Untitled - Department of Physics - University of Toronto
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quests to Vincent Di Lollo, Department of Psychology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, .... On any given trial, the subject sat in a semi-dark observation booth, facing the fix- ..... Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1976, 28, 193-202.
Mar 4, 1996 - dispersion and self-phase modulation due to the Kerr non- linearity of the fiber. ..... The authors thank Michael Steel and Neil Broderick for.
We thank Robert Weisberg, Eugene Zechmeister, Mi- .... Bower et al., 1979; Graesser, Gordon, & Saw- yer, 1979 ..... son, & Lee, 1974), in instructions (James,.
Apr 1, 2003 - Chen 1982) involving single graphical elements; however, turies ... ordering of symbol types, with colors assumed to provide wish to skip these details may proceed directly to Sec- .... were instructed in writing, and both accuracy and
often been used by researchers in a modified form using 4- or 5-point Likert scales. ...... draft of this manuscript, and to Tom Bohman, Bill Koch, and Tor Neilands.
by some devotional verses in Kannada (pp. 36-. 50).] pp. 50 ; ... the Bhagavad-
gita ..... RAMANUJA JIYAR. SVAMI, Vadi-ketari. See ARVARGAI.. ooo 5 nL. i&tT.
but behavior appears to play a major role (Krebs 1985). ... mals in the two populations showed similar trappabilities ... The three sisters gave birth in separate cages. Littermates of the same sex remained to- gether after the mother was removed for
Untitled - Department of Physics - University of Toronto