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the Vol. 35 No. 04
JANUARY 27, 2014
Cold, dark call to crash site
Launch of 24/ 7 family info line
Sara Keddy, Managing editor A snow-covered marsh, the darkness of night and -15 degree Celsius temperatures didn’t make a call January 22 any easier for 14 Wing Greenwood search and rescue crews, but “a guy needed our help,” reports Major Bill Wyss, 413 Transport and Rescue Squadron. The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre called Greenwood crews into the emergency around 11 p.m. January 22, as an emergency locator transmitter was picked up and staff at the Fredericton airport answered a mayday call from the pilot of a small plane 10 miles northeast of the city. “We knew right then it was pretty serious.” A Hercules, overnighting in Sept-Iles because of the snowstorm, and a Cormorant from Greenwood were tasked, with the Cormorant taking off about midnight. Wyss said JRCC contacted them just beforehand with an exact longitude and latitude of the crash, based on triangulations from the victim’s cellphone. At that point, the Hercules was stood down. “We plugged those coordinates in and we were going right in. Ground crews from the local fire and police were already
Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services is pleased to announce the expansion of the Family Information Line service to 24 hours a day, seven days a week in order to better serve all military families. The Family Information Line, at 1-800-866-4546, is a national service for all military families regardless of where they live and what questions they may have. Trained counsellors offer confidential, personal and bilingual assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Counsellors can help connect families with helpful national and local resources, in addition to connecting them to local military family resource centres, chaplains and other community service providers. This service helps contribute to our families being well supported and enhances the ability of Canadian Armed Forces members to be operationally ready and effective, and respond to changing needs of their families. For more information about the Family Information Line, please visit www.familyforce. ca or call toll free number 1-800-866-4546.
Fredericton emergency responders were on site as 413 Squadron SAR-Tech Sergeant Andre Hotton assisted with a plane crash call January 22. The crashed plane’s pilot was seriously injured, and hoisted by a 413 Cormorant crew to hospital. Courtesy Fredericton Fire Department heading there.” It took 40 minutes to travel the 90 miles, and the Cormorant landed in a marshy, snowcovered open area about 100 metres away from the crashed plane in the woods. “We could see it, and the lights from the emergency crews already there, so everything worked out really well.” Fredericton firefighters helped the SAR-Techs move
their gear to the scene through the terrain, and the victim was treated and bundled into one of the helicopter’s Stokes litters. “Instead of dragging him back through the woods, we opted to hoist him right from there,” says Wyss. All of this took about 40 minutes, and, once loaded, along with a Fredericton firefighter/ first responder, the Cormorant headed for the city hospital. It
landed in the RCMP yard, and an ambulance took the victim and the accompanying firefighter to hospital. “That’s not standard, but it’s nice to have one person with a patient the whole way through: he has all the answers and it saves a lot of phone calls through treatment. We can do it.” The crash victim was in serious condition and being treated
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for broken bones. He had been flying a trainer plane from the Fredericton campus of the Moncton Flight College. Greenwood’s Cormorant crew landed back at the base around 3 a.m. Personnel involved in the call included Wyss, first officer Captain Dan Gillis, flight engineer Corporal Shawn St. Nicholas and SAR-Techs Sergeant Andre Hotton and Master Corporal Chris Martin.
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Page 2
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
January 27, 2014
Screen story tells of real life PTSD Sara Keddy, Managing editor Marc Deveault knows all about the monsters, scary sights and hellish imaginations caught up in the plots of special effects-laden films. “Lord of Chaos” is different. “It’s real and fantastic at the same time - a metaphor, but it’s not what people think will be shown,” Deveault says. He and a team of filmmakers are aiming to start production in March of a short film, to be followed by a longer movie, based on Deveault’s own experiences as a medic with the Canadian Army in overseas postings including Haiti, Bosnia and Afghanistan. “Lord of Chaos” started out as a short film about post traumatic stress disorder, with
some of the real life scenarios Deveault witnessed included in the story of the fictional John, also a medic, who is a retired Afghan veteran whose marriage is crumbling, “he can’t fit in and he’s having flashbacks. “We called it ‘Lord of Chaos’ because that keeps bubbling up for him,” Deveault says. “You hear about police and firefighters dealing with PTSD, and soldiers – but people approach medics as maybe a ‘big brother’ and have a conversation, so that pressure is constant: you take care of everyone’s problems. The medic can have his own problems. This is close to home.” The only one who understands John in the film is his young daughter: “she sees right through it,” Deveault
says. Pat King of Halifax has worked with Deveault and they now have the fifth draft of the short film written – but it’s still “a constant mutation.” Producers Hank White and Darcy Lindzen are on board, and a Nova Scotia-based technical crew is being assembled for the filming. And, of course, Deveault’s specialty, the special effects he creates through his at-home company, DevoFX, in Melvern Square; are featured. A crowd funding campaign is targeting $7,000 of the $12,000 needed for the short on Indigogo (http://*www.indiegogo.com/ projects/lord-of-chaos) by March 7. The short will be shot between Windsor and Halifax in late March, followed by a month or so of post-
production, and then it will be shopped at film festivals to attract support for the fulllength feature. “In the short - and it’s so short, with a lot of information,” Deveault says, “we really want a rollercoaster: I personally guarantee, at the end, you’ll cry. It goes up and down, from angry to intrigued, to sobbing – that’s chaos. “If people see our movie and get fired up, and they go see someone for help with PTSD – even one person – that’s what we want. And, everyone should see it. There are a lot of families with members or friends who have served, and the fact this film is going to be done by a veteran instead of a producer in an artistic depart- Retired army medic Marc Deveault is turning his past ment – there’s a real connec- experiences and new skills as a special effects creator into a film full of the stories and chaos of PTSD. S.Keddy tion. Everything is real.”
Lancement du service en tout temps de la ligne d’information pour les familles Les Services de bien-etre et moral des forces canadiennes ont le plaisir de vous annoncer l’expansion du service de la Ligne d’information pour les familles, qui est maintenant accessible tous les jours 24 heures sur 24, en vue de
mieux servir l ensemble des familles des militaires. La ligne, accessible en composant le 1-800-8664546, est un service national pour toutes les familles des militaires peu importe ou elles habitent et quelles questions
elles ont. Des conseillers qualifies offrent un service confidentiel, personnel et bilingue tous les jours 24 heures sur 24. Les conseillers de la ligne d information pour les familles peuvent orienter les familles vers des ressour-
ces nationales et locales, en plus de les diriger vers les centres de ressources pour les familles des militaires locaux, les aumoniers et autres fournisseurs de services communautaires. Ce service et disponible
tous les jours 24 heures sur 24, permet de contribuer a ce que les familles soient bien appuyees, ameliore la capacite des Forces armees canadiennes et contribuent a l’etat de preparation des forces, tout en repondant aux
the Managing Editor | Directrice de rédaction Sara Keddy • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5441
[email protected] Business & Advertising | Affaires commerciales et publicité Anne Kempton • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5833
[email protected]
Circulation | Circulation: 5,900 Mondays | Lundis Agreement No. | Numéro de contrat : 462268 Fax: 902-765-1717
Website | Site Web : www.auroranewspaper.com
The Aurora, PO Box 99, Greenwood NS B0P 1N0 L’Aurora, C.P. 99, Greenwood (N.-É.) B0P 1N0
Production Coordinator | Coordonnateur de production Brian Graves • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5699
[email protected]
Location | Emplacement : 83A School Road, Morfee Annex | Annexe Morfee
Administrative Clerk | Commis à l’administration Candace’May Timmins • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5440
[email protected]
The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy or advertising to suit the aims of a service newspaper as specified in the Interim Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy and/or by the Editorial Board. Opinions and advertisements appearing in The Aurora Newspaper are those of the individual contributor or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 14 Wing, Greenwood or the printers. Published each Monday by 14 Wing under the authority of Colonel I.S. Huddleston, CD, Wing Commander.
Editorial Advisor | Conseiller à la rédaction Captain John Pulchny • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5101
[email protected]
Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de réviser, de condenser ou de rejeter tout article ou message publicitaire afin de satisfaire aux exigences relatives aux journaux militaires figurant dans la Politique temporaire des journaux des Forces canadiennes. Les opinions exprimées dans ce journal sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue des Forces armées canadiennes ou de la 14e Escadre. Publié chaque lundi par la 14e Escadre sous les auspices du Colonel I.S. Huddleston, CD, commandant de l’Escadre.
Mail subscriptions: annual $90 plus tax, weekly $1.85 plus tax. Abonnements par correspondance: 90$ par année plus taxes , 1,85$ par semaine plus taxes.
besoins de leurs familles. Pour plus de renseignements au sujet de la Ligne d information pour les familles, veuillez visiter le site web au www.forcedelafamille.ca ou composez leur numero sans frais : 1-800-866-4546.
Useful links | Liens utiles Canadian Air Force website Site Web de l’Aviation royale canadienne www.airforce.forces.gc.ca Community Gateway Site Site du portail communautaire des Forces canadiennes www.cfcommunitygateway.com 14 Wing Greenwood Site Site de la 14e Escadre Greenwood www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/14w-14e Personnel Family Support Services Services de soutien au personnel et aux familles des Forces canadiennes www.cfmws.com National Defence and the Canadian Forces Défense nationale et Forces canadiennes www.forces.gc.ca Combat Camera | Caméra de combat www.combatcamera.forces.gc.ca Recruiting | Recrutement www.forces.ca Military Family Resource Centre Centre des ressources pour les familles des militaires www.familyforce.ca VPI | VPI www.vpinternational.ca
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Page 3
January 27, 2014
14 Wing horse and recreation grounds gated Base ready to move on future of former saddle club Sara Keddy, Managing editor Visitors to the trails and grounds of the former 14 Wing Greenwood Horse and Recreation Club, Ward Road, are advised access to the property is now being restricted. The horse and recreation facility closed in the spring of 2011, but access to the 178-acre property’s network of paths and trails was not controlled. The main access off Ward Road will soon be gated, in preparation for the sale of the property. The Personnel Support Program formerly managed the facility on behalf of 14 Wing personnel and community users. “The horse and rec club was a great asset to the Greenwood military community for many years, but declining military involvement and ongoing fiscal
The largest structure on the property, the former home of the 14 Wing Greenwood Horse and Recreation Club File
and administrative challenges led to the closure in 2011,” says Mike Taylor, PSP manager. Many discussions have been held locally, between base leadership and the community, and with national PSP and military property and program authorities, to look at options. A property assessment has been completed and reviewed by the base, and the intent is to list the property for sale in early spring.
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“The funds raised from a sale would continue to support 14 Wing Greenwood programs for members and their families, should we have a successful deal,” Taylor says. “There is a lot of potential for the property,
To register for primary: A child must have reached her/his ĮŌh birthday on or before December 31, 2014 Parents/Guardians must present the child’s birth cerƟĮcate or passport at the Ɵme of registraƟon If you are unsure of the catchment area your family lives in, please contact the AVRSB TransportaƟon Department at 538-4600.
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9 INFO Darts & Pool Balls are available from the bar.
FRENCH IMMERSION INFORMATION SESSIONS French Immersion InformaƟon Sessions, for parents/guardians of students entering primary (Early Immersion) or grade seven (Late Immersion), are coordinated and supported regionally and held during the month of February in each school where a program exists. Please contact your child’s school for more informaƟon. The schedule is as follows:
Until the property is formally disposed of, the gate and “No Trespassing” signage now in place will be enforced by 14 Wing officials for insurance, liability and security reasons.
Banner Real Estate • Greenwood
PRIMARY PROGRAM Annapolis Valley Regional School Board Primary RegistraƟon will take place from January – May 2014. Primary RegistraƟon and OrientaƟon dates will be organized by each school. Please contact your child’s school for more informaƟon.
stall barn, tack room and bath stall, and a heated viewing area overlooking an indoor arena. Outside, there are 25 paddocks, two large outdoor arenas and a round pen. The property also has over 100 acres, with many trails.
Remember not all agents offer the same expertise and negotiating skills.
and we’ve certainly heard from lots of people with interesting ideas in the past couple of years as we’ve looked at the options.” The horse and recreation club property features a 31-box
24 INFO TGIT’s and TGIF’s start at 1630 each week
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UFC 170
Page 4
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
January 27, 2014
bravo zulu | promotions & presentations
Colonel A.L. Gannon (second from left) and Chief Warrant Officer M. Ethier-Thibodeau (second from right) present Private J. Keir with his promotion to the rank of corporal December 12, during the annual Junior Ranks Christmas dinner. With them are Private I.S. Huddleston (left) and Private J.O.P. Jetté.
14 Wing Imaging unless otherwise indicated
Colonel A.L. Gannon (second from left) and Chief Warrant Officer M. Ethier-Thibodeau (second from right) present Private A.P. Spencer with his promotion to the rank of corporal December 12, during the annual Junior Ranks Christmas dinner. Standing with them is Private I.S. Huddleston (left) and Private J.O.P. Jetté.
Private Kendall Thorburn receives her promotion Chief Warrant Officer Bill Hinchey, left, and Wing Logistics Engineering Commanding Officer to Corporal from Major Heather Mahar, Major Michael Hirst recently promoted Corporal Lieutenant-Colonel Brian Richardson promote Wing Telecommunications and Information Commanding Officer of Wing Replenishment Matt Rodriquez to his current rank. Submitted Submitted Services Squadron technical maintenance officer Timothy Cary to the rank of captain, with Squadron. WTISS Major Michael Hirst, right. Submitted
Wing Administration Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Ted Cosstick, Wing Administration Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Ted Cosstick, Private Sara Jack (center) receives her first chevron from left, and Chief Warrant Officer Lise Ward present Master Warrant left, and Chief Warrant Officer Lise Ward congratulate Lieutenant Captain Craig Lewis, 14 Air Maintenance Squadron acting Officer Upshall on his recent promotion from warrant officer. Hopskins on her recent promotion from second lieutenant. deputy commanding officer, (left) and Master Warrant Officer Sergeant P.Nicholson Sergeant P.Nicholson Rick O’Driscoll, DCO Senior Superintendent.
Captain Colin Bond (centre), 404 Long Range Patrol and Training Squadron, receives his OPME from squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel David Proteau (left), and squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith at 14 Wing Greenwood. Master Corporal R.Wilson, 404 LRP&T Squadron.
Captain Bruce Jarvis (centre), 404 Long Range Patrol and Training Squadron, receives the Canadian Forces Decoration from Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel David Proteau, left; with Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith, in the Hornell Centre at 14 Wing Greenwood.
Major Dev Paquette, centre, of 404 Long Range Patrol and Training Squadron, receives the Canadian Forces Decoration 1 from Squadron Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel David Proteau, left; with Squadron Chief Warrant Officer Ian Smith, in the Hornell Centre at 14 Wing Greenwood.
Master Corporal R.Wilson, 404 LRP&T Squadron
Master Corporal R.Wilson, 404 LRP&T Squadron
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Shared Services marks success Captain Brian MacLean, Shared Services Unit (Atlantic) In May 2012, the Department of National Defence created a new military formation, the Canadian Forces Shared Services Group (CFSSG), commanded by Colonel Martin Girard; along with four regional Shared Services Units (SSUs). Shared Services Unit (Atlantic) is commanded by
Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Malo, headquartered in Bedford, Nova Scotia. The Atlantic unit is comprised of 47 Canadian Armed Forces personnel, 10 of which are located at its headquarters, with the remaining 37 located at subunits in Gagetown, Greenwood, St. John’s, Shearwater, Halifax and Gander. Since October 2012, these detachments and sections have made great progress towards becoming fully operational
Page 5
January 27, 2014
sub-units. Looking ahead, the Atlantic SSU will continue to provide high-quality support to the base and host units in the region. Under excellent detachment leadership, the Atlantic SSU also thanks Corporal Bernard Pritchett for doing a great job standing up the detachment in Greenwood, and recognizes corporals De Long, Harper and Westcott for their dedication and service.
Corporal Bernard Pritchett, centre, received the Canadian Forces Shared Services Group Commander’s Commendation December 12 in Halifax. From left are CFSSG Commander Colonel Martin Girard, Pritchett, Chief Warrant Officer Michel Pelletier and Shared Services Unit Atlantic Commanding Officer Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Malo. Submitted
business of the week Pet Central | Pet Supplies & Grooming Kelley Barney & Natasha Boddy, the owners of Pet Central would like to take this opportunity to thank their customers for their outpouring of support. We are now located at 619 Central Avenue next to Greenwood Avery’s Farm Market. The staff would like to invite everyone to come see the new larger facilities complete with Doggie Daycare. Pet Central supplies a wide variety of premium and holistic dog and cat food, such as Oven Baked Tradition, Instinct, Go! and Now!. We also sell leashes, collars and toys to help keep
your cat or dog occupied. If you want to spoil your pet there is a variety of treats for them to enjoy. Pet Central also offers small animal and fish products. All cat
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Page 6
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
January 27, 2014
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CFS Alert personnel share a drink and stories with Patricia Conroy. From left are Corporal Laurie Hillier, 14 Wing Greenwood; Master Corporal Tammy Dixon, 8 Wing Trenton; Conroy and Corporal Kerri Gairy, 8 Wing Trenton. Private M.Rosang
Most northerly concert in the world Lieutenant Irina Jakhovets
multiple Canadian Country Award winner Patricia Conroy, Hayley McLean, listed by Fender as the number one “Guitar Goddess;” Shaun Verreault, two Gold Record
Award winner; and comedian Will Davis, who served as the December saw Canadian master of ceremonies. These Forces Station (CFS) Alert performers were joined by Athost 10 musical performers lantic Crossing (Ian Cameron, and entertainers, including Mick Dalla-Vicenza, Brent Knudsen and Marc Lafrance), which provided tributes to the Beatles, Rod Stewart, Elton John and AC/ DC. Following their arduous trip up to CFS Alert, the entertainers descended from the CC130J and quickly prepared for the world’s “most northerly concert.” Their high energy levels and contagious excitement raised everyone’s spirits at the station, just in The tribute band Atlantic Crossing sing out the tunes to time for the holiday season. a packed audience at CFS Alert. Private M.Rosang They provided two amazing
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shows one day, followed by another evening’s more informal jam session at the Arctic Club, when station members sang and played alongside the professional musicians and singers. That is what we call “having the music in you.” Everyone had a blast. From “Eight days a week” by the Beatles to “Caline de Blues” by Offenbach, all of the performers brought joy to the CFS Alert personnel. How can anyone resist laughing at Will Davis’s peculiar humour, especially when he comes on stage dressed in only a jockstrap? CFS Alert’s chief clerk, Corporal Laurie Hillier (from 14 Wing Greenwood), summed it up: “the show tour was an awesome time, with many talented musicians and singers - especially the fiddle playing of Ian Cameron. It was an experience that I will never forget.” These performances, organized by the Director General Morale Welfare Services and supported by escort Lisa Cameron, were extremely well received. Not only did the performers entertain during their show, but they also added to the enjoyment at the station’s bar and during various station activities. Some of their antics included calling out false bingos and extending an evening of socializing with station members by deciding to go bowling at 3 a.m.
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Page 7
January 27, 2014
Protect against CO poisoning 14 Wing Fire and Emergency Services 14 Wing Fire and Protective Services Fire Chief Bruce Paradis would like to remind everyone about the possibility of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. With recent inclement weather and resulting power failures, there are more and more homeown-
ers using portable generators. If not properly installed and sited, a running generator has the capacity to cause CO poisoning in a relatively short period of time - especially when run in an enclosed space adjacent to an occupied home, such as a garage. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colourless gas that can
cause sudden illness and death if inhaled. It is produced by internal combustion engines, wood fires, the burning of charcoal, propane-fired equipment and other sources. The most common mistake made when running portable generators or gas-fired equipment is the proximity to open windows, doors, vents or en-
closed spaces. Any opening can allow CO gas to enter an enclosed space; even leaving the garage door open while equipment is being run does not guarantee CO will not build up to dangerous levels. Exposure to CO may cause loss of consciousness and death. The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache,
dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain and confusion. People who are sleeping or who have been drinking alcohol could die from CO poisoning before ever having symptoms. There are some simple steps you can take to eliminate the risk of CO poisoning. Never use any type of fuel-burning appliance not designed for use in an
enclosed space, and make sure it is properly exhausted. Propane or charcoal barbecues and propane or naphtha lanterns/ stoves should not be used inside a home or garage. Additional information may be obtained from 14 Wing Fire and Emergency Services, 765-1494 locals 5105, 1673 or 5149. Stay smart, stay safe.
ples permettant d’éliminer les risques d’intoxication oxycarbonée. Ne jamais utiliser d’appareil ménager à combustible, à moins qu’il soit conçu pour être utilisé dans un endroit fermé, et s’assurer que le gaz est bien évacué. Les barbecues au propane et au charbon de bois et les lanternes/ réchauds au propane ou au char-
bon de bois ne doivent pas être utilisés à l’intérieur de la maison et dans le garage. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec les Services d’incendie et d’urgence de la 14e Escadre, au 765-1494, poste 5105, 1673 ou 5149. Soyez informé. Soyez en sécurité.
Se prémunir contre l’intoxication oxycarbonée Services d’incendie et tionne dans un endroit fermé d’urgence de la 14e Escadre adjacent à une maison occupée, comme un garage. Le chef des pompiers, ServiLe monoxyde de carbone est ces d’incendie et d’urgence de la un gaz inodore et incolore sus14e Escadre, aimerait rappeler ceptible de causer une maladie à tous les risques d’intoxication soudaine ou un décès subit en par l’oxyde de carbone (CO). cas d’inhalation. Il est produit Avec les récentes pannes de par les moteurs à combustion courant occasionnées par les interne, les feux de bois, la commauvaises conditions météo- bustion du charbon de bois, l’utirologiques, de plus en plus de lisation d’appareils fonctionnant propriétaires utilisent des géné- au propane et d’autres sources. ratrices portatives. Cependant, si L’erreur la plus fréquente elle n’est pas installée et située est l’utilisation de génératrices adéquatement, la génératrice portatives ou d’appareils à gaz en marche peut causer l’intoxi- à proximité des fenêtres et des cation oxycarbonée dans une portes ouvertes, des conduits période de temps relativement d’aération ou des endroits fercourte – surtout lorsqu’elle fonc- més. En effet, toute ouverture
~ Obituary ~ ANDERSON, Donald Edward Greenwood, NS
ANDERSON, Donald Edward - 70yrs, of Greenwood, NS passed away Thursday, January 16, 2014 in Soldiers Memorial Hospital, Middleton. Born in St. Jean, Quebec he was a son of the late George and Vera (McLeod) Anderson. Don retired after serving 30 years with the Royal Canadian Air Force as an Armourer. He was a life-long dedicated member of the Boy Scouts of Canada having joined when he was a young boy and later serving as a leader for 46 years with Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers. Don loved his family dearly, especially his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He is survived by his loving wife of 48 years, the former Sharon Cole; his daughter, Tina Pilon, Kingston; his son, Brian Anderson (Sherry), Cold Lake, AB; his brothers, Robert “Bob” Anderson, Portage la Prairie, AB; Jim Anderson (Judy), London, ON; Michael (Ann) Anderson, Belleville, ON; grandchildren, Michael (Tessa) Pilon, Reston, MB; Britney (Yannick) Gagnon, Kingston; Colton Anderson, Vancouver, BC; Lucas Anderson, Cold Lake, AB and great-grandchildren, Blake Gagnon, Bryden Gagnon and Ryder Pilon. Besides his parents, he was predeceased by his son-in-law, Rick Pilon. Cremation has taken place. A memorial service was held at 2:00PM Tuesday, January 21, 2014 in the Middleton Funeral Home, 398 Main St., (902) 825-3448. Rev. Leon Langille officiated. A reception for family and friends followed the service. Interment was in the Kingston United Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, donations in memory may be made to the charity of choice. On-line guest book may be signed by visiting: www.middletonfuneralhome.com.
peut permettre au gaz CO de s’infiltrer dans un endroit fermé; même en laissant ouverte la porte du garage, cela ne garantit pas la non-accumulation du gaz CO à des niveaux dangereux. L’exposition au monoxyde de carbone peut entraîner une perte de connaissance et la mort. Les symptômes les plus courants
les : mal de tête, vertige, faiblesse, nausée, vomissement, douleur thoracique et confusion. Les personnes endormies ou celles qui ont consommé de l’alcool peuvent mourir d’une intoxication au monoxyde de carbone avant même de ressentir des symptômes. Voici quelques mesures sim-
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Page 8
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
January 27, 2014
Base’s train connections come to ‘life’
Train 1 from Halifax to Yarmouth stops in Kingston while 712 heads out on patrol Paul Charland Before the government of Nova Scotia built the new highway through the Annapolis Valley, the Dominion Atlantic Railway was the primary source for freight transportation. Freight from the west was picked up at Truro, along with freight from Halifax, and carried by the railway as far south as Yarmouth. CFB Greenwood was served by a spur that began near the intersection of highways 101 and 201 that ran to the petroleum, oils and lubricant compound on the active side. A second spur ran from the south end of Kingston, and served the heating plant, the C.E. section and base supply. Rail activity was usually preformed in the late evening or at night, so most of
Paul Charland’s Dominion Atlantic Railway line through CFB Greenwood is a simulated world, representing the 1970s’ trains that served the base and the wider Valley community. Submitted us never saw the train - just the cars on a siding during the day. A few years ago, my brother gave me Microsoft Train Simulator for a Christmas present. After operating a few routes that came with the sim and downloading a few other routes
in the evenings when a train was going through Kingston plenty of times. If I was paying attention to the time I was able to see the Dayliner go by the old MicMac Cabins (across from the library of the West Kings District High School) in the winter when the leaves were off the trees. I later took a course at what was then the Kings County Regional Vocational School once a week,
and saw the Kentville yard on a regular basis. Now, I’m recreating that on the computer. One of the more interesting locations on the route has to be CFB Greenwood. It has been a long time but, after looking over Google and Bing satellite images, going through our old photos and what I could find on the internet, I think I have a pretty accurate recreation of mid-‘70s Greenwood. A lot has changed from when we lived there: some of the old hangers have been torn down, other buildings are no more and new ones have been added. The Lancaster in front of the old rec centre was a bit of a challenge, and several Mk I and II Argus were a bit harder. After the static aircraft were drawn, I went back to my first goal: to see an Argus fly again! In MSTS, an aircraft is nothing more than another engine - and an engine needs tracks to run on, so the first thing was to place tracks down the center of a runway, only 400 feet below the surface. A flight path was laid out so the aircraft would start out of sight, come in over Bridge Street, land on Runway 09, then taxi to the front of 11 Hanger. Well… it actually worked! A second flight path was added from Greenwood to Middle-
ton and back so, if you are running a train between those two points, there’s a good chance you’ll see an aircraft fly by. The Dominion Atlantic may be gone and Greenwood has changed along with the rest of the Valley. It won’t be long before people have no idea there was once a vibrant railway that served the area. Recreating the past in a train simulator is a little like preserving a piece of Nova Scotia’s history – and maybe a little of my history as well. Anyone interested in learning more about the Dominion Atlantic or train simulators in general may visit the DAR Wiki at http://www.dardpi.ca/. This is a website operated by another Air Force brat from the Greenwood area, Steven Meredith. The site includes railway history, a collection of photographs and a discussion group for sharing information. Paul Charland lives in Brockville, Ontario. His father was stationed in Greenwood from 1970 to 1977. Charland’s nostalgic “trip” drawing the simulated Greenwood base and the surrounding communities’ rail links is a work in progress. He may be reached at p.charlie@ sympatico.ca.
off the internet, I learned how to create my own. I created a few smaller routes before starting to work on a mid-1970s version of the Dominion Atlantic. I hadn’t seen very much of the road while living in Greenwood in the ‘70s, but I heard the train whistle “735 clear to land, runway 09...”. Wait! This is a train sim!
It’s that time of year!
Here is your chance to have your business featured in a great reference for military households for an entire year.
14 Wing Greenwood Information Guide 2014 T full colour publication provides information on all activities, This squadrons and units on the wing and is distributed to all new arrivals.
Birchall Training Centre Theatre 5 Feb 14 @ 1330 hrs 6 Feb 14 @ 0745 & 1000 hrs 7 Feb 14 @ 0745 & 1000 hrs
Inside Advertising sizes & rates: 1/4 page $400 plus tax Deadline 1/2 page $700 plus tax Feb. 14 Full page $1000 plus tax Call Anne at 765-1494 local 5833 or email
[email protected] Visit our website to view last year’s guide www.auroranewspaper.com
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Past to be proud of
Page 9
January 27, 2014
Museum marks busy 2013, ambitions plans for 2014 Malcolm Uhlman, of instruction to Valley Grade Greenwood Military Aviation 6 students, by surpassing the Museum 5,000th attendee. Aircraft restoration teams also The beginning of a new year have had a banner year. Inside is an exciting time, with antici- the museum, the Sperwer UAV pation of things to come, but it has been hung from the ceiling, is also a time for reflection on with an engine and propeller the past year. At the Greenwood combination and other items Military Aviation Museum, the of UAV interest beneath it. The 70-some volunteers are proud of Bolingbroke nose section is nearwhat was accomplished in 2013 ing completion and soon will be and all look forward to 2014, as joining the fuselage and tail secseveral projects are expected to tion in the museum extension. come to fruition. The Lancaster nose has been re2013 saw the official opening moved and shortened, and work of the museum extension by now concentrates on obtaining/ Brigadier General B. Plough- building a correct nose turret man, 14 Wing Commander and replacing the nose dome Colonel Jim Irvine and Chief window. Two rear fuselages Warrant Officer (retired) Frank and most of the remaining bits Honey. The occasion also saw and pieces of the H44 helicopter the unveiling and presentation to were trucked from Wetaskiwin, Irvine of the completely-restored Alberta and work will commence 1946 Willys Jeep, configured as once space is available in the an aerodrome control vehicle, restoration area. Painting of the now on public display in the Dakota is nearing completion, extension with the Anson. Other as well as the last of the interior displays have since been added reconstruction, allowing the vento historically depict RAF/ RCAF erable Dak to be brought to the Station Greenwood during the air park in the spring. The QUAD Second World War years, and radar antennas were mounted in restored sections of the Bristol the air park to complement the Bolingbroke will reside there until aircraft on display, and an auxthe whole aircraft is completed. iliary power unit, or “start-cart,” A milestone was reached for the T-33 Silver Star is under by flight education program re-construction. volunteers, in their 10 th year A major addition to the engine
Youth Happenings Rebecca Dillman, Recreation youth worker 14 Wing Greenwood Community Centre Teen Council meeting January 28 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. Active Chicks + Boys Club January 29 Sledding 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Teen Activity January 30 Poker Night 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Pizza night January 31, $3 Pre-teen 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Teen 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. Movie & Treat Night February 1 Pre-teen 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., $1 Teen 8 p.m. to 10 p.m., $2
The Anglican Church of Canada
Parish of Wilmot
Welcomes You!
bay inside the museum is an Allison T-56 turbo-prop engine and propeller - the type used on the Aurora and Hercules aircraft, and many displays have been improved and more added to provide new items of interest to repeat visitors. For the art aficionados, the Greenwood Art Association presented its latest original oil painting to the museum, accepted by 14 Wing Commanding Officer Colonel Huddleston, which depicts Greenwood’s participation in the Libyan campaign. In addition to museum events and coverage in The Aurora Newspaper and on the Facebook page, the museum was exposed nationally with articles in Air Force Magazine and PX Magazine. What to look for in 2014? Watch for the unveiling of the Sperwer UAV in the museum and the Dakota in the air park. A new webpage and an interactive web application showing the 70-some aircraft training crashes that occurred at/ from RAF/RCAF Station Greenwood during crew training in the 1940’ have been started. Make a resolution for you and your family and friends to visit the museum in 2014. For you, we’re “saving the past for the future.”
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Page 10
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
January 27, 2014
14 Wing Library | Serving those who read Judy McCool & Joanne Sealby, 14 Wing Greenwood Library Cab·in fe·ver: noun informal: irritability, listlessness and similar symptoms resulting from long confinement or isolation indoors during the winter; an unhappy and impatient feeling that comes from being indoors for too long. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, we strongly recommend you head in to the 14 Wing Library and pick up a book. Transport yourself to another world
and chase away those winter blues. Or, borrow a DVD or two from our large selection for both children and adults. This is the time of year to catch up on your “when I get a round tuit” reading! February is Black History Month, which promotes the knowledge and celebration of African Heritage. From 1605, with the arrival of Mathieu Da Costa as part of the expedition that founded Port Royal; to 2006, with the appointment of Whitney Pier native Mayann Francis as lieutenant governor of Nova Scotia; our
province has a rich heritage to be celebrated. We recommend Lawrence Hill’s “Someone Knows My Name,”earlier published as “The Book of Negroes.” It is the story of Aminata Diallo, kidnapped as a child from Africa and enslaved in South Carolina, but who later escapes during the chaos of the revolutionary war. In Manhattan, she becomes a scribe for the British, recording the names of blacks who have served the king, and earned freedom in Nova Scotia. But the hardship and prejudice there prompt
her to follow her heart back to Africa, then on to London, where she bears witness to the injustices of slavery. It is a story that no listener - and no reader - will ever forget. Several other titles and movies are featured in our “Black History Month” display. February also means the start of the XXIII Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. Canada’s elite winter athletes will be riding a wave of momentum into the games, following the unprecedented 26-medal performance four years ago in Vancouver. The
2014 team is poised for even greater success, thanks to the combination of returning medalists, rising stars and the addition of several new events in which Canadian athletes have proven internationally strong. The games officially begin February 7. The library has a good selection of books which detail some of the winter sports featured at the Olympics, especially the very Canadian hockey. The library is a great place to stop and take some time to browse and enjoy an oasis of
calm in our busy lives. Open every day except Thursday and Saturday, membership is free to those with a valid Community Recreation Card. For details, check out the 14 Wing Greenwood Community Centre recreation facilities details at www.cfpsa.ca, where you can also find a link to the library’s database of titles. Give us a call at 7651494 local 5430, or contact us by email at librarystaff@ eastlink.ca. Reading opens doors… come open the doors to 14 Wing Library.
Bibliothèque de la 14e Escadre | Au service des lecteurs Judy McCool et Joanne Sealby Bibliothèque de la 14e Escadre Greenwood Sentiment d’isolement : irritabilité, apathie et autres symptômes semblables qui surviennent après une longue période d’isolement ou
de confinement à l’intérieur durant l’hiver et un sentiment de mécontentement et d’impatience causé par un manque de grand air. Si vous éprouvez l’un ou l’autre de ces symptômes, nous vous recommandons fortement de vous rendre à la bibliothèque de la 14e
Escadre et d’emprunter un livre. Essayez de plonger dans un autre monde pour combattre la déprime de l’hiver. Vous pourriez également emprunter un ou deux DVD pour enfants ou pour adultes parmi notre excellente sélection. C’est le moment tout indiqué d’entreprendre
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la lecture d’un livre que vous remettez toujours à plus tard. Le mois de février est le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs, qui vise à faire connaître et à célébrer le patrimoine africain. En Nouvelle-Écosse, ce patrimoine est d’une grande richesse, depuis l’expédition de Mathieu Da Costa en 1605, qui mena à la fondation de Port Royal, jusqu’à la nomination de Mayann Francis, de Whitney Pier, à titre de lieutenante-gouverneure de la Nouvelle-Écosse en 2006. Nous recommandons la lecture du livre intitulé Aminata (dont le titre anglais est Someone Knows My Name, d’abord publié sous le titre The Book of Negroes). C’est l’histoire d’Aminata Diallo, enlevée en Afrique alors qu’elle était enfant et devenue esclave en Caroline du Sud, qui réussit à s’échapper durant le chaos de la
Révolution américaine. À Manhattan, elle agit comme secrétaire pour les Britanniques et tient le registre des Noirs qui, après avoir servi le Roi, ont retrouvé la liberté en Nouvelle-Écosse. Les épreuves et les préjugés la poussent à écouter son cœur et à retourner en Afrique, avant de se rendre à Londres, où elle témoigne de l’injustice de l’esclavage. Il s’agit d’une histoire que les lecteurs n’oublieront jamais. D’autres livres et films sont mis en évidence dans notre présentoir sur le Mois de l’histoire des Noirs. C’est en février également qu’auront lieu les XXIIIe Jeux olympiques d’hiver, à Sotchi, en Russie. Les meilleurs athlètes canadiens se rendront en Russie portés par le souvenir de l’exploit réussi il y a quatre ans, à Vancouver, alors que le Canada avait
2014-2015 Primary Registration
Dwight Ross Elementary School Monday February 10, 2014
Phone 765-7510
Dwight Ross Elementary School will be holding their Primary Registration on February 10th for all students starting school in September 2014. Registration is by appointment only; if you have a child eligible to start school in September and have not yet received an appointment time, please call the school at 765-7510. To be eligible to start school in September 2014, students must reach their 5th birthday on or before December 31st, 2014.
obtenu un nombre record de 26 médailles. L’équipe de 2014 devrait connaître encore plus de succès cette année, grâce à la participation d’anciens médaillés et d’étoiles montantes et à l’ajout de plusieurs nouvelles épreuves dans lesquelles la force des athlètes canadiens est reconnue mondialement. Le coup d’envoi des Jeux olympiques sera donné officiellement le 7 février. La bibliothèque compte une bonne sélection de livres sur les sports d’hiver au programme des Jeux olympiques, dont le hockey, le sport national du Canada. La bibliothèque est un excellent endroit où s’arrêter pour prendre le temps d’explorer et faire une pause, loin du tourbillon de la vie quotidienne. La bibliothèque est ouverte tous les jours sauf le jeudi et le samedi. L’adhésion est gratuite pour ceux qui possèdent la carte des loisirs communautaires. Pour obtenir de l’information sur les installations de loisir du Centre communautaire de la 14e Escadre Greenwood, consultez le site suivant : www.cfpsa.ca. Vous y trouverez également la base de données sur les ressources offertes à la bibliothèque. Vous pouvez aussi nous appeler, au 765-1494, poste 5430, ou nous écrire à
[email protected]. La lecture ouvre les horizons, alors, n’hésitez pas à venir pousser les portes de la bibliothèque de la 14e Escadre!
¤Based on 2013/2014 EnerGuide highway fuel consumption estimates. Government of Canada test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on powertrain, driving habits and other factors. See retailer for additional EnerGuide details. 2014 Jeep Cherokee 4x2 2.4 L I-4 Tiger-sharkTM MultiAir ® – Hwy: 6.4 L/100 km (44 MPG) and City: 9.6 L/100 km (29 MPG). 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT – Hwy: 7.0 L/100 km (40 MPG) and City: 10.3 L/100 km (27 MPG). 2014 Jeep Wrangler 3.6 L PentastarTM VVT V6 – Hwy: 9.3 L/100 km (30 MPG) and City: 12.7 L/100 km (22 MPG). 2014 Jeep Compass 4x2 2.4 L I-4 DOHC - Hwy: 7.0 L/100 km (40 MPG) and City: 9.0 L/100 km (31 MPG). Wise customers read the fine print: •, †, ♦, ≤, *, ∞, § The First Big Deal Event offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected new and unused models purchased from participating retailers on or after January 7, 2014. Offers subject to change and may be extended without notice. All pricing excludes freight ($1,695), licence, insurance, registration, any retailer administration fees, other retailer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may sell for less. •$23,495 Starting From Purchase Price applies to the new 2014 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x2 (24A) only. $21,595 Purchase Price applies to the new 2014 Jeep Compass North 4x4 (25E+AL3). Price includes $1,250 Consumer Cash Discount. †0% purchase financing for up to 36 months available on new 2014 Jeep Cherokee models to qualified customers on approved credit through Royal Bank of Canada, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may sell for less. See your retailer for complete details. Example: 2014 Jeep Cherokee Sport 4x2 (24A) with a Purchase Price of $23,495 with a $0 down payment, financed at 0% for 36 months equals 78 bi-weekly payments of $301 with a cost of borrowing of $0 and a total obligation of $23,495. ♦4.99% lease financing of up to 60 months available on approved credit through WS Leasing Ltd. (a wholly owned subsidiary of Westminster Savings Credit Union) to qualified customers on applicable new 2012, 2013 and 2014 models at participating retailers in Ontario, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may lease for less. See your retailer for complete details. Examples: 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo (23E)/2014 Jeep Wrangler 2-door 4x4 (23B) with a Purchase Price of $35,385/$22,295 leased at 4.99% over 60 months with $2,199/$1,399 down payment, equals 130 bi-weekly payments of $198/$132 with a cost of borrowing of $6,506.70/$4,217.40 and a total obligation of $29,719.30/$19,835.40. 22,000 kilometre/year allowance. Charge of $0.18 per excess kilometre. Some conditions apply. ≤Total Discounts of $2,500 consist of $2,500 Lease Cash on the 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo (23E) and are deducted from the negotiated lease price before taxes. ∞NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Contest begins November 27, 2013 at 9:00:00 a.m. AT and ends February 28, 2014 at 11:59:59 p.m. AT. Contest open to legal residents of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador or New Brunswick who have reached the age of majority at the time of entry. One (1) entry per person. To enter, you must visit any participating Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge and Ram retailer during the contest period and purchase/finance/lease any new 2012, 2013 or 2014 Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge or Ram vehicle (excluding SRT Viper models). Three (3) grand prizes available to be won, each consisting of a pair of VIP tickets and trip to watch the 2014 Battle of Ontario in Ottawa on April 12, 2014. Tickets are for April 12 ONLY. Prize includes round trip travel for two and two night’s hotel accommodation (if required). Approx. retail value (based on Halifax departure): $5,000 per prize. Mathematical skill-testing question required. For complete contest rules, including no purchase means of entry, go to: www.chrysleroffers.ca/battleofontario/atl. §2014 Jeep Cherokee Limited shown. 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland shown. 2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon X shown. 2014 Jeep Compass Sport 4x2 shown. Price includes Consumer Cash Discount. ❖Real Deals. Real Time. Use your mobile device to build and price any model. ^Jeep Grand Cherokee has received more awards over its lifetime than any other SUV. √Based on 2013 Ward’s Small Sport Utility segmentation. ≠Based on 2013 Ward’s Small Cross/Utility segmentation, approach angle, departure angle, breakover angle and water fording depth. Excludes other vehicles designed and manufactured by Chrysler Group LLC. ®Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC. TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc.
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
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January 27, 2014
40 MPG
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132 @ 4.99 %
Price for 2014 Jeep Compass Sport shown: $17,970.§
(APPROX. VALUE: $ 5,000)
Page 11
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Price for 2014 Jeep Cherokee Limited shown: $29,995.§
3.0L $
198 4.99 @
40 MPG
FOR 60 MONTHS WITH $2 $2,199 199 DOWN
Price for 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overland shown: $55,695.§
30 MPG
FOR 60 MONTHS WITH $1,399 $1 399 DOWN
Price for 2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon X shown: $42,790.§
HIGHWAY 7.0 L/100 KM HWY ¤
Just go to www.jeepoffers.ca to easily find special offers, incentives and current inventory from your nearest retailer.❖
1/16/14 5:53 PM
Page 12
fy The Aurora publishes items of interest to the community submitted by not-for-profit organizations. Submissions are limited to approximately 25 words. Items may be submitted to our office, 83A School Road (Morfee Annex), 14 Wing Greenwood; by fax, (902)765-1717; or email
[email protected]. Dated announcements are published on a first-come, first-served basis, and on-going notices will be included as space allows. To guarantee your announcement, you may choose to place a paid advertisement. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, 9:30 a.m., previous to publication unless otherwise notified.
Le commandant publie des avis d’intérêt public soumis par des organisations à but non lucratif. Ces avis doivent se limiter à environ 25 mots. Les avis peuvent être soumis à nos bureaux, au 83A, School Road, (annexe Morfee), 14e Escadre Greenwood, par fax au (902) 7651717 ou par courriel à l’adresse auroraeditor@ ns.aliantzinc.ca. Les annonces avec date sont publiées selon le principe du premier arrivé, premier servi, et les avis continus seront inclus si l’espace le permet. Si vous voulez être certain que votre avis soit publié, vous voudrez peut-être acheter de la publicité. La date de tombée des soumissions est à 9 h 30 du matin le jeudi précédent la publication, à moins d’avis contraire.
metro crossword
solution page 14
ACROSS 1. Chronicles (abbr.) 4. Wallops 9. He supported the world 14. Own (Scottish) 15. Ungentle 16. Sinews 17. Computer processing 18. A Monkey’s song 20. Narrate or tell 22. Lampreys 23. Dialogue for the audience 24. Many signatured requests 29. Cost, insurance and freight 30. Not under 31. Exchange 32. S. Am. river - Rio de la ___ 34. Isaac’s mother (Bib.) 38. Sodium 39. Possesses 40. Falls 42. Animal pouch 43. Overdose 44. Samoyeds 45. Genus bellis 47. Mediation council 50. Beachware manufacturer 51. Not on
52. Inactive 56. 1963 Nobel chemist 59. Bambi 60. More ethereal 61. Adornments 66. No (Scottish) 67. 805 km Venezuelan river 68. Occasion 69. Time at 0 meridian (abbr.) 70. Nathan and George Ellery 71. S.I.T.C. character Jones 72. South southeast DOWN 1. Protocist genus 2. Hell 3. Copies 4. 1932 & 1980 Olympic mtn. 5. Part of harness 6. Macaws 7. Mutual savings bank 8. Flat or fitted bedding 9. Canted 10. Dissertation 11. Bulgarian monetary unit 12. Wonderment 13. Used to be United ___
19. Hawaiian garland 21. Nearly horizontal mine shaft 24. Search party group 25. One who makes it into law 26. Exclamation of pain 27. Grannys 28. Out of it (slang) 32. Loudness units 33. Soup serving dipper 35. Rough, grating 36. A public promotion 37. Pleasure seekers 41. Article 42. Winnows 46. From a distance 48. Rural delivery 49. Previously 53. Nostrils 54. Icahn’s airline 55. Poker stakes 57. Game sides 58. Sharp, glacial ridge 60. Tennis’ Kournikova 61. Spoken telegraphic dash 62. Anti pollution agency 63. ___ de sac: one end access 64. Marsh elder genus 65. Original part maker (abbr.)
Three easy ways to enter.
cooked luncheon, $7. Choices include pork pie, corn chowder, turkey vegetable soup, split pea/ ham soup, strawberry shortcake and gingerbread. Catered by the Middleton and Area Fireflies, proceeds toward the building of the new community/ fire hall. For deliveries in the Middleton area: call Bonnie, 825-3062, by January 27. Lunch bunch January 28, the Victorian Order of Nurses Lunch Bunch will be held in the Greenwood Sobeys Community Room. The lunches are a chance for seniors to socialize, have a good hot meal with dessert and enjoy lively conversation. Everyone is welcome the last Tuesdays of each month. Seating is limited. RSVP at (902) 678-1733. Cost is $8 per person. Library event January 28, 10:30 a.m., please bring your little ones to the 14 Wing Greenwood Library for Family Literacy Day celebrations. 14 Wing Library and the GMFRC are partnering for this fun event of story reading and singing. Hope to see you there! Supper January 29, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., the Aylesford Lions host a fundraising supper for Pine Ridge and St. Mary’s schools. Menu: ham, scalloped potatoes, beans, apple crisp. Freewill offering will be matched by Scotiabank Greenwood (to $5,000). All welcome. Addictions info sessions January 29 and February 5, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.: Are you concerned about a loved one’s drug use, alcohol use or gambling? Join
Annapolis Valley Health Mental Health & Addiction Services for a series of free information sessions to learn how people make positive changes, about services in our area that can help and how you can help your loved one. The sessions take place at the Western Kings Memorial Health Centre, 2nd floor boardroom, Berwick. Participants are encouraged to attend all sessions, but attending single sessions is fine. Call (902)538-3648 for information or to confirm attendance (not required). VPI meeting January 30, the Greenwood Wing VPI will hold its monthly meeting at the VPI Centre. Flt Plan at 1500 hrs, E/O for the meeting at 1530 hrs, fuel “top up” at 1550 hrs, with T/O planned for 1600 hrs. PLE sometime later. Snowshoe trek February 2, Hike Nova Scotia and County of Annapolis Recreation Services present a guided snowshoe hike in Margaretsville, 1:30 p.m. Register at borde@ annapoliscounty.ca, 532-3144 or 825-2005. Participants qualify to win trail prizes. See www.hikenovascotia.ca for details. Church service February 2, 11 a.m., Kingston Baptist Church welcomes visiting pastor Rev. Miriam MacDonald. All are welcome. Crib Wednesdays, 7 p.m., join the Berwick Crib Club at the Berwick Lions’ hall, KMCC (Apple Dome), 250 Veterans’ Drive, Berwick. The Playhouse The Playhouse is a non-structured
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1. Through our website: www.auroranewspaper.com 2. Fax: 765-1717 3. Drop into our office located on 83A School Road (Morfee Annex)
Entry deadline: Noon, January 30, 2014
playgroup for parents and caregivers with children ages newborn to five, located at 14 Wing Greenwood in the Morfee Centre Annex preschool building, School Street. We meet three days a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.; September to June. The Playhouse is a great space for kids to socialize and play while enjoying a craft corner, dress-up clothes, a play kitchen and other toys. Everyone is welcome! Come join us to have fun, socialize and make friends. Find us on Facebook, “Greenwood, The Playhouse.” Soup kitchen Wednesdays, a soup kitchen will be held through spring, at noon at St. Monica’s Church Hall, 37 Connaught Ave., Middleton. All are welcome to come and socialize. There is no cost. Info: 825-6906. Kids’ library fun Tuesdays, 10:30 a.m. “Under the Story Tree” at the 14 Wing Greenwood Library (Morfee Centre, School Road, Greenwood). Bring your little ones to enjoy some stories and crafts. Volunteers needed Valley Community Learning Association is recruiting volunteers to tutor ESL learners in Kings and Annapolis counties. If you can speak and write English, you can volunteer! For information, email
[email protected] or phone/ text (902) 692-8042. Kingston Area Seniors Association Kingston Area Seniors Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. at Kingston Branch No 98 Royal Canadian Legion. Fun day (cards and games) every second and fourth Friday of the month, 1 p.m. For information, contact Minnie Rogers, 765-3292.
Kingston Legion
Full name Phone number Complete the following questions from ads in this week’s issue and win a large 2-topping pizza from Pizza Delight, Greenwood. Coupon valid for 30 days.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Who is offering a free wheel alignment inspection? _______________________________ Whose ad has a 2014 Camry on it? ___________________________________________ Who is presenting a participation teen challenge? ________________________________ What is Foster’s Fire & Safety’s postal code? ___________________________________ Who has oil changes for $19.95? ______________________________________________
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Meditation Mondays, 2 p.m., learn and practice techniques of breathing, eye movements and posture to relax the body and mind. Based on Tai Chi and yoga practices. Work is all seated on chairs. Joe 765-1898. $10 per class, in Melvern Square. Senior fitness Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., Kingston Recreation offers fitness and fun for adults ages 55-plus at the Kingston Legion. Try one class for free, bring a friend! $4 per class, or $65 total for the winter/ spring session of classes (until mid-May). Register and get info at the Kingston village office, 765-2800. At CentreStage On the evening timid librarian Cinnamon Schmidt and her mother are to entertain her fiancé, Hobart, and his mother at a serene family dinner, Cinnamon comes home in shock: she has witnessed a bank robbery and is the only one who can identify the crook. She confides her terror to chum Deedee Malone, not daring to tell her mother. Federal Agent Joe arrives to check out a case of tax evasion and ends up checking out the case of a witness to a bank robbery. And then the fun begins! Plays January 31, February 1, 7, 8, 14, 15. Show times 8 p.m., with matinee February 9 at 2 p.m. Tickets $15/ $12. Call 678-8040 for reservations. CentreStage Theatre, 61 River Street, Kentville; www.centrestagetheatre.ca. Lunch January 28, plan to go to the Middleton fire hall, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., to enjoy a delicious home-
Limited to one win per family in a TWO MONTH PERIOD. The winner will be drawn randomly from all correct entries. Only one entry per family per week.
metro crossword brought to you compliments of
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
January 27, 2014
Congratulations to last week’s winner: WAYNE AKIN
Sunday, 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, 7:30 p.m. Regular Games - $100 • 3 Specials - 60/40 • Letter H - 80/20 • 1 Lucky 7 - Progressive • 1 Bonanza - Progressive • Jackpot - 3 Chances Consolation $300 • Double Action Lic.# 115910-08
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Hit Martock slopes Get ready to hit the slopes February 8 from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. The 14 Wing Greenwood Community Centre is organizing a family trip to Ski Martock, near Windsor for down-hill and cross country skiing or snowboarding. A bus will leave the centre at noon sharp to arrive at Martock; it will leave the ski park at 7:15 p.m., with a quick stop at Tim Horton’s in Windsor. The rates for downhill skiing and snowboarding are $37 for a lift pass, equipment and lesson; $27 for a lift pass and $27 for rentals. For cross country, the rates are $13 for pass, equipment and lesson; $8 for trail pass and lesson, $8 for rental and lesson. Helmet rentals are $5 (helmets will be mandatory for downhill skiing and snowboarding). Taxes are not included, and there will be an additional cost of $10 per person ($25 per family) for those taking the bus. This trip is for military members, their families and Community Recreation Card holders. For information and to register; visit the community centre before February 5.
Peace pictures The Kingston Lions Club sponsors the annual Lions International Peace Poster Contest in local schools for students 11 to 13 years of age. This art contest for kids encourages young people worldwide to express their visions of peace, and each poster is judged on originality, artistic merit and expression of the annual theme. Local winning posters advance through several judging levels: district, multiple district and international. Locally, Sophy Lemiuex from École Rose Des Vents and Michal Chega from Pine Ridge took top spot in their respective schools, and their posters move on to the district Level competition. Congratulations also to the runner-ups from each school.
École Rose-des-Vents students who placed in the top three were, from left, Pine Ridge Middle School finalists in the poster contest Kaiden Crowell, third; Sophy Lemieux, first; and Alexanne Ouellet, second. were, from left, Michal Chega, first; Courtney Phinney, Submitted Also pictured is vice-principle Mrs. Streatch. Submitted second; and Erika Jill Snow, third.
sudoku solution page 14
patrick’s puzzle horoscopes solution page 14
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20 Aries, your tendency to say what you feel can come across as being impolite. Many, however, appreciate your honesty and unwillingness to mince words. TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21 A loved one needs some help, Taurus. This week you will have to figure out a way to assist this person and still tend to your own pressing affairs. GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21 Gemini, focus your energy on someone important. This may be a friend, family member or even a romantic partner. Brush up on your relationship skills in the meantime. CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22 You have a natural charm that immediately puts others at ease, Cancer. If you are wooing a client, they will be putty in your hands. Just open your mouth, and you will win them over. LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23 Leo, your stubbornness comes into play this week, and it could cause a rift with friends or colleagues. Try to see their point of view, and put off any serious disputes for another time. VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22 Virgo, spend a little time this week plotting your next getaway. You tend to be happiest when you’re on the move and exploring. Everyone needs an escape now and then.
Fun By The Numbers Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle! sudoku brought to you compliments of
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Page 13
January 27, 2014
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LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23 Enjoy some local culture this week, Libra. Take in a concert, an art show or a theatre performance. Just enjoy anything that will educate and entertain at the same time. SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22 Scorpio, you may find that someone you thought was weak is much stronger than they appeared. This person may not need as much of your assistance as you initially thought. SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21 Sagittarius, analyze any problems you may have by breaking them down into smaller tasks. Then you can tackle one thing at a time and come to a happy resolution. CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20 Capricorn, your children or the youngsters in your life will be the center of your universe this week. Make the most of this time and enjoy kids’ carefree natures. AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18 This week may be a little boring, Aquarius. Make the most of your down time, as you could use a few slow days to recharge your batteries and plan your next move. PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20 You are bubbling with energy, Pisces. Make the most of this energy by exercising, partying or taking a day trip.
horoscopes brought to you compliments of
Jan 26 - Feb 01
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Classified advertisements, 35 words or less, are $8 tax included. Additional words are 10 cents each, plus tax. Bold text $9, tax included. Classified advertising must be booked and prepaid by 10 a.m. Thursday previous to publication. Payment methods include VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, debit or cash. The Aurora is not responsible for products and/ or services advertised. To place a classified, contact 765-1494 local 5440, visit the office, 83A School Road, Morfee Annex, Greenwood; email frontdesk@ auroranewspaper.com or fax 765-1717. To place a boxed, display ad, contact 765-1494 local 5833; email
[email protected]. Les annonces classées, 35 mots ou moins, sont vendues au prix de 8 $, taxes incluses. Chaque mot additionnel coûte 10 sous, plus taxes. Texte en caractères gras 9 $, taxes incluses. Les annoncées classées doivent être réservées et payées à l’avance avant 10 h, le jeudi précédant la publication. Les modes de paiement acceptés incluent VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, débit ou comptant. L’Aurora n’est pas responsable des produits et/ou services annoncés. Pour faire publier une annonce classée, vous pouvez nous appeler au (902) 765-1494 poste 5440, visiter notre bureau au 83A, School Road, annexe Morfee à Greenwood, nous envoyer un courriel à
[email protected] ou nous transmettre un fax au (902) 765-1717. Pour faire paraître une publicité dans un encadré, appelez-nous au (902) 765-1494 poste 5833, ou un courriel à
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crossword solution
sudoku solution 4 2 5 7 1 6 8 9 3
6 1 3 8 4 9 2 5 7
7 8 9 3 5 2 6 1 4
3 9 1 4 2 7 5 6 8
5 4 6 9 3 8 7 2 1
2 7 8 1 6 5 4 3 9
8 3 2 6 7 1 9 4 5
1 5 7 2 9 4 3 8 6
9 6 4 5 8 3 1 7 2
patrick’s puzzle
throughout, R2000+ construction, electric heat. Garage, paved driveway, snow FOR RENT - Very clean, modern two removal, lawn care and extra parking inbedroom apartment. Fridge, stove and cluded. Very quiet area, 10 minute walk Dishwasher. Washer Dryer hook-up. to all amenities. $900.00 per month, plus Close to everything in Greenwood. $800/ utilities. For more information please month, heat/lights incl. Available Nov contact 902-847-1365. (3501-ufn) 1st. No dogs. References required. Call FOR RENT: Kingston, Lincolnshire ApartRoss 840-0534. (3501-ufn) ments. Two bedroom with two appliFOR RENT - Very clean, modern three bedances $600.00 a month plus utilities. room apartment, quiet S/D in Nictaux. Available Feb 1st. Call 902-765-6669. Fridge, stove and Dishwasher. Washer (3503-4tpb) Dryer hook-up. $850/month, heat/lights incl. No dogs. References required. Call MOBILE HOMES Ross 840-0534 (3501-ufn) FOR RENT – Two bedroom mobile home FOR RENT - Newly Renovated three bedlocated in Kingston. Heat, lights, fridge room apartment in Wilmot, Fridge Stove and stove included. No dogs allowed. incl. $650.00 plus utilities. References $750.00 per month. Phone 847-5046. required. Call Ross 840-0534 (3501-ufn) (3501-ufn) FOR RENT - Worry free retirement living at DUPLEXES its best, Chipman Avenue, Bridgetown. Two Bedroom Apartment, 1200+ Sq. ft. FOR RENT - Newly renovated unit in duplex located at 1134 William Street, of living space including LR, DR, KIT Greenwood. All appliances and services and six appliances. Hardwood flooring included. Wood & ceramic floor, fresh paint with large rear private deck minC.HANSON DOWELL, Q.C utes from Sobeys, golf courses, gym 250 Main St., Middleton and CFB Greenwood. Perfect for IR or seniors wanting the comfort of home in 825-3059 the Annapolis Valley with no worries. 850.00$ + utilities or IR package. Call Mario at 902-825-3840 or Eric 902-765FOR SALE 4404. (3504-1tp) FIREWOOD Clear Hardwood Cut, Split and Delivered Quality Guaranteed
Please Phone 825-3361
flyer delivery Notice to 14 Wing Greenwood Residential Housing Unit occupants Weekly delivery of flyer packages is coordinated by Valley Flyer Services.
services & trades
Black and white 2 columns x 25 agate lines, 3.5 in x 1.75 in six week commitment $173 plus tax (save 16% off regular rate of $207) 2 columns x 25 agate lines single insertion $34.50 plus tax Call Anne Kempton Marketing Consultant 765-1494 local 5833
[email protected]
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
January 27, 2014
If you have comments about delivery or need to make arrangements to hold or stop delivery, please contact 902678-9217.
Steve Lake’s Light Trucking Moving & Deliveries 16’ Cube Van
844 0551
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Chris Parker L.L.B Ronald D. Richter (B.A. Hon.), L.L.B. Southgate Court, Greenwood N.S.
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FOR RENT - Two bedroom duplex apartment in Aylesford, Fridge Stove incl. $595.00 plus utilities. References required. Call Ross 840-0534. (3501-ufn) FOR RENT – Two bedroom side by side duplex located on Cherry Lane in Kingston. Fridge, stove, washer & dryer hook-up. $700.00 per month nothing included. Security deposit and references required. Available March 1st, 2014. Phone 680-2284 (3504-1tpb) FOR RENT – Three bedroom duplex available Feb 01, 2014 in subdivision behind Greenwood Mall. Fridge, stove, lawn care, snow removal, deck & shed included. Optional washer & dryer 25$ per month extra. $875.00 per month heat included. Contact Sue at 765-4206. (3502-ufn) FOR RENT – Two bedroom duplex apartment in Greenwood. Located in an area of senior neighbors. Save 50-60% on your heating. Heated by heat pump. Washer/dryer hook ups. Lawn care and snow removal included. $550.00 per month plus utilities. Call to view. 902-847-5500. (3504-1tpb) FOR RENT – Small two bedroom duplex located in Kingston. Fridge, stove, heat and lights included. $650.00 per month, no dogs. Phone 847-5046. (3501-ufn)
Hardwood, $220 a cord Softwood, $180 a cord Cut, Split, Delivered Ph:
FOR RENT MELVERN SQUARE Looking for a mature and responsible couple/individual to rent a very comfortable private house on a large landscaped lot. The house contains 3 bedrooms and 2 baths. Rent - $1,400.00/MO PLUS UTILITIES. No Pets Please. For information call
ROOM FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT - Looking for a mature employed non-smoker to rent a large fully furnished room in Fales River subdivision. (Greenwood Area). Close to all amenities. $130.00 per week. Meals can be included with adjusted agreed upon rent. Phone 242-5182. (3503-4tpb)
FOR SALE FOR SALE – 2006 Colorado Z71 4x4 with cap. Good condition. Phone 587-9870099 or 765-3793. (3503-2tpb) FOR SALE – Flowered chesterfield & love seat. $800.00 firm. Excellent shape. Call 765-2169. (3504-1tp) FOR SALE – Eddie Bauer inline roller blades. Excellent condition. Size 7. $45. Ph: 765-0277. (3504-ufns) FOR SALE - A beautiful brand new cocktail ring never worn. Size 7. Total carat weight 11.01. Sterling silver with Topaz Zircon stone. Main stone shape is checkerboard. Metal purity .925. US value $139. Great for any social occasion or every day. Must see to enjoy. NOW $30.00. New with tags. (3504-ufns)
SERVICES SERVICE – DEF Tree Services servicing the Annapolis Valley. Free estimates, tree removal, lot clearing and pruning. Contact Doug Fraser at 690-5788. (3501-4tpb)
IN THE COMMUNITY CHURCH SERVICE – “The Peoples 25:40 Church” There will be a church service held every Sunday at the New Beginnings Centre 1151 Bridge Street Greenwood provided by Pastor Leon Langille. Pre Service music at 2:50 pm. Service 3:00 pm. Doors will open at 2:30 pm. All are welcome. (3501-4ufn)
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the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Page 15
January 27, 2014
OCCASION D'EMPLOI Centre de ressources pour les familles des militaires (CRFM) de Greenwood
Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre (GMFRC)
Coordinator of Outreach and Second Language Services FULL-TIME POSITION The Coordinator of Outreach and Second Language Services is responsible for the GMFRC’s outreach program and ongoing liaison with local military and civilian communities. This includes providing information, community outreach, and education information on posting and referral services. Outreach Services will also be provided to CF members and families in Reserve Unit locations as well as those CF families living outside of the immediate area. This position also coordinates Second Language Services by developing, implementing, and delivering GMFRC services designed to meet the needs of the military Francophone community; and support the language needs and choices of individuals in accordance with the Parameters for Practice and the Official Languages Act.
Heart’s in it
Valley Golden Oldies player Dave Kennedy, right, recently represented senior recreational hockey players in making a donation of $200 to the Valley Cardiac Rehab Society’s Dr. Howard Wightman in Kentville. The funds will support the rehab program’s recovery services for local heart patients. Submitted
Opportunity Shop makes a healthy difference The Opportunity Shop is a non-profit organization operated by the Greenwood Health Auxiliary. The shop sells gently used clothing, small household items and books. Clean, used clothing and household articles are donated by the community and surrounding areas. It is located in the Greenwood Mall, next to True Style Furniture Plus. The shop is the main fundraiser enabling the purchase of equipment for Soldiers
Memorial Hospital, donations to several other health-related organizations and funding three bursaries to graduating high school students. We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone for their donations, and to the patrons of our shop through 2013. A thank you also goes out to all the many volunteers who have helped service the shop and customers during the years. Shop hours are Monday to Saturday, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
spotlight of the week Six businesses run a business card ad for six weeks Each week one of the businesses will be featured Feature may include an article & photos Only
$205 .00
plus tax per business
Call Anne Kempton Marketing Consultant 765-1494 local 5833
[email protected]
QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Education: • Candidate should have an undergrad degree in public relations, marketing, communications, or social sciences from a recognized university. • Our population includes families requiring service in the French language. Candidate MUST possess excellent oral and written communication skills in both official languages. • Translator diploma or equivalent training and experience. Experience: • Knowledge of public relations practices and community development processes and possess a friendly, outgoing, cooperative personality. • Experience with development, implementation, and delivery of individual and family programs/services. • Highly proficient in the use of MS Office Software. • Excellent interpersonal, communication and assessment skills as well as sensitivity and tact in dealing with people under stressful conditions - entails the ability to tolerate high stress levels, and ability to respond to crisis situations. • Exhibits characteristics of warmth, empathy, humour, and a nonjudgmental philosophy of care and strong understanding and application of ethical principles. • A clear understanding of the community development process is essential and a working knowledge of community resources in the catchment area is required. In-depth knowledge of civilian/provincial agencies and organizations that can provide support to military families. • Excellent public speaking ability is essential. • Demonstrated ability to organize and manage caseload effectively to meet deadlines. • A strong belief in the principle of volunteerism is required. • A good understanding of the unique needs of CF families as well as a demonstrated ability to work effectively within both an inter-disciplinary team and in a self-directed environment while responding to the challenges of a demanding multi-faceted role. • 37.5 hours per week (occasional evening & weekend hours are required. Flexibility is a must.) Must complete a Child Abuse Registry Check, Criminal Record Check, and Enhanced Reliability Check. Eligible candidates should submit by fax, mail, or email a cover letter and résumé clearly outlining their ability to fulfill all position requirements, on or before 4:00 p.m. on Monday, 17 February 2014 to: Michelle Thibodeau Wagner Operations Manager email:
[email protected] (MS Word or PDF format) Subject line: resumé – outreach Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre Fax: (902)765-1747 P.O. Box 582, Greenwood, NS B0P 1N0
POSTE À TEMPS PLEIN Le (la) coordonnateur (trice) des services d’approches et de langue seconde est responsable du programme d’approche du CRFM de Greenwood, ainsi que d’assurer une liaison constante avec les communautés militaires et civiles locales. Ceci comprend la prestation de services de renseignements, d’approches communautaires et d’information éducationnelle sur les services d’affectation et d’orientation. Les services d’approches seront également offerts aux membres des FC des unités de réserve, à leurs familles et aux familles des FC ne vivant pas à proximité du CRFM de Greenwood. Ce poste coordonne également les services de langue seconde par la création, la mise en œuvre et la prestation des services du CRFM de Greenwood conçus pour répondre aux besoins de la communauté militaire francophone, et appuie les besoins et les choix linguistiques des individus conformément aux paramètres de pratique et à la Loi sur les langues officielles. Période probatoire : 6 mois Relève du (de la) : Directrice exécutive QUALIFICATIONS ESSENTIELLES Études : • Le candidat détient un baccalauréat en relations publiques, marketing, communications ou sciences sociales d’une université reconnue. • Notre clientèle comprend des familles ayant besoin de services en français. Le candidat doit ABSOLUMENT posséder d’excellentes aptitudes à communiquer à l’oral et à l’écrit dans les deux langues officielles. • Diplôme ou expérience et formation équivalente en traduction. Expérience : • Connaissance des pratiques de relations publiques et des procédures de développement communautaire et faire preuve d’une personnalité amicale, extravertie et coopérative. • Expérience de la création, de la mise en œuvre et de la prestation de programmes/services individuels et familiaux. • Excellente maîtrise dans l’utilisation des logiciels MS Office. • Beaucoup d’entregent et d’excellentes aptitudes à communiquer et à analyser. Faire preuve de compassion et de délicatesse lors de discussions avec des individus vivant des situations difficiles, ce qui exige une capacité de gérer des niveaux de stress élevés et de réagir en situations de crise. • Faire preuve de cordialité, d’empathie, d’humour et d’une philosophie de soins non critique ainsi que d’une compréhension et d’une application solides des principes de déontologie. • Bonne compréhension de la procédure de développement communautaire est essentielle ainsi qu’une connaissance pratique des ressources communautaires de la zone desservie. Connaissance approfondie des agences et des organismes civils/provinciaux pouvant offrir un soutien aux familles des militaires. • Une excellente capacité à parler en public est essentielle. • Capacité en matière d’organisation et de gestion de cas afin de respecter les délais. • Conviction profonde du bénévolat est indispensable. • Bonne compréhension des besoins uniques des familles des FC ainsi qu’une capacité manifeste de travailler efficacement autant au sein d’une équipe interdisciplinaire que de façon autonome, tout en relevant les défis d’un rôle exigeant et diversifié. • 37,5 heures par semaine (travail de soir et de fin de semaine requis à l’occasion. Flexibilité indispensable.) Le candidat doit se soumettre à une vérification du registre des cas d’enfants maltraités, de son casier judiciaire et d’une vérification approfondie de fiabilité. Les candidats admissibles doivent soumettre une lettre de présentation et leur curriculum vitæ soulignant clairement leur capacité à répondre à toutes les exigences du poste au plus tard le lundi 17 février 2014 à 16 h, par télécopieur, courrier ou courriel à : Michelle Thibodeau Wagner Directrice des opérations Courriel :
[email protected] (en MS Word ou en format PDF) Objet : CV — Services d’approches Centre de ressources pour les familles des militaires de Greenwood Télécopieur : 902-765-1747 C.P. 582, Greenwood, Nouvelle-Écosse B0P 1N0
• Please submit resumé in English. • The GMFRC is located in the AVM Morfee Centre, School Road, in Greenwood. Please note: Only candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted The Greenwood MFRC is committed to employment equity. You can read more about the GMFRC at: www.familyforce.ca
Feb 3 star t date
Probationary Period: 6 months Responsible to: Executive Director
Coordonnateur (TRICE) des services d’approches et de langue seconde
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Veuillez soumettre votre curriculum vitæ en anglais s.v.p.
Le CRFM de Greenwood se situe au Centre AVM Morfee sur la rue School, à Greenwood. Veuillez noter : Nous ne communiquerons qu’avec les candidats convoqués à une entrevue.
Le CRFM de Greenwood souscrit à l’équité en matière d’emploi. Pour de plus amples renseignements à propos du CRFM de Greenwood, consultez le site : www.forcedelafamille.ca
Page 16
January 27, 2014
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Weymouth wins Legion provincials Wendy Richardson, Branch 098, RCL The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 098, Kingston, hosted 17 teams for the 66th Nova Scotia/ Nunavut Curling Playdowns at the Greenwood Curling Club January 10 to 13. Curlers from 12 different branches too to the ice and, when the final rock came to rest, the team from the Weymouth branch were the winners. Ed Comeau, Jim Doucet, Louise Doucet and Pete Comeau defeated Steve
Elder, John Montgomery, John Flinn and Larry Crewson from the Fairview branch. The consolation trophy was presented to the Bridgewater foursome of Timothy Neily, Al Wilwand, Marilyn Neily and Maggie Wood, who defeated Wolfville’s Hubert Sullivan, Charlie Corkum, William Thomson, Paul Allen and Harry Dick. Congratulations to the Weymouth team, which will travel to Manitoba in March to represent Nova Scotia/ Nunavut Command at the Nova Scotia/ Nunavut winners from Branch 67 Weymouth: skip Ed Comeau, third Submitted Jim Doucet, second Louise Doucet and lead Pete Comeau. Legion nationals.
C&E bonspiel booked for February 14 Wing Greenwood will host the 27th Atlantic Regional Communications and Electronics curling bonspiel February 20 to 22. The Wing Telecommunications and Information Services Squadron commanding officer invites all Atlantic C&E personnel to participate. Visit http://www.wtis.ca/ for event updates.
Nova Scotia/ Nunavut runner-up team from Branch 142 Fairview: skip Steve Elder (second from left), third John Montgomery, second John Flinn and lead Larry Crewson; with Branch 098 Kingston president Dave Murray.
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Indoor Golfing is now open for the 3rd season
New Programs are available For details call
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Or visit: www.windsorgolfcenter.com 120 Morison Dr. Unit 4, Windsor, Nova Scotia, B0N 2T0