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Note: —this paper contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions, each carrying two (2) marks. Attempt all of them. 1. The American Library ... Answers: 1; Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science (SRELS) was founded by .... (4) ICSSR. Answers: 4; National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC), was ...

Note: —this paper contains fifty (50) multiple-choice questions, each carrying two (2) marks. Attempt all of them.

1. The American Library Association was founded in the year (1)1874 (2)1875 (3)1876 (4)1877 Answers: 3; ALA is the oldest & largest library association in the world founded in the month of October 6. Mission of ALA is “to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all.” 2. Library movement in the erstwhile state of Baroda started in the year (1)1900 (2)1910 (3)1920 (4)1930 Answers: 2; 3. The Advisory Committee for Libraries, 1957*58 relates to the development of which of the following categories of libraries? (1)Public libraries (2)Academic libraries (3)National library (4)Special libraries Answers: 2; 4. The Latest Library Act was passed by which of the following States? (1)Arunachal Pradesh (2)Haryana— (3)Mizoram (4)Manipur Answers: 1; in the year 2009 5. Ranganathan Committee Report on Development of University and College Libraries was published by (1)Sharda Ranganathan Endowment of Library Science (2)DRTC (3)Asia Publishing House (4)University Grants Commission

UGC-NET 1994 PAPER –II SOLVED. By Mallikarjuna, C > if you have any suggestions and correction please send to [email protected]

Answers: 1; Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science (SRELS) was founded by Dr.S.R.Ranganathan, renowned Library and Information Scientist in 1961. The endowment was registered as a Charitable Endowment with the Government of India in 1963 and with Government of Karnataka in 2006. 6. The UAP stands for (1)Universal Accessibility of Publications (2)Universal Availability of Publications (3)Universal Accession List of Periodicals (4)None of the above Answers: 2; UAP is founded by IFLA. 7. Which of the following laws of Library Science prescribes for the State’s responsibility for public library services? (1)First Law (2)Second Law (3)Third Law (4)Fourth Law Answers: 3; Father of Library & Information science Dr. S. R. Ranganathan enunciated Five Laws of Library Science. 8. The NISSAT’s Sectoral Information Centre on Drug is located at (1)New Delhi (2)Bombay (3)Bangalore (4)Lucknow Answers: 1; 9. Which one of the following does not fall under the preview of Library Extension? ' (1)Branch Library (2)Mobile Library (3)Extending the library building (4)Exhibition Answers: 1; 10. The document in any library entitled ‘The Hindu World’ is a (1)Directory (2)Encyclopaedia (3)Year Book (4)Gazetteer 11. Cumulative Book Index covers books published in the English language in (1)U.K. (2)U.S.A. (3)India (4)All over the world Answers: 1 UGC-NET 1994 PAPER –II SOLVED. By Mallikarjuna, C > if you have any suggestions and correction please send to [email protected]

12. British National Bibliography is a (1) Quarterly publication (2) Weekly publication (3)Bi-Weekly publication (4)Monthly publication Answers: 2; The British National Bibliography (BNB) lists the books and new journal titles published or distributed in the United Kingdom and Ireland since 1950 13. Periodicity of Indian National Bibliography is (1)Weekly (2)Monthly (3)Quarterly (4)Annually Answers: 2; The Indian National Bibliography has been publish monthly since 1964. It publish in 14 different languages like Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kanada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. 14. subject is one with a basic subject and one or more isolates (1)Complex (2)Specific (3)Basic (4)Compound 15. Hospitality in chain can be secured by these two devices (1)Gap and fractional devices (2)Sector and new digit devices (3)Emptying digit and empty digit devices (4)Alphabetical and mnemonic devices 16. In UDC the common isolates are called (1)Standard subdivision (2)Auxiliary subdivision (3)Form division (4)View points 17. In UDC the sign (—) dash is used to indicate all types of phase and facet relation (1)Colon (2)Dot (3)Comma (4)Semi-colon 18. Which of the canons of cataloguing mentioned below prescribes that the information for choice and rendering should be taken from title and its over¬flow pages? (1)Canon of Individualization (2)Canon of Currency (3)Canon of Prepotence

UGC-NET 1994 PAPER –II SOLVED. By Mallikarjuna, C > if you have any suggestions and correction please send to [email protected]

(4)Canon of Ascertainability 19. Zero-based budget is concerned with activities of the organization. (1) Past (2) Present (3) Future (4) Remote future Answers: 3; 20. In CCC subject analytical entries are known as (1)Cross Reference entries (2)Cross Reference Index entry (3)Class Index entry (4)Book Index entry 21. Which of the following codes does not allow to find out information from outside the title or oversow pages in determining the choice of heading? (1)CCC (2)AACR I (3)Rules for Dictionary Catalogue (4)Vatican Code 22. The concept of common isolates was first formulated by (1)Malvil Dewey (2)S.R. Ranganathan (3)J.D. Brown (4)H.E. Bliss Answers: 2 23. International Conference on Cataloguing Principles was held in Paris in the year (1)1949 (2)1952 (3)1961 (4)1969 Answers: 3; The International Conference on Cataloguing Principles (ICCP), which was held in Paris in October 1961 under the auspices of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA).

24. According to AACR-II when there are four authors and no one is principal author and one editor, the entry will be prepared under (1)Under the editor (2)Under the first author (3)Under all the authors (4)Under the title Answers: 3

UGC-NET 1994 PAPER –II SOLVED. By Mallikarjuna, C > if you have any suggestions and correction please send to [email protected]

25. For recording of subscription and receipt of periodicals Ranganathan suggested (1)Ledger System (2)Two-Card System (3)Three-Card System (4)None of the above Answers: 3 26. The methods of estimating funds for libraries are proportional

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(1) Staff formula (2) Per capita (3) On the size of book collection (4) Estimation methods 27. P.P.B.S. relates to (1)Statistics (2)Personne (3)Budget (4)Book Service Answers: 3; PPBS is acronym of Planning Programming Budgeting System. 28. Providing latest information to research scholars/scientists and others on their research work is through (1) C.A.S. (2)Classification (3)Both (4)None of the above Answers: 1; Current Awareness Service. 29. According to Education Commission, 1964-66, of university budget should be earmarked for its library expenditure. (1)10% (2)8% (3)6.5% (4)6.7% 30. Which of the following is the full form of INFLIBNET ? (1)Information and Library Network (2)information Library Network (3)International Federation of Library Network (4)International Film Network Answers: 1; INFLIBNET is situated in Gandhinagar founded in the year 1991. 31. In the context of computers ‘bit’ means (1)Binary digits (2)Books in trade (3)British Information terminal

UGC-NET 1994 PAPER –II SOLVED. By Mallikarjuna, C > if you have any suggestions and correction please send to [email protected]

(4)Birmingham Institute of Technology Answers: 1; It is a smallest unit of data which value is 0 0r 1. 32. O.P.A.C. stands for (1)Online Processing of Automated Catalogue, (2)Online Public Access Catalogue (3)Online Programmes of Analogue Computer (4)None of the above Answers: 2; Through OPAC we can search the avability library documents. 33. CD-ROM stands for (1)Computerized Disc Read only Memory (2)Compact Disc Read only Memory (3)Compact Disc Random only Memory (4)Concentrated Disc Read only Memory Answers: 2; C- ROM is a storage Device, which is invented in the year 1985. 34. CDS/ISIS is operated through which of the following operating system? (1)DOS (2)Zenix (3)UNIX (4)None of the above Answers: 1 35. Which option is given in CDS/ISIS for creating a new. record ? (1)C (2)N (3)R (4)S 36. In computer terminology ‘C’ refers to (1)Console (2)Programming language (3)Trade name of PC (4)Computation of data Answers: 2; 37. National Science Library of India is located at (1)Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (2)The National Library, Calcutta (3)INSDOC, New Delhi (4)BARC, Bombay Answers: 3 38. NASSDOC is an organ of (1)INSDOC (2)Dept, of Science and Technology UGC-NET 1994 PAPER –II SOLVED. By Mallikarjuna, C > if you have any suggestions and correction please send to [email protected]

(3)DESIDOC (4) ICSSR Answers: 4; National Social Science Documentation Centre (NASSDOC), was established in 1969 as a Division of the ICSSR with the objective to provide library and information support services to researchers in social sciences; those working in academic institutions, autonomous research organisations, policy making, planning and research units of government departments, business and industry etc. NASSDOC also provides guidance to libraies of ICSSR Regional Centres and ICSSR supported Research Institutes. 39. The Headquarters of IFLA is located at (1)The Hague (2)Paris (3)Washington, D.C. (4)New York Answers: 1; International Federation for Libraries Association and Institutions was founded in the year1927. 40. The Library and Information Division of ICAR is the national centre for all activities. (1)AGRIS (2)INIS (3)FID (4)IFLA Answers: 1; Indian Council of Agricultural Research. 41. National Index of Translations is published by (1)The National Library, Calcutta (2)NASSDOC (3)DESIDOC, (4)INSDOC 42. PRECIS was designed by (1)S.R. Ranganathan (2)Derek Austin V (3)D.J. Foskett (4)F.W. Lancaster Answers: 2; It is an Indexing System. Pre Coordinate Indexing System. 43. Which of the following is NOT a tool for collection of data in historical method? (1)Coin (2)Inscription (3)Newspapers (4)Observation 44. Which type of research aims at immediate results? (1)Fundamental

UGC-NET 1994 PAPER –II SOLVED. By Mallikarjuna, C > if you have any suggestions and correction please send to [email protected]

(2)Applied (3)Pure (4)Standard Research Answers: 2 45. ‘Ascendant’ is one of the on the spiral of scientific method. (1)Quadrants (2)Cardinal points (3)Vertices (4)Angles 46. The subject ‘Biochemistry’ is the result of which mode of formation of subject ? (1)Denudation (2)Distillation (3)Fusion (4)Fission Answers: 2; when two basic subjects merge and produce a new subject is called Fusion. 47. IBM stands for (1)Indian Bureau of Mines (2)Indian Board of Management on Library Automation (3)International Board of Machine Operation (4)International Business Machines Corporation Answers: International Business Machine 48. Byte refers to (1)a string of four binary digits (2)a string of eight binary digits (3)a string o? twelve binary (4)a digitsa string of sixteen binary digits Answers: 2; 49. POPSI is (1)A scheme of library classification (2)A computer system (3)An indexing system of subject entries \ (4)A catalogue code Answers: 3; Postulate-based Permuted Subject Index founded by G. Bhattacharya. 50. Name the editor(s) of Encyclopaedia of Library & Information Science (1)Allen Kent ar.d Harod Lancour '— (2)S.R. Ranganathan and M.A. Gopinath (3)Pauline Atherton and Eugene Garfield (4)P.N. Kaula and R.K. Shukla Answers: 1

UGC-NET 1994 PAPER –II SOLVED. By Mallikarjuna, C > if you have any suggestions and correction please send to [email protected]