Verification of Bounded Delay Asynchronous Circuits with Timed Traces

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timed systems, usually the set of traces will be an in nite (or even uncountable) set of in nite ..... Basically, we use a system of inequalities to represent a number of ... that the solution set of I0 is equal to the solution set of I, projected on var(I)?U.
Veri cation of Bounded Delay Asynchronous Circuits with Timed Traces Tomohiro Yoneda, Bin Zhou1 , and Bernd{Holger Schlinglo 2 1 Tokyo Institute of Technology fyoneda,[email protected] 2 Universitat Bremen, TZI-BISS [email protected]

Abstract. In this paper, we extend the veri cation method based on

the failure semantics of process algebra and the resulting trace theory by Dill et al. for bounded delay asynchronous circuits. We de ne a timed conformance relation between trace structures which allows to express both safety and responsiveness properties. In our approach, bounded delay circuits as well as their real-time properties are modelled by time Petri nets. We give an explicit state-exploration algorithm to determine whether an implementation conforms to a speci cation. Since for IOcon ict free speci cations the conformance relation is transitive, this algorithm can be used for hierarchical veri cation of large asynchronous circuits. We describe the implementation of our method and give some experimental results which demonstrate its eciency.

Keywords: Trace Theory, Time Petri Nets, Failure Analysis, Conformance Checking, State Space Exploration, Asynchronous Circuits, Hardware Veri cation, Delay Analysis, Real Time Systems, Computer Aided Veri cation

1 Introduction One of the main problems in the design of wafer-scale integrated circuits is the distribution of the global clock signal. Diculties which arise in the design of large synchronous circuits are clock skews, clock delay estimation in layout design, etc. Therefore, asynchronous processors without a global clock are of increasing interest. However, asynchronous circuits are dicult to construct since the timing analysis often is very complex. Because of this reason, asynchronous circuits are usually modelled with a speed independent model, where the gate delays are unbounded, or are bounded by an unknown constant. Most of the research on design, synthesis, and veri cation of asynchronous circuits has been done under this model. Although the speed independent model is quite powerful, the possibility of unbounded delay can force the designer to add additional complexity to the circuit. For example, Muller's C element [MB 59], de ned by the truth table in Fig. 1(a), is implemented by the circuit of Fig. 1(b). This implementation, however, is not correct under the speed independent model. Assuming that each gate can have an unbounded delay, there exists a




0 0 0 0 1 P 1 0 P 1 1 1 P : previous value (a)








Fig. 1. Muller's C element: truth table and gate-level implementation. signal transition sequence in which the output illegally goes down before both inputs go down (suppose all wires initially have the value 0) : a " b " w0 " c " b # w0 # c # : The reason for this alleged fault is an extremely large delay of the gate with output w1. With any well-processed VLSI, such a large delay should be impossible. In actual designs, the given circuit can be safely used to implement a C element. Thus, the speed independent model sometimes is not appropriate. In this paper we use a bounded delay model to model asynchronous circuits, where with each gate a lower and upper bound for the delay is associated. In [Dil 88], an ecient veri cation method for speed independent circuits was proposed, which is based on trace theory. The primary advantage of this method is the possibility of hierarchical veri cation, which greatly reduces the complexity of the veri cation procedure. However, this method is only suited for verifying safety properties. In this paper we adapt Dill's veri cation method to the bounded delay model. First, we show how trace theory can be extended to handle timed traces as well as certain timing requirements. We then describe time Petri nets as an appropriate model for asynchronous bounded delay circuits. Subsequently, we derive an algorithm to check whether an implementation, consisting of a set of modules, meets its speci cation. Finally, we give some experimental results and concluding remarks.

2 Timed Trace Theory Let us brie y describe veri cation based on trace theory. In this method, the speci cation of a circuit is given as a trace automaton, i.e. a nite automaton over an input alphabet I and output alphabet O. The implementation, which is supposed to be a set of modules, is given as a set of trace automata, each one representing the behavior of its related module. Then, special composition and hiding operations on trace automata are de ned. The implementation conforms

to the speci cation, if they agree on the input and output alphabets, respectively, and the implementation can be safely substituted for the speci cation in every context. This means, that the implementation causes a failure in an environment only if the speci cation also causes a failure in that environment. A failure of a module in an environment is an output of the module which is not accepted by the environment, or an output of the environment which is not accepted by the module. By this de nition, conformance can be expanded to the following requirements: the implementation should be able to handle every input that the speci cation can handle, and it never produces an output unless the speci cation can produce it. This in turn can be checked by considering the mirror of the speci cation, where all inputs are outputs and vice versa. The implementation conforms to the speci cation i the result of hiding all internal signal transitions in the implementation and composing it with the mirror of the speci cation is failure-free. The veri cation approach proposed here is the timed version of this method, where time Petri nets and timed traces are used instead of automata and traces. The extension to real-time makes it also possible to verify certain timing properties. In the rest of this section, we de ne timed traces and their related notions, and the conformance relation between speci cation and implementation. Let W be a set of wires, and let Q denote the set of nonnegative rational numbers. For any w 2 W and t 2 Q, the tuple (w; t) is called an event. Intuitively, (w; t) represents the change of the value of wire w at time t. De nition 1. A (timed) trace x over W is a nite or in nite sequence of events x = x1x2   , where xi = (wi ; ti), such that the following properties are satis ed: { Monotonicity: for all 0 < i < jxj, ti  ti+1 . { Progress: if x is in nite, then for every t 2 Q there exists an index i such that ti > t. In this de nition, jxj denotes the length of trace x. If jxj = 0, then x is the empty trace ". For any nite trace x, trace y, and event e, the result of appending e or y to x is denoted by x  e or x  y, respectively. x is a pre x of y if y = x or y = x  z for some trace z. The projection of a trace x = x1  x2     over W onto another alphabet W 0 can be de ned as usual: 8 "; if x = " <  0 x  y; if x1 = (w1 ; t1); w1 2 W 0 project (x; W ) = : 1 y else; where y = project (x  x     ; W 0 ) 2


De nition 2. A module or canonical trace structure is a tuple M = (I ; O; T ), where I is a set of input wires, O is a set of output wires (I \ O = ;), and T is a set of traces over W = I [ O. The traces of a module can be regarded as the set of all maximal execution sequences of some transition system. However, trace structures are insensitive to

nondeterminism; they can not distinguish between a  (b+c) and (a  b)+(a  c). In timed systems, usually the set of traces will be an in nite (or even uncountable) set of in nite sequences. Now we consider the composition of several modules. Assume we are given a set M = fM1 ;    ; Mng of modules, where Mk = (Ik ; Ok ; Tk ), Wk = Ik [ Ok , and Oj \ Ok = ;. That is, each wire is either an input, output, or both; in the latter case we say the wire is internal. Any wire can be an output of at most one module, and input of arbitrary many modules. Intuitively, modules are composed by soldering wires with the same name together. Output wires of one module are connected to input wires of other modules. However, in some cases this connection of wires may cause failures in the composed module. If M = (I ; O; T ), then M without w (M n w) is the module (I 0; O0 ; T 0 ), where 0 I = I ? fwg, O0 = O ? fwg and T 0 = project (T ; I 0 [ O0 ). Module M allows trace x (M j= x) if there exists some trace y such that x is a pre x of y and project (y; W ) 2 T . Furthermore, for M = fM1 ; :::; Mng, we say that M j= x if Mk j= x for all k  n.

De nition 3. A safety failure of M is any nonempty nite trace x = y  (w; t), where w 2 Ok for some k  n, such that M n w j= x, and Mk j= x, but M j== x. Intuitively, a safety failure occurs if any module Mk tries to send an output, but some other module cannot receive this as internal input. M is safety failure free, if no safety failure can occur, i.e., if every output which may be produced by some module can be accepted by all other modules at the same time. Whenever a module can change the value on one of its output wires, all modules which have this wire connected as internal input must be able to process the signal immediately.

De nition 4. A timing failure of M is any nonempty nite trace x = y  (w; t), where w 2 Ik for some k  n, such that M n w j= x, and Mk j= x, but there is no x0 = y  (w0; t0), where w0 2 Ik , and M j= x0. Intuitively, a timing failure occurs if some module Mk expects an internal input from some other module which is not provided in time. M is timing failure free if whenever a module requests a signal on one of its internal input wires, there exists a module which can produce some signal as output within the required time interval. For any set M = fM1;    ; Mng of modules, failure (M) is the set of all safety and timing failures of M. M is failure-free if failure (M) = ;. Next, we de ne a conformance relation between a system consisting of a set of modules and a speci cation given as a single module. Consider a set   where MC = fM1;    ; Mng of modules, S Mk = (Ik ; OkS; Tk ), and a module MS = S (IS ; OS ; TS ) such that IS = Ik ? Ok and OS  Ok . Module MS can be thought of as an abstract speci cation of the concrete circuit MC : all external inputs of the circuit MC appear as inputs of the speci cation MS , and some (but not necessarily all) outputs of the circuit MC are visible in the speci cation MS .

De nition 5. MC conforms to MS , if for any module ME = (OS ; IS ; TE ), whenever fMS ; ME g is failure-free, also MC [ fME g is failure-free. In other words, the circuit MC may have a failure in the environment ME only

if the speci cation MS allows a failure in the same context. This conformance relation is re exive and transitive, but not symmetric: The circuit may be failurefree even in contexts in which the speci cation fails. A module M is called I/O-con ict free, if for any trace x, and for all events  ei = (wi ; i) and eo = (wo ; o ) with wi 2 I and wo 2 O it holds that M j= x  ei and M j= x  eo implies M j= x  ei  eo and M j= x  eo  ei. Since con icts between inputs and outputs often indicate hazardous situations, speci cations usually do not contain such con icts. Thus, henceforth we assume that all speci cations are I/O-con ict free. De nition 6. The mirror module M m of a module M = (I ; O; T ) is the module  M m = (O; I ; T ); that is, each input wire in M m is an output wire of M and

vice versa.

For any module M, the set fM; M m g is failure-free. Moreover, the following hierarchy lemma holds: Lemma 1. Consider three modules M1 , M2 and M3 such that I1 = I2 = I3 and O1  O2 = O3 . If fM1; M2m g is failure-free and fM2; M3m g is failure-free, then fM1; M3m g is failure-free. Proof. Assume that both fM1; M2m g and fM2; M3m g are failure-free, and let x = y  (w; t). We have to show that fM1; M3m g is failure-free. The following cases have to be considered. 1. First, assume that w 2 O1 , M1 j= x and M3m n w j= x, and show that M3m j= x. If w 62 W2, then from W3  W2, we have w 62 W3 . Thus, from M3m n w j= x, we have M3m j= x. If w 2 W2 , then w cannot be from I2 = O2m , since in this case it would be impossible to compose M1 with M2m . Hence w must be in O2. Assume for contradiction that M2 n w j== x. Then there must be some x0 = y0  (w0; t0) such that x0 is an initial part of x, M2 n w0 j= y0 and M2 n w j== x0. Since M1 j= x and M3 n w j= x, it follows that M1 j= x0 and M3 n w j= x0 . Since M2 n w j== x0, we must have w0 2 W2. If w0 2 O2 , then w0 2 O1 . Since fM1; M2m g is safety failure-free, M2 n w j= x0, which is a contradiction. Similarly, if w0 2 I2 = I3 = O3m , then since fM2 ; M3m g is safety failure-free, a contradiction arises. Thus, M2 n w j= x. Since fM1 ; M2m g is safety failure-free, M2m j= x, thus M2 j= x. Since fM2 ; M3m g is safety failure-free, w 2 O2 and M3m n w j= x (hypothesis), we have M3m j= x. 2. The second case is symmetric to the rst case: assume that w 2 O3m = I3, M3m j= x and M1 n w j= x, and show that M1 j= x. To be able to compose M1 with M3m , the set O1 \O3m = I3 must be empty. If w 2= I1 , then M1 = M1 n w and there is nothing to show. If w 2 I1 , then I1  I2 gives w 2 I2 = O2m . Similar to the previous case, M2 n w j= x. Since fM2 ; M3m g is safety failurefree, we can infer that M2 j= x. Since fM1 ; M2m g is safety failure-free, it follows that M1 j= x.

3. Next, assume that w 2 I1, M1 j= x and M3m n w j= x, and show that fM1 ; M3m g j= y  (w0 ; t0) for some w0 2 I1. Since fM1 ; M2m g does not have timing failures, there is some (w1 ; t1) with w1 2 I1 such that fM1 ; M2mg j= y  (w1 ; t1). Since I1  I2 and fM2 ; M3m g does not have timing failures, there is some (w2 ; t2) with w2 2 I2 such that fM2; M3m g j= y  (w2 ; t2). Since w2 2 I2 = O2m and fM1 ; M2mg does not have safety failures, M1 j= y  (w2; t2 ). 4. Finally, assume that w 2 I3m = O3, M3m j= x and M1 n w j= x, and show that fM1 ; M3m g j= y  (w0 ; t0) for some w0 2 O3. Since fM2 ; M3m g is timing failurefree, there is some (w1; t1) such that w1 2 O3 and fM2; M3m g j= y  (w1 ; t1). Since O3  O2 = I2m and fM1 ; M2m g is timing failure-free, there is some (w2 ; t2) such that w2 2 O2 and fM1 ; M2mg j= y  (w2; t2). Since fM2 ; M3m g is safety failure-free and O2  O3 , we have fM1 ; M3m g j= y  (w2; t2) as desired. ut This lemma can be extended to deal with sets of modules instead of a single modules. From the hierarchy lemma, the following mirror theorem can be obtained. It gives a similar characterization of conformance as in [Dil 88]: Theorem 1. MC conforms to MS i MC [ fMSm g is failure-free. Proof. Assume that MC [fMSm g has a failure. Then for the environment ME = MSm we have that fMS ; ME g is failure-free, but MC [ fME g is not failure-free, i.e., MC does not conform to MS . In the other direction, we have to show that failure-freeness of MC [ fMSm g implies that SMC conforms to MS . Since MS is a speci cation for the circuit MC , IS = k Ik ? Sk Ok and OS  Sk Ok . If MC [ fMSm g is failure-free, then the hierarchy lemma asserts that for any module ME such that WE = WS and fMS ; ME g is failure-free, MC [ fME g must also be failure-free. Thus, MC conforms to MS . ut To get an intuitive understanding of the conformance relation, consider the case of a single module MC = (IC ; OC ; TC ) conforming to MS = (IS ; OS ; TS ). This amounts to IS = IC , OS  OC , and for all traces x such that fMC ; MS g j= x, and all events i = (wi; ti ), wi 2 IS , and o = (wo ; to), wo 2 OS , the following holds: { If MS j= x  i, then MC j= x  i, { if MC j= x  o, then MS j= x  o, { if MS j= x  o, then there exists an o0 = (wo0 ; t0i ), wo0 2 OS such that fMS ; MC g j= x  o0 , and { if MC j= xi, then there exists a i0 = (wi0 ; t0i), wi0 2 IS such that fMS ; MC g j= x  i0 . The rst and second condition state that fMC ; MSM g is safety failure-free: every input allowed by MS is allowed by MC , and every output allowed by MC is allowed by MS . The third condition re ects the de nition of timing-failure: as long as MSm expects an input, that is, MS requires an output, MC should produce some output in time. The fourth condition is similar. If MC is constructed as an implementation for the speci cation MS , then this can be read as:

{ The implementation can handle every input that the speci cation can handle,

{ the implementation never produces an output unless the speci cation produces it,

{ if the speci cation requires an output, the implementation produces it in time, and

{ the implementation never expects an input unless the speci cation expects

the input. Therefore, our de nition of the conformance relation includes not only safety properties, but also a certain timing property. In the case of bounded delay asynchronous circuits the absence of timing failure amounts to in-time-responsiveness, which is an important issue for veri cation. For example, consider the speci cation of an or-gate, where input a or b lead to output c within a certain time. Suppose that this speci cation is implemented erroneously by an and-gate. Then, after sending a to this circuit, it can not produce the output c. However, since the speci cation requires such an output, this situation leads to a timing failure. Note that we do not actually compose the modules constituting the implementation. Therefore, in our approach it is not necessary to eliminate so-called autofailures, which arise from internal communication errors in a composed module. Also we do not have an explicit hiding operation: Failures resulting from the e ect of hiding variables are transparent to the speci cation and will also be detected during the veri cation procedure. However, if we consider only safetyfailures in untimed systems, then our notion of conformance is equivalent to the one in [Dil 88].

3 Analysis of Time Petri Nets In the general setting of the previous section, there was absolutely no restriction posed on the set of traces of a module. To be able to give concrete algorithms, however, this set should at least be recursive, i.e., generated by some kind of automaton. In this section, we consider trace sets generated by one-safe time Petri nets [MF 76]. In contrast to timed Petri nets or stochastical Petri nets, which are used in simulation for the optimization of processes [TSS 98], time Petri nets have been applied successfully in the veri cation of hard real-time constraints. One-safe Petri nets can be seen as a subclass of nite automata, where different parallel activities can be modelled by multiple tokens. Therefore, a Petri net model can be much more succinct than the corresponding automaton. Similarly, time Petri nets can be regarded as a subclass of timed automata [AD 92]. Compared with timed automata, the expressive power of time nets with respect to certain timing properties is restricted. This restriction, however, simpli es the analysis: we can check the conformance relation by a simple state space generation algorithm, traversing every state only once in a depth rst search manner.

De nition 7. A time Petri net N is a six-tuple, N = (P; T; F; Eft ; Lft ;  ), where

{ { { { {


P = fp1; p2;    ; pm g is a nite nonempty set of places; T = f1 ; 2;    ; ng is a nite set of transitions (P \ T = ;); F  (P  T) [ (T  P) is the ow relation; Eft : T ! Q; Lft : T ! Q [f1g are functions for the earliest and latest ring times of transitions, satisfying Eft ()  Lft () for all  2 T ; 0  P is the initial marking of the net.

For any transition ,  = fp 2 P j (p; ) 2 F g and   = fp 2 P j (; p) 2 F g denote the preset and the postset of , respectively. In the following we will restrict ourselves to one-safe Petri nets, where each place can contain at most one token. Therefore, a marking  of N is de ned to be any subset of P. A transition is enabled in a marking  if    (all its input places have tokens in ); otherwise, it is disabled. Let enabled () be the set of transitions enabled in . A state  of a time Petri net is a pair (; clock ), where  is a marking and clock is a function T ! Q. The initial state 0 is (0 ; clock 0), where clock 0 () = 0 for all  2 T. The states of time Petri nets change, if time passes or if a transition res. In state  = (; clock ), time t 2 Q can pass, if for all  2 enabled (), clock ()+t  Lft (). In this case, state 0 = (0; clock 0 ) is obtained by passing t from , if 1.  = 0 , and 2. for all  2 T, clock 0() = clock () + t . In state  = (; clock ), transition f 2 T can re, if f 2 enabled (), and clock (f )  Eft (f ). In this case, state 0 = (0 ; clock 0 ) is obtained by ring f from , if 1. 0 = ( ? f ) [ f , and  if  2 enabled (0 );  62 enabled ( ? f ) 0 2. for all  2 T, clock () = 0clock () else . Intuitively, this can be interpreted as follows: Passing time t does not change the marking, but advances all clock values. Firing a transition f consumes no time, but updates  and clock such that the clock values associated with newly enabled transitions (i.e. transitions which are enabled in 0 but not in  ? f ) are reset to 0. Clock values of other transitions (i.e. transitions not a ected by f ) are left unchanged. In contrast to untimed Petri nets, not all enabled transitions may be rable in a given state; certain ring sequences which can occur without timing may 3    of N is 2  ! 1  ! not be possible in the time Petri net. A run  = 0 ! 2 1 a nite or in nite sequence of states and transitions such that 0 is the initial state, and i+1 is obtained from i by passing time and then ring transition i+1 . We write i () for the i-th state of , and similarly i() and clock i (), and

omit the argument () whenever appropriate. A run is maximal, if it is in nite or in its last state there is no enabled transition. The behavior B(N) of N is the set of all maximal runs of N. Given any run  and i  0, we de ne time i () to be the sum of all times t passed between 0() and i (); that is, time 0 () = 0 and time i+1 () = time i () + clock i+1 () ? clock i () for some  which is not newly enabled in i+1. A state  is reachable if there exists a nite run whose last state is .

De nition 8. A time Petri net is one-safe, if for every state  = (; clock ) obtained by passing time from any reachable state 0 , and for every transition  which can re in ,   \  = ;. The restriction to one-safe nets simpli es the veri cation algorithm. In order to satisfy the progress condition, we assume that time certainly passes in any cyclic behavior of N. For example, this requirement is satis ed if the sum of earliest ring times of transitions forming any loop in N is positive. In the sequel, a net will always be a one-safe time Petri net satisfying the above restriction. Let wire be a function1 from a2 set of transitions to a set of wires. Ev1 !    of a net N generates the timed trace ery maximal run  = 0 ! ((wire (1 ); time 1 ()); (wire (2 ); time 2 ());   ). We also say that a net N represents the module consisting of all traces generated by maximal runs of N. a [0,0] [0,


a 0 0 b




w0 [5,10] [0,0]


] b



w0 [5,10]

b [0,0] [0,



a [10,


c [10, 20]

b [10,



Fig. 2. Nets specifying AND gate and C element

Bounded delay asynchronous circuits can be easily described by nets. For example, an and-gate which has inputs a; b and an output w0 with gate delay [5,10] can be represented by the net shown in Fig. 2(a). In this modelling, we do not distinguish between the change of a wire from 0 to 1 and from 1 to 0. An or-gate can be represented similarly. Even though it would be possible to give a more detailled description of gates (e.g., transistor level behavior), for most veri cation purposes the given net is an adequate representation. The composition of several gates in a circuit can be described by simply putting together all nets representing single gates. Assuming that all wires in the circuit have unique names, for each transition the corresponding wire can be assigned. Then, the disjoint union of all these nets represents the complete circuit. Thus, the implementation of Muller's C element shown in Fig. 1(b) can be represented by a collection of nets which are similar to the one in Fig. 2(a). This implementation works correctly under the following assumptions: 1. if an input changes, then the same input never changes again before an output changes, and 2. no input changes before some constant time passes after the change of the output. The net shown in Fig. 2(b) speci es the behavior of a C-element with these assumptions. Veri cation consists in showing that the gate-level representation conforms to this speci cation. This is done by exploring the reachable states of the composed net. We now describe an algorithm to generate these reachable states of time Petri nets. Since for time Petri nets the time domain consists of rational (not real) numbers, the state space can be nitely represented by sets of systems of inequalities. Basically, we use a system of inequalities to represent a number of di erent clock functions of time Petri nets. By an inequality we mean any string of the form \x ? y  c", where x and y are from a designated set of variables, c 2 Q and  is a relation symbol from f; g. If I is a set of inequalities, then var (I) denotes the set of variables that I contains; we say that I is a set of inequalities over var (I). Let I be a set of inequalities over fx1; x2;    ; xmg. A feasible vector for I is a tuple (c1 ; c2;    ; cm ) of constants ci 2 Q, such that every inequality obtained by replacing every xi by ci (1  i  m) in any inequality from I holds in the theory of rational numbers. The solution set of I is the set of feasible vectors for I. A set of inequalities is consistent if its solution set is nonempty. Two sets of inequalities are isomorphic, if they have the same solution set. If the net N = (P; T; F; Eft ; Lft ; 0) represents the module M = (I ; O; T ), we denote this by M = (I ; O; N; wire). An abstract state of the net is a pair (; I), where   P and I is a set of inequalities. Each abstract state denotes an equivalence class of reachable states of the net, namely all states for which the clock values form a feasible vector in the solution set of I. The initial abstract state of N is (0 ; I0), where I0 = f\Eft ()   ? v  Lft ()" j  2 enabled (0 )g. Here,  in I0 is a variable to represent the next ring time of the transition . The variable v indicates the initial time point.

The next step is to compute the set of abstract successor states 0 of an abstract state  of N. To this end we need the notion of deletion of a set U of variables from a set I of inequalities. For every such I and U there exists an (up to isomorphism) unique set I 0 = delete (I; U) of inequalities over var (I) ? U, such that the solution set of I 0 is equal to the solution set of I, projected on var (I)?U. For example, if I = f\y ? x  2", \y ? x  7", \y ? z < 3", \z ? y  11"g, then delete (I; fyg) = f\x ? z < 1", \z ? x  18"g. I 0 can be computed incrementally by a shortest path algorithm in time O(jvar (I)j2 )[Rok 93,Shi 94]. Let  = (; I) be an abstract state of N, and f 2 enabled (). Then, rst (; f ) = f\ ?  f  0"j  2 enabled ()g is a set of inequalities describing that f is the rst transition which res in . rable () = ff j f 2 enabled (); I [ rst (; f ) is consistentg is the set of transitions that can re earlier than all other transitions in the given marking.

{ f is a transition in rable (). { 0 is the marking of N obtained by ring transition f . That is, 0 = ( ? f ) [ f  : { R is a set of newly enabled transitions obtained by the ring of f . That is, R = enabled (0 ) ? enabled ( ? f ) . { J = f\ ?  out  Eft ()"j  2 Rg [ f\ ?  out  Lft ()" j  2 Rg: { J 0 = I [ rst (; out ) [ J: { D = f j  made some transition  0 enabled, and  0 is still enabled in 0 g: { I 0 = delete (J ; f j  62 enabled (^0 )g ? D) 3

Intuitively, J; J 0; D and I 0 can be read as follows: J relates the variables of newly enabled transitions to the variable of the red transition out. J 0 is the union of I, J, and a set of inequalities representing that out res earlier than others. Transitions related to variables in D are currently parents of enabled transitions in 0, and these variables are necessary to check the coverability between the ring domains of transitions. Finally, in I 0 the variables of disabled transitions f 0 except for those in D are deleted. We write  ?!  if 0 = (0 ; I 0) is a successor  of the abstract state  = (; I) with respect to f . We now describe how conformance can be checked, using this successor relation between abstract states. We consider a set fM0; M1 ;    ; Mn g of modules, where Mi = (Ii ; Oi; Ni; wire i ), Ni = (Pi; Ti ; Efti ; Lfti ; 0i ), and assume that for i 6= j, Pi \ Pj = Ti \ Tj = Pi \ Tj = ;. Some module in the set is a mirror of a speci cation, and input transitions and output transitions must not be in con ict in the module. If there is no confusion, we use the notation wire instead of wire i , and  2 Mi , when  2 Ti . Let m() be the module number of , i.e., m() = i, if  2 Mi . Transition  is called an output transition if wire m( ) () 2 Om( ) , and an input transition if wire m( ) () 2 Im( ) . If i = (i ; Ii), i  n, are abstract states of the nets Ni , and K is a set of inequalities, we say that s = (0;    ; n; K) is an abstract state of the module set fM0; M1 ;    ; Mn g.

The initial abstract state is s0 = (00 ;    ; n0 ; ;). We extend the de nitions of enabled() and firable() with respect to s = (0 ;    ; n; K) as follows. enabled(s) = f j  2 enabled(m( ) )g; and n [ globally firable(s) = f j  2 enabled(s), first(s; ) [ Ii [ K is consistentg; 


where first(s; ) = f\ ?  0  0" j  0 2 enabled(s)g. Furthermore, for an output

transition O such that O 2 globally firable(s),

sync trans(O ; s) = f j wire () = wire (O );  2 globally firable(s)g: When fM0 ; M1;    ; Mng is at s = (0 ;    ; n; K), it moves to s0 = (00 ;    ; n0 ; K 0 ) with respect to O 2 globally firable(s) by ring all transitions in sync trans(O ; s). { for 1  i  n  0 , and  if  2 sync trans(O ; s) \ Ti , then i ?! i  if sync trans(O ; s) \ Ti = ;, then i0 = i. { K 0 = K [ f\ =  0 " j ;  0 2 sync trans(O ; s)g. O s0 denote this state transition relation of the module set. For any tranLet s ?! sition  and abstract state , the variable parent(; ) indicates which transition  0 , and  0 2 enabled(0 ), enabled . Formally, if  = (; I), 0 = (0 ; I 0),  ?! then  ; if  0 2 enabled(0 ) ? enabled( ? ) parent( 0 ; 0) = parent( 0; ); otherwise: For a set I of inequalities, let earlier(x; y; I) be the predicate expressing that solution(f\x > y"g[ I) = ;, i.e., earlier(x; y; I) holds i x  y for every solution vector of I. We write earlier(x; y; Si ) for earlier(x; y; Ii ), where i = (i ; Ii ), and earlier(x; y; s) for earlier(x; y; ni=0 Ii [ K), where s = (0;    ; n; K). Let  2 Mi , i = (i ; Ii ), and  2 enabled(s). { earliest firing time(s; ) = parent(; i) + Eft(), and { latest firing time(s; ) = parent(; i) + Lft(): A state s = (0;    ; n; K) is called safe, if for every output transition O such that O 2 globally firable(s), and for every module Mj (0  j  n) such that wire (O ) 2 Ij , there exists an input transition I such that wire (I ) = wire(O ); I 2 enabled(s), earlier(earliest firing time(s; I ); O ; s) holds, and either 1. earlier(O ; latest firing time(s; I ); s), or 2. for some output transition  such that  2 enabled(s), earlier(; latest firing time(s; I ); s).

A state s = (0;    ; n; K) is called live, if for every input transition I such that I 2 globally firable(s), there exists an output transition  (of an arbitrary module) such that  2 globally firable(s). Let modules M1 ;    ; Mn be represented by nets N1 ;    ; Nn. A safety failure corresponds to a non-safe state in the reachable state space, and a timing failure occurs if a state can be reached which is not live. In other words, failure (M1 ; M2;    ; Mn) is empty, i every state which is reachable from the initial state of hN1 ;    ; Nni is both safe and live. Therefore, the veri cation of conformance between modules can be done by traversing the state space of hN1 ;    ; Nn i and checking if non-safe or non-live states are reachable. Furthermore, it is possible to replace an abstract description of a module by a more concrete implementation. If fM1 ;    ; Mk?S g conforms 1; Mk ; Mk +1 ;    ; MnS to MS , fMk1 ; :::; Mkm g conforms to Mk , and ( mj=1 Wkj ? Wk ) \ nj=1 Wj = ;, then fM1 ;    ; Mk?1; Mk1 ; :::; Mkm ; Mk+1;    ; Mng conforms to MS . The set of wires in a speci cation usually is much smaller than the set of wires in the implementation. Thus, the total computation cost to determine whether fM1;    ; Mk?1; Mk ; Mk+1;    ; Mng conforms to MS and fMk1 ;    ; Mkm g conforms to Mk is signi cantly smaller than the computation of whether fM1;    ; Mk?1; Mk1 ;    ; Mkm ; Mk+1;    ; Mng conforms to MS . This is the primary advantage of hierarchical veri cation.

4 Experimental Results We have implemented the algorithm shown in the previous section on a UNIX workstation in C++. In this section, we present some experimental veri cation results. First, our veri er shows that the implementation in Fig. 1(b) is correct with respect to the speci cation in Fig. 2(b) after traversing 51 states, which takes about one second on a 17 MIPS workstation. pr [10,

pr pa




sr ASM









sr sr

pr [10,


sa (b)









Fig.3. An automatic sweeping module, gate level implementation, and speci cation

The second example is a control circuit of the request-acknowledgement handshake mechanism for asynchronous circuits. This circuit called an automatic sweeping module (ASM, for short) has two inputs (a primary request pr, a secondary acknowledgement sa) and two outputs (a primary acknowledgement pa, a secondary request sr) (Fig. 3(a)). It has the following functionality: 1. When the primary request goes high with the secondary acknowledgement low, ASM sets the secondary request. 2. When the secondary acknowledgement becomes high, ASM resets the secondary request with setting the primary acknowledgement. 3. When the primary request becomes low, ASM resets the primary acknowledgement. This functionality with almost the same assumptions as for the C-element is speci ed with a net as shown in Fig. 3(c). On the other hand, Fig. 3(b) was proposed as the gate level implementation of ASM. We assume that each gate has a delay [5,10]. Our veri er shows that this implementation is correct with respect to the speci cation in Fig. 3(c). In Table 1, the column at shows the size of the nets, the number of states, and CPU times needed for this veri cation when C elements are expanded by using their gate level implementations shown in Fig. 1. The column hierarchical shows the results of the hierarchical veri cation. That is, the speci cation net shown in Fig. 2(b) is used for the veri cation of ASM. In this case, the total veri cation time is the sum of the veri cation times for both ASM and C-element. These results show the advantage of the hierarchical veri cation as well.

Table 1. Results of veri cation hierarchical sizey states CPU time (s) C-element ? ? ? p:30, t:34 51 1.3 ASM p:78, t:90 391 81.8 p:34, t:34 58 1.2 Total p:78, t:90 391 81.8 p:64, t:68 109 2.5 y : \p:" and \t:" represent the numbers of places and transitions, respectively.


at states CPU time (s)

5 Conclusion In this paper, we have extended the trace theoretic veri cation method for speedindependent asynchronous circuits to handle bounded delay asynchronous circuits. Our method is based on timed traces, and can check (timed) safety properties as well as responsiveness properties. It also inherits from the original method the possibility of hierarchical veri cation. We use time Petri nets to describe both speci cation and implementation. Time Petri nets are a natural extension of ordinary Petri nets, which are widely

used in conventional veri cation methods. In this formalism, both (timed) properties and bounded delay asynchronous circuits can be described. We have developed a decision algorithm to check whether an implementation is correct with respect to its speci cation. It is based on state space traversal of a set of time Petri nets, and checking if any failure states are reachable. First experimental results show that hierarchical veri cation works extremely well. Nevertheless, the increase of the number of modules can have a bad in uence on the veri cation time. In the future we want to apply partial order analysis techniques [YY 96,YS 97,BM 98] to our method. This could help to further reduce the average complexity of the veri cation.


We would like to thank D. Dill for giving us the program code of his veri er, and Ichiki Honma for his help in implementing a rst version of our algorithm.

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