2012 IEEE Conference on Control, Systems and Industrial Informatics (ICCSII) Bandung, Indonesia, September 23-26, 2012
Wireless Sensor Network for Single Phase Electricity Monitoring System via Zigbee Protocol Muhammad Fajri Bayu Anbya, Muhammad Salehuddin, Sutanto Hadisupadmo, Edi Leksono Department of Engineering Physics, Bandung Institute of Technology Jalan Ganeca 10, Bandung. Indonesia
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Today, wireless communication technology is becoming increasingly popular which is used in various applications, such as home control, building automation, industrial process control, health care, and energy management. Several researches have been done to develop the use of wireless technology, such as making the integration of wireless energymeter reading in sensor network scheme, and designing a prototype of wireless energy-meter based on integrated circuit [3].
Abstract—Development of audit and energy management system in the industrial automation and intelligent building installation has been observed over many years. Electrical energy monitoring system is now using real-time measurement facility via wireless network applications. In this paper we consider an application of star topology wireless sensor network for single phase electricity monitoring system based on Energy Meter IC ADE7753. Zigbee is used as wireless protocol. It has many benefits such as low cost, low power, low data rate, and supports on mesh-networking IEEE 802.15.4. For web-server monitoring system, Ext-JS framework is used as client-side programming which is integrated with IDE Arduino. Statistically, for sample of 30 data measurement, it is shown that current measurement gave guarantee of accuracy value until 5.3µArms with average precision error of 0.03%, and voltage measurement gave guarantee of accuracy value until 226.5µVrms with average precision error of 1.23%. Effectively, data measurement occurs in the intervals of 10 seconds and a transmission maximum of 40 meters with barrier and 60 meters without barrier.
This paper proposes a star topology wireless sensor network for single phase electricity monitoring system based on Energy Meter IC ADE7753. Philip Ring has used it to develop energy meter wireless prototype with integrating module IC radio 2.4 GHz 802.15 [4]. Zigbee is used as opensource wireless protocol which provides many benefits such as its low cost, its low power, its low data rate and its support on mesh-networking IEEE 802.15.4 [5]. Zigbee protocol has been developed in systems integration of building energy monitoring and control [6]-[7]. For web-server monitoring system, Ext-JS framework is used as client-side programming which is integrated with IDE Arduino.
Keywords-component; Wireless sensor network, single phase electricity monitoring system, Zigbee protocol, Energy-Meter IC ADE7753.
The concept considered in this electrical energy monitoring system design is the use of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). Sensor network initially consists of small or large nodes. These nodes can play role as end devices, routers, and coordinator. In this paper, end devices will be referred as main-device and coordinator will be referred as base-station. Wireless communication facility between main-device and base-station is reconstructed in Xbee OEM RF Module by Zigbee protocol. Star topology is used as wireless network system, where there is one base-station function and several other functions as the main-device (end device) that will transmit measurement data as well as the data acquisition system.
Energy is inevitable. On the building, electricity is the only energy carrier which is consumed for various purposes such as lighting system, HVAC and electronic devices usage. However, it is undeniable that most commercial buildings and long operated industries have a tendency of wasteful consumption of energy. In the United States, energy consumptions for offices and industries are currently reaching an average of 30-40%. [1]. Development of audit and energy management system in the industrial automation and intelligent building installation has been observed over recent years [2]. It is required in order to minimize operating cost of energy consumption without reducing productivity. The target of energy audit is focused on the profiling behavior of the manufacturing industrial sector and commercial buildings in electricity consumption. The best way for this problem is designing an electrical energy monitoring system. This system allows an advanced measurement and data acquisition of electrical energy in realtime condition. Monitoring and data acquisition are important for recognizing local resources, monitoring energy conversion efficiency, and sending failure reports using intercommunication systems.
978-1-4673-1023-9/12/$31.00 ©2012 IEEE
Figure 1. Star Topology is used as wireless network system
Figure 2. The concept design of electrical energy monitoring
on 0-500 mV range. Then the signals obtained from ADE7753 will be converted by ADC and stored into register address. This data will be representing the amount of electrical quantities in the form of real power, apparent power, real energy, apparent energy, and period.
A. Architecture System Architectural design of electrical energy monitoring systems with Zigbee wireless sensor networks is illustrated in Fig.2.The system is divided into 3 clusters; there are maindevice, base-station, and web-server.
Arduino is the brain of the main-device. Arduino will set the ADE7753 system from activation, data register configuration, data storage, and data access. Important values contained in the register will be taken by Arduino and stored into RAM. After calculation of the data conversion processed in ATMega microcontroller IDE Arduino, the values of each electrical quantity is wrapped in a long message then transmitted wirelessly using Xbee Module from main-device to the base-station.
1) Main-Device
2) Base-Station,
Figure 4. Block diagram of Base-Station Process
Base-station will receive message from Xbee module from main-device. Length of the message content will be extracted using the Arduino algorithm. At the base-station hardware modules, it is installed an Ethernet Shield that serves as an interface between the Arduino and a LAN network through TCP / IP. Ethernet shield will convert serial data from Arduino to the data frames which can be transmitted over TCP / IP. Thus, these tools can be referred as passive web-server which provides a response when there is a demand or request from the active web-server.
Figure 3. Block diagram of Main-Device Process
Energy monitoring system starts from the sensing process of two sensors; the current sensor and the voltage sensor. Current sensors that could be used are current transformer and shunt or Rogowski' coil. Voltage sensor is simply a voltage divider circuit. For data input on Energy Meter IC ADE7753, the voltage output signal of each sensor has to be conditioned
3) Web-Server
Figure 5.
Figure 7. Prototype of base-station
diagram of Webserver Process
Physically, the base-station consists of:
Web-server received a response of data acquisition from base-station. Data retrieval which is also called data fetching can be obtained with existing functionality in PHP programmers. Then this information will be directly stored into the MySQL database that has been configured and set up specifically for this application. At this point, data has been secured and can be used further in the purposes of monitoring web applications of electrical energy.
Arduino Duemilanove,
Arduino Ethernet Shield,
Xbee-Pro Module.
C. Network Configuration Wireless network configuration means configure the parameters in the Xbee module. It is intended to regulate the function of addressing, security, and other serial interfaces. Several configured parameters are listed in Table I.
B. Prototype Wireless energy measuring devices are expected to measure electricity usage in the room of a building with the scopes of:
Single-phase AC wiring system;
Voltage Supply, Vrms = 220 V;
• •
Base Station 0x133
Node Sensor 1 0x133
Node Sensor 2 0x133
AC signal frequency, f = 50 Hz;
Electric current, Irms= 10 A.
Electrical quantities of data capture include Vrms, Irms, Active Energy, Apparent Energy, Power Factor, and the frequency with 10 seconds period.
Information Network ID 16-bit address each node Communication destination address 64bit is not used Communication destination address 16bits each node Mode API: Operation API with Escaped Characters
D. Web-Monitoring The web-server built is using free software XAMPP, which provides specialized application packages for web-server. XAMPP which is used in applications on the server computer are:
Figure 6. Prototype of main-device as wireless measuring device
Windows XP operating system
Apache 2.2.11 as the HTTP web-server
PHP 5.2.9 as an application server-side programming
MySQL 5.1 as database server
Ext-JS is a client-side application programming
The work designed for web monitoring, is divided into several stages as follows:
System testing includes measurement test and calibration on the prototype. It is followed by testing of stability, linearity, and also performance system based on web monitoring captured.
1) Data Fetching: The process of taking data string from the passive webserver at basestation using HTTP Request to the basestation IP address. This process is run through a call the PHP / HTML file via Ajax. 2) Data Storage: Data string from fetching step is used for data input for database system. This system is defined as a function for breaking the string data into a numeric variable, and stored it into MySQL database. 3) Ext-JS Web Applications: The web monitoring application is a part of the system for interacting with users and providing electricity usage data either numerical or graphical display. These applications utilize an open source client-side programming, Ext-JS.
A. Measurement test Irms at full scale is 1,868,467d (0x1C82B3). As shown in Figure 2, it will be easily obtain some important values as follows,
Gi =
Explorer panel gives the choice of what kind of data will be displayed.
Dashboard panel will display the data which depends on the selection panel Explorer.
500 mV 1868467 LSB LSB x = 186846,7 10 A rms 500 mV A rms
Si =
Monitoring web application is made in the form of singleframe display. It is consists of three panels: Explorer, Dashboard, and Real-time Data. •
Gv =
500 mV 1561400 LSB LSB x = 4415,6 353.61 Vrms 500 mV Vrms
Sv =
Real-time Data panel displays data of electricity usage in real-time condition and is updated at 10 seconds.
1 = 5,3μA rms Gi
1 = 226.5 μVrms Gv
where Gi is gain measurement of current; Gv is gain measurement of voltage; Si is resolution measurement of current; Sv is resolution measurement of voltage. From the results of this calculation, it is shown that the measurements made by wireless sensors have a very high accuracy where both of the values are in the order of μA and μV.
Data electrical quantities provided here are the Irms, Vrms, Active/Real Energy, Apparent Energy, Power Factor and Frequency of each period. Profiles of electrical energy usage will be accumulated based on the desired time unit, i.e. every hour, every day or every month. This monitoring web interface can be seen in Fig.8.
Figure 8. Monitoring web interface using Ext-Js Framework
B. Stability System TABLE II.
IrmsRegister Code 907201 907220 907528 908340 907639 907095 907332 907588 908128 907128 907278 907604 907618 908006 907433 907232 907822 907699 908213 907598 907223 907347 907857 908007 907102 906963 907965 907860 907605 907001
VrmsRegister Code 703539 718109 752945 702774 707109 702713 717049 724391 703211 707020 702042 711180 718142 722991 711042 701187 707401 704886 719605 726192 706161 708173 701623 709567 715436 658373 708716 701365 708754 707700 Mean
h1 %error Ch
%error Ch2
0,0389 0,0368 0,0029 0,0866 0,0093 0,0506 0,0245 0,0037 0,0632 0,0470 0,0305 0,0055 0,0070 0,0498 0,0134 0,0355 0,0295 0,0159 0,0726 0,0048 0,0365 0,0229 0,0333 0,0499 0,0498 0,0652 0,0452 0,0337 0,0056 0,0610 0,0344
0,8606 1,1925 6,1014 0,9684 0,3576 0,9770 1,0431 2,0777 0,9069 0,3701 1,0716 0,2161 1,1971 1,8804 0,1966 1,1921 0,3164 0,6708 1,4033 2,3315 0,4912 0,2076 1,1306 0,0112 0,8158 7,2252 0,1311 1,1670 0,1258 0,2743 1,2304
Figure 9. Linearity System Tesst for CH-1 (current measurement)
Figure 10. Linearity System Test for CH-2 (voltage maesurement)
This linearity equation willl be applied to the Arduino for the calibration of the calculatedd results when the data recording took place, both for the cuurrent and voltage. Thus, the calculation process starting forrm these measurements will be more accurate and valid. IV.
Table II shows the results of measuurements on each channel. CH1 is the input of the current meassurement and CH2 is the input of voltage measurement. For sample s of 30 data measurement, the output value that is calculated from the ADE7753 performance has the average error of 0.03% (40
Response Time (ms) 637 637 637 637 637 None
RSSI (-dBm) 69 82 82 93 95 -
[1] [2]
The process of taking a data string from the base-station takes an average of 315.3 milliseconds. It suggests that the process of fetching the footage does not exceed the period of expected data, which is 10 seconds. It is like the process data in MySQL query which takes on average of 52 milliseconds. The process is quick because the process consists of data parsing and data storage into database. In this case, electrical energy monitoring system with the period of data samples of 10 seconds can be applied reliably.
[5] [6]
Figure 11. Electrical Monitoring System Information
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