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(PSE) for collaborative computational science and engineering. A PSE ..... VCCE provides a collaborative software development environment since components ...
CONCURRENCY: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Concurrency: Pract. Exper. 2000; 12:1455–1480

The software architecture of a distributed problem-solving environment D. W. Walker1,∗,† , M. Li2 , O. F. Rana2, M. S. Shields2 and Y. Huang2 1 Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National

Laboratory, PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge TN 37831-6367, U.S.A. 2 Department of Computer Science, Cardiff University, PO Box 916,

Cardiff CF24 3XF, U.K.

SUMMARY This paper describes the functionality and software architecture of a generic problem-solving environment (PSE) for collaborative computational science and engineering. A PSE is designed to provide transparent access to heterogeneous distributed computing resources, and is intended to enhance research productivity by making it easier to construct, run, and analyze the results of computer simulations. Although implementation details are not discussed in depth, the role of software technologies such as CORBA, Java, and XML is outlined. An XML-based component model is presented. The main features of a Visual Component Composition Environment for software development, and an Intelligent Resource Management System for scheduling components, are described. Some prototype implementations of PSE applications are also presented. Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. KEY WORDS :

problem-solving environment; distributed computing; CORBA; component-based software

1. INTRODUCTION A problem-solving environment (PSE) is a complete, integrated computing environment for composing, compiling, and running applications in a specific area. A PSE may also incorporate many features of an expert system and can assist users in formulating problems, running the problem on an appropriate platform, and viewing and analyzing results. In addition, a PSE may have access to virtual libraries, knowledge repositories, sophisticated execution control systems, and

∗ Correspondence to: D. W. Walker, Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box

2008, Oak Ridge TN 37831-6367, U.S.A. † E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Received 1 March 2000 Revised 27 July 2000



visualization environments. The uses of PSEs include modeling and simulation, decision support, design optimization, and industrial process management. The main motivation for developing PSEs is that they provide software tools and expert assistance to the computational scientist in a user-friendly environment, allowing more rapid prototyping of ideas and higher research productivity. By relieving the scientist of the burdens associated with the inessential and often arcane details of specific hardware and software systems, the PSE leaves the scientist free to concentrate on the science. This paper describes the general functionality and software architecture of a generic distributed PSE. The use of CORBA, Java, XML, and other software technologies is discussed, but this paper’s emphasis is on describing the overall functionality of the PSE and on how the different sub-systems of the PSE interact, rather than on implementation details. Implementation details can be found in [1]. Therefore, some issues of importance in the design of PSEs are not fully addressed in this paper, although a brief reference to them is made in Section 7.2, with respect to the current PSE infrastructure. These include security and authentication, fault tolerance, debugging, quality control, and validation of software components. The two major parts of the PSE are the Visual Component Composition Environment (VCCE) and the Intelligent Resource Management Sub-system (IRMS). These are described in Sections 2 and 3, respectively. In Section 4 other aspects of PSEs are discussed, such as the role of ‘intelligence’ and mobile agents. Prototype implementations are described in Section 5. Related research into PSEs is presented in Section 6. A summary is given in Section 7.

2. THE VISUAL COMPONENT COMPOSITION ENVIRONMENT The VCCE of the PSE is used primarily to construct applications from software components. In this context, an application is merely seen as a high-level component. The VCCE is used to construct components in the form of a dataflow graph. Once a complete application has been constructed, it is passed to the IRMS to be scheduled on the distributed computing systems available on the network. 2.1. Components and their properties In general, a component is a procedural or functional abstraction defined by its input and output interfaces and its semantics. Components have the following properties. 1. Components may be Java Beans or CORBA objects. They may be sequential codes written in Java, Fortran, or C; they may be parallel codes that make use of message passing libraries such as MPI; or they may exploit array-based parallelism through language extensions such as HPJava [2]. Legacy codes, in Fortran for instance, can be wrapped as components. 2. Components themselves may be hierarchical (i.e. constructed from other components) and be of arbitrary granularity. Thus, a component may perform a simple task, such as finding the average of a set of input values, or it may be a complete application for solving a complex problem. 3. Each component is represented by a well-defined model specified in XML, as described in Section 2.5. Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Concurrency: Pract. Exper. 2000; 12:1455–1480



4. A component may have individual, group, or world access permissions to specify who may use it. 5. Information is passed from one component to another via uni-directional typed channels. A channel connects an outport of one component to an inport of another component. A component may have zero or more inports. The set of data objects referenced by the channels connected to a component’s inport(s) together define its input interface. Similarly, a component may have zero or more outports, and the set of data objects referenced by the channels connected to a component’s outport(s) together define its output interface. 6. A set of constraints may be associated with each component, indicating on what platforms it is licensed to run, and whether it requires generic software, such as MPI or the BLAS, to be bound in later in order to run. 7. A performance model is optionally associated with each component. Ideally, this gives the runtime of the component as a function of its input, machine, communication, and network parameters. If no performance model is available, an upper bound on performance can be approximated based on criteria such as the number of inputs/outputs, the implementation language, the execution platform etc. Subsequent executions of the component can be logged into a database, and used to provide a performance model. 8. Information on a component’s purpose, the algorithms it uses, and other pertinent explanatory data is optionally associated with a component. There are several ways in which a piece of executable code may become associated with a component. The binding of an executable with a component generally takes place after the VCCE has been used to construct the application. Thus, a component may be available only as an executable specific to a certain type of hardware, and in this case the binding process is trivial. Alternatively, the component may be available as source code, in which case the PSE must arrange for it to be compiled for a target architecture. Finally, if neither the source nor the executable code is available, the Software Information Service is used within the IRMS to locate an implementation of the component. This latter case is useful when using commonly available software, such as the BLAS, which may be available from a compute server. For example, if it was necessary to perform a matrix–matrix multiplication, it might be better to allow the PSE to find the BLAS routine to do this on some platform, rather than the composer of the application making the decision within the VCCE. To be executed, a component must be resolved to a given server implementation. Hence, although a component in the VCCE represents a place holder for executable code, it must be linked to a server which can implement the functionality, and this check is also made by the VCCE prior to invoking the resource management system. This topic is discussed further in Section 3. There are four common types of component. The main task of compute components is to do computational work, such as performing a matrix multiplication or a fast Fourier transform. Template components require one or more components to be inserted into them in order to become fully functional. Template components can be used to embody commonly-used algorithmic design patterns. This allows a developer to experiment with different numerical methods or model physics. Thus, in a partial differential equation solver, a template might require a pre-conditioner to be inserted. Template components can also be used to introduce control constructs such as loops and conditionals into a higher-level component. For example, in a simple for loop, the initial and final values of the loop control variable, and its increment, must be specified, together with a component that represents the Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Concurrency: Pract. Exper. 2000; 12:1455–1480



body of the loop. For an if-then-else construct, a Boolean expression and a component for each branch of the conditional must be given. A template component can be viewed as a compute component in which one or more of the inputs is a component. Data management components are used to read and convert between the different types of data format that are held in files and internet data repositories. The intention of this type of component is to be able to (1) sample data from various archives, especially if there is a large quantity of data to be handled; (2) convert between different data formats; (3) support specialized transports between components if large quantities of data need to be migrated across a network; and (4) undertake data normalization, and perhaps also generate SQL or similar queries to read data from structured databases. The fourth type of common component is the user interface component, which allows a user to control an application through a graphical user interface and plays a key role in computational steering. 2.2. Features of the VCCE The central feature of the VCCE is a visual tool known as the Component Composition Tool (CCT) that enables a user to build and edit applications by plugging together components, by inserting components into pre-defined templates, or by replacing components in higher-level hierarchical components. A higher-level component may be constructed from multiple existing components by connecting an outport of one component to the inport of another component. The CCT allows an outport to be connected to an inport only if the two ports are compatible in the number and type of data objects associated with each port. The manipulation of components takes place on a scratch pad (or canvas), with existing components being dragged onto the scratch pad from a web-accessible Component Repository (CR), where they are then linked. Once a new hierarchical component has been built in this way, it may then be added to an appropriate CR for future use and for sharing with other application developers. The basic functionality of the VCCE is similar to that of other modular visualization environments such as AVS [3], IBM Data Explorer [4], IRIS Explorer [5], and Khoros [6]. A recent article by Wright et al. [7] has reviewed these types of modular visualization environments. The VCCE differs from these environments through its use of an XML-based component model, and an event model that is able to support checkpointing and control constructs such as loops and conditionals. In addition, the VCCE incorporates a number of sophisticated support tools which are described later in this sub-section. The VCCE includes a tool for building inports and outports from a component’s input and output interfaces. Although a component’s interfaces cannot be changed, inports and outports can be constructed out of the data objects comprising the input and output interfaces, respectively. Each component has a set of default inports and outports defined by the author of the component. For example, suppose the input to a component consists of two floating point numbers, a and b, and an integer, j . These could be configured into a single inport (a, b, j ), or as two inports ((a, b) and (j ), or (a) and (b, j ), or (b) and (a, j )), or as three inports (a), (b), and (j ). It is also permitted to have a data object associated with two or more inports. Thus, in the previous example, the inports could be configured as (a, b) and (b, j ). In general, this results in a non-deterministic program with a race condition on b. The VCCE also includes a text editor for creating a new component from scratch in some programming language. The Wrapper Tool can then be used to convert the new code into a CORBAcompliant component that can be placed in a CR, if required. The Wrapper Tool can also be used to Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Concurrency: Pract. Exper. 2000; 12:1455–1480


Expert Assistant

Third party software

TEXT Editor

Wrapper Tool

Legacy code

Annotation Tool

Component Repository


Input Wizard

Component Composition Tool

To IRMS Task graph

Component Analysis Tool

Figure 1. The software architecture of the VCCE.

convert legacy codes into components [38]. A complete legacy application may be wrapped as a single component, or it may be divided and wrapped as a series of smaller components, provided the internal structure of the application is known. The Annotation Tool allows a developer of a component to annotate it with information that may be of use to other users and parts of the PSE. This information might include an explanation of what the component does and of its input and output interfaces, together with a URL giving the web address of more detailed information. Other annotations include constraints on the component’s use and information about its performance. The Component Analysis Tool (CAT) of the VCCE can be used to display the hierarchical structure of a component. A component can be expanded to show the dataflow graph of the components comprising it. Alternatively, if it is not composed of lower-level components, the source code is displayed. This may be annotated to show the significance of important variables, data structures, and lines of code. A URL may be associated with each component giving the web address of documentation about the component explaining, for example, its purpose, the algorithms used, the meaning of the input and output arguments, etc. This documentation may also include links to sources of information related to the component external of the PSE. The Expert Assistant (EA) helps users to locate and use components based on a decision tree and/or rule-based approaches. The EA is also responsible for matching user requirements to component types, based on component interfaces specified in XML (as discussed in Section 2.5). Therefore, the EA can be used to search component repositories that are registered for a particular PSE. The EA is a core part of the user interface. It encodes rules that are domain specific, and can help a novice user evaluate the components that may be most useful for his or her particular problem. These domain specific rules can either be associated with a component for use within the EA, or they may be developed in-house by an organization using the PSE. The Input Wizard checks that the input provided to an application does not violate any algorithmic constraints, and correctly represents the system being modelled. Figure 1 shows the software architecture of the VCCE part of a PSE. Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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2.3. Computational steering In a common type of computational steering, a user interacts with a running application by changing the input to one or more components. Typically, the user would assess the current status of some data within an application by viewing it through a visualization interface, and then influence this visual representation by changing some component input value(s). The impact of this change would then be evident in the visualization, and perhaps lead the user to make further changes. An example would be the visualization of a flow, in which the user seeks to achieve some design goal by moving a boundary. Parker et al. [8] have discussed approaches to computational steering in the context of the SCIRun PSE and also review a number of other visual steering systems. Computational steering can be provided for within the VCCE by inserting a loop that contains a user interface component into the task graph. This component receives data from one or more components, presents the data to the user, and relays any changes the user may make to the appropriate components. Computational steering is often used in situations in which data are presented to the user from within a loop, for example a time-stepping loop. Another use occurs when the user wishes to pause the application at some point in order to set a value based on the application results at that point. These two types of computational steering can be provided for by having each component identified (through the component model described in Section 2.5) as either steerable or non-steerable. Steerable components may, or may not, be initiated upon entry in the paused state. If a steerable component is in the paused state, then input from a user interface component is required to make it continue. The user interface component steering the application can be used to switch a steerable component between the paused and non-paused states. Figure 2 shows a portion of a task graph that is used for computational steering. The steerable component requires two inputs, a and b. Input a may come from either the user interface component doing the steering or from some preceding component in the task graph. A steerable component will always accept input preferentially from the user interface component, if any is available; otherwise, it will accept input from the preceding component. The output c from the steerable component loops back into the user interface component, as well as being passed on to another component for consumption. 2.4. Collaborative use of PSEs The ability to use a PSE collaboratively is important for applications in research and education. The VCCE provides a collaborative software development environment since components created and placed in the CR by one user can be used by other users. Another collaborative aspect of a PSE is that it provides multiple users with consistent representations of data from simulations and/or databases, often through a visualization interface. Within the VCCE, a PSE can be used collaboratively by ‘cloning’ user interface components. This permits each user to view, or interact with, the data through their own clone of the master user interface component. Thus, all user interface components are clonable or nonclonable, and the clones may, or may not, inherit from the master the ability to steer a component in the task graph. The cloning facility is mediated through a web page associated with the master user interface. In a typical collaborative application, the master user would initiate an application in the paused state (see Section 2.3) and then wait for other users to access the web page through which they generate their user interface clones. Users may join the collaborative application at any time that the master user interface is active. Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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a User interface component




Steerable component




Figure 2. A portion of a task graph used for computational steering.

2.5. The component model XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a subset of the document formatting language SGML (Standard General Markup Language), aimed at developing documents for the Web, and devised by the W3C. One objective of XML is to enable stored data intended for human use to also be manipulated by a machine, such as a search engine. XML defines standard tags used to express the structure of a document, in terms of a Document Type Definition (DTD). Hence, a DTD must be defined for every document that uses tags within a particular context, and the validity of a document is confirmed with reference to a particular DTD. Various DTDs have been defined for particular application domains, such as the BioInformatic Sequence Markup Language (BSML), Weather Observation Markup Format (OMF), the Extensible Log Format (XLF) for logging information generated by Web servers, amongst others. The approach closest to the work described here is Open Software Description (OSD) from Microsoft and Marimba Technologies for defining component models that can facilitate the automatic updating of components. Using OSD, ‘push-based’ applications can automatically trigger the download of particular software components as new versions are developed. Hence, a component within a data flow may be automatically downloaded and installed when a new or enhanced version of the component is created. XML does not define the semantics associated with a given tag, only the positioning of a tag with respect to other tags. However, one must associate and define semantic actions when parsing an XML document that cause particular actions to take place when particular tags are encountered. These actions can range from displaying the content of a document in a particular way, to running programs that are triggered as a result of reaching a particular tag. Each component in the PSE architecture presented in this paper is represented by a well-defined component model specified in XML. XML is used because of its wide usage in component-based Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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software development and support for it in browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Netscape. All components with interfaces in XML can be automatically catalogued as web pages and can be queried by a number of commercially available search engines. The query mechanism is particularly useful when PSEs share components or when the user wishes to evaluate other components that may be used as alternatives. XML has also become a useful integration mechanism with Java Beans, and numerous commercial tools are readily available to support this integration. These reasons suggest that XML is the most appropriate way of creating component interfaces within a PSE. The use of XML also enables the generation of context-sensitive help and leads to the development of self-cataloguing components. XML tags are used to define a standard component model within the PSE that will be deployed within all sub-systems. Components are stored in the CR using this format, and any binary data associated with a component must also be tagged appropriately. The XML interface to a CORBA object or a Java Bean, for instance, does not make a distinction between an embedded component object or an object that is native to CORBA-IDL or Java-IDL. Therefore, a wrapped component can be a Java Bean, a COM object, C or C++ library calls, wrapped Fortran code called from C, calls to DLLs or shared-objects, and other runtime linking methods. In each case, the XML interface is used to define interface information, for accessing particular attributes and methods, for registering listeners, and for handling exceptions and events. Furthermore, specialized support for expressing constraints on the runtime environment is also provided, along with mechanisms to express hierarchy and directory structures if components are stored within a structured file system. Our XML-based component model contains the following tags. 1. Context and header tags. These are used to identify a component and the types of PSEs that a component may be usefully employed in. The component name must be unique, with an alternative alphanumeric identifier; however, any number of PSEs may be specified. These details are grouped under the preface tag, hence:
(name pse-type+)> (name-list+)> alt %PCDATA id %PCDATA> %PCDATA>

The hierarchy tag is used to identify parent and components, and works in a similar way to the Java package definition. A component can have one parent and multiple children. 2. Port tags. These are used to identify the number of input and output ports and their types. An input port can accept multiple data types and can be specified in a number of ways by the user. The DTD for the ports part of the component model can be specified as:
(inportnum outportnum inporttype+ outporttype+)> ... Input/output to/from a component can also come from/go to other types of sources, such as files or network streams. In this case, the inport and outport ports need to define an href tag rather Copyright  2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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than a specific data type. We standardize our href definition to account for various scenarios where it may be employed, such as: When reading data from a file, the href tag is changed to: This gives a user much more flexibility in defining data sources and using components in a distributed environment. The general types: or are applicable within any tag, and are used to specify (name,value) pairs that occur frequently in interface definitions. The user may also define more complex input types, such as a matrix, stream, or an array in a similar way. 3. Steerability tabs. A component can be tagged to indicate that it can be steered via the user interface. In order to achieve this, the input/output to/from a component must be obtainable from a user interface. Hence, with a steerable component, the inports and outports of a component must have a specialized tag to identify this. Hence, for a conventional component without steerability, the ports definition is: For a steerable component, the following definition would be used: