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community serve on our various MHA Boards, Councils and. Committees and also with our ... duties, preventive drug educat
Home Team Volunteers Ordinary People. Extraordinary Mission. You want a safer home for your family. You dream of a kinder society which gives second chances to ex-offenders. You believe that every life is precious and is worth saving. You can play a part - Join the Home Team as our volunteer! Our volunteers play an active role in contributing to the safety and security of the community and Singapore. They share the same vision as the Home Team– “To make Singapore our Safe and Secure Best Home”. Home Team volunteers from different spheres of the community serve on our various MHA Boards, Councils and Committees and also with our various volunteer schemes. They come from a broad spectrum of Singapore society but are all bonded by the same cause - to work with the community and Home Team to keep Singapore safe and secure. They partner our Home Team officers in various frontline operations - crime prevention, emergency response and preparedness training, anti-crime patrol duties, preventive drug education, fire-fighting and rescue, first-aid and emergency medical services, community involvement and public education. Others work with inmates and support their rehabilitation through religious counseling, mentoring and skills training, Yellow Ribbon volunteers also champion the acceptance of ex-offenders in the community. Find out more about the volunteering opportunities with the Home Team today !

You help maintain law and order because you want a safer environment for your loved ones.

Volunteer Special Constabulary (VSC) The Volunteering Experience Be a volunteer cop! VSC is an important component of the Singapore Police Force. Vested with the powers of police officers, VSCs serve alongside police officers and are posted to Police Land Divisions and specialist units such as Airport Police Division, Police Coast Guard, and the Public Transport Security Command.

Training offered You will be trained in policing skills, unarmed combat, Police Defence Tactics as well as in the use of firearms. Training will be held twice a week in the evenings and on alternate Saturdays over a 6-month period at the Home Team Academy.

Prerequisite Criteria     

Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident Physically Fit PES Status A or B for male applicants Minimum three GCE ‘O’ Level credits or NITEC Normal Colour Vision

To apply to join or if you wish to find out more, please contact the VSC HQ at 6557 5869 or visit www.htv.gov.sg.

Your Commitment VSCs are required to serve a minimum of 16 hours a month.

Singapore Prison Service Volunteers The Volunteering Experience Do you have a heart for those who have made mistakes in life and need support to get back onto the right path? Volunteers with the Singapore Prison Service facilitate inmates’ rehabilitation and re-integration process. They work with inmates, in the areas of religious counseling, social programmes, academic and enrichment programmes. Volunteers are also involved in mentoring and guiding released inmates through their aftercare phase.

Training Offered You will be familiarised with the prison environment and also receive training on how to conduct effective and purposeful sessions with inmates. There are also accredited developmental courses to enhance volunteers’ skills and competencies. Training will be conducted over two half-days.

Prerequisite Criteria  

Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident Minimum age of 18 years old

To apply to join or if you wish to find out more, please contact the Singapore Prisons Service at 6546 9539 or visit www.htv.gov.sg.

Your Commitment Volunteers will need to commit an average of 4 hours a month.

You play a big role in helping offenders get their lives back on track and become responsible citizens.

You help others in times of crisis —alleviate suffering, mitigate loss and save precious lives.

Civil Defence Auxiliary Unit (CDAU) The Volunteering Experience Saving Lives—Get involved ! CDAU officers don SCDF uniforms and take on frontline duties alongside regular SCDF officers in fire-fighting and rescue, providing emergency medical services, conducting enforcement checks for violation against fire safety regulations and educating the public on emergency preparedness.

Training Offered As a CDAU officer, you will be trained for your CDAU vocation - in fire -fighting skills and rescue techniques, fire safety enforcement, emergency medical service or in public education. Held over a period of up to 16 weeks (depending on the CDAU vocation), training will be conducted on weekday nights or weekend mornings at the Civil Defence Academy or the various SCDF Divisional HQs.

Prerequisite Criteria   

Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident Minimum age of 18 years old Minimum 'O' Levels or NITEC

*Certain vocations will have additional prerequisite criteria. To apply to join or if you wish to find out more, please contact the Singapore Civil Defence Force at 6848 3411 or visit www.htv.gov.sg.

Your Commitment CDAU volunteers are required to serve a minimum of 16 hours a month.

Because you impart important crime prevention knowledge, others do not become victims of crime.

Crime Prevention Ambassadors (CPA) The Volunteering Experience First step to stopping crime - be a Crime Prevention Ambassador ! Set up by the National Crime Prevention Council, Crime Prevention Ambassadors (CPAs) work in partnership with the Singapore Police Force and the community to keep Singapore safe and secure. through crime prevention. CPAs have a special mission to reach out to the elderly who are often targeted in scams and other forms of crimes.

Training Offered You will attend a one-day training to gain a better appreciation of the common crimes in Singapore and what preventive steps the community can take.

Prerequisite Criteria 

Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident

To apply to join or to find out more, please contact the National Crime Prevention Council Secretariat at 6478 2101 or visit www.htv.gov.sg.

Your Commitment Volunteers will need to commit an average of 4 hours a month.

You champion the acceptance of ex-offenders and promote a concerted community action to give them a second chance at life.

Yellow Ribbon Project Volunteers The Volunteering Experience The Yellow Ribbon—Do more than wear it . You will be part of a team of passionate individuals who believe in a kinder society, one which gives second chances to ex-offenders. You will support Yellow Ribbon events such as its annual run, art exhibitions, road shows and other outreach activities.

Training Offered New volunteers will undergo a one-day orientation to deepen their understanding of the Yellow Ribbon Project and the various programmes.

Prerequisite Criteria   

Singapore citizen or Permanent Resident Able bodied Aged 15 and 70 years old

To apply to join or to find out more, please contact SCORE at 6214 2857 or visit www.htv.gov.sg.

Your Commitment Volunteers will need to commit an average of 4 hours a month.

The Neighbourhood Active Responder Programme (NEAR) is a collaboration between the People’s Association, SCDF and SPF to train new and existing volunteers in life-saving and other emergency skills.

Other Home Team Volunteer Schemes Civil Defence (CD) Lionhearter Club Civil Defence (CD) Lionhearter Club was first established on 27 October 2009 at the Singapore Polytechnic. It has since expanded to all Polytechnics and ITE Colleges across Singapore. Equipped with emergency preparedness skills and knowledge, Lionhearters act as community first responders during an emergency. They are also trained as Community Engagement Ambassadors and may serve as mediators in incidents involving communal tensions on campus. In partnership with NGOs such as Mercy Relief, Lionhearters are also deployed overseas to undertake humanitarian projects in disaster-stricken or disaster-prone countries. If you are a student at a local Polytechnic or ITE College, check out the Civil Defence Lionhearter Club for more information. Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA) Ambassadors ICA Ambassadors share information on border security and identification matters, such as anti-harbouring with members of public. They also reach out to specific groups in the community such as senior citizens, students and foreign workers to share information on phone scams, illegal entry, overstaying and procedures on change of address on NRICs. Neighbourhood Active Responder Programme (NEAR) The Neighbourhood Active Responder Programme (NEAR) is a collaboration between the People’s Association, SCDF and SPF to train new and existing volunteers in life-saving and other emergency skills. It encourages the community to take greater ownership in emergency preparedness and response. Trained volunteers in the vicinity of a medical emergency will make lifesaving intervention before the arrival of emergency services. They are also trained to detect crime and fire incidents. To find out more about this programme, please send your queries to [email protected].

The National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) Cadet Lieutenants (CLTs) and Honorary Officers (HOs) assist schools in the conduct of rescue and first aid training, campcraft, foot drill and adventure training for the cadets.

Other Home Team Volunteer Schemes National Civil Defence Cadet Corps Cadet (NCDCC) Lieutenants & Honorary Officers The National Civil Defence Cadet Corps (NCDCC) Cadet Lieutenants (CLTs) and Honorary Officers (HOs) assist schools in the conduct of rescue and first aid training, campcraft, foot drill and adventure training for the cadets. They also assist in organising NCDCC cadets for their involvement in community engagement efforts, such as Emergency Preparedness Day events held at the residential heartlands. There are many opportunities for character development and honing of leadership skills. Uniformed Group (UG) background experience is a prerequisite. For more information, please visit http://www.ncdcc.gov.sg/.

National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC) Cadet Inspectors (CI) & Honorary Officers (HO) NPCC CIs & HOs are youth and adult leaders appointed to the Corps to assist in carrying out the training programmes of NPCC Units in schools. They contribute their services in classroom and field training for cadets as well as see to the smooth running of NPCC events at the HQ level. To find out more about the scheme, please visit www.npcc.gov.sg or email [email protected].

Neighborhood Watch Zone (NWZ) Scheme The Scheme involves joint action by the community to tackle safety and security problems of the local community. Grassroots committees, residents, the Police, as well as other relevant government agencies come together to support community-driven crime prevention efforts. First launched in 1997 with only 65 volunteers in 26 zones, the scheme has experienced tremendous growth with 5,009 volunteers participating across 627 zones. Residents may approach their respective Residents’ Committee (RC) or Neighbourhood Committee (NC) if they wish to join as a NWZ Volunteer.

Our HTVN office is located at: 31 Ah Hood Road, Singapore 329979 Tel: 6478 2896 If you have any feedback or enquires, please email us at : [email protected]