Update Standards - March 2009 - BSI Shop

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BS EN ISO 4263 ..................................................26. BS EN ISO 6149 ............................ ......................26. BS EN ISO ...... BS ISO 6446 .......................................................30.
British Standards – Quick Reference Guide The following British Standards are listed or referred to in this issue of Update Standards with the exception of those in ‘New Work Started’.

Building and civil engineering BS 1924 ..............................................................21 BS 5412 ..............................................................10 BS 5628 ........................................................18, 19 BS 5975 ..............................................................19 BS 6912 ........................................................11, 24 BS 8208 ..............................................................23 BS 8515 ..............................................................10 BS EN 200 ....................................................10, 19 BS EN 817 ..........................................................19 BS EN 1646 ........................................................10 BS EN 1857 ........................................................20 BS EN 1995 ........................................................20 BS EN ISO 3449 ..................................................11 BS EN ISO 3457 ..................................................11 BS EN ISO 3471 ............................................11, 24 BS EN ISO 6683 ..................................................11 BS EN ISO 7096 ..................................................11 BS EN 12273 ......................................................19 BS EN 13510 ................................................11, 24 BS EN 13696 ......................................................11 BS EN 15436 ......................................................12 BS EN 15644 ......................................................12 DD ENV 13696 ...................................................11 NA to BS EN 1993 ..............................................10 NA to BS EN 1999 ..............................................10 PD CEN/TR 15615 ...............................................17 PD 6695 .............................................................17

Consumer products and services BS 684 ...................................................26, 27, 28 BS 2472 ..............................................................11 BS 6222 ........................................................10, 23 BS 7142 ..............................................................11 DD CEN/TS 15790 ..............................................18 DD CEN ISO/TS 15530 ........................................18 BS EN ISO 662 ....................................................26 BS EN 1116 ........................................................21 BS EN ISO 1736 ..................................................10 BS EN ISO 1737 ..................................................10 BS EN ISO 1854 ..................................................10 BS EN ISO 2450 ..................................................11 BS EN ISO 6885 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 7208 ..................................................11 BS EN ISO 7328 ..................................................11 BS EN ISO 8381 ..................................................11 BS EN ISO 9936 ..................................................27 BS EN ISO 12228 ................................................27 BS EN 13721 ......................................................21 BS EN 13722 ......................................................21 BS EN 14073 ......................................................21 BS EN 14375 ......................................................19 BS EN 15288 ......................................................12 BS EN 15507 ......................................................12 BS EN 15633 ......................................................12 BS EN 15634 ......................................................12 BS EN ISO 15753 ................................................28 BS EN ISO 15788 ................................................28 BS EN ISO 24276 ................................................28 BS EN 50136 ......................................................14 BS ISO 3976 .......................................................29 BS ISO 6886 .......................................................30 BS ISO 9844 .......................................................30 BS ISO 9874 .......................................................30 BS ISO 10368 .....................................................30 BS ISO 12078 .....................................................31 BS ISO 18252 .....................................................32 BS ISO 23275 .....................................................32 PD ISO/TR 210 ....................................................28 PD ISO/TR 211 ....................................................28


Electrotechnical BS 581 ................................................................21 BS 1659 ..............................................................21 BS 1745 ..............................................................21 BS 2011 ..............................................................14 BS 3934 ..............................................................23 BS 5225 ..............................................................23 BS 8434 ..............................................................23 BS 9300 .................................................21, 22, 23 BS 9301 ..............................................................22 BS 9305 ..............................................................22 BS 9364 ..............................................................22 BS 9400 ..............................................................23 BS 9430 ..............................................................23 BS 9490 ..............................................................23 BS 9493 ..............................................................23 BS EN 13032 ......................................................23 BS EN 50085 ......................................................14 BS EN 50106 ......................................................14 BS EN 50200 ......................................................23 BS EN 50216 ......................................................14 BS EN 50408 ......................................................14 BS EN 50492 ......................................................14 BS EN 50521 ......................................................14 BS EN 60068 ................................................14, 24 BS EN 60079 ......................................................14 BS EN 60335 ................................................20, 24 BS EN 60384 ......................................................24 BS EN 60512 ................................................14, 15 BS EN 60519 ......................................................15 BS EN 60598 ......................................................15 BS EN 60704 ......................................................24 BS EN 60730 ......................................................24 BS EN 60793 ......................................................15 BS EN 60794 ......................................................15 BS EN 60851 ......................................................15 BS EN 60904 ......................................................15 BS EN 61000 ......................................................24 BS EN 61058 ......................................................24 BS EN 61162 ......................................................16 BS EN 61400 ......................................................16 BS EN 62227 ......................................................16 BS EN 62288 ......................................................16 BS EN 62305 ......................................................20 BS EN 62491 ......................................................16 BS EN 131800 ....................................................24 BS ISO 23273 .....................................................32 BS CECC 50000 ..................................................23 BS CECC 90000 ..................................................23 DD IEC/PAS 62137 ..............................................18 DD IEC/PAS 62562 ..............................................18 DD IEC/PAS 62587 ..............................................18 DD IEC/TS 61850 ................................................18 DD IEC/TS 62492 ................................................18 DD IEC/TS 62538 ................................................18 PD ES 59008 ................................................22, 23 PD 7639 .......................................................17, 24 PD CLC/TR 50378 ...............................................17 PD IEC/TR 60909 ..........................................17, 24 PD IEC/TR 62572 ................................................18 BS E9372 ............................................................24 BS E9375 ............................................................24

Engineering BS BS BS BS BS BS BS

746 ................................................................19 949 ................................................................24 1127 ..............................................................24 1660 ..............................................................24 2452 ..............................................................21 3087 ..............................................................25 3628 ..............................................................23

Prices may be subject to change.

BS 4062 ..............................................................25 BS 5315 ..............................................................20 BS 5341 ..............................................................25 BS 5449 ..............................................................23 BS 6148 ..............................................................25 BS 6798 ..............................................................10 BS 7275 ..............................................................25 BS 7570 ........................................................14, 23 DD CEN/TS 13388 ..............................................19 BS EN 115 ..........................................................10 BS EN 999 ..........................................................19 BS EN 1088 ........................................................19 BS EN 1093 ........................................................19 BS EN 1526 ........................................................19 BS EN 1550 ........................................................19 BS EN 1612 ........................................................20 BS EN 1886 ........................................................19 BS EN 1914 ........................................................10 BS EN ISO 4263 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 6149 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 7369 ..................................................26 BS EN 9101 ........................................................11 BS EN ISO 10407 ................................................11 BS EN ISO 10417 ................................................27 BS EN ISO 10424 ................................................27 BS EN ISO 10426 ................................................27 BS EN ISO 10427 ................................................27 BS EN ISO 10432 ................................................27 BS EN ISO 10447 ................................................27 BS EN ISO 11961 ................................................11 BS EN 12077 ......................................................19 BS EN ISO 12156 ................................................27 BS EN 12484 ......................................................27 BS EN 12734 ......................................................27 BS EN 12828 ................................................19, 23 BS EN 12831 ................................................19, 23 BS EN 13083 ......................................................11 BS EN 13597 ......................................................21 BS EN ISO 13625 ................................................27 BS EN ISO 13631 ................................................27 BS EN 13997 ......................................................27 BS EN ISO 14172 ................................................12 BS EN 14336 ................................................19, 23 BS EN ISO 14373 ................................................27 BS EN 15166 ......................................................12 BS EN 15194 ......................................................12 BS EN 15268 ......................................................12 BS EN 15316 ......................................................12 BS EN ISO 15465 ................................................28 BS EN 15620 ......................................................12 BS EN 15629 ......................................................12 BS EN 15635 ......................................................12 BS EN 15655 ......................................................12 BS EN 15800 ......................................................14 BS EN ISO 16432 ................................................28 BS EN ISO 16433 ................................................28 BS EN ISO 17078 ................................................28 BS EN ISO 21329 ................................................28 BS EN 29367 ......................................................28 BS EN 50504 ................................................14, 23 BS EN 60404 ......................................................20 BS ISO 525 .........................................................29 BS ISO 603 .........................................................29 BS ISO 1085 .......................................................29 BS ISO 1540 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2697 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2705 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2943 .......................................................29 BS ISO 3290 .................................................16, 17 BS ISO 3366 .......................................................29 BS ISO 3842 .......................................................29 BS ISO 3888 .......................................................29

Update Standards Mar 2009

British Standards – Quick Reference Guide continued... BS ISO 4093 .......................................................29 BS ISO 4309 .......................................................20 BS ISO 4688 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4992 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6020 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6022 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6487 .......................................................20 BS ISO 6967 .......................................................30 BS ISO 7975 .......................................................30 BS ISO 8083 .......................................................30 BS ISO 8132 .......................................................30 BS ISO 8178 .......................................................30 BS ISO 8470 .......................................................30 BS ISO 8528 .......................................................20 BS ISO 8535 .......................................................30 BS ISO 9136 .......................................................30 BS ISO 9628 .......................................................30 BS ISO 9816 .......................................................30 BS ISO 10129 .....................................................30 BS ISO 10521 .....................................................31 BS ISO 10770 .....................................................31 BS ISO 11565 .....................................................31 BS ISO 11614 .....................................................31 BS ISO 11783 .....................................................31 BS ISO 12003 .....................................................17 BS ISO 13292 .....................................................31 BS ISO 13674 .....................................................31 BS ISO 14245 .....................................................31 BS ISO 14508 .....................................................31 BS ISO 14512 .....................................................31 BS ISO 14513 .....................................................31 BS ISO 15003 .....................................................31 BS ISO 15037 .....................................................31 BS ISO 15242 .....................................................31 BS ISO 15995 .....................................................31 BS ISO 16134 .....................................................31 BS ISO 16149 .....................................................31 BS ISO 16234 .....................................................31 BS ISO 18207 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19472 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19812 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19813 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19932 .....................................................32 BS ISO 20826 .....................................................32 BS ISO 21011 .....................................................17 BS ISO 21308 .....................................................32 BS ISO 22168 .....................................................32 BS ISO 22241 .....................................................32 BS ISO 22369 .....................................................32 BS ISO 23933 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24134 .....................................................32 DD ISO/PAS 11154 .............................................31 DD ISO/TS 13399 ................................................18 PD ISO/TR 1281 ..................................................17 PD ISO/TR 16806 ................................................31 BS 3M 45 ...........................................................21 BS AU 262 ..........................................................32 BS AU 263 ..........................................................33 BS AU 264 ..........................................................33

Health and environment BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS

6068 ...........................................20, 26, 27, 28 EN 172 ..........................................................20 EN ISO 6878 ..................................................26 EN ISO 7405 ..................................................11 EN ISO 10846 ................................................11 EN ISO 11608 ................................................27 EN ISO 13732 ................................................12 EN 14407 ......................................................27 EN 14614 ......................................................28 EN ISO 16264 ................................................28

Update Standards Mar 2009


EN ISO 17294 ................................................28 EN ISO 17994 ................................................28 EN ISO 21171 ................................................28 EN 61675 ......................................................20 ISO 5832 .......................................................17 ISO 20665 .....................................................17 ISO 23317 .....................................................17

Information systems BS EN 14890 ......................................................12 BS EN 61158 ..........................................15, 16, 24 BS ISO/IEC 19757 ...............................................17 DD ISO/TS 25237 ................................................18 PD ISO/IEC TR 15504 ..........................................17

BS EN ISO 7765 ..................................................27 BS EN ISO 10058 ..........................................11, 24 BS EN 10271 ......................................................21 BS EN ISO 10308 ................................................27 BS EN ISO 12086 ................................................27 BS EN 12175 ......................................................11 BS EN 14420 ......................................................27 BS EN 14422 ......................................................27 BS EN 14423 ......................................................28 BS EN 14424 ......................................................28 BS EN ISO 14631 ................................................28 BS EN ISO 14663 ................................................28 BS EN 15029 ......................................................12 BS EN 15031 ......................................................12

Management systems BS 8848 ..............................................................19 BIP 2154 .............................................................24 BS EN 15696 ......................................................14 BS EN 15707 ......................................................19 BS EN 60027 ......................................................16 BS EN 62428 ......................................................16 BS EN 80000 ......................................................16 BS ISO 31 .....................................................17, 24 BS ISO 3534 .......................................................29 BS ISO 80000 ...............................................17, 24 PD 6668 .............................................................24

BS EN 15608 ......................................................12 BS EN 15702 ......................................................14 BS EN ISO 15702 ................................................23 BS EN 15704 ......................................................14 BS EN ISO 15882 ................................................14 BS EN 20105 ......................................................28 BS ISO 247 .........................................................28 BS ISO 363 ...................................................28, 29 BS ISO 368 .........................................................29 BS ISO 815 ...................................................16, 23 BS ISO 1126 .......................................................29 BS ISO 1304 .......................................................29

Materials and chemicals

BS ISO 1409 .......................................................29

BS 903 ..........................................................16, 23 BS 2782 ........................................................24, 25 BS 3424 ..............................................................26 BS 3505 ........................................................20, 21 BS 4140 ..............................................................25 BS 4346 ........................................................20, 21 BS 4443 ........................................................14, 23 BS 5293 ..............................................................25 BS 6057 ..............................................................25 BS 7291 ..............................................................21 DD CEN/TS 14421 ..............................................27 DD CEN/TS 15750 ..............................................18 DD CEN ISO/TS 15874 ........................................28 DD CEN ISO/TS 15875 ........................................28 DD CEN ISO/TS 15876 ........................................28 BS EN ISO 105 ........................................19, 25, 26 BS EN ISO 845 ....................................................23 BS EN ISO 1167 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 1269 ..................................................26 BS EN 1409 ........................................................10 BS EN ISO 1622 ..................................................26 BS EN 1765 ........................................................26 BS EN ISO 1798 ..................................................23 BS EN ISO 1856 ..................................................23 BS EN ISO 1872 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 1923 ..................................................23 BS EN ISO 2231 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 2419 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 2439 ..................................................11 BS EN ISO 3385 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 3386 ..................................................23 BS EN ISO 4098 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 4167 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 4375 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 4612 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 4613 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 5263 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 5269 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 5470 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 6383 ..................................................26 BS EN ISO 7391 ............................................26, 27

BS ISO 2028 .......................................................29

Prices may be subject to change.

BS ISO 1434 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2475 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2561 .......................................................29 BS ISO 4195 .......................................................17 BS ISO 4658 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4660 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4926 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4928 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4930 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6101 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6118 .......................................................30 BS ISO 6446 .......................................................30 BS ISO 8118 .......................................................30 BS ISO 8312 .......................................................30 BS ISO 8332 .......................................................30 BS ISO 9028 .......................................................30 BS ISO 9128 .......................................................30 BS ISO 11235 .....................................................31 BS ISO 13990 .....................................................31 BS ISO 14531 .....................................................31 BS ISO 15585 .....................................................31 BS ISO 15971 .....................................................17 BS ISO 17087 .....................................................31 BS ISO 17334 .....................................................17 BS ISO 17499 .....................................................31 BS ISO 17500 .....................................................31 BS ISO 18898 .....................................................32 BS ISO 19212 .....................................................32 BS ISO 20299 .....................................................32 BS ISO 21869 .....................................................32 BS ISO 22768 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24335 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24338 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24340 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24341 .....................................................32 BS ISO 26945 .....................................................17 PD CEN/TR 15367 ...............................................17


Alpha-numeric Sequence of British Standards Alpha-numeric sequence of British Standards quoted in this issue BS 581 ................................................................21 BS 684 ...................................................26, 27, 28 BS 746 ................................................................19 BS 903 ..........................................................16, 23 BS 949 ................................................................24 BS 1127 ..............................................................24 BS 1659 ..............................................................21 BS 1660 ..............................................................24 BS 1745 ..............................................................21 BS 1924 ..............................................................21 BS 2011 ..............................................................14 BS 2452 ..............................................................21 BS 2472 ..............................................................11 BS 2782 ........................................................24, 25 BS 3087 ..............................................................25 BS 3424 ..............................................................26 BS 3505 ........................................................20, 21 BS 3628 ..............................................................23 BS 3934 ..............................................................23 BS 4062 ..............................................................25 BS 4140 ..............................................................25 BS 4346 ........................................................20, 21 BS 4443 ........................................................14, 23 BS 5225 ..............................................................23 BS 5293 ..............................................................25 BS 5315 ..............................................................20 BS 5341 ..............................................................25 BS 5412 ..............................................................10 BS 5449 ..............................................................23 BS 5628 ........................................................18, 19 BS 5975 ..............................................................19 BS 6057 ..............................................................25 BS 6068 ...........................................20, 26, 27, 28 BS 6148 ..............................................................25 BS 6222 ........................................................10, 23 BS 6798 ..............................................................10 BS 6912 ........................................................11, 24 BS 7142 ..............................................................11 BS 7275 ..............................................................25 BS 7291 ..............................................................21 BS 7570 ........................................................14, 23 BS 8208 ..............................................................23 BS 8434 ..............................................................23 BS 8515 ..............................................................10 BS 8848 ..............................................................19 BS 9300 .................................................21, 22, 23 BS 9301 ..............................................................22 BS 9305 ..............................................................22 BS 9364 ..............................................................22 BS 9400 ..............................................................23 BS 9430 ..............................................................23 BS 9490 ..............................................................23 BS 9493 ..............................................................23 BIP 2154 .............................................................24 BIP 3083 .............................................................18 DD CEN/TS 13388 ..............................................19 DD CEN/TS 14421 ..............................................27 DD CEN/TS 15750 ..............................................18 DD CEN/TS 15790 ..............................................18 DD CEN ISO/TS 15530 ........................................18 DD CEN ISO/TS 15874 ........................................28 DD CEN ISO/TS 15875 ........................................28 DD CEN ISO/TS 15876 ........................................28 BS EN ISO 105 ........................................19, 25, 26 BS EN 115 ..........................................................10 BS EN 172 ..........................................................20 BS EN 200 ....................................................10, 19 BS EN ISO 662 ....................................................26 BS EN 817 ..........................................................19




ISO 845 ....................................................23 999 ..........................................................19 1088 ........................................................19 1093 ........................................................19 1116 ........................................................21 ISO 1167 ..................................................26 ISO 1269 ..................................................26 1409 ........................................................10 1526 ........................................................19 1550 ........................................................19 1612 ........................................................20 ISO 1622 ..................................................26 1646 ........................................................10 ISO 1736 ..................................................10 ISO 1737 ..................................................10 1765 ........................................................26 ISO 1798 ..................................................23 ISO 1854 ..................................................10 ISO 1856 ..................................................23 1857 ........................................................20 ISO 1872 ..................................................26 1886 ........................................................19 1914 ........................................................10 ISO 1923 ..................................................23 1995 ........................................................20 ISO 2231 ..................................................26 ISO 2419 ..................................................26 ISO 2439 ..................................................11 ISO 2450 ..................................................11 ISO 3385 ..................................................26 ISO 3386 ..................................................23 ISO 3449 ..................................................11 ISO 3457 ..................................................11 ISO 3471 ............................................11, 24 ISO 4098 ..................................................26 ISO 4167 ..................................................26 ISO 4263 ..................................................26 ISO 4375 ..................................................26 ISO 4612 ..................................................26 ISO 4613 ..................................................26 ISO 5263 ..................................................26 ISO 5269 ..................................................26 ISO 5470 ..................................................26 ISO 6149 ..................................................26 ISO 6383 ..................................................26 ISO 6683 ..................................................11 ISO 6878 ..................................................26 ISO 6885 ..................................................26 ISO 7096 ..................................................11 ISO 7208 ..................................................11 ISO 7328 ..................................................11 ISO 7369 ..................................................26 ISO 7391 ............................................26, 27 ISO 7405 ..................................................11 ISO 7765 ..................................................27 ISO 8381 ..................................................11 9101 ........................................................11 ISO 9936 ..................................................27 ISO 10058 ..........................................11, 24 10271 ......................................................21 ISO 10308 ................................................27 ISO 10407 ................................................11 ISO 10417 ................................................27 ISO 10424 ................................................27 ISO 10426 ................................................27 ISO 10427 ................................................27 ISO 10432 ................................................27 ISO 10447 ................................................27 ISO 10846 ................................................11 ISO 11608 ................................................27 ISO 11961 ................................................11 12077 ......................................................19

Prices may be subject to change.



ISO 12086 ................................................27 ISO 12156 ................................................27 12175 ......................................................11 ISO 12228 ................................................27 12273 ......................................................19 12484 ......................................................27 12734 ......................................................27 12828 ................................................19, 23 12831 ................................................19, 23 13032 ......................................................23 13083 ......................................................11 13510 ................................................11, 24 13597 ......................................................21 ISO 13625 ................................................27 ISO 13631 ................................................27 13696 ......................................................11 13721 ......................................................21 13722 ......................................................21 ISO 13732 ................................................12 13997 ......................................................27 14073 ......................................................21 ISO 14172 ................................................12 14336 ................................................19, 23 ISO 14373 ................................................27 14375 ......................................................19 14407 ......................................................27 14420 ......................................................27 14422 ......................................................27 14423 ......................................................28 14424 ......................................................28 14614 ......................................................28 ISO 14631 ................................................28 ISO 14663 ................................................28 14890 ......................................................12 15029 ......................................................12 15031 ......................................................12 15166 ......................................................12 15194 ......................................................12 15268 ......................................................12 15288 ......................................................12 15316 ......................................................12 15436 ......................................................12 ISO 15465 ................................................28 15507 ......................................................12 15608 ......................................................12 15620 ......................................................12 15629 ......................................................12 15633 ......................................................12 15634 ......................................................12 15635 ......................................................12 15644 ......................................................12 15655 ......................................................12 15696 ......................................................14 ISO 15702 ................................................23 15702 ......................................................14 15704 ......................................................14 15707 ......................................................19 ISO 15753 ................................................28 ISO 15788 ................................................28 15800 ......................................................14 ISO 15882 ................................................14 ISO 16264 ................................................28 ISO 16432 ................................................28 ISO 16433 ................................................28 ISO 17078 ................................................28 ISO 17294 ................................................28 ISO 17994 ................................................28 20105 ......................................................28 ISO 21171 ................................................28 ISO 21329 ................................................28 ISO 24276 ................................................28 29367 ......................................................28

Update Standards Mar 2009

Alpha-numeric Sequence of British Standards continued... BS EN 50085 ......................................................14 BS EN 50106 ......................................................14 BS EN 50136 ......................................................14 BS EN 50200 ......................................................23 BS EN 50216 ......................................................14 BS EN 50408 ......................................................14 BS EN 50492 ......................................................14 BS EN 50504 ................................................14, 23 BS EN 50521 ......................................................14 BS EN 60027 ......................................................16 BS EN 60068 ................................................14, 24 BS EN 60079 ......................................................14 BS EN 60335 ................................................20, 24 BS EN 60384 ......................................................24 BS EN 60404 ......................................................20 BS EN 60512 ................................................14, 15 BS EN 60519 ......................................................15 BS EN 60598 ......................................................15 BS EN 60704 ......................................................24 BS EN 60730 ......................................................24 BS EN 60793 ......................................................15 BS EN 60794 ......................................................15 BS EN 60851 ......................................................15 BS EN 60904 ......................................................15 BS EN 61000 ......................................................24 BS EN 61058 ......................................................24 BS EN 61158 ..........................................15, 16, 24 BS EN 61162 ......................................................16 BS EN 61400 ......................................................16 BS EN 61675 ......................................................20 BS EN 62227 ......................................................16 BS EN 62288 ......................................................16 BS EN 62305 ......................................................20 BS EN 62428 ......................................................16 BS EN 62491 ......................................................16 BS EN 80000 ......................................................16 BS EN 131800 ....................................................24 DD ENV 13696 ...................................................11 BS ISO 31 .....................................................17, 24 BS ISO 247 .........................................................28 BS ISO 363 ...................................................28, 29 BS ISO 368 .........................................................29 BS ISO 525 .........................................................29 BS ISO 603 .........................................................29 BS ISO 815 ...................................................16, 23 BS ISO 1085 .......................................................29 BS ISO 1126 .......................................................29 BS ISO 1304 .......................................................29 BS ISO 1409 .......................................................29 BS ISO 1434 .......................................................29 BS ISO 1540 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2028 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2475 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2561 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2697 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2705 .......................................................29 BS ISO 2943 .......................................................29 BS ISO 3290 .................................................16, 17 BS ISO 3366 .......................................................29 BS ISO 3534 .......................................................29 BS ISO 3842 .......................................................29 BS ISO 3888 .......................................................29 BS ISO 3976 .......................................................29 BS ISO 4093 .......................................................29 BS ISO 4195 .......................................................17 BS ISO 4309 .......................................................20 BS ISO 4658 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4660 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4688 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4926 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4928 .......................................................30 BS ISO 4930 .......................................................30



ISO 4992 .......................................................30 ISO 5832 .......................................................17 ISO 6020 .......................................................30 ISO 6022 .......................................................30 ISO 6101 .......................................................30 ISO 6118 .......................................................30 ISO 6446 .......................................................30 ISO 6487 .......................................................20 ISO 6886 .......................................................30 ISO 6967 .......................................................30 ISO 7975 .......................................................30 ISO 8083 .......................................................30 ISO 8118 .......................................................30 ISO 8132 .......................................................30 ISO 8178 .......................................................30 ISO 8312 .......................................................30 ISO 8332 .......................................................30 ISO 8470 .......................................................30 ISO 8528 .......................................................20 ISO 8535 .......................................................30 ISO 9028 .......................................................30 ISO 9128 .......................................................30 ISO 9136 .......................................................30 ISO 9628 .......................................................30 ISO 9816 .......................................................30 ISO 9844 .......................................................30 ISO 9874 .......................................................30 ISO 10129 .....................................................30 ISO 10368 .....................................................30 ISO 10521 .....................................................31 ISO 10770 .....................................................31 ISO 11235 .....................................................31 ISO 11565 .....................................................31 ISO 11614 .....................................................31 ISO 11783 .....................................................31 ISO 12003 .....................................................17 ISO 12078 .....................................................31 ISO 13292 .....................................................31 ISO 13674 .....................................................31 ISO 13990 .....................................................31 ISO 14245 .....................................................31 ISO 14508 .....................................................31 ISO 14512 .....................................................31 ISO 14513 .....................................................31 ISO 14531 .....................................................31 ISO 15003 .....................................................31 ISO 15037 .....................................................31 ISO 15242 .....................................................31 ISO 15585 .....................................................31 ISO 15971 .....................................................17 ISO 15995 .....................................................31 ISO 16134 .....................................................31 ISO 16149 .....................................................31 ISO 16234 .....................................................31 ISO 17087 .....................................................31 ISO 17334 .....................................................17 ISO 17499 .....................................................31 ISO 17500 .....................................................31 ISO 18207 .....................................................32 ISO 18252 .....................................................32 ISO 18898 .....................................................32 ISO 19212 .....................................................32 ISO 19472 .....................................................32 ISO/IEC 19757 ...............................................17 ISO 19812 .....................................................32 ISO 19813 .....................................................32 ISO 19932 .....................................................32 ISO 20299 .....................................................32 ISO 20665 .....................................................17 ISO 20826 .....................................................32 ISO 21011 .....................................................17 ISO 21308 .....................................................32

Prices may be subject to change.

BS ISO 21869 .....................................................32 BS ISO 22168 .....................................................32 BS ISO 22241 .....................................................32 BS ISO 22369 .....................................................32 BS ISO 22768 .....................................................32 BS ISO 23273 .....................................................32 BS ISO 23275 .....................................................32 BS ISO 23317 .....................................................17 BS ISO 23933 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24134 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24335 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24338 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24340 .....................................................32 BS ISO 24341 .....................................................32 BS ISO 26945 .....................................................17 BS ISO 80000 ...............................................17, 24 BS CECC 50000 ..................................................23 BS CECC 90000 ..................................................23 DD ISO/PAS 11154 .............................................31 DD ISO/TS 13399 ................................................18 DD ISO/TS 25237 ................................................18 DD IEC/PAS 62137 ..............................................18 DD IEC/PAS 62562 ..............................................18 DD IEC/PAS 62587 ..............................................18 DD IEC/TS 61850 ................................................18 DD IEC/TS 62492 ................................................18 DD IEC/TS 62538 ................................................18 NA to BS EN 1993 ..............................................10 NA to BS EN 1999 ..............................................10 PD ES 59008 ................................................22, 23 PD CEN/TR 15367 ...............................................17 PD CEN/TR 15615 ...............................................17 PD 6668 .............................................................24 PD 6695 .............................................................17 PD 7639 .......................................................17, 24 PD ISO/TR 210 ....................................................28 PD ISO/TR 211 ....................................................28 PD ISO/TR 1281 ..................................................17 PD ISO/IEC TR 15504 ..........................................17 PD ISO/TR 16806 ................................................31 PD CLC/TR 50378 ...............................................17 PD IEC/TR 60909 ..........................................17, 24 PD IEC/TR 62572 ................................................18 BS 3M 45 ...........................................................21 BS E9372 ............................................................24 BS E9375 ............................................................24 BS AU 262 ..........................................................32 BS AU 263 ..........................................................33 BS AU 264 ..........................................................33 PAS 197 .............................................................18 PAS 2020 ...........................................................18

Please do not send confirmation of orders placed by telephone as it can lead to duplication

Update Standards Mar 2009

British Standards

BRITISH STANDARDS The following British Standard publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2). The publications listed below are new and revised British Standards that were made available last month. An existing BSI publication bearing a number identical to one announced below is automatically withdrawn unless stated otherwise. In all other cases of supersession, details are given and a corresponding entry appears in the ’British Standards withdrawn’ section. BRITISH STANDARD IMPLEMENTATIONS WILL BE SUPPLIED IN PREFERENCE TO EUROPEAN OR INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS, UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUESTED.

NA to BS EN 1993:—

BS EN 200:2008

UK National Annex (informative) to Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures

Sanitary tapware. Single taps and combination taps for water supply systems of type 1 and type 2. General technical specification

NA to BS EN 1993-1-10:2005 Material toughness and through thickness properties no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54972 4 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members B/525/31

NA to BS EN 1999:— UK National Annex to Eurocode 9

NA to BS EN 1999-1:—


BS EN 1409:2008 Chemicals used for water treatment intended for human consumption. Polyamines supersedes BS EN 1409:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 58027 7 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members CII/59

Design of aluminium structures

NA to BS EN 1999-1-2:2007 Structural fire design no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57346 0 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members

Please order by the British Standard reference not the ISBN number.


BS 2000 series standards are also available from:– Library of the Energy Institute 61 New Cavendish Street London W1G 7AR Tel: 020 7467 7100 Fax: 020 7255 1472 Email: [email protected] For this series, member pricing is applicable to BSI and Energy Institute members.

NA to BS EN 1999-1-4:2007

BS 6222:—

supersedes BS EN 200:1992 which is withdrawn and BS 5412:1996 which is declared obsolescent ISBN 978 0 580 66665 0 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members

Cold-formed structural sheeting

BS EN 1646:— Leisure accommodation vehicles. Motor caravans

BS EN 1646-2:2008 User payload supersedes BS EN 1646-2:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 60106 4 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57350 7 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members



BS EN ISO 1736:2008

NA to BS EN 1999-1-5:2007

Dried milk and dried milk products. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (Reference method)

Shell structures no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57352 1 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN ISO 1736:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 63533 5 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members AW/5


Domestic kitchen equipment

BS EN ISO 1737:2008 BS 6222-2:2009 Fitted kitchen units, peninsular units, island units and breakfast bars. Performance requirements and test methods supersedes BS 6222-2:1997 and BS 6222-5:1995 ISBN 978 0 580 57903 5 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

BS EN PUBLICATIONS The following are British Standard implementations of the English language versions of European Standards (ENs).

Evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (Reference method) supersedes BS EN ISO 1737:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 63537 3 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

BSI has an obligation to publish all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards. This has led to a series of standards, BS ENs, using the EN number.


Specification for installation and maintenance of gas-fired boilers of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net

Note: The date referenced in the identifier is the date of the European standard.

Whey cheese. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (Reference method)

supersedes BS 6798:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 59048 1 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members

BS EN 115:—


Safety of escalators and moving walks

BS 8515:2009

BS EN 115-1:2008

Rainwater harvesting systems. Code of practice

Construction and installation

Inland navigation vessels. Work boats, ship’s boats and lifeboats

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60490 4 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 115:1995 ISBN 978 0 580 59279 9 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 1914:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 59524 0 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members





BS 6798:2009

BS EN ISO 1854:2008

supersedes BS EN ISO 1854:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 63539 7 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members AW/5

BS EN 1914:2009


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS EN ISO 2439:2008

BS EN ISO 7328:2008

BS EN ISO 10407:—

Flexible cellular polymeric materials. Determination of hardness (indentation technique)

Milk-based edible ices and ice mixes. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (Reference method)

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Rotary drilling equipment

supersedes BS EN ISO 2439:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 56850 3 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

supersedes the dual numbered standard BS EN ISO 7328:2000, BS 2472-3:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 63536 6 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members



BS EN ISO 2450:2008 Cream. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (Reference method) supersedes BS EN ISO 2450:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 63535 9 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

Dentistry. Evaluation of biocompatibility of medical devices used in dentistry

BS EN ISO 3449:2008


Earth-moving machinery. Falling-object protective structures. Laboratory tests and performance requirements

BS EN ISO 8381:2008

supersedes BS EN ISO 3449:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 63420 8 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

Milk-based infant foods. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (Reference method)

Earth-moving machinery. Guards. Definitions and requirements supersedes BS EN ISO 3457:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 63417 8 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

supersedes the dual numbered standard BS EN ISO 8381:2000, BS 7142-1:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 63534 2 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

Earth-moving machinery. Seat belts and seat belt anchorages. Performance requirements and tests


BS EN ISO 11961:2008 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Steel drill pipe



BS EN ISO 10058:— Chemical analysis of magnesite and dolomite refractory products (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method)

BS EN ISO 10058-1:2008 Apparatus, reagents, dissolution and determination of gravimetric silica

supersedes BS EN ISO 6683:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 63450 5 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN ISO 10058:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 57833 5 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members



BS EN ISO 7096:2008

supersedes BS EN ISO 10846-1:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 53987 9 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

BS EN 9101:2008

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60602 1 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 6683:2008

BS EN ISO 10846-1:2008

supersedes BS EN ISO 11961:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 53556 7 £103.00 members, £206.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 3471:2008


Acoustics and vibration. Laboratory measurement of vibro-acoustic transfer properties of resilient elements


Aerospace series. Quality management systems. Assessment (based on ISO 9001:2000)

supersedes the dual numbered standard BS EN 13510:2000, BS 6912-14:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 63517 5 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 10846:—

Principles and guidelines


Earth-moving machinery. Roll-over protective structures. Laboratory tests and performance requirements

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54834 5 £124.00 members, £248.00 non-members PSE/17/-/4


BS EN ISO 3457:2008

Inspection and classification of used drill stem elements

BS EN ISO 7405:2008

supersedes BS EN ISO 7405:1997 ISBN 978 0 580 58623 1 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members


BS EN ISO 10407-2:2008

BS EN 12175:2006 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Hexafluorosilicic acid supersedes BS EN 12175:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 57138 1 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members CII/59

BS EN 13083:2008 Tanks for transport of dangerous goods. Service equipment for tanks. Adaptor for bottom loading and unloading supersedes BS EN 13083:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 57856 4 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members AUE/18

BS EN 13696:2008 Wood flooring. Test methods to determine elasticity and resistance to wear and impact resistance

Earth-moving machinery. Laboratory evaluation of operator seat vibration

BS EN ISO 10058-2:2008

supersedes the dual numbered standard BS EN ISO 7096:2000, BS 6912-17:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 63419 2 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN ISO 10058:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 57834 2 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

Wet chemical analysis

supersedes DD ENV 13696:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 56450 5 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members B/543



BS EN ISO 7208:2008

BS EN ISO 10058-3:2008

Skimmed milk, whey and buttermilk. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (Reference method)

Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES)

supersedes BS EN ISO 7208:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 63538 0 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN ISO 10058:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 57835 9 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members



Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.

e-mail your order [email protected]


BS EN Publications continued... BS EN ISO 13732:—

BS EN 15268:2008

BS EN 15620:2008

Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Methods for the assessment of human responses to contact with surfaces

Petrol filling stations. Safety requirements for the construction of submersible pump assemblies

Steel static storage systems. Adjustable pallet racking. Tolerances, deformations and clearances

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55491 9 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58292 9 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members



BS EN ISO 13732-1:2008 Hot surfaces supersedes BS EN ISO 13732-1:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 65126 7 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members PH/9/1

BS EN 15288:— Swimming pools

BS EN 15288-1:2008 BS EN ISO 14172:2008

Safety requirements for design

Welding consumables. Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys. Classification

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55532 9 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN ISO 14172:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 63497 0 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members WEE/39

Application interface for smart cards used as secure signature creation devices

Basic services no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58269 1 £114.00 members, £228.00 non-members IST/17

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55797 2 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

BS EN 15316:— Heating systems in buildings. Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system efficiencies

Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Iron (III) hydroxide oxide

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60840 7 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54995 3 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members



Road service area maintenance equipment

BS EN 15031:2006 Chemicals used for treatment of swimming pool water. Aluminium based coagulants no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54997 7 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members


Foodstuffs. Detection of food allergens by immunological methods

BS EN 15633-1:2009 General considerations no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58240 0 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members AW/-/3

BS EN 15634:— BS EN 15316-4-7:2008 Space heating generation systems, biomass combustion systems

BS EN 15029:2006

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57755 0 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

BS EN 15633:— BS EN 15288-2:2008


BS EN 14890-1:2008

Steel static storage systems. Specification of storage equipment


Safety requirements for operation

BS EN 14890:—

BS EN 15629:2008

BS EN 15436:—

Foodstuffs. Detection of food allergens by molecular biological methods

BS EN 15634-1:2009 General considerations no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58241 7 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members AW/-/3

BS EN 15436-2:2008

BS EN 15635:2008

Performance assessment

Steel static storage systems. Application and maintenance of storage equipment

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56222 8 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members B/513

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55991 4 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members MHE/8


BS EN 15507:2008 BS EN 15166:2008 Food processing machinery. Automatic back splitting machines of butchery carcasses. Safety and hygiene requirements no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55173 4 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

Packaging. Transport packaging for dangerous goods. Comparative material testing of polyethylene grades

BS EN 15644:2008

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56829 9 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58297 4 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members



Traditionally designed prefabricated stairs made of solid wood. Specifications and requirements


BS EN 15608:2008 BS EN 15655:2009

Cycles. Electrically power assisted cycles. EPAC bicycles

Surface active agents. Quantitative determination of free fatty acid in alkylamidopropylbetaines. Gas-chromatographic method

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53173 6 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58044 4 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57723 9 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members




BS EN 15194:2009


Prices may be subject to change.

Ductile iron pipes, fittings and accessories. Internal polyurethane lining for pipes and fittings. Requirements and test methods

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS EN Publications continued... BS EN 15696:2008

BS EN 50136:—

BS EN 60068-2-31:2008

Self storage. Specification for self storage services

Alarm systems. Alarm transmission systems and equipment

Test Ec. Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimens

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59254 6 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

BS EN 50136-1-5:2008


BS EN 15702:2008 Cellular plastics. Cell count procedure for flexible and rigid polyurethane supersedes BS 4443-1:1988 ISBN 978 0 580 58983 6 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members PRI/24

BS EN 15704:2008 Liming materials. Determination of the breakdown of granulated calcium and calcium/magnesium carbonates under the influence of water no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58989 8 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members CII/37

BS EN 15800:2008 Cylindrical helical springs made of round wire. Quality specifications for cold coiled compression springs no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62061 4 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members GME/15

BS EN ISO 15882:2008 Sterilization of health care products. Chemical indicators. Guidance for selection, use and interpretation of results supersedes BS EN ISO 15882:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 55729 3 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members LBI/35

Requirements for packet switched network PSN no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55875 7 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members GW/1/5

BS EN 50216:—

Cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems for electrical installations

BS EN 50085-2-2:2008 Particular requirements for cable trunking systems and cable ducting systems intended for mounting underfloor, flushfloor, or onfloor no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58291 2 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members PEL/213

BS EN 60079:— Explosive atmospheres

BS EN 60079-14:2008 BS EN 50216-11:2008 Oil and winding temperature indicators

Electrical installations design, selection and erection

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64604 1 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 60079-14:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 55710 1 £95.00 members, £190.00 non-members



BS EN 50408:2008 Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Particular requirements for cab heaters for vehicles no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56084 2 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members CPL/61/07

BS EN 50492:2008 Basic standard for the in-situ measurement of electromagnetic field strength related to human exposure in the vicinity of base stations no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57564 8 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members

BS EN 60512:— Connectors for electronic equipment. Tests and measurements

BS EN 60512-16:— Mechanical tests on contacts and terminations

BS EN 60512-16-3:2008 Test 16c. Contact-bending strength no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55909 9 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members EPL/48


BS EN 50504:2008 Validation of arc welding equipment supersedes BS 7570:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 58174 8 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

BS EN 60512-16-6:2008 Test 16f. Robustness of terminations no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55912 9 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members EPL/48

BS EN 50521:2008

BS EN 60512-16-7:2008

Connectors for photovoltaic systems. Safety requirements and tests

Test 16g. Measurement of contact deformation after crimping

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62315 8 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55913 6 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members



BS EN 60068:— Environmental testing

BS EN 60068-2:— Tests

BS EN 50106:2008 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances. Particular rules for routine tests referring to appliances under the scope of EN 60335-1

BS EN 60068-2-20:2008

supersedes BS EN 50106:1997 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61272 5 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

supersedes BS 2011-2.1T:1981 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 55763 7 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members





Power transformer and reactor fittings


BS EN 50085:—

supersedes BS EN 60068-2-31:1993 and BS EN 60068-2-32:1993 ISBN 978 0 580 55736 1 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

Test T. Test methods for solderability and resistance to soldering heat of devices with leads

Prices may be subject to change.

BS EN 60512-16-14:2008 Test 16n. Bending strength, fixed male tabs no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55919 8 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members EPL/48

BS EN 60512-16-16:2008 Test 16p. Torsional strength, fixed male tabs no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55920 4 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members EPL/48

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS EN 60512-16-17:2008

BS EN 60851:—

BS EN 61158-3-4:2008

Test 16q. Tensile and compressive strength, fixed male tabs

Winding wires. Test methods

Type 4 elements

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55921 1 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members EPL/48

BS EN 60519:—

BS EN 60851-5:2008 Electrical properties supersedes BS EN 60851-5:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 57223 4 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members GEL/55

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61563 4 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members AMT/7

BS EN 61158-3-7:2008

Safety in electroheat installations

Type 7 elements

BS EN 60519-7:2009

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61564 1 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

BS EN 60904:— Photovoltaic devices

Particular requirements for installations with electron guns no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56430 7 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members PEL/27

BS EN 60598:—


BS EN 60904-3:2008 Measurement principles for terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) solar devices with reference spectral irradiance data

BS EN 61158-3-8:2008

supersedes BS EN 60904-3:1993 ISBN 978 0 580 54257 2 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61565 8 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members



BS EN 60598-1:2008

BS EN 61158:—

General requirements and tests

Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specifications

supersedes BS EN 60598-1:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 53578 9 £114.00 members, £228.00 non-members


BS EN 61158-2:2008


Physical layer specification and service definition

BS EN 60793:—

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 61559 7 £147.00 members, £294.00 non-members

Optical fibres


supersedes BS EN 60793-2-50:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 57362 0 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

BS EN 61158-3-11:2008 Type 11 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61566 5 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members AMT/7

BS EN 61158-3-13:2008 Type 13 elements

BS EN 61158-3:—

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61568 9 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members

Data-link layer service definition


BS EN 60793-2-50:2008 Product specifications. Sectional specification for class B single-mode fibres

Type 8 elements

BS EN 61158-3-1:2008

BS EN 61158-3-14:2008


Type 1 elements

Type 14 elements

BS EN 60794:—

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61560 3 £103.00 members, £206.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61569 6 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members



Indoor cables. Product specification for simplex and duplex buffered A4 fibres

BS EN 61158-3-2:2008

BS EN 61158-3-16:2008

Type 2 elements

Type 16 elements

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55794 1 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61561 0 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61570 2 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members



BS EN 61158-3-3:2008

BS EN 61158-3-17:2008

Type 3 elements

Type 17 elements

supersedes BS EN 60794-3-30:2003 ISBN 978 0 580 56833 6 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61562 7 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61571 9 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members




Optical fibre cables

BS EN 60794-2-41:2008


BS EN 60794-3-30:2008 Outdoor cables. Family specification for optical telecommunication cables for lakes, river crossings and coastal application

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


BS EN Publications continued... BS EN 61158-3-19:2008

BS EN 61158-5-18:2008

BS EN 62428:2008

Type 19 elements

Type 18 elements

supersedes BS EN 61158-3:2004 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 61573 3 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61603 7 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

Electric power engineering. Modal components in three-phase A.C. systems. Quantities and transformations



no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56247 1 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members SS/7

BS EN 61158-5:— Application layer service definition

BS EN 61158-5-11:2008

BS EN 61158-5-19:2008 Type 19 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61604 4 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members AMT/7


BS EN 61158-5-12:2008

Industrial systems, installations and equipment and industrial products. Labelling of cables and cores no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58257 8 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

Type 11 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61596 2 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members

BS EN 62491:2008

BS EN 61158-5-20:2008 Type 20 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61605 1 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members


BS EN 80000:— Quantities and units


Type 12 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61597 9 £103.00 members, £206.00 non-members

BS EN 61162:—


Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Digital interfaces

BS EN 61158-5-13:2008

BS EN 61162-3:2008

Type 13 elements

Serial data instrument network

supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61598 6 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60430 0 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members



BS EN 61158-5-14:2008

BS EN 61400:—

Type 14 elements

Wind turbines

supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61599 3 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members

BS EN 61400-21:2008


Measurement and assessment of power quality characteristics of grid connected wind turbines

BS EN 61158-5-15:2008

supersedes BS EN 61400-21:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 56750 6 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members

Type 15 elements


supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61600 6 £109.00 members, £218.00 non-members

BS EN 62227:2008


BS EN 61158-5-16:2008 Type 16 elements supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61601 3 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members AMT/7

Multimedia home server systems. Digital rights permission code no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57885 4 £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members EPL/100

BS EN 62288:2008

BS EN 80000-13:2008 Information science and technology partially supersedes BS EN 60027-2:2007 ISBN 978 0 580 59469 4 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members SS/7

BS IMPLEMENTATIONS BS Implementations comprise the ISO or IEC text without any national deviation and with front and back cover indicating the UK committee responsible. No other information will normally be added. Note: The date referenced in the identifier is the date of the international standard.

BS ISO 815:— Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of compression set

BS ISO 815-1:2008 At ambient and elevated temperatures supersedes BS 903-A6:1992 ISBN 978 0 580 55587 9 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members PRI/22

BS ISO 3290:— Rolling bearings. Balls

Type 17 elements

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Presentation of navigation-related information on shipborne navigational displays. General requirements, methods of testing and required test results

supersedes BS EN 61158-5:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61602 0 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60053 1 £95.00 members, £190.00 non-members

supersedes BS ISO 3290:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 58384 1 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members




BS EN 61158-5-17:2008


Prices may be subject to change.

BS ISO 3290-1:2008 Steel balls

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 3290-2:2008

BS ISO 20665:2008

PD 6695-1-10:2009

Ceramic balls

Water quality. Determination of chronic toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia

Recommendations for the design of structures to BS EN 1993-1-10

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53208 5 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59346 8 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members



Conveyor belts with heat-resistant rubber covers. Heat resistance of covers. Requirements and test methods

BS ISO 21011:2008

PD CEN/TR 15367:—

Cryogenic vessels. Valves for cryogenic service

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53765 3 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54555 9 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

Petroleum products. Guide for good housekeeping

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56112 2 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members MCE/7

BS ISO 4195:2007



Automotive diesel fuels

BS ISO 5832:—

BS ISO 23317:2007

Implants for surgery. Metallic materials

Implants for surgery. In vitro evaluation for apatite-forming ability of implant materials

BS ISO 5832-14:2007 Wrought titanium 15-molybdenum 5-zirconium 3-aluminium alloy no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60919 0 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members CH/150/1

BS ISO 12003:— Agricultural and forestry tractors. Roll-over protective structures on narrow-track wheeled tractors

BS ISO 12003-2:2008 Rear-mounted ROPS supersedes BS ISO 12003-2:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 57033 9 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members AGE/6

BS ISO 15971:2008 Natural gas. Measurement of properties. Calorific value and Wobbe index no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58185 4 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members PTI/15

PD CEN/TR 15367-1:2007 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65831 0 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members PTI/2

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57174 9 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

PD ISO/IEC TR 15504:—


Information technology. Process assessment

BS ISO 26945:2008 Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Electrodeposited coatings of tin-cobalt alloy no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58971 3 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

PD ISO/IEC TR 15504-6:2008 An exemplar system life cycle process assessment model no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64254 8 £109.00 members, £218.00 non-members IST/15


PD CEN/TR 15615:2008 BS ISO 80000:— Quantities and units

BS ISO 80000-7:2008 Light supersedes BS ISO 31-6:1992 ISBN 978 0 580 54867 3 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members SS/7

Explanation of the general relationship between various CEN standards and the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). Umbrella document no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59375 8 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members B/540

PD CLC/TR 50378:— Passive components to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications


BS ISO 17334:2008 Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Autocatalytic nickel over autocatalytic copper for electromagnetic shielding no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54075 2 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members STI/33

Rolling bearings. Explanatory notes on ISO 281

SC(SC2)-PC connector-type fixed optical attenuators using IEC 60793-2 Category B1.1 singlemode fibre

PD ISO/TR 1281-1:2008

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57685 0 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

Basic dynamic load rating and basic rating life


PD ISO/TR 1281:—

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64733 8 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members

PD IEC/TR 60909:—


Short-circuit currents in three-phase A.C. systems

PD ISO/TR 1281-2:2008

PD IEC/TR 60909-2:2008

Document semantics renaming language (DSRL)

Modified rating life calculation, based on a systems approach to fatigue stresses

Data of electrical equipment for short-circuit current calculations

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54616 7 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59928 6 £84.00 members, £168.00 non-members

supersedes PD 7639-2:1994 ISBN 978 0 580 62329 5 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members




BS ISO/IEC 19757:— Information technology. Document schema definition languages (DSDL)

BS ISO/IEC 19757-8:2008

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


Published Documents continued... PD IEC/TR 62572:—

DD IEC/TS 61850:—

Fibre optic active components and devices. Reliability standards

Communication networks and systems for power utility automation

PD IEC/TR 62572-2:2008 Laser module degradation no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62775 0 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members GEL/86/3

DD IEC/TS 61850-80-1:2009 Guideline to exchanging information from a CDC-based data model using IEC 60870-5-101 or IEC 60870-5-104 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 61697 6 £95.00 members, £190.00 non-members PEL/57

Publicly Available Specifications (formerly Product Assessment Specifications) are issued to provide an interim document where there is a market need but where a full British or European Standard has yet to be published.

PAS 197:2009 Code of practice for cultural collections management



DD IEC/PAS 62137:— Electronics assembly technology

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 61352 4 £58.00 members, £58.00 non-members

Cutting tool data representation and exchange

PAS 2020:2009 DD ISO/TS 13399-100:2008

DD IEC/PAS 62137-3:2009

Definitions, principles and methods for reference dictionaries

Selection guidance of environmental and endurance test methods for solder joints

supersedes DD ISO/TS 13399-100:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 64746 8 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64126 8 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members



DD CEN ISO/TS 15530:— Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Coordinate measuring machines (CMM). Technique for determining the uncertainty of measurement

DD CEN ISO/TS 15530-3:2007 Use of calibrated workpieces or standards no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57995 0 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members TDW/4

Industrial process control devices. Radiation thermometers

DD IEC/TS 62492-1:2008 Technical data for radiation thermometers no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58686 6 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members GEL/65/2

DD IEC/TS 62538:2009

Fertilizers. Determination of different forms of nitrogen in fertilizers containing nitrogen only as nitric, ammoniacal and urea nitrogen by two different methods

Categorization of optical devices no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59511 0 £21.00 members, £42.00 non-members GEL/86


DD IEC/PAS 62562:2008 DD CEN/TS 15790:2008 Animal feeding stuffs. PCR typing of probiotic strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (yeast) no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 61806 2 £21.00 members, £42.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59999 6 £80.00 members, £80.00 non-members


DD IEC/TS 62492:—

DD CEN/TS 15750:2006

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60740 0 £21.00 members, £42.00 non-members

Direct marketing. Environmental performance. Specification

Cavity resonator method to measure the complex permittivity of low-loss dielectric plates no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62052 2 £21.00 members, £42.00 non-members

BIP 3083:2009 (CD-ROM) Graphical symbols for use in the labelling of medical devices supersedes BIP 3083:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 50979 7 £85.01 members, £150.00 non-members VAT is applicable to this item.

AMENDMENTS TO BRITISH STANDARDS Most amendments are not issued separately. Those that make significant changes to a standard are incorporated into the standard which is re-issued as a new edition (see ’Updated British Standards’). Amendments which make smaller changes or corrections are available on request, free of charge to past purchasers of the standard. All amendments to date of despatch are included within any main publication when ordered for the first time. The following amendments to British Standards were made available last month.



DD IEC/PAS 62587:2008 DD ISO/TS 25237:2008

BS 5628:— Code of practice for the use of masonry

Health informatics. Pseudonymization

Method for measuring performance of portable household electric room air cleaners

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64750 5 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65622 4 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members

BS 5628-1:2005





Prices may be subject to change.

Structural use of unreinforced masonry CORRIGENDUM 1

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS 5628-2:2005

BS EN 12831:2003

BS EN ISO 105:—

Structural use of reinforced and prestressed masonry

Heating systems in buildings. Method for calculation of the design heat load

Textiles. Tests for colour fastness





BS 5628-3:2005 Materials and components, design and workmanship CORRIGENDUM 1

BS EN ISO 105-C08:2002+A1:2008

DD CEN/TS 13388:2008 Copper and copper alloys. Compendium of compositions and products CORRIGENDUM 1

AMENDMENT 1 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members




BS EN 14336:2004 BS 5975:2008 Code of practice for temporary works procedures and the permissible stress design of falsework

Colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering using a non-phosphate reference detergent incorporating a low temperature bleach activator

Heating systems in buildings. Installation and commissioning of water based heating systems CORRIGENDUM 1 RHE/24

BS EN 999:1998+A1:2008 Safety of machinery. The positioning of protective equipment in respect of approach speeds of parts of the human body AMENDMENT 1 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members


BS EN 14375:2003

Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.

BS EN 200:2008

Child-resistant non-reclosable packaging for pharmaceutical products. Requirements and testing CORRIGENDUM 2

BS EN 1093:—


Safety of machinery. Evaluation of the emission of airborne hazardous substances

Sanitary tapware. Single taps and combination taps for water supply systems of type 1 and type 2. General technical specification CORRIGENDUM 1 B/504/8

BS EN 817:2008 Sanitary tapware. Mechanical mixing valves (PN 10). General technical specifications

Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.

BS EN 15707:2008 Print media surveys. Vocabulary and service requirements CORRIGENDUM 1


Also incorporates Amendments 1 & 2.

BS EN 1886:2007 Ventilation for buildings. Air handling units. Mechanical performance

UPDATED BRITISH STANDARDS The following standards have been amended and the amendments have been incorporated into an updated standard. NOTE: Updated British Standards must be reordered as the amendments are not available separately.


Tracer gas method for the measurement of the emission rate of a given pollutant



Safety of machinery. Interlocking devices associated with guards. Principles for design and selection

BS EN 1093-2:2006+A1:2008

AMENDMENT 1 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members



BS EN 1088:1995+A2:2008


BS 746:2005+A1:2009

BS EN 1093-7:1998+A1:2008 Separation efficiency by mass, ducted outlet AMENDMENT 1 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members MCE/3

BS EN 1093-9:1998+A1:2008 Pollutant concentration parameter, room method AMENDMENT 1 £34.00 members, £68.00 non-members MCE/3

Specification for gas meter unions and adaptors

BS EN 12077:— Cranes safety. Requirements for health and safety

AMENDMENT 1 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

BS 8848:2007+A1:2009

Limiting and indicating devices

Specification for the provision of visits, fieldwork, expeditions, and adventurous activities, outside the United Kingdom


Also incorporates Amendment 1.

BS EN 12273:2008

Decontamination index AMENDMENT 1 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members


BS EN 12077-2:1998+A1:2008 CORRIGENDUM 1

BS EN 1093-11:2001+A1:2008

AMENDMENT 1 £50.00 members, £100.00 non-members SVS/2/5

Slurry surfacing. Requirements


BS EN 1526:1997+A1:2008 Safety of industrial trucks. Additional requirements for automated functions on trucks AMENDMENT 1 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members MHE/7



BS EN 12828:2003 Heating systems in buildings. Design for waterbased heating systems

your order [email protected]

BS EN 1550:1997+A1:2008 Machine-tools safety. Safety requirements for the design and construction of work holding chucks


AMENDMENT 1 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members



Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


Updated British Standards continued... BS EN 1612:—

BS ISO 6487:2002+A1:2008

Plastics and rubber machines. Reaction moulding machines

Road vehicles. Measurement techniques in impact tests. Instrumentation

BS EN 1612-2:2000+A1:2008

AMENDMENT 1 £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

Safety requirements for reaction moulding plant AMENDMENT 1 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members MCE/3/2

BS EN 1857:2003+A1:2008 Chimneys. Components. Concrete flue liners AMENDMENT 1 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members


SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Comments can be sent by email or by post to named contacts at:– BSI Head Office 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8996 9000


Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.

BS EN 1995:— Eurocode 5. Design of timber structures

BS EN 1995-1-1:2004+A1:2008 General. Common rules and rules for buildings AMENDMENT 1 £103.00 members, £206.00 non-members B/525/5

Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.

BS EN 60335:— Household and similar electric appliances. Safety

BS EN 60335-2-82:2003+A1:2008 Particular requirements for amusement machines and personal service machines AMENDMENT 1 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members CPL/61/01

BS EN 60404:— Magnetic materials

BS EN 60404-2:1998+A1:2008 Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel strip and sheet by means of an Epstein frame AMENDMENT 1 £60.00 members, £120.00 non-members ISE/NFE/5

BS EN 61675:— Radionuclide imaging devices. Characteristics and test conditions

BS EN 61675-1:1998+A1:2008 Positron emission tomographs AMENDMENT 1 £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

BS 3505:1986 Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes for cold potable water This standard was withdrawn in error and has now been reinstated as current and obsolescent. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected]

BRITISH STANDARDS REVIEWED AND CONFIRMED It is BSI policy for every standard to be reviewed by the technical committee responsible not more than five years after publication, to establish whether it is still current and, if it is not, to identify and set in hand appropriate action. Confirmation indicates the continuing currency of a standard. Where any standard in this list has been amended since publication, confirmation includes all amendments published to date. Reference to a particular amendment indicates that it is published concurrently with the confirmation.

BS 5315:1991 Hose clamps (worm drive type) for general purpose use (metric series) PSE/6


BS 4346:— Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes

BS 6068:— Water quality

BS 4346-1:1969 Injection moulded unplasticized PVC fittings for solvent welding for use with pressure pipes, including potable water supply This standard was withdrawn in error and has now been reinstated as current and obsolescent. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected]

BS 6068-2:— Physical, chemical and biochemical methods

BS 6068-2.42:1993 Determination of sodium and potassium: determination of sodium by atomic absorption spectrometry EH/3/2


BS EN 62305:— Protection against lightning

BS 6068-2.43:1993

BS EN 62305-3:2006/Amendment 1

Determination of sodium and potassium: determination of potassium by atomic absorption spectrometry

Physical damage to structures and life hazard


This amendment to the standard, which will be available shortly, implements verbatim EN 62305-3:2006/A11:2009 which implements European requirements for Normative References, Terms and Definitions, Lightning Protection Systems and Dimensions. Contact: Keith Stiles Email: [email protected]

BS 6068-2.44:1993 Determination of sodium and potassium: determination of sodium and potassium by flame emission spectrometry EH/3/2


BS ISO 8528:— Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets

BS 6068-2.45:1993 Determination of selenium by atomic absorption spectrometry EH/3/2

BS ISO 8528-5:2005 Generating sets

BS 6068-4.12:1998 Microbiological methods. Detection and enumeration of Legionella

AMENDMENT 1 £79.00 members, £158.00 non-members

Following the recent systematic review of this standard, the secretary of ISO/TC 70 has announced that the decision of the committee is to revise this standard. When work on this begins, an announcement will appear in the “New work started” section of this magazine. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected]





BS ISO 4309:2004+A1:2008 Cranes. Wire ropes. Care, maintenance, installation, examination and discard


Prices may be subject to change.


BS EN 172:1995 Specification for sunglare filters used in personal eye-protectors for industrial use

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS EN 1116:2004

BS 1659:1950

BS 4346:—

Kitchen furniture. Co-ordinating sizes for kitchen furniture and kitchen appliances

Specification for tractive armature direct current neutral track and line relays for railway signalling

Joints and fittings for use with unplasticized PVC pressure pipes



BS EN 10271:1999 Electrolytically zinc-nickel (ZN) coated steel flat products. Technical delivery conditions PRI/66

BS EN 13597:2003 Railway applications. Rubber suspension components. Rubber diaphragms for pneumatic suspension springs RAE/3/-/4

This standard has been declared obsolescent as new equipment is unlikely to be manufactured to this standard, but there is a great deal of equipment in accordance still in service and which will require to be supported for many years to come

BS 1745:1951 Specification for alternating-current relays for railway signalling: track relays (double-element, 2-position), line relays (single-element, 2-position) GEL/9

BS EN 13721:2004 Furniture. Assessment of the surface reflectance FW/0/1

This standard has been declared obsolescent as new equipment is unlikely to be manufactured to this standard, but there is a great deal of equipment in accordance still in service and which will require to be supported for many years to come

BS 4346-1:1969 Injection moulded unplasticized PVC fittings for solvent welding for use with pressure pipes, including potable water supply PRI/88

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it applies to pipework with a design life of 50 years and should therefore not yet be withdrawn. The National Forewords of BS EN 1452-1:2000, BS EN 1452-2:2000, BS EN 1452-3:2000, BS EN 1452-4:2000 and BS EN 1452-5:2000 do correctly state that these will be made obsolescent (and not withdrawn)

BS 7291:— Thermoplastics pipes and associated fittings for hot and cold water for domestic purposes and heating installations in buildings

BS EN 13722:2004 Furniture. Assessment of the surface gloss FW/0/1

BS 1924:—

BS 7291-4:1990

Stabilized materials for civil engineering purposes

Specification for chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC-C) pipes and associated fittings and solvent cement

BS EN 14073:— Office furniture. Storage furniture


BS 1924-1:1990

Safety requirements

General requirements, sampling, sample preparation and tests on materials before stabilization



BS EN 14073-2:2004

BS EN 14073-3:2004 Test methods for the determination of stability and strength of the structure

This standard has been declared obsolescent as there are a number of references that will need updating by the committee and sampling methods and this cannot be done at present

This standard was proposed for withdrawal in the September 2008 edition of Update Standards because following a systematic review carried out earlier in the year, the committee concluded these pipes were no longer manufactured in the UK. It has since been discovered that PVC-C is one of the materials called up as suitable for condensate drainage pipes in BS 6798 (section As a result, it has now been decided to declare the standard as obsolescent


BS 1924-2:1990 BS 3M 45:—

Methods of test for cement-stabilized and limestabilized materials

Test methods for tyres


BS 3M 45-2:1998 Aircraft tyres and rims ACE/59

This standard has been declared obsolescent as there are a number of references that will need updating by the committee and sampling methods and this cannot be done at present

BS 9300 C199-276:1971 Detail specification for silicon voltage-regulator diodes EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9300 C377-378:1971

BRITISH STANDARDS DECLARED OBSOLESCENT Declaration of obsolescence indicates that the standard is not recommended for use in new equipment but needs to be retained for the servicing of existing equipment that is expected to have a long working life.

BS 2452:1954 Specification for electrically driven jib cranes mounted on a high pedestal or portal carriage (high pedestal or portal jib cranes) MHE/3/3

BS 3505:1986


Specification for electrically-driven pointoperating machines for railways

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it applies to pipework with a design life of 50 years and should therefore not yet be withdrawn. The National Forewords of BS EN 1452-1:2000, BS EN 1452-2:2000, BS EN 1452-3:2000, BS EN 1452-4:2000 and BS EN 1452-5:2000 do correctly state that these will be made obsolescent (and not withdrawn)

Update Standards Mar 2009

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9300 C379-388:1971

BS 581:1950

This standard has been declared obsolescent as new equipment is unlikely to be manufactured to this standard, but there is a great deal of equipment in accordance still in service and which will require to be supported for many years to come


This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is superseded by BS EN 14985:2007

Specification for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pressure pipes for cold potable water


Detail specifications for silicon coaxial mixer diodes

Prices may be subject to change.

Detail specifications for silicon stud mounted, power rectifier diodes EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9300 C405-429:1971 Detail specifications for silicon voltageregulator diodes EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant


British Standards Declared Obsolescent continued... BS 9300 C476:1973

BS 9300 C780-831:1971

BS 9364 N011:1978

Detail specification for silicon avalanche rectifier diode

Detail specification for silicon voltage regulator diodes



This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

Detail specification for low power silicon p-n-p switching transistors. 65 V, planar epitaxial, ambient rated, hermetic encapsulation. Full plus additional assessment level

BS 9300 C841-849:1971 BS 9300 C534:1971 Detail specification for silicon coaxial resistive switching diode EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

Detail specification for silicon voltage regulator diodes EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9301 N002:1971 BS 9300 C582-584:1971 Detail specifications for reverse blocking triode thyristors EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9300 C599:1971 Detail specification for silicon microwave switching diode, rod mounted EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant


This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9364 N012:1978 Detail specification for low power silicon p-n-p switching transistors. 65 V, planar epitaxial, ambient rated, hermetic encapsulation (long lead version). Full plus additional assessment level

Detail specification for general purpose silicon signal diodes. 150 mA, 150 V, hermetically sealed, glass encapsulation. General application category Q



BS 9364 N013:1979

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9305 N001:1972 Detail specification for silicon voltage regulator diodes. 1.5 W, 3.3 to 33 V (5%), hermetically sealed. General application category Q

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

Detail specification for low power silicon p-n-p switching transistors. 25 V, planar epitaxial, ambient rated, hermetic encapsulation. Full plus additional assessment level EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant


This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9300 C667-668:1971 Detail specification for silicon avalanche rectifier diodes


BS 9305 N041:1972 Detail specification for silicon voltage regulator diodes. 400 mW, 2.7 to 33 V (5%), hermetically sealed, glass encapsulation. General application category Q

BS 9364 N016:1979 Detail specification for low power silicon n-p-n switching transistors. 65 V, planar epitaxial, ambient rated, hermetic encapsulation. Full plus additional assessment level EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant


BS 9300 C678-721:1971

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

Detail specification for silicon voltage regulator diodes

BS 9305 N042:1972


This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9300 C762:1971 Detail specification for mixer diodes for use at X-band frequencies EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

Detail specification for silicon voltage regulator diodes. 1.5 W, 6.8 to 200 V (5%), hermetically sealed. General application category C

Detail specification for coaxial mixer diodes EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9300 C776-777:1971 Detail specification for germanium coaxial mixer diodes

Detail specification for low power silicon n-p-n switching transistors. 65 V, planar epitaxial, ambient rated, hermetic encapsulation (long lead version). Full plus additional assessment level EPL/47


This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9305 N044:1974

PD ES 59008:—

Detail specification for silicon voltage regulator diodes. 1.0 W, 3.3 to 33 V (5%), hermetically sealed. Full assessment level

Data requirements for semiconductor die


BS 9300 C771-772:1971

BS 9364 N017:1979

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

PD ES 59008-4:— Specific requirements and recommendations

PD ES 59008-4-1:2001 BS 9364 N007 and N009:1978

Test and quality

Detail specification for low power silicon n-p-n switching transistors. 20 V, planar epitaxial, ambient rated, hermetic encapsulation. Full plus additional assessment level


This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is replaced by the BS EN 62258 series



This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

BS 9364 N008 and N010:1978

PD ES 59008-4-3:2000 Thermal EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is replaced by BS EN 62258-6:2006

Detail specification for a matched pair of germanium coaxial mixer diodes

Detail specification for low power silicon n-p-n switching transistors. 20 V, planar epitaxial, ambient rated, hermetic encapsulation (long lead version). Full plus additional assessment level




This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is no longer relevant

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is replaced by BS EN 62258-5:2006

BS 9300 C778:1971


Prices may be subject to change.

PD ES 59008-4-4:2000 Electrical simulation

Update Standards Mar 2009

PD ES 59008-5:— Particular requirements and recommendations for die types


PD ES 59008-5-1:2001

If any standard in this list has been amended since publication, all amendments published to date are also withdrawn

Bare die EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is replaced by the BS EN 62258 series

BS 6222:— Domestic kitchen equipment

BS 6222-5:1995 Specification for strength requirements and methods of test for peninsular units, island units and breakfast bars FW/0

Superseded by BS 6222-2:2009

BS 903:— Physical testing of rubber

BS 7570:2000

PD ES 59008-5-2:2001 Bare die with added connection structures EPL/47

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is replaced by the BS EN 62258 series

BS 903-A6:1992 Method for determination of compression set at ambient, elevated or low temperatures

PD ES 59008-5-3:2001 Minimally-packaged die

BS 3628:1963


Specification for hose clips (worm drive type) for general purpose use PSE/6

This standard has been withdrawn as it is no longer used in industry

Superseded by BS EN 50504:2008

BS 8434:— Methods of test for assessment of the fire integrity of electric cables

BS 8434-1:2003 Test for unprotected small cables for use in emergency circuits. BS EN 50200 with addition of water spray GEL/20/18

PD ES 59008-6:— Exchange data formats and data dictionary



Superseded by BS ISO 815-1:2008

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is replaced by the BS EN 62258 series

Code of practice for validation of arc welding equipment

Superseded by BS EN 50200:2006

BS 3934:— Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices.

BS 9300:1969


BS 3934-10:1992

Specification for semiconductor devices of assessed quality: generic data and methods of test

This standard has been declared obsolescent as it is replaced by the BS EN 62258 series

Schedule of UK national drawings giving dimensions

PD ES 59008-6-2:2001 Data dictionary


Superseded by BS CECC 50000:1987


This standard has been withdrawn as it is no longer relevant to UK industry


BS 4443:— Methods of test for flexible cellular materials

BS 9400:1970 Specification for integrated electronic circuits and micro-assemblies of assessed quality (qualification approval procedures): generic data and methods of test EPL/47

Superseded by BS CECC 90000:1985

A note of any objections to these withdrawals should be sent to Debbie Stead, Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations, BSI Head Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL or via email to [email protected] by 30 April, 2009. Where any standard in this list has been amended since publication, a proposal to withdraw also includes all amendments published to date.

BS 4443-1:1988 Method 4. Measurement of cell count

BS 9430:1978


Rules for the preparation of detail specifications for integrated circuits of assessed quality: voltage regulators. Full assessment level

Superseded by BS EN ISO 1923:1995, BS EN ISO 845:1995, BS EN ISO 1856:1996, BS EN ISO 3386-1:1998, BS EN ISO 3386-2:1998, BS EN ISO 1798:2000 and BS EN 15702:2008

BS 5225:— Photometric data for luminaires


This standard has been withdrawn as it is no longer used

BS 9490:1975 Rules for the preparation of detail specifications for digital integrated circuits of assessed quality. Full assessment level

BS 5225-1:1975


Photometric measurements

This standard has been withdrawn as it is no longer used

BS 8208:—


Guide to assessment of suitability of external cavity walls for filling with thermal insulants

Superseded by BS EN 13032-1:2004

BS 9493:1981

Existing traditional cavity construction

Specification for forced circulation hot water central heating systems for domestic premises

Rules for the preparation of detail specifications for integrated circuits of assessed quality which perform mixed digital and/or analogue functions




This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as it is no longer used

Superseded by BS EN 12828:2003, BS EN 12831:2003 and BS EN 14336:2004

This standard has been withdrawn as it is no longer used

BS 8208-1:1985

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS 5449:1990

Prices may be subject to change.


British Standards Withdrawn continued... BS EN ISO 10058:1996

BS EN 61058:—

Magnesites and dolomites. Chemical analysis

Switches for appliances


Superseded by BS EN ISO 10058-1:2008, BS EN ISO 10058-2:2008 and BS EN ISO 100583:2008

BS EN 61058-1:1992 General requirements EPL/23

Superseded by BS EN 61058-1:2002+A2:2008

BS EN 13510:2000 (BS 6912-14:2000)

BS EN 61158:—

Earth-moving machinery. Roll-over protective structures. Laboratory tests and performance requirements

Digital data communications for measurement and control. Fieldbus for use in industrial control systems


Superseded by BS EN ISO 3471:2008

BS EN 61158-5:2004 Application layer service definition

BS EN 60068:—


BRITISH STANDARDS UNDER REVIEW The following British Standards implement International and/or European Standards which are currently under review to see if they should be confirmed, revised or withdrawn. Comments are welcome and should be sent to Debbie Stead, Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations, BSI Head Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL or via email to [email protected] by 30 April, 2009, in order to be considered by the relevant UK Committee.

Environmental testing

Superseded by BS EN 61158-5 Parts 2 to 5 and 7 to 20

BS EN 60068-2-32:1993

BS EN 131800:1998

Screwing taps

Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Sectional specification: fixed polypropylene film dielectric metal foil D.C. capacitors

BS 949-5:1990 (EN 25967:1989, ISO 5967:1981)


Nomenclature and terminology

Superseded by BS EN 60384-13:2006


Tests. Test Ec. Rough handling shocks, primarily for equipment-type specimens GEL/104

Superseded by BS EN 60068-2-31:2008

BS 949:—

BS EN 60335:— Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety

BS EN 60335-2-90:2002 Particular requirements for commercial microwave ovens CPL/61/07

BS ISO 31:— Quantities and units

BS ISO 31-6:1992 Light and related electromagnetic radiations SS/7

Superseded by BS ISO 80000-7:2008

Superseded by BS EN 60335-2-90:2006

PD 6668:2000 BS EN 60704:— Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise emitted by household and similar electrical appliances

Procedure for determining and verifying declared noise emission values CPL/59

Superseded by BS EN 60704-3:2006

BS EN 60730:— Specification for automatic electrical controls for household and similar use

Screwing dies and dienuts

BS 1127-2:1990 (EN 24230:1989, ISO 4230:1987) Specification for hand- and machine-operated circular screwing dies for taper pipe threads; R series MTE/5

Managing risk for corporate governance SVS/6

Superseded by BIP 2154:2008

PD 7639:— BS EN 60704-3:1995

BS 1127:—

Short-circuit current calculation in three-phase A.C. systems

BS 1127-3:1990 (EN 24231:1989, ISO 4231:1987) Specification for hand- and machine-operated circular screwing dies for parallel pipe threads; G series MTE/5

PD 7639-2:1994

BS 1660:—

Data for electrical equipment for short-circuit current calculations in accordance with BS 7639

Machine tapers


BS 1660-5:1996 (ISO 3936:1993)

Superseded by PD IEC/TR 60909-2:2008

BS E9372:1976

Specification for reduction sleeves with external and internal 7/24 tapers MTE/5

Particular requirements. Electrical controls for electrical household appliances

Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Blank detail specification: ambient-rated bipolar transistors for low and high frequency amplification



Specification for positive drive of Morse tapers

Superseded by BS EN 60730-2-14:1998

This standard has been withdrawn as it is no longer used


BS EN 60730-2-1:1997

BS EN 61000:— Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

BS EN 61000-4-3:2002 Testing and measurement techniques. Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test GEL/210/12

Superseded by BS EN 61000-4-3:2006+A1:2008


BS 1660-12:1996 (ISO 5413:1993)

BS 2782:— BS E9375:1975 Specification. Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components. Blank detail specification: voltage regulator diodes and voltage reference diodes excluding precision-voltage temperature-compensated reference diodes EPL/47

This standard has been withdrawn as it is no longer used

Prices may be subject to change.

Methods of testing plastics. Mechanical properties

BS 2782-3:Method 352F:1996 (ISO 7765-2:1994) Determination of impact resistance by the freefalling dart method (instrumented puncture test) PRI/75

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS 2782-6:Method 630A:1994 (ISO 4593:1993)

BS 6057:—

BS EN ISO 105-G03:1997

Rubber latices

Colour fastness to ozone in the atmosphere

Determination of thickness by mechanical scanning of flexible sheet PRI/75


BS 6057-3:— Methods of test


Pliers and nippers

BS 3087-12:1991 (ISO 9242:1988) Specification for dimensions and test values of construction worker’s pincers

BS EN ISO 105-N02:1995 Colour fastness to bleaching: Peroxide

BS 3087:— BS 6057-3.7:1995 (ISO 705:1994) Determination of density of natural rubber latices PRI/50

BS EN ISO 105-N03:1995 Colour fastness to bleaching: Sodium chlorite (mild) TCI/81


BS 3087-13:1991 (ISO 9243:1988) Specification for dimensions and test values of carpenter’s pincers MTE/15

BS 4062:— Valves for hydraulic fluid power systems

BS 4062-2:1990 (ISO 6403:1988)

BS 6057-3.19:1986 (ISO 4655:1985) Determination of total bound styrene content of reinforced styrene-butadiene rubber latices

BS EN ISO 105-N04:1995 Colour fastness to bleaching: Sodium chlorite (severe) TCI/81


BS EN ISO 105-N05:1995 BS 6057-3.23:1990 (ISO 9252:1989)

Colour fastness to stoving TCI/81

Microbiological examination of synthetic rubber latex

BS EN ISO 105-P01:1995


Methods for determining performance

Colour fastness to dry heat (excluding pressing)



BS 6148:— BS 4140:— Methods of test for aluminium oxide

BS 4140-1:1986 (ISO 802:1976)

Methods of test for commercial refrigerated cabinets

Colour fastness to vulcanization. Hot air TCI/81

Preparation and storage of test samples

BS 6148-8:1981 (ISO 1992-VIII:1978)


Test for accidental mechanical contact RHE/19

BS 4140-10:1986 (ISO 903:1976) Determination of untamped density CII/24

BS EN ISO 105-S01:1996

BS EN ISO 105-S02:1996 Colour fastness to vulcanization: Sulfur monochloride TCI/81

BS 7275:— Determination of hydraulic fluid power motor characteristics

BS EN ISO 105-S03:1996 Colour fastness to vulcanization. Open steam TCI/81

BS 5293:— Sampling and testing carbon black for use in the rubber industry

BS 5293-7:2001 (ISO 1125:1999)

BS 7275-3:1995 (ISO 4392-3:1993) Method at constant flow and at constant torque MCE/18

BS EN ISO 105-X01:1996 Colour fastness to carbonizing: Aluminium chloride TCI/81

Method for determination of ash content PRI/50

BS EN ISO 105:— Textiles. Tests for colour fastness

BS 5293-11:1995 (ISO 4652-1:1994) Method for determination of specific surface area by nitrogen adsorption methods using single-point procedures PRI/50

BS EN ISO 105-X02:1996 Colour fastness to carbonizing: Sulfuric acid TCI/81

BS EN ISO 105-B05:1996

BS EN ISO 105-X09:1996

Detection and assessment of photochromism

Colour fastness to formaldehyde



BS 5341:—

BS EN ISO 105-B06:2004

Piston rings up to 200 mm diameter for reciprocating internal combustion engines

Colour fastness and ageing to artificial light at high temperatures: Xenon arc fading lamp test

BS EN ISO 105-X10:1996 Assessment of migration of textile colours into polyvinyl chloride coatings TCI/81


BS 5341-7.4:1992 (ISO 6625:1986)

BS EN ISO 105-Z01:1996

Designs, dimensions and designations for single piece rings. Specification for oil control rings

BS EN ISO 105-D02:1996 Colour fastness to rubbing: Organic solvents

Colour fastness to metals in the dye-bath: chromium salts




Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


British Standards Under Review continued... BS EN ISO 105-Z02:1996

BS EN ISO 2419:2006

BS EN ISO 5470:—

Colour fastness to metals in the dye-bath. Iron and copper

Leather. Physical and mechanical tests. Sample preparation and conditioning

Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics. Determination of abrasion resistance



BS EN ISO 105-Z06:2000 Evaluation of dye and pigment migration TCI/81

BS EN ISO 3385:1995 Flexible cellular polymeric materials. Determination of fatigue by constant-load pounding PRI/24

Evaluation of speckiness of colorant dispersions

BS EN ISO 4098:2006


Leather. Chemical tests. Determination of water-soluble matter, water-soluble inorganic matter and water-soluble organic matter

BS EN ISO 662:2001 (BS 684-1.10:1998)


Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of moisture and volatile matter content

BS EN ISO 4167:2006

BS EN ISO 1167:— Thermoplastics pipes, fittings and assemblies for the conveyance of fluids. Determination of the resistance to internal pressure

BS EN ISO 1167-1:2006

Taber abrader TCI/69

BS EN ISO 6149:—

BS EN ISO 105-Z11:2001


BS EN ISO 5470-1:1999

Connections for hydraulic fluid power and general use. Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 metric threads and O-ring sealing

BS EN ISO 6149-1:2007 Ports with truncated housing for O-ring seal MCE/18/-/4

Polyolefin agricultural twines TCI/77

BS EN ISO 6149-2:2007

BS EN ISO 4263:— Petroleum and related products. Determination of the ageing behaviour of inhibited oils and fluids. TOST test

Dimensions, design, test methods and requirements for heavy-duty (S series) stud ends MCE/18/-/4

BS EN ISO 6149-3:2007 BS EN ISO 4263-3:2006

General method

Anhydrous procedure for synthetic hydraulic fluids



BS EN ISO 1167-2:2006

BS EN ISO 4375:2004

Dimensions, design, test methods and requirements for light-duty (L series) stud ends MCE/18/-/4

BS EN ISO 6383:— Preparation of pipe test pieces PRI/88/4

Hydrometric determinations. Cableway systems for stream gauging CPI/113

BS EN ISO 1269:2006

Plastics. Film and sheeting. Determination of tear resistance

BS EN ISO 6383-1:2004 Trouser tear method

Plastics. Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride. Determination of volatile matter (including water)

BS EN ISO 4612:1999




Plastics. Preparation of PVC pastes for test purposes. Planetary-mixer method

BS EN ISO 6383-2:2004 Elmendorf method

BS EN ISO 1622:— Plastics. Polystrene (PS) moulding and extrusion materials

BS EN ISO 1622-1:2000

BS EN ISO 4613:— Plastics. Ethylene/vinyl acetate (E/VAC) moulding and extrusion materials

BS EN ISO 4613-1:1999


BS EN ISO 6878:2004 (BS 6068-2.28:2004)

Designation and specification

Water quality. Determination of phosphorus. Ammonium molybdate spectrometric method




BS EN 1765:2004

BS EN ISO 5263:—

Designation system and basis for specifications

Rubber hose assemblies for oil suction and discharge services. Specification for the assemblies PRI/66

Pulps. Laboratory wet disintegration

BS EN ISO 6885:2007

BS EN ISO 5263-1:2004


Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of anisidine value

Disintegration of chemical pulps

BS EN ISO 1872:— Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion materials


BS EN ISO 7369:2004 BS EN ISO 5263-2:2004 Disintegration of mechanical pulps at 20°C

BS EN ISO 1872-1:1999

Pipework. Metal hoses and hose assemblies. Vocabulary PSE/12


Designation system and basis for specifications PRI/82

BS EN ISO 2231:1995 (BS 3424-2:1992)

BS EN ISO 5269:— Pulps. Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing

BS EN ISO 7391:— Plastics. Polycarbonate (PC) moulding and extrusion materials

Rubber- or plastics-coated fabrics. Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing

BS EN ISO 5269-2:2004

BS EN ISO 7391-1:2006

Rapid-Koethen method

Designation system and basis for specifications





Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS EN ISO 7391-2:2006

BS EN ISO 10432:2004

BS EN 12484-4:2002

Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Downhole equipment. Subsurface safety valve equipment

Installation and acceptance




BS EN 12484-5:2002 Testing methods of systems

BS EN ISO 7765:— Plastics film and sheeting. Determination of impact resistance by the free-falling dart method

BS EN ISO 10447:2007


BS EN ISO 7765-1:2004 Staircase methods

BS EN ISO 11608:—


Pen-injectors for medical use

BS EN ISO 9936:2006

BS EN ISO 11608-4:2007

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of tocopherol and tocotrienol contents by high-performance liquid chromatography


Resistance welding. Peel and chisel testing of resistance spot and projection welds

BS EN 12734:2000 Irrigation techniques. Quick coupling pipes for movable irrigation supply. Technical characteristics and testing AGE/30

BS EN ISO 13625:2002

Requirements and test methods for electronic and electromechanical pen-injectors

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment. Marine drilling riser couplings



BS EN ISO 12086:—

BS EN ISO 13631:2002

Plastics. Fluoropolymer dispersions and moulding and extrusion materials

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Packaged reciprocating gas compressors


BS EN ISO 10308:2006 Metallic coatings. Review of porosity tests STI/33


BS EN ISO 12086-1:2006 Designation system and basis for specifications

BS EN 13997:2003

BS EN ISO 10417:2004


Petroleum and natural gas industries. Subsurface safety valve systems. Design, installation, operation and redress

Irrigation techniques. Connection and control accessories for use in irrigation systems. Technical characteristics and testing

BS EN ISO 12086-2:2006



Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties PRI/82

Resistance welding. Procedure for spot welding of uncoated and coated low carbon steels

BS EN ISO 10424:— Petroleum and natural gas industries. Rotary drilling equipment

BS EN ISO 12156:— Diesel fuel. Assessment of lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR)

BS EN ISO 10424-1:2004 Rotary drill stem elements PSE/17/-/4


BS EN 14407:2004 (BS 6068-5.35:2004)

Test method

Water quality. Guidance standard for the identification, enumeration and interpretation of benthic diatom samples from running waters



BS EN ISO 12228:1999 (BS 684-2.38:1999)

BS EN 14420:—

BS EN ISO 12156-1:2006

BS EN ISO 10426:— Petroleum and natural gas industries. Cements and materials for well cementing

BS EN ISO 14373:2007

Hose fittings with clamp units

Testing of deepwater well cement formulations

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of individual and total sterols contents. Gas chromatographic method

BS EN 14420-1:2004



Requirements, survey, designation and testing

BS EN ISO 10426-3:2004


BS EN ISO 10426-4:2004

BS EN 12484:—

Preparation and testing of foamed cement slurries at atmospheric pressure

Irrigation techniques. Automatic turf irrigation systems

BS EN 14420-4:2004 Flange connections PRI/66


BS EN 12484-1:1999 Definition of the programme of equipment by the owner

BS EN 14420-6:2004



BS EN ISO 10427-2:2004

BS EN 12484-2:2000

DD CEN/TS 14421:2006

Centralizer placement and stop-collar testing

Design and definition of typical technical templates

Hose tail and ferrule for crimping and swaging

BS EN ISO 10427:— Petroleum and natural gas industries. Equipment for well cementing


TW tank truck couplings



BS EN ISO 10427-3:2004

BS EN 14422:2004

Performance testing of cementing float equipment

BS EN 12484-3:2000 Automatic control and system management

Clamp type coupling assemblies for LPG transfer hoses




Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


British Standards Under Review continued... BS EN 14423:2004

DD CEN ISO/TS 15875:—

Clamp type coupling assemblies for use with steam hoses rated for pressures up to 18 bar

Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations. Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X)


BS EN 20105-A03:1995 (ISO 105-A03:1993) Grey scale for assessing staining TCI/81

DD CEN ISO/TS 15875-7:2003 BS EN 14424:2004

Guidance for the assessment of conformity

Hose fittings with screwed ferrules


Colour fastness to bleaching: hypochlorite


DD CEN ISO/TS 15876:— BS EN 14614:2004 (BS 6068-5.36:2004)

BS EN 20105-N01:1995 (ISO 105-N01:1993)

Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations. Polybutylene (PB)

Water quality. Guidance standard for assessing the hydromorphological features of rivers

DD CEN ISO/TS 15876-7:2003


Guidance for the assessment of conformity


BS EN ISO 21171:2006 Medical gloves. Determination of removable surface powder CH/205/3


BS EN ISO 21329:2004

BS EN ISO 14631:1999 Extruded sheets of impact-modified polystyrene (PS-I). Requirements and test methods PRI/75

BS EN ISO 14663:—

BS EN ISO 16264:2004 (BS 6068-2.78:2002) Water quality. Determination of soluble silicates by flow analysis (FIA and CFA) and photometric detection

BS EN ISO 16432:2007

Designation system and basis for specifications PRI/82

BS EN ISO 14663-2:2006 Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties

Resistance welding. Procedure for projection welding of uncoated and coated low carbon steels using embossed projection(s)


BS EN ISO 15753:2006 Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons AW/307

BS EN ISO 15788:— Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of stigmastadienes in vegetable oils


BS EN 29367:—

BS EN ISO 16433:2007

Lashing and securing arrangements on road vehicles for sea transportation on Ro/Ro ships. General requirements

Resistance welding. Procedure for seam welding of uncoated and coated low carbon steels WEE/29

BS EN ISO 17078:— Pipework. Stripwound metal hoses and hose assemblies

Foodstuffs. Methods of analysis for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products. General requirements and definitions



BS EN ISO 15465:2004


BS EN ISO 24276:2006


Plastics. Ethylene/vinyl alcohol (EVOH) copolymer moulding and extrusion materials

BS EN ISO 14663-1:2006

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Pipeline transportation systems. Test procedures for mechanical connectors

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment

BS EN 29367-1:1994 (ISO 9367-1:1989) Commercial vehicles and combinations of vehicles, semi-trailers excluded AUE/13

Side-pocket mandrels

BS EN 29367-2:1995 (ISO 9367-2:1994)



BS EN ISO 17078-1:2004


BS EN ISO 17294:— Water quality. Application of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)

BS EN ISO 17294-2:2004 (BS 6068-2.89:2004)

PD ISO/TR 210:1999 Essential oils. General rules for packaging, conditioning and storage AW/54

Determination of 62 elements

PD ISO/TR 211:1999


Essential oils. General rules for labelling and marking of containers AW/54

BS EN ISO 15788-1:2001 (BS 684-2.49:2000)

BS EN ISO 17994:2004 (BS 6068-4.19:2004)

Method using capillary-column gas chromatography (Reference method)

Water quality. Criteria for establishing equivalence between microbiological methods




BS EN 20105:—

BS ISO 363:—

DD CEN ISO/TS 15874:—

BS ISO 247:2006 Rubber. Determination of ash

Textiles. Tests for colour fastness

Textile machinery and accessories. Flat steel healds with closed end loops

BS EN 20105-A02:1995 (ISO 105-A02:1993)

BS ISO 363-1:2006

DD CEN ISO/TS 15874-7:2003 Guidance for the assessment of conformity

Grey scale for assessing change in colour

Dimensions of healds manufactured of rolled steel wire




Plastics piping systems for hot and cold water installations. Polypropylene (PP)


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 363-2:2006

BS ISO 603-11:1999

BS ISO 2475:1999

Dimensions of healds manufactured of hardened strip steel

Hand finishing sticks

Chloroprene rubber (CR). General-purpose types. Evaluation procedure



BS ISO 368:2006 Spinning preparatory, spinning and doubling (twisting) machinery. Tubes for ring-spinning, doubling and twisting spindles, taper 1:38 and 1:64 TCI/33

BS ISO 525:1999 Bonded abrasive products. General requirements MTE/13


BS ISO 603-12:1999 Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a straight grinder

BS ISO 2561:2006


Plastics. Determination of residual styrene monomer in polystyrene (PS) and impactresistant polystyrene (PS-I) by gas chromatography

BS ISO 603-13:1999


Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a vertical grinder MTE/13

BS ISO 2697:1999 Diesel engines. Fuel nozzles. Size “S” MCE/22

BS ISO 603-14:1999

BS ISO 603:—

Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling/snagging on an angle grinder

BS ISO 2705:2006

Bonded abrasive products. Dimensions


Road vehicles. M12 x 1,25 spark plugs with flat seating and their cylinder head housings

BS ISO 603-1:1999

BS ISO 603-15:1999

Grinding wheels for external cylindrical grinding between centres

Grinding wheels for cutting-off on stationary or mobile cutting-off machines




BS ISO 603-2:1999 Grinding wheels for centreless external cylindrical grinding MTE/13

BS ISO 2943:1998 Hydraulic fluid power. Filter elements. Verification of material compatibility with fluids MCE/18

BS ISO 603-16:1999 Grinding wheels for cutting-off on hand-held power tools

BS ISO 3366:1999


Coated abrasives. Abrasive rolls MTE/13

BS ISO 603-3:1999 Grinding wheels for internal cylindrical grinding MTE/13

BS ISO 1085:1999 Assembly tools for screws and nuts. Doubleended wrenches. Size pairing

BS ISO 3534:— Statistics. Vocabulary and symbols


BS ISO 603-4:1999 Grinding wheels for surface grinding/peripheral grinding MTE/13

BS ISO 1126:2006 Rubber compounding ingredients. Carbon black. Determination of loss on heating

BS ISO 603-5:1999


BS ISO 603-6:1999

BS ISO 1304:2006

BS ISO 3534-2:2006

Rubber compounding ingredients. Carbon black. Determination of iodine adsorption number

Applied statistics

BS ISO 603-7:1999 Grinding wheels for manually guided grinding



BS ISO 3842:2006

Grinding wheels for tool and toolroom grinding MTE/13

General statistical terms and terms used in probability SS/1


Grinding wheels for surface grinding/face grinding

BS ISO 3534-1:2006

BS ISO 1409:2006 Plastics/rubber. Polymer dispersions and rubber latices (natural and synthetic). Determination of surface tension by the ring method PRI/50

Road vehicles. Fifth wheels. Interchangeability AUE/13

BS ISO 3888:— Passenger cars. Test track for a severe lanechange manoeuvre


BS ISO 1434:1995 BS ISO 603-8:1999 Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling/snagging

Natural rubber in bales. Amount of bale coating. Determination PRI/50

BS ISO 3888-1:1999 Double-lane change AUE/15


BS ISO 1540:2006 Aerospace. Characteristics of aircraft electrical systems

BS ISO 3976:2006

BS ISO 603-9:1999 Grinding wheels for high pressure grinding



BS ISO 2028:1999

BS ISO 4093:1999

Stones for honing and superfinishing

Synthetic rubber latex. Preparation of dry polymer

Diesel engines. Fuel injection pumps. Highpressure pipes for testing




Milk fat. Determination of peroxide value


BS ISO 603-10:1999

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


British Standards Under Review continued... BS ISO 4658:1999

BS ISO 6118:2006

BS ISO 8332:2006

Acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber (NBR). Evaluation procedure

Road vehicles. Elastomeric cups and seals for cylinders for hydraulic braking systems using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 70°C max.)

Rubber compounding ingredients. Sulfur. Methods of test




BS ISO 4660:1999 Rubber, raw natural. Colour index test PRI/50

BS ISO 4688:—

BS ISO 8470:2006 BS ISO 6446:1994 Rubber products. Bridge bearings. Specification for rubber materials

BS ISO 8535:— BS ISO 6886:2006

Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method ISE/58

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of oxidative stability (accelerated oxidation test)


BS ISO 4928:2006 Road vehicles. Elastomeric cups and seals for cylinders for hydraulic braking systems using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (Service temperature 120°C max.)

Diesel engines. Steel tubes for high-pressure fuel injection pipes


BS ISO 8535-1:2006

BS ISO 6967:2006


BS ISO 4926:2006 Road vehicles. Hydraulic braking systems. Nonpetroleum-base reference fluids



Iron ores. Determination of aluminium

BS ISO 4688-1:2006

Road vehicles M14 x 1,25 spark-plugs with flat seating and 16 mm hexagon and their cylinder head housings

Aircraft ground equipment. Main deck container/pallet loader. Functional requirements ACE/57

Requirements for seamless cold-drawn singlewall tubes

BS ISO 9028:2006 Rubber. Dissolution by acid digestion PRI/23

BS ISO 7975:2006

BS ISO 9128:2006

Passenger cars. Braking in a turn. Open-loop test method

Road vehicles. Graphical symbols to designate brake fluid types



Road vehicles. Elastomeric seals for hydraulic disc brake cylinders using a non-petroleum base hydraulic brake fluid (service temperature 150°C max.)

BS ISO 8083:2006

BS ISO 9136:—

Machinery for forestry. Falling-object protective structures (FOPS). Laboratory tests and performance requirements

Abrasive grains. Determination of bulk density



BS ISO 4992:—

BS ISO 8118:—

Steel castings. Ultrasonic examination

Textile machinery. Weaving machine temples

BS ISO 4992-1:2006

BS ISO 8118-1:2006

Steel castings for general purposes

Temple cylinders

Rolling bearings. Insert bearings and eccentric locking collars. Boundary dimensions and tolerances




BS ISO 4992-2:2006

BS ISO 8118-2:2006

BS ISO 9816:2006

Steel castings for highly stressed components

Full-width temples




BS ISO 4930:2006

BS ISO 9136-2:2000 Microgrits MTE/13

BS ISO 8132:2006

Hydraulic fluid power. Mounting dimensions for single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) series

Hydraulic fluid power. Single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) medium and 25 MPa (250 bar) series. Mounting dimensions for accessories

BS ISO 6020-2:2006


Hydraulic fluid power. Mounting dimensions for single rod cylinders, 25 MPa (250 bar) series

BS ISO 9844:2006 Oil of bitter orange (Citrus aurantium L.) AW/54

BS ISO 9874:2006

Compact series

BS ISO 6022:2006

Passenger cars. Power-off reaction of a vehicle in a turn. Open-loop test method AUE/15

BS ISO 6020:—


BS ISO 9628:2006

BS ISO 8178:— Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Exhaust emission measurement

Milk. Determination of total phosphorus content. Method using molecular absorption spectrometry AW/5

BS ISO 8178-11:2006 Test-bed measurement of gaseous and particulate exhaust emissions from engines used in nonroad mobile machinery under transient test conditions

BS ISO 10129:2006



BS ISO 8312:1999

BS ISO 10368:2006

Determination of iron content

Rubber compounding ingredients. Stearic acid. Definition and test methods

Freight thermal containers. Remote condition monitoring





BS ISO 6101:— Rubber. Determination of metal content by atomic absorption spectrometry

BS ISO 6101-5:2006


Prices may be subject to change.

Plain bearings. Testing of bearing materials. Resistance to corrosion by lubricants under static conditions

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 10521:—

BS ISO 13674:—

BS ISO 15037:—

Road vehicles. Road load

Road vehicles. Test method for the quantification of on-centre handling

Road vehicles. Vehicle dynamics test methods

BS ISO 15037-1:2006

BS ISO 10521-1:2006 Determination under reference atmospheric conditions

BS ISO 13674-2:2006

General conditions for passenger cars

Transition test




BS ISO 10521-2:2006

BS ISO 13990:—

Reproduction on chassis dynamometer

Textile machinery and accessories. Yarn feeders and yarn control for knitting machines

BS ISO 15242:—


Rolling bearings. Measuring methods for vibration

BS ISO 15242-3:2006 Radial spherical and tapered roller bearings with cylindrical bore and outside surface

BS ISO 10770:—

BS ISO 13990-1:2006

Hydraulic fluid power. Electrically modulated hydraulic control valves


BS ISO 10770-2:1998

BS ISO 13990-2:2006

Hard coal. Determination of caking index

Connecting dimensions for yarn feeders and yarn control devices


Test methods for three-way directional flow control valves MCE/18



BS ISO 15585:2006


BS ISO 15995:2006 DD ISO/PAS 11154:2006

BS ISO 13990-3:2006

Road vehicles. Roof load carriers

Gas cylinders. Specification and testing of LPG cylinder valves. Manually operated

Dimensions for connecting and interconnection cables




BS ISO 16134:2006 BS ISO 11235:1999 Rubber compounding ingredients. Sulfenamide accelerators. Test methods PRI/50

BS ISO 14245:2006

Earthquake- and subsidence-resistant design of ductile iron pipelines

Gas cylinders. Specification and testing of LPG cylinder valves. Self-closing



BS ISO 16149:2006 BS ISO 11565:2006 Road vehicles. Spark-plugs. Test methods and requirements

BS ISO 14508:2006 Road vehicles. Spark plugs. Terminals

Agricultural irrigation equipment. PVC aboveground low-pressure pipe for surface irrigation. Specifications and test methods




BS ISO 11614:1999

BS ISO 14512:1999

BS ISO 16234:2006

Reciprocating internal combustion compressionignition engines. Apparatus for measurement of the opacity and for determination of the light absorption coefficient of exhaust gas

Passenger cars. Straight-ahead braking on surfaces with split coefficient of friction. Openloop test method

Heavy commercial vehicles and buses. Straightahead braking on surfaces with split coefficient of friction. Open-loop test method




BS ISO 11783:— Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry. Serial control and communications data network

BS ISO 11783-8:2006 Power train messages AGE/6

BS ISO 14513:2006

Pneumatic fluid power. Cylinders. Load capacity of pneumatic slides and their presentation method



BS ISO 14531:—

BS ISO 17087:2006

Plastics pipes and fittings. Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe systems for the conveyance of gaseous fuels. Metric series. Specifications

Specifications for adhesives used for finger joints in non-structural lumber products

BS ISO 12078:2006 Anhydrous milk fat. Determination of sterol composition by gas liquid chromatography (Reference method)

PD ISO/TR 16806:2003

Road vehicles. Pedestrian protection. Head impact test method


BS ISO 17499:2006 BS ISO 14531-3:2006 Fittings for mechanical jointing (including PE-X/metal transitions)

Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium. Determination of baking level expressed by equivalent temperature



BS ISO 13292:2006

BS ISO 15003:2006

BS ISO 17500:2006

Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates. Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling

Agricultural engineering. Electrical and electronic equipment. Testing resistance to environmental conditions

Aluminium oxide used for the production of primary aluminium. Determination of attrition index





Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


British Standards Under Review continued... BS ISO 18207:2006

BS ISO 21308:—

BS ISO 23273-3:2006

Road vehicles. Trailers up to 3,5 t. Control of welded towing brackets for coupling ball after fatigue testing

Road vehicles. Product data exchange between chassis and bodywork manufacturers (BEP)

Protection of persons against electric shock PEL/69


BS ISO 21308-2:2006 BS ISO 18252:2006

Dimensional bodywork exchange parameters

Anhydrous milk fat. Determination of sterol composition by gas liquid chromatography (Routine method)



BS ISO 18898:2006 Rubber. Calibration and verification of hardness testers

BS ISO 21869:2006 Rubber compounding ingredients. Magnesium oxide. Methods of test

Road vehicles. Holding test of coatings influencing the colour of light emitted by light sources). Test methods AUE/1


BS ISO 19472:2006 Machinery for forestry. Winches. Dimensions, performance and safety

BS ISO 23275-1:2006 Determination of the presence of cocoa butter equivalents AW/307

BS ISO 23275-2:2006 BS ISO 22168:2006

Adhesives. Determination of temperature dependence of shear strength

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Cocoa butter equivalents in cocoa butter and plain chocolate



BS ISO 19212:2006

BS ISO 23275:—

BS ISO 22241:— Diesel engines. NOx reduction agent AUS 32

Quantification of cocoa butter equivalents AW/307

BS ISO 23933:2006 Aerospace series. Aramid reinforced lightweight polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) hose assemblies, classification 135°C/20 684 kPa (275°F/3 000 psi) and 135°C/21 000 kPa (275°F/3 046 psi). Procurement specification ACE/69


BS ISO 22241-1:2006 BS ISO 19812:2006

Quality requirements

Road vehicles. M10 x 1 compact spark-plugs with flat seating and 16 mm hexagon and their cylinder head housings



BS ISO 22241-2:2006 Test methods

BS ISO 19813:2006 Road vehicles. Ignition systems. Test methods and requirements for high voltage boots on plug-top coils and pencil coils MCE/9


BS ISO 22369:— Crop protection equipment. Drift classification of spraying equipment

BS ISO 24134:2006 Industrial trucks. Additional requirements for automated functions on trucks MHE/7

BS ISO 24335:2006 Laminate floor coverings. Determination of impact resistance PRI/60

BS ISO 24338:2006 Laminate floor coverings. Determination of abrasion resistance PRI/60

BS ISO 19932:— Equipment for crop protection. Knapsack sprayers

BS ISO 22369-1:2006

BS ISO 24340:2006


Resilient floor coverings. Determination of thickness of layers



BS ISO 19932-1:2006 Requirements and test methods AGE/15

BS ISO 19932-2:2006 Performance limits

BS ISO 22768:2006

BS ISO 24341:2006

Rubber, raw. Determination of the glass transition temperature by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

Resilient and textile floor coverings. Determination of length, width and straightness of sheet




BS AU 262:— BS ISO 23273:— BS ISO 20299:—

Fuel cell road vehicles. Safety specifications

Road vehicles. Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing

Film for wrapping rubber bales

BS ISO 20299-1:2006 Butadiene rubber (BR) and styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR)

BS ISO 23273-1:2006 Vehicle functional safety PEL/69

BS ISO 23273-2:2006 Automotive LPG components. Containers

Protection against hydrogen hazards for vehicles fuelled with compressed hydrogen




M14 x 1, 25 glow-plugs MCE/9


BS ISO 20826:2006

BS AU 262-1:1995 (ISO 6550-1:1994)

BS AU 262-2:1995 (ISO 6550-2:1994) M12 x 1.25 glow-plugs MCE/9

Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS AU 263:1995 (ISO 2347:1994) Road vehicles. M14 X 1,25 compact spark-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing MCE/9

BS AU 264:1995 (ISO 2345:1994)

BS 8531

DD CEN/TS WI 00260091

Code of practice for the performance of roof drainage systems in metal

Fertilizers. Extraction of total sulfur present in various forms (Method 8.2)



BS EN 46:—

DD CEN/TS WI 00260093

Wood preservatives. Determination of the preventive action against Hylotrupes bajalus (Linnaeus)

Road vehicles. M18 X 1,5 spark-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing

BS EN 46-1 (Revision)


Larvicidial effect (laboratory method)


will supersede BS EN 46-1:2005

BS EN WI 00260113


Fertilizers. Determination of the fineness of grinding (dry procedure) (Method 7.1)

NEW WORK STARTED The reference number of the committee responsible for each item of new work started is given after each entry. Where a work item has the temporary designation “BS EN XXXX”, it has not yet been allocated a standard number by the European standards body.

Fertilizers. Extraction of water soluble sulfur where the sulfur is in various forms (Method 8.4)


BS EN 46-2 (Revision) Ovicidal effect (laboratory method) will supersede BS EN 46-2:2006

BS EN WI 00383006:—


Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications

DD CEN/TS 81:— Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts

BS EN WI 00383006-6 Conformity assessment PTI/20/-/5

BS 1133:— Packaging code

DD CEN/TS 81-83 Existing lifts MHE/4

BS EN 175 (Revision)

Wooden boxes, cases and crates

BS EN WI 00121555

Personal protection. Equipment for eye and face protection during welding and allied processes

will supersede BS 1133-8:1991

Welding. Use of (semi) automated phased array technology for examination of welds

BS 1133-8 (Revision)


BS 6891 (Revision) Installation of low pressure gas pipework of up to 35 mm (R1 1/4) in domestic premises (2nd family gas). Specification will supersede BS 6891:2005+A2:2008

will supersede BS EN 175:1997 PH/2


DD CEN/TS WI 00260080


Fertilizers. Extraction of phosphorus soluble in 2% formic acid (Method 3.1.2)

Metallic materials. Uniaxial creep testing in tension. Method of test




DD CEN/TS WI 00260081 BS 7188:1998/Amendment 2 Impact absorbing playground surfacing. Performance requirements and test methods

Fertilizers. Extraction of phosphorus soluble in 2% citric acid (Method 3.1.3)

BS EN ISO 286:— Geometrical product specifications (GPS). ISO code system for tolerances of linear sizes



BS 8478:2006/Amendment 1 Respiratory protective devices. Breathing gases for diving and hyperbaric applications

DD CEN/TS WI 00260083

BS EN ISO 286-1

Fertilizers. Extraction of phosphorus soluble in alkaline ammonium citrate according to Petermann at 65°C (Method




BS 8517:— Code of practice for security dogs

BS 8517-2 Detection dogs

BS EN 480:— DD CEN/TS WI 00260084 Fertilizers. Extraction of phosphorus soluble in alkaline ammonium citrate according to Petermann at ambient temperature (Method

DD CEN/TS WI 00260085 Specification for composite door assemblies. Domestic external door assemblies

Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods

BS EN 480-13 (Revision) Reference masonry mortar for testing mortar admixtures



BS 8529

Basis of tolerances, deviations and fits

Fertilizers. Extraction of phosphorus soluble in Joulie’s alkaline ammonium citrate (Method CII/37

will supersede BS EN 480-13:2002 B/517/3

BS EN 485:— Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate


DD CEN/TS WI 00260089 BS 8530 Traditional style aluminium gutter and rainwater pipe systems

Fertilizers. Determination of the fineness of grinding of soft natural phosphates (Method 7.2)

BS EN 485-1:2008/Amendment 1




Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.

Technical conditions for inspection and delivery


New Work Started continued... BS EN 488 (Revision)

BS EN ISO 1288-5

BS EN 1889:—

District heating pipes. Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks. Steel valve assembly for steel service pipes, polyurethane thermal insulation and outer casing of polyethylene

Coaxial double-ring test on flat specimens with small test surface areas

Machines for underground mines. Mobile machines working underground. Safety

will supersede BS EN 488:2003

BS EN 1342 (Revision)

Rail locomotives


Setts of natural stone for external paving. Requirements and test methods


BS EN 957:— Stationary training equipment

BS EN 957-6 (Revision)


BS EN 1889-2:2003/Amendment 1

will supersede BS EN 1342:2001

BS EN 1948:—


BS EN 1418 (Revision)

Stationary source emissions. Determination of the mass concentration of PCDDs/PCDFs and dioxin-like PCBs

will supersede BS EN 957-6:2001

Welding personnel. Approval testing of welding operators for fusion welding and resistance weld setters for fully mechanized and automatic welding of metallic materials


will supersede BS EN 1418:1998

will supersede DD CEN/TS 1948-4:2007



BS EN 1591:—

BS EN ISO 4254:—

Flanges and their joints. Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections

Agricultural machinery. Safety

Treadmills, additional specific safety requirements and test methods

BS EN 1948-4 (Revision) Sampling and analysis of dioxin-like PCBs

BS EN 1034:— Safety of machinery. Safety requirements for the design and construction of paper making and finishing machines

BS EN 1034-16 Paper and boardmaking machines

BS EN 1591-1:2001/Amendment 1


Calculation method

BS EN ISO 4254-10 Rotary tedders and rakes AGE/32


BS EN ISO 1043:— Plastics. Symbols and abbreviated terms

BS EN 1708:— Welding. Basic weld joint details in steel

BS EN ISO 1043-2 (Revision) Fillers and reinforcing materials

BS EN 1708-3

will supersede BS EN ISO 1043-2:2001

Plating, buttering, lining of pressurized components


BS EN 1127:— Explosive atmospheres. Explosion prevention and protection

BS EN 1127-1 (Revision) Basic concepts and methodology will supersede BS EN 1127-1:2007 FSH/23


BS EN 1760:— Safety of machinery. Pressure sensitive protective devices

Aerospace series. Contacts, electrical, qualification for change of materials and process ACE/6

BS EN ISO 7779:2001/Amendment 2 Acoustics. Measurement of airborne noise emitted by information technology and telecommunications equipment EH/1

BS EN ISO 9117:— BS EN 1760-2:2001/Amendment 1

Paints and varnishes. Drying tests

General principles for the design and testing of pressure sensitive edges and pressure sensitive bars

BS EN ISO 9117-1 Determination of through-dry state and through-dry time


BS EN ISO 1288:— Glazing in building. Determination of the bending strength of glass

PD CEN/TR 4680


BS EN 1760-3:2004/Amendment 1

BS EN ISO 1288-1

General principles for the design and testing of pressure sensitive bumpers, plates, wires and similar devices

Fundamentals of testing glass


Robots for industrial environments. Safety requirements

BS EN 1807:—

BS EN ISO 10218-1 (Revision)

BS EN ISO 10218:—


BS EN ISO 1288-2 Coaxial double-ring test on flat specimens with large test surface areas

Safety of woodworking machines. Band sawing machines

Robot will supersede BS EN ISO 10218-1:2006 AMT/-/2


BS EN 1807-1 (Revision) Table band saws and band re-saws

BS EN ISO 1288-3 Test with specimen supported at two points (four-point bending)

will supersede BS EN 1807:1999 MTE/23


BS EN ISO 10848:— Acoustics. Laboratory measurement of the flanking transmission of airborne and impact noise between adjoining rooms

BS EN 1807-2 (Revision) BS EN ISO 1288-4

Log sawing machines

BS EN ISO 10848-4

Testing of channel-shaped glass

will supersede BS EN 1807:1999

All other cases





Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS EN ISO 11114:—

BS EN 13463:—

BS EN 14774-2 (Revision)

Transportable gas cylinders. Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents

Non-electrical equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

Total moisture. Simplified method

BS EN ISO 11114-1 (Revision)

BS EN 13463-5 (Revision)

Metallic materials

Protection by constructional safety ’c’

will supersede BS EN ISO 11114-1:1998

will supersede BS EN 13463-5:2003



will supersede DD CEN/TS 14774-2:2004 PTI/17

BS EN 14774-3 (Revision) Moisture in general analysis sample will supersede DD CEN/TS 14774-3:2004 PTI/17

BS EN ISO 11446 (Revision) Road vehicles. Connectors for the electrical connection of towing and towed vehicles. 13-pole connectors for vehicles with 12 V nominal supply voltage will supersede BS EN ISO 11446:2004 AUE/16

BS EN 13617:— Petrol filling stations

BS EN 14775 (Revision) BS EN 13617-1:2004/Amendment 1 Safety requirements for construction and performance of metering pumps, dispensers and remote pumping units

Solid biofuels. Method for the determination of ash content will supersede DD CEN/TS 14775:2004 PTI/17


BS EN 14918 (Revision)

BS EN 12321:2003/Amendment 1 Underground mining machinery. Specification for the safety requirements of armoured face conveyors MRE/1

BS EN 13618 Flexible hose assemblies in drinking water installations. Functional requirements and test methods

Solid biofuels. Method for the determination of calorific value will supersede DD CEN/TS 14918:2005 PTI/17


BS EN 12597 (Revision) Bitumen and bituminous binders. Terminology

BS EN ISO 13628:—

will supersede BS EN 12597:2000

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Design and operation of subsea production systems

BS EN 14938:— Copper and copper alloys. Determination of bismuth content


BS EN 12697:— Bituminous mixtures. Test methods for hot mix asphalt

BS EN 12697-5 (Revision) Determination of the maximum density will supersede BS EN 12697-5:2002

BS EN ISO 13628-1:2005/Amendment 1 General requirements and recommendations PSE/17/-/4

BS EN 14938-2 (Revision) FAAS method will supersede DD CEN/TS 14938-2:2006 NFE/34

BS EN ISO 13628-1:2005/Amendment 2 General requirements and recommendations

BS EN ISO 15011:—


Health and safety in welding and allied processes. Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases


BS EN ISO 13688 BS EN 12697-46 Low temperature cracking and properties by uniaxial tension tests

Protective clothing. General requirements will supersede BS EN 340:2003 PH/3/12


BS EN 12829 (Revision) Surface active agents. Preparation of water with known calcium hardness will supersede BS EN 12829:1998 CII/34

BS EN 13263:— Silica fume for concrete

BS EN 13263-2:2005/Amendment 1 Conformity evaluation

BS EN ISO 15011-5 (Revision) Identification of thermal-degradation products generated when welding or cutting through products composed wholly or partly of organic materials

BS EN ISO 14343 (Revision)

will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 15011-5:2006

Welding consumables. Wire electrodes, strip electrodes, wires and rods for fusion welding of stainless and heat resisting steels. Classification


will supersede BS EN ISO 14343:2007

DD CEN ISO/TS 15011:—


Health and safety in welding and allied processes. Laboratory method for sampling fume and gases

BS EN 14476:2005/Amendment 2 Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Virucidal quantitative suspension test for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in human medicine. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1)

DD CEN ISO/TS 15011-6 Procedure for quantitative determination of fume from resistance spot welding WEE/40



BS EN 15023:— BS EN 14774:— BS EN 13411:—

Copper and copper alloys. Determination of nickel content

Terminations for steel wire ropes. Safety

Solid biofuels. Methods for the determination of moisture content. Oven dry method

BS EN 13411-4 (Revision)

BS EN 14774-1 (Revision)

Metal and resin socketing

Total moisture. Reference method

Flame atomic absorption spectrometry method (FAAS)

will supersede BS EN 13411-4:2002

will supersede DD CEN/TS 14774-1:2004

will supersede DD CEN/TS 15023-3:2006




BS EN 15023-3 (Revision)

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... BS EN 15025 (Revision)

BS EN 15376:2007/Amendment 1

BS EN 15916:—

Copper and copper alloys. Determination of magnesium content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry method (FAAS)

Automotive fuels. Ethanol as a blending component for petrol. Requirements and test methods

Copper and copper alloys. Determination of tellurium content

will supersede DD CEN/TS 15025:2006


BS EN 15916-2


BS EN 15605 BS EN ISO 15027:— Immersion suits

Copper and copper alloys. Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometric

Medium tellurium content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (FAAS) NFE/34


BS EN 15918

BS EN ISO 15027-1 (Revision) Constant wear suits, requirements including safety will supersede BS EN ISO 15027-1:2002

BS EN ISO 15630:— Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete. Test methods

Cycles. Bicycles trailers. safety requirements and test methods GME/25


BS EN ISO 15027-2 (Revision) Abandonment suits, requirements including safety

BS EN ISO 15630-1 (Revision)

BS EN 15927

Reinforcing bars, wire rod and wire

Services offered by hearing aid professionals

will supersede BS EN ISO 15630-1:2002



will supersede BS EN ISO 15027-2:2002 PH/3/6

BS EN 15930 BS EN ISO 15630-2 (Revision)

Textiles. Elasticity of fibres. Test methods

Welded fabric


BS EN ISO 15027-3 (Revision)

will supersede BS EN ISO 15630-2:2002

Test methods


BS EN ISO 16591

will supersede BS EN ISO 15027-3:2002 PH/3/6

BS EN ISO 15630-3 (Revision)

Petroleum products. Determination of sulfur content. Oxidative microcoulometry method

Prestressing steel


BS EN 15037:—

will supersede BS EN ISO 15630-3:2002

Precast concrete products. Beam-and-block floor systems


BS EN 15037-4 Polystyrene blocks B/524

BS EN ISO 17072:—

BS EN 15708

Leather. Chemical determination of metal content

Water quality. Guidance standard for the surveying, sampling and laboratory analysis of phytobenthos in shallow running water

BS EN ISO 17072-1



BS EN 15749 (Revision)

BS EN ISO 17072-2

Extractable metals

BS EN 15103 (Revision) Solid biofuels. Methods for the determination of bulk density will supersede DD CEN/TS 15103:2005

Fertilizers. Determination of sulfates content using three different methods


will supersede DD CEN/TS 15749:2008

Total metal content TCI/69


BS EN ISO 17638

BS EN 15148 (Revision) Solid biofuels. Method for the determination of the content of volatile matter will supersede DD CEN/TS 15148:2005 PTI/17

BS EN 15210:— Solid biofuels. Method for the determination of mechanical durability of pellets and briquettes

BS EN 15750 (Revision) Fertilizers. Determination of different forms of nitrogen in fertilizers containing nitrogen only as nitric, ammoniacal and urea nitrogen by two different methods will supersede DD CEN/TS 15750:2006 CII/37

BS EN 15911

Non-destructive testing of welds. Magnetic particle testing will supersede BS EN 1290:1998 WEE/46

BS EN ISO 20349 Personal protective equipment. Footwear protecting against molten metal splash. Requirements and test methods PH/1

will supersede DD CEN/TS 15210-1:2005

Foodstuffs. Simultaneous determination of nine sweeteners by high performance liquid chromatography and evaporative light scattering detection



BS EN 15293

PD CEN/TR 15913

Automotive fuels. Ethanol E85. Requirements and test methods

Layout criteria for viewing area for spectators with special needs




DD CEN/TS 15366

BS EN 15915

BS EN ISO 23277

Winter and road service area maintenance equipment. Solid absorbents intended for road usage

Copper and copper alloys. Determination of silver content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (FAAS)

Non-destructive testing of welds. Penetrant testing of welds. Acceptance levels will supersede BS EN 1289:1998




BS EN 15210-1 (Revision) Pellets


Prices may be subject to change.

BS EN ISO 22476:— Geotechnical investigation and testing. Field testing

BS EN ISO 22476-4 Ménard pressure meter test

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS EN ISO 23278

BS ISO 36 (Revision)

BS ISO 1219:—

Non-destructive testing of welds. Magnetic particle testing of welds. Acceptance levels

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of adhesion to textile fabrics

Fluid power systems and components. Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams

will supersede BS EN 1291:1998

will supersede BS ISO 36:2005



BS ISO 1219-2 (Revision) BS EN 60061:—

BS ISO 37 (Revision)

Specification for lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety

will supersede BS ISO 37:2005

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of tensile stress-strain properties PRI/22

will supersede BS ISO 1219-2:1995 MCE/18

BS ISO 1407

BS EN 60061-2:1997/Amendment 40

Rubber. Determination of solvent extract


BS ISO 105:—


Textiles. Tests for colour fastness

BS EN 60061-3:1997/Amendment 41

BS ISO 105-A11


Determination of colour fastness grades by digital imaging techniques


Circuit diagrams


will supersede BS 7164-3:1992 PRI/22

BS ISO 1519 (Revision) Paints and varnishes. Bend test (cylindrical mandrel) will supersede BS EN ISO 1519:2002

BS EN 60512:— Connectors for electronic equipment. Tests and measurements

BS ISO 105-B02 (Revision) Colour fastness to artificial light. Xenon arc fading lamp test will supersede BS EN ISO 105-B02:1999

BS EN 60512-99-001


Test schedules. Mechanical operation, unmating connectors under electrical load, applicable to IEC 60603-7 series connectors and IEC 61076-3-1xx connectors having the IEC 60603-7 series mating interface.

BS ISO 105-G01 (Revision)




BS ISO 1817 (Revision) Rubber, vulcanized. Determination of the effect of liquids will supersede BS ISO 1817:2005 PRI/22

Colour fastness to nitrogen oxides will supersede BS EN ISO 105-G01:1996

BS ISO 1853 Conducting and dissipative rubbers, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Measurement of resistivity

BS EN 60695:—

BS ISO 132 (Revision)


Fire hazard testing

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of flex cracking and crack growth (De Mattia)

BS ISO 2303 (Revision)

BS EN 60695-7-1 (Revision)

will supersede BS ISO 132:2005

Toxicity of fire effluent. General guidance


will supersede BS EN 60695-7-1:2004 GEL/89

will supersede BS ISO 2303:2003

PD ISO/TR 230:— Test code for machine tools

BS EN 61169:— Radio-frequency connectors

PD ISO/TR 230-11 Measuring instruments and their application to machine tool geometry tests

BS EN 61169-14 R.F. coaxial connectors with inner diameter of outer conductor with 12 mm (0.472 in) with screw coupling. Characteristic impedance 75 ohms (Type 3.5/12) EPL/46/2

BS EN 61820 Electrical installation for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes. Constant current series circuits aeronautical ground lighting. System design and installation requirements EPL/97

Isoprene rubber (IR). Non-oil-extended, solution-polymerized types. Evaluation procedure PRI/23

BS ISO 2811:— Paints and varnishes. Determination of density


BS ISO 2811-1 (Revision) BS ISO 248:— Rubber, raw. Determination of volatile-matter content

BS ISO 248-1 Hot-mill method and oven method PRI/23

Pyknometer method will supersede BS EN ISO 2811-1:2001 STI/10

BS ISO 2811-2 (Revision) Immersed body (plummet) method will supersede BS EN ISO 2811-2:2001 STI/10

BS ISO 630:— Structural steels

BS ISO 2811-3 (Revision) BS EN ISO 80601:—

BS ISO 630-1

Oscillation method

Medical electrical equipment

General delivery conditions for hot rolled products

will supersede BS EN ISO 2811-3:2001

BS EN ISO 80601-2-55 Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of respiratory gas monitors



BS ISO 630-2

BS ISO 2811-4 (Revision) Pressure cup method

will supersede BS EN ISO 21647:2004

Technical delivery conditions for non alloy structural steels for general purpose

will supersede BS EN ISO 2811-4:2001




Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... BS ISO 2878 (Revision)

BS ISO 3720

BS ISO 4664:—

Rubber. Antistatic and conductive products. Determination of electrical resistance

Black tea. Definition and basic requirements

Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of dynamic properties

will supersede BS ISO 2878:2005

will supersede BS 6048:1987 AW/90


BS ISO 4664-1 (Revision) General guidance

BS ISO 2921 (Revision) Rubber, vulcanized. Determination of lowtemperature characteristics. Temperatureretraction procedure (TR test)

BS ISO 3864:— Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs

will supersede BS ISO 2921:2005 PRI/22

BS ISO 3864-1

BS ISO 2926 (Revision)


Aluminium oxide used for the production of primary aluminium. Particle size analysis for the range 45 µm to 150 µm. Method using electroformed sieves

BS ISO 3864-4

will supersede BS ISO 2926:2005 CII/24

Design principles for safety signs and safety markings

will supersede BS ISO 4664-1:2005 PRI/22

BS ISO 4919 Textile floor coverings. Determination of tuft withdrawal force PRI/3/60

BS ISO 4965:— Specification of colorimetric and photometric properties of materials

Metallic materials. Fatigue testing. Uniaxial dynamic force calibration


BS ISO 4965-1 BS ISO 2944 (Revision) Fluid power systems and components. Nominal pressures will supersede BS ISO 2944:2000 MCE/18

Testing machine

BS ISO 3972

will supersede BS 5929-7:1992 AW/12

will supersede BS ISO 3087:1998

BS ISO 4965-2 Dynamic Calibration Device (DCD) instrumentation ISE/NFE/4

BS ISO 3087 (Revision) Iron ores. Determination of the moisture content of a lot


Sensory analysis. Methodology. Method of investigating sensitivity of taste

BS ISO 4126:— Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure

BS ISO 5530:—

BS ISO 4126-1 (Revision)

BS ISO 5530-1

Wheat flour. Physical characteristics of doughs


BS ISO 3384 (Revision) Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of stress relaxation in compression at ambient and at elevated temperatures

Safety valves will supersede BS EN ISO 4126-1:2004

Determination of water absorption and rheological properties using a farinograph


will supersede BS 4317-20:1989 AW/4

will supersede BS ISO 3384:2005 PRI/22

BS ISO 3394

BS ISO 4126-4 (Revision) Pilot-operated safety valves

BS ISO 5692:—

will supersede BS EN ISO 4126-4:2004

Agricultural vehicles. Mechanical connections on towed vehicles

Specification for plan dimensions of rigid rectangular transport packages with a modular relationship to 1200 mm x 1000 mm and 1200 mm x 800 mm pallets and unit loads


will supersede BS 6837:1987

Controlled safety pressure relief systems (CSPRS)


will supersede BS EN ISO 4126-5:2004

BS ISO 4126-5 (Revision)

BS ISO 5692-3 Swivel hitch rings AGE/6


BS ISO 5794:—

BS ISO 3534:— Statistics. Vocabulary and symbols

BS ISO 4126-7 (Revision)

Rubber compounding ingredients. Silica, precipitated, hydrated

Common data

BS ISO 3534-3 (Revision)

will supersede BS EN ISO 4126-7:2004

Design of experiments


will supersede BS ISO 3534-3:1999

BS ISO 5794-1:2005/Amendment 1 Non-rubber tests PRI/23


BS ISO 4150 BS ISO 3656 (Revision) Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of ultraviolet absorbance expressed as specific UV extinction

Green coffee. Size analysis. Manual sieving

BS ISO 5814

will supersede BS 5752-5:1991

Water quality. Determination of dissolved oxygen. Electrochemical probe method



will supersede BS EN ISO 3656:2002 AW/307

BS ISO 4397

BS ISO 3676 Packaging. Unit load sizes. Dimensions

Fluid power systems and components. Connectors and associated components. Nominal outside diameters of tubes and nominal size of hoses




Prices may be subject to change.

BS ISO 6072 (Revision) Hydraulic fluid power. Compatibility between fluids and standard elastomeric materials will supersede BS ISO 6072:2002 CH/205/3

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 6162:—

BS ISO 6747

BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 72

Hydraulic fluid power. Flange connectors with split or one-piece flange clamps and metric or inch screws

Earth-moving machinery. Tractor-dozers. Terminology and commercial specifications will supersede BS 6914-6:1999

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas



BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 62

BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 73

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas



BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 63

BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 74

BS ISO 6162-1 (Revision) Flange connectors for use at pressures of 3,5 MPa (35 bar) to 35 MPa (350 bar), DN 13 to DN 127 will supersede BS ISO 6162-1:2002 MCE/18/-/4

BS ISO 6358:— Pneumatic fluid power. Determination of flowrate characteristics of components using compressible fluids

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas



BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 64

BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 75

BS ISO 6358-5 Method for calculating flow-rate characteristics for groups of components MCE/18/-/5

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

BS ISO 6474:—



BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 65

BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 76

Implants for surgery. Ceramic materials

BS ISO 6474-2 Composite materials based on a high purity alumina matrix with zirconia reinforcement

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas




BS ISO 6489:—

BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 66

BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 77

Agricultural vehicles. Mechanical connections between towed and towing vehicles

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

BS ISO 6489-5



BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 67

BS ISO 7133

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

Earth-moving machinery. Tractor-scrapers. Terminology and commercial specifications



Specifications for non swivel clevis couplings AGE/6

BS ISO 6565 Tobacco and tobacco products. Draw resistance of cigarettes and pressure drop of filter rods. Standard conditions and measurement will supersede BS 5381-5:1999 AW/40

BS ISO 6666 Coffee triers

BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 68 Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas PH/8/1

BS ISO 6722 (Revision) Road vehicles. 60 V and 600 V single-core cables. Dimensions, test methods and requirements will supersede BS ISO 6722:2006 AUE/16

BS ISO 6741:—

BS ISO 7203:— Fire extinguishing media. Foam concentrates

BS ISO 7203-1 (Revision)

will supersede BS 6379-3:1983 AW/15

will supersede BS 6914-9:1996

BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 69 Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

Specification for low expansion foam concentrates for top application to waterimmiscible liquids will supersede BS ISO 7203-1:1995 FSH/23


BS ISO 7203-2 (Revision) BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 70 Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

Specification for medium and high expansion foam concentrates for top application to waterimmiscible liquids will supersede BS ISO 7203-2:1995



BS ISO 7010:2003/Amendment 71

BS ISO 7203-3

Values used for the commercial allowances and the commercial moisture regains

Graphical symbols. Safety colours and safety signs. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas

Specification for low expansion foam concentrates for top application to watermiscible liquids




Textiles. Fibres and yarns. Determination of commercial mass of consignments

BS ISO 6741-4

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... BS ISO 7206:—

BS ISO 8124:—

BS ISO 9038 (Revision)

Implants for surgery. Partial and total hip joint prostheses

Safety of toys

Test for sustained combustibility of liquids will supersede BS EN ISO 9038:2003

BS ISO 8124-1:2000/Amendment 6 BS ISO 7206-6 Determination of endurance properties of head and neck region of stemmed femoral components

Safety aspects related to mechanical and physical properties

BS ISO 9092


Textiles. Nonwovens. Definition will supersede BS EN 29092:1992

will supersede BS 7251-10:1992 CH/150/4

BS ISO 8255:—


Optics and optical instruments. Microscopes. Cover glasses

BS ISO 9094 (Revision)

BS ISO 7207:— Implants for surgery. Components for partial and total knee joint prostheses


Small craft. Fire protection

BS ISO 8255-1 Dimensional tolerances, thickness and optical properties

will supersede BS EN ISO 9094-1:2003 and BS EN ISO 9094-2:2002 GME/33

will supersede BS 7011-3.1:1989

BS ISO 7207-2 Articulating surfaces made of metal, ceramic and plastics materials


BS ISO 9241:— Ergonomics of human-system interaction

will supersede BS 7251-14:1998

BS ISO 8455


Green coffee in bags. Guidance on storage and transport will supersede BS 6827:1987

BS ISO 7240:—


Fire detection and alarm systems

BS ISO 9241-100 Introduction to standards related to software ergonomics PH/9

BS ISO 8502:— BS ISO 7240-12 Line type smoke detectors using a transmitted optical beam

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness


Basic human body measurements for technological design

Field method for the direct conductometric determination of water-soluble salts (rigid-cell method) STI/21

BS ISO 8586:—

Statistical summaries of body measurements from individual ISO populations

Sensory analysis. General guidance for the selection, training and monitoring of assessors


BS ISO 7970 (Revision)

Selected assessors

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Specification

will supersede BS 7667-1:1993

will supersede BS ISO 7970:2000



BS ISO 8624 (Revision)

will supersede BS EN ISO 8624:2002

BS ISO 8000-120 AMT/4


Solar heating. Domestic water heating systems

BS ISO 9459-4 System performance characterization by means of component tests and computer simulation RHE/25

BS ISO 9628 (Revision) Rolling bearings. Insert bearings and eccentric locking collars. Boundary dimensions and tolerances will supersede BS ISO 9628:2006

BS ISO 8637 Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs. Haemodialysers, haemodiafilters, haemofilters and haemoconcentrators

BS ISO 8038

will supersede BS 7297-1:1990

Microscopes. Screw threads for objectives and related nosepieces


will supersede BS 7012-4.1:1998 CPW/172/5

will supersede BS 7012-8:1997

Ophthalmic optics. Spectacle frames. Measuring system and terminology CH/172/3

Master data. Provenance

BS ISO 9344

BS ISO 9459:— BS ISO 8586-1

Data quality


Optics and optical instruments. Microscopes. Graticules for eyepieces

PD ISO/TR 7250-2

BS ISO 8000:—

Oilseed residues. Determination of free residual hexane will supersede BS EN ISO 9289:1995

BS ISO 8502-13 PD ISO/TR 7250:—

BS ISO 9289 (Revision)


BS ISO 9698 Water quality. Determination of tritium activity concentration. Liquid scintillation counting method EH/3

BS ISO 8638

BS ISO 8091

Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs. Extracorporeal blood circuit for haemodialysers, haemodiafilters and haemofilters

Textiles. Twist factor related to the tex system

will supersede BS 7297-2:1990

Quality management. Guidelines on people involvement and competences





Prices may be subject to change.

BS ISO 10018

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 10041:—

DD ISO/TS 10303:—

BS ISO 10786

Pneumatic fluid power. Electrically modulated pneumatic flow rate control valves

Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange

Space systems. Structural components and assemblies ACE/68/-/1

BS ISO 10041-1 Main characteristics to include in the supplier’s literature for three-port control valves MCE/18/-/5

BS ISO 10041-2 Test methods to determinate main characteristics to include in the supplier’s literature for three-port control valves MCE/18/-/5

BS ISO 10077:—

DD ISO/TS 10303-433 Application module. AP 233 systems engineering

BS ISO 10788


Space systems. Lunar dust simulant ACE/68/-/4

BS ISO 10392 Road vehicles. Determination of centre of gravity will supersede BS AU 246:1992 AUE/15

BS ISO 10789 Space systems. Programme management. Information and documentation management ACE/68/-/5

BS ISO 10542:—

Thermal performance of windows, doors and shutters. Calculation of thermal transmittance

Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped persons. Wheelchair tiedown and occupant-restraint systems

BS ISO 10077-2 (Revision)

BS ISO 10542-1 (Revision)

BS ISO 10794 Space systems. Programme management. Material, mechanical parts and processes ACE/68/-/5

Numerical method for frames

Requirements and test methods for all systems

will supersede BS EN ISO 10077-2:2003

will supersede BS ISO 10542-1:2001

BS ISO 10795



Space systems. Programme management. Vocabulary

BS ISO 10571


BS ISO 10094:— Pneumatic fluid power. Electrically modulated pneumatic pressure control valves

Specification for tyres and wheels. Tyres. Offthe-road tyres. Specification for tyres for mobile cranes and similar specialized machines will supersede BS AU 50-1.3.3:1996

BS ISO 10094-1 Main characteristics to include in the supplier’s literature MCE/18/-/5

BS ISO 10094-2 Test methods to determine main characteristics to include in the supplier’s literature MCE/18/-/5



Intelligent transport systems. Interface protocol and message set definition between traffic signal controllers and detectors (IPMSTSCD) EPL/278

BS ISO 10209 (Revision) Technical product documentation. Vocabulary. Terms relating to technical drawings, product definition and related products will supersede BS ISO 10209-1:1992 and BS EN ISO 10209-2:1996 TDW/4

Test method for pore size determination under turbulent water flow conditions

BS ISO 10776 Geotextiles and geotextile-related products. Determination of water permeability characteristics normal to the plane, under load

Water quality. Guidance on the selection of sampling methods and devices for benthic macroinvertebrates in fresh waters EH/3/5

Lunar dust creation, suspension and transport

BS ISO 10784:—


Space systems. Early operations

BS ISO 10930 BS ISO 10784-1 Initializing and commissioning

Soil quality. Measurement of stability of soil aggregates to assess the sensitivity to crusting and water erosion EH/4

BS ISO 10784-2 Initialization plan ACE/68/-/2

BS ISO 10303-52


BS ISO 10870

BS ISO 10905


BS ISO 10303:—

Integrated generic resource. Mesh-based topology

Soil quality. Effects of pollutants on mycorrhizal fungi EH/4


Industrial automation systems and integration

DD ISO/TS 10832

BS ISO 10772

BS ISO 10159


Space systems. Non-destructive testing. Method of automatic ultrasonic inspection of graphite ingot for solid rocket motor

BS ISO 10711


Health informatics. ISO/web access resource manifest

BS ISO 10830

BS ISO 10784-3 Commisioning report

BS ISO 10988 Equipment for crop protection. Knapsack combustion engine driven mitblowers. Test method and performance limits AGE/15


PD ISO/TR 10992 BS ISO 10303-53

BS ISO 10785

Integrated generic resource. Numerical analysis

Space systems. Bellows. Design and operation

Nomadic devices to support ITS service and multimedia provision in vehicles




Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... BS ISO 10993:—

BS ISO 11227

BS ISO 11350

Biological evaluation of medical devices

Space systems. Test procedure to evaluate spacecraft material ejecta upon hypervelocity impact

BS ISO 10993-3 (Revision)


Water quality. Determination of the genotoxicity of water and waste water. Salmonella/microsome fluctuation test (Ames fluctuation test) EH/3/5

Tests for genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and reproductive toxicity will supersede BS EN ISO 10993-3:2003

BS ISO 11229


Space systems. Requirements for manufacturing and procurement of threaded fasteners ACE/68

BS ISO 10993-12 (Revision)

BS ISO 11356 Crop protection equipment. Spray parameter recording for traceability AGE/15

Sample preparation and reference materials will supersede BS EN ISO 10993-12:2007

BS ISO 11230


Space systems. Standard methods for mechanical testing of metallic materials ACE/68

BS ISO 11026 Heavy commercial vehicles and buses. Test method for roll stability. Closing curve test AUE/15

BS ISO 11231 Space systems. Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) ACE/68/-/5

BS ISO 11037 Sensory analysis. General guidance and test method for assessment of the colour of foods will supersede BS 5929-10:1999 AW/12

BS ISO 11232 Space systems. Spacecraft to launch vehicle interfaces

BS ISO 11039


BS ISO 11250 Mechanical female contraceptive devices. Tubal ligation/fallopian rings CH/157

DD ISO/TS 11059 Milk and milk products. Method for the enumeration of Pseudomonas spp. AW/5

BS ISO 11252 (Revision) Lasers and laser-related equipment. Laser device. Minimum requirements for documentation

BS ISO 11132

will supersede BS EN ISO 11252:2008

Sensory analysis. Methodology. General guidance for monitoring the performance of a quantitative sensory panel



BS ISO 11269:—

BS ISO 11137:—

Building environment design. Energy performance of buildings. Methodology to assess the overall energy and environmental impact by using a holistic (complete) approach procedure RHE/2

BS ISO 11396 Crocodile skins. Description of defects, grading on the basis of defects and size


Standards on the definition and measurement methods of drift rates of SPMs

BS ISO 11368


BS ISO 11398 Raw ostrich skins. Description of defects, preservation and grading TCI/69

BS ISO 11504 Soil quality. Assessment of impact from soil contaminated with mineral oil EH/4

PD ISO/TR 11583:— Measurement of wet gas flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full

PD ISO/TR 11583-1

Soil quality. Determination of the effects of pollutants on soil flora

General principles and requirements

BS ISO 11269-1

BS ISO 11619


Sterilization of health care products. Radiation

BS ISO 11137-2 (Revision) Establishing the sterilization dose will supersede BS EN ISO 11137-2:2007 CH/198

Method for the measurement of inhibition of root growth will supersede BS 7755-4.3.1:1994

Specification for polyurethane tubing for use primarily in pneumatic installations PRI/66/-/1


DD ISO/TS 11669

BS ISO 11156

BS ISO 11269-2 (Revision)

Guidelines for all people including elderly persons and persons with disabilities. Packaging and receptacles

Effects of contaminated soils on the emergence and growth of higher plants



will supersede BS ISO 11269-2:2005

Parameters to be considered when starting a translation project TS/1

BS ISO 11672 Connectors for fluid power and general use. Designation and nomenclature

BS ISO 11221

BS ISO 11287

Space systems. Space solar panels. Spacecraft charging induced electrostatic discharge test materials

Green tea. Definition and basic requirements AW/90


BS ISO 11680:— Machinery for forestry. Safety requirements and testing for pole-mounted powered pruners


BS ISO 11341 (Revision) BS ISO 11225 Space environment (natural and artificial). Guide to reference and standard atmosphere models ACE/68


Paints and varnishes. Artificial weathering and exposure to artificial radiation. Exposure to filtered xenon-arc radiation

BS ISO 11680-1 (Revision)

will supersede BS EN ISO 11341:2004

will supersede BS EN ISO 11680-1:2001



Prices may be subject to change.

Units fitted with an integral combustion engine

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 11680-2 (Revision)

BS ISO 11783-5

BS ISO 11891

Machine for use with back-pack power source

Network management

will supersede BS EN ISO 11680-2:2001


Hot formed helical compression springs. Technical specifications GME/15


BS ISO 11806:— BS ISO 11686 Connectors for fluid power and general use. Assembly instructions for connectors with adjustable stud ends and O ring sealing MCE/18/-/4

Agricultural and forestry machinery. Safety requirements and testing for portable handheld powered brush-cutters and grass-trimmers

Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium. Prebaked anodes. Determination of the fracture energy CII/24

Space systems. Subsystems/units to spacecraft interface control document ACE/68/-/2

BS ISO 11806-1 (Revision) Machines for use with an integral combustion engine

BS ISO 11706

BS ISO 11892

will supersede BS EN ISO 11806:1997 AGE/29

BS ISO 11893 Space systems. Programme management. Project organization ACE/68/-/5

BS ISO 11806-2 (Revision) Machines for use with a backpack power source

BS ISO 11915

BS ISO 11709

will supersede BS EN ISO 11806:1997

Soil quality. Determination of selected coal-tar derived phenolic compounds using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)



PD ISO/TR 11827

Communications access for land mobiles. High speed, air interface parameters and protocols for broadcast, point-point, vehicle-vehicle, and vehicle-point communications in the ITS Sector using IEEE802.11 wireless LAN standard in normal operational modes

Textiles. Composition testing. Identification of fibres

BS ISO 11746


Rice. Determination of biometric characteristics of kernels AW/4

BS ISO 11916:— BS ISO 11837 Machinery for forestry. Saw chain shot guarding systems. Test method and performance criteria

BS ISO 11747


Rice. Determination of cooked rice kernel hardness index AW/4

BS ISO 11764

will supersede BS ISO 11850:2003

Clinical laboratory testing. Susceptibility testing of fungi


PD ISO/TR 11766

BS ISO 11855:— Building environment design. Radiant heating and cooling system

Lawful Interception in ITS and CALM EPL/278

Data retention for law enforcement in ITS and CALM EPL/278

BS ISO 11916-1 EH/4

BS ISO 11926:— Connections for general use and fluid power. Ports and stud ends with ISO 725 threads and O-ring sealing

BS ISO 11926-1 Ports with O-ring seal intruncated housing

BS ISO 11855-3 Design and dimensioning

PD ISO/TR 11769

Soil quality. Determination of explosive compounds

Method using HPLC

BS ISO 11850 (Revision) Machinery for forestry. Self-propelled machinery. Safety requirements





BS ISO 11926-2 BS ISO 11855-4

Heavy-duty (S series) stud ends

Dynamic analysis for TABS



PD ISO/TR 11773 Reference materials transportation

BS ISO 11855-5


Installation and commissioning RHE/2

BS ISO 11926-3 Light-duty (L series) stud ends MCE/18/-/4

BS ISO 11775 Surface chemical analysis. Scanning probe microscopy. Determination of cantilever normal spring constants CII/60

BS ISO 11855-6 Operation and control RHE/2

BS ISO 11926-4 Dimensions, design, test methods and requirements for external and internal hex port plugs MCE/18/-/4

BS ISO 11783:— Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry. Serial control and communications data network

BS ISO 11855-7 Electric heating system

DD ISO/TS 11931:—


Nanotechnologies. Nano-calcium carbonate

DD ISO/TS 11888 Determination of mesoscopic shape factors of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs)

DD ISO/TS 11931-1

Network layer AGE/32



BS ISO 11783-4

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.

Characteristics and measurement methods


New Work Started continued... BS ISO 11937:—

BS ISO 12133

PD ISO/TR 12309

Nanotechnologies. Nano-titanium dioxide

Small craft. Carbon monoxide detection systems

Health informatics. Guidelines for establishing international healthcare terminology standardisation


BS ISO 11937-1


Characteristics and measurement methods

PD ISO/TR 12134


Rubber. Estimation of uncertainty for rubber test methods. Non-functional parameters

BS ISO 11939 Standards on the measurement of angle between an AFM tip and surface and its certified reference material CII/60

DD ISO/TS 12144 Nanotechnologies. Core terms. Terminology and definitions




BS ISO 12315

BS ISO 12180:—

Aluminium oxide primarily used for production of aluminium. Method for calculating the Al2O3 content of smelter-grade alumina

BS ISO 11952 Guideline for the determination of geometrical quantities using scanning probe microscopes. Calibration of measuring systems

BS ISO 12313 Colorants. Test method for the detection and determination of certain listed amines derived from azo colorant in dyestuffs


Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Cylindricity


BS ISO 12384 BS ISO 11987 (Revision)

BS ISO 12180-1 (Revision)

Ophthalmic optics. Contact lenses. Determination of shelf-life

Vocabulary and parameters of cylindrical form

Aircraft. Testing requirements for characteristics of aircraft electric power system

will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 12180-1:2007


will supersede BS EN ISO 11987:1998


BS ISO 12385


BS ISO 12180-2 (Revision)

Road vehicles. Towing devices. Safety devices AUE/8

BS ISO 12013:—

Specification operators

Paints and varnishes. Measurement of physical properties of paints on a substrate using a free damped oscillation method

will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 12180-2:2007

BS ISO 12013-1

BS ISO 12181:—

Measurement of curing temperature STI/10

Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Roundness

BS ISO 12013-2

BS ISO 12181-1 (Revision)

Skin barrier. Test methods

Measurement of physical properties of cured paints

Vocabulary and parameters of roundness



BS ISO 12406 Surface chemical analysis. Secondary ion mass spectrometry. Method for depth profiling of arsenic in silicon CII/60

BS ISO 12505


BS ISO 12025 Nanomaterials. General framework for determining nanoparticle content in nanomaterials by generation of aerosols

will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 12181-1:2007 TDW/4

BS ISO 12181-2 (Revision) Specification operators will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 12181-2:2007



BS ISO 12027

BS ISO 12204

Textiles. Cotton fibres. Determination of cotton stickiness using colour reaction

Road vehicles. Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems. Principles and guidelines for the integration of time-sensitive and safety-critical warning signals in road vehicles

BS ISO 12603 Building construction machinery and equipment. Classification will supersede DD 237:1996 B/513

BS ISO 12614


BS ISO 12030


Tobacco and tobacco products. Non-destructive detection of lamina density deviation in case. Ionizing radiation method

BS ISO 12208


Road vehicles. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel system components GSE/40

BS ISO 12617 Liquefied natural gas vehicles. Connector for reflueling vehicles GSE/40

Space systems. Space environment (natural and artificial). Proton (3-10 Mev) fluence estimation at Geostationary Earth Orbits (GEO) for solar panel degradation

BS ISO 12619:—

Space systems. Space environment (natural and artificial). Trapped electron flux model for Geostationary Earth Orbits (GEO)


Road vehicles. Compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2) and hydrogen/methane blends fuel components


BS ISO 12219:— Indoor air. Road vehicles

BS ISO 12619-1

BS ISO 12077

General requirements and definitions GSE/40

BS ISO 12108 (Revision) Metallic materials. Fatigue testing. Fatigue crack growth method

BS ISO 12219-1 BS ISO 12619-2

will supersede BS ISO 12108:2002

Whole vehicle test chamber. Specification and method for the determination of volatile organic compounds in car interiors





Prices may be subject to change.

Performance and general test methods

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 12619-3

BS ISO 12780-2 (Revision)

BS ISO 12830

Pressure regulator

Specification operators


will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 12780-2:2007

Paper, board and pulps. Determination of acidsoluble magnesium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, sodium and potassium



BS ISO 12670 Thermal spraying. Components with thermally sprayed coatings. Technical supply conditions

BS ISO 12781:—


Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Flatness

BS ISO 12671

BS ISO 12781-1 (Revision)

Thermal spraying. Thermally sprayed coatings. Symbolic representation on drawings

Vocabulary and parameters of flatness


BS ISO 12676 (Revision) Refractory products. Determination of resistance to carbon monoxide will supersede BS EN ISO 12676:2003 RPI/1

BS ISO 12679 Thermal spraying. Recommendations for thermal spraying

DD ISO/TS 12843

BS ISO 12781-2 (Revision)


Nanotechnologies. Terminology for medical, health and personal care applications

Specification operators will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 12781-2:2007 TDW/4

BS ISO 12782:— Soil quality. Parameters for geochemical modelling of leaching and specification of constituents in soils and soil materials

Water quality. Determination of mercury. Method using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) with and without enrichment EH/3/2

Extraction of amorphous iron (hydr)oxides with ascorbic acid

Water quality. Detection and quantification of Legionella and/or Legionella pneumophila by concentration and genic amplification by polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)



BS ISO 12782-2 Graphic technology. Laboratory test method for chemical ghosting in lithography

BS ISO 12846

BS ISO 12869


BS ISO 12705



BS ISO 12782-1 Thermal spraying. Thermal spray coordination. Tasks and responsibilities

Energy performance of buildings. Definitions and general procedures for the overall energy performance rating and certification

will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 12781-1:2007


BS ISO 12690

BS ISO 12842

Extraction of crystalline iron (hydr)oxides with dithionite EH/4


BS ISO 12875 Traceability of fishery products. Specification on the information to be recorded in captured fish distribution chains AW/234

BS ISO 12782-3 BS ISO 12749:— Nuclear energy. Vocabulary

Extraction of aluminium (hydr)oxides with ammonium oxalate-oxalic acid EH/4

BS ISO 12878 Environmental monitoring of marine fish farms AW/234

BS ISO 12749-1 Radiation protection

BS ISO 12782-4


Extraction of humic substances from solid samples

BS ISO 12750 Thermal spraying. Determination of residual stress of plasma spray ceramic coatings by x-ray diffraction method STI/41

DD ISO/TS 12901:— Nanotechnologies


DD ISO/TS 12901-1 BS ISO 12782-5 Extraction of humic substances from aqueous samples

Guidance on safe handling and disposal of manufactured nanomaterials NTI/1


BS ISO 12778

BS ISO 12914 PD ISO/TR 12802 Nanotechnologies. Terminology and nomenclature. Framework

Soil quality. Microwave assisted extraction of aqua regia soluble fraction for the determination of trace and major elements




BS ISO 12779

Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Glass lined flanged steel pipes and flanged steel fittings. Quality requirements

DD ISO/TS 12805

DD ISO/TS 12921

Lactose. Determination of water content. Karl Fischer method

Nanomaterials. Guidance on specifying nanomaterials

Nanotechnologies. Terminology and definitions for nanostructured materials




BS ISO 12780:—

DD ISO/TS 12808

BS ISO 12931

Nanotechnology. Terminology for the bio-nano interface

Performance requirements for purpose-built anti-counterfeiting tools



Vocabulary and parameters of straightness

BS ISO 12824 Royal jelly. Specifications

BS ISO 12933

will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 12780-1:2007 TDW/4


Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Straightness

BS ISO 12780-1 (Revision)

Update Standards Mar 2009

Agricultural tractors. Requirements for braking AGE/6

Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... PD ISO/TR 12942

BS ISO 13102

BS ISO 13260

Compressors. Classification

Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Dimensional measuring equipment. Dial gauges (electronic digital). Design and metrological characteristics

Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Test method for resistance to combined temperature cycling and external loading



BS ISO 13106

BS ISO 13262

Blow-moulded polypropylene containers for packaging of liquid foodstuffs

Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Thermoplastics spirally-formed structures-wall pipes. Determination of the tensile strength of a seam


BS ISO 12951 Textile floor coverings. Determination of mass loss using the Lisson test PRI/3/60

BS ISO 12962 Implants for surgery. Active implantable medical devices. Pacemaker magnet mode response CH/150/6


PD ISO/TR 13121 Nanotechnologies. Nanomaterial risk evaluation framework NTI/1

BS ISO 13263

BS ISO 13226 (Revision)

Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Thermoplastics fittings. Test method for impact strength

BS ISO 13013 Nanotechnologies. Terminology for nanoscale measurement and instrumentation NTI/1

Rubber. Standard reference elastomers (SREs) for characterizing the effect of liquids on vulcanized rubbers

PD ISO/TR 13014

will supersede BS ISO 13226:2005

Nanotechnologies. Guidance on physicochemical characterization of engineered nanoscale materials for toxicologic assessment



BS ISO 13229

PD ISO/TR 13028 Information and documentation. Implementation guidelines for digitisation of records

Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure applications. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes and fittings. Determination of the viscosity number and K-value

BS ISO 13264 Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Thermoplastics fittings. Test method for mechanical strength of flexibility of fabricated fittings PRI/88/1

BS ISO 13265

BS ISO/IEC 13249:—

Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Joints for buried non-pressure applications. Test method for the long-term sealing performance of joints with elastomeric seals by estimating the sealing pressure

Information technology. Database languages. SQL multimedia and application packages

Textiles. Determination of drying rate for moisture management textile in dynamic state TCI/66




BS ISO 13029



BS ISO/IEC 13249-3 (Revision) Spatial

BS ISO 13072

will supersede BS ISO/IEC 13249-3:2006

Road vehicles. Brake lining. Shear test procedure for disc brake pad and drum brake shoe assemblies



BS ISO 13254 Thermoplastics piping systems for non-pressure applications. Test method for watertightness

BS ISO 13077:—

BS ISO 13266 Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes. Determination of resistance against surface and traffic loading PRI/88/1


BS ISO 13267

Implants for surgery. Flexibility testing of spinal segments

Hybrid protocol

Thermoplastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge inside buildings. Test method for airtightness of joints

Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Thermoplastics inspection chamber and manhole bases. Test method for buckling resistance




BS ISO 13081

BS ISO 13257

BS ISO 13268

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of saponification value (SV). Indirect method-using Gas Liquid Chromatography Method (GLC)

Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure applications. Test method for resistance to elevated temperature cycling

Thermoplastics piping systems for non pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Thermoplastics shafts or risers for inspection chambers and manholes. Determination of ring stiffness

BS ISO 13255 BS ISO 13077-1




BS ISO 13259 BS ISO 13084 Surface chemical analysis. Secondary ion mass spectrometry. Calibration of the mass scale for a time of flight secondary ion mass spectrometer

Thermoplastics piping systems for underground non pressure applications. Test method for leaktightness of elastomeric sealing ring type joints




Prices may be subject to change.

BS ISO 13288 Passenger car road wheels. Biaxial fatigue test method AUE/4

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 13408:—

BS ISO 14253:—

BS ISO 14644:—

Aseptic processing of health care products

Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipments

Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments

BS ISO 13408-7 Cell based health care products CH/198

DD ISO/TS 13725 (Revision) Hydraulic fluid power. Cylinders. Method for determining the buckling load

BS ISO 14253-2 (Revision) Guide to the estimation of uncertainty in GPS measurement, in calibration of measuring equipment and in product verification

BS ISO 13849:— Safety of machinery. Safety-related parts of control systems

Classification of air cleanliness will supersede BS EN ISO 14644-1:1999 LBI/30

will supersede DD ENV ISO 14253-2:2001 TDW/4

BS ISO 14644-2 (Revision)

will supersede BS ISO/TS 13725:2001 MCE/18/-/3

BS ISO 14644-1 (Revision)

BS ISO 14253-3 (Revision) Guidelines for achieving agreements on measurement uncertainty statements

Specifications for testing and monitoring to prove continued compliance with ISO 14644-1 will supersede BS EN ISO 14644-2:2000 LBI/30

will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 14253-3:2007 TDW/4

BS ISO 14644-10 BS ISO 13849-2 (Revision)

DD ISO/TS 14253:—


Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Inspection by measurement of workpieces and measuring equipment

will supersede BS EN ISO 13849-2:2008 MCE/3

Classification of surface chemical cleanliness LBI/30

PD ISO/TR 14880:— Optics and photonics. Microlens arrays

BS ISO 13960 Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs. Plasma filters

DD ISO/TS 14253-4 Considerations for choosing decision rules TDW/4

PD ISO/TR 14880-5 Guidance on testing


BS ISO 14300:— BS ISO 14006 Environmental management systems. Guidelines on eco-design SES/1/1


Space systems. Programme management

DD ISO/TS 14907:— BS ISO 14300-2 (Revision) Product assurance

Road transport and traffic telematics. Electronic fee collection. Test procedures for user and fixed equipment

will supersede BS ISO 14300-2:2002

BS ISO 14045


DD ISO/TS 14907-1 (Revision)

Eco-efficiency assessment. Principles and requirements

Description of test procedures

BS ISO 14490:—

will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 14907-1:2005

Optics and photonics. Test methods for telescopic systems


Environmental management. Material flow cost accounting. General principles and framework

BS ISO 14490-8

BS ISO 14919 (Revision)


Test methods for night-vision devices

Thermal spraying, Wires, rods and cords for flame and arc spraying. Classification. Technical supply conditions


BS ISO 14051


will supersede BS EN ISO 14919:2001

BS ISO 14223:— Radiofrequency identification of animals. Advanced transponders

BS ISO 14532 (Revision)


Natural gas. Vocabulary will supersede BS EN ISO 14532:2005

BS ISO 14921 (Revision)


BS ISO 14223-3 Applications AGE/32

BS ISO 14242:— Implants for surgery. Wear of total hip joint prostheses

BS ISO 14572 (Revision)

Thermal spraying. Procedure for the application of thermally sprayed coatings for engineering components

Road vehicles. Round, screened and unscreened, 60 V and 600 V multi-core sheathed cables. Test methods and requirements for basic and highperformance cables

will supersede BS EN ISO 14921:2001

will supersede BS ISO 14572:2006

DD ISO/TS 15029:—


Petroleum and related products. Determination of spray ignition characteristics of fire-resistant fluids

BS ISO 14242-1 (Revision)


Loading and displacement parameters for weartesting machines and corresponding environmental conditions for test

BS ISO 14602 (Revision) Non-active surgical implants. Implants for osteosynthesis. Particular requirements

DD ISO/TS 15029-3

will supersede BS ISO 14242-1:2002

will supersede BS EN ISO 14602:1998

Spray tests, large scale method




Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... BS ISO 15156:—

BS ISO 15500-18

BS ISO 16000:—

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production


Indoor air


BS ISO 16000-19 BS ISO 15500-19

BS ISO 15156-1 (Revision)


General principles for selection of crackingresistant materials


BS ISO 15501:— Road vehicles. Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel systems

BS ISO 15156-2 (Revision) Cracking-resistant carbon and low alloy steels, and the use of cast irons will supersede BS EN ISO 15156-2:2003 PSE/17

Cracking-resistant CRAs (corrosion-resistant alloys) and other alloys will supersede BS EN ISO 15156-3:2003

Measurement strategy for carbon dioxide (CO2) EH/2/3

BS ISO 16000-28 BS ISO 15501-1 Safety requirements GSE/40

DD ISO/TS 15530:— BS ISO 15156-3 (Revision)


BS ISO 16000-26

will supersede BS EN ISO 15156-1:2002 PSE/17

Sampling strategy for moulds

Sensory evaluation of emissions from building materials and products EH/2/3

BS ISO 16242

Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Coordinate measuring machines (CMM). Techniques for determining the uncertainty of measurement

Surface chemical analysis. Recording and reporting data in auger electron spectroscopy (AES)

DD ISO/TS 15530-1

BS ISO 16243

Overview and metrological characteristics

Surface chemical analysis. Recording and reporting data in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)



BS ISO 15181:— Paints and varnishes. Determination of release rate of biocides from antifouling paints


BS ISO 15530:— BS ISO 15181-6 Determination of tralopyril release rate by quantification of its degradation product in the extract STI/10

Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Coordinate measuring machines (CMM). Technique for determining the uncertainty of measurement


BS ISO 16553 (Revision) Road vehicles. Data cables. Test methods and requirements will supersede DD ISO/TS 16553:2006

BS ISO 15530-3 (Revision)


Use of calibrated workpieces or standards

BS ISO 15500:— Road vehicles. Compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel system components

BS ISO 15500-3 Check valve

will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 15530-3:2007 TDW/4

DD ISO/TS 16610:— Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Filtration

BS ISO 15531:— Industrial automation systems and integration. Industrial manufacturing management data


DD ISO/TS 16610-28 Profile filters. End effects TDW/4

BS ISO 15531-44 BS ISO 15500-4 Manual valve

Manufacturing management information modelling for shop floor data acquisition



BS ISO 15500-6 Automatic valve GSE/40

BS ISO 15621 (Revision) Urine-absorbing aids. General guidance on evaluation will supersede BS ISO 15621:1999

BS ISO 16612:— Graphic technology. Variable data exchange

BS ISO 16612-2 Using PDF/X-4 and PDF/X-5 (PDF/VT-1 and PDF/VT-2) PAI/43


BS ISO 16653:—

BS ISO 15500-9 Pressure regulator GSE/40

BS ISO 15500-14 Excess flow valve GSE/40

BS ISO 15632 (Revision) Microbeam analysis. Instrumental specification for energy dispersive x-ray spectrometers with semiconductor detectors will supersede BS ISO 15632:2002 CII/9

Mobile elevating work platforms. Special features. Design, calculations, safety requirements and test methods relative to special features

BS ISO 16653-3 MEWPs for orchard operations MHE/12/-/1

BS ISO 15500-16 Rigid fuel line

BS ISO 15883:— Washer-disinfectors

BS ISO 16844:— Road vehicles. Tachograph systems


BS ISO 15883-6 BS ISO 16844-2

Flexible fuel line

Requirements and tests for general purpose washer-disinfector employing thermal disinfection




BS ISO 15500-17


Prices may be subject to change.

Recording unit, electrical interface

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 16844-3

BS ISO 18292

BS ISO 19125:—

Motion sensor interface

Energy performance of fenestration systems. Calculation procedure

Geographic information. Simple feature access



BS ISO 19125-1 (Revision) BS ISO/IEC 17021:—

Common architecture

Conformity assessment

BS ISO 18409

BS ISO/IEC 17021-2

Hydraulic fluid power. Hose and hose assemblies. Method of collecting a fluid sample for analyzing the cleanliness of a hose or hose assembly

Requirements for third party certification auditing of management systems



will supersede BS EN ISO 19125-1:2006 IST/36

BS ISO 19125-2 (Revision) SQL option will supersede BS EN ISO 19125-2:2006

BS ISO 17209 Hydraulic fluid power. Two-, three- and fourport screw-in cartridge valves. Cavities with UN and UNF threads

BS ISO 18436:— Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Requirements for training and certification of personnel


BS ISO 18436-2 (Revision) BS ISO 17268 (Revision) Compressed hydrogen surface vehicle refuelling connection devices

Vibration condition monitoring and diagnostics

BS ISO 17450:— Geometrical product specifications (GPS). General concepts


BS ISO 18632 Alloyed steel. Determination of manganese. Potentiometric and visual titration method ISE/18

Model for geometrical specification and verification will supersede DD CEN ISO/TS 17450-1:2007

Imaging materials. Processed silver-gelatin type black-and-white film. Specifications for stability

will supersede DD ISO/TS 17450-2:2002

BS ISO 19156 Geographic information. Observations and measurements IST/36

Introduction and overview about machinery vibration standards GME/21/5

BS ISO 19272


Alloyed steel. Determination of fifteen elements. Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry

BS ISO 18911 (Revision) Basic tenets, specifications, operators and uncertainties


will supersede BS ISO 18901:2002


BS ISO 17450-2 (Revision)

Geographic information. Location based services. Linear referencing system

PD ISO/TR 19201

BS ISO 18901 (Revision) BS ISO 17450-1 (Revision)

BS ISO 19148

will supersede BS ISO 18436-2:2003

will supersede BS ISO 17268:2006 PVE/3/8


Imaging materials. Processed safety photographic films. Storage practices


will supersede BS ISO 18911:2000

BS ISO/IEC 19763:—


Information technology. Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI)


BS ISO 19011 (Revision) BS ISO 17512:—

Guidelines for auditing management systems

Soil quality. Avoidance test for determining the quality of soils and effects of chemicals on behaviour

BS ISO/IEC 19763-5

will supersede BS EN ISO 19011:2002

Metamodel for process model registration



BS ISO 17512-2 Test with collembolans (Folsomia candida) EH/4

BS ISO 17736 Workplace atmospheres. Determination of isocyanate in air using a double-filter sampling device and analysis by liquid chromatography EH/2/2

DD ISO/TS 19072:— Road vehicles. Connection interface for pyrotechnic devices, two-way and three-way connections

DD ISO/TS 19072-4 Pyrotechnic device and harness connector assembly. Type 2

BS ISO 20152:— Timber structures. Bond performance of adhesives

BS ISO 20152-2 Additional requirements B/518


BS ISO 21013:— BS ISO 17793 Leather dress gloves. Specification TCI/69

BS ISO 19078 (Revision) Gas cylinders. Inspection of the cylinder installation, and requalification of high pressure cylinders for the on-board storage of natural gas as a fuel for automotive vehicles

Cryogenic vessels. Pilot operated pressure relief devices

BS ISO 21013-4

will supersede BS ISO 19078:2006

Pressure-relief accessories for cryogenic service



BS ISO 19103

BS ISO 21500

Nucleus replacements

Geographic information. Conceptual schema language

Project management. Guide to project management




BS ISO 18192:— Implants for surgery. Wear of total intervertebral spinal disc prostheses

BS ISO 18192-2

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


New Work Started continued... BS ISO 21750 (Revision)

DD ISO/TS 22939

BS ISO 24615

Road vehicles. Safety enhancement in conjunction with tyre inflation pressure monitoring

Soil quality. Measurement of enzyme activity patterns in soil samples using fluorogenic substrates in microwell plates

Language resource management. Syntactic annotation framework

will supersede BS ISO 21750:2006



BS ISO 24616 PD ISO/TR 23204

Food irradiation. Good processing practices for the irradiation of foods intended for human consumption

Aluminium oxide primarily used for production of aluminium. Determination of the mass percentage of particles below 20 micrometers and below 45 micrometers. Laser method



BS ISO 22068

PD ISO/TR 23605

BS ISO 22008

Sintered metal injection moulded materials. Specifications ISE/65

BS ISO 22300 Societal security. Fundamentals and vocabulary SSM/1

Technical product specification (TPS). Application guidance. International model for national implementation

BS ISO 24617-2



BS ISO 23611:— Soil quality. Sampling of soil invertebrates

Earth-moving. Theft deterrent systems. Classification and performance

Sampling and extraction of soil macroinvertebrates



BS ISO 22477:—

BS ISO 23611-6

Geotechnical investigation and testing. Testing of geotechnical structures

Guidance for the design of sampling programmes with soil invertebrates

BS ISO 24114


Instant coffee. Criteria for authenticity AW/15

BS ISO 22742 BS ISO 24115 Green coffee. Procedure for correlation of moisture meters. Routine method AW/15

BS ISO 24253:— Crop protection equipment. Spray deposit tests of field crop sprayers

BS ISO 24253-1

Registration of open technical dictionaries AMT/4

BS ISO 22846:— Personal equipment for protection against falls. Rope access systems

BS ISO 25139


BS ISO 25178-7 Software measurement standards

BS ISO 25178-603 Nominal characteristics of non-contact (phase shifting interferometric microscopy) instruments TDW/4

BS ISO 25178-604 Nominal characteristics of non-contact (coherence scanning interferometry) instruments TDW/4

Crop deposit measurements AGE/15

DD ISO/TS 22745-50



DD ISO/TS 22745:—


Steel. Determination of trace amount of oxigen. Infrared method with oxide layer subtraction technique

Geometrical product specifications (GPS). Surface texture. Areal

Phicometer shearing test

Master data representation

BS ISO 24897

BS ISO 25178:—

BS ISO 22477-9

DD ISO/TS 22745-40

Dialogue acts

Stationary source emissions. Manual method for the determination of the methane concentration using gas chromatography


Industrial automation systems and integration. Open technical dictionaries and their application to master data


Language resource management. Semantic annotation framework (SemAF)

BS ISO 23611-5


Multi lingual information framework. Language resource management

BS ISO 24617:—

BS ISO 22448

Packaging. Linear bar code and twodimensional symbols for product packaging


BS ISO 25539:— Cardiovascular implants. Endovascular devices

BS ISO 24253-2 Field deposit measurements

BS ISO 25539-3


Vena cava filters CH/150/2

BS ISO 24614:— Word segmentation of written texts for monolingual and multi-lingual information processing

DD ISO/TS 25740:—

BS ISO 24614-1

DD ISO/TS 25740-1

General principles and methods

Global essential safety requirements (GESR)



BS ISO 24614-2

PD ISO/TR 25743

will supersede BS EN ISO 22868:2006

Word segmentation for Chinese, Japanese and Korean

Lifts (elevators). Study into the use of lifts for evacuation during an emergency




BS ISO 22846-2

Safety requirements for escalators and moving walks

Code of practice PH/5

BS ISO 22868 (Revision) Forestry machinery. Noise test code for portable hand-held machines with internal combustion engine. Engineering method (grade 2 accuracy)


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 25832:—

BS ISO 27850

BS ISO 30023

Implants for surgery. Seamless tubes for surgical implants

Tractors for agriculture and forestry. Overhead protection. Test procedures and performance requirements

Textiles. Care labelling code using symbols for workwear to be industrially laundered TCI/82


BS ISO 25832-1 BS ISO 39001

Materials based on iron CH/150/1

BS ISO 27852 Space systems. Orbit lifetime estimation ACE/68/-/3

Road-traffic safety management systems. Requirements with guidance for use HS/1/2

BS ISO 25964:— Information and documentation

BS ISO 25964-1 Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies IDT/2/18

BS ISO 26101 Acoustics. Test methods for the qualification of free-field environments

BS ISO 28459 Earth-moving machinery. Requirements for use on the road B/513/1

BS ISO 28581 Water quality. Determination of non-polar substances in water. Method using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS) EH/3/2

PD IEC/TR 60062:— Electrical installations in ships and mobile and fixed offshore units

PD IEC/TR 60062-370 Guidance on the selection of cables for telecommunication and data transfer including radio-frequency cables GEL/20/6

DD IEC/PAS 60092:— Electrical installations in ships



BS ISO 28600 PD ISO/TR 26369 Cosmetics. Systematic review and evaluation of current methods used to assess photo protection provided by sun protection products CW/217

BS ISO 26422

Surface chemical analysis. Standard data transfer format for scanning probe microscopy CII/60


Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics). Test method for thermal shock resistance of porous ceramics RPI/13


Guidance for burial of animal carcass due to epidemic

PD ISO/TR 26999

Photobilogical safety of lamps and lamp systems Water quality. The variability of test results and the uncertainty of measurement of microbiological enumeration methods

Cereals and cereal products. Sampling studies

PD ISO/TR 29263

BS ISO 27026


BS IEC 62618 Radiation protection instrumentation. Spectroscopy-based alarming personal radiation devices (SPRD) for detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material NCE/2

Biological evaluation of medical devices. Development of tolerable intake values for Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)


DD ISO/TS 27265

Evaluation of adhesion/cohesion of plasma sprayed ceramic coatings by scratch testing

Guidance on manufacturing requirements relating to non-laser optical safety

DD ISO/TS 29741


BS ISO 27307

PD IEC/TR 62471-2





BS ISO 29201


Dried milk. Enumeration of the spores of thermophilic bacteria

Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non solid electrolyte and electric double layer capacitors

PD IEC/TR 62471:—



Railway applications. Rolling stock equipment. Capacitors for power electronics


Intelligent Transport Systems. Systems Architecture. Use of ’Process Orientated Methodology’ in ITS International Standards and Deliverables

Space systems. Programme management. Project breakdown structures

BS IEC 61881:—

BS IEC 61881-2 BS ISO 28901

Space systems. Orbit data messages ACE/68

Special features. High-voltage shore connection systems

BS ISO 28703

Petroleum and related products. Determination of shear stability of lubricating oils containing polymers. Four ball method using a tapered roller bearing

BS ISO 26900

DD IEC/PAS 60092-510

Human resource aspects of business continuity management BCM/1

BS ISO 29821:— Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines. Ultrasound

PD ISO GUIDE 31 Reference materials. Contents of certificates and labels

BS ISO 29821-1 General guidelines

will supersede PD 6532-2:2000 RMI/1


PD IEC/TR 62540 BS ISO 29842 Health informatics. Provider identification

Sensory analysis. Methodology. Balanced incomplete block designs

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for stationary lead-acid cells and monoblocs. Guidance and requirements




DD ISO/TS 27527

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


Draft British Standards For Public Comment

DRAFT BRITISH STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – NATIONAL BRITISH STANDARDS You may now comment on any National British Standard online. BSI British Standards has launched a Draft Review system which allows access to the drafts of all National British Standards. To enhance access of Drafts for Public Comment for the wider community, make comments more visible and move into collaborative working practices, you will now be able to comment on any National British Standard by visiting http://www.bsigroup.com/drafts. All you need to do is register. This service is free of charge. Please note that the only standards available on this service are pure British Standards (National Standards e.g: BS XXXX). European and international documents are not included at this time.

09/30190870 DC

09/30198074 DC

BS 5440-2 Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases). Part 2. Specification for installation and maintenance of ventilation for gas appliances

BS 8478 AMD1 Respiratory protective devices. Breathing gases for diving and hyperbaric applications


09/30199560 DC 09/30193117 DC BS 4311-2 Gauge blocks manufactured to imperial specification. Part 2. Accessories TDW/4

Should you wish to receive these drafts in hard copy format, they are available for a fee from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2).

09/30167989 DC

BS 4825-1 Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the food industry and other hygienic applications. Part 1. Specification for tubes ISE/8

09/30194302 DC BS 4825-2 Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the food industry and other hygienic applications. Part 2. Specification for bends and tees

09/30194304 DC BS 4825-3 Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the food industry and other hygienic applications. Part 3. Specification for clamp type couplings ISE/8

09/30194306 DC BS 4825-4 Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the food industry and other hygienic applications. Part 4. Specification for threaded (IDF type) coupling

BS 799-5 Oil burning equipment. Part 5. Carbon steel oil storage tanks. Specification



09/30194311 DC

09/30169955 DC BS 8511 Code of practice for the installation of solid fuel fired heating and cooking appliances in recreational craft RHE/28

BS 8243 Installation and configuration of intruder and hold-up alarm systems designed to generate confirmed alarm conditions. Code of practice GW/1/2

09/30194300 DC


Deadlines for receipt of comments on each of the individual drafts can be found at http://www.bsigroup.com/drafts. The deadline for the following drafts is 30 April, 2009 unless otherwise stated.


DRAFT BRITISH STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – ADOPTIONS All Draft British Standards are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2) Most drafts are charged at £10.00 to members and £20.00 to non-members. Larger draft documents are charged at a higher price according to the number of pages and are priced individually below. Comments are welcome and should be sent to Debbie Stead, Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations, BSI Head Office, 389 Chiswick High Road, London W4 4AL by 30 April, 2009 unless otherwise stated, to be considered by the relevant BSI committee. Draft standards may be modified before adoption and issue as British Standards.

BS 4825-5 Stainless steel tubes and fittings for the food industry and other hygienic applications. Part 5. Specification for recessed ring joint type couplings

09/19984091 DC BS EN ISO 19906 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Arctic offshore structures £33.00 members, £66.00 non-members


09/30196102 DC


BS SP 10 and 11 AMD2 Specification for washers for aircraft purposes (primarily for facing purposes)

09/30174849 DC BS 7985 Code of practice for the use of rope access methods for industrial purposes PH/5


09/30196104 DC BS 8461 Football goals. Code of practice for their procurement, installation, maintenance, storage and inspection SW/136

09/30186666 DC BS 8522-1 Furniture removal activities. Commercial moving. Part 1. Service specification SVS/7/2

09/30196106 DC BS 8462 Goals for youth football, futsal, minisoccer and small-sided football. Specification

09/30150333 DC BS ISO 23461 Space systems. Programme management. Nonconformance control system ACE/68/-/5

09/30151431 DC BS ISO 27048 Radiation protection. Dose assessment for the monitoring of workers for internal radiation exposure NCE/2


09/30186668 DC

09/30196108 DC

09/30163250 DC

BS 8522-2 Furniture removal activities. Commercial moving. Part 2. Provision of the service

BS SP 126 and 127 AMD2 Washers for unified hexagons for aircraft (primarily for facing purposes)

BS ISO 15370 Ships and marine technology. Low-location lighting on passenger ships. Arrangement





Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

09/30163833 DC

09/30173908 DC

09/30178331 DC

BS ISO 29861 Document management applications. Quality control for scanning office documents in colour

BS EN 13477-2 Non-destructive testing. Acoustic emission. Equipment characterization. Part 2. Verification of operating characteristics



BS EN 1870-7 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Circular sawing machines. Part 7. Single blade log sawing machines with integrated feed table and manual loading and/or unloading

09/30167386 DC

09/30174252 DC


BS EN ISO 17573 Electronic fee collection. Systems architecture for vehicle related tolling EPL/278

09/30168253 DC BS IEC 62533 Radiation protection instrumentation. Highly sensitive hand-held instruments for photon detection of radioactive material NCE/2

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

09/30168526 DC

BS EN 62562 Cavity resonator method to measure the complex permittivity of low-loss dielectric plates EPL/46/2

09/30175723 DC BS ISO 28560-1 Information and documentation. RFID in libraries. Part 1. General requirements and data elements IDT/2/7

BS ISO 28560-2 Information and documentation. RFID in libraries. Part 2. Encoding based on ISO/IEC 15962


BS ISO 28560-3 Information and documentation. RFID in libraries. Part 3. Fixed length encoding

09/30175729 DC


09/30178366 DC BS EN 848-3 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. One side moulding machines with rotating tools. Part 3. Numerically controlled (NC) boring and routing machines MTE/23

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009


BS EN ISO 7885 Dentistry. Sterile injection needles for single use Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

BS EN 1870-8 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Circular sawing machines. Part 8. Single blade edging circular rip sawing machines with power driven saw unit and manual loading and/or unloading

09/30175726 DC

BS ISO/IEC 27033-1 Information technology. Security techniques. Network security. Part 1. Guidelines for network security


09/30178334 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009


09/30168835 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

09/30176076 DC BS EN 280 AMD2 Mobile elevating work platforms. Design calculations. Stability criteria. Construction. Safety. Examination and tests

09/30178369 DC BS EN 940 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Combined woodworking machines MTE/23


09/30168902 DC BS ISO 27020 Dentistry. Brackets and tubes for use in orthodontics CH/106/1

09/30171027 DC BS ISO 11171 Hydraulic fluid power. Calibration of automatic particle counters for liquids MCE/18/-/6

09/30177494 DC BS EN 14238 AMD1 Cranes. Manually controlled load manipulating devices

BS EN 1218-1 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Tenoning machines. Part 1. Single end tenoning machines with sliding table



09/30178296 DC BS EN 860 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. One side thickness planing machines MTE/23

09/30178310 DC 09/30171916 DC BS EN ISO 9239-1 Reaction to fire tests for floorings. Part 1. Determination of the burning behaviour using a radiant heat source FSH/21

09/30178372 DC

BS EN 1807 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Band sawing machines

09/30178385 DC BS EN 1218-5 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Tenoning machines. Part 5. One side profiling machines with fixed table and feed rollers or feed chain MTE/23

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009


Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

09/30178388 DC BS EN 12750 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Four-sided moulding machines

09/30171920 DC

09/30178322 DC


BS EN ISO 11925-2 Reaction to fire tests. Ignitability of building products subjected to direct impingement of flame. Part 2. Singleflame source test

BS EN 1870-4 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Circular sawing machines. Part 4. Multiblade rip sawing machines with manual loading and/or unloading

09/30178391 DC



09/30173298 DC

09/30178325 DC

BS EN 81-21 Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts. Lifts for the transport of persons and goods. Part 21. New passenger and goods passenger lifts in existing buildings

BS EN 1870-5 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Circular sawing machines. Part 5. Circular sawbenches/up-cutting cross-cut sawing machines



Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.

BS EN 12779 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Chip and dust extraction systems with fixed installation. Safety related performances and safety requirements MTE/23

09/30178783 DC BS EN 62509 Performance and functioning of photovoltaic battery charge controllers GEL/82


Draft British Standards For Public Comment continued... 09/30178870 DC

09/30181566 DC

09/30186636 DC

BS ISO 10638 Raw rubber, latex, rubber compounds and rubber products. Identification of antidegradants by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

BS ISO 29481-1 Building information models. Information delivery manual. Part 1. Methodology and format

BS EN ISO 9241-210 Ergonomics of humansystem interaction. Part 210. Human-centred design for interactive systems




09/30181658 DC 09/30179758 DC BS EN 12044 AMD1 Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines. Cutting and punching machines. Safety requirements MCE/3/12

09/30179761 DC BS EN 930 AMD2 Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines. Roughing, scouring, polishing and trimming machines. Safety requirements MCE/3/12

09/30179764 DC BS EN 931 AMD2 Footwear manufacturing machines. Lasting machines. Safety requirements

BS EN 13157 AMD1 Cranes. Safety. Hand powered lifting equipment

09/30182290 DC BS EN 746-1 AMD1 Industrial thermoprocessing equipment. Part 1. Common safety requirements for industrial thermoprocessing equipment MCE/3/8


09/30179773 DC BS EN 12387 AMD1 Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines. Modular shoe repair equipment. Safety requirements MCE/3/12

09/30179776 DC BS EN 12203 AMD1 Footwear, leather and imitation leather goods manufacturing machines. Shoe and leather presses. Safety requirements MCE/3/12

09/30180272 DC BS EN 934-3 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Part 3. Admixtures for masonry mortar. Definitions, requirements, conformity, marking and labelling B/517/3


09/30186956 DC BS EN 12342 AMD1 Breathing tubes intended for use with anaesthetic apparatus and ventilators CH/121/5

09/30182344 DC BS EN 1953 AMD1 Atomising and spraying equipment for coating materials. Safety requirements MCE/3/8

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

09/30182353 DC BS EN 12653 AMD2 Footwear, leather and imitation leather manufacturing machines. Nailing machines. Safety requirements

09/30186950 DC BS EN 1782 AMD1 Tracheal tubes and connectors



09/30179767 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 31 March, 2009

BS EN 12215 AMD1 Coating plants. Spray booths for application of organic liquid coating materials. Safety requirements

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

09/30187082 DC BS EN 60958-3 AMD1 Digital audio interface. Part 3. Consumer application EPL/100

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

09/30188434 DC


BS EN 598 AMD1 Ductile iron pipes, fittings, accessories and their joints for sewerage applications. Requirements and test methods

09/30184056 DC


BS ISO 10845-1 Construction procurement. Part 1. Processes, methods and procedures £18.00 members, £36.00 non-members

Comments for the above document are required by 18 March, 2009


09/30188761 DC

09/30184131 DC

BS ISO/IEC 29143 Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Air interface specification for Mobile RFID interrogators

BS ISO 29081 Surface chemical analysis. Auger electron spectroscopy. Reporting of methods used for charge control and charge correction



09/30189572 DC 09/30184534 DC BS ISO/IEC 20000-1 Information technology. Service management. Part 1. Service management system requirements IST/15/-/8

BS EN 12864 AMD3 Low-pressure, non adjustable regulators having a maximum outlet pressure of less than or equal to 200 mbar, with a capacity of less than or equal to 4 kg/h, and their associated safety devices for butane, propane or their mixtures GSE/24

09/30185912 DC BS EN 843-6 Advanced technical ceramics. Mechanical properties of monolithic ceramics at room temperature. Part 6. Guidance for fractographic investigation

Comments for the above document are required by 13 March, 2009

09/30189968 DC


BS EN 1047-2 Secure storage units. Classification and methods of test for resistance to fire. Part 2. Data rooms and data container

BS EN 13544-1 AMD1 Respiratory therapy equipment. Part 1. Nebulizing systems and their components

09/30185951 DC




09/30181168 DC

BS EN 15889 Fire-fighting hoses. Test methods

09/30190478 DC BS EN 1147 Portable ladders for fire service use

09/30186448 DC


BS ISO/IEC 24727-6 Identification cards. Integrated circuit card programming interfaces. Part 6. Registration authority procedures for the authentication protocols for interoperability

BS EN 13941 Design and installation of preinsulated bonded pipe systems for district heating £18.00 members, £36.00 non-members

09/30190483 DC



Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009

Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009

09/30181283 DC


Prices may be subject to change.

BS EN 15767-3 Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps. Portable monitors. Part 3. Foam devices FSH/17/1

Update Standards Mar 2009

09/30190527 DC

09/30191982 DC

09/30192353 DC

BS ISO 26162 Systems to manage terminology, knowledge and content. Design, implementation and maintenance of terminology management systems

BS ISO 21748 Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation

BS EN 12470-3 AMD1 Clinical thermometers. Part 3. Performance of compact electrical thermometers (non-predictive and predictive) with maximum device




Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009

09/30190935 DC

09/30192027 DC

BS ISO 10872 Water quality. Determination of the toxic effect of sediment and soil samples on growth, fertility and reproduction of Caenorhabditis elegans (Nematoda)

BS EN 299 Oil pressure atomizing nozzles. Determination of the angle and spray characteristics



09/30192356 DC BS EN 12470-4 AMD1 Clinical thermometers. Part 4. Performance of electrical thermometers for continuous measurement LBI/36/3

09/30190938 DC

09/30192039 DC

BS ISO 7919-4 Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts. Part 4. Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings

BS EN 794-3 AMD2 Lung ventilators. Part 3. Particular requirements for emergency and transport ventilators CH/121/5


Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009

09/30192362 DC BS EN 15892 Railway applications. Noise emission. Measurement of noise inside driver’s cabs RAE/1

09/30190941 DC BS ISO 10816-4 Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 4. Gas turbine sets with fluid-film bearings GME/21/5

09/30192042 DC BS EN 13544-2 AMD1 Respiratory therapy equipment. Part 2. Tubing and connectors

09/30192433 DC


BS ISO 21581 Timber structures. Static and cyclic lateral load test method for shear walls

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009


09/30192729 DC 09/30191126 DC

09/30192045 DC

BS EN 62132-8 Integrated circuits. Measurement of electromagnetic immunity. Part 8. Measurement of radiated immunity. IC Stripline method

BS EN 13544-3 AMD1 Respiratory therapy equipment. Part 3. Air entrainment devices

BS EN 15643-2 Sustainability of construction works. Assessment of buildings. Part 2. Framework for the assessment of environmental performance




Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

09/30192733 DC 09/30192126 DC

09/30191130 DC BS EN 61967-8 Integrated circuits. Measurement of electromagnetic emissions. Part 8. Measurement of radiated emissions. IC Stripline method

BS ISO/IEC 15444-3 AMD1 Information technology. Part 3. JPEG 2000 image coding system. Motion JPEG 2000


09/30192761 DC



Comments for the above document are required by 31 March, 2009

09/30192128 DC

09/30191459 DC


BS ISO 16063-41 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers. Part 41. Calibration of laser vibrometers

BS EN 15643-1 Sustainability of construction works. Assessment of buildings. Part 1. General framework

BS ISO/IEC 15444-9 AMD4 Information technology. Part 9. JPEG 2000 image coding system. Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols

BS EN 115-2 Safety of escalators and moving walks. Part 2. Rules for the improvement of safety of existing escalators and moving walks MHE/4

09/30192797 DC BS ISO 27875 Space systems. Re-entry risk management for unmanned spacecraft and launch vehicle orbital stages

09/30192332 DC


BS EN 31 Wash basins. Connecting dimensions

Comments for the above document are required by 24 April, 2009


09/30191612 DC

09/30192335 DC


Comments for the above document are required by 6 April, 2009

09/30192810 DC BS ISO 16992 Passenger car tyres. Spare unit substitutive equipment (SUSE)

BS EN 33 WC pans and WC suites. Connecting dimensions



09/30191937 DC

09/30192350 DC

BS ISO 20152-1 Timber structures. Bond performance of adhesives. Part 1. Basic requirements

BS EN 12470-2 AMD1 Clinical thermometers. Part 2. Phase change type (dot matrix) thermometers



Comments for the above document are required by 16 March, 2009

Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.

BS ISO 10816-2 Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 2. Land-based steam turbines and generators in excess of 50 MW with normal operating speeds of 1500 r/min, 1800 r/min, 3000 r/min and 3600 r/min GME/21/5

09/30192939 DC BS EN 60811-100 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 100. General GEL/20/17


Draft British Standards For Public Comment continued... 09/30192943 DC

09/30192986 DC

09/30193023 DC

BS EN 60811-201 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 201. General tests. Measurement of insulation thickness

BS EN 60811-406 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 406. Environmental tests. Resistance to environmental stress cracking of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds

BS EN 60811-503 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 503. Mechanical tests. Shrinkage test for sheaths




09/30192947 DC BS EN 60811-202 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 202. General tests. Measurement of thickness of non-metallic sheath GEL/20/17

09/30192954 DC BS EN 60811-203 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 203. General tests. Measurement of overall dimensions GEL/20/17

09/30192958 DC BS EN 60811-301 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 301. Electrical tests. Measurement of the permittivity at 23°C of filling compounds GEL/20/17

09/30192962 DC BS EN 60811-302 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 302. Electrical tests. Measurement of the D.C. resistivity at 23°C and 100°C of filling compounds GEL/20/17

09/30192966 DC BS EN 60811-401 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 401. Environmental tests. Thermal ageing methods. Ageing in an air oven GEL/20/17

09/30192970 DC BS EN 60811-402 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 402. Environmental tests. Water absorption tests

09/30192990 DC BS EN 60811-407 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 407. Environmental tests. Measurement of mass increase of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds


09/30193031 DC 09/30192994 DC BS EN 60811-408 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 408. Environmental tests. Long term stability test of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds

BS EN 60811-505 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 505. Mechanical tests. Elongation at low temperature for insulations and sheaths GEL/20/17


09/30193035 DC 09/30192998 DC BS EN 60811-409 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 409. Environmental tests. Loss of mass test for thermoplastic insulations and sheaths

BS EN 60811-506 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 506. Mechanical tests. Impact test at low temperature for insulations and sheaths GEL/20/17


09/30193039 DC 09/30193002 DC BS EN 60811-410 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 410. Environmental tests. Test method for copper-catalyzed oxidative degradation of polyolefin insulated conductors

BS EN 60811-507 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 507. Mechanical tests. Hot set test for crosslinked materials GEL/20/17


09/30193047 DC 09/30193006 DC BS EN 60811-411 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 411. Environmental tests. Low temperature brittleness of filling compounds

BS EN 60811-508 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 508. Mechanical tests. Pressure test at high temperature for insulation and sheaths GEL/20/17


09/30193051 DC 09/30193010 DC

BS EN 60811-403 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 403. Environmental tests. Ozone resistance test on elastomeric compounds

BS EN 60811-504 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 504. Mechanical tests. Bending tests at low temperature for insulation and sheaths



09/30192974 DC

09/30193027 DC

BS EN 60811-412 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 412. Environmental tests. Thermal ageing methods. Ageing in an air bomb

BS EN 60811-509 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 509. Mechanical tests. Test for resistance of insulations and sheaths to cracking GEL/20/17



09/30193055 DC 09/30192978 DC BS EN 60811-404 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 404. Environmental tests. Mineral oil immersion tests for sheaths made with elastomeric compounds GEL/20/17

09/30193015 DC BS EN 60811-501 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 501. Mechanical tests. Tests for determining the mechanical properties of insulating and sheathing compounds

BS EN 60811-510 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 510. Mechanical tests. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air GEL/20/17


09/30193059 DC 09/30192982 DC

09/30193019 DC

BS EN 60811-405 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 405. Environmental tests. Thermal stability test for PVC insulations and PVC sheaths

BS EN 60811-502 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 502. Mechanical tests. Shrinkage test for insulations

BS EN 60811-511 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 511. Mechanical tests. Measurement of the melt flow index of polyethylene and polypropylene compounds





Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

09/30193063 DC

09/30193349 DC

09/30194061 DC

BS EN 60811-512 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 512. Mechanical tests. Tensile strength and elongation at break after conditioning at elevated temperature. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds

BS ISO 11476 Paper and board. Determination of CIE-whiteness, C/2° (indoor illumination conditions)

BS ISO 8721 Road vehicles. Measurement techniques in impact tests. Optical instrumentation



Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

Comments for the above document are required by 20 April, 2009

09/30193379 DC

09/30194359 DC

BS ISO 813 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic. Determination of adhesion to a rigid substrate. 90° peel method

BS EN 60034-18-34 Rotating electrical machines. Part 18-34. Functional evaluation of insulation systems. Test procedures for formwound windings. Evaluation of thermomechanical endurance of insulation systems


09/30193067 DC BS EN 60811-513 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 513. Mechanical tests. Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds. Wrapping test after conditioning GEL/20/17

09/30193071 DC BS EN 60811-601 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 601. Physical tests. Measurement of the drop-point of filling compounds GEL/20/17

09/30193075 DC BS EN 60811-602 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 602. Physical tests. Separation of oil in filling compounds


Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

Comments for the above document are required by 13 March, 2009

09/30193698 DC BS EN 14080 Timber structures. Glued laminated timber and glued laminated solid timber. Requirements B/518

09/30193701 DC BS EN 15898 Conservation of cultural property. Main general terms and definitions concerning conservation of cultural property

BS EN 60811-603 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 603. Physical tests. Measurement of total acid number of filling compounds


09/30193087 DC BS EN 60811-605 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 605. Physical tests. Measurement of carbon black and/or mineral filler in polyethylene compounds GEL/20/17

09/30193091 DC BS EN 60811-606 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 606. Physical tests. Methods for determining the density


09/30194939 DC


BS EN ISO 11953 Dentistry. The performance of hand torque instruments for the clinical tightening of screw-retained joints in endosseous dental implant systems

Comments for the above document are required by 22 May, 2009


09/30194943 DC

09/30193885 DC BS EN 60811-604 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 604. Physical tests. Measurement of absence of corrosive components in filling compounds

BS EN ISO 28460 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas. Ship-to-shore interface and port operations

09/30193875 DC


09/30193083 DC

09/30194936 DC

BS ISO 12640-4 Graphic technology. Prepress digital data exchange. Part 4. Wide gamut display-referred standard colour image data [Adobe RGB (1998)/SCID]



09/30193079 DC


BS EN ISO 225 Fasteners. Bolts, screws, studs and nuts. Symbols and designations of dimensions

BS EN 861 AMD1 Safety of woodworking machines. Surface planing and thicknessing machines



09/30195262 DC BS ISO 12439 Mixing water for concrete B/517

09/30194017 DC BS EN 480-10 Admixtures for concrete, mortar and grout. Test methods. Part 10. Determination of water soluble chloride content B/517/3

09/30194024 DC BS EN 15912 Durability of reaction to fire performances. Classes of fire retardant treated wood-based product in interior and exterior end use applications B/543

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009


09/30195609 DC BS EN 15890 Foodstuffs. Determination of patulin in fruit juice and fruit based puree for young children. HPLC method with liquid/liquid partition cleanup and solid phase extraction and UV detection AW/-/3

09/30196632 DC BS EN 4325 Aerospace series. Steel FE-WM 3504 (X4CrNiMo16-5-1). Air melted. Filller metal for welding ACE/61/-/15

Comments for the above document are required by 7 April, 2009

09/30194058 DC 09/30193095 DC BS EN 60811-607 Electric and optical fibre cables. Test methods for non-metallic materials. Part 607. Physical test. Test for the assessment of carbon black dispersion in Polyethylene and Polypropylene GEL/20/17

Update Standards Mar 2009

BS ISO 27955 Road vehicles. Securing of cargo in passenger cars, station wagons and multipurpose vehicles. Requirements and test methods

09/30196635 DC



Comments for the above document are required by 27 April, 2009

Comments for the above document are required by 20 March, 2009

Prices may be subject to change.

BS EN 60092-510 Electrical installations in ships. Part 510. Special features. High Voltage Shore Connection Systems (HVSC-Systems)


Draft British Standards For Public Comment continued... 09/30196776 DC

09/30197921 DC

09/30198263 DC

BS EN ISO 11161 AMD1 Safety of machinery. Integrated manufacturing systems. Basic requirements

BS EN 62561-4 Requirements for Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC). Part 4. Requirements for fasteners



BS EN 61837-1 Surface mounted piezoelectric devices for frequency control and selection. Standard outlines and terminal lead connections. Part 1. Plastic moulded enclosure outlines

Comments for the above document are required by 20 April, 2009


09/30197925 DC BS ISO 12493 Rubber, vulcanized. Determination of stress in tension on heating

BS EN 4641-301 Aerospace series. Cables, optical 125µm diameter cladding. Part 301. Tight structure 50-125µm GI fibre nominal 1.8 mm Outside Diameter. Product Standard



09/30197413 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 16 April, 2009

BS EN 50411-3-2 Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems. Product specifications. Part 3-2. Singlemode mechanical fibre splice

09/30197946 DC

09/30196780 DC


09/30197559 DC BS EN 60794-3-11 Optical fibre cables. Part 311. Outdoor cables. Product specification for duct and directly buried single-mode optical fibre telecommunication cables GEL/86/1

Comments for the above document are required by 20 March, 2009

09/30198396 DC BS EN 61784-2 Industrial communication networks. Profiles. Part 2. Additional fieldbus profiles for real-time networks based on ISO/IEC 8802-3 £18.00 members, £36.00 non-members AMT/7

BS EN ISO 8536-3 Infusion equipment for medical use. Part 3. Aluminium caps for infusion bottles CH/212

09/30198139 DC BS EN 61400-1 AMD1 Wind turbines. Part 1. Design requirements

Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009


09/30197676 DC

09/30198228 DC

BS IEC 61810-2-1 Electromechanical elementary relays. Part 2-1. Reliability. Procedure for the verification of B10 values

BS EN 15891 Foodstuffs. Determination of deoxynivalenol in cereals, cereal products and cereal based foods for infants and young children. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column cleanup and UV detection

Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009

09/30198404 DC BS EN 61784-1 Industrial communication networks. Profiles. Part 1. Fieldbus profiles £33.00 members, £66.00 non-members AMT/7

Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009

09/30198417 DC


Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009

BS EN 60505 Evaluation and qualification of electrical insulation systems GEL/112

Comments for the above document are required by 13 March, 2009


09/30198606 DC 09/30197751 DC BS EN 4678 Aerospace series. Weldments and brazements for aerospace structures. Joints of metallic materials by laser beam welding. Quality of weldments ACE/61/-/2

Comments for the above document are required by 10 April, 2009

09/30197816 DC BS ISO 10816-1 AMD1 Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts. Part 1. General guidelines GME/21/5

Comments for the above document are required by 14 April, 2009

09/30197819 DC BS ISO 2631-1 AMD1 Mechanical vibration and shock. Evaluation of human exposure to wholebody vibration. Part 1. General requirements GME/21/6

Comments for the above document are required by 24 April, 2009

09/30198231 DC BS EN 62561-7 Requirements for Lightning Protection System Components (LPSC). Part 7. Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds GEL/81

09/30198252 DC BS EN 12470-1 AMD1 Clinical thermometers. Part 1. Metallic liquid-in-glass thermometers with maximum device

BS EN 60332-3-10 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions. Part 3-10. Test for vertical flame spread of verticallymounted bunched wires or cables. Apparatus GEL/20/18

09/30198609 DC BS EN 60332-3-21 Tests on electric cables under fire conditions. Part 3-21. Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables. Category A F/R GEL/20/18


Comments for the above document are required by 15 March, 2009

09/30198613 DC BS EN 60332-3-22 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions. Part 3-22. Test for vertical flame spread of verticallymounted bunched wires or cables. Category A

09/30198254 DC


BS EN 60368-3 Piezoelectric filters of assessed quality. Part 3. Standard outlines and lead connections

09/30198617 DC


Comments for the above document are required by 20 March, 2009

BS EN 60332-3-23 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions. Part 3-23. Test for vertical flame spread of verticallymounted bunched wires or cables. Category B GEL/20/18

09/30197862 DC BS EN 62616 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Bridge navigational watch alarm system (BNWAS). Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results EPL/80


09/30198258 DC BS EN 60679-3 Quartz crystal controlled oscillators of assessed quality. Part 3. Standard outlines and lead connections EPL/49

Comments for the above document are required by 20 March, 2009

Prices may be subject to change.

09/30198621 DC BS EN 60332-3-24 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions. Part 3-24. Test for vertical flame spread of verticallymounted bunched wires or cables. Category C GEL/20/18

Update Standards Mar 2009

09/30198647 DC

09/30199064 DC

09/30199378 DC

BS EN 60335-2-4 AMD Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Part 2-4. Particular requirements for spin extractors

BS EN 62364 Hydraulic machines. Guide for dealing with abrasive erosion in water


Comments for the above document are required by 31 March, 2009

BS EN 60061 Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety. Part 1. Lamp caps. Amendment 43. Part 2. Lampholders. Amendment 40. Part 3. Gauges. Amendment 41


BS EN 62329-3-102 Heat shrinkable moulded shapes. Part 3. Specification requirements for shape dimensions, material requirements and compatibility performance. Sheet 102. Heatshinkable elastomeric moulded shapes, semirigid, material requirements and system performance

09/30199080 DC BS EN 4023 Aerospace series. Pipe coupling 8°30’ in titanium alloy. Elbows 45° ACE/69


09/30199086 DC BS EN 60335-2-7 AMD Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Part 2-7. Particular requirements for washing machines

BS EN ISO 105-C08 Textiles. Tests for colour fastness. Part C08. Colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering using a nonphosphate reference detergent incorporating a low temperature bleach activator



09/30198654 DC

09/30198664 DC

09/30199092 DC



BS EN 4025 Aerospace series. Pipe coupling 8°30’ in titanium alloy. Elbows 45°, bulkhead

BS EN 60332-3-25 Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions. Part 3-25. Test for vertical flame spread of verticallymounted bunched wires or cables. Category D

09/30199116 DC



09/30198786 DC BS EN 6049-008 Aerospace series. Electrical cables, installation. Protection sleeve in metaaramid fibres. Part 008. Self-wrapping shielded (EMI) protective sleeve with nickel copper braid, Flexible post installation operating temperature from 55°C to 200°C. Product standard ACE/6

BS EN 4184 Aerospace series. Pipe coupling 8°30’ in titanium alloy. Elbows 45°, welded ends, double


BS EN 60793-1-31 Optical fibres. Part 1-31. Measurement methods and test procedures. Tensile strength GEL/86/1

Comments for the above document are required by 3 April, 2009

09/30199219 DC BS EN 60793-1-32 Optical fibres. Part 1-32. Measurement methods and test procedures. Coating strippability


09/30199020 DC BS EN 2997-014 Aerospace series. Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operating temperatures 65°C to 175°C continuous, 200°C continuous, 260°C peak. Part 014. Square flange receptacle with integrated accessory. Product standard ACE/6

Update Standards Mar 2009


Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

Comments can be sent by email or by post to named contacts at:– BSI Head Office 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8996 9000

EN 908:1999/Amendment 1 Agricultural and forestry machinery. Reel machines for irrigation. Safety

EN 909:1998/Amendment 1 Agricultural and forestry machinery. Centre pivot and moving lateral types irrigation machines. Safety The above have been circulated under UAP procedure. Copies of the drafts are available on request from the contact point (below). Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected] AGE/30


Comments for the above document are required by 3 April, 2009

09/30198997 DC BS EN 2997-015 Aerospace series. Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operating temperatures 65°C to 175°C continuous, 200°C continuous, 260°C peak. Part 015. Jam-nut mounted receptacle with integrated accessory. Product standard

BS EN 60112 AMD1 Method for the determination of the proof and the comparative tracking indices of solid insulating materials

09/30199215 DC

09/30198956 DC BS EN 2997-016 Aerospace series. Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled by threaded ring, fire-resistant or non fire-resistant, operating temperatures 65°C to 175°C continuous, 200°C continuous, 260°C peak. Part 016. Plug with integrated accessory. Product standard

09/30199438 DC


BS ISO/IEC 15421 Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Bar code master test specifications

09/30198671 DC


Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

09/30198650 DC

09/30199223 DC BS EN 60876-1 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Fibre optic spatial switches. Part 1. Generic specification GEL/86/2

Comments for the above document are required by 3 April, 2009

ISO/DIS 2076 Textiles. Man-made fibres. Generic names This document has been circulated for the Draft International Standard Vote. Please return any comments to the Programme Manager (below) by 13 March, 2009. Contact: Eddie Levio Email: [email protected] TCI/24

ISO/FDIS 9125 09/30199239 DC BS ISO/IEC 25045 Software engineering. Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE). Evaluation Module for Recoverability IST/15

Comments for the above document are required by 31 May, 2009

Prices may be subject to change.

Fibre-cement slates and fittings. Product specification and test methods A copy of the above document is available from the contact point (below). Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected] B/3


Documents Not Issued as DPCs continued... prEN ISO 844 (ISO 844:2007)

prEN 4132

EN 334:2005+A1:2009

Rigid cellular plastics. Determination of compression properties

Aerospace series. Bolts, normal hexagonal head, coarse tolerance normal shank, long thread, in alloy steel, cadmium plated. Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235°C

Gas pressure regulators for inlet pressures up to 100 bar

The above has been circulated under the UAP procedure. Copies of the draft are available on request from the contact point (below). Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected]

A copy of the above document is available from the contact point (below). Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected]

EN 419:—




Non-domestic gas-fired overhead luminous radiant heaters

EN 419-1:2009 Safety

prEN ISO 845 (ISO 845:2006)

prEN 12041:2000/Amendment 1

Cellular plastics and rubbers. Determination of apparent density

Food processing machinery. Moulders. Safety and hygiene requirements

The above has been circulated under the UAP procedure. Copies of the draft are available on request from the contact point (below). Please note a Draft for Public Comment has already previously been issued under the DPC number 05/30141310 DC. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected]

This standard has been revised to take account of the comments. It has now been submitted for combined enquiry/formal vote under the CEN Unique Acceptance Procedure. The closing date for comments is 15 May, 2009. A copy of the draft is available on request under document reference MCE/3/5 Contact: Anita Attra Email: [email protected]



EN 902:2009 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Hydrogen peroxide CII/59

EN 938:2009 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Sodium chlorite CII/59


EN 939:2009

prEN ISO 6709 Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates This standard is at UAP and the UK will vote in favour as it has already been implemented as BS ISO 6709:2008. Contact: Vanessa Tatler Email: [email protected] IST/36

prEN ISO/TS 19139 Geographic information. Metadata. XML schema implementation ISO/TS 19139:2007 has already been published as a DD ISO/TS and the UK intends to support the publication as a DD CEN/TS. Contact: Vanessa Tatler Email: [email protected] IST/36

prEN 12505:2000/Amendment 1 Food processing machinery. Centrifugal machines for processing edible oils and fats. Safety and hygiene requirements

Secure storage units. Requirements, classification and methods of test for resistance to burglary

EN 1143-1:2005+A1:2009 Safes, ATM safes, strongroom doors and strongrooms GW/2


EN 1594:2009 Gas supply systems. Pipelines for maximum operating pressure over 16 bar. Functional requirements


Food processing machinery. Slicing machines. Safety and hygiene requirements




EN 1143:— This standard has been revised to accomodate comments as a result of the new Safety of Machinery Directive. It has now been submitted for combined enquiry/formal vote under the CEN Unique Acceptance Procedure. The closing date for comments is 22 May, 2009. A copy of the draft is available on request under document reference MCE/3/5 Contact: Anita Attra Email: [email protected]

prEN 1974:1998/Amendment 1

This standard has been revised to accomodate comments as a result of the new Safety of Machinery Directive. It has now been submitted for combined enquiry/formal vote under the CEN Unique Acceptance Procedure. The closing date for comments is 22 May, 2009. A copy of the draft is available on request under document reference MCE/3/5 Contact: Anita Attra Email: [email protected]

Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Hydrochloric acid

The documents listed below have recently been issued by CEN but have not yet been published as BS ENs. BSI has an obligation to adopt all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards (BSs) or parts of BSs. The following will be implemented as BS ENs or as amendments to BS ENs shortly. Notification of their implementation will be given in the BS EN Publications section of the relevant edition of Update Standards.


EN 1870:— Safety of woodworking machines. Circular sawing machines

EN 1870-1:2007+A1:2009 Circular saw benches (with and without sliding table), dimension saws and building site saws MTE/23

EN 10324:— Steel wire and wire products. Hose reinforcement wire CORRIGENDUM 1:October 2008

to EN 10324:2004 e-mail your order [email protected]


EN 253:2009


District heating pipes. Preinsulated bonded pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks. Pipe assembly of steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and outer casing of polyethylene

EN 12245:2009



Prices may be subject to change.

Transportable gas cylinders. Fully wrapped composite cylinders

Update Standards Mar 2009

EN 12566:—

EN 13463:—

EN 14509:—

Small wastewater treatment systems for up to 50 PT

Non-electrical equipment for use in potentially explosive atmospheres

Self-supporting double skin metal faced insulating panels. Factory made products. Specifications

EN 12566-3:2005+A1:2009

EN 13463-1:2009

Packaged and/or site assembled domestic wastewater treatment plants B/505

EN 12671:2009

CORRIGENDUM 1:November 2008 Basic method and requirements

EN 13476:—


EN 12876:2009

EN 13476-3:2007+A1:2009

Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Oxygen

Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and profiled external surface and the system, Type B


EN 14878:— Textiles. Burning behaviour of children’s nightwear. Specification CORRIGENDUM 1:January 2009

to EN 14878:2007 TCI/66/-/8

EN 14917:2009 Metal bellows expansion joints for pressure applications



EN 13480:—

EN 15305:—

EN 13120:2009 Internal blinds. Performance requirements including safety



Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE)

Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. Chlorine dioxide generated in situ

to EN 14509:2006

Metallic industrial piping


Non-destructive testing. Test method for residual stress analysis by X-ray diffraction CORRIGENDUM 1:January 2009

EN 13480-3:2002+A3:2009 EN 13218:—

Design and calculation

Machine tools. Safety. Stationary grinding machines



to EN 15305:2008 WEE/46

EN 15475:2009

to EN 13218:2002

EN 13524:2003+A1:2009


Highway maintenance machines. Safety requirements

Fertilizers. Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen CII/37


EN 13218:2002+A1:2008

EN 15476:2009

Machine tools. Safety. Stationary grinding machines

EN 13573:2009


Inland navigation vessels. Anchoring, coupling, towing, hauling and mooring systems

Fertilizers. Determination of nitric and ammoniacal nitrogen according to Devarda CII/37


EN 13384:— Chimneys. Thermal and fluid dynamic calculation methods

EN 13598:—

EN 13384-2:2003+A1:2009

Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE)

Chimneys serving more than one heating appliance B/506

EN 13445:— Unfired pressure vessels

EN 15477:2009 Fertilizers. Determination of the water-soluble potassium content CII/37

EN 15478:2009 EN 13598-2:2009 Specifications for manholes and inspection chambers in traffic areas and deep underground installations PRI/88/1

EN 13445-2:—

Fertilizers. Determination of total nitrogen in urea CII/37

EN 15479:2009 Fertilizers. Spectrophotometric determination of biuret in urea


EN 13942:2009

AMENDMENT 3:January 2009

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Pipeline transportation systems. Pipeline valves


to EN 13445-2:2002 PVE/1


EN 15558:2009

EN 13445-2:—

EN 14444:—

Fertilizers. Determination of nitric and ammoniacal nitrogen according to Ulsch CII/37

AMENDMENT 5:January 2009

Structural adhesives. Qualitative assessment of durability of bonded assemblies. Wedge rupture test

to EN 13445-2:2002

CORRIGENDUM 1:October 2008


to EN 14444:2005

Fertilizers. Determination of nitric and ammoniacal nitrogen according to Arnd



EN 14504:2009

EN 15560:2009

to EN 13445-4:2002

Inland navigation vessels. Floating landing stages. Requirements, tests

Fertilizers. Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide nitrate free





EN 15559:2009

EN 13445-4:— Fabrication AMENDMENT 3:January 2009

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


CEN European Standards continued... EN 15561:2009 Fertilizers. Determination of total nitrogen in calcium cyanamide containing nitrates


CEN/TR 15276:— Fixed firefighting systems. Condensed aerosol extinguishing systems


CWA 15902:— EN 15562:2009 Fertilizers. Determination of cyanamide nitrogen

Lifting and load-bearing equipment for stages and other production areas within the entertainment industry

CEN/TR 15276-1:2009 Requirements and test methods for components FSH/18/6


CEN/TR 15276-2:2009 EN 15566:2009 Railway applications. Railway rolling stock. Draw gear and screw coupling RAE/1

CWA 15902-1:2008

Design, installation and maintenance

General requirements (excluding aluminium and steel trusses and towers)


no current standard is superseded £90.00 members, £180.00 non-members

CEN/TR 15367:— Petroleum products. Guide for good housekeeping

EN 15587:— Cereals and cereal products. Determination of Besatz in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.), durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.), rye (Secale cereale L.) and feed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

CWA 15902-2:2008 Specifications for design, manufacture and for use of aluminium and steel trusses and towers

CEN/TR 15367-3:2009

no current standard is superseded £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members


Prevention of cross contamination

CORRIGENDUM 1:January 2009

to EN 15587:2008 AW/4

CEN/TR 15371:2009 CWA 15903:2008 Metadata for learning opportunities (MLO). Advertising

EN 15604:2009 Fertilizers. Determination of different forms of nitrogen in the same sample, containing nitrogen as nitric, ammoniacal, urea and cyanamide nitrogen CII/37

EN 15632:— District heating pipes. Pre-insulated flexible pipe systems


no current standard is superseded £42.00 members, £84.00 non-members

CEN/TR 15840:2009 CWA 15914-1:2009 Criteria, methodology and procedures for creating an E-codification concerning substances used in pharmaceutical compounding no current standard is superseded £69.00 members, £138.00 non-members

EN 15632-1:2009

Evaluation of conformity of fly ash for concrete. Guidelines for the application of EN 450-2 B/517


Classification, general requirements and test methods RHE/9

Safety of toys. Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 71-1, EN 71-2, and EN 71-8


Health informatics. Clinical knowledge resources. Metadata IST/35

EN 15632-4:2009

CEN/TR 12101:—

Bonded system with metal service pipes; requirements and test methods

Smoke and heat control systems


CEN/TR 12101-4:2009 EN 15647:2009 Surface active agents. Determination of the dispersing effect of surfactants on powder

Installed SHEVS systems for smoke and heat ventilation

Rotodynamic pumps. Design of pump intakes. Recommendations for installation of pumps MCE/6

District heating pipes. Preinsulated bonded twin pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks

Railway applications. Fire protection on railway vehicles

CEN/TS 45545-1:2009


EN 15698:—


CEN/TS 45545:— CEN/TR 13930:2009

Thermal spraying. Component related procedure qualification

Fertilizers. Determination of urea condensates using high-performance liquid chromotography (HPLC). Isobutylidenediurea and crotonylidenediurea (method A) and methylenurea oligomers (method B)



EN 15648:2009

CEN/TS 15705:2009


CEN/TR 13931:2009 Rotodynamic pumps. Forces and moments on flanges. Centrifugal, mixed flow and axial flow horizontal and vertical shafts pumps MCE/6


CEN/TS 45545-2:2009 Requirements for fire behaviour of materials and components FSH/19

EN 15698-1:2009 Twin pipe assembly of steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and outer casing of polyethylene

CEN/TR 13932:2009 Rotodynamic pumps. Recommendations for fitting of inlet and outlet on piping

CEN/TS 45545-3:2009





Prices may be subject to change.

Fire resistance requirements for fire barriers

Update Standards Mar 2009

CEN/TS 45545-4:2009

EN 50483-2:2009

Fire safety requirements of railway rolling stock design

Tension and suspension clamps for self supporting system



EN 60335-2-34:— (IEC 60335-2-34:2002/A2:2008) Particular requirements for motor-compressors AMENDMENT 2:January 2009

to EN 60335-2-34:2002 CEN/TS 45545-6:2009 Fire control and management systems FSH/19

EN 50483-3:2009 Tension and suspension clamps for neutral messenger system GEL/20/11

CEN/TS 45545-7:2009


EN 60335-2-96:— (IEC 60335-2-96:2002/A2:2008) Particular requirements for flexible sheet heating elements for room heating

Fire safety requirements for flammable liquid and flammable gas installations

EN 50483-4:2009

AMENDMENT 2:January 2009



to EN 60335-2-96:2002




EN 50483-5:2009



The documents listed below have recently been issued by CENELEC but have not yet been published as BS ENs. BSI has an obligation to adopt all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards (BSs) or parts of BSs. The following will be implemented as BS ENs or as amendments to BS ENs shortly. Notification of their implementation will be given in the BS EN Publications section of the relevant edition of Update Standards.

Electrical ageing test

EN 60404:— Magnetic materials

EN 60404-8-6:2009 (IEC 60404-8-6:1999/A1:2007) Environmental testing

Specifications for individual materials. Soft magnetic metallic materials



EN 50483-6:2009

EN 60519:— EN 60286:— Packaging of components for automatic handling

Safety in electroheat installations

EN 60519-21:2009 (IEC 60519-21:2008)

EN 60286-2:2009 (IEC 60286-2:2008)

Particular requirements for resistance heating equipment. Heating and melting glass equipment

EN 50164:—

Tape packaging of components with unidirectional leads on continuous tapes.


Lightning Protection Components (LPC)


EN 60703:2009 (IEC 60703:2008)

EN 50164-3:— Requirements for isolating spark gaps

EN 60297:—

AMENDMENT 1:January 2009

Mechanical structures for electronic equipment. Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482,6 mm (19 in) series

to EN 50164-3:2006 GEL/81

EN 50164-5:2009 Requirements for earth electrode inspection housings and earth electrode seals GEL/81

EN 60297-3-100:2009 (IEC 60297-3-100:2008) Basic dimensions of front panels, subracks, chassis, racks and cabinets

Test methods for electroheating installations with electron guns PEL/27

EN 60758:2009 (IEC 60758:2008) Synthetic quartz crystal. Specifications and guidelines for use EPL/49


EN 61000:—

EN 50164-6:2009 Requirements for lightning strike counters GEL/81

EN 50194:—

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

EN 60297-3-105:2009 (IEC 60297-3-105:2008) Dimensions and design aspects for 1U high chassis

Electrical apparatus for the detection of combustible gases in domestic premises


EN 50194-1:2009

EN 60335:—

Test methods and performance requirements GEL/31/19

EN 50483:— Test requirements for low voltage aerial bundled cable accessories

EN 61000-4-30:2009 (IEC 61000-4-30:2008) Testing and measurement techniques. Power quality measurement methods GEL/210/12

Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety

EN 60335-2-17:— (IEC 60335-2-17:2002/A2:2008)

EN 61347:— Lamp controlgear

EN 61347-2-10:— (IEC 61347-2-10:2000/A1:2008)

Particular requirements for blankets, pads, clothing and similar flexible heating appliances

Particular requirements for electronic invertors and convertors for high-frequency operation of cold start tubular discharge lamps (neon tubes)

EN 50483-1:2009

AMENDMENT 2:January 2009

AMENDMENT 1:January 2009


to EN 60335-2-17:2002

to EN 61347-2-10:2001




Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


CENELEC Publications continued... EN 61857:— Electrical insulation systems. Procedures for thermal evaluation

EN 61857-1:2009 (IEC 61857-1:2008) General requirements. Low-voltage GEL/112

IEC PUBLICATIONS It is BSI policy to supply the UK version of all adopted standards, which are published as British standards, unless otherwise requested. The following IEC publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2)

EN 61883:— Consumer audio/video equipment. Digital interface

IEC 60068:—

IEC 60794:— Optical fibre cables

IEC 60794-3:— Outdoor cables

IEC 60794-3-10:2009 (Edition 2) Family specification for duct, directly buried and lashed aerial optical telecommunication cables £108.48 members, £113.00 non-members GEL/86/1

Environmental testing

EN 61883-8:2009 (IEC 61883-8:2008) Transmission of ITU-R BT.601 style digital video data EPL/100

EN 62024:—

IEC 60794-3-20:2009 (Edition 2)

IEC 60068-2-14:2009 (Edition 6) Tests. Test N. Change of temperature £83.52 members, £87.00 non-members

Family specification for self-supporting aerial telecommunication cables £91.20 members, £95.00 non-members GEL/86/1


IEC 60851:—

High frequency inductive components. Electrical characteristics and measuring methods

Winding wires. Test methods

IEC 60068-2-38:2009 (Edition 2)

IEC 60851-3:2009 (Edition 3)

Rated current of inductors for DC to DC converters

Tests. Test Z/AD. Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members




EN 62503:2009 (IEC 62503:2008)

IEC 60115:—

EN 62024-2:2009 (IEC 62024-2:2008)

Multimedia quality. Method of assessment of synchronization of audio and video

Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment

IEC 60115-8:2009

Insulating liquids. Test method for detection of potentially corrosive sulfur in used and unused insulating oil

IEC 60947:— Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear

IEC 60947-2:—


EN 62535:2009 (IEC 62535:2008)

Mechanical properties £151.68 members, £158.00 non-members

(Edition 2) Sectional specification. Fixed surface mount resistors £151.68 members, £158.00 non-members

Circuit-breakers AMENDMENT 1:January 2009

to IEC 60947-2:2006 £108.48 members, £113.00 non-members PEL/17/2


IEC 60966:—


Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies

IEC 60204:—

CENELEC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CLC/TS 45545:— Railway applications. Fire protection on railway vehicles

Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines

IEC 60966-2-3:2009 (Edition 3)

General requirements

Detail specification for flexible coaxial cable assemblies. Frequency range 0 MHz to 1000 MHz, IEC 61169-8 connectors £26.88 members, £28.00 non-members

AMENDMENT 1:November 2008


IEC 60204-1:—

to IEC 60204-1:2005 CLC/TS 45545-5:2009

£17.28 members, £18.00 non-members

Fire safety requirements for electrical equipment including that of trolley buses, track guided buses and magnetic levitation vehicles



IEC 60317:—

CLC/TS 60034:—

IEC 60966-2-4:2009 (Edition 3)

Specifications for particular types of winding wires

Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV receivers. Frequency range 0 MHz to 3000 MHz, IEC 61169-2 connectors £30.72 members, £32.00 non-members EPL/46

Rotating electrical machines

CLC/TS 60034-25:2008 (IEC/TS 60034-25:2007) Guidance for the design and performance of A.C. motors specifically designed for converter supply PEL/2


IEC 60317-16:—

IEC 60966-2-5:2009

Polyester enamelled rectangular copper wire, class 155

(Edition 3)

£17.28 members, £18.00 non-members

Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV receivers. Frequency range 0 MHz to 1000 MHz, IEC 61169-2 connectors £30.72 members, £32.00 non-members



AMENDMENT 2:January 2009

to IEC 60317-16:1990

Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

IEC Publications continued... IEC 60966-2-6:2009

IEC 61300-3-7:2009

IEC 61557-11:2009

(Edition 3)

(Edition 2)

Detail specification for cable assemblies for radio and TV receivers. Frequency range 0 MHz to 3000 MHz, IEC 61169-24 connectors £30.72 members, £32.00 non-members

Wavelength dependence of attenuation and return loss of single mode components £108.48 members, £113.00 non-members

Effectiveness of residual current monitors (RCMs) type A and type B in TT, TN and IT systems £91.20 members, £95.00 non-members




IEC 61755:— IEC 60966-3-1:2009 (Edition 3) Blank detail specification for semi-flexible coaxial cable assemblies £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

IEC 61300-3-34:2009 Attenuation of random mated connectors £52.80 members, £55.00 non-members GEL/86/2


Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Mechanical splices and fusion splice protectors for optical fibres and cables

IEC 61073-1:2009 (Edition 4) Generic specification £83.52 members, £87.00 non-members GEL/86/2

IEC 61196:— Coaxial communication cables

IEC 61196-6-1:2009 Blank detail specification for CATV drop cables £40.32 members, £42.00 non-members EPL/46/1

Mode transfer function measurement for fibre optic sources £83.52 members, £87.00 non-members GEL/86/2

IEC 61314:— Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Fibre optic fan-outs


Optical interface, 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical full zirconia PC ferrule single mode fibre

to IEC 61755-3-1:2006 GEL/86/2

IEC 61755-3-2:— Optical interface, 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical full zirconia ferrules for 8 degrees angled-PC single mode fibres CORRIGENDUM 1:January 2009

to IEC 61755-3-2:2006 GEL/31

IEC 61314-1:2009 (Edition 3) Generic specification £83.52 members, £87.00 non-members GEL/86/2

IEC 61755-3-7:2009 Optical interface, 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical PC composite ferrule using titanium as fibre surrounding material, single mode fibre £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members GEL/86/2

IEC 61439:— Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies

IEC 61196-6:2009 Sectional specification for CATV drop cables £48.00 members, £50.00 non-members

IEC 61755-3-1:—

CORRIGENDUM 1:January 2009

IEC 61300-3-43:2009 IEC 61073:—

Fibre optic connector optical interfaces

(Edition 3)

IEC 61439-1:2009 General rules £230.40 members, £240.00 non-members

IEC 61755-3-8:2009 Optical interface, 2,5 mm and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical 8 degrees angled-APC composite ferrule using titanium as fibre surrounding material, single mode fibre £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members GEL/86/2


IEC 61300:— Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Basic test and measurement procedures

IEC 61439-2:2009 Power switchgear and controlgear assemblies £91.20 members, £95.00 non-members

IEC 61914:2009 Cable cleats for electrical installations £108.48 members, £113.00 non-members PEL/213


IEC 61300-2-2:2009 (Edition 3) Tests. Mating durability £40.32 members, £42.00 non-members GEL/86/2

IEC 61300-2-5:2009

IEC 61534:—

IEC 62007:—

Powertrack systems

Semiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications

IEC 61534-22:2009

IEC 62007-2:2009

Particular requirements for powertrack systems intended for on floor or under floor installation £91.20 members, £95.00 non-members

(Edition 2)

Tests. Torsion £40.32 members, £42.00 non-members


Semiconductor optoelectronic devices for fibre optic system applications Part 2: Measuring methods £134.40 members, £140.00 non-members


IEC 61557:—


IEC 61300-3:—

IEC 62059:—

Examination and measurements

Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V A.C. and 1500 V D.C. Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures

IEC 61300-3-2:2009

IEC 61557-9:2009

IEC 62059-31-1:—

(Edition 3)

(Edition 2)

Accelerated reliability testing. Elevated temperature and humidity

Polarization dependent loss in a single-mode fibre optic device £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members

Equipment for insulation fault location in IT systems £91.20 members, £95.00 non-members



(Edition 3)


Electricity metering equipment. Dependability

CORRIGENDUM 1:December 2008

to IEC 62059-31-1:2008 PEL/13

Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

IEC 62137:— Surface mounting technology. Environmental and endurance test methods for surface mount solder joint


IEC 62137-1-4:2009 Cyclic bending test £52.80 members, £55.00 non-members

Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specifications. WirelessHART™ communication network and communication profile £256.32 members, £267.00 non-members AMT/7

Electrotechnical products. Determination of restricted substances. Sampling procedure. Guidelines £174.72 members, £182.00 non-members GEL/111

IEC 62271-110:2009 (Edition 2) Inductive load switching £100.80 members, £105.00 non-members PEL/17/1

IEC/PAS 62601:2009 Industrial communication networks. Fieldbus specifications. WIA-PA communication network and communication profile £233.28 members, £243.00 non-members

IEC/TR 62296:2009

IEC 80601:— Medical electrical equipment

ISO PUBLICATIONS It is BSI policy to supply the UK version of all adopted standards, which are published as British standards, unless otherwise requested. The following ISO publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2)

IEC 80601-2-30:2009

ISO 148:—

Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of automated type noninvasive sphygmomanometers £174.72 members, £182.00 non-members

Metallic materials. Charpy pendulum impact test


ISO 148-2:2008

Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines. Radio disturbance characteristics. Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of off-board receivers

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 1628:— Plastics. Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers

ISO 1628-1:2009 (Edition 3)

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 1924:— Paper and board. Determination of tensile properties

ISO 1924-2:2008 (Edition 3) Constant rate of elongation method (20 mm/min) £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members PAI/11

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Verification of testing machines £118.08 members, £123.00 non-members

Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Electroplated coatings of zinc with supplementary treatments on iron or steel £74.88 members, £78.00 non-members



Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 2332:2009

to IEC CISPR 12:2007

ISO/TR 230:—

£19.20 members, £20.00 non-members

Test code for machine tools


ISO/TR 230-8:2009 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods


(Edition 3)

AMENDMENT 1:January 2009


Horology. Functional and non-functional jewels £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members

ISO 2081:2008

(Edition 2)


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


(Edition 2)



General principles £93.12 members, £97.00 non-members


Considerations of unaddressed safety aspects in the second edition of IEC 60601-1 and proposals for new requirements £213.12 members, £222.00 non-members

Cement. Test methods. Pozzolanicity test for pozzolanic cements £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members

(Edition 3)

IEC/PAS 62596:2009 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear

(Edition 2)

ISO 1112:2009


IEC 62271:—

ISO 863:2008

Determination of vibration levels £166.08 members, £173.00 non-members

(Edition 3) Agricultural tractors and machinery. Connection of implements via three-point linkage. Clearance zone around implement £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members AGE/6

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 2834:— Graphic technology. Laboratory preparation of test prints

IEC CISPR 16-1-2:—

ISO 730:2009

Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus. Ancillary equipment. Conducted disturbances CORRIGENDUM 1:January 2009

Agricultural wheeled tractors. Rear-mounted three-point linkage. Categories 1N, 1, 2N, 2, 3N, 3, 4N and 4 £74.88 members, £78.00 non-members

to IEC CISPR 16-1-2:2003




Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.

ISO 2834-3:2008 Screen printing inks £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members


ISO Publications continued... ISO 3822:—

ISO 5821:2009

ISO 7590:2009

Acoustics. Laboratory tests on noise emission from appliances and equipment used in water supply installations

(Edition 2)

(Edition 5)

Resistance welding. Spot welding electrode caps £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members

ISO 3822-1:—


Steel cord conveyor belts. Methods for the determination of total thickness and cover thickness £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members

Method of measurement

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


AMENDMENT 1:December 2008

to ISO 3822-1:1999

ISO 5832:—

£14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

Implants for surgery Metallic materials

ISO/IEC 7816:—


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 5832-12:—

Identification cards. Integrated circuit cards

Wrought cobalt-chromium-molybdenum alloy

ISO 4040:2009

CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2008

(Edition 5)

to ISO 5832-12:2007

Road vehicles. Location of hand controls, indicators and tell-tales in motor vehicles £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members



ISO 6020:—

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 7816-15:— Cryptographic information application AMENDMENT 2:December 2008

to ISO/IEC 7816-15:2004 £14.40 members, £15.00 non-members

Hydraulic fluid power. Mounting dimensions for single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) series


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 4141:— Road vehicles. Multi-core connecting cables

ISO 6020-2:—

ISO 7919:—

Compact series

Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on rotating shafts

ISO 4141-4:2009

CORRIGENDUM 1:October 2008

(Edition 2)

to ISO 6020-2:2006

Test methods and requirements for coiled cable assemblies £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members


ISO 7919-3:2009

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

(Edition 2)

ISO 6550:—

Coupled industrial machines £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Road vehicles. Sheath-type glow-plugs with conical seating and their cylinder head housing


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 4642:— Rubber and plastics hoses, non-collapsible, for fire-fighting service

ISO 6550-3:2009

ISO 4642-1:2009

M10 glow-plugs £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members

Semi-rigid hoses for fixed systems £79.68 members, £83.00 non-members PRI/66/-/1

(Edition 3)


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 7299:— ISO 4642-2:2009

Diesel engines. End-mounting flanges for pumps

Semi-rigid hoses (and hose assemblies) for pumps and vehicles £102.72 members, £107.00 non-members

ISO 7299-2:2009

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Leather. Chemical determination of chromic oxide content

ISO 5398-2:2009 Quantification by colorimetric determination £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

Timber structures. Glued laminated timber. Test methods for determination of physical and mechanical properties £102.72 members, £107.00 non-members Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 9594:— High-pressure supply pumps for common rail fuel injection systems £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members MCE/22

ISO 5398:—

(Edition 2)


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


ISO 8375:2009

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 7547:— Ships and marine technology. Air-conditioning and ventilation of accommodation spaces. Design conditions and basis of calculations CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2008


to ISO 7547:2002

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Information technology. Open Systems Interconnection

ISO/IEC 9594-2:— The Directory. Models CORRIGENDUM 2:December 2008

to ISO/IEC 9594-2:2001 IST/6

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 9834:— Information technology. Open Systems Interconnection. Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities

ISO 5630:— Paper and board. Accelerated ageing

ISO 7578:2008 (Edition 4)

ISO/IEC 9834-9:2008

Exposure to elevated temperature at 100°C £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members

Road vehicles. Sheath-type glowplugs. General requirements and test methods £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

Registration of object identifier arcs for applications and services using tag-based identification £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members




Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 5630-5:2008


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009

ISO Publications continued... ISO 9927:—

ISO/TS 10891:2009

ISO/TR 12885:2008

Cranes. Inspection

Freight containers. Radio frequency identification (RFID). Licence plate tag £74.88 members, £78.00 non-members

ISO 9927-1:2009


Nanotechnologies Health and safety practices in occupational settings relevant to nanotechnologies £98.00 members, £163.00 non-members

(Edition 2)

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

General £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members MHE/3/11

ISO 11001:—

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Agricultural wheeled tractors and implements. Three-point hitch couplers

ISO 10295:— Fire tests for building elements and components. Fire testing of service installations

ISO 13012-1:2009

(Edition 2)

Boundary dimensions and tolerances for series 1 and 3 £84.48 members, £88.00 non-members

ISO 10295-2:2009


Linear joint (gap) seals £97.92 members, £102.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


ISO 10303:—

ISO 10303-215:— Application protocol. Ship arrangement CORRIGENDUM 1:December 2008


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 13012-2:2009 ISO 11155:— Road vehicles. Air filters for passenger compartments

Industrial automation systems and integration. Product data representation and exchange

Rolling bearings Accessories for sleeve type linear ball bearings

ISO 11001-3:2009 Link coupler £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 13012:—

Boundary dimensions and tolerances for series 5 £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members MCE/7

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 11155-2:2009 Test for gaseous filtration £79.68 members, £83.00 non-members MCE/21/2

ISO 13606:— Health informatics. Electronic health record communication

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 13606-3:2009

to ISO 10303-215:2004 AMT/4

ISO 11379:2009

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Reference archetypes and term lists £131.52 members, £137.00 non-members

(Edition 2)


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/TR 10771:—

Textile floor coverings. Laboratory cleaning procedure using spray extraction £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members PRI/3

ISO/IEC 14165:—

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Information technology. Fibre channel

Hydraulic fluid power. Fatigue pressure testing of metal pressure-containing envelopes

ISO/TR 10771-2:2008 Rating methods £118.08 members, £123.00 non-members

ISO 11413:2008


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Plastics pipes and fittings. Preparation of test piece assemblies between a polyethylene (PE) pipe and an electrofusion fitting £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members

ISO 10816:—


Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of machine vibration by measurements on non-rotating parts

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 10816-3:2009 (Edition 2) Industrial machines with nominal power above 15 kW and nominal speeds between 120 r/min and 15 000 r/min when measured in situ £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members GME/21/5

(Edition 2)

ISO/IEC 14165-116:— 10 Gigabit Fibre Channel (10GFC) AMENDMENT 1:January 2009

to ISO/IEC 14165-116:2005 £33.60 members, £35.00 non-members IST/6

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 14165-521:2009 ISO 11414:2009

Fabric application interface standard (FAIS) £166.08 members, £173.00 non-members

(Edition 2)


Plastics pipes and fittings Preparation of polyethylene (PE) pipe/pipe or pipe/fitting test piece assemblies by butt fusion £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members PRI/88/4

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 14496:— Information technology. Coding of audio-visual objects

ISO/IEC 14496-3:— ISO 11601:2008


ISO 10816-7:2009

(Edition 2)


Rotodynamic pumps for industrial applications, including measurements on rotating shafts £79.68 members, £83.00 non-members

Fire fighting. Wheeled fire extinguishers. Performance and construction £97.92 members, £102.00 non-members




Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK


Prices may be subject to change.

to ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005 IST/37

Update Standards Mar 2009

ISO Publications continued... ISO/IEC 14496-3:—

ISO 15592:—

ISO 16061:2008


Fine-cut tobacco and smoking articles made from it. Methods of sampling, conditioning and analysis

(Edition 2)


ISO 15592-3:2008


Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

(Edition 2)

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


to ISO/IEC 14496-3:2005

ISO/IEC TR 14496-9:2009 (Edition 3) Reference hardware description £292.80 members, £305.00 non-members IST/37

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

Determination of total particulate matter of smoking articles using a routine analytical smoking machine, preparation for the determination of water and nicotine, and calculation of nicotine-free dry particulate matter £108.48 members, £113.00 non-members

Instrumentation for use in association with nonactive surgical implants. General requirements £84.48 members, £88.00 non-members

ISO 16918:— Steel and iron. Determination of nine elements by the inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopic method


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 16918-1:2009

ISO 15616:—

Determination of tin, antimony, cerium, lead and bismuth £102.72 members, £107.00 non-members

Acceptance tests for CO2-laser beam machines for high quality welding and cutting


to ISO/IEC 14496-12:2008

ISO 15616-4:2008 Machines with 2-D moving optics £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members

ISO 17484:—


ISO/IEC 14496-12:— ISO base media file format

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

CORRIGENDUM 1:December 2008

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 14496-16:— Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)

ISO 15633:2009


Iron ores. Determination of nickel. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method £70.08 members, £73.00 non-members


to ISO/IEC 14496-16:2006 IST/37

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

Plastics piping systems. Multilayer pipe systems for indoor gas installations

ISO 17484-2:2009 Code of practice £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members PRI/88/2

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 17572:— Intelligent transport systems (ITS). Location referencing for geographic databases

ISO 15726:2009 ISO/IEC 14762:2009 Information technology. Functional safety requirements for home and building electronic systems (HBES) £52.80 members, £55.00 non-members IST/6

Metallic and other inorganic coatings. Electrodeposited zinc alloys with nickel, cobalt or iron £70.08 members, £73.00 non-members STI/33

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 17572-1:2008 General requirements and conceptual model £122.88 members, £128.00 non-members EPL/278

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 15862:2009 ISO 15086:— Hydraulic fluid power. Determination of the fluid-borne noise characteristics of components and systems

Space systems. Launch-vehicle-to-spacecraft flight environments telemetry data processing £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members ACE/68/-/2

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 17572-2:2008 Pre-coded location references (pre-coded profile) £113.28 members, £118.00 non-members EPL/278

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 15086-3:2008 Measurement of hydraulic impedance £97.92 members, £102.00 non-members

ISO 16000:— Indoor air


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 16000-16:2008 ISO/IEC 15444:— Information technology. JPEG 2000 image coding system

Detection and enumeration of moulds. Sampling by filtration £84.48 members, £88.00 non-members EH/2/3

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 17572-3:2008 Dynamic location references (dynamic profile) £166.08 members, £173.00 non-members EPL/278

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/TS 17665:— Sterilization of health care products. Moist heat

ISO/IEC 15444-12:— ISO base media file format

ISO 16000-17:2008

CORRIGENDUM 1:December 2008

Detection and enumeration of moulds. Culturebased method £93.12 members, £97.00 non-members

ISO/TS 17665-2:2009



Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

to ISO/IEC 15444-12:2008 IST/37

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK


Prices may be subject to change.

Guidance on the application of ISO 17665-1 £131.52 members, £137.00 non-members

Update Standards Mar 2009

ISO/IEC 19796:—

ISO 20474-9:2008

ISO 21487:—

Information technology. Learning, education and training. Quality management, assurance and metrics

Requirements for pipelayers £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members

Small craft. Permanently installed petrol and diesel fuel tanks


CORRIGENDUM 1:December 2008

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

to ISO 21487:2006 GME/33

ISO/IEC 19796-3:2009 Reference methods and metrics £118.08 members, £123.00 non-members IST/43

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 20474-10:2008 Requirements for trenchers £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members B/513/1

ISO 22007:—

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Plastics. Determination of thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity

ISO 20474:— Earth-moving machinery. Safety

ISO 20474-11:2008 Requirements for earth and landfill compactors £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

ISO 20474-1:2008 General requirements £93.12 members, £97.00 non-members


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Transient plane heat source (hot disc) method £79.68 members, £83.00 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 20474-12:2008 Requirements for cable excavators £74.88 members, £78.00 non-members

ISO 20474-2:2008


Requirements for tractor-dozers £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

Will not be implemented as a British Standard


ISO 20474-13:2008

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 22007-2:2008



Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 22007-3:2008 Temperature wave analysis method £74.88 members, £78.00 non-members PRI/21

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Requirements for rollers £93.12 members, £97.00 non-members B/513/1

ISO 22007-4:2008

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Laser flash method £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members


ISO/TS 20474-14:2008


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Information on national and regional provisions £79.68 members, £83.00 non-members

ISO 20474-3:2008 Requirements for loaders £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members

ISO 20474-4:2008 Requirements for backhoe loaders £70.08 members, £73.00 non-members


Will not be implemented as a British Standard


ISO 20666:2008

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Water quality. Determination of the chronic toxicity to Brachionus calyciflorus in 48 h £74.88 members, £78.00 non-members

ISO 20474-5:2008


Requirements for hydraulic excavators £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members

Will not be implemented as a British Standard


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 20474-6:2008 Requirements for dumpers £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 22036:2008 Soil quality. Determination of trace elements in extracts of soil by inductively coupled plasma. atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) £108.48 members, £113.00 non-members EH/4

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 22108:2008 ISO 20775:2009 Information and documentation. Schema for holdings information £131.52 members, £137.00 non-members

Space systems. Non-flight items in flight hardware. Identification and control £57.60 members, £60.00 non-members ACE/68/-/3

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 21307:2009

ISO 20474-7:2008 Requirements for scrapers £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

Plastics pipes and fittings. Butt fusion jointing procedures for polyethylene (PE) pipes and fittings used in the construction of gas and water distribution systems £70.08 members, £73.00 non-members



Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 22201:2009 Lifts (elevators). Design and Development of programmable electronic systems in safetyrelated application for lifts (PESSRAL) £122.88 members, £128.00 non-members MHE/4

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 21439:2009

ISO 22837:2009

Requirements for graders £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members

Clinical dosimetry. Beta radiation sources for brachytherapy £166.08 members, £173.00 non-members

Vehicle probe data for wide area communications £137.28 members, £143.00 non-members




Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 20474-8:2008

Update Standards Mar 2009

Prices may be subject to change.


ISO Publications continued... ISO 22900:—

ISO/IEC 24747:2009

ISO 26868:2009

Road vehicles. Modular vehicle communication interface (MVCI)

Information technology. Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces. Extensions to the C Library to support mathematical special functions £84.48 members, £88.00 non-members

Space data and information transfer systems. Image data compression £137.28 members, £143.00 non-members

ISO 22900-2:2009 Diagnostic protocol data unit application programming interface (D-PDUAPI) £167.00 members, £278.00 non-members AUE/16

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 22951:2009 Data dictionary and message sets for preemption and prioritization signal systems for emergency and public transport vehicles (PRESTO) £131.52 members, £137.00 non-members EPL/278


ISO 27668:— ISO/IEC 24767:—

Gel ink ball pens and refills

Information technology. Home network security

ISO 27668-1:2009 ISO/IEC 24767-2:2009 Internal security services. Secure communication protocol for middleware (SCPM) £118.08 members, £123.00 non-members

General use £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members TDW/4

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 27668-2:2009 ISO 25137:—

Information technology. Multimedia application format (MPEG-A)

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 23000:—


Plastics. Sulfone plastics moulding and extrusion materials

Documentary use (DOC) £38.40 members, £40.00 non-members TDW/4

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 25137-1:2009 ISO/IEC 23000-4:2009 (Edition 2) Musical slide show application format £137.28 members, £143.00 non-members IST/37

Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

ISO 23814:2009 Cranes. Competency requirements for crane inspectors £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members MHE/3/11

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Designation system and basis for specifications £65.28 members, £68.00 non-members PRI/82

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties £45.12 members, £47.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


ISO 28219:2009

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Packaging. Labelling and direct product marking with linear bar code and twodimensional symbols £131.52 members, £137.00 non-members

ISO 25457:2008 (CD-ROM) Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Flare details for general refinery and petrochemical service £206.40 members, £215.00 non-members PSE/17/-/6

(Edition 2)

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Polyethylene of raised-temperature resistance (PE-RT). Pipes. Effect of time and temperature on the expected strength £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members

ISO 26362:2009

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Vacuum technology. Vacuum gauges. Evaluation of the uncertainties of results of calibrations by direct comparison with a reference gauge £74.88 members, £78.00 non-members

ISO 25137-2:2009

ISO 24033:2009


ISO/TS 27893:2009

Access panels in market, opinion and social research. Vocabulary and service requirements £70.08 members, £73.00 non-members SVS/3


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 29121:2009 Information technology. Digitally recorded media for information interchange and storage. Data migration method for DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD-RAM, +R, and +RW disks £74.88 members, £78.00 non-members ICT/-/1

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 24393:2008 Rolling bearings. Linear motion rolling bearings. Vocabulary £113.28 members, £118.00 non-members MCE/7

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 30042:2008 ISO 26423:2009 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics). Determination of coating thickness by crater-grinding method £74.88 members, £78.00 non-members

Systems to manage terminology, knowledge and content. TermBase eXchange (TBX) £166.08 members, £173.00 non-members TS/1

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC TR 24732:2009 Information technology. Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces. Extension for the programming language C to support decimalfloating-point arithmetic £97.92 members, £102.00 non-members

ISO GUIDE 30:— ISO 26602:2009 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics). Silicon nitride materials for rolling bearing balls £50.88 members, £53.00 non-members

Terms and definitions used in connection with reference materials AMENDMENT 1:November 2008

to ISO GUIDE 30:1992 £14.40 members, £15.00 non-members




Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard


Prices may be subject to change.

Update Standards Mar 2009