Page 1 of 3. UGC. NET/JRF .0' P Abhilash Babu Cherukulam. Communication is the word derived from the Latin. word Communi
UGC NET/JRF .0' P Abhilash Babu Cherukulam
Communication is the word derived from the Latin word Communis meaning Common. Elements of Communication- Context, Sender/Source, Contents/message, Channel/media, Receiver, Feedback, Effect, Facilitators/barriei-s (Noise). Characteristics of Communication-Continuous, ongoing, dynamic, reciprocal, unrepeatable, transactional, irreversible, exists in some kind of context or setting Types of Communication - Verbal and Non verbal; Formal and Informal (Grapevine); Downward, Upward and Horizontal; Oral and Written; Interpersonal - involves two persons and lntra personal- with him or herself; Dyadic-between two persons and Multiadic- more than two persons. PAL (Phase Alternating Line, Germany) is an analogue television colour encoding system used in broadcast television systems. India follows l'AL system. Prasar Bharati (Broadcasting Corporation of India) launched in 1997 under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. It takes care of Doordarshan and AIR. All India Radio was launched in 1936 and its official name is Akashavani (1956). Doordarshan was launched on Sept 13, 1959 in New Delhi. Gyandarshan HI or Eklavya is a channel dedicated to technical education and was started in 2003 in collaboraLion with 1)epartment of Technical Education, MI-IRD and IlTs. Vyas is a higher educational channel launched by UGC in association with Consortiuni for Educational Communication (CEC) and IGNOU. Satellite Instructional Television Experiment is abbreviated as SITE. Television Rating Point - l'RPs ofTV serials calculated for period of seven days. UGC's Country Wide Classroom (CWCR) was started on Aug.15, 1984. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity (DAVP) is a nodal agency of Govt. of India for advertising by various ministries and organisations of Govt. of India.
In print media, the GRPs means the number ofadvertising insertions in one campaign. INFLIBNET (Information and Library Network) is a network which is an autonomous Inter- University centre of the UGC. World Computer Literacy Day is celebrated on 1)ecember 2. World's first super computer is CDC 6600. Paramn 8000 is India's first super computer. First IT University in India is Jai Prakash University. Abacus is the first calculating device in the world. The first microprocessor used in personal computer is INTEL 8080. ihe first computer made available for commercial use was UNIVAC. Charles Babbage is the father of computer. Nobert Weiner is the first to use the term 'Cybernetics. 'Ihe computer which defeated Gary Kasparov at Chess is Deep Blue.
Inventors C++ E-mail Floppy l)isk Google Integrated Circuit Internet Java Linux Mouse Orkut 1ASCAL Python 'l\vitter WhatsApp Wikipedia World Wide Web Yahoo
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B. Stroustrup Ray Tomlinson Alan Shugart Larry Page and Sergey Brin Jack Kilby Vint Cerf James A Gosling l.iiius Benedict Torvalds 1)ouglas Carl Engelbart Orkut Buyukkokten Niklaus Wirth Guido Van Rossum Jack Dorsey Brain Acton, Jan Kourn Jimmy Wales 'l'im Berners Lee Jery Yang, I)avid Fib
U r - rG C NET/JRF A person who spends too much time in front of a computer is called as Mouse potato'. * Prolog is a computer language which is used for artificial intelligence. * (;ornpter consists of two elements- Hardware (physical part) & Software (set of instructions to do a task) Parts ofa computer: Input unit, CPU (Central Processing Unit) - Brain of the computer, Output unit Central Processing Unit (CPU) has 3 parts: Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) performs calculations and comparisons. Control unit controls transfer of infrmation between storage devices, input and output. Memory unit stores programs and data. The 2 types of memory are Primary or main memory and Auxiliary or secondary memory. Main or primary memory is the central storage unit. It is of 2 types- Random Access Memory (RAM) Read Only Memory (ROM). RAM is a volatile type of memory were Information stored can he changed or erased. It is of 2 types- Static RAM (shorter storage capacity) & Dynamic RAM (larger storage capacity). In ROM contents are permanently stored. It is a non volatile r1semor) Auxiliary Memory includes devices that provide backup storage like magnetic disks, magnetic tapes and optical disk. It is used for storing system programs and large data flIes. Storage capacity of a common DVI) is 4.7 GB and of a standard CI) is 650-750 MB. Virus (Vital Information Resources Under Siege) is a programme that has capability to infect other programs and make copies of itself and spread into other programs. Worlds first computer virus is ELK cloner. Trojans are programs that act like something useful but do the things that are quiet damping. Worni is a virus that does not infects other programs. It nakes copies of itself and infects additional computers usually, via network connection. It does not attach itself to other programs but it might alter, install or destroy files and programs. Malware is a general term for any malicious piece of a software such as a virus, worm or Trojan Spyware is a type of malware installed on computers that collects information about users without their knowledge. Bug (e.g. Y2K) is an error in software designing which can even cause a computer to crash and the process of eliminating programming faults is called debugging. E- mail means electronic mail. User name and Domain name are the two parts of an e-mail address. Domain name is a unique name that identifies a web-site. It is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonon1) authority or control on the internet. Domain names are formed by the rules Domain Name System (DNS). HTTP is considered as the backbone of the World Wide \\reh A web sites main page is called its 1-lome Page.
Modem is the piece of hardware that converts your computers digital signal to an analog signal that can travel over telephone lines. Server is a central computer that holds collections of data and programs for many PCs workstations and other computers. Router is a device which when installed on a network helps to share a broadband connection. * UPS (Uninterruptible Power Source) is a constantly charging battery pack which powers the computer. Junk e-mail is called a spam. E-mail soofing refers to e-mail that appears to have been originated from one source when it was actually send from another source (collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual). Surfing is the process of visiting a number of websites in rapid succession. E-mail spamming is the process of sending e-mail to thousands and thousands of users. Phishing are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity Hacking is a process that gains the details in a computer without the permission of its administrator. VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is a technology for making telephone calls over the internet. Ethernet is a protocol for fast communication and file transfer across a network. Bluetooth is a short range wireless technology used to connect and exchange information between mobile phones, laptops etc. o ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is a commonly used data for exchanging information between computers or programs.
Measurements of Computer Memory a bit 4 bits 8 bits I Kilobyte 1 Megabyte 1 Gigabyte 1 Terrahyte KB Kb MB Mb MB/s Mb/s bps 1 Khps 1 Mhps I Gbps 1 kilohit
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One binary digit (I or 0) 1 nibble 1 byte 1024 Bytes 1024 Kilobytes 1024 Megabytes 1024 Gigabytes Kilobyte Kilohit Megabyte Megabit Megabytes per second Megahits per second Bits per second 1000 bits per second 1000 kilo bits per second. 1,000 mega bits per second. 1000 bits
Dec. 2012 1. The English word Communication is derived from the words Communis and Communicare Communist and Commune Communism and Communalism (I)) Communion and Common sense 2. Chinese Cultural Revolution leader Mao Zedong used a type of communication to talk to the masses is known as Mass line communication Group communication Participatory communication Dialogue communication 3. Conversing with the spirits and ancestors is termed as Transpersonal communication Intrapersonal communication Interpersonal communication Face-to-face communication 4. 1 he largest circulated daily newspaper among the following is (A) Ihe Times of India (B) The Indian Express (C) Ihe Hindu (I)) The Deccan Herald 5. Ihe pioneer of the silent feature film in India was (A) K.A. Abbas (B) Satyajit Ray (C) B.R. Chopra (I)) 1)ada Sahib Phalke 6. Classroom communication of a teacher rests on the principle of (A) Infotainment (B) Edutainment (C) Entertainment (D) Power equation 7. ALU stands for (A) American Logic Unit (B) Alternate l.ocal Unit (C) Alternating Logic Unit (D) Arithmetic Logic Unit 8. A l'ersonal Computer uses a number of chips mounted on a circuit board called (A) Microprocessor (B) System Board (C) Daughter Board (D) Mother Board 9. Computer Virus is a (A) 1-lardware (B) Bacteria (C) Software (D) None of these 10. Which one of the following is correct (A)(17)10=(17)16 (B)(17)l0=(17)8 (C) (17)10 = (10111)2 (D) (17)10 = (10001)2 11. The file extension of MS-Word document in Office 2007 is (A) .pdf (B) .doc (C) .docx (D) .txt 12. __ is a protocol used by e-mail clients to download c-mails to your Computer. (A) l'CP (It) FTP ((') S.\11'1) (1)) POP
ANSWER KEY 1 .A, 2.A, 3A, 4.A, 5.1), 6.B, 7.D,8.D,9.C, 10. D, liC, 12.D
June 2012 13. Video-Conferencing can be classified as one of the following types of communication (A) Visual one way (B) Audio-Visual one way (C) Audio-Visual two way (I)) Visual two way 14. MC National University of Journalism and ( ; OflUflUfl cation is located at (A) Lucknow (B) Bhopal (C) Chennai (D) Mumbai 15. All India Radio (AIR.) for broadcasting was named in the year (A) 1926 (B) 1936 (C) 1946 (D) 1956 16. In India for broadcasting TV programmes wlnh system is followed? (A) NTCS (B) PAL (C) NTSE (D) SECAA1 17. The term 'DAVP stands for Directorate of Advertising & Vocal Publicity Division of Audio-Visual Publicity Department of Audio-Visual Publicity Directorate of Advertising & Visual Publicity 18. The term TRP is associated with TV shows stands for (A) Thtal Rating Points (B) Time Rating Points (C) Thematic Rating Points (D) Television Rating Points 19. TCP/IP is necessary if one is to connect to the (A) Phone lines (B) LAN (C) Internet (D) a Server 20. Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCII value which stands for American Stock Code for Information Interchange American Standard Code for Information Interchange African Standard Code for Information Interchange (I)) Adaptable Standard Code for Information Change 21. Which of the following is not a programming language? (A) Pascal (B) Microsoft Office (C) Java (D) C++ 22. Minimum number of bits required to store any 3 digit decimal number is equal to (A)3 (B)5 (C)8 (D) 10 23. Internet explorer is a type of (A) Operating System (B) Compiler (C) Browser (D) IP address
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ANSWER KEY I3.C, 14.13, 15.13, 16.13, 17.1), 18.1), 19.C, 20.B, 21.13, 22.1), 23.0