Oct 8, 2016 - OznaÄite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often. Aero or terrestrial LIDAR. Stereo photogrammetry from aeria.
Userdefined parameters in digital terrain modelling
Userdefined parameters in digital terrain modelling This questionnaire is carried out in order to develop the master thesis of Mirko Barada, univ. bacc. geogr. (University of Zadar, Department of geography, Applied geography): The impact of user defined parameters on DEM accuracy. By using feedbacks from the users who works with DEMs the conclusion about users perception of the importance of userdefined parameters in digital terrain modelling will be performed. *Obavezno
1. 1. Do you generate digital elevation models by yourself ? * Označite samo jedan oval. Yes Sometimes No
Prijeđite na pitanje broj 22.
2. 2. How often are your elevation data collected by the following methods: * Označite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely
Very often
Aero or terrestrial LIDAR Stereo photogrammetry from aeria l or terrestrial surveys Classical terrain measurement (e.g. classical geodetic station, GPS) Interferometry from radar data Vectorization of Topo maps 3. 3. If you work with data collected by some other method/s, which ?
Userdefined parameters in digital terrain modelling
4. 4. Do you validate topology of collected elevation data ? * NeverNever RarelyRarely Sometimes Sometimes Often Often Very often Very often Označite samo jedan oval. Yes Sometimes No 5. 5. How often do you use the following types of spatial interpolation methods ? * Označite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely
Very often
Deterministic methods Geostatistical methods Combined methods 6. 6. Do you validate DEM accuracy (e.g. RMSE, hillshade observation, histogram analysis, ...) ? * Označite samo jedan oval. Yes Sometimes No 7. 7. If you validate DEM accuracy, do you use methods for assessing the accuracy of spatial interpolation methods ? Označite samo jedan oval. Yes Sometimes No 8. 8. If you use methods for assessing the accuracy of spatial interpolation methods, how often do you use the following methods ? Označite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely
Very often
Crossvalidation Split sampling Jackknifing Residuals
Userdefined parameters in digital terrain modelling
9. 9. If you validate DEM accuracy, how often do you use the following statistical measures Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often for DEM accuracy assessment ? Označite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely
Very often
Range Min/max Percentiles Mean Variance Root mean squared error Average kriging standard error Root mean square standardized prediction error Mean standardized prediction error Weighted variance Coefficient of variation Kurtosis Skeweness 10. 10. If you use some other statistical measure/s for DEM accuracy assessment, which ?
11. 11. If you validate DEM accuracy, how often do you use the following spatial visual methods for DEM accuracy assessment ? Označite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely
Very often
2D comparison with referent data Perspective view (3D) comparison with referent data Comparison of DEM's derivatives with orthophotos or imagery maps Profile analysis comparison with referent data Hillshade observation 12. 12. If you use some other spatial visual method/s for DEM accuracy assessment, which ?
13. 13. If you validate DEM accuracy, how often do you use the following nonspatial visual methods for DEM accuracy assessment ? Označite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely
Very often
Histogram analysis Regression graphs Spatial autocorrelation related visualization
Userdefined parameters in digital terrain modelling
14. 14. If you use some other nonspatial visual Never Rarely method/s for DEM accuracy assessment, which ?
Very often
15. 15. If you validate DEM accuracy, which of the following modes for DEM accuracy assessment do you prefer ? Označite samo jedan oval. Statistical measures Spatial visual methods Nonspatial visual methods 16. 16. Do you calculate DEM resolution by yourself ? * Označite samo jedan oval. Yes Sometimes No 17. 17. If you calculate DEM resolution, how often do you use the following methods for determining the right pixel size ? Označite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely
Very often
McCullagh's method Point pattern analysis Inspection density Complexity of terrain GPS Positioning Range of spatial dependence Size of delineations Cartographic rule 18. 18. If you use some other method/s for determining the right pixel size, which ?
19. 19. If you calculate DEM resolution, do you make a compromise in determining the right pixel size (e.g. mean value of 2 methods) Označite samo jedan oval. Yes Sometimes No 20. 20. Do you evaluate the suitability of DEM resolution, after DEM generation ? * Označite samo jedan oval. Yes Sometimes No
Userdefined parameters in digital terrain modelling
21. 21. If you do, how ?
NeverNever RarelyRarely Sometimes Sometimes Often Often Very often Very often
22. 22. Do you perform digital terrain analysis from DEM ? * Označite samo jedan oval. Yes Sometimes No 23. 23. If you do, how often do you generate the following parameters from DEM ? Označite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely
Very often
Morphometric parameters (e.g. slope) Hydrologic parameters (e.g. flow accumulation) Climatic parameters (e.g. area solar radiation) 24. 24. If you generete some other parameter/s from DEM, which ?
25. 25. How often are the following industries the ultimate application of your DEMs ? * Označite samo jedan oval po retku. Never Rarely
Very often
Spatial planning Water resources managment Construction and energetics Environmental protection Agriculture Risk assessment Military applications 26. 26. If you use DEMs for some other purpose/ s, which ?
27. 27. How do you percieve the importance of userdefined parameters (e.g. elevation data collection methods, spatial interpolation methods, determining the right cell size) in digital terrain modelling ? * Označite samo jedan oval. 1 Not important
5 Crucially important
Userdefined parameters in digital terrain modelling
28. 28. Do you report of DEM accuracy assessment with your works ? * Označite samo jedan oval. Yes Sometimes No 29. 29. Does innaccuracy affects the outcome of your applications ? * Označite samo jedan oval. Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very often Don't know 30. 30. Which of the following GIS softwares are you using the most ? * Označite samo jedan oval. ArcGIS GS+ RGIS SPLUS Surfer Quantum GIS Idrisi GRASS GIS ILWIS Ostalo:
Personal informations 31. 31. Age: *
32. 32. Gender: * Označite samo jedan oval. Male Female 33. 33. Country: *
34. 34. City: *
Userdefined parameters in digital terrain modelling
35. 35. Profession: *