Notes to support Greenaway shadowing groups. Evaluating artistic quality: start
with colour, line, shape and space. Title: I WANT MY HAT BACK. Author and ...
1. First Look Evaluating quality: start colour, line, s shape spacegroups Notes artistic to support Gwith reenaway hadowing Share tand his book with the w hole Evaluating artistic quality: start with colour, line, shape and space group by reading it aloud. M ake it Notes to support Greenaway shadowing groups an uninterrupted read through Evaluating artistic quality: start with colour, line, shape and space Title: Title: I WANT MY HAT BACK Author and Illustrator: John Klassen without making comments and Author and Illustrator: JOHN KLASSEN Publisher: Walker Books Title: I WANT HAT BACK Publisher: Walker MY Books holding it up so everyone can see Author and Illustrator: JOHN KLASSEN the pictures as they listen. Publisher: Walker Books 1. First Look *Go t hrough the again –w look Share this bbook ook w ith the hole at the opening endpaper wit hich leads group bFirst y reading aloud. Make it 1. Look Share this book with the whole group by reading uit ninterrupted read through Share bm ook w ith he into the san tory. Ythis ou eet ach ow f thole he aloud. Make it an e uninterrupted read through without m aking c omments a nd group b y r eading i t a loud. M ake without making comments and holding creatures depicted on the endpaper it it up so holding it ucan p so see everyone can ee listen. everyone the pictures assthey an u rninterrupted read through again a s ythe ou ead o n. A part f rom a at the *Go through book again – look p ictures athe s they listen. without m aking and comments endpaper which leads theat story. few scraps oopening vegetation (grass, book again into look *Go tf hrough veryone holding it each utp he so c–an see You meet ofethe creatures depicted on the the o pening e ndpaper w hich l eads leaves t he i llustrations a re gain etc.), the p ictures a s t hey l isten. endpaper again as you read on. Apart from a story. Yhe ou bm eet ach leaves o–f ltook he etc.), into b few scraps ofecomes very plain. I t tshe oon c(grass, *Go through tvegetation ook aelear gain at the creatures d epicted o n t he e ndpaper opening are plain. Itwsoon illustrations very becomes the endpaper hich leads clear other y our first that m ost o f t he v isual m eaning i s that most of the visual meaning is being created s you read on. Apart again ahe from a the into t s tory. Y ou m eet e ach o f s to the a rtistic quality. by colour each eyes. being c reated by c oand olour nd e(ach scraps aanimal’s few vegetation grass, creatures do the f the d epicted o n endpaper *How changing colours in the words affect w2. lgain etc.), t he illustrations plain hy y ou ike animal’s e a re Look A or leaves yes. meaning? read on. Apart again a s y ou from a very plain. b ecomes clear It know s oon mething. *How d o t he c hanging c olours i n t he *How do we that the rabbit is ‘talking scraps few o f vegetation (grass, your ach *Tell e o ther f irst that m ohis f that’? he visual m eaning through Look up the originis of that affect leaves eaning? llustrations work o ut how any words most iInternet. t a re 2. L ook A gain phrase etc.), he up on the responses to the a rtistic quality. being c reated by c olour and each b y looking at heir d e kp soon becomes feeling t Try very lain. cilear *How o w now hat r abbit s why you like or eyes. tIt the to explain animal’s your m *Tell first o f c thanging he m eaning is each other through that ost h visual ‘talking hat’? ook uip dislike *How d o cL olours n the something. the is responses tfo the a rtistic being c reated Can y ont quality. by cu olour atnd * w ork ow words the colours a ou nd o rigin p hrase p o n he each each your out hresponses any the to of that affect meaning? *Tell other first the explain why ou like or eyes. Try to quality. is feeling to explain y ylooking tlike animal’s animal aInternet. t w e k now t hat t he rabbit is artistic you or *How hat the e Try bh why heir d o b ear realises dislike s omething. *How d o t he c hanging c olours in eyes? ‘talking through his hat’? Look u p the dislike something. his hat? * **How y d ou ork o how ut haow ny is feeling words affect meaning? Can any o work he colours nd p hrase C out afont an you tw animal the o rigin o f that u p on the by their eyes? he ending o f is tt at he looking ttale. hte d o w animal fhat eeling y looking a t heir indicate he b ear r ealises Internet. *How that t he rabbit is b e know *How do the colours and that through font indicate his hat’? Look up s the inal ndpaper has een his hat? ‘talking feyes? se the he has bear realises seen his hat? Notes to support Greenaway shadowing groups
How would you illustrate the *How d the o the colours nd font o f that phrase *Discuss nding t he tale. the does e What origin up on the *Discuss ending of theoaf tale. last five pages of this story? that the b ear realises finald endpaper What oes t he final endpaper he the show? Internet. sely at indicate e very v isual The illustrations in I Want 3. W ords a nd i mages *Look closely athevery show? has seen his at? visual aspect, i.e. end Hat Back have been apers, font and layout,w ould illustrate My last . end p*Discuss f ont you papers, choices, title page How t he five You could *Look c losely a t e very v isual the ending of t he tale. created digitally. 3. Words and images as well as the pictures. about how these tle page ayout, a s Talk have athe go at creating aspect, il.e. ethe nd apers, fthe ont overall pages of tHow his illustrate What d oes fpinal eto ndpaper ould you last five a and contribute swtory? extra graphics using an art choices, title page and layout, as illustrations e pictures. Tofalk abook. bout at show? pages of this digital impact the The in sI tory? Want My animal H program. well as the pictures. Talk about The illustrations in dI igitally. Want My Y Hou at closely at every visual e extra *Look graphics 3. ords and images Back h ave een c reated bW how these xtra graphics Back hw ave been created digitally. You aspect, i.e. eiempact nd papers, How ould you illustrate the last five e to the o verall of font could have a g o a t c reating a d igital contribute t o t he o verall i mpact o f could h ave a g o a t c reating a d igital choices, title page and layout, as pages of this story? animal u sing aillustrations n art apn rogram. M y Hat the b ook. animal using art in program. well as the pictures. Talk about The I W ant how these extra graphics Back have been created digitally. You contribute to the overall impact of could have a go at creating a digital the book. animal using an art program.