand Scherung Schlag verkürzen da Einzelstütze Schlacke weich machen spezifiziert richten versteifen dehnbar Zugfestigkeit Spannung daher Torsion

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French charge mobile neutre newton incombustible stationnaire objectif périssable plastique plasticité procédure résister résistant échelle Richter rigidité rivet tête de rivet anti-rayures aiguiser mur de cisaillement cisaillement choc raccourcir étant donné que jambe de force unique scorie adoucir spécifié dressé renforcer dilatable résistance à la traction tension par conséquent torsion

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Resistance 2 Resistance 2 Resistance 2 Resistance 3 Results 3 Results 1 Properties 1 Properties

Activity 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3

English truss unbreakable unmoveable waterproof weaken widen withstand yield point

Part of speech (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (adjective) (verb) (verb) (verb) (noun)

German Dachbinder unzerbrechlich unbeweglich wasserdicht schwächen verbreitern widerstehen Streckgrenze

French ferme incassable immobile étanche à l'eau affaiblir élargir résister limite d'élasticité


advantage ambitious arguably atmosphere automatic balloon bookmark bow capsule cargo click wheel client ship combine compact conduct consume consumption convention cruise control current curved data design brief diesel oil disadvantage drag

(noun) (adjective) (adverb) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (verb) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun)

Vorteil ehrgeizig streitig Atmosphäre automatisch Ballon Lesezeichen Bug Gondel Fracht Click-Wheel Schiff des Kunden kombinieren kompakt durchführen verbrauchen Verbrauch Kongress Fahrtregelung aktuell gekrümmt Daten Entwurfsanweisung Dieselöl Nachteil Luftwiderstand

avantage ambitieux sans doute atmosphère automatique ballon signet nez nacelle fret roue d'encliquetage bateau du client combiner compact exécuter consommer consommation congrès régulation de vitesse actuel curviligne données document de conception gasoil désavantage résistance

Unit 11 Design 1 Working robots 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 1 Working robots 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 1 Working robots 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 1 Working robots 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes

3 2 5 2 2 5 2 2 8 2 2 4 3 2 2 3 2 6 1

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 1 Working robots 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 1 Working robots 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes 1 Working robots

Activity 6 2 3 2 3 2 8 1 2 6 1 3 2 2 6 4 3 5 2 2 5 1 2 2 3 5 5 3 3 4

English drawback eco-friendly emit environment environmental expel frequency friction fuselage girder gravity greenhouse gas helium horse power (hp) improve industrial issue jack jet turbine lampshade leather lift living quarters majority mast maximise mention mooring bit multi-functional multi-touch navigational noise level noisy non-renewable participant

Part of speech (noun) (adjective) (verb) (noun) (adjective) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (adjective) (noun)

German Minuspunkt umweltfreundlich emittieren Umwelt Umweltausstoßen Häufigkeit Reibung Rumpf Balken Schwerkraft Treibhausgas Helium Pferdestärke (PS) verbessern industriell Thema Stecker Strahlturbine Lampenschirm Leder Auftrieb Unterkunft Mehrheit Mast maximieren erwähnen Poller MultifunktionsMulti-Touch NavigationsLärmpegel laut nicht erneuerbar Teilnehmer

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French point faible écophile émettre environnement environnemental rejeter fréquence friction fuselage poutrelle gravité gaz à effet de serre hélium cheval-vapeur (ch.) améliorer industriel thème fiche turboréacteur abat-jour de lampe cuir poussée verticale logis majorité mât maximiser mentionner bollard multifonctionnel multitouche de navigation niveau de bruit bruyant non-renouvelable participant

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 1 Working robots 3 Free-flying sails 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 1 Working robots 3 Free-flying sails 2 Eco-friendly planes 3 Free-flying sails 3 Free-flying sails 1 Working robots 3 Free-flying sails 1 Working robots 2 Eco-friendly planes

Activity 2 2 3 5 3 5 2 3 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 2 1 5 2

7 2 2 5 5 6 5 5 3

English perform permanently pollution polymer pressure-resistant propose QWERTY keyboard reduce resource routing scroll smoothly stability stainless steel strut suggest supertanker survey taper technically technology thrust touchscreen traction kite trigger trimming TV remote untie upwards USB connector USB port voice-activated voicemail weakness wingspan

Part of speech (verb) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adverb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun)

German Leistung erbringen dauernd Verschmutzung Polymer druckfest vorschlagen QWERTY-Tastatur reduzieren Ressourcen Weglenkung scrollen glatt Stabilität Edelstahl Verstrebung vorschlagen Supertanker Übersicht sich verjüngen technisch Technologie Schub Berührungsbildschirm Zugdrachen auslösen Trimmen TV-Fernbedienung losbinden nach oben USB-Stecker USB-Anschluss sprachgesteuert Voicemail Schwäche Flügelspannweite

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French accomplir des performances en permanence pollution polymère résistant à la pression proposer clavier QWERTY réduire ressource routage faire défiler en douceur stabilité acier inoxydable renforcement suggérer superpétrolier enquête s'amincir techniquement technologie poussée écran tactile cerf-volant de traction déclencheur déclenchement télécommande de téléviseur détacher vers le haut connecteur USB port USB à commande vocale messagerie vocale faiblesse envergure

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Eco-friendly planes

Activity English 2 wingtip

Part of speech (noun)

German Flügelspitze

French extrémité d'aile

4 8 4 8 4 4 6 4 4 4 4 5 3 6 4 4 8 4 4 4 5 8 8 7 6 7 7 7 7 4 7 8 3

(noun) (verb) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun)

Abakus beschleunigen genau Klimaanlage ausrichten Ahn AutoAchse Waagschalen Perle Berechnung Nocken und Kurvenrolle Kondensator Karriere Karren Kompass komprimiert Kupfer fertigen Handwerker Kurbel und Kurbelstange reisen Verzögerung Bohrturm Diplom Bohrkrone Bohrstrang Informationsblatt faseroptisches Kabel Feuerstein fokussieren fossiler Brennstoff Brennstoffzelle

abaque accélérer exact climatiseur aligner ancêtre automobile axe plateau de balance perle calcul came et poussoir condensateur carrière brouette boussole comprimé cuivre fabriquer artisan manivelle et tige voyager décélération tour de forage diplôme foret train de tiges de forage feuille d'information câble à fibre optique flint focaliser combustible fossile cellule à combustible

Unit 12 Innovation 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 3 Vehicle safety 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 3 Vehicle safety 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 3 Vehicle safety 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 3 Vehicle safety 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 1 Zero emission

abacus accelerate accurate air conditioner align ancestor automotive axe balance scales bead calculation cam and follower capacitor career cart compass compressed copper craft craftsman crank and rod cruise deceleration derrick diploma drill bit drill string fact sheet fibre-optic cable flint focus fossil fuel fuel cell

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Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 3 Vehicle safety 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 3 Vehicle safety 3 Vehicle safety 3 Vehicle safety 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 1 Zero emission 3 Vehicle safety 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change

Activity 6 5 4 4 1 7 8 4 4 3 7 4 1 8 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 4 8 7 4 4 7 8 8 4 4 1 1

English gain gear harness harvest hydraulic jack idle irrigation invention inventor journalist laser lens lever lightweight luggage space magnetic magnetic pole mallet manufacture mass-produced mathematical methane mining navigate nitrous oxide output pan pencil percussion drilling position press release principle productive pulley pulley and belt

Part of speech (verb) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (verb) (adjective) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (adjective) (noun) (noun)

German erlangen Zahnrad Geschirr (f. Zugtier) Ernte hydraulischer Wagenheber leerlaufen Bewässerung Erfindung Erfinder Journalist Laser Linse Hebel leicht Kofferraum magnetisch Magnetpol Schlägel herstellen aus Massenproduktion mathematisch Methan Bergbau navigieren Stickoxid Stromabgabe Becken Bleistift Rammbohren positionieren Pressemitteilung Prinzip produktiv Riemenscheibe Riemenscheibe und Riemen

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French acquérir roue dentée harnais récolte cric hydraulique inactif irrigation invention inventeur journaliste laser lentille levier léger malle à bagages magnétique pôle magnétique massette fabriquer de production de masse mathématique méthane exploitation des mines naviguer oxyde nitreux courant fourni cuvette crayon forage par percussion positionner communication à la presse principe productif poulie à courroie poulie et courroie

Technical Englisch Level 2 (Pre-intermediate) Wordlist English - German - French

Unit 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 2 Technological change 1 Zero emission

Activity 4 5 5 8 8 7 7 5 4 4 7 8 4 8 7 7 5 5 1 1

English pyramid rack and pinion ratchet and pawl recover release rotary rotation screw scythe spectacles split startup tame torque tripod ultra-capacitor wedge wheel and axle windmill zero-emission

Part of speech (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (verb) (adjective) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (verb) (noun) (verb) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun) (noun)

German Pyramide Zahnstange und Zahnrad Klinkenrad und Klinke rückgewinnen freigeben DrehDrehung Schraube Sense Brille aufreißen Starten zähmen Drehmoment Dreibein Ultrakondensator Keil Rad und Achse Windmühle Emissionsfreiheit

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French pyramide crémaillère et pignon roue à rochet et cliquet récupérer libérer rotatif rotation vis faux lunette déchirer démarrer apprivoiser couple de rotation trépied super-condensateur cale roue et essieu moulin à vent à émission zéro