Theme Theme One: Computing for Biologists - School of Computer ...

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MSc ACS in Digital Biology (Distance Learning). Theme One: Computing for Biologists. This Theme is Compulsory for Biologists,. (Computer Science Students ...
MSc ACS in Digital Biology (Distance Learning) Theme One:

Computing for Biologists This Theme is Compulsory for Biologists, (Computer Science Students EXCLUDED)

Unit Number COMP70110 COMP70300 COMP70180

Unit Title Core

Theme 2:

Introduction to Programming using Java Databases and Data Modelling Object Oriented Analysis and Design using UML

Module Delivery DL DL DL

Systems Biology (BIOL61820 is a core module for all students)

Unit Number BIOL61820 COMP70550 COMP70560 BIOL61010 COMP70521 COMP70921

Unit Title Core Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt

Bioinformatics for Systems Biology Maths for Metabolic Modelling Computational Systems Biology MicroArray Analysis BioHealth Informatics Introduction to Health Informatics

Module Delivery DL DL DL-1 DL DL /F2F DL/F2F

The above modules are available for students who wish to take the Digital Biology pathway as a Distance Learning programme. Masters Level: It is expected that the majority of students will be from the Biological Sciences field, those students will select three Computer Science Foundation courses from the ‘Computing for Biologist Theme’ and then three further modules from the ‘Systems Biology Theme’. Computer Science students will be expected to take all six modules from the Systems Biology Theme. This will form the 90 credits of taught credits on the programme. The students will then take a Project Module worth 90 credits in order to complete the MSc qualification.

The project will be divided into two sections ( as with the F2F Version of the programme) In the Distance Learning version of the Digital Biology pathway DL students are unable to fully participate in COMP60990. They will have access to all the information and materials on-line. 1. Initial Project Report (30 Credits)– before this can be assessed each student will complete the Schools on-line plagarism unit that forms part of the COMP60990 Course Unit. The precise content of the report depends upon the nature of the Research Project, but typically will include (1) Description of the project and its context and aims, (2) Survey of relevant literature, (3) Study of relevant research methods, design methodology, and implementation tools, (4) Criteria for success, and (5) Project plan for the overall project. The report will be assessed according to the standards expected of the Masters Dissertation with respect to substance, soundness of contents, and quality of presentation. The report is assessed in the same way that the Dissertation is assessed, internally, with independent assessments by the supervisor and a second marker. The report contributes 30 credits to the MSc. The report is assessed and, in order to be allowed to complete the Research Project and gain an MSc the report must pass at the 40% level.